OB Exam 2

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T/F A firm's top management team often represents a variety of functional areas.


T/F Because the storming stage is a very chaotic one, many groups get stuck in that phase of group development.


T/F In negotiations, Japanese negotiators tend to draw information from what is said as well as what is not said


T/F Managing conflict and engaging in effective negotiations are key factors for a successful organization


T/F Research indicated that communication ability is related to a managers performance


T/F Research suggests that sometimes replacing a hierarchy with self-managing teams decreases control over individual workers.


T/F The platinum rule of negotiations is to care for others enough to treat them the way they want to be treated.


T/F When team members are found to be poor performers due to a lack of ability, the team is likely to try and train the individual


T/F conflict can result in both positive and negative outcomes


T/F empowered teams have the responsibility and authority to achieve their goals


T/F if conflict in an organization is too low, performance is also likely low


T/F the meaning of teamwork differs across cultures


A communication receiver who is preparing his comment or answer and not really listening to the sender is a. biased b. using jargon c. rehearsing d. using semantics


A group where there is a great deal of camaraderie is a group experiencing a. group action b. collective efficacy c. cohesion d. social loafing


T/F Collective efficacy is generally influenced by verbal persuasion, group observation, and pay level


T/F Communication methods and forms differ little across cultures.


T/F Generally speaking, the more cohesive a group is, the less productive it is because the preservation of individual feelings supersedes any task oriented role.


T/F In a business e-mail, using a subject line is often unnecessary as it may create unrealistic expectations about the message content.


T/F Listening is an art, not a skill, and thus individuals cannot be trained to be better listeners.


T/F Research on effective teams indicates that they are characterized by low but increasing levels of task conflict.


T/F Storytelling is largely an ineffective means of communication as receivers perceive the senders to be largely unable to control the process.


T/F Verbal communication is largely asynchronous


T/F creativity is the interaction between personality traits, attributes, and serendipity


T/F experts agree that organizations should regularly monitor employees online activity


T/F hindsight bias is the opposite of framing bias


T/F programmed decisions are unique, creative decisions


In which scenario would directive leadership be most effective? a. when employees have an external locus of control b. when employees have high abilities c. when employees have low ambiguity d. when employees have an internal locus of control


Jennifer has to decide which of two job offers she is going to choose. She begins her process by listing the key criteria she is looking for in a job including salary level, location, promotional opportunities, and so on. She then takes each job offer letter and carefully goes through each line assessing the offer in relationship to the criteria she has established. Jennifer is using which of decision-making model to choose her job? a. the rational decision making model b. the creative decision making model c. the programmed decision making model d. the intuitive decision making model


Research indicates that a. effective communication skills are among the top skills sought by recruiters today b. poor communication is seen as a casual factor in 10-20% of all accidents c. effective communication can lead to emotional labor d. although good communication helps retain effective performers, it does not increase a firms market share


The BATNA is a. important to assisting you in deciding whether to accept an offer or not b. a delaying tactic in negotiation c. the first phase of the negotiation process d. the process of making concessions in negotiations


The Big 5 personality trait ___________ has the strongest relationship to both leader emergence and leader effectiveness. a. extraversion b. conscientiousness c. openness d. agreeableness


Which of the following is a key property of a team? a. collaborative action b. clear simple goals c. compensation based on individual outcomes d. independent tasks


Which of the following is the order Tuckman proposes for group development stages? a. Forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning b. Forming, storming, performing, norming, and adjourning c. Forming, performing, storming, norming, and adjourning d. Forming, norming, storming, performing, and adjourning


Which of the following statements about listening is correct? a. all of the above b. listening takes practice and concentration c. active listening creates a real time relationship between the sender and receiver d. effective listening has a behavioral and emotional component


Which of the following statements about the creative decision-making model is accurate? a. the dynamic nature of today's organizations, including structural changes and cost cutting, have driven creativity in the business b. problem identification is the last step in the creative decision making model c. innovation is the generation of new, imaginative ideas d. innovation and creativity are the same process


Which one of the following traits is a tool that transformational leaders use to influence employees and create commitment to the company goals? a. intellectual stimulation b. autocratic leader behaviors c. management by exception d. inspirational charisma


all of the following statements are correct about top management teams EXCEPT a. top teams are most effective when there is limited diversity in the composition b. top management teams generally function without formal rules for team design or structure c. top management teams make decisions on new products, markets and expansions and diversities


to enhance organizational creativity, a manager might consider focusing on a. team composition b. technical training c. use of attainable goals d. employee pay


Active listening involves a. giving partial attention to the sender so you can be thinking about your response b. taking time to understand the points being made c. refraining from asking senders any questions about their messages d. interrupting the message sender to clarify what she is saying


Experts made decisions in the intuitive decision making models based on a. mood b. experience c. analysis d. climate


In the sentence, "I did not tell the teacher you were cheating," if the word "I" was emphasized by the tone of your voice, what are you implying? a. I may have implied it b. Someone else told the teacher you were cheating c. I told the teacher you were cheating d. I was talking about someone else


Malcolm is the manager of his department. After performance evaluations, he gives those who have met their goals for the year a pay raise. He gives his employees their assignments and leaves them to do their work but does monitor them so that if he notices a potential problem, it gets resolved before causing difficulties. What kind of contemporary leadership style is Malcolm demonstrating? a. directive leadership b. transactional leadership c. laissez-faire leadership d. transformational leadership


Martin is the financial director of a small business. He recently read a memo from one department presenting a new idea for a product. During the discussion on the item afterward, Martin kept focusing on the cost of producing and marketing that product. The barrier facing Martin in this scenario is a. emotional disconnects b. selective perception c. filtering d. semantics


Norms refer to a. agreements on established ground rules, goals, and roles b. shared expectations about how things operate within a group or team c. formal approaches to decision making in the group or team d. measures of camaraderie in the group or team


Research shows that when managers are dealing with conflict they prefer which conflict handling style? a. accommodating b. forcing c. compromising d. avoiding


Sara's laptop started causing her problems. It was taking a long time to boot up, and froze unexpectedly a number of times. Now the laptop has shut down completely and she cannot get it started up again. One of the group members on her project said to Sara, "You should have gone for help when it started acting up, now you've affected all of us." This scenario is an example of what type of decision-making trap? a. anchoring b. hindsight bias c. framing bias d. overconfidence bias


Which of the following is a common mistake in negotiations? a. having realistic expectations b. letting your ego get in the way c. getting overly invested d. deciding to negotiate


Which of the following is a criterion one may use in deciding whether or not to filter a message? a. status b. knowledge and perception of speaker c. time value d. month of the year


Which of the following is a positive outcome of conflict in the organization? a. individual task satisfaction b. increased creativity c. enhanced volunteering behavior d. accurate assumptions


Which of the following is the first phase of the negotiation process? a. bargaining b. investigation c. presentation d. determining BATNA


Which of the following statements about communication barriers is correct? a. Women often jump right into a project while men ask a lot of questions before beginning. b. Employees are often eager to share bad news with those above them in an organization to get credit for discovering potential problems. c. managers can use grapevine to send and receive messages d. Jargon spoken between people from different areas and backgrounds helps them forge a professional bond


Which of the following statements about e-mail is true? a. E-mail is the most popular medium of communication today. b. some companies are so concerned about the amount of email their employees receive that they are instituting "no e-mail Fridays" c. emotions can be easy to convey via email d. emails are considered highly information-rich


Which of the following statements about workplace gossip is accurate? a. because the grapevine lacks a specific sender employees are more likely to trust the information b. politically motivated employees use the grapevine to disseminate self-promoting information in the organization c. research finds that only a minimal amount of workplace communication occurs at the grapevine level d. employees generally distrust their peers as a source of information


Which of the following statements regarding third party negotiations is correct? a. The mediator assists the parties in agreeing on mutually exclusive resolutions. b. Arbitration is an acceptable practice for many companies to resolve challenging problems. c. Individuals who utilized mediation indicated in a survey that they would not be supportive of using the process again. d. Arbitrators help prepare for a formal hearing.


You are part of a marketing team that has just secured a contract for a national ad campaign. The client firm is holding a luncheon to celebrate the contract signing and you are attending. According to Edward Hall's work, what distance will you maintain from members of the client firm as you network with them? a. public b. personal c. intimate d. social


people oriented behaviors are also called a. laissez-faire b. consideration c. authoritarian d. initiating structure


what is the most challenging or difficult step in the rational decision making process? a. identify the problem b. generate alternatives c. establish decision criteria


Antonio, Alpha Company's marketing manager, will be listening to the advertising pitches from the final four firms today as he chooses the television ad campaign for his product for the fall season. Antonio is making a(n) a. programmed decision b. strategic decision c. tactical decision d. operational decision


Because the ________ role involves gathering information from the larger organization and informing those within the organization about team goals, activities and success, it is often filled by the team manager. a. contractor b. completer c. consul d. coordinator


Leaders who ensure their employees take part in decision-making have a(n) _________________ leadership style a. directive b. supportive c. participative d. achievement oriented


Mark works as the frozen food manager in a major grocery store chain. When his stock of two-pound bags of frozen shrimp gets down to two cases, he e-mails his warehouse to send ten cases to restock. The "automated" ordering of ten cases when supply gets to two cases in the store is called a(n) a. alternative b. consensus decision c. decision rule d. anchor


Nelson is the manager of a marketing department in a medium sized company. Nelson has six employees reporting to him. In deciding the goals for the department for next quarter, Nelson is holding a meeting for employee input and direction. Nelson uses a(n) _________ style of decision making in the marketing department. a. autocratic b. supportive c. democratic d. laissez-faire


Nicholas is the production manager for a manufacturing firm. He has two supervisors who are experiencing conflict with each other based upon personality differences. Nicholas should have held a meeting last week to discuss next year's budget, but cancelled it because the two supervisors had a verbal confrontation on the shop floor the previous day. What conflict handling style is Nicholas demonstrating? a. accommodation b. compromise c. avoidance d. collaboration


Nina makes it a point to talk to her subordinates every day about what is going on in their personal lives. She always congratulates them when they share successes and has a kind word and "a shoulder to cry on" if necessary when things are not going well. Nina has a _____________ leadership style. a. directive b. participative c. supportive d. achievement oriented


Rodney is a new project team leader. Jerome is chatting with him about some of the problems that could arise and prevent his team from being successful. Jerome offers which of the following pieces of advice to overcome barriers to team success? a. Dominant personalities can only help a group; let those that are the most vocal have their say. b. Disagreements among team members may be the result of long simmering personality conflicts; it's not helpful to get involved in these disputes as it may just make it worse. c. Floundering often results from a lack of clear goals; clarify goals from the outset of the project. d. Poor performance by a group member is probably due to lack of commitment; best to let those members go.


The department managers for Zylog Corporation are meeting for a budget meeting. If the marketing manager gets the 6% increase he is requesting, the human resource manager will not get any increase in his department budget. This is an example of what kind of negotiation strategy? a. concession approach b. accommodating approach c. distributive approach d. integrative approach


Which of the following represents a unique challenge with regard to the management of virtual teams? a. building trust with virtual team b. nature of communication used with virtual team c. all of the above d. not being physically seen by managers


Which of the following statements regarding power distance and teams is correct? a. Countries high in power distance tend to use sports metaphors more often in training than family metaphors. b. Countries with high power distance tend to use participative decision making. c. People in high power distance countries expect unequal power distribution in the social, political and economic areas. d. Countries with high power distance define the roles of team members very clearly.


the satisfice is to a. set parameters against which of the potential options can be evaluated b. generate new ideas that are original, fluent, and flexible c. accept the first alternative that meets your general criteria d. be influenced by the way in which problems are framed


which of the following statements is true regarding the judgements about correlation and causality bias? a. an association between two variables is evidence for causality b. temporal order indicates causality c. a correlation between two variables is not evidence for causality d. a correlation rules out other potential causes


which of the following statements regarding leadership and ethics is accurate a. ethics is a matter of organizational culture rather than leadership style b. ethical behaviors are a central component to transactional leadership theory c. people in positions of authority are influential in driving other to ethical or unethical behaviors d. the contingency theories of leadership are explicit in noting the important role that ethics play in effective leadership


A self directed team a. has a leader who resides outside the team and has the potential for low, medium or high autonomy. b. manages itself but still has a team leader and has the potential for low, medium or high autonomy. c. has a leader that resides outside the team and has the potential for low autonomy. d. makes all decisions internally about leadership and how the work is done and has the potential for high autonomy.


A unique, nonroutine, important decision requiring conscious thinking, information gathering, and careful consideration of alternatives is a(n) a. operational decision b. programmed decision c. decision rule d. nonprogrammed decision


Jared is a member of the engineering department in the manufacturing firm and also serves on the Strategy 2015 team, which is crafting an engineering strategy for the firm's future. He has a "Do not miss" meeting in the engineering department scheduled for Wednesday at 8 a.m. and just received an urgent email about a "Can't miss" meeting for the strategy group at 8:15 a.m. Wednesday morning. Jared is experiencing a. interpersonal conflict b. role ambiguity c. group conflict d. role conflict


Karli is the designated leader of a class project group. She gets along well with the group members but often is not sure exactly what she should do to assist her group in producing a high-quality project. Which LPC style is best for this scenario? a. Low LPC b. Medium LPC c. either low or high LPC d. High LPC


Maris Manufacturing is a unionized company producing customized metal units for the appliance and medical equipment industries. Each contract negotiation is a contentious affair for the union and management. However, over the past few months both union and management officials have become very concerned about the number of Maris union employees who are experiencing alcohol-related issues. Last month alone, six employees sought medical assistance under the employee assistance program. Management and union officials will be meeting next week to address the issue. This is an example of what conflict handling style? a. competition b. accommodation c. compromise d. collaboration


Task Interdependence a. involves team members working on each task simultaneously b. exists when team members work interdependently and simply combine their efforts to create a teams outputs c. refers to one individuals output becoming another input d. refers to the degree the team members are dependent upon one another to get information, support our materials from other team members to be effective


The availability of too much information leading to more and more time being spent on gathering information and thinking about it, resulting in no decisions being made is a. windstorming b. satisficing c. anchoring d. analysis paralysis


Which of the following is a key characteristic of authentic leaders? a. they prioritize employee needs b. the have no set priorities c. they are afraid to act the way they are d. they have high levels of personal integrity


Which of the following statements is true regarding the relationship between conflict and performance? a. high conflict leads to high performance b. low conflict leads to medium performance c. low conflict leads to high performance d. medium conflict leads to high performance


Which of the following statements regarding negotiations around the world is correct? a. Japanese negotiators have a higher tolerance for conflict as a way of working through issues than their American counterparts. b. Japanese negotiators reveal more information during negotiations than their American counterparts. c. American negotiators like to establish a strong relationship first while Chinese negotiators like to "get down to business". d. In collectivist cultures the use of deception during negotiations is more common than in individualistic cultures.


effective managers tend to use more a. verbal channels b. written channels c. nonverbal channels d. information-rich channels


the tendency for decision makers to be influenced by the way that a situation or problem is presented is a. escalation of commitment b. anchoring c. overconfidence bias d. framing bias


which of the following is the correct order of the phases in the creative decision making model? a. problem identification, illumination, immersion, incubation, verification, and application b. problem identification, incubation, immersion, illumination, verification, and application c. problem identification, illumination, incubation, immersion, verification, and application d. problem identification, immersion, incubation, illumination, verification, and application


T/F People in positions of authority are influential in driving people to ethical behaviors but not unethical behaviors.


T/F The global leadership and organizational behavior effectiveness project GLOBE found, thus far, that there are no universal traits that are desirable or undesirable in a leader


T/F The nominal group technique involves using written responses to a series of questionnaires instead of physically bringing individuals together to make a decision.


T/F When employees have high abilities and high achievement motivation, the directive leadership style is best.


T/F all effective leaders are extraverts


T/F people are always interested in making an optimal decision


T/F A formal leader is one who holds a position of authority and may utilize the power that comes from that position as well as personal power to influence others.


T/F A key finding from research completed on traits is that all traits are not equally effective in predicting leadership potential.


T/F Deficient interpersonal communication was a factor in 80-80% of all accidents over 20 years.


T/F Employees of abusive leaders are more likely to quit their jobs and experience higher levels of unhappiness and stress.


T/F Initiating structure refers to task-based leadership behaviors.


T/F Servant leaders put their employees first.


T/F groupthink is one of the reasons cited for the tragedy of the Challenger space shuttle


T/F if your negotiating counterpart feels you are unfair or dishonest, he or she is likely to make concessions


T/F social roles in a group or team include cooperator, communicator, and calibrator


T/F the integrative approach is a new creative approach to negotiation that can lead to a "win win" situation


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