NYC $tudy

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Service lateral conductors that supply power to limited loads of a single branch circuit - such as small polyphase power, controlled water heaters, & similar loads, shall not be smaller than

#10AWG copper

What is the minimum size intersystem grounding conductor?


The equipotential plane in an agricultural building shall be connected to the electrical grounding system with a copper, insulated, covered, or bare conductor and not smaller than _____

#8 AWG

An HVAC unit is to be connected and contains an ignitor coil. How many circuits does that require?


How many receptacles are required within a perimeter of a balcony, desk, or porch with a useable area of less than 20 sq ft


Wired partitions that are fixed of freestanding shall be permanently connected to building electrical system. Where LFMC is used, the max length shall be?

1 ft 6 in

Underground service conductors that are not encased in concrete that are buried 30 in or more below grade, shall have their location identified by a warning ribbon that is placed in the trench at least ___ inches above the underground installation for 40kV


Where the service equipment totaling 1000kVA or larger is installed separately, or as part of a switchboard, the room in which such switchboard is located shall be constructed of noncombustible materials having a two hour fire rating & shall be of dimensions adequate to house the switchboard & to provide the following minimum clearances: At least ___ in from the floor to any energized part of the switchboard, except by special permission


The AWG size or circular mil area shall be repeated at intervals not exceeding ____ in. All other markings shall be repeated at intervals not exceeding (40 in.)


Underground direct-buried. cables that are not encased or protected by concrete and are buried _____ inches or more below shall have their location identified by a warning ribbon that is placed in the trench at least 12 inches above the cables.


Cables with entirely nonmetallic sheaths (Romex) shall be permitted to enter the top of a surface-mounted enclosure through one or more nonflexible raceways not less than ______

18 inches

The maximum total voltage drop on branch-circuit conductors is ___%


Fixed in place X-Ray equipment properly supplied by a branch circuit rated not over ____ ampere's shall be permitted to be suppled through a suitable attachment plug and hard service cable or cord


The working space in front of the electric equipment shall not be less than _____ wide, or the width of the equipment, whichever is greater.

30 in

The demand factor for marina load calculations of 45 shore power receptacles is ____ percent


Dwelling units circuits running through another dwelling unit in common areas. What percentage of change, will require it to be brought up to current code.


The feeder conductor ampacity shall not be less than that of the service-entrance conductors where the feeder conductors carry the total load supplied by service conductors with an ampacity of ______ or less


What is the spacing for CATV wiring over lighting conductors?

6 ft

The minumum headroom of working space about motor control centers is

6-1/2 ft

Which of the following statements best describes the grounding requirements for central vacuum outlet assemblies?

Accessible non current-carrying metal parts are required to be connected to an equipment grounding conductor

Feeders to floating buildings can be installed with ______ where flexibility is required.

All of these

Which of the following must be installed at or near equipment requiring servicing such as HVAC equipment in attics or crawl spaces? (2 answers*)

At least one switch - controlled lighting outlet*

The feeder and branch circuit overcurrent devices shall be accessible by?

Authorized person only

There shall be minimum of one ____ branch circuit for laundry outlets required by 210.52.

B. 20A

A separate ____ shall supply the elevator hoist way pit lighting and receptacle. The required lighting and or sump pump shall not be connected to the load side of a ground-fault circuit interrupter.

Branch circuit

Which of the following shall not be connected to the life safety branch in a hospital?

General illumination

New York City Department of Buildings approved manufacturer wiring methods shall be used only for ____

General lighting circuits above an accessible hung ceiling or where no finished ceiling exists

Plug fuses of 12-ampere and lower rating shall be identified by a _____ configuration of the window, cap or other prominent part to distinguish them from fuses of higher ampere ratings.


The ___ shall conduct or witness an acceptance test of the complete emergency system upon installation and periodically afterward.

License professional

Which cable is approved for Class 1, Division 1 located?

MI cable

Which of the following is correct according to NYC for a busway installation 8' housed in aluminum enclousre

Ok because it is housed in a aluminum enclosure

Type ____ fuse adapters shall be designed so that once inserted in a fuse holder that cannot be removed


Class 2 and Class 3 circuits shall not be placed in any enclosure, raceway, cable or similar fittings with conductors of Class 1 or electric light or power conductors, unless

Separated by a barrier

Open conductors shall be _____ on glass or porcelain knobs, racks, brackets, or statin insulators.


MV cable rated 35 kV cannot be installed in

cable tray

The radius of the curve of the inner edge of any bend shall not be be less than _____ for Type AC cable.

five times the diameter of the cable

For communication the ground cable, should be which of the following?

insulated and Listed

At least _____ 125 V, single phase, 15 A or 20 A, duplex receptacle shall be provided in the hoistway pit.


Where angle or U pulls are made, the distance between each raceway entry inside the box and the opposite wall of the box, shall not be less than ____ times the trade size of the largest raceway in a row.


What is the minimum size overhead service drop conductors (copper)?


The grounding of communications wire should be run to the grounding electrode

(2) 3-ways & (3) 4-ways

In a hospital you have a 32 breaker panel. Which of the following loads can be used?

(6) 208 volts single phase motors, (2) 3 phase a/c units, (10) 120 volt lighting circuits.

Open conductors which are not service entrance cables shall not be installed less than which of the following

10 feet above grade level

If the cover for an underground pull box used for circuits over 600 volts is not locked, bolted, or screwed into place, then it must weigh equal to which of the following

100 Ibs

What is the minimum height for vertical overhead clearance for service drop conductor over residential property and driveways with garage, not subject to truck traffic where the voltage does not exceed 300 volts to ground?

12 ft

For phase converters serving variable loads, the ampacity of the single-phase supply conductors shall not be less than ____ percent of the single-phase input full-load dampers listed on the phase converter nameplate


Branch circuit conductors that supply a single motor is used un a continuous duty application shall have an ampacity of not less than ___% of the motors full-load current


How many receptacle outlets are permitted on a 20A, 120V circuit in a commercial building?


what is the maximum voltage allowed for lighting in a water fountain?

150 volts

Indoor electrical vehicle charging sites, unless specifically listed for the purpose and location, the coupling means of the electric vehicle supply equipment shall be stored or located at a height of not less than ____ and not more than 4ft.

18 inches

Indoor antenna lead-ins shall not be run nearer than ____ to conductors of other wiring systems in the premises


Panelboards equipped with snap switches rated at 30A or less shall have over current protection not exceeding ____


Service conductors installed as unjacketed multiconductor cable shall have a minimum clearance of ___ from windows that are designed to be opened, doors, porches, stairs, fire escapes, or similar locations.

3 ft

At least one entrance to enclosures for electrical installations shall not be less than ___ wide & ___ high shall be provided to give access to the working space around the electrical equipment over 600 volts nominal

30 in___6-1/2 ft

Conductors on poles shall have a separation of not less than 1 foot where not placed on racks or brackets. Conductors supported on poles shall provide a horizontal climbing space not less than the following: power conductors below communication conductors


Dry type transformers installed indoors rated over ___ shall be installed in a vault


Each general care area patient bed locations shall be provided with a minimum of ___ receptacles, which can be single, duplex, or combination of both


Open conductors installed outside shall be separated from open conductors of other circuits or systems by not less than

4 in

A separation of at least ______ is required between network communication cable and power cables.

4 inches

Auxiliary gutters shall be supported throughout their entire length at intervals not exceeding ____ feet if of sheet metal type


Bending radius in type AC cable shall be made so that the cable is not damaged. The radius of the curve of the inner edge of any bend shall not be less than ___ times the diameter of the AC cable


Mobile aircraft battery chargers must carry a sign to keep at least ______ feet away from aircraft


AC or DC general use snap switches may be used for control of inductive loads not exceeding ____of the ampere rating of the switch at the applied voltage.


Where service equipment totaling 1000kVA or larger is installed separately, or as part of a switchboard, the room in which such switchboard is located shall be constructed of noncombustible materials having a two hour fire rating and shall be of dimensions adequate to house the switchboard & to provide the following minimum clearances: At least ___ ft in front of the switchboard if it is in one line, & at least ___ ft in front of the board if boards are installed facing eachother


Appliance receptacle outlets installed for a specific appliance must be installed within how many feet of the intended location of the appliance?

6 ft

Manufactured wiring systems constructed with type MC cable shall be supported and secured at intervals not exceeding

6 ft

Where internal combustion engines are used as the prime motor, an on site fuel supply shall be provided with an on premise fuel supply sufficient for not less than ____ hours full demand operation of the system

6 hours

Rigid metal conduit that is directly buried outdoors shall have at least _____ or cover

6 in

Boxes installed in Carnivals shall be designed so that no live parts are exposed to accidental contact. Where installed outdoors, the box shall be of weatherproof construction and mounted so that the bottom of the enclosure is not less than ______ above the ground

6 inches

The floors of units in contact with the earth shall be concrete that is not less than____ thick, but where the vault is contracted with a vacant space or other stories below it, the floor shall have adequate structural strength for the load imposed on it and a minimum fire resistance of 3 hours.

6 inches

equipment associated with the electrical installation can be located above or below other electrical equipment within their working space when the associated electrical equipment does not extend more than _____ from the front of the electrical equipment

6 inches

What is the feeder or service calculated load for a waster disposal (940 VA), Dishwasher (1250 VA), and a Water Heater (4500 VA)?

6690 VA

A service switchboard sized over 5000 amps with a 100% rating shall have copper bus bars sized on an ampacity of ___ per sq in


Communication wires and cables shall have a vertical clearance of not less than ___ ft from all points of roofs above which they pass


For installations other than the enclosed equipment accessible to unqualified persons, a wall, screen, or fence shall be used to enclose an outdoor electrical installation to deter access by persons who are not qualified, the height of the fence should be in total of ___ ft


The minimum radius of a field bend on trade size 1 1/4 RMC is


What is the minimum thickness of a transformer vault floor made up with bricks or cement filled blocks

8 in

Which of the following do not require GFCI protection of all 125-volt, 15- and 20- ampere receptacles?

A basement outlet supplying a burglar alarm

Manhole openings for personnel shall be located where they are not directly above electrical equipment or conductors in the enclosure. Where this is not practicable, ________.

A protective barrier or fixed ladder should be provided

Where is the tap on a delta system?

Between A and C

When the code uses the words "________" it means the identified actions are allowed but not required, and they may be options or alternative methods.

C. Shall be permitted

Open wiring on insulators is a(n) ______ wiring method using cleats, knobs, tubes and flexible tubing for the protection and support of single insulated conductors run in or on buildings,

C. exposed

______ cartridge fuses of the renewable type shall be permitted to be used only for replacement in existing installations where there is no evidence of overusing or tampering.

Class H

A fixed storage type water heater of 120 gallons or less shall be considered a _______ load and the branch circuit conductors shall have an ampacity of ______% of the nameplate current rating?

Continuous, 125%

In the NEC, the words "______" indicate a mandatory requirement.

D. A and B

Which flexible cable is allowed to be used for Electric Vehicle Charging Station?


A receptacle connected to one of the dwelling unit small appliance branch circuits can be used to supply an ______ in any of the rooms specified in 210.52 (B)(1).

Electric clock

In a Class 1 hazardous location what type of cables can be installed in cable trays, raceways and or supported by messenger wire?

PLTC cable

According to the NEC, bare live parts are guarded from the public in the following methods except?

Protected by fireproof curtain

inverse time

a term indicating that there in an intentional delay in the tripping action of the circuit breaker, which decreases as the magnitude of the current increases

Equipment installed in hazardous (classified) location shall be marked to show the ____

all of these


an insulated grounded conductor of _____ or smaller shall be identified by a continuous white or gray outer finish, or by three continuous white stripes on other than green insulation along its entire length

The grounding of comm wires should be run to the grounding electrode....

in a straight line

The conductors used to connect the surge protective device to the line or bus and to ground shall not be any longer than _____ and shall avoid unnecessary bends.


A door used by personnel to exit the work space that is less than 25 feet from the working space shall ____

swing outward with simple pressure

When grounding for the reduction of noise, which of the following is true?

the metal raceway can have a nonmetallic raceway fitting located at the equipment

When you have the following conductors, white, red, black, blue, orange, purple, grey, yellow with 3 white distinctive three stripes. How many systems do you have?


The number of receptacle outlets for guest rooms in hotels and motels shall not be less than that required for a dwelling unit. These receptacles can be located to be convenient for permanent furniture layout, but at least _____ receptacle outlets shall be readily accessible.


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