OAE practice questions professional knowledge pk-12 test 004

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It's a good example of a learning goal that is teacher should set for a poetry unit in an English literature class - students will learn to identify the most common meters used in English literature with a focus being placed upon iambic pentameter - students will learn to appreciate and enjoy as an art form -students will learn how to identify the elements of good poetry - students will learn the cultural importance of a poetry to English speakers around the world

A- this is a specific practical that can be tested and evaluated answer B is ambiguous and it cannot be effectively evaluated and Cersei sound specific but backed deals in opinion what makes a poem good is subjective insert D is also ambiguous the learning goals for each unit should be specific and measurable

Which teacher characteristics will best help facilitate student cooperation in the classroom rigid military discipline consistency and enforcement of rules playful loving approach when rules are broken ignore misbehavior so that students will see that they can't get to you

B- Horny teacher is consistent and how she runs the classroom the students will more quickly understand the rules and will recognize when the rules apply equally to everyone answer a can work in some classrooms with some students will find this too intense and Cersei will lead the students to taking advantage of the teacher misbehaving even more it's will likely lead to chaos well it wise not to let the students get a rise out of you the teacher should always react so that there will be a clear the missbehavior will not be tolerated

if you decide to allow your students to check their own homework and class which method of recording grades should not be used collect the graded assignment and record them yourself has as soon as call their grades from there walk around the room and check the grades have a teacher's aide record the grade

B- this creates higher Temptation for some of the students to dishonestly change their grades insert a works well but requires more time from the teacher in Searcy is efficient method for recording Gray's in the situation although it requires last time answer DSi deal although teachers may not always have an aide

what is the ideal number of multiple intelligences used in a single lesson 1 2 3 or 4 five or six

C- lessons work best when teachers use 3 or 4 different approaches to introduce new material that will take up too much class time and maybe even confused student a lesson that will tend to leave some students behind

During in class assignments and small group activiyties how cna a teacher bst ensure that all of the students are on task and not getting behind Wahat ch class quietyly from the desk Respond to Ss promptly when they raise their hands Collect all student work several tikmes during class chekc it and then hand it back so that they can continue working Circulate among the students regularly to observe the students work up close

D- circulating around that class allows the reacher to obsere first hand how things are going withoug interuppting the stuents work. Answers a does nor permit the teacher to see how the students are doinf. Answer b is muchtoo passive and doesn't allow the tchr a chance to solve problems before they happen. Answer c is not practical since it requires too much time

which of the following describes a situation that should prompt a teacher to make initial contact with parents after getting a F on a midterm shara fails to turn in a project which accounts for 20% of her grade During the first week of clas you ask twice for brad to stop talikign to the girls next to him Since the begining of class a few weeks ago, kristen often comes to class dressed innapropriatly, wearing bikini bottoms and t shirts with offensive messages During the first weeks of the quarter rick made excelent grades on his weekly german vocabulary test, however for the las two weeks his scores have steadilydroped he also seems gloomier than usual

D- this is a classic sitaoin in whih a teacher 0observes a dangerous pattern in ss performance. The parents should be constulted as soon as possible. Answer a represents a sittuation that sis already out of contetol the parents sould have been contacted along tiem ago. Answer b reoresetat sa sitaito ntaht should fcontinure to be monitored but does nto rise the need of parent contact. Answer c reperesents a sitaiton which might be better refered to the assistance principals officie if they are in violation of the dress code, not just a class rule

which subject area generally requires the most involved lesson planning? English language arts Math History computer science

A- 10 to cover a wide variety of 10 to cover a wide variety of areas 10 to cover a wide variety of areas in 10 to cover a wide variety of areas in a single term 10 to cover a wide variety of areas such literature, and often therefore require the use of several textbooks. since the teacher must shift gears more often he or she must carefully plan The Logical approach must also make sure to keep the students cute and so that they bring appropriate books on the appropriate days

what is the most productive teacher response to an uncooperative student who says I hate grammar it's a waste of time I don't want to take it anymore you do seem to be having a tough time with it lately why don't you tell me about what is causing you the trouble don't you want to be able to get a good job hang in there sport you'll get it it just takes a little more work grammar is not an elective you have to take it

A- this response is more likely to get him to open up a little and tell you where the main problem is and surbhi is taunting that will make the student angry C is at least encouraging if the student is having trouble this approach won't reveal the problem D maybe a statement of fact but it will probably cause a student to clam up and continue to do badly on assignments

which method is most helpful in making sure that students understand their progress throughout the term in addition to your own records Require each student to keep a great book for him or herself once a week read each student's current average out loud at the class have students check on their own work issue a written progress report every two weeks

A- what is student keeps his grade book it causes him to be more involved in his grades and understand exactly where it's coming from this way they will know exactly how he is doing on a given day answer be is an appropriate redo students grades and class of violates their right to privacy on their progress insert a lot of extra work for the teacher and does not involve student

for how long at a time should a teacher and actually plan to open class discussions of a subject at the middle school or junior high level three to five minute 10 to 15 minutes 30 to 45 minutes for an entire class period

B-At this level it can often be difficult to just sustain a productive discussion for longer than 15 minutes or so after that students will tend to lose interest or even Veer off of the discussion topic

Mr Kirk recently read an article about new interactive computer game that is very effective at getting young children interested in history. although he has never seen the game himself he is interested in using it for class. What is the best course of action? Go to the store buy the game and try it with the class the next day Games are bad fort children. Forget it Makes a clipart of the article ans consult school tech coordinator Ask the class if they have heard of the game and if they think it would help in class

C it might be a good idea it's important to make sure the game is truly educational. Play the game and make sure it's promising.

Miss sewer is taking her biology class on a field trip to the local Natural Science Museum what can she do to ensure students make the most of the opportunity tell students to pay attention during the tour tell the students not to speak during the tour ask students to take notes and tell them the notes will be graded Give a pop quiz bwfore the trip

C- giving the stduetns an active task wil force them to focus on the content of the tour answer a will do little to change or instpore te students to pay more attention answer b also has little to di with what students get out of the experience . answer d is backwards. Having a quiz after would maek more sense

Mr. Nielsen speaks with Eric's Father Jim who is an accountant Jim tells mr. Nielsen that he accept full responsibility for the drop in his French grades Jim says that he has been pushing Eric to work harder and his math classes so that he can get into a better College Jim said that he knows Eric likes French but as a parent he feels that math and computer science are more important to the Future than French Jen says that he told Eric to put less time in the French and that he's not worried about the job his grades how should mr. Nielsen respond to Jim? try to convince Jim that French is just as important as math recommend the Eric drop the French class tell Jim that getting a c or worse and French will not help Eric GPA thanks Jim for his Candor and suggest the conference with the guidance counselor might be useful is sorting out Eric's priorities

D-This type of situation is tricky and it would probably be helpful for Eric his parents and his guidance counselor to sit down and search for a solution and to able not work Jim as a guidance counselor it's tempting for a teacher to get proprietary about his or her subject especially if they know the student has a talent however it's not a fight the teacher wants to take on interview would be a rash recommendation first all option should be considered this is why bringing the guidance counselor would be helpful answer see is a little hostile stance and will not help the parents trust and respect

Shortly after the first day of class you decide tCuto send out a mass email to parents of your students what's the most important information you can share in this email why is it so slow a specific list of requirements that the student must meet in order to make good grades in your class a list of websites taht parents can sue be a refence to help the Ss with the subject A detailed list of what you would be covered during each week of the class A list of books that you expect all parents to read if they intend to be able to help their children

A -at the very least parents should have a lsit of the basic requirements of the class in culisn term papers or long term projects they will have to complete. well don't use it

If you are teaching a 10th grade u.s. government unit on the role and structure of Congress and many of your students are slow to understand the workings of the US Senate versus the House of Representatives. which of the following methods would be the most likely ways to ensure that your students become more interested in the subject matter and take away from your class practical understanding of the material? - have the students take turns reading the textbook allowed in class -assign each student to make a presentation on the biography of a current u.s. Senator or congress person -ask the students to follow the news closely at home and to identify ongoing activities and Congress that you can discuss in class -supplement the textbook material with charts and graphs help students better visualize the percentages of votes needed to pass the bill or override a veto

C - Following current events is a great way to show the students how the work of Congress affects their everyday lives holding in class discussions will reveal areas of the students knowledge is weak and will make your explanations more interesting. insert e illustrates a useful tool for charts and graphs alone will not motivate your students. answer me does represent a way to get students more actively involved in the subject but learning the biographies of senators will not help students understand overall structure and function of Congress. insert a is quite simply an ineffective way for students to learn.

What comon missconception often makes it difficult to keep parents closley involved with their childresn school life at MS/HS Many parnts mistakenly believe that by HS scholastic abilites are already established and there is little point for parent involvment Mant partents mistakenly believe ethat theti input is nto welcomed by school and teachers Matn parents mistakenly beleive that beinf more involved at school will hummiliate their child Mant paretns mistakenlt beleive that becoming less involved will encourage matruity and responsibility

D - Many parents assume that has their children approach adulthood the parent should step back and let them make the children make their own mistakes all children at this age do not do need a little freedom and responsibility it's rare and critical time and development that they needed guidance of families a teacher does have the power to change this by reaching out to parents and creating opportunities for them to be involved in class activities it helps to try to get your school more involved with parents in general

What is the ost accurate predictor of a stduents acheivment in school Socio economic backround fo peers Fmaily involvmetn in SS life Education level of parents Marital status of partents

D - studies have shown that no other factors affect a studtns performnace in school as much as the degree of the family involvment. All factors have influence, but families must take active intrest inteh SS performance.when the teacherse can encourage the SS rthis is an advantage

Mr Holt is a new teacher and has been teaching for three months he is painfully aware that he is having trouble controlling his class. He knows that the problem is class management not just a few bad as. He feels intimidated. What should he do? Be patient and give it more months it takes time to establish self He must get control of three class immediately doomed out harsh punishments if someone missbehaves. Ss will be back in line in no time Ibfo4m th3 principal that he is a new teacher and request to swap classes for easier student s Consult with other teachers and administratora at your school and ask for advice and assistance

D if you are overwhelmed and losing control it is important to step forward and ask for helpt rather than allowing things to get worse

Which strategy should a history teacher use to get students more involved in the subject supplement the standard textbook with a variety of less academic materials including narratives biographies and news articles from the time have students read from the textbook out loud in class make all the class test questions essay have students act out battles the classroom

A- Text books are often dry and Abstract in the way they present material having the students read some first-person accounts of events are there less formal materials can bring the subject to life end my evening Christians to read more on their own. insert be will be of little use if the material is dry answer the question regards helping students to learn rather than how to evaluate the progress. answer do you use a bit overly ambitious to pull off if the classroom however is rooted in a very good idea. having students act out certain events can be very effective in the way to get soon as more involved emotionally however the event chosen should lend themselves to be available and most closely supervised to ensure realism

Mike a student in your 10th grade geometry class is rapidly falling behind because he's having a hard time grasping the concept that the most of the other students you set up a meeting with Mike's parents and want to discuss options such as encouraging them to hire private tutor or possibly transferring to a remedial math class what might be the best way to begin this discussion. Mike is working very hard but he's a tough time I wanted to discuss a few ideas with you and also hear your input on what we can do to help him might currently has one of the lowest average in the class I wanted to be frank with you when something does not change I'm afraid he will fail have you been working with Mike much at home to help him he just doesn't seem to cut it Mike is having a little trouble in Geometry I'm sure he'll do fine but just wanted to let you know

A- This approach clearly communicates the problem the same time showing respect for the student invites the parents and put this is a good way to lay groundwork for cooperative learning Do you want make some defensive it doesn't effectively communicate the seriousness of the problem parents will leave the meeting with thinking that's no big deal

which method of lesson planning will help ensure that his or her lessons will take advantage of the multiple intelligences of different students? - use a lesson planning Matrix to help devise learning activities are organized according to different abilities -survey to students about what helps them learn about -design a seating plan so that students who need the most help sit in the front - try to use more images and graphs and presentations

A- a lesson planning Matrix makes it easier for teachers to plan their lessons around a variety of useful strategies answer be does not take into account how 1 will incorporate the students various skills into the lesson. moreover students are not always fully aware of their learning abilities answer see fails to address lesson planning at all and also might make it slower students feel that they are being unfairly set singled out. answer D is in fact one way to improve the comprehension of some students but it is only one method and will not especially help the students for visually oriented

and what areas do computers have the least benefit on student learning simple drills presented such as teaching multiplication tables is it frees up the teacher to work with the students in developing higher level skill role playing games that develop greatest social awareness and allow students to participate directly in events simulations of mechanical activities that students develop motor skills and reflexes exercises that teach higher order thinking and professional skills

A- classroom for short periods of time otherwise students become bored and did not learn teachers should not rely on computers to use a grunt work teachers should be deeply involved so that the students learning on computers

how can you best ensure that your students quickly settled down at the beginning of class so that they can get on with a lesson establish a firm routine at the beginning of class so the students know what to expect use the time will the students are settling in to catch up on paper threaten to send the class to detention tell students they can leave early if the class get started on time

A- establish a firm routine such as leading role call or reviewing the previous day's homework everyone knows exactly what to expect and when to expect it they will fall in the routine as well answer be will result in the students taking even longer to settle down answer see some practical and unless you actually enforce it will result in students not taking you seriously answer D gets very bad example and implies good discipline is negotiable

what is the best way to ensure an overall good behavior from your student establish the set of rules for your classroom give the students to read copy and go over the rules and the beginning of the year or semester a good teacher is a strict teacher from the very beginning be growth with students and show them that you have no tolerance for nonsense Wait a few days before setting ground rules students will respect you more if you give them more leeway and the beginning as I settle in change your rules frequently to keep the students on their toes

A- establishing clear set of rules for your classroom from the very beginning is the best way to let your students know what is expected of them giving the students of rules in writing that they have no excuse to not know what the rules are but not all it's not necessarily to your advantage to establish a negative light for your students and Cersei is a very bad idea waiting to establish rules for likely result in chaos students will get seriously

suppose the student in your computer science class vary greatly in the amount of experience and knowledge that have with computers. what can you do as a teacher to make student evaluations fair to everyone? evaluate how much is student learns in addition to whether or not the student gets the correct answer on the test great class test on a curve put more weight on class research projects than on tests grade students only according to test results

A- evaluating individual student progress will make it valuation much fair and such a situation it's a reed is more about making the teacher look good rather than about fairness answer see is Shifting the grading priority to research it won't make the evaluations fair if progress is not considered insert D is the opposite of what a teacher should do in the situation

What's the best way to handle the current events that are relevant to your class keep your lesson plans flexible and in a great extended discussion of current events as they occur don't allow current events to distract the class from keeping you on you on schedule have students were search current events on their own for extra credit set strict parameters on the discussion of current events such as holding discussions during the last 10 minutes of class on Fridays

A- if you're teaching a class while relevant current events are taking place it's well worth the time to devote a significant amount of time addressing them in class A few things that motivate students as much as seeing what their how what they're learning apply to real life especially in the present insert a mistake the teacher should be flexible make judgments on a case-by-case basis as to how much time is appropriate to the boat and Cersei is a great idea but should not substitute for class discussion the students need to hear the teachers explanation of events before taking on extra curricular assignments independently answer do you want again is not very practical since some of us are more relevant than others

after careful thought Miss marks decided to allow her to begin using computers for completing class writing assignments even told her class that she would permit them to bring laptops to take notes after some time however she realized that the students were using wireless connections on laptops to chat with each other during class. How sould she respond She should firmly warm students that this is not allowed and that continued will jeopardize their privilege to use laptops in class chill out since it helps them learn technology she should go back to the old policy of not allowing computers at all since she is unable to identify which students are guilty she should have signed attention to the entire class

A- in fact many schools do not admit students to have laptops in class you should consult the school rules and ask your schools technology coordinator how to handle the use of laptops in class and said be would be a direct violation of the school policy and he get the teacher in trouble so she is overkill and sturdy is wrong there is no reason to punish the whole class for something a couple of students is doing

how can I teach your end of class lesson so that the students begin to process the material and keep it in their minds take a moment to talk about how the days lesson connects if it's with the previous lesson and the next bass lesson give a pop quiz column student at random to stand up before the class and explain what most important thing that he or she learned was be sure that the students have homework assignment every single day

A- it greatly helps the learning process when the teacher is already learned this also serves to remind students of the past lessons and to keep the information fresh answer BCan be useful occasionally but it's not practical in the daily option. Answer C would be substantial and raising tension in the classroom and would do little to assist the students and processing information answerD is certainly helpful but once more it does not substitute teacher for tying things together at the end of the lesson

how can a teacher ensure that all students are contributed equally during the Cooperative learning exercises -the teacher should circulate among the groups and observe how they're working together - Assign one of these students in each group two monitor student participation -assign each student in each group a specific task to accomplish -avoid such exercises since there inevitably end up with 2 students doing most of the work

A- it is the teacher's responsibility to observe the following the instructions equally likely to result answer c defeats the purpose of the exercise. the point is for the students to learn how to actively divide group tasks on their own. Answer d simply deny students the experience of learning this valuable lesson

What approaches mr. Michael and says he is ashamed of his accent and asked when he can get rid of it how should mr. Michael respond make inquiries with the school administration about the availability of a speech therapist for blad tell Vlad that it's natural to have an accent and that he shouldn't be ashamed of it offered to provide an accent coach to black but tell him that it will cost $30 an hour tell Vlad that is not the school's responsibility

A- many schools have a speech therapist on staff or at the very least there may be such a therapist who floats between schools such a specialist may be able to help glad answer be is simply an opt-out answer see is unethical teachers cannot suggest students charge students for tutoring however there are no other options the teacher could recommend that the student find a professional Language Coach answered once again is an opt-out glad will quickly get the message that mr. Michael doesn't care if he falls through the cracks

how can a teacher best I'm sure that'll lesson will be coherent and logical? -clean out the lesson in writing ahead of time -ask the class everyday if they understand -make sure that your lesson never Strays from the textbook -Rely On the sample lesson plans from the teacher guide book

A- planning out the lesson yourself and writing is the only way to ensure that all the parts of your lesson will fit together logically the more time you put into your prep the better your lesson will go in the classroom answer B is unreliable for this purpose. the students do not know what your goals of the lesson are occasionally checking in with your students is useful but not as a substitute for lesson planning. answer see is equally ineffective and will bore even the best of your students to tears. Most classes need to go by on the scope of the textbook and many classes use more than one book answer D is a very poor way to teach. you this will as well students

This quarter there are several ell's in mr michaels literature class there is one student vlad who is russian and seems to understnad english well but his accent That can sometimes be hard to understand some of the other students make fun of his accent in class that makes blood angry he often response by using profanity another student Maria's Mexican and is having a lot of trouble keeping up with reading assignments 1/3 student AIko is from Japan add mr. Michael deal with the students who are making fun of lads accent hold them after class and friendly explain to them that it's not acceptable and they will be punished if it continues explain to them that if they move to Russia they would have an accent to so I None of the students and make fun of lad this will teach them that he should stop speaking in an accent ask God to teach a class in Russian folk dances this will make everyone more comfortable give the whole class extra assignments this way they will be too busy to make fun of lad

A- speak to the students who are mistreating glad and punish them if it continues and Toby would be unethical and cruel it's a she has nothing to do with the problem and D is unfair to the rest of the class

how should mr. Nelson handle it if Eric comes to him it says that he disagrees with his father and wants to focus all his energy and French so he can study abroad recommend another conference with the guidance counselor encourage Jeff to follow his heart regardless of what his father wants tell Jeff that his father knows what's best for him call just father and try to convince him that Jeff should focus and what he does best

A- this is not a good place for a teacher to take sides the guidance counselors in a good position to help bring about a diplomatic solution and Serbia could result in a major conflict with Eric's father and Cersei will make Eric's feel boxed in clearly he needs assistance in dealing with the situation and sardius risky unless mr. Nielsen feels that he is a very strong rapport with Erics dad intervening in this way could create a much more hostile situation

after speaking to Eric mr. Nielsen is perplexed when he asked why his grades were dropping Eric responded that he was taking harder classes this year and was having trouble balancing everything during the conversation Eric seem conflicted on one hand he said that he still loved French but the same time he repeated it was not his portin is his computer science and trig class would The Logical Next Step be contact Eric's parents computer science and if they could cut back Eric's work speak with a guidance counselor suggest that Eric dropt a second semester French

A-Mr. Nelson should contact Eric's parents it may not be necessary to make the tough decision in the near future and Aris parents should be involved before the process goes any further answer be as inappropriate it's not mr. Nelson's placed and if you ever the way another teacher teaches a class and Cersei is actually a good idea but Eric's parents need to be notified about the problems first answer DS drastic especially since mr. Nielsen knows that Eric has a talent in the area and he enjoys a subject

which classroom environment will generally motivate students more effectively to learn? - teacher evaluate students according to how they perform relative to percentages and establish standards - teacher evaluate students according to the degree of individual Improvement during the term - teacher evaluated according to their performance relative to each other - Tudor value 8 students according to quantity of assignments satisfactory completed

B- All teachers are certainly required to adhere to school standards for student evaluation students generally feel more motivated when they are evaluated according to their personal level of improvement during the term insert a will always be a major part of the teacher's evaluation strategy butts not absolute answer see create animosity among students in the class in general and reinforces bad learning habits and Sardi has the effect of encouraging students to focus on the quantity at the expense of quality that's not desirable

getting the classroom ready for the first day of school can be overwhelming for a teacher as a big day comes one Must often make some hard choices and leave things to be done later which of the following could wait. Optimize arrangement of the student desks decorate all bulletin boards and set them up make sure that you have enough text books and they are in satisfactory condition verify that equipment such as overhead projectors computer work stations are functional and ready to use

B- End boards are great way to make your classroom look more appealing to students they can also communicate rules schedules and other information however it's not absolutely essential on the first day of school insert a is more important since the students have a good view of the main teaching area if you have them move around it will make it harder for you to learn names answer see is essential so that all students have access to materials in the class of course it's not critical which materials that will not be used until later on in the term insert is equally important if you intend to rely on these items in your teaching

what is the most accurate indicator of overall student performance final exams and other test that cover the material and a comprehensive bases the Combine results of frequent evaluations given throughout the term studies show that in the end teachers gut instinct about a student is usually right homework and papers are usually the best indicator since they show how the student thinks we're not under this teacher supervision

B- Frequent evaluation show how student performance on a weekly basis they offer the opportunity to reveal a problem earlier so that can be a dress without affecting students grades answer a is not always reliable since the student may be nervous or not functioning at their best on a particular day answer see is not nonsense a teacher's evaluation should always be based on the objective indicators and so they can certainly be used to indicate how a student performs under controlled conditions without access to references such as calculators encyclopedias or help from family members

Miss Elam often is intimidated by computers in the classroom so she often tries to use computer apps in the classroom so all the students always know more about them than she does she feel self-conscious and embarrassed she's tried to read up on new classroom technology and education but nevertheless feels two steps behind what should she do Clearly her ignorance is undermining her Authority should be more strict with the students so they don't laugh with her technology changes quickly the article she is reading might be outdated she would be better off discussing the problem with other teachers and taking a class on technology Since the students tend to under-stand the technology better Missy long should that the soonest to teach her what she needs to know Missy love is obviously incompetent with computers she would be better off relying on traditional teaching methods and leave the technology to experts

B- Miss Elam will need to work harder to stay current she doesn't have to become an expert but she's not allowed herself to fall behind or she feels intimidated she should be more creative or proactive about the resources she uses and educating herself insert a is not a solution certainly students should not be permitted to disrespect her but that is only a symptom of the real problem and Cersei is risky will the students May know more about then the teacher to understand the technology from a different perspective they may not be the most reliable source of information and sturdy is a opt out technology is too important to Simply set aside because the teacher is behind in the times this is elim will continue to feel inadequate until she makes an effort to get herself current

Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet which technique might help the students maintain and despite the difficult language? - give the students of glossary of archaic English words commonly found in the play - include a discussion of some modern interpretations of the story movies such as Romeo and Juliet or even West Side Story has to identify differences between them and the original -have the students read the parts out loud -detailed discussion of English syntax and grammar of the period

B- Modern easier to understand than search for the differences will ensure that they actually redo rich as well and certainly be helpful but it is not likely to last answer see is also a useful practice but without really understanding of the context much of the drama will be lost upon the students answered While most certainly put most of the students to sleep and is unnecessary for setting a single play

how does this. Multiple intelligences address of learning needs of students - it suggests quite simply that some students are smarter than others and that teachers must accept that while a see is a bad grade for some students it's a very good grade for other -this is just a different people learn a different ways and that teachers can give more students a better chance by using a variety of - I suggest every student has only two areas of talent which he or she can Excel that wants italics identify students should not be pushed into other areas -it suggests all students are equally intelligent and that they will learn if they are motivated enough

B- The theory suggests that some students learn better through verbal interaction with others are more visual physical or artistic by using a variety of teaching methods rather than lecturing working problems on a chalkboard teachers will ensure that students will grasp any given topic any of these models may be applied in teaching any subject

what is the best method for improving student memorization skills -Repetition -break the item to you mentioned into smaller sections and then learn the sections 1 -students should read item once as rapidly as possible and then immediately try to repeat as much as I can recall -play a distinctive piece of music in the background

B- breaking the item into smaller sections makes memorization much easier answer as an important part of memorization but without breaking a topic into smaller sections many students will have a hard time answer see is ineffective unless the student has a photographic memory play music in the background is helpful to some but later the student may have difficulty if the same music is not played when they try to recall the subject matter

If the students in your class have radically varied levels of skill and knowledge which technique will make your class more manageable? -she's a medium level of instruction that you believe will work for most of the students in the class -break the class up into several small groups / skill level and give appropriate assignments to each group -teacher class to the highest skill level and then offer help after class to those who can't keep up -ask the smartest students to transfer to a more advanced classes so that we can students to transfer to remedial classes

B- by breaking the class up and homogeneous groups you can more easily address the needs of all the. keep in mind that this works better in some change subject areas than others answer a is what many teachers do but it leaves out the needs of the strongest and weakest students enter see is not very practical since you will likely be working with a week or students everyday after class I will not have much time for the strongest units when they need help. answer do you would be ideal in a perfect world but very likely that one of the reasons your class is heterogenous is that there may not be a remedial or advanced class of 8. or that felt fell to the fell to the crack between these classes.

what strategy works better for keeping students from losing focus during longer talk or explanations break your lecture up with jokes are personal antidotes put a general outline of what you will discuss stop every minute or two and quizzes student at random on whether they understood the concept start off your lesson by asking a student what they already know about the subject

B- by putting a general outline will make it easier for the students to follow your talk insert a would likely make it harder for the soonest follow your lesson and Cersei would be disruptive and occasional question to ask question to a student who is not paying attention is fine but doing this too much will cause your lesson to Veer off schedule they also interfere with students note-taking. insert D could also lead to confusion after all your goals for all your students to have the same level of understanding

What is the best starting point on deciding the floor plan of the classroom make sure that all students desk tar I intend to back to the windows to ensure minimal distraction consider the size and shape of the room and decide for the optimal position would be to carry out most instruction arrange desks to face the chalkboard use whatever Arrangements already there school administrators spend a lot of time before the beginning of school at the rising the floor plans of every classroom the build

B- classrooms come in various shapes and sizes wherever the arrangement that works for one class will not necessarily work for another. Intercede with the desk spacing the chalkboard seem logical and might work in many cases but you need to consider the needs of your class first for the samples some teachers prefer to use an overhead projector instead of a chalkboard also some classrooms have more the 1 chalkboard answer a is not a good idea unless there is a major source of distraction D is absurd School administrators don't spend time on optimizing floor plans

how should mr. Michael deal was the problem with vads use of profanity Send Vlad to the principal's office and subjects that he be suspended call me explain to Vlad in private that he understands he's upset about being made fun of for the words he is using are extremely defensive and can be not use it's cool ignore the profanity since he's a foreigner who probably doesn't know better give lad detention

B- foreigners often underestimate the effectiveness of such words because language is foreign to them they should however be taught which words are acceptable and which are not interested will result in the problem continuing which is unacceptable regardless of whether Vlad understands the meaning of what he's saying the teacher must correct the behavior answer do you would only be appropriate if the student continues using appropriate language after you confront him

mrs. marks teaches 9th grade composition class she's not very comfortable with computers is always been wary of allowing students to write essays on their home computers because she's heard that computers make it easier to plagiarize however her students asked her over and over again to allow assignments written on word processors recently one parent made a point there really stuck out her he explained that he was a business person without good computer computer For writing in order to get jobs later on after the conversation misses Mark's began to feel very much behind the times and realize that she might actually be doing her students a disservice by forbidding them to use computers in her class considering that mrs. Mark's own experience with computers is limited what should she do in order to teach writing with computers effectively enrolling a computer science class at the local Community College form a study group with other teachers to discuss and share new teaching techniques that use computers tell the parents that writing is writing with or without computers and as soon as can pick up computer skills and other classes as soon as to teacher about using the word processor

B- forming a study group with other teachers isn't traffic way to share techniques in a low-pressure environment focus on the specific needs of teaching answer is great but this may be Overkill and not address specific needs after all she's not teaching programming and there so you would indicate that the teacher and the serious denial refuses to accept changes in the modern world and tortillas back words to go the teachers to teach his students what they do not already know

a school administrator recently set and an observed mr. nailers algebra class mr. nailer receive several criticisms which one should he take the most seriously the bulletin board in his classroom could be better organized about a quarter of the students did not appear to be participating in the class discussion two students in the back of the class were passing notes back and forth the class was about a week behind where it should be according to the county guidelines

B- is it it it is extremely important that the class meets the needs of all of the students if 1/4 of the students are disengaged they're probably not learning as much as they should be teacher should try a different approach answer as low priority as long as the class is proceeding well and Cersei needs to be addressed but it's not necessarily serious problem as long as the teacher pays attention insert d falling a little behind schedule is okay as long as the students are learning sometimes it's appropriate for a teacher take more time on a particular lesson if the whole class is having trouble

After you send a student to the principal's office for repeatedly disrupting class the principal suspends student for three days following the suspension the principle of forms you that he would like to put the student back in your class what are your obligations you should do as instructed and allow the student back into class you are not obligated to allow the student back into class if you are uncomfortable you must file a petition with the Board of Ed if you don't want the student in class you have to let the student back in the class only if you can't find another teacher willing to take the student

B- removing a student from class for seriously disruptive behavior no teacher may be obligated to take the student back no principal make horse you to do so it's your decision alone to make

you are covering the American Revolution and the formation of the United States in your 10th grade US history class which task would not help your students process what they are learning -have the students write an essay on how the ideas of the founding fathers continue to influence us today -have each of the students members as the different part of the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence and recite it before class -as a student to keep a learning log in which each day they write a short paragraph about the meaning of what they learned in that class day -assign each student to research and prepare an oral presentation on one of the founding fathers or another important figure of the time

B- simply memorizing words from the Constitution Independence does nothing to ensure that the students actually understand the meaning behind the words. processing means the activity requires student to interpret new material and express it in the original way insert a requires a student to consider the revolution from a modern perspective. answer see requires the student to spend some time every day thinking about what they learned which helps the new material be active in the. in the history of our country

Scenario Eric one of the students and mr. Neal second-year friend class has gotten Seas on the last 3 vocab quizzes mr. Nielsen is not surprised because Eric is always seemed like a good student until now additionally Eric also seems less energetic than before in fact he or fears appears to be on the verge of falling asleep mr. Nelson goes over Eric's records and verifies that he was consistent and minus student during the first year French granted that since the beginning of 2nd year French Eric's French had dropped to a study B+ until the latest situation it is true that the second year is significantly more difficult and intense but the latest dropping grades is beyond what mr. Nelson would normally expect although Eric does not fit the profile mr. Nelson wonders if Eric could have become involved in drugs because he seems so lethargic in class what would be the best to take Contact Eric's parents and notify them that his grades have dropped and that he might be taking drugs approach Eric directly and ask him about his grades approach one of Eric's friends and ask them if Eric is taking drugs assign extra credit work to Eric so that he can bring up his grades

B- the first step for mr. Neal sense approach would to be approached directly and ask him what's wrong this offers the best opportunity to gain trust which is an important part of solving a problem insert a Content teen parents is not a bad idea but suggesting drugs with little evidence is reckless and her season appropriate a teacher should not violate a student's rights to privacy by discussing information with fellow students answer do you would be pretty mature before finding a solution the problem must be identified

Which equipment should be arranged first when deciding upon a class floor plan a teacher's desk computer workstations filing cabinets overhead projector

B- the placement of computer workstations is dictated by the location of electrical outlets and internet connections therefore it's desirable to arrange it before bringing in other equipment insert a the teacher's desk is less critical but should be positioned so that it words the teacher a good view of the classroom when they are working answer see filing cabinets is the least critical item and may usually be left until the last since the only issues concerned placement or they should be out of the way student traffic or easily accessible from the teacher's desk insert a overhead projector needs to be producers with direct line site of the screen but they're off down wheeled carts that can be moved

Post and taking over a 20th century history class for a colleague was come down with prolonged illness and will be unable to finish the term the teacher has confided and you that That she has AIDS I just asked you not to tell anyone the class is currently covering World War II and you have a living relative who was a German soldier during the war some of your students are Jewish one of the students in the class Julie happens to be the principles niece and she has a reputation for being hyperactive and disruptive which of the following is not an ethical violation tell him his students that the former teacher has AIDS inviting your relative to come speak to the class about the experience fighting for World War II Nazis being a little more lenient to Julie's Behavior than you are with other students to make sure that the principle of will not be upset with you give Julie some of your prescription allergy medicine since she 10 it tends to have a sedative effect

B- there would be nothing wrong with inviting your relative to speak to the class appropriate and respectful to all of the students in fact it could be a very interesting and educational experience insert a would violate other teachers rights to privacy unless she personally told you that it was okay to tell the students answer see would also be ethically wrong Julie should receive the same treatment as any other student if you generally feel that you're being pressured by the principal to do otherwise than your school should contact an administrator regarding the matter answer D is unethical and illegal

which of the following is a valid technique to use with non-native English speakers in your class they're having trouble in your school has limited ESL resources? -ask students parents to hire a translator to sit with a student in class - use more visual aids and illustrate hand gestures while gestures while teaching -speak as rapidly as possible so that it will get used to hearing English faster - repeat everything you say twice

B- using additional visual aids in hand gestures will help get your point across more clearly, answer a is inappropriate. the parents should not have to pay for a translator, and such a strategy would also not encourage a student to increase their English skills. Insert see would make it even harder for the student to understand in Saudi would be unfair to the other students since it would greatly slow down the class and make it impossible to cover material on schedule.

suppose a particular promising student in your 11th grade physics class has become increasingly arrogant to the point that's disrupting your lessons student constantly complains out loud that the class is too easy and blurts out answers to the problem before you finished explaining if the student is in fact one of your best students in the class is probably not Advanced for him however he must complete this class moved on to more advanced classes how my teacher go about resolving this problem discipline the student by lowering his grades try to come up with two or three options that could resolve the and work with the students to commit to one of them recommend the student parents that they might want to consider enrolling him in a physics class at the community college send the student to the vice principals

B- work with a student to come up with acceptable options for solving the problem and ask the student to commit to one of them it may be helpful to involve the parents or guidance counselor Asuna is much more likely to cooperate if he has more than one option answer A will likely lead to more problems answerC maybe a practical option depending on the school but once more the student will become more likely to respond constructively there multiple options answerD like answerA does not get at the root of the problem since attitude is not typical of the student indicates a bigger problem

when students disagree during a class discussion what should the teacher do to resolve the disagreement so that the class can proceed in an organized fashion immediately tell the class but the correct answer is in move on encourages students to work out their differences through the logical and friendly debate Tell the students that whenever there is a debate in class the student who is right we'll get extra credit the scourge of students from disagreeing with each other in class instead of having them ask you when they have a question

B-Learning took an active lease or out difference is an important life skill that is worth pursuing in class into a Define students a chance to benefit from the true discussion and Cersei sends the wrong message instead you should let students know that they will be graded on their level of participation D would have the same stippling effects as A

suppose that you are transitioning activity to another during class but you noticed that two of your students are still struggling to finish with the current task what is the best recourse single student out in front of the rest of class so that they feel motivated to do work better do not go forward with a new activity and and wait for the two students to finish continue with a new activity allow the two students to continue and finish the activity that they're on let them know quietly that they can meet you with the class to learn whatever they missed give the two students and ask for the day because they didn't finish your work on time

C- Do not interrupt the flow of your class when only a couple of students need more time however do take the two slower students I do not get lost in the shuffle set aside a few minutes after class while they are doing seatwork to catch them up enter a could traumatize the too slow students is there be wouldn't be fair to the other students it would interfere with the flow of the lesson plan however if a majority of your students are having trouble and I might be worth spending more time on the subject answer D would discourage the two students from learning activities the time to test

mr. Sanchez as a new teacher of 9th grade literature. she truly loves her subject and when she holds a discussion of the previous day's reading assignment she is very enthusiastic about these discussions and encourages the students to form and express their own opinions she asks provocative questions to consider the motives of a character from different viewpoints many of the students enjoy this but an observer notices some problems misbehavior by a few students is getting out of hand in a couple of students seem to zone out what kind of mistake is Miss Sanchez making? -She is not being strict - she's devoting too much time to discussions - she is concentrating all her attention on the discussions and not noticing everything that is going on in the classroom - her enthusiasm makes her look weak to the students

C- Many new teachers make the mistake of getting so caught up in their lesson that they fail to notice the problem of behavior in the classroom before it gets out of hand. teacher and. like juggling this is a skill that takes time and practice to develop all new teachers must work hard to become competent at it.

Philip a student and mrs. Mark's class is the only student who did not take mrs. Mac's marks assignment to do on a computer however his grades have also dropped a little since she began encouraging the class to use a computer curious this is Mark approach Phillips privately and asked why he does not use a computer or what's going on with his grades he tells her that his parents cannot afford a computer and that he feel self-conscious about it since all the other students have computers what should mrs. marks do tell the rest of the class to stop using computers on their assignment since it's unfair to fill up who does not have one go to a discount store by Phillip the cheapest laptop she can find tell Philip that she can arrange for him to use the school computer lab either before or after school to work on his assignments and also suggested he consider using computers at a public library tell Philip that he can do his assignments however he wants but that he needs to keep up his grades

C- Says marks should be proactive in helping Philip find access to a computer if he wants to learn to Justin resources like school computer labs or the local library is a great way to start insert a is ridiculous it doesn't help anyone answer be should be very generous but supplying students with computers is not the teachers of possibility it's Rd as a bit intensive and Lacey there's more misses marks can do to help the student get the most from the class

A Student has exposed himself self self to a female student in the back of the classroom what is the only acceptable response by the teacher assign the offending student to detention the lock student and closet Send the studnet to the principals office or call the police Paddle the offendignstudetn in front of the class

C- an offense involving sexual misconduct is serious and should immedaitly be refered to the principals office. Fi the situation is out of control then police should also be contacted,answer a detetion si not a severe enough punishment b is unlawful d corpral punishment is not within the teacher's authority for offenses this serious the teacher should do what is necessary to end the situation and then refer the problem to the principal, punishment is not the teachers responsibility

A when dealing with a class of Widely varying levels of skill and knowledge what comment pitfall is most harmful? -giving too much attention to the week or students -permitting the stronger students to correct the week or students in class -offering more encouragement to the stronger students than the weaker -over correcting the mistakes of the week or students

C- and a highly diverse find class teachers will often fall into the Trap of offering too much encouragement to the strongest units on the collecting the week or students as a result the weaker students become resentful and feel a little incentive to work harder insert a is not a mistake the week or students need more of the teacher's attention. insert is not really a problem as long as the strongest students are respectful and provide accurate information. answer Diaz again not really a mistake that we need to be corrected to learn of course the teacher should take care not to make the students feel bad about themselves

suppose that you are holding in your 8th grade social studies what's the most effective way to get the quieter students to participate ask more active students to stop raising their hands penalize students who do not participate in the classroom discussion Periodically ask questions directly to the quiet student offer extra credit to students who participate the most

C- asking questions directly to the quiet students forces them to participate it will also encourage them to participate more on their own if they don't want to be called on directly. Answer A will have little effect other than the stiffel students who are participating as they should answer B bold create a tense distasteful atmosphere that will not Foster very productive classroom discussion answer D will only serve to encourage the more active students to participate more than before

Which of the following is consistent in the constructive sort of nest on the part of the teacher telling students in a literature class there is only one acceptable point of view in regard to the novel you're teaching a teacher who asked permission from her students to beginning class A teacher who halts is presentation is Stanley insist that the student in the back of the classroom stop talking a teacher who yells at student who answers a question incorrectly

C- constructive assertiveness means that the teacher is confidently in control of the class and communicates clearly without losing control of his or her emotions such a teacher easily add apps to different situations and different points of view answer as an example of a teacher who is extremely inflexible and not constructive answer Beason example of a teacher who was unable to control the class answer D illustrates a teacher who fails to control emotions this is the sign of weakness and insecurity

what can a teacher do to prevent soon as from falling into a pattern of incomplete assignments as a student to keep an eye on each other and report to you if someone is having a problem increase penalty for not finishing assignments approach the first time they failed to turn in assignment and let the student know you're available to help assign extra credit to a student who fails to return assignments

C- do not procrastinate about getting involved in a student's dangerous about falling behind talk to the students highlight find out what the problem is it may not be what you expect answer a is quite simply not an effective way to keep your students Moreover it will create dissension among the class it's RV does nothing to help the students who may have trouble understanding the work answer D is occasionally appropriate otherwise the student will simply begin to assume that he can always get extra credit if he doesn't do the work

how should a teacher plan to deal with a highly diverse classroom? -on the first day of class the teacher should ask you to complete a survey to determine the students cultural ethnic and racial background -a good teacher should be immediately familiar with a major cultures within the local school district -a teacher should plan lessons so that new material is introduced in a variety of different approaches -guest teachers from different ethnic background should occasionally be invited so the all students will feel comfortable

C- introducing new material used help make it more accessible to a larger group of students regardless of their specific background. all three of the other answers that presumes that different cultures it here to stereotypes the truth is that different students think differently using a wide variety of teaching methods will cast a wider net

what is the most effective way to get through to a student who says to hate the subject you are teaching don't give an inch the student must see that the only option is submission off of the student rewards for trying show empathy by asking the student to tell you his or her side of the problem threaten to call the students parents

C- it's a student sees that you are genuinely interested and why he feels the way he does his much more likely to listen. moreover you may even discover a larger problem that you were not even aware of. A will generally result in more of the same behavior or worse it's really helpful to back as soon into a corner. B might work and short term but will fail and Underline problem. D is very counterproductive is this will tend to predispose the parents to be enemies if you feel you need to contact parents do so don't try to use it as Leverage

When assigning large projects so just turned papers of research projects what's the most effective system for evaluation when the project is over a sinus single overall grade that will teach his students what to expect in college greater projects on a curve the project should be evaluated is a work-in-progress according to multiple standards including overall accuracy time link completion of individual steps quality of research grammar spelling excetera project should be great it on SIMPLE pass-fail basis overall experience is more important than the quality of the results

C- large projects should receive several grades of student tends to be more motivated by the teacher grades as a project moves along answer a might be appropriate for seniors but otherwise students of this age are not organized well enough to handle that level responsibility and surbhi has little to do with overall grading strategy answer D tends to push students to make an extra effort since they're not getting it in return it encourages students to do only what is necessary to meet the criteria

how does Assigning term papers or long-term assignments help students learn skills about real life? accustomed to being under a lot of stress it does not the only gives them an opportunity 2 cheats and still not be working on dirty it teaches the importance of time management and planning unexpected circumstance such projects are barely worth the effort since more often than not parents end up doing most of the work

C- learning new skills early will help Students mature and become successful adults insert a is hardly necessary while students find themselves under stress anyway interview should not be an issue as long as the teacher is attentive and properly check the student work insert e is very cynical viewpoints well this may happen on occasion such projects are still very worthwhile

example of how technology Can be used to the advantage of multiple intelligences students using the computer for math drills teacher student sees a word processor for writing officer project in class in the form of blog or video instead of the lecture give lessons on using PowerPoint presentations

C- offering students and option of formats for class project is a great way to take advantage of technology and intelligences some students are much more likely to succeed but doing a video project rather than written reports more of her students will need to know how to use these Technologies after graduation anyways some students will be far better creating a video then paper however it's important the teacher verifies the content in a substitute and high-quality regardless of the format teacher should also be competent enough with the available technologies that they know how to guard against plagiarism

what is the most efficient way to apply formula for determining final grades Pen an paper Database software Spreadsheet software Online resources

C- once you know the necessary a formula a spreadsheet is the best tool to use when applying it across the board but answer a certainly Works Some people prefer using it but spreadsheet is much more efficient and will guard against careless arithmetic errors if you're unfamiliar with spreadsheets it's well worth taking the time to learn as it will greatly improve your efficiency and calculating grades

all of the options below are important but which is the single most important element in creating a productive classroom environment well decorated clean class Planning good seating arrangement

C- planning above Above all what helps the teacher ensure that the class proceed smoothly all the others will follow if a teacher exercises good planning skills

Which of the following would be an unethical use of school property mr. Jackson takes homeschool on laptop cuz he's there's publishing software installed that will help him prepare handouts for class Miss waldstein goes to the school supply room and takes home a box of colored chalk to use for drawing pie charts on the board for his math class mr. Calhoun uses his classroom after school to sell Girl Scout cookies for his daughter mr. Matthew as a second school secretary to requisition a laser pointer for his lectures

C- so many people would look the other way mr. Calhoun would be committing an ethical violation by selling products such as Girl Scout cookies on school property and may not seem like much of an offense but it does not benefit the school and anyway some parents might complain about the teacher who selling sweets to their children Laura Calhoun students might get the idea that if they do by the cookies if they do not buy the cookies they will get bad grades which of the following is an ethical or legal violation physically restraining a student Who's acting violently or endangering others student parents of the students current grades approaching a student and asking if they have a learning disability refusing to excuse a student during class to go to the bathroom C- it is inappropriate for a teacher to directly approach a student and ask them about disability they may have this could be harassment a student may volunteer this information but the teacher may approach the students guidance counselor or the principal was such a concern and talk to contact the parents and recommend a medical consultation but it's not the teacher's job to diagnose

which approach to standardized tests best quantifies what a student has learned multiple choice test essay questions combining several simple question answer format

C- some students perform better on tests While others perform better on papers and projects just as soon as learn a variety of ways their talents for expressing what they learned may also very a teacher that evaluates students based on a wide variety of tasks Will Come Away with much more complete picture of what the students strengths and weaknesses are

what's the best time to establish direct contact with the students parents on the first day of school whatever student makes a mistake as soon as you notice a negative pattern developing and students behavior Only when a problem becomes extreme

C- the moment when you first observe a detrimental pattern forming in the students behavior or school work is a time to bring the parents into the picture and we are somewhat impractical both teachers and parents have limited time over your contact the parents too often they won't take it seriously answer D is waiting till too late once a problem becomes extreme it is too difficult to solve

How could a health teacher best in a great practical life skills and nutrition section of health class -include a detailed discussion of the chemical differences between the proteins carbohydrates and fats -explain the six food groups chart -cooking techniques that are healthy but also taste good and encourage students to try them at home - measure each student body fat content in front of the class

C- these are simple practical skills that the students can use at home students develop healthy and creative that they will have the rest of their lives information but if it gets too technical for the students they will find it boring and will not remember what they learn once classes over answer be once again is boring and creative way to teach especially since most of the students have heard it before insert which humiliate the overweight students and would be a violation of their privacy

Iko is a fast Weiner and speaks well but her writing skills is filled with mistakes and his way below her reading level Ico approaches mr. Michael and asked if she could write her assignments in Japanese and submit them to mr. Suzuki schools music teacher who also Is the schools she's concerned about getting bad grades since she always got good grades in Japan how should mr. Michael respond if mrs. Suzuki is an agreement I go should be allowed to submit her work in Japanese and tell her English and prove mr. Michael should tell Aiko that she must write in English but that he will go easy on her grades since she needs time to right better mr. Michael should consult with Aiko's guidance counselor and parents to discuss whether she is in the right class or perhaps needs a tutor mr. Michael should simply tell her that this is not Japan and she must produce work at American Standards if she wants good grades

C- this is a sensitive situation and I go should be given every chance to improve her skills all their answers are unfair to Ico or other students

Your 9th grade biology class is about to do their first discection you have clearly stated the procedures in class but you know that some of the students are still feeling nervous and Queasy else can you do to make the dissection go smooth remind them that medical students regularly dissect human cadavers and that this isn't such a big deal set a timer for each section of the procedure so students stay on Pace require each student to write out there step-by-step explanation of what they plan to have students speak out loud as they work describing what they are doing

C-Having each student write his own steps and instructions will help them visualize the process in our minds and make them feel confident about what they're doing during the actual dissection the students will also find it helpful to have their seizure spelled out and words Answer a will do little if anything to calm your nerves and nothing to help them learn about the process and surbhi will likely make the students more nervous and more likely to make mistakes since they feel rushed and sturdy is not a bad idea except that with so many people talking in one room and might be a bit chaotic

Suppose you have gone back to teaching after talking a few years of to spend with your young children. During the first days at your new job you notice the seating arrangement is outdated compared to what the other teachers have what should you do? It is your class you can run it as you see fit Do your best to make you classroom mimic the others in your grade Speak to someone fellow teachers and ask them wher3 they got their ideas and what they can tell you about trends Ask the ss how they think you should set up the class.

C-talking to colleagues is the best way to catch up with current trends. There is no obligation to copy them but there may be some ideas to make the class more functional. Answer a is sticking your head in the sand. You should always be open to new ideas. Answer b may cause you to miss out on understanding the reasons behind new trends and people may be t the wrong vibes if you exactly copy other rooms. However there is nothing wrong with asking a few artistic as to help decorate they will not know the motives of classroom set ups

undo student Jethro has been assigned to your class. and is having a hard time fitting in. he often seems angry and he speaks insolently to both you and his classmates. it always seems that he has something to prove 19 time he knows the answer in class he heard it leave it out if he's competing with the other students. his behavior is steadily becoming worse and some of the other students seem to be afraid of. when you correct his behavior in class he seems to be proud of himself and becomes even more insolent. which of the following would be a good first step to get through to him? -put him in the seat by himself in the corner of the room -point out to him in front of the class that his behavior is interfering with the entire -sent him to the vice principal's office each time he misbehave -do not let him get away with anything but make it a point to always discipline him in private

D- When you punish him in front of the class he probably wants to show the other students that he's not afraid of you if you speak to him in private you may find he's more reasonable and more willing to tell you what the problem really is Jethro's behaviors typical of an adolescent who comes from an impoverished neighborhood he grew up knowing that he must always be on the defensive and that losing face means losing your life he learned a long time ago that you must never appear weak even to adults he probably feels that he must prove to the other students that they are no better than he is just because they have money.

which type of classroom will most likely help a student learn one that focuses on order one that is pleasant and comfortable when it has Classical Music Play in the background That is broken up into sections that appeal to different types of personalities

D- different students respond to different kinds of stimuli a classroom environment to stimulate the mind has several different ways is more likely to help more students

Which of the following is a good way for a new teacher you build useful connections and knowledge of the school resources available to her. Volunteer for communities and events The time to get to know administrators and teachers Attend local educational conferences and workshops All the above

D- get your voice heard turn to colleagues when you need help. New ideas and teaching techniques.

Any of the students in your 9th grade algebra class seem bored even though they're smart they are having trouble following your class actions could you take the might get the students more involved devote one entire class. As a question answer session encourages students to ask about that aspect of the subject that they're having difficulty learning set aside two class periods and meet with each student individually to address the problem or visit topics you have already covered so that you can make sure everyone understands periodically asked the students to me and small groups and to come up with scenarios and which the kind of problems you're covering can be applied

D- having the students consider real life applications of the math problems it's a great way to make the subject seem less abstract and more interesting insert raise an invitation to chaos and uses up a lot of class time answer by Steven Mark last time it's unfair to have the whole class wait for the teacher speaks individually with each student such a meeting should be held after class and Cersei May sometimes be useful but probably not in this case that your students are bored if you need a material will likely bore them even more

after a month of class notices that his 12th grade physics curriculum in class experiments and other activities have taken significantly longer to complete than the teacher expected what should he do? -she's holding in class experiments and stick rigidly with the following units in the textbook -ignore the pre-plan curriculum the students will learn more from doing the experiences there from the lectures and written assignment - increase the amount of homework in order to catch evaluate why the students are carrying out experience and -develop more organized procedure for the students to stay on track

D- if mr. gupton knows that the experiments or prayer times being lost he needs to close Healy evaluate why they're taking so long are the student spending more time on talking then work? are they getting stuck and waiting a long time for me to come around to them? are some of the experiments simply too ambitious for this class? in any case you must determine where the problem is and then recognize the way experiments are conducted to make the process more efficient. answer is too drastic Enterprise the students of an important opportunity to gain hands on understanding of the principles being covered. answer be it's also not the way to go. this will eventually result in a class that fails to cover a lot of important material. answer see is unfair to the student. mr. There should not overburden the students because he failed to properly organize the class in the first place

As her class goes on mrs. Mark's continues to worry about students using the internet to plagiarize their papers however she does not know if it's really happening nor does she understand how to detect this or fight it what should she do students privately ask him to show her how students go aboutdownloading papers Start visiting social networking sites used by teens and run a sear for student names Email all of the ss parents and ask them to monitor their childrens internet activity more closley Wisit the school tech coodinator and ask for more infomation about the resources available to teacher for fighing plagarism

D- in most cases the tech coordinator Will have useful information and suggestions in regard to this possibly including software or websites that teachers can use to search for copy papers insert a is unlikely to be of much use since few cheaters will willingly give up their secrets and Herbie would be a very inefficient method since few students would use their own names on line will cheating answer C is unlikely to help as few parents have absolute control over their children's access to Internet or over someone take offense in subsidizing a suggestion that their child is a cheater

It is your first week of class teaching a 12th grade history class. because of the subject matter and because most of the students will be going on to college at significant portion of the course will be presented in the form of college style lectures how can you ensure that all of the students will have the necessary note-taking skills they will need both for this class and Beyond? -this is not your responsibility they are College Bound seniors they should already have these skills -give a pop quiz at the end of every class -Give a lecture on note taking on the first day of class -Inform the studnets that for the first couple Of weeks you will collect their notes in the end of class and give them back the next day with corrections

D- reviewing students notes will quickly identify a good note taking depending upon how many students are having trouble you can done either devote some class time to a discussion of note-taking or meet with students individually insert a is not a solution is a teacher preparing children for college it's your responsibility to ensure that they have skills such as these insert be would seriously interrupt the flow of your lesson plan bullet the same time it would not necessarily test the students at note-taking but rather their General recollection of the ability Interstate waste valuable class time does not allow the teacher to verify that students actually develop their note-taking skills

In what areas do computers consistently demonstrate a great benefit in the classroom simple drills presented such as teaching multiplication tables is it frees up the teacher to work with the students in developing higher level skill role playing games that develop greatest social awareness and allow students to participate directly in events simulations of mechanical activities that students develop motor skills and reflexes exercises that teach higher order thinking and professional skills

D- studies show that computers are especially effective in getting students to exercise the kind of high-level logic in complex problem solving skills that they need to develop for professional situations

students be allowed to use word processors to prepare written class assignments no word processors discourage student from London Grammar and spelling it's better for teachers to require students to handwrite the use of word processor should be mandatory on all assignments no word processors are commercial products inappropriate for the teacher to encourage students to use one piece of software instead of another generally yes but this depends on the nature of the assignment in the grade level

D- teacher should apply common sense in this decision and consider the class as appropriate answer the question word processor part of the Modern Life and employment it's completely appropriate for sealant to use the program since they'll be likely to need to know how to use them later in life Obviously word processors would not be used during spelling tests answer see is a logical after students are asked to use commercial products in the school work all the time cluding the textbooks

Whose responsibility is it to ensure that a teacher remains current with new teach ing techniques The count school system is required to set standards and provide opportunities for teachers to learn new skills The principal is responsible for ensuring that the teachers do not fall behind The senior teachers four each grade are responsible four taking the less experienced teachers under their wing Eddy treachery is responsible to taking in initiative for learning and applying new teaching methods as aplropriat3 for the class they teach

D- the individual teacher is ultimately responsible for keeping up with the latest ideas. The school system the principal and other teachers can often be excellent resources you dressy current but does not always occur

which form of a Teacher's Body Language would most likely promote misbehavior in class teacher look student directly in the eye when speaking teacher speaks in a column assertive tone teacher stance with back straight and head held high teacher keeps eyes focused on her book speaks very Softly

D- the teacher who speak softly and avoids making eye contact is less likely to command respect and obedience all three of the answers represent assertive body language that is more likely to result in students responding well to the teacher this includes looking students in the eye speaking in a firm voice maintaining good posture

what is the best tactic for displaying information in the class if you must float from classroom to classroom whatever class when you're assigned to teach is yours for that. So please erase whatever is on the chalkboard and write your own information there explain to the students that they need to take very thorough notes and give your lunch or early without using any visual aids email your notes and diagrams to all the students in advance so they can print them out at home and bring them to class preparing transparencies and display them using the overhead projector

D-An overhead projector is by far the most effective way to display information to the class if the chalkboard is unavailable it's a a is a sure way to annoy fellow teachers just because you're floating does not mean that the other teachers using the room is floating to answer me right be ok for college but unacceptable for secondary answer see presumes that all students have access to computers and printers at home which they may not

what is the most productive order to structure the class period? Seat work class discussion content development class discussion, seat, content development seat work, content development, class discussion content development, class discussion, seat work

D-The teacher should first teach the class on a subject matter, then the class should discuss it, and then student should engage and independent activity. this order ensures that the students have the most opportunity to absorb the new material before attempting to complete a related assignment on their own

Which strategy is key for managing in class work sessions avoid spending too much time with any one group even if that group is falling behind make sure that none of the students in any group are good friends of what the temptation to walk around the room and interact with the groups great only the final result of the assignment and not soon as individual participation

A - a teacher should circulate around the room or should I avoid spending too much time with one group of sooner and sent it distracts attention from what's going on in other groups and zarbee's not important although the teacher should be sure that the students cooperate on the project and Cersei is the opposite of what you should be doing by circulating among the groups and taking notes the teacher can help with problems and verifystudents active participation insert is not a bad idea since some students might work harder than others there for the teacher needs to verify the degree to which the students are participating

In your second year French class students Express surprise and how poor their grades are on the midterm progress report the grades in your class were calculated according to a simple formula large part which came from grades on daily work what strategy would ensure that your students remain aware of their grades require that students to keep a running average other daily grades and the front of their notebook Weekly post grades on bulletin board by ID number send home a mini report card every two weeks but the parents must sign explain grading system to the students one more time then leave it up to them

A- requiring students to keep a running tally of their averages in the front of the notebook before some to think about their grade everyday is they directly involved in the process it teaches them Independence and responsibility about keeping up with grades and zarbee's to passive since some of the students would forget to check it answer see will be seen by some is overly invasive it also lacks advantages of teaching students to keep track of the grades and solves answer D will be sufficient for many students

how can including Cooperative learning strategies in the classroom teach practical life skills to students? -Students learn to work independently even when others are around -students learn in a personal problem solving skills that they will need later in life -students learn ways to score better on standardized test -students learn the importance of physical exercise and their daily lives

B- Cooperative learning exercises or working in small groups, teach students how to solve problems in groups New skills are essential for success in many jobs insert a is the opposite of Cooperative learning answers C and D are unrelated to the top of the question

Which of the following teacher statements to student represents the most constructive initial approach to talking in the classroom shut up do you realize that when you whisper to your neighbor it distracts the whole class because of your behavior I am now requiring the entire class to write I will not Whisper In Class 500 times go outside the sand in the hall until class is over

B- you are unhappy with their behavior and why also calls the attention of the whole class at the student for misbehaving and adding additional incentive action a is rude it shows that the teacher is losing control empowers misbehavior I should cease disruptive and punishes everyone in the class For the actions of one individual. and so do you would at least remove the problem but would prevent them from learning this might be reasonable if I miss Behavior continues But the teacher should begin with a more constructive option

which is the most effective tactic for getting through to resistant or hostile parents establish yourself As an authority figure make it clear that cancer being negligent if they do not heed your recommendations and ensure their child behaves and complete the assignments keep the meeting short tell the parents the problem and then tell them you have another meeting in a few avoid placing the blame and do your best to show that you genuinely care about their child be blunt if you don't they will come more hostile in the problem gets worse

C - if they see that you're trying to work with them rather than against them answer a is unlikely to work fighting with parents usually leads to worse things and surbhi is equally unhelpful if a parent feels like you're avoiding them they will likely approach the principal to your school and create a problem for you there's some truth in answer D if you minimize the problem the parents will have a legitimate complaint never the last teacher still must be diplomatic and respectful if they make if they plan to make progress towards a solution

which of the following is not an ethical violation a teacher becomes romantically involved with a student a teacher becomes romantically involved with the parent of a student in her class A teacher becomes romantically involved with another teacher at the same school all are ethical violations

C- As long as neither teacher is subordinate to another teacher the student then there should be no problem with 2 teachers becoming romantically involved unless the school or school district has a specific policy against this answer a certainly a violation and surbhi is also an ethical violation since it could be grounds Upon A teachers grading practices to be questioned

which of the following is an example of how a math teacher on fractions to take advantage of the theory of multiple intelligence -writing out fraction problems on the chalkboard -having students work in pairs to solve math problems -explain how fractions are use practically in real use music to illustrate how faction works by letting ---- -students here the difference between a whole note half note in a quarter note

D- Using music in musical notation to explain the concept of fractions is clear example of a lesson The Falls multiple intelligence theory students who are more musically-inclined will find this kind of wesen especially useful answer a the traditional way does not employ multiple intelligence techniques and surbhi also has little to do with multiple intelligences answer see does not necessarily make use of multiple intelligences so it could if the right examples were chosen

how should mr. Michael handle Maria situation give the class shorter assignments so that Maria does not fall behind ask her to transfer to another class because her English is not good arrange for her to have a textbook with larger print so it is easier for her to read spend some time with her after class and evaluate her reading skills if necessary or her parents to suggest either private tutor or a class more appropriate for her level

D- before taking action mr. Michael should first evaluate the situation answer a s on fair to the other students they shouldn't be slow down because of another student in Serbia is unlikely to solve Maria's language difficulties and she is irrelevant she's not visually impaired she needs help with her English reading skills

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