Nutrition Exams 1,2,3

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Posting findings at the main researcher's internet web site

A group of scientists conducts a a scientific study to investigate dietary factors, that influence the development of obesity. Which of the following activities is not likely to be a component of their research efforts?

consuming foods that contain gluten

A person suffering from celiac disease must avoid

ethnic ancestry

A person's ____ does not influence the amount of energy he or she uses while performing physical activity


A researcher wants to identify lifestyle factors that increase the risk of stomach cancer in men. His study design involves enrolling 250 adult men who have stomach cancer and 250 men who are cancer-free but have similar characteristics and backgrounds as the men who have stomach cancer. The researcher collects and analyzes information about each participant's lifestyle. Based on this information, what kind of study is the researcher conducting?

Does not contain dietary ingredients

A scientist discovers a chemical compound in certain rocks that she calls "stonia." She cannot market extracts that contain stonia s a dietary supplement, because it

Fatty acid

A scientist has discovered a new molecular compound that is a long chain of 26 carbons bonded together, with a methyl group on one end and an acid group on the other end of the molecule. The compound does not contain any nitrogen or sulfur atoms. Based on this information, the compound is a(an)


A scientist has isolated a fatty acid that has 26 carbons bonded together. All of the carbon atoms in the chain are connected by single bonds. The only other elements in the compound are hydrogen and oxygen. Based on this information, the compound is a(an) fatty acid.

Major Mineral

A scientist is creating a formula diet that supplies all essential nutrients. One of the minerals in her formula has a Recommended Dietary Allowance of 130 mg/day. How should she classify this particular mineral?


A scientist isolates a water-soluble compound from spider venom. The substance has nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in its chemical structure. Based on this information, the compound is probably a


A substance that can protect a persons cells from being damaged or destroyed by certain harmful factors is a(n)

Branched-chain amino acids

According to scientific evidence which of the following substances may benefit muscle recovery after intense exercise


Acid is an omega-6 fatty acid

Sores on her knuckles

After bingeing on cakes and cookies, Bonnie practices self-induced vomiting

An indication that the physician practices integrative medicine

After examining a patient and reviewing the results of his blood tests, a physician tells the patient that has his mild depressive symptoms are not he result of a serious health problem. The physician suggests that the patient should try regular exercise and take the dietary supplement St. John's wort for three months. After this period, the physician will prescribe antidepressant medication, if the patient does not feel emotionally better. This advice is

Practices integrative medicine

After reviewing the results of a patients medical tests, a physician tells the patient that her mild back pain is not caused by a serious problem, and she can try acupuncture and massage therapy to relieve the discomfort. Based on this information, the physician's advice indicates that he

Have a lipoprotein profile performed on a sample of his blood

Albert is a healthy 23-year old college student. He would like to know more about his risk of cardiovascular disease so he can take preventative measures, if they are necessary. Albert should

540 to 900

Alex is a competitive athlete who weighs 90 kg. He would like to plan a nutritionally adequate diet that provides enough carbohydrate to maintain his weight and glycogen stores during training and competition. According to expert recommendations, he should consume ____ grams of


An 8-ounce serving of a beverage contains 250 ml water, 15 g sugar, 3 mg caffeine, and 5 g alcohol. This amount of beverage supplies ______ kcal


An ____ is a body structure composed of tissues that have related functions

Gradually increases in duration and intensity of activites

An effective and comprehensive aerobic workout program


Angela is 20-year-old college student. In addition to having a history of dental decay, she seems to break bones easily. Based on this information, Angela may need to increase her intake of

Parts of coenzymes

B vitamins function as

Reduce his intake of refined sugars

Bill has reactive hypoglycemia. What steps can he take to reduce the likelihood that he has bouts of the disorder?

Frequent urination

Bryan has type 2 diabetes. Which of the following conditions is a typical sign or symptom of this chronic disease

Tapioca; flour

You would like to bake a special pudding for a friend who has celiac disease. The original pudding recipe made with eggs, flour, milk, sugar, vanilla, and butter. To make pudding that is safe for your friend to consume, you plan to substitute ____ for the ______ in the recipe

Vitamin C

Your best friend eats plenty of meats and dairy products but avoids eating fruits and vegetables. She bruises easily, her sores take a long time to heal, and her gums bleed when she brushes her teeth . Based on this information, which of the following vitamins is most likely to be deficient in her diet?


____ Prevent or limit the ability of free radicals to damage polyunsaturated fatty acids and DNA cells.


_____ acid is an essential fatty acid


_____ enhances the effects of insulin on cell membrane

Sustainable agriculture

______ includes farming techniques that do not deplete natural resources or harm the environment


_______ can be metabolized for ATP production

While at rest, a muscle cell only stores a small amount of atp

which of the following statements is true?


Macey's BMI is 30.2. Based on this information, her weight is in the _____ range


Manny's blood alcohol concentration is 0.36. Based on this information, Manny is

Maria's fat intake is higher than the ADMR

Maria usually consumes about 2000 kcal/day. On average, her fat intake is approximately 90 g/day. Based on this information, which of the following statements describes Maria's diet?


Marissa is in the 4th month of her pregnancy. Although she has no major health problems, her pre-pregnancy BMI was 32.2. Based on this information, she has a high risk of developing


Ming's BMI is 17.8. According to this information, Ming is


Muscle cells can use the _____ energy system to obtain energy

Lactic acid

Muscle cells can use the ______ energy system to obtain energy


Muscle store _____, the immediate source of glucose for contracting muscles.

Sunflower seeds

Of the following foods, which is the best source of essential amino acids?

Fat-free milk

Of the following foods, which is the richest source of riboflavin

Soft drinks

One day, Hilary consumed a handful of peanuts, a bowl of chocolate pudding, a sugar-sweetened soft drink, and three hard-cooked eggs. According to MyPlate, which of these foods is empty calories?


Over a 2-year period, a team of scientists records the eating behaviors and physical activity patterns of a group of healthy 8-year-old children to determine whether these factors are associated with weight gain. This study is an example of a(an) ____ study

Owen's fat intake is within the ADMR

Owen usually consumes about 3000 kcal/day. On average, his fat intake is approximately 80 g/day. Based on this information, which of the following statements describes Owen's diet?

Digests starch in the small intestine

Pancreatic amylase


People with BMI's of 25 or more have greater risks of ____ than people with BMI's in the healthy range

Sunflower seeds

Phil wants to eat more foods that are sources of healthy fats, based on this information, which of the following foods would you recommend?

perform moderate- to vigorous physical activity without becoming excessively tired

Physical fitness is the ability to


Researchers are conducting a study to determine the effects of vitamin D supplements on the adult human immune system. The study involves providing pills that contain vitamin D to one group of human adults and pills that do not contain the vitamin or other active ingredients to another group of adults. The pills that do not contain vitamin D are

Pernicious anemia

Results from lack of intrinsic factor.

May reduce the duration of cold symptoms by a day or so

Routine vitamin C supplementation


Salivary glands secrete amylase, an enzyme that enables a minor amount of ______ to be digested in the mouth


Scientists in a Central American country are studying factors that may be associated with delayed physical growth among a group of low-income children. The children live in a region of the nation that has high levels of lead in drinking water. This study is an example of a(an) _____ study.

"bronze" skin

Sylvia has hemochromatosis. Which of the following conditions is a sign or symptom of this disorder?

Tamara's body fat is too low

Tamara is a 19-year-old female college student. Her percentage of body fat is 8%. Which of the following statements about Tamara is true?


Tatiana is a competitive athlete who weighs 70 kg. She would like to plan a nutritionally adequate diet that provides enough carbohydrate to maintain her weight and glycogen stores during training and competition. According to expert recommendations, she should consume ____ grams of carbohydrate daily


The RDA for iron is 8 mg and 18 mg, for young men and women, respectively. Based on this information, iron is a _____ mineral.


The ___ is the third segment of the small intestine


The ___ play a major role in regulating the body's fluid balance


The ______ of a food describes the extent to which the body is able to absorb the nutrients from the food and use them


The amount of vitamin C that meets about 90% of the populations need for the nutrient is the ____ for the vitamin


The body uses fatty acids to make


Which of the following foods provides the most beta-carotene per serving?

Close friends

Which of the following has a major influence over a person's food choice?

Salad made with apples, pears, and grapes

Which of the following menu items does not contain complementary protein?

Stir-fry made with chicken, broccoli, rice, green peas and soy sauce

Which of the following menu items has ingredients that represent three different MyPlate food groups?

Fruit smoothie made with vanilla yogurt, orange juice, fat-free milk and fresh peaches

Which of the following menu items has ingredients that represent two different MyPlate food groups?


Which of the following nutrients can be metabolized for ATP production?

When a populations Vitamin D decreases, the percentage of the people in the population that have healthy immune systems decreases

Which of the following observations is an example of a positive correlation

A fatty acid has a chain of carbons bonded to each other and to hydrogen atoms

Which of the following statements is true

Excessive thirst and frequent urination are signs of diabetes

Which of the following statements is true

Most enzymes have names that end with -ase

Which of the following statements is true

Older adults generally have fewer taste buds than children

Which of the following statements is true

The typical Asian diet contains high amounts of vegetables and inadequate amounts of milk and milk products

Which of the following statements is true

A person who has a BMI of 26.2 can have more muscle than another person who has the same BMI

Which of the following statements is true?

Athletes can benefit from consuming sports drinks during prolonged physical exertion

Which of the following statements is true?

Daily vales are dietary standards developed for food labeling purposes.

Which of the following statements is true?

Fat cells produce leptin, a hormone that can reduce hunger

Which of the following statements is true?

In the United States, poor eating habits contribute to some of the ten leading causes of death

Which of the following statements is true?

Premature infants are at risk of vitamin E deficiency

Which of the following statements is true?

Skin can form prohormone vitamin D after being exposed to sunlight.

Which of the following statements is true?

The first amendment of the U.S. Constitution often protects people who spread nutrition misinformation

Which of the following statements is true?

The human digestive tract does not produce enzymes that digest dietary fiber

Which of the following statements is true?


Which of the following substances has a pH that is higher that the pH of pure water


Which of the following substances is a milk diuretic?


Which of the following substances is a nutrient that provides energy for humans?


Which of the following substances is an enzyme that participates in the digestion of proteins?

Vitamin C

Which of the following substances is not a macronutrient


Which of the following substances is usually the limiting amino acid in foods, particularly those of plant origin?

These bottles should not be used because they probably contain bisphenol A

While at a garage sale, Jenna purchased a set of used plastic baby bottles. She noticed the symbol "7" in a triangle on the bottom of the bottles. What would you tell her concerning the use of these bottles to feed her baby?

Water intoxication

Yesterday, Jeremy ran in a marathon race. While she ran, she drank several large cups of water at water stations along the race course. At the end of the race, she experiences difficulty making it to the finish line. She was confused, and she complained of having headache and feeling dizzy. Based on this information, Jenny was probably suffering from

A cheese ball made with cream cheese, grated cheddar cheese, and walnuts.

You are planning a party for a group of college students. Some of the students follow the dietary practices of the Jewish religion. Which of the following foods would be acceptable to everyone at this party?


You would like to add a nutritive sweetener to a food that is almost pure carbohydrates. Which of the following substances would you add?

Increases urine production

Caffeine's physiological effects

An eating disorder

Carey skips breakfast and eats only organic foods. Before exams, she avoids eating anything that is "alive" of "had a face" while it was alive. Her BMI is 21.6 and she seems to be healthy. Based on this information, Carey is at risk of developing

Damages the heart muscle

Chronic alcohol abuse


Chyme moves from the stomach into the

The minerals will leach to of the food and into the cooking water, becoming part of the soup in the process

Constance is making a vegetable soup that contains carrots, beans, water, salt, salt, pepper, bits of ham, and onions. The soup has to cook for 4 hours. While the soup is cooking, what will happen to some of the minerals that are in its ingredients?


Consuming too much protein or excess amino acids can contribute to

Less beef

Dana wants to reduce her blood cholesterol level by eating

adjustable gastric binding

Darlene is 5'2", 23-year-old woman who weighs almost 250 pounds. To lose weight, she's tried calorie-restricted diets, fad diets, exercise programs, and appetite-suppressing pills without success. She would like to try a surgical weight loss method that reduces the size of her stomach without the use of staples and is reversible. Her physician is likely to recommend

Vitamin B-12 injections

Dorthy is a 65-year-old woman with pernicious anemia. What treatment would her doctor recommend?

Frequently makes himself vomit after eating.

During a dental examination, the dentist notices that the enamel on the back sides of Andrew's teeth has eroded, and some of the teeth are decaying. Based on this information, the dentist suspects that Andrew

vitamin B-12

Erika is a vegan. To avoid developing a serious nutritional deficiency, she needs to include a source of ____ in her diet


Evan is a 28 years of age. His height is 6'2", and he weighs 130 kg. Based on his body weight, his RDA for protein is ____ grams.

Includes plasma and tissue fluid

Extracellular water


Felicity's LDL cholesterol level is too high. To lower her cholesterol level, she took a large doses of a certain vitamin supplement, but she experienced sever facial flushing and liver damage as a result. Based on this information, which vitamin did she take?


Fred is a lactovegetarian. Which of the following foods does he eat


Geoff wants to lower his risk of cancer. According to scientific studies, consuming ____ may decrease his risk of this chronic disease.

Compare findings of the control group with those of the experimental group

Having a control group enables researchers to


Lucy has a disease that affects the functioning of her pancreas. Based on this information, she may have difficulty digesting proteins because of a lack of


Lydia's diet lacks ___, which is classified as a major mineral.

Empty Calories

Hilary consumed 3 servings o an orange-flavored sugar-sweetened soft drink that provided 140 kcal/serving. According to MyPlate, these drinks should be classified as

Temperature is too high

Hyperthermia occurs when the body's

Added fat

In 2010, Americans ate more ______ than in 1970

Unsalted butter

In general, food guides do not group ____ with dietary foods

People who are 65 years of age and older

In the United States, ____ have a high risk of hypertension.

Digesting foods

In the human body, water is involved in

is within cells

Intracellular water


Intrinsic factor is needed to absorb vitamin

Sugar cane

Is a source of sucrose


Is the disaccharide composed of two glucose molecules


Isabella is 24 years of age and weighs 156 pounds. Based on her body weight, her RDA for protein is about ____ grams.


Issac is an 8-year-old child who has African ancestry. He lives in Chicago and does not spend much time outdoors. He does not like to consume dairy foods because he has lactose intolerance. His diet consists primarily of enriched white bread, peanut butter, chicken, pork, apples, bananas, and green vegetables. Based on this information, Issac has a high risk of

Gastroesophageal reflux disease

Jillian drinks a couple of beers and smokes over a pack of cigarettes daily. Even though shes about 40 pounds overweight, she likes to wear tight fitting clothes. Based on this information, Jillian has a high risk of developing


Jordan is a competitive athlete who weighs 220 lb. He would like to plan a nutritionally adequate diet that provides enough carbohydrate to maintain his weight and glycogen stores during training and competition. According to expert recommendations, he should consume ____ grams of carbohydrate daily


Justin's blood cholesterol level is too high. He'd like to add foods to his diet that can help reduce his blood cholesterol level. Based on this information, which of the following foods should he add

180-630 kcal/day

Katrina is 20 years of age. She usually consumes about 1800 kcal per day. According to AMDR guidelines, what is her range of protein intake?


Lance's goal is to win a marathon bicycle race. He trains aerobically for at least 90 minutes daily. He weighs 80 kg. Based on this information, what is the minimum number of kilocalories he needs to consume daily to maintain his body while in training and during a race


Last night, Sara ate french fires, fried fish, and creamy cole slaw. For dessert, she had a chocolate milkshake. About am hour after eating this food, she suddenly complained of sever abdominal pain. Based on this information, Sara probably has

Corn oil

Layla loves to cook, but she is concerned about the effects that certain dietary lipids may have on her health. She wants to prepare foods with fats that are naturally low in saturated fatty acids and high in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Based in this information, which of the following ingredients should she select?


Lecithin is a type of

Have her son tested for diabetes 1

Lena's 4-year-old son is not well. He lacks much interest in playing, he has lost weight, his breath has a strange odor, and he seems to be thirsty all the time. Based on this information Lena should

Gastric banding

Leona is a 5'4", 30-year-old woman who weighs almost 225 pounds. TO lose weight, she's tried calorie-restricted diets, fad diets, exercise programs, and appetite-suppressing pills without success. Leona would like to try surgical weight loss method that can be reversed, if she has serious side effects. Based on this information, Leona's physician is likely to recommend ___ as the best way to help Leona lose a lot of weight and avoid regaining much of it.


Lesters BMI is 32.3. According to his food records, he consumes an average of 3600 kcal/day. He would like to lose 20 pounds in 1 year by reducing his daily calorie intake. Based on this information, Lester should consume ____ kcal/day


Liam's BMI is 27.0. According to his food records, he consumes an average pf 2600 kcal/day. He would like to lose 10 pounds in 1 year by reducing his daily calorie intake. Based on this information, Liam should consume ____ kcal/day.

Form active blood clotting factors

The human body needs vitamin K to


The introduction of iodized salt in the 1920's dramatically reduced rates of _____ in the United States.


The liver recycles bile salts to make new

Dairy products

The most bioavailable and safest sources of calcium are

circulation of blood throughout the body

The primary function of the cardiovascular system is

A testimonial

The professional football star Andro "The Man" McGraw claims the dietary supplement AminoProFix helped him build muscle mass quickly and safely. His endorsement of the product is an example of

1 g

The recommended amount of a nutrient is 100 mg. Therefore, a megadose of this nutrient would be


The starch in rice and potatoes is composed of ______ molecules

Vitamin C

The typical vegetarian diet supplies high amounts of

Substitute legumes for cheeses

Theodore is an 18-year-old college student, who would like to improve his health by following a Mediterranean diet pattern instead of his current "western" diet. Based on this information, he should

2 cups

Three-year old Amanda does not like to drink milk, but she loves pudding made with fat free milk. According to MyPlate, Amanda should consume 2 cups of dairy products daily. To meet this recommendation, Amanda can consume ______ of pudding daily

Fewer serious chronic health problems than if the excess fat were in the upper part of his body.

Tim's body is shaped like a pear, because his excess body fat is distributed mostly below his waist. His body fat is associated wiht


To make hot tea, Sonya adds boiling water to a cup that has a teabag in it. She waits about five minutes for the tea to steep, then she removes the teabag. Before drinking the tea, she adds a teaspoon of sugar to the hot beverage. When added to the tea the sugar is a

Incorporate a variety of aerobic, resistance, and flexibility activities

To make your exercise routine more enjoyable, the routine should

Phosphorus and calcium

Vitamin D helps the body absorb

Skeletal muscle contractions that are planned and conducted to increase muscle mass

What is exercise

Movement that results from contracting skeletal muscles

What is physical activity

Celiac disease

When Thompson 5 years of age, he began to complain that his stomach hurt, especially after eating meals and snacks. He also experienced chronic diarrhea. His parents noticed that he could eat poultry, meat, dairy foods, fruits and vegetables without developing any intestinal problems, but he would get a "tummy ache" soon after eating sandwiches, cookies, crackers, or crackers or pancakes. Based on this information, Thompson's parents should have him evaluated for

Corn oil

When he prepares food, Edgar wants to use ingredients that are not high in trans fat. Based on this information, which of the following fats should he include in his recipes

Stair stepping

Which of the following activities is generally classified as aerobic


Which of the following amino acids is a dietary essential

underwater weighing

Which of the following body fat assessment techniques relies on the principle that lean tissue is denser than water


Which of the following characteristics or conditions increases a persons risk of cardiovascular disease

Male sex

Which of the following characteristics or conditions is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease


Which of the following compounds is a hormone that helps the body maintain fluid balance

Losing muscle mass

Which of the following conditions decreases a person's metabolic rate?

Being pregnant

Which of the following conditions increases a person's metabolic rate?

Maintaining a BMI of 17.5 or less

Which of the following conditions or behaviors is a characteristic sign of a person with anorexia nervosa

Boiling in a saucepan of water

Which of the following cooking methods can result in major loses of water-soluble vitamins?

Alpha-linolenic acid

Which of the following fatty acids is an essential fatty acid?

Eating smaller food portions

Which of the following food related practices is recommended because it can improve the environment?

Green leafy vegetables

Which of the following foods is a good source of vitamin K

Fresh fruit and fish oils

Which of the following foods is a natural source of vitamin D?

Soybean oil

Which of the following foods is a naturally rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids?

Fat-free milk

Which of the following foods is naturally a good source of high-quality protein?


Which of the following foods is naturally a rich source of phytochemicals

White bread

Which of the following foods is not a good source of magnesium?

Potato chips

Which of the following foods is not nutrient-dense

Carrots and celery

Which of the following foods is not usually responsible for causing allergic responses?


Which of the following foods is the best source of performed vitamin A

sliced peaches (drained syrup) at $1.49 per 16-ounce can

Which of the following foods is the least expensive per ounce

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