Nutrition Exam 2 Part 2

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First major immigration surge and immigration decline (Chinese): o Golden rush o Exclusion laws

1850s: First major immigration surge - Gold rush - Opened their own businesses - Construction of the Central Pacific Railroad 1880s: Immigration Declined - Exclusion Laws directed towards Asians

What lifestyle factors contributes to lower BMI in Mexicans vs Mexican American Pima Indians?

Arizona Pima had a BMI of 30 which means they were more obese than Mexico pima

Nutritional Status in Mexico

Baby-bottle tooth decay: other fluids administered, water, sweetened herbal teas Type 2 Diabetes: have double the prevalence in comparison to whites, more insulin resistance Metabolic syndrome: high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, elevated blood glucose levels, large waist circumference Differences in BMI between Pima Indians in Mexico & the US


Born in the United States. Descendants of wealthy Mexican landowners

Special Occasions

Chinese New Year: honor ancestors, children receive money Duan Wu: Recognizes the drowning death of a famous poet Moon Festival: Family reunion, appreciate the full moon

Etiquette (China)

Chopstick & spoon. Dishes served at once. Eldest eat first. Rude to reject food.


Digestive Ailment Symptoms: nausea, gas & weakness Consumption of hot/cold foods. Hot/cold imbalance due to emotional upset Treatment: herbal teas, stomach massage, pinching of the spine, & prayer, curandero

Division of "fan" and "cai"

Fan: carbohydrate based Cai: vegetable & protein

Family structure of Central Americans

Father: head of household Costa Rica perception of family: father & mother in the home Family disintegration in refugee camps: overcrowding, unemployment Family member forced to immigrate separately

Characteristics of the Chicano Family

Father: head of the household, makes decisions, wage earner Mother: homemaker, providing childcare, role is changing in America with more women working & making decisions about the household Children: valued, taught to share & work together Grandparents: involvement in childcare

Balance of Yin & Yang

Fever & coughing- excess of Yang Anemia & weight loss- excess of Yin

Religions followed by the Japanese

Followed Christianity in the US to learn English & gain employment, Shintoism: indigenous religion of Japan Buddhism, Protestantism

Factors that affect access to health care

For males, it is considered inappropriate to acknowledge illness, modesty & privacy are highly valued. More use of herbal remedies by Mexican American women was related to fewer visits to biomedical practitioners, lack of health insurance. Dependence on traditional healers.

Central American behaviors that preserve health

Good Diet: fruits & vegetables Fresh Air Regular hours of work Exercise (Guatemalans & Panamanians)


Grew during the T'ang dynasty, but declined slowly

Nutritional Status of Central Americans

Infectious disease: parasites, tuberculosis Undernutrition due to lack of vitamins Pesticide & Herbicide poisoning Cyclosporasis: contaminated raspberries in Guatemala to parasites

Foods served during Lent, Christmas, & Saints' Days

Lent: Sopas de Cosquillas (soup with ring-shaped corn dumplings, Nicaragua) Christmas: Gallina relena navidena (chicken stuffed with papaya, tomatoes, olives) Saints' Days: Fiambre (salad served in Guatemala during All Saints' Day)

Contemporary food habits in the US: California

No unique cuisines, fast food

Hot/Cold system of diet & health

Practiced by Mexican Indians & the rural poor. Based on the concept that the world's resources are limited & must remain in balance & people must stay in harmony with the environment Hot: Associated with strength Cold: associated with weakness

Major Religion of Central Americans

Roman Catholic

Major Religion in Mexico

Roman Catholic. 75% of Mexican Americans. Religious ceremonies are important family events

Tropical Mexico

Seafood & produce, arroz a la tumbada, guacamole, chili peppers

Regional variation

Southern: rice, sugar Northern: wheat, salt

Languages spoken in Mexico

Spanish & Nahuatl (Indian)

Traditional food habits for Mexico (recognize staple foods)

Tortillas, beans, caldos (soups & stews), meats (carne asada & chicharrones, stuffed foods (tacos, enchiladas, tamales), Chiles En Nogada: independence day dish (meat stuffed with chili, white sauce, green cilantro, & red pomegranate seeds), flan, huevos reales, cajeta

Traditional Food habits in Central America: staple foods

corn, rice, soups/stews (fruit juice, modongo), fruits & vegetables, coffee & hot chocolate, refrescas, & beans

Health Maintenance & Treatments of illness

- Balanced Diet, activity & sleep, avoiding imbalance

Importance of curandero or curandera

- See patients without an appointment & usually do not charge for their services, but they may accept gratuities - Deal with a variety of complaints (social & medical) - Diagnose the underlying causes of a condition (natural or supernatural)

Family - Influenced by Confucianism

- Women are subservient to mean - Tolerance in the eldest brother & humility in the youngest - Children are taught not to fight or cry in order to maintain harmony within the family

Causes of Illness (Mexico)

- excess emotion - dislocation of organs - magic - imbalance of hot/cold - considered an Angelo disease (pneumonia & appendicitis)

The process of seeking health care treatment (mother/grandmother -> home remedies -> pharmacies -> professionals)

1. Mother, grandmother, wives, or older female neighbors 2. Use of home remedies & over the counter medications 3. botanicas: pharmacies that sell traditional herbal remedies 4. Professionals: Yerbero: herbalist, sobador: massage therapist, patera: midwife specializing the care of small children

Meal Composition & cycle (China)

3 meals a day

Meal Composition: Number of meals & composition

4 to 5 daily meals Desayuno: Pan Dulce, fresh fruit, cafe con leche Almuerzo: coffee break, tortillas, eggs, meat, leftover beans, bolillos (wheat rolls) Comida or Almuerzo (lunch): soup, main course, salad, dessert Merienda (late afternoon snack): Light meal of sweet rolls, cakes, cookies, coffee, hot chocolate, atole Cena (dinner): leftovers, may be skipped entirely

Hot & Cold Theory of Food


Wet-Dry foods



A balance between yin & yang is necessary for harmony. Yin = female, negative, dark, cold Yang = masculine, positive, bright, hot

Purpose of Internment Camps

Accelerated Acculturation

Mexican Etiquette: food facilitates family interactions & European style of dining

Activities related to food facilitate interactions between family members & define family roles. Wife: in charge of preparing the meals Guests: should eat everything that is served so the host is not insulted The meal is consumed after the host says "Been provecho" Fork is in left hand, knife is in the right Dishes passed to left Hand should remain above the table with wrists resting on the edge when not eating Leaving the table for any reason before others are finished is considered impolite

Family structure in Japan

Before WWII, the family structure was similar to the Chinese due to Confucianism influence. Ideals: children are to care for their parents as they age, important to suppress emotions, self-control, polite & respectful


Bile spills into the blood Symptoms: loss of appetite, vomiting, headaches, inability to urinate

Strategies to combat stress in the Japanese population

Cat cafes as pet therapy

Chinese American spirituality

Catholic & Protestant Churches established in Chinatown neighborhoods


Confucius was a sage who provided order to Chinese society by defining the way people should live and work together. Harmony in the family and society through self-restraint. Allegiance to rulers & benevolence by leaders.

Aztec Empire Staple Foods

Corn (staple grain), Legumes, fruits, & vegetables, turkeys & dogs & chocolatl (hot, unsweetened chocolate drink)

Barriers to Biomedical Care in Central America

Cost Language Barriers Unauthorized residents trying to avoid authorities

Unauthorized Migrants

Enter the country illegally

Mal de ojo

Evil eye. A person casts a strong look to another person. Symptoms: fever & headaches Curandero required for treatment

Hot & cold balance in Central America

Extreme changes in temperature strong emotions

Importance of Religion in Mexico

Health is considered a gift from God, illness occurs due to outside forces. Prayer & lighting candles for someone who is sick Pilgrimages to religious shrines


Illness affecting mainly adult women due to crying, sadness, body aches Treatments: sedatives provided by a biomedical physician


Illness caused by jealousy


Illness occurs due to excess emotion, such as shame or anger. Symptoms: depression, lack of appetite, nightmares, shaking, paleness Treatments: sugar or sugar water; going to the curanderos

Immigration patterns of Central Americans

Immigration until the 1980s. Well educated professional men -> employment Settlements in NY, LA,San Fran, Miami, Chicago Refugees from El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua

Mestizo Defintion

Indian & Spanish ancestory

Initial Traditional Health Care

Indian Supernatural Rituals European Folk Medicine from Spain

Immigration patterns of the Japanese

Initial immigration took place in the 1890s consisting of young educated men from southern Japan who were seeking economic opportunities. Primary areas of settlement in the US, West Coast & Hawaii

Immigration Classification based on generations

Issei: 1st Generation immigrants born in Japan Nisei: 2nd Generation Japanese Americans Sansei: 3rd Generation Japanese Americans Yonsei: 4th Generation Japanese Americans

Contemporary Food Habits of the US

Little data available about acculturation. Foods consumed were mostly similar to their household. Use ingredients in the Latino communities where they settle.

Contemporary food habits in the US: Texas

Mexican food modified into American dishes. Food refined some of the Mexican heritage Ex: Tamale pie & nachos

History of Mexicans in the US (Southwestern US - where they initially resided, Mexican American War of 1848, Purpose of the Bracero Program)

Mexicans resided in the American Southwest for hundreds of years before the US declared independence from Britain in 1776. They welcomed American settlers, but the population of Mexicans became outnumbered in the Southwest, losing economic & political control. Mexican-American War of 1848: 75,000 Mexicans residing in the former Mexican territories became American citizens. Bracero Program: created in the US after the Great Depression in order for industries to meet the need for cheap labor in agriculture & the railroad industry

Contemporary food habits in the US: Souther Arizona & Sonora

Mild chiles used in dishes. Beef is the favored meat. Machaca: dried, shredded beef jerky used for stuffed foods

Southern Mexico

More Indian Influence. More chocolate-based dishes due to availability of cacao, poblano de guajuolote: rich brown sauce with turkey, atole, horchata

Mexican Plains

Northern plains: cattle, goat, & sheep, Cecinas, birria Gulf of Mexico & California: seafood, hauchinago, pan de cazon Northern Mexico: cheese & wheat dishes Desserts: Bunelos Beverages: Aguamiel & tequila

Contemporary food habits in the US: New Mexico

One type of chili used in dishes, such as the New Mexico chili


Pibil (steaming foods wrapped in banana leaves), salbutes (small corn tortillas, fried until puffed), citrus fruits

Central American balance between spiritual & social worlds

Prayer is used to restore harmony during illness Guatemalans: botanical remedies Nicaraguans: use of witchcraft to cure illness

Traditional Health Benefits & practices

Stress induced illness & work-related fatigue leads to.... death?

Special Occasions & major holidays

Sunday Gatherings, family celebrations Dia de Los Santo Reyes: Three Kings Day, Jan 6, Rosca de Reyes: raisin-studded ring loaf bread, inside a figurine of the infant Jesus Cinco de Mayo: May 5th. Celebrate the Mexican's army victory over France during the Franco-Mexican War Dias de los Muertos: Nov 1st & 2nd, feast honoring the deceased, sugar paste used to mold skulls & skeletons of the dead Lent: Capirotada: bread pudding with honey or brown sugar, cinnamon, nuts, & cheese Christmas: use of pinatas

Ingredients & common foods connected to health status

Westernized Diets -> increased risk of chronic disease Mexican immigrants in Southwest America: more consumption of red meat, white bread, sugared cereals, soft drinks.


Work in the US legally. Remain Mexican citizens

Sour foods vs acidic foods

avoided by menstruating women

Caida de la mollera

fallen fontanel in infants. Holding the baby vertically when it is too young. Fontanel becomes depressing resulting in dehydration Treatments: tight caps on the infant, application of olive oil

Contributions from Spain to Mexico

tequila & mesca Cinnamon, garlic, onions, rice, sugar, cane, wheat, & hogs

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