Nutrition Chapter 8 Vitamins

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All of the following are true about the toxicity of vitamin A EXCEPT A. one can experience toxic effects from consuming too much beta-carotene. B. fetal malformation can occur. C. one is unlikely to get toxic doses from eating food. D. most adverse effects disappear after excessive doses stop.


All of the following people are at risk for vitamin B-12 deficiency EXCEPT A. those who take medications to increase stomach acidity. B. those who take medications to lower stomach acidity. C. breastfed babies of vegan moms. D. those who have chronic, long-term malabsorption.


All of the following people are at risk for vitamin E deficiency except A. those who follow a vegetarian diet. B. those who smoke cigarettes. C. premature infants. D. people with fat malabsorption.


Beta-carotene is a precursor to A. vitamin A. B. vitamin E. C. vitamin C. D. vitamin D.


Consumption of vitamin C A. enhances absorption of iron. B. limits absorption of iron. C. does not affect absorption of iron.


George wants to increase his consumption of vitamin A for the possible cancer risk-reducing effects. Which of the following foods should he choose? A. Spinach B. Salmon C. Pears D. Potato


In general, excess amounts of water-soluble vitamins are excreted via the A. kidneys. B. intestine. C. lungs. D. liver.


In milling grains to make refined products, seeds are crushed and the germ, bran, and husk layers are discarded, leaving just the starch-containing _________________ in the refined grains. A. endosperm B. cereal C. cellulose D. fiber


The main form of vitamin E in the body is A. alpha-tocopherol. B. gamma-tocopherol. C. beta-tocopherol. D. delta-tocopherol.


The most bioavailable source of vitamin E is A. plant oil. B. fish oil. C. alpha-tocopherol supplements. D. mixed-tocopherol supplements.


Vitamin B-12 is supplied almost entirely by A. animal products. B. vegetables and fruits. C. whole grain cereals and legumes. D. human intestinal bacteria.


Vitamin C and meat protein ______ nonheme iron absorption. A. increase B. decrease C. do not change


Vitamin C appears to reduce the duration of symptoms of __________________by a day or so and to lessen the severity of the symptoms. A. colds B. ear infections C. urinary tract infections D. the flu


Vitamin C intake over 2 grams per day may cause A. diarrhea. B. liver damage. C. beriberi. D. rebound scurvy.


Vitamin D and vitamin K share which of the following characteristics? A. Both can be synthesized to some extent in the body. B. Both affect intestinal absorption of calcium. C. Both are involved in blood clotting. D. All of these choices are correct


Vitamin D is converted to its active form by the A. liver and kidneys. B. bones. C. pancreas. D. skin.


When the intake of is low, vitamin E aids in its absorption. A. vitamin A B. vitamin D C. iron D. zinc


Which fat-soluble vitamin is important for the health of epithelial cells because it promotes mucus production? A. vitamin A B. vitamin E C. vitamin C D. vitamin D


Deficiency symptoms of pinpoint hemorrhages under the skin, bleeding gums, and joint pain are related to the role of vitamin C in A. carnitine synthesis. B. collagen synthesis. C. antioxidant reactions. D. neurotransmitter synthesis.


Formation and maintenance of collagen requires A. thiamin. B. vitamin C. C. pantothenic acid. D. folate.


Generally, good folate sources are A. fruits. B. green leafy vegetables. C. milk and dairy products. D. poultry.


Older adults may require a supplemental source of vitamin B-12 because A. low intake of vitamin C impairs vitamin B-12 absorption. B. decreased production of intrinsic factor decreases vitamin B-12 absorption. C. increased hydrochloric acid production decreases vitamin B-12 absorption. D. high fiber intake binds vitamin B-12.


Thiamin is distributed in small amounts in many foods. The most nutrient-dense source of thiamin is A. milk. B. pork. C. whole grain cereals. D. dark green vegetables.


Vitamin A supplements are needed by A. pregnant women. B. people with severe fat malabsorption. C. anyone trying to fend off a winter cold. D. All of these choices are correct.


Vitamin D toxicity is most likely a result of A. consuming beef liver. B. megadoses of vitamin D supplements. C. excessive sun exposure. D. consuming more than 3 servings of vitamin D-fortified dairy products per day.


Vitamin E functions as A. a coenzyme. B. an antioxidant. C. a hormone. D. an enzyme.


Vitamin E functions as a(n) A. coenzyme. B. antioxidant. C. hormone. D. enzyme.


Vitamin E is thought to be helpful in the prevention of heart disease because it A. enhances vitamin K activity. B. prevents oxidation of LDL cholesterol. C. relaxes blood vessel walls. D. prevents sodium retention.


Which of the following is a good source of provitamin A? A. Orange B. Apricot C. Cauliflower D. Potatoes


Which of the following is true about the regulation of the production and sale of vitamin and mineral supplements? A. There is no federal legislation regulating supplements. B. The FDA does not regulate all vitamin and mineral supplements closely. C. Americans can rest assured that the federal government will protect them from vitamin and mineral supplement overuse. D. Supplement companies are free to market their products with invalid and illegal claims.


Which of the following statements is true? A. As we age, we need more vitamin D and more kilocalories. B. As we age, we need more vitamin D and fewer kilocalories. C. As we age, we need less vitamin D and fewer kilocalories. D. As we age, we need less vitamin D and more kilocalories.


______ are mostly stored in the liver and adipose tissue. A. B-vitamins B. Fat-soluble vitamins C. Water-soluble vitamins D. Vitamin C


______ is a water-soluble vitamin that is especially important in amino acid metabolism, neurotransmitter synthesis, and the synthesis of the heme portion of hemoglobin. A. Vitamin C B. Vitamin B-6 C. Thiamin D. Riboflavin


A rich folate food source would be A. skim milk. B. roast beef. C. asparagus. D. peanuts.


All of the following are true statements regarding fat malabsorption except A. results in decreased absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. B. increases the risk of fat-soluble vitamin deficiency. C. increases the risk of developing pellagra or beriberi. D. increases the risk of developing hypovitaminosis A, rickets, or osteomalacia.


Exceeding the UL for folate A. is a common result of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. B. can cause a vitamin B-12 deficiency. C. can mask a vitamin B-12 deficiency. D. cannot occur with synthetic forms of the vitamin.


Excessive use of antibiotics can negatively impact bone health through its effects on A. calcium absorption. B. vitamin D synthesis. C. vitamin K synthesis. D. phosphorus excretion.


Food processing A. enhances vitamin E absorption from foods. B. increases vitamin E content of foods. C. decreases vitamin E content of foods. D. has no effect on vitamin E in foods because it is a stable compound.


Free radical damage has been implicated in increasing the risk of A. sinus infections. B. HIV. C. atherosclerosis. D. sickle cell disease.


If you wanted to add significant quantities of vitamins to your diet from the food you eat, a good choice would be A. a doughnut made with enriched white flour. B. apple juice. C. a fortified breakfast cereal such as Total Raisin Bran. D. a banana.


In North America, the major dietary source of vitamin ______ is fortified dairy products. A. A B. C C. D D. K


Lycopene is found in A. grapes. B. carrots. C. tomatoes. D. whole grain products.


Megadoses are defined as vitamin intakes ________ times the estimated human needs to prevent a deficiency. A. 1 to 3 B. 3 to 5 C. 2 to 10 D. 50


Most vitamin A is stored in the A. kidneys. B. small intestine. C. liver. D. adipose tissue.


Overconsumption of vitamins A and E can do all the following except A. lead to accumulation in the liver. B. result in toxicity. C. cure colds and prevent cancer. D. lead to debilitating side effects.


Replacing animal fats with plant oils in the diet would not only cut saturated fat intake, but would also increase A. vitamin A intake. B. vitamin C intake. C. vitamin E intake. D. selenium intake.


Symptoms of ______ deficiency include glossitis, dermatitis, cheilosis, eye disorders, sun sensitivity, and confusion. A. thiamin B. niacin C. riboflavin D. folate


The "Supplement Facts" panel on dietary supplements resembles the _______________________________ and is required on all dietary supplements. A. Drug Facts panel on drugs B. Cosmetic Facts panel on cosmetics C. Nutrition Facts panel on food D. Health Facts panel on drugs


The UL for vitamin B-6 is based on the risk of developing A. scurvy. B. pernicious anemia. C. nerve damage. D. dermatitis.


The apparent role of _________________ in prevention of birth defects is similar to that of folate. A. manganese B. molybdenum C. choline D. pantothenic acid


The best vitamin B-6 food sources include A. enriched breads and cereals. B. milk and dairy products. C. meat, fish, and poultry. D. deep yellow/orange fruits and vegetables.


The body can produce niacin from the amino acid _______________. A. alanine B. phenylalanine C. tryptophan D. tyrosine


The childhood deficiency disease for vitamin D is called _______________. A. osteopenia B. osteomalacia C. rickets D. osteoporosis


The childhood disease rickets is due to a deficiency of A. vitamin A. B. vitamin C. C. vitamin D. D. vitamin K.


The foods that provide the largest source of riboflavin in the American diet are A. meats. B. whole grain cereals. C. milk and dairy products. D. dark green leafy vegetables.


The vitamin that poses the greatest risk for toxicity is A. vitamin D. B. vitamin K. C. vitamin A. D. vitamin E.


To promote bone health, all infants should receive supplemental ______ until dietary intake from formula and/or other foods meets their needs. A. calcium. B. phosphorus. C. vitamin D. D. magnesium.


To protect bone health, vegans may require a supplemental source of vitamin _______________. A. A B. C C. D D. K


Vitamin C enhances the absorption of A. vitamin A. B. vitamin E. C. iron. D. zinc.


Vitamin D is unique among the vitamins because A. it is absorbed and transported via the lymphatic system. B. absorption requires bile and fat. C. it can be formed in the body by skin exposure to the sun. D. it can be stored.


Vitamin ______ can be produced in the skin in response to ultraviolet light. A. A B. C C. D D. E


Which of the following body systems is particularly sensitive to choline status? A. Skeletal system B. Immune system C. Nervous system D. Digestive system


Which of the following criteria qualifies a compound as a vitamin? A. The compound is required for optimal health. B. The body is unable to synthesize the compound. C. The compound is necessary for health, but the body is unable to synthesize enough of the compound to maintain health. D. The compound prevents chronic disease and is soluble in fat or water.


Which of the following is an example of a fat-soluble vitamin? A. Riboflavin B. Vitamin B-12 C. Vitamin A D. Vitamin B-6


Which of the following is true about our current knowledge about vitamins? A. We are sure there are more vitamins to be discovered for humans. B. We cannot effectively feed individuals intravenously for long periods of time because we do not know about all the vitamins that must be included. C. Most scientists believe we have discovered all vitamins relevant to humans. D. We know that there are more fat-soluble vitamins to discover.


Which of the following is true about the forms of vitamin A? A. Retinoids are found in plant foods. B. Carotenoids are found in animal foods. C. Carotenoids can be converted to retinoids. D. Retinoids can be converted to carotenoids.


Which of the following populations is most susceptible to vitamin K deficiency? A. Vegans B. Preschool children who are picky eaters C. Children with cystic fibrosis D. Older adults


Which statement about vitamins is true? A. Cannot be stored by the body B. Are inorganic C. Help regulate chemical reactions in the body D. Directly supply energy


In North America, which of the following populations is most susceptible to deficiencies of B vitamins? A. Vegans B. Pregnant women C. Preschoool children D. Alcoholics


Most water-soluble vitamins are rapidly excreted from the body when consumed in excess. However, ______ is an example of a water-soluble vitamin that can accumulate to toxic levels in the liver. A. riboflavin B. vitamin C C. thiamin D. vitamin B-6


Niacin is necessary to prevent the disease A. pernicious anemia. B. beriberi. C. scurvy. D. pellagra.


Rich sources of pantothenic acid are A. orange juice and soymilk. B. blueberries and apples. C. white bread and pastries. D. sunflower seeds, mushrooms, peanuts, and eggs.


The abnormal red blood cells seen in pernicious anemia are due to A. inadequate folate intake. B. inadequate folate absorption. C. inadequate B-12 intake. D. inadequate B-12 absorption.


The leading cause of blindness among older Americans is macular degeneration. Eating a diet rich in can decrease the risk of this condition. A. vitamin A B. vitamin E C. vitamin C D. carotenoids


The most reliable source of vitamin D in the diet is A. poultry. B. whole-grain cereals. C. yellow squash. D. fortified milk.


The nutrient essential for synthesis of several blood clotting factors is A. vitamin A. B. vitamin C. C. vitamin E. D. vitamin K.


The nutrient that prevents beriberi is A. vitamin B-12. B. niacin. C. riboflavin. D. thiamin.


The vitamin required specifically in carbohydrate metabolism is _______________. A. folate B. niacin C. riboflavin D. thiamin


Vitamin K is required for optimal bone health due to its role in activating A. vitamin D in the kidneys. B. vitamin D in the liver. C. clotting factors in the blood. D. proteins that bind calcium.


Which of the following is true about the absorption, transport, and storage of fat-soluble vitamins? A. They enter the bloodstream directly from the small intestine. B. Fat in the digestive contents is not important for their absorption. C. They are not stored to any great extent. D. They are stored in the liver and fatty tissue.


Acne medication is a derivative of vitamin A. A. B. E. C. C. D. D.


A pantothenic acid deficiency A. is very unlikely because of its widespread availability. B. is very likely. C. occurs commonly in children. D. occurs commonly in the elderly.


All of the following forms of cancer are related to excessive calorie intake except A. lung cancer. B. breast cancer. C. colon cancer. D. pancreatic cancer.


Beriberi is caused by a _______________ deficiency. A. thiamin B. vitamin B-6 C. niacin D. choline


Fat malabsorption may contribute to poor bone health because of impaired absorption of A. vitamin D. B. calcium. C. phosphorus. D. magnesium.


Immediately after absorption from the small intestine, fat-soluble vitamins appear in the lymph as part of A. chylomicrons. B. HDLs. C. phospholipids. D. VLDLs.


Jason is a strict vegan. He should take a supplemental source of A. vitamin B-12. B. folate. C. vitamin C. D. vitamin A


Pellagra is characterized by all of the following except A. dysphagia. B. diarrhea. C. dementia. D. dermatitis.


The first step in ensuring an adequate intake of vitamins is A. a diet that matches MyPlate's Daily Food Plan. B. fortified foods. C. a multivitamin and mineral supplement. D. individual nutrient supplements.


The vitamin that aids in activating fatty acids so they can yield energy is A. pantothenic acid. B. biotin. C. vitamin B-6. D. thiamin.


Which of the following are the best thiamin sources? A. Pork, whole grains, enriched cereals, legumes B. Root vegetables, cheddar-type cheese, deep yellow/orange fruits and vegetables C. Ham, vegetables of the cabbage family, whole grains D. Milk, beef, deep yellow/orange fruits and vegetables


Which of the following food combinations provides the most vitamin K? A. Spinach salad with strawberries, blueberries, and oil and vinegar dressing B. Ham and cheese on a whole wheat English muffin C. Low-fat yogurt with granola and fresh berries D. Sirloin steak, steamed green beans, and baked potato


Which of the following is an antioxidant? A. Vitamin C B. Vitamin B-6 C. Biotin D. Niacin


Which of the following is most likely to result in vitamin toxicity if consumed daily over a long period of time? A. Vitamin A supplements B. B-vitamin complex C. Fortified breakfast cereals D. Spinach, kale, and other greens


Which of the following is the best food source of riboflavin? A. Milk B. Lean ham C. Carrots D. Canola oil


Which of the following is true about the intake of vitamins? A. Occasional lapses in vitamin intake should cause no harm. B. Vitamins consumed in excess are excreted. C. Supplemental vitamins are better than those from food. D. It is hard to get all the vitamins we need from food.


Which of the following snacks provides the most vitamin C? A. Vanilla ice cream topped with sliced strawberries B. Whole wheat crackers with peanut butter C. Baked apples with cinnamon and brown sugar D. Grilled cheese sandwich


Which of the following vitamins has been helpful in large doses as a treatment for acne? A. A B. C C. D D. E


______ is a water-soluble vitamin that is important for the release of energy from carbohydrates as well as the synthesis of RNA, DNA, and some neurotransmitters. A. thiamin. B. pyridoxine. C. niacin. D. riboflavin.


Acquiring sufficient vitamin B-12 from the diet may be a problem for vegans because A. protein deficiency limits synthesis of intrinsic factor. B. it is only found in animal products. C. they lack the R-protein in the stomach. D. phytic acid in vegetable proteins may inhibit its absorption.


Anya is undergoing treatment for cancer and suffers from nausea and mouth sores, which are hindering her food intake. Which of the following meals would you recommend? A. Toast with jam, a soft-boiled egg, and milk B. Pancakes, a hard boiled egg, and apple juice C. Bacon, fried eggs, and orange juice D. Spaghetti with meat sauce, garlic bread, and a soft drink


As part of the body's antioxidant defenses, vitamin C participates in the recycling of A. vitamin A. B. vitamin E. C. iron. D. zinc.


B vitamins have high _________________________ which means that, typically, about 50% to 90% of the B vitamins in the diet are absorbed. A. essentiality B. bioavailability C. utilization D. metabolism


Choline is a precursor for several A. lipoproteins. B. phospholipids. C. fatty acids. D. sterols.


If a supplement label includes a structure/function claim, it also must include A. an illustration of the supplement's chemical structure. B. the FDA warning that these claims have not been evaluated by the agency. C. a reference to a scientific study that supports this claim. D. a description of the supplement's biological function.


Megadoses of _______________ may be used to lower cholesterol, but they can cause flushing of the skin. A. pyridoxine B. nicotinic acid C. riboflavin D. pantothenic acid


Pernicious anemia is related to impaired absorption of A. iron. B. vitamin B-12. C. copper. D. folate.


Soybeans, egg yolks, meats, and lecithin are sources of ______. A. riboflavin B. choline C. chromium D. iodide


The American Institute for Cancer Research Recommendations for Cancer Prevention include all of the following except A. Eat more of a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes. B. Increase consumption of red meats (e.g., beef, pork, and lamb) C. Limit consumption of salty foods and foods processed with salt. D. Avoid sugary drinks.


The B vitamins generally function as A. antioxidants. B. coenzymes. C. emulsifiers. D. reducing agents.


The form of folate found in supplements and enriched cereal is A. folate. B. folic acid. C. folacin. D. fluoric acid.


The name of the active vitamin B-6 coenzyme is A. nicotinamide. B. pyridoxal phosphate (PLP). C. thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP). D. flavin dinucleotide (FAD).


This vitamin, when consumed during pregnancy, can help prevent neural tube defects like spina bifida. A. Niacin B. Folate/Folic Acid C. Riboflavin D. B-6


Vitamin B-6, folate, and vitamin B-12 are required for the metabolism of A. niacin. B. homocysteine. C. iron. D. fatty acids.


Vitamin C contributes to bone health by virtue of its role in A. antioxidant reactions. B. collagen synthesis. C. immune function. D. mineral absorption.


Vitamin C is a ______-soluble vitamin. A. fat B. water


Which of the following is an example of a vitamin that is more bioavailable in its synthetic form? A. vitamin B-6 B. folate C. vitamin E D. vitamin A


Which of the following is converted to vitamin A in the body? A. Retinol B. Carotenoids C. Cholesterol D. Phenylalanine


Which of the following is not a role of choline in human health? A. Structure of cell membranes B. Synthesis of hemoglobin C. Transport of lipids D. Synthesis of neurotransmitters


Which of the following would be the best source of vitamin D for person following a vegan diet? A. Fish oil B. Vitamin D-fortified soymilk C. Spinach D. Whole grain products


A condition characterized by soft bones resulting from a vitamin D deficiency in adulthood is called __________. A. rickets B. osteoporosis C. osteomalacia D. osteopenia


A deficiency of vitamin B-6 can result in depression, headaches, and confusion. These occur because of impaired A. hemoglobin synthesis. B. glucose metabolism. C. neurotransmitter synthesis. D. myelin synthesis.


A nutrient that has been deemed essential but has not been classified as a vitamin is A. alpha-tocopherol. B. beta-carotene. C. choline. D. pyridoxine.


A rich source of vitamin E is A. oranges. B. chicken breast. C. corn oil. D. prime rib.


A typical serving of which food provides the most vitamin A? A. Yellow squash B. Egg C. Liver D. Apricot


Biotin absorption is inhibited by A. phytate. B. oxalate. C. avidin. D. copper.


Cruciferous vegetables such as ______________________________ are rich in cancer-preventing phytochemicals. A. onions and leeks B. carrots and sweet potatoes C. cabbage and cauliflower D. spinach and Swiss chard


Dennis had undergone a heart valve replacement and was placed on Coumadin (warfarin). In order for the Coumadin to be effective, consistent daily consumption of must be maintained. A. vitamin C B. vitamin B-6 C. vitamin K D. vitamin B-12


Deposition of calcium and phosphorus in the bones is influenced by A. vitamin A. B. riboflavin. C. vitamin D. D. niacin.


In order to adequately absorb vitamin B-12, we need all of the following EXCEPT A. intrinsic factor. B. an acid environment in the stomach. C. B-12 to be bound to food protein. D. a healthy ileum.


Pantothenic acid is required for the synthesis of A. coenzyme PA (CoPA). B. coenzyme Q (CoQ). C. coenzyme A (CoA). D. coenzyme B (CoB).


Scurvy can be prevented with adequate intakes of A. niacin. B. riboflavin. C. vitamin C. D. thiamin.


Some niacin is formed in the body from A. phenylalanine. B. tyrosine. C. tryptophan. D. lysine.


The following are some vitamin-like compounds found in our diets: A. quinone and ascorbic acid. B. alpha-tocopheral, thiamin, and ribonucleic acid. C. carnitine, inositol, taurine, and lipoic acid. D. pyridoxine, cobalamin, and retinoic acid.


The vitamin content of foods is diminished by all of the following EXCEPT A. exposure to light. B. cooking in water. C. freezing. D. alkalinity.


Vitamins involved in red blood cell synthesis are A. folate and thiamin. B. thiamin and niacin. C. vitamin B-12 and folate. D. folate and pantothenic acid.


Which B vitamin is required for amino acid metabolism? A. Thiamin B. Niacin C. Vitamin B-6 D. Pantothenic acid


A niacin deficiency causes the disease _______________. A. anemia B. beriberi C. cheilosis D. pellegra


All of the following vitamins are stored extensively in the liver EXCEPT A. vitamin B-6. B. vitamin B-12. C. vitamin D. D. thiamin.


All the following are characteristics of vitamin D except A. it facilitates calcium absorption from the small intestine. B. it is activated by the liver and kidney. C. it causes the kidney to excrete less calcium in the urine. D. it prevents osteoporosis.


All the following are true of B vitamins EXCEPT A. they are water soluble. B. they serve as coenzymes. C. they can be lost during food processing and preparation. D. they are stored in adipose tissue.


An important role of vitamin K is the synthesis of A. alpha-tocopherol. B. rhodopsin. C. retinol. D. prothrombin.


Because B vitamins are ___________________, very little is stored and excess ends up in the urine or stool. A. non-toxic B. dissolvable C. fat soluble D. water soluble


Besides being supplied in the diet, some micronutrients are synthesized in the body. For example, ______ can be synthesized by microorganisms in the intestinal tract. A. vitamin D B. niacin C. vitamin B-6 D. vitamin K


Bill's physician has prescribed an intake of 200 milligrams nicotinic acid (a form of niacin) to attempt to preserve his health. Which of the following is true about nicotinic acid consumption? A. It provides no health benefits. B. It has no toxic effects when consumed in high doses. C. It can elevate serum triglycerides. D. It can lower elevated serum cholesterol.


Consistently consuming raw egg whites, as in a daily high-protein drink, can bind and result in deficiency. A. folate B. vitamin B-6 C. pantothenic acid D. biotin


Consuming high doses of ______ can mask signs of a vitamin B-12 deficiency. A. vitamin K B. iron C. vitamin B-6 D. folate


Vitamin content of fruits and vegetables is preserved by all of the following methods EXCEPT A. storing fruits and vegetables in moisture-proof, airtight containers. B. storing fruits and vegetables in a cool place, such as the crisper drawer of the refrigerator. C. using cooking methods such as steaming, stir-frying, or microwaving. D. trimming and peeling fruits and vegetables soon after purchase.


What disease is caused by a thiamin deficiency? A. Pellagra B. Scurvy C. Kwashiorkor D. Beriberi


When buying a vitamin or mineral supplement, look for on the label, as it assures purity, strength, and quality of the product. A. UPS B. SPU C. PSU D. USP


Which of the B vitamins contains cobalt? A. Niacin B. Thiamin C. Vitamin B-6 D. Vitamin B-12


Which of the following is a situation in which a person should consider vitamin D supplementation? A. Strict vegan diet B. Allergy to milk protein C. Kidney disease D. All of these choices are correct.


Which of the following population groups has increased vitamin C requirements? A. Vegetarians B. Alcoholics C. Older adults D. Smokers


Which of the following serves as an antioxidant in cell membranes, protecting them and DNA inside cells, from damage? A. Vitamin K B. Vitamin D C. Niacin D. Vitamin E


______ is unique among the B vitamins because bacterial synthesis of the vitamin contributes to meeting human needs. A. Folate B. Vitamin B-6 C. Pantothenic acid D. Biotin


Which of the following vitamins serves as an antioxidant in cell membranes? A. Vitamin K B. Vitamin D C. Niacin D. Vitamin E


Cell membranes are susceptible to damage by free radicals because A. they are composed primarily of polyunsaturated fatty acids. B. they are composed primarily of saturated fatty acids. C. they have so many unpaired electrons. D. they are the site of cellular respiration.


Consuming carotenoids may reduce the risk for all of the following except A. acne. B. cataracts. C. age-related macular degeneration. D. cardiovascular disease.


The B vitamins A. facilitate chemical reactions that yield energy from the macronutrients. B. provide strength and stability to bones. C. protect the cells from damage by free radicals. D. can be broken down to yield about 4 kcal per gram.


The ability of the skin to synthesize vitamin D is decreased by A. use of sunscreen. B. excessive dietary calcium intake. C. excessive dietary phosphorus intake. D. use of a tanning bed.


The bioavailabilty of carotenoids is affected by A. cooking. B. consumption with meat products. C. soil mineral content. D. exposure to acid.


All of the following can be classified as B vitamins EXCEPT A. niacin. B. choline. C. riboflavin. D. biotin.


Antioxidants A. promote the formation of free radicals. B. donate electrons to free radicals. C. are reduced in chemical reactions. D. damage cell membranes.


Consuming excessive carotenoids may cause A. fetal malformations. B. yellowing of the skin. C. chlorosis. D. scurvy.


High doses of vitamin D A. excessive acne. B. calcium deposits in the kidneys and other organs. C. limb paralysis. D. a flaky skin rash.


In general, the richest sources of vitamin E are _______________. A. green leafy vegetables B. plant oils C. citrus fruits D. yellow and orange vegetables


In green vegetables, such as broccoli, the orange pigments of provitamin A carotenoids are masked by A. lycopene. B. chlorophyll. C. lutein. D. anthocyanin.


In the United States, bread and cereal products made from milled grains are enriched with the vitamins ______________________________ and with the mineral iron. A. A, D, and E B. thiamin, niacin, and riboflavin C. A, C, and K D. folate, choline, and B-12


Soft bones resulting from a deficiency of vitamin D in adulthood is known as A. osteopenia. B. osteomalacia. C. osteoporosis. D. osteopathy.


The fat-soluble vitamin that can lead to calcification of soft tissue, such as the kidney, when consumed in large quantities, is _______________. A. vitamin A B. vitamin D C. vitamin E D. vitamin K


The major effect of taking high doses of vitamin D is A. excessive acne. B. calcium deposits in the kidneys and other organs. C. limb paralysis. D. a flaky skin rash.


The nutrient that can be considered both a vitamin and a hormone is A. vitamin E. B. vitamin D. C. vitamin A. D. niacin.


The safest way to meet vitamin A needs is by A. use of a vitamin A supplement. B. consuming a variety of brightly colored fruits and vegetables. C. consuming organ meats on a daily basis. D. heavy use of fortified foods.


When B vitamins are consumed in their coenzyme forms, A. intestinal absorption of B vitamins is enhanced. B. they are broken down to free vitamins in the stomach and small intestine prior to absorption. C. toxicity of B vitamins is likely to occur. D. more energy is available to the body.


When a cell membrane is damaged by free radicals, which specific component of the cell membrane is damaged? A. cholesterol B. phospholipid C. polysaccharide D. saturated fat


Which fat-soluble vitamins are most toxic if consumed in excess amounts over long periods of time? A. Vitamins D and K B. Vitamins A and E C. Vitamins A and D D. Vitamins E and K


Which of the following does NOT describe fat-soluble vitamins? A. They are stored in the body. B. Excesses are excreted in the urine. C. They are transported via special carriers in the bloodstream. D. They tend to exist in several biologically active forms.


Which of the following groups is at highest risk for negative consequences of marginal vitamin E status? A. Vegetarians B. Preterm infants C. Athletes D. Older adults


Water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins differ in which way? A. Water-soluble vitamins are best absorbed in the presence of dietary fat. B. Fat-soluble vitamins have much less potential for toxicity. C. Water-soluble vitamins are stored, whereas fat-soluble vitamins are excreted readily. D. Water-soluble are less likely to be toxic.


Which of the following foods has the largest amount of preformed vitamin A? A. Broccoli B. Pork chop C. Chicken breast D. Liver


Which of the following is NOT accounted for in the calculation of RAEs? A. Preformed vitamin A B. Beta-carotene C. Other carotenoids D. Cysteine


Dark green or orange vegetables and/or fruits are recommended at least every other day to provide a source of A. vitamin E. B. vitamin C. C. vitamin A. D. vitamin D.


Drying of the cornea due to vitamin A deficiency is called A. apnea. B. dysphagia. C. xerophthalmia. D. cachexia.


_______________ is a fat-soluble, antioxidant vitamin that protects cell membranes, especially of red blood cells, from damage. A. Vitamin C B. Vitamin D C. Vitamin E D. Vitamin K


Enrichment of grains was started in the 1930s. Enrichment was expanded to include in 1998. A. niacin B. thiamin C. iron D. folic acid


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