Nutrition unit 3

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From the following options, click to select three roles of sodium in the human body.

Nutrient absorption Nerve impulse transmisson Fluid balance

Vitamin A toxicity may occur from consuming too much preformed vitamin A, which is found in foods of animal origin and dietary supplements. Consuming high levels of provitamin A carotenoids, which come from plant sources, does not lead to vitamin A toxicity.


Which fat-soluble vitamin is especially important for eye health?

Vitamin A

Label each part of anatomy involved with the digestion and absorption of proteins from a glass of milk.

After absorption, amino acids enter this organ Large proteins from the milk are partially digested by pepsin and denatured by the acidic environment of this organ Milk proteins are digested into smaller peptides by trypsin and chymotypsin Final digestion of peptides into amino acids occurs here. Very little proteins from the milk remains by the time food reaches this part of the digestive tract.

Why are older people at increased risk for vitamin B-12 deficiency compared to younger people?

As you age, your stomach produces less acid, which limits cleavage of vitamin B-12 from food.

Which of the following chronic diseases are associated with processed meat consumption? Check all that apply.

Colorectal cancer Hypertension Heart disease Pancreatic cancer

Recently Charlie started lifting weights. To increase his muscle mass, he tripled his daily intake of protein from 50 g/day to 150 g/day. Consuming too much protein or excess amino acids increases Charlie's risk of developing which of the following conditions? Check all that apply.

Dehydration Gout Kidney stones

What happens to protein when it is consumed in excess of the body's needs?

Excess amino acids are used to meet energy needs or converted to and stored as fat.

Most Americans do not consume enough protein.


Fluoride may benefit human health by preventing

dental caries.

In healthy individuals, sufficient hydration is typically indicated by

dilute urine.

Animal sources of iron are ______ bioavailable than plant sources of iron.


The amount of water in each compartment in the body mainly is controlled by ________blank concentration


Vitamin D is unique among the vitamins because

it can be formed in the body when skin is exposed to sunlight.

Match the major role in the body with the appropriate vitamin. Use roles only once. Not all roles will be used.

Vitamin D Increases calcium and phosphorus deposition in bones Vitamin A Important for vision Vitamin K Assist with blood clotting Vitamin E Donates electrons to neutralize free radicals Vitamin B-6 Important for hemoglobin synthesis.

Some micronutrients can enhance or inhibit the absorption of other nutrients. Match the micronutrient with its effect on a mineral.

Zinc Decreases copper absorption Vitamin C Increase iron absorption Vitamin D Increases calcium absorption

Thiamin is

a coenzyme for some chemical reactions of energy metabolism.

Proteins can be denatured by exposure to certain conditions. Determine whether the conditions below will or will not denature protein.

Will denature protein Cooking a piece of meat Whipping an egg vigorously with an electric beater Adding acid to a protein-containing food Will not denature protein Refrigerating a glass of milk Exposing a piece of cheese to air (oxygen) Soaking lentils in water.

A ________ is an environmental factor, such as radiation, tobacco smoke, or a particular virus, that can trigger cancer.


When a person eats more protein than his or her body needs, the extra protein is _______.

converted to glucose or fat

Jorge is interested in conserving the vitamin content in his fresh fruits and vegetables. All of the following practices help maintain foods' vitamin content EXCEPT _______.

storing fresh produce in a warm, dry, and well-lit place

What is the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for sodium for adults?

2300 milligrams per day

Which of the following dinner menu items would provide the most zinc? If you're not sure, use the Single Nutrients report for zinc in NutritionCalc Plus.

4 ounces of sirloin steak

Both dehydration and water intoxication can be harmful. Check all of the statements that apply to overconsumption of water.

Water intoxication can occur, but it is a rare condition. Nausea and vomiting, confusion, and weight gain can result from excessive water intake. Water intoxication can cause death when the condition raises sodium to dangerous levels in the bloodstream. Marathon runners who consume water during competition are at risk of water intoxication.

Worldwide, the most common micronutrient deficiency is of


Put the foods in order from the greatest amount of calcium per serving (1) to the least amount of calcium per serving (5).

1. 1 cup plain, low-fat yogurt 2. 1 cup fat-free milk 3. 1 oz Swiss cheese 4. 1 cup boiled, frozen, drained kale 5. 1/2 cup light vanilla ice cream

Cleveland, a 24-year-old male, wants to estimate his protein needs based on the AMDR. The Food and Nutrition Board recommends that 10-35% of calories come from protein. If Cleveland follows a 2,300-kilocalorie diet, approximately how many grams of protein per day should he consume?


Paola is a healthy 24-year-old female who weighs 166 pounds. Approximately how many grams of protein per day should she consume to promote protein equilibrium and meet the RDA for protein for a healthy adult? (One kilogram = 2.2 pounds)


Marcus is a sedentary, 40-year-old man. He weighs 200 pounds. Based on his body weight, what is his Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein?

73 grams

Jonas makes the stir-fried vegetable medley recipe in the Recipe for Healthy Living feature in Chapter 8. One serving of this recipe supplies 45 mg of vitamin C. Jonas wants to know how much this recipe contributes to his Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamin C. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is a nutrient intake recommendation set high enough to meet the needs of 97%-98% of the people in an age and sex class. The RDAs are included in the DRI tables at the end of your book. Locate the table called "Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs): Recommended Intakes for Individuals, Vitamins," and use this table to help you answer the questions below. 1. Jonas is a 34-year-old male. What is Jonas's RDA for vitamin C?

90 mg/d

Which of the following foods or dietary factors may be associated with an increased risk of cancer? Check all that apply.

Alcoholic beverages Grilled meats Processed meat Moldy nuts Salted fish

Which of the following would be an effective dietary strategy to increase magnesium intake?

All of these are good strategies to increase magnesium intake.

Which of the following would be an effective way to improve iron status?

All of these would be effective strategies to improve iron status.

Lack of niacin in the diet can lead to dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia, and eventually, death. The niacin-deficiency disease is known as


Zinc is important for ______ synthesis in the body.


Farah lives in a community that does not have fluoridated water. Which of the following actions can Farah take to increase her fluoride intake?

Drink tea

Overall, in which food groups can you find the richest food sources of phosphorus?

Protein and Dairy

Which food group has many nutrient-dense sources of niacin?

Protein foods

The following breakfast menu includes foods from various food groups. From the following options, click to select three good food sources of vitamin B-12. If you're not sure, use the Single Nutrients Report in NutritionCalc Plus to analyze the vitamin B-12 content of these foods.

Scrambled eggs Multigrain cheerios Turkey sausage

Recently a scientist identified a substance that she suspected was a vitamin required by humans. However, her colleagues doubted the substance was a vitamin. Check all of the statements that her colleagues would have made to support their point of view.

The substance was not in commonly eaten foods. Very sick people who could not eat foods or drink beverages were able to regain their health after being given synthetic feedings that did not contain the substance. When a group of healthy people were given a few micrograms of the substance, they developed a rash, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Foods contain varying amounts of water. Put the foods in order of their water content by weight from least (1) to most (5) water-containing.

1. Stick margarine 2. Ground beef 3. Banana 4. Apple 5. Tomato

The Daily Value (DV) for protein is 50 g. According to the Nutrition Facts panel on a package of beef jerky, each serving provides 24% of the Daily Value for protein. One serving of the jerky supplies _____ g protein.


1. The Daily Value for phosphorus is 1250 mg. According to the Nutrition Facts panel on a cereal box, a serving of the cereal provides 10% of the DV for phosphorus. Based on this information, a serving of the cereal provides _____ mg phosphorus.


An Adequate Intake (AI) has been set for total water intake, which includes water from foods and beverages. While the water derived from foods is important, it is more relevant to remember how much fluid to drink each day. On average, fluids (i.e., beverages only) account for about 80% of total water intake. Based on the AI for total water, how much fluid should women drink each day?

2.2 liters (about 9 cups) per day

The Adequate Intake (AI) for total water (including foods and beverages) for adult males is 3.7 liters (about 15 cups) per day. On average, fluids (i.e., beverages only) account for about 80% of total water intake. Based on the AI for for total water, how many cups of fluids (i.e., beverages only) should adult males drink each day?

3.0 liters (about 13 cups) per day

Which of the following is the most abundant mineral in the human body?


Which of the following would be the best way for a college student to increase his or her intake of provitamin A carotenoids?

Choose a baked sweet potato instead of a baked russet potato.

Many people consume much more sodium than they need. Which of the following would be the most effective strategy to reduce sodium intake?

Choose whole, fresh foods instead of highly processed foods.

Camillia is iron deficient. Which of the following actions should she take to enhance her body's iron absorption? Check all that apply.

Consume vitamin C-rich foods or supplements along with iron-containing plant foods. Eat heme and nonheme iron foods together. Eat high-fiber foods that are rich sources of phytic and oxalic acids.

Determine which foods are rich sources of preformed vitamin A or provitamin A carotenoids.

Contains preformed vitamin A Liver Fish liver oils Eggs Contains provitamin A carotenoids Carrots Spinach Winter squash Sweet potatoes Mangoes

Many health authorities encourage Americans to include more plant sources of protein in their dietary patterns. From the following options, click to select three potential health benefits associated with choosing plant sources of protein in place of animal sources of protein.

Decreased blood pressure Improved blood glucose control

Click and drag each scenario to indicate whether or not it is associated with dehydration or water intoxication.

Dehydration Jasmine is a competitive boxer Compared to younger people, older adults have a higher risk of developing this condition Amelia is a ballet dancer. Water intoxication While taking a break from playing soccer Curtis is a cyclist who consumes large amounts of plan water

Determine whether each description describes fat-soluble or water-soluble vitamins. Not all descriptors will be used.

Fat soluble- The body stores these vitamins primarily in the liver and fatty tissues Bile enhances the absorption of these vitamins Vitamins A, D, E, and K Water soluble- The body eliminates excesses of the vitamins in the urine When cooking food, these vitamins easily leech into the cooking water The B vitamins and Vitamin C

Which of the following groups of foods contribute most of the protein in the typical American diet?

Fish, poultry, meat, dairy, and eggs

From the following options, click to select three that are functions of water.

Lubrication of joints Regulation of body temperature Participant in chemical reactions

Sports nutrition research demonstrates that athletes need more than the current Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.


Complete the sentences by dragging the correct terms on the left into the blanks. Terms may be used only once. Not all terms will be used.

Under certain conditions, excessive sweating results in water depletion, which is called dehydration. A sign of water depletion is weight loss Excessive water depletion can cause the body's temperature to increase. This change in body temperature is referred to as hyperthermia. If the body's hydration status cannot be corrected, death results.

There are certain instances in which vitamin supplementation may be indicated. Match the scenario with the fat-soluble vitamin that would most likely be recommended. Use items only once.

Vitamin D An adult women who is told after a bone mineral density test that she has osteomalacia Vitamin A A child in the developing world who has frequent infections and is diagnosed with night blindness Vitamin K A newborn baby whose blood does not form clots properly Vitamin E A young man who has frequent problems controlling his muscular movements.

Most B vitamins function as _______.


Compared to a traditional diet that is based on animal foods, a vegan diet can be lower in which of the following nutrients? Check all that apply.

Iron Vitamin D Calcium Vitamin B-12

According to his physician, Ryan has iron-deficiency anemia. The doctor recommended he eat iron-fortified cereal daily. Which of the following foods or beverages would be the best accompaniment for an iron-fortified cereal and why?

He should have a cup of orange juice with the iron-fortified cereal because vitamin C in orange juice increases iron absorption.

Match each vitamin-rich food with the appropriate vitamin or provitamin. Each food will only be used once.

Ascorbic acid Citrus fruits, papaya, broccoli, peppers Beta-carotene Sweet potato, leafy, green salad, carrots Biotin Liver, peanuts, salmon Riboflavin Milk, yogurt, enriched breads and cereal Thiamin Pork, enriched breads and cereals, orange juice Vitamin B-12 Animal foods, fortified cereals and soy milk Vitamin K Brussels sprouts, spinach, soybean oil

Click and drag each group of mineral-rich foods to the correct mineral source.

Iron Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and legumes Magnesium Nuts and green vegetables Calcium Milk and other dairy products Iodine Table salt and foods with added salt Potassium Fresh fruits and vegetables

Dietary proteins can be classified as being high-quality (complete) or low-quality (incomplete). Drag the food to its appropriate protein quality classification.

High-quality (complete) proteins Chicken Egg Whey (milk protein) Quinoa Soybeans Low quality (incomplete) proteins Gelatin Garbanzo beans Rice

Click and drag each item in the left-hand column to indicate whether or not it is a characteristic of a high-quality or low-quality protein.

High-quality protein Contains all amino acids Suports growth of muscle and other tissues Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk Low-quality proteins Foods have one or more limiting amino acids Most plant foods Reduced ability to support growth, repair, and maintenance of tissues.

Click and drag each food in the left-hand column to indicate whether or not it represents a high- or low-sodium food.

High-sodium food Deli meat Canned soup cheese Low-sodium brown rice pears asparagus

Javier was diagnosed with several food allergies as a child. After eating an offending food, Javier is likely to experience which of the following signs and symptoms? Check all that apply.

Hives Vomiting Difficulty breathing Swelling of the lips and tongue

Americans typically consume only 2000 to 3000 milligrams of potassium per day, which is much lower than the AI. Which of the following would be the most effective strategy to increase potassium intake?

Increase intake of fruits and vegetables.

According to the Dietary Guidelines, which of the following vitamins is a nutrient of public health concern? Check all that apply.

Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K

Proteins have many functions in the body. Proteins are necessary to _________. Check all that apply.

repair and grow hair, nails, and skin create the hormones insulin and glucagon synthesize glycogen in the liver maintain fluid balance form a blood clot within a cut on the skin

Most of the body's calcium is stored in the


The thiamin deficiency disease is known as


In the blood, iron is necessary for ______ transport.


What is the primary role of vitamin E in human health?


The main function of vitamin K in the body is

activation of blood clotting factors.

During the childbearing years, it is important for women to consume adequate folate to prevent

birth defects in the offspring.

Jonas makes the stir-fried vegetable medley recipe in the Recipe for Healthy Living feature in Chapter 8. One serving of this recipe supplies 45 mg of vitamin C. Jonas wants to know how much this recipe contributes to his Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamin C. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is a nutrient intake recommendation set high enough to meet the needs of 97%-98% of the people in an age and sex class. The RDAs are included in the DRI tables at the end of your book. Locate the table called "Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs): Recommended Intakes for Individuals, Vitamins," and use this table to help you answer the questions below. 2. Approximately what percentage of Jonas's RDA for vitamin C is supplied by one serving of the stir-fried vegetable medley?


Insufficient intake of a vitamin results in a deficiency disease. Match the deficiency signs or symptoms with the vitamin that is lacking in the diet. Use groups of signs and symptoms only once.

Thiamin Weakness, poor appetite, and poor muscular coordination Riboflavin Weakness, inflammation of the mouth and tongue, and cracked skin at the corners of the mouth Niacin Poor appetite, weakness, dermatitis, diarrhea, and abnormal mental functioning Vitamin B-12 Megoloblastic anemia and paralysis Vitamin C Poor wound healing, bleeding gums, and bruises.

Certain vitamins function as coenzymes in the body. Which of the following are true statements about coenzymes. Check all that apply.

Thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, and pantothenic acid are vitamins that function as coenzymes. An enzyme is activated when a coenzyme binds to it.

Click and drag each mineral element in the left-hand column to indicate whether or not it is a trace mineral, a major mineral, or a possible essential mineral.

Trace mineral Zinc copper iron Possible essential mineral Boron Arsenic Nickel Major mineral Calcium Potassium sodium

The body loses water in a variety of ways. The example below represents 2500ml of water output per day. Place the water output mechanisms in order from greatest contribution to fluid loss (1) to least contribution to fluid loss (5) per day.

1. Urine 2. Insensible perspiration 3. Expired air 4. Feces 5. Sweat

The Daily Value for calcium is 1300 mg. According to the label on a cereal box, a serving of bran flakes with ½ cup fat-free milk contributes 15% of the DV for calcium. Based on this information, a serving of the cereal and milk provides ____ mg calcium.


Depending on sweat rates during exercise, athletes may need more than the Adequate Intake (AI) for total water. For every pound lost during a workout, an athlete should consume ________blank cups of water to replace fluid losses

2 to 3

Excess dietary protein and amino acids _______.

can be used for energy

In the United States and Canada, refined wheat flour is enriched with several nutrients. Of the following options, click to select the four B vitamins that are added to enriched wheat flour.

Folic acid Thiamin Niacin Riboflavin

Match the function or health condition on the left with its corresponding mineral on the right.

Iodine Excessive intake of this mineral can inhibit thyroid gland function Zinc Inadequate intake of this mineral can lead to poor growth and sexual immaturity Calcium Inadequate intake of this mineral can lead to osteoporosis Fluoride Inadequate intake of this nonessential mineral leads to dental caries Potassium This mineral plays a key role in proper fluid balance Iron This mineral is needed for hemoglobin synthesis

The Daily Value for sodium is 2300 mg. According to the label on a can of tomato soup, a serving of the soup supplies 20% of the DV for sodium. Based on this information, a serving of the soup provides _____ mg sodium.


Alicia is a sedentary, 20-year-old woman. She weighs 145 pounds. Based on her body weight, what is her Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein?

53 grams

Food preparation and storage methods may result in considerable losses of minerals in foods. Which of the food handling/cooking methods below can result in such losses?

Cooking in large amounts of water

Luke has a genetic predisposition for heart disease. Which of the following protein sources would best aid his efforts to prevent cardiovascular disease?

Edamame and lentils

From the following options, click to select three potential consequences of consuming inadequate dietary protein.

Edema Decreased immune function Loss of muscle mass

Amino acids are generally classified as either essential or nonessential. Determine whether each label describes an essential or a nonessential amino acid.

Essential amino acid May be referred to as indispensable amino acids Must be supplied by good Tryptophan is this type of amino acid. Nonessential amino acid May be referred to as dispensable amino acids The body can make these amino acids Aspartic acid is this type of amino acids.

The ingredients list for a store-bought salad includes a variety of ingredients, such as canned tuna fish, green leaf lettuce, hard-boiled eggs, celery, carrots, olive oil, and lemon juice. Drag the ingredient to its appropriate classification according to its protein contents.

Source of high-quality protein Canned tuna fish Hard-boiled eggs Source of protein that is not high quality Green leaf lettuce Celery Carrots Not a source of protein Olive oil Lemon juice

Twenty-year-old Kume is concerned about her risk of osteoporosis. She has heard that it is important for young women to consume adequate amounts of calcium, but she is not sure which foods to eat. To increase her calcium intake, which of the following foods should she choose? Check all that apply.

Spinach Sardines Fat-free plain yogurt Red meat

Jonas makes the stir-fried vegetable medley recipe in the Recipe for Healthy Living feature in Chapter 8. One serving of this recipe supplies 45 mg of vitamin C. Jonas wants to know how much this recipe contributes to his Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamin C. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is a nutrient intake recommendation set high enough to meet the needs of 97%-98% of the people in an age and sex class. The RDAs are included in the DRI tables at the end of your book. Locate the table called "Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs): Recommended Intakes for Individuals, Vitamins," and use this table to help you answer the questions below. 3. Examine the stir-fried vegetable medley recipe in the Recipe for Healthy Living Feature. Which of the following ingredients is the best source of vitamin C?

Sweet red pepper

Sam has consumed a "Paleolithic" diet for the past 9 months. He uses pink Himalayan salt that does not have added iodine when preparing his meals. Sam's doctor diagnosed him with lower than normal iodine blood levels. Which of the following actions can Sam take to increase his iodine intake?

Use sea salt Eat more seafood and saltwater fish Use table salt fortified with iodine

Determine whether each of the breakfasts below is appropriate for a vegan, lactovegetarian, or lactoovovegetarian. Not all breakfasts will be used.

Vegan Breakfast Oatmeal made with soy milk and blueberries Lactovegetarian Whole wheat tast with melted cheese and a glass of orange juice Lactoovovegetarian Breakfast Omelet made with two eggs, shredded cheese, and peppers

Complete the sentences by dragging the correct term or group of terms on the left into the blanks. Not all terms will be used.

Vitamin A is necessary for the production, maturation, and maintenance of epithelial cells, including the skin and the linings of the digestive, respiratory, and reproductive tracts The form of vitamin A called retinal is part of the molecule rhodopsin, which plays a role in the visual cycle. Vitamin E functions as a(an) antioxidant that protects polyunsaturated fatty acids in the phospholipids of cell membranes from being damaged by radicals

Which of the following are true statements about vitamin enrichment and fortification? Check all that apply.

Nutritional yeast that has thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, and vitamin B-12 added is an example of a fortified food. Vitamin fortification and enrichment of foods have improved vitamin intakes of Americans. In America, some food manufacturers add vitamins to foods and beverages, including flavored, sugary drinks.

Of the following medicinal uses of vitamin megadoses, which is the only one for which scientific research indicates there is some benefit?

Vitamin C to lessen symptoms of the common cold

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