Nutrition Exam 1

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digestible CP + digestible CF + digestible NFE + 2.25 digestive EE

How do you calculate TDN?

cross energy - fecal energy

How do you calculate digestible energy?

Use hay probe-bored into core of bales

How do you get a sample of hay?

Can use grain probe or sample as feed comes out of bin

How do you get samples of grains/other ingredients?

Select random sites and clip to grazing height.

How do you get samples of pasture?

Uses an acid detergent to solubilize hemicellulose

What does an ADF do?

Uses a neutral detergent to solubilize cell contents; left over indigestible material

What does an NDF do?

Tells us potential use of energy

What does the bomb calorimetry tell us?

Estimates indigestible portion

What does the crude fiber method estimate?


What is an example of a bulk and roughage eater?


What is an example of a concentrate selector?


What is an example of a fat that is not digestible?

Readily digestible nutrients will undergo chemical digestion and normal absorption; microbes won't alter them

What is one advantage to colon fermenters?

Tells us nothing about how it will be utilized by the animal

What is the disadvantage to using a bomb calorimeter? What does it not tell us?

Not super accurate b/c extracts all the fats, and not all animals will digest every type of fat

What is the disadvantage to using ether extract to extract crude fat from sample?

Doesn't tell you what minerals is there, only amount

What is the disadvantage to using the Ash method?

100- (water + CP + CF + EE + ash)

What is the formulate for calculating a nitrogen free extract?


What is the largest compartment in ruminants?


What is the only nutrient group that does not contain carbon?

Proximate Analysis

What is the universal measuring system, put on food labels?

Does not tell you anything about amino acid composition of the protein

What is wrong with using a nitrogen analyzer to measure crude protein?


What percentage of protein is nitrogen?


What two methods can you use instead of the crude fiber method?

1) Can confirm or deny presence of listed ingredients 2) Can identify unwanted materials such as molds, insects, poisonous weeds

What two things can you do with a microscope when it comes to evaluating feedstuffs?

Cecal Fermenters

What type of non-ruminant herbivore practices coprophagy?


Where does microbial fermentation take place in ruminants?


Which type of animal can't digest complex sources well?


Which type of animal has the longest digestive tract?


Which type of animal has the shortest digestive tract?


Which type of animal requires high quality, readily digestible sources of nutrients?

Intermediate Sheep Goats

Which type of feeder is highly adaptable? What are two examples?

Put dry sample into furnace, heats to 500 degrees, organic portion burns off and inorganic portion is left over

How do you use the Ash method?


1g carb= _________kc


1g fat= ________kc


1g protein= __________kc


A mixture of feed stuff that supplies nutrients to the animal: _____________


About how many samples do you need to take for an accurate representation of the feedstuff?


Acts as a particle filter; regulates what continues on in the digestive tract to the abomasum from the reticulum/rumen: ________________

1) Utilization of fibrous feeds 2) Microbes synthesize amino acids and protein; need to use feed with N and C 3) Microbes synthesize some B and K vitamins

Advantages of microbial fermentation: (3)


Amount of energy required to heat one gram of water one degree celsius: ____________


Any chemical element or compound in the diet that supports normal life processes: ______________


Any material used for food, specific ingredient: ______________

Small Intestine

Avian digestion and absorption: ___________ __________


Avian mechanical digestion: _____________

Hepatic Portal System

Blood supply leaving the small intestine goes to the liver and form capillaries instead of returning to the heart: ____________________


Blood supply leaving the small intestine goes to what organ?

Gross Energy

Bomb calorimetry measures what?

digestive enzymes

Brush boarder secreates what?


Bulk and Roughage Eaters have a (small/large) rumen.

Hardware Disease

Caused by trapped material that can cause harm to ruminants: _____________ _______________


Chemical digestion in the ruminant: ________________


Common opening for digestive, reproductive, and urinary tract in Avian: _____________


Concentrate Selectors have a (small/large) rumen.

Small Intestine

Continued chemical digestion via enzyme secretion by pancreas; Site of nutrient absorption: ____________ ____________


Daily allowance or amount of feed provided to an animal: ____________

1) Conversion of dietary protein to microbial protein changes protein composition which can reduce the value of the protein 2) Loss of energy due to microbial fermentation—> lost through production of gases and heat

Disadvantages of microbial fermentation: (2)

Dry Matter

Drying feed sample to a constant weight: ____________ ___________


Empties into the space between the reticulum and rumen in ruminants: _______________

bomb calorimeter

Energy content of fee determined by a _____________ ______________.


Epithelial cells have projections called _____________ on apical side


Epithelial cells have projections called microvilli on ___________ side.


Epithelial lining consists of projections called __________.

Crude Protein

Estimated by measuring nitrogen content of feed multiplied by factor of 6.25: ____________ ______________

Nitrogen Free Extract

Estimates available carbohydrates: _______________ ______________ ______________

Values of nutrient content are of no practical use if the sample tested is not representative of the feedstuff as it is fed to animals

Feed Stuff Sampling


Feed thats consumed by an animal on regular occasions: _____________


Formation of feces; elimination of the feces; Contains waste products and any nutrients not absorbed: _____________


Functions as storage, moistening food in avians: ____________

Bulk and Roughage Eaters

Grazing animals that consume large quantities of low quality, high fiber plant material: _________________


Method that measures inorganic portion (minerals) in feed stuff: ____________


Microbial fermentation can occur here in some species: _____________


No function of the cecum in what animal?

Crude Fiber

Not a reliable method; not very accurate to analyze feedstuffs: ____________ _____________

Colon Fermenters

Nutrient absorption from fermentation is less efficient in what type of non-ruminant herbivore?


On top of microvilli is a web like structure called the ________________.


Place where chemical digestion takes place in avians: _____________


Rumen is lined with what?

Concentrate Selectors

Select more nutritious, lower fiber parts of plants to consume: _____________ ______________

Intermediate Feeders

Share the strategies of concentrate and bulk feeders: ______________ _____________


Site of some chemical digestion: _______________


Stomach has a (low/high) pH.


Sums all fractions of feed that are digestible: __________

Brush boarder

Term that refers to the glycocalyx and the microvilli


The process by which an animal takes in and utilizes food substances: ________________


Traps foreign material in ruminants: _____________

Dry Matter

Used to compare nutrient concentrations across feed stuffs: _____________ ______________

Ether Extract

Used to extract crude fat from sample: ____________ ____________


Water absorption occurs here: ____________

Cellulose lignin

What 2 materials are left over after an ADF method?

hemicellulose cellulose lignin

What 3 materials are left over after an NDF method?

dogs pigs poultry

What are 3 examples of an omnivore?

Foregut Fermenters Colon Fermeners Cecal Fermenter

What are 3 types of non-ruminant herbivores?

cattle horse sheep goat

What are 4 examples of a herbivore?

1) Structural source 2) Energy source 3) Regulation

What are the 3 functions of nutrients?

vitamins, minerals, water, protein, energy

What are the 5 classes of nutrients?

vitamins, minerals, water, protein, carbohydrates (energy), lipids (energy)

What are the 6 categories of nutrients?

Carbs Lipids

What are two nutrients that play a energy role in the body?

proteins minerals

What are two nutrients that play a structural role in the body?

- Nutrient presence - How it was processed/need for processing - Nutrient digestibility/availability - Presence of toxins or inhibitors

What do we need to know in order to efficiently utilize feeds? (4)

Burns everything thats carbon based

What does a bomb calorimetry do? (how it works)

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