OB exam 3 prepU questions CH 20, 21, 23,24

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After teaching a woman who has had an evacuation for gestational trophoblastic disease (hydatidiform mole or molar pregnancy) about her condition, which statement indicates that the nurse's teaching was successful?

"I will be sure to avoid getting pregnant for at least 1 year."

A patient in labor and delivery has just been diagnosed with pre-eclampsia. Which signs and symptom should the nurse prioritize when assessing this client? Select all that apply.

BP 140/90 mm Hg edema of face headache

A nurse correctly recognizes which of the following as a current trend within the population of birthing women?

Increased rates of cesarean sections.

A nurse is assessing a client in her seventh month of pregnancy who has an artificial valve prosthesis. The client is taking an oral anticoagulant to prevent the formation of clots at the valve site. Which of the following nursing interventions is most appropriate in this situation?

Observe the client for signs of petechiae and premature separation of the placenta

The nurse is preparing to teach a pregnant client with iron deficiency anemia about the various iron-rich foods to include in her diet. Which food should the nurse point out will help increase the absorption of her iron supplement?

Orange juice

Eight hours after a cesarean section, a postpartum woman is having heavy lochia. She informs the nurse, who suspects which of the following causes?

Postpartum hemorrhage

The nurse is assessing a neonate after a ceserean delivery. Which most common complication should the nurse be prepared for?

Respiratory distress

A 15-year-old adolescent arrives at the office with a report of flu symptoms, including nausea and vomiting and recent weight loss. A pregnancy test is done and is positive. The client begins crying and tells the nurse her mother will be furious with her. What can the nurse do to assist this adolescent at this point?

Support her by respecting her right to privacy and confidentiality.

About twice as much blood is lost during a cesarean birth compared with a vaginal birth. T/F


A nurse assesses a client in labor and suspects hypotonic uterine dysfunction. Which intervention would the nurse expect to include in the plan of care for this client?

administering oxytocin

Which compound would the nurse have readily available for a client who is receiving magnesium sulfate to treat severe preeclampsia?

calcium gluconate

A nurse suspects that a client is developing HELLP syndrome. The nurse notifies the health care provider based on which finding?

elevated liver enzymes

Which factor would contribute to a high-risk pregnancy?

type 1 diabetes

A woman at 8 weeks' gestation is admitted for ectopic pregnancy. She is asking why this has occurred. The nurse knows that which factor is a known risk factor for ectopic pregnancy?

use of IUD for contraception

The maternal health nurse is caring for a pregnant client with sickle cell anemia. Which statement(s) will the nurse include in the teaching specific to this condition? Select all that apply.

-"Try to avoid large crowds." -"Inspect your legs daily for the development of ulcers." - "Try to avoid extreme temperatures."

A nursing instructor is teaching students about preexisting illnesses and how they can complicate a pregnancy. The instructor recognizes a need for further education when one of the students makes which statement?

"A pregnant woman does not have to worry about contracting new illnesses during pregnancy."

The nurse is teaching a client with gestational diabetes about complications that can occur either following birth or at delivery for her baby. Which statement by the mother indicates that further teaching is needed by the nurse?

"If my blood sugars are elevated, my baby's lungs will mature faster, which is good."

A nurse is preparing a nursing care plan for a client who is admitted at 22 weeks' gestation with advanced cervical dilatation to 5 cm, cervical insufficiency, and a visible amniotic sac at the cervical opening. Which primary goal should the nurse prioritize at this point?

Bed rest to maintain pregnancy as long as possible

The nurse is assessing a 35-year-old woman at 22 weeks' gestation who has had recent laboratory work. The nurse notes fasting blood glucose 146 mg/dL (8.10 mmol/L), hemoglobin 13 g/dL (130 g/L), and hematorcrit 37% (0.37). Based on these results which instruction should the nurse prioritize?

Check blood sugar levels daily.

A woman with cardiac disease at 32 weeks' gestation reports she has been having spells of light-headedness and dizziness every few days. Which instruction should the nurse prioritize?

Decrease activity and rest more often.

A 28-year-old client with a history of endometriosis presents to the emergency department with severe abdominal pain and nausea and vomiting. The client also reports her periods are irregular with the last one being 2 months ago. The nurse prepares to assess for which possible cause for this client's complaints?

Ectopic pregnancy

The nursing instructor is conducting a class presenting the various aspects of a cesarean delivery. The instructor determines the class is successful after the students correctly choose which complication as the most common postoperative complication?


A pregnant client is admitted to a health care facility with a diagnosis of premature rupture of membranes (PROM). Which of the following tests would the nurse expect to be used to predict fetal lung maturity when the client goes into labor?

Lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio

A 26-year-old primigravida has brought her doula to the birthing center for support during her labor and birth. The doula has been helping her through the past 16 hours of labor. The laboring woman is now 6 cm dilated. She continues to report severe pain in her back with each contraction. The client finds it comforting when her doula uses the ball of her hand to put counterpressure on her lower back. What is the likely cause of the woman's back pain?

Occiput posterior position

At 0500 hrs, a client was started on oxytocin. The nurse notes on assessment the client is dilated to 4 cm with contractions every 1 minute and increased signs of fetal distress. What action should the nurse prioritize after noting the time is now 1200 hrs?

Stop the oxytocin infusion.

A woman in active labor suddenly experiences a sharp, excruciating low abdominal pain, which the nurse suspects may be a uterine rupture since the shape of the abdomen has changed. The nurse calls a code, and a cesarean birth is performed stat, but the infant does not survive the trauma. A few hours later, after the woman has stabilized, she asks to hold and touch her infant, and the nurse arranges this. Later, the nurse's documentation should include which outcome statement?

The parents are beginning to demonstrate positive grieving behaviors.

Hypertonic labor is labor that is characterized by short, irregular contractions without complete relaxation of the uterine wall in between contractions. Hypertonic labor can be caused by an increased sensitivity to oxytocin. What would the nurse do for a client who is in hypertonic labor because of oxytocin augmentation?

Turn off the oxytocin.

A client is being prepared for a scheduled cesarean delivery by the medical team. Which intervention will be most critical for the team to monitor in the first 24 hours post cesarean delivery?

Urinary Output

A client who is 10 weeks' pregnant reports during a social assessment interview that she has two indoor cats, lives alone, fixes her own meals and enjoys gardening. What precautions would the nurse recommend the woman take to prevent the possibility of contracting toxoplasmosis? Select all that apply.

Use gloves when planting her vegetable garden. Make sure meats are cooked to 152ºF (66.7℃); do not eat raw or rare meats.

The obstetric nurse is caring for a pregnant client who has been diagnosed with hydatidiform mole. What assessment should the nurse prioritize?

Vaginal bleeding

Immediately after giving birth to a full-term infant, a client develops dyspnea and cyanosis. Her blood pressure decreases to 60/40 mm Hg, and she becomes unresponsive. What does the nurse suspect is happening with this client?

amniotic fluid embolism

It is determined that a client's blood Rh is negative and her partner's is positive. To help prevent Rh isoimmunization, the nurse would expect to administer Rho(D) immune globulin at which time?

at 28 weeks' gestation and again within 72 hours after birth

A nurse is client teaching with a 30-year-old gravida 1 who has sickle cell anemia. Providing education on which topic is the highest nursing priority?

avoidance of infection

A client is diagnosed with gestational hypertension and is receiving magnesium sulfate. Which finding would the nurse interpret as indicating a therapeutic level of medication?

deep tendons reflexes 2+

A 16-year-old client has been in the active phase of labor for 14 hours. An ultrasound reveals that the likely cause of delay in dilatation is cephalopelvic disproportion. Which intervention should the nurse most expect in this case?

cesarean birth

To prevent tearing of the perineum of a client during birth, a physician performs a mediolateral episiotomy. The nurse recognizes that an advantage of a mediolateral episiotomy over a midline episiotomy is which of the following?

Lower risk for rectal mucosal tear

The nurse is preparing information for a client who has just been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Which instruction should the nurse prioritize in this information?

Maintain a daily blood glucose log

A woman presents at Labor and Delivery very upset. She reports that she has not felt her baby moving for the last 6 hours. The nurse listens for a fetal heart rate and cannot find a heartbeat. An ultrasound confirms fetal death and labor induction is started. What intervention by the nurse would be appropriate for this mother at this time?

Offer to take pictures and footprints of the infant once it is delivered.

When providing discharge instructions to a client who has had a cesarean birth, which of the following points should the nurse include in the discharge plan?

Restrictions about lifting

The nurse is monitoring the uterine contractions of a woman in labor. The nurse determines the woman is experiencing hypertonic uterine dysfunction based on which contraction finding?


A primigravida whose labor was initially progressing normally is now experiencing a decrease in the frequency and intensity of her contractions. The nurse would assess the woman for which condition?

fetopelvic disproportion

A pregnant woman diagnosed with cardiac disease 4 years ago is told that her pregnancy is a high-risk pregnancy. The nurse then explains that the danger occurs primarily because of the increase in circulatory volume. The nurse informs the client that the most dangerous time for her is when?

in weeks 28 to 32

After spontaneous rupture of membranes, the nurse notices a prolapsed cord. The nurse immediately places the woman in which position?


Which medication would the nurse prepare to administer if prescribed as treatment for an unruptured ectopic pregnancy?


A woman in week 16 of her pregnancy calls her primary care provider's office to report that she has experienced abdominal cramping, cervical dilation, vaginal spotting, and the passing of tissue. The nurse instructs the client to bring the passed tissue to the hospital with her. What is the correct rationale for this instruction?

to determine whether gestational trophoblastic disease is present

A woman in active labor with a history of two previous cesarean births is being monitored frequently as she tries to have a vaginal birth. Suddenly, the woman grabs the nurse's hand and states, "Something inside me is tearing." The nurse notes her blood pressure is 80/50 mm Hg, pulse rate is 130 bpm and weak, the skin is cool and clammy, and the fetal monitor shows bradycardia. The nurse activates the code team because the nurse suspects the client may be experiencing which complication?

uterine rupture

During a difficult labor of an infant in the face presentation, the nurse notes the infant has a large amount of facial edema with bruising and ecchymosis. Which assessment would be the priority for this infant?

patent airway

A client in her fifth month of pregnancy is having a routine clinic visit. The nurse should assess the client for which common second trimester condition?

physiological anemia

13s When caring for a client requiring a forceps-assisted birth, the nurse would be alert for:

potential lacerations and bleeding.

A 24-year-old client presents in labor. The nurse notes there is an order to administer RhoGAM after the birth of her infant. When asked by the client the reason for this injection, which reason should the nurse point out?

prevent maternal D antibody formation.

A woman in labor is experiencing hypotonic uterine dysfunction. Assessment reveals no fetopelvic disproportion. Which group of medications would the nurse expect to administer?

uterine stimulants

While the nurse is assessing the prenatal client's understanding of the information provided at a recent appointment, the client states, "I want to avoid the pain and long hours of labor, so I'm electing to have a cesarean birth." How should the nurse respond?

"A cesarean birth is a method to be used when vaginal birth is not possible—it is not a true option."

A pregnant woman with type 2 diabetes is scheduled for a laboratory test of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C). What does the nurse tell the client is a normal level for this test?


A pregnant client at 32 weeks' gestation is treated with magnesium sulfate for seizure management. The nurse assesses which of the following for evidence of magnesium toxicity?

Absence of knee jerk response

A nurse in the maternity triage unit is caring for a client with a suspected ectopic pregnancy. Which nursing intervention should the nurse perform first?

Assess the client's vital signs.

A pregnant woman with sickle cell anemia is very concerned her infant will also develop the disease and questions the nurse about that possibility. Which is the best response from the nurse?

Both parents have to carry the trait.

The nurse is comforting and listening to a young couple who just suffered a miscarriage. When asked why this happened, which reason should the nurse share as a common cause?

Chromosomal abnormality

Between her regularly scheduled visits, a woman in her first trimester of pregnancy who is taking iron supplements for anemia calls the nurse at her obstetrician's office reporting constipation. She reports that she has never had this problem before and asks for some advice about how to get relief. What is the best advice the nurse can give her?

Continue taking iron supplements but increase fluids and high-fiber foods; exercise more.

The nurse assesses that the fetus of a woman is in an occiput posterior position. The nurse predicts the client will experience which situation related to this assessment?

Experience of additional back pain

A woman who has a low segment or low transverse incision cesarean birth will not be able to have a vaginal birth with future pregnancies. T/F


A young woman with scoliosis has just learned that she is pregnant. Several years ago, she had stainless-steel rods surgically implanted on both sides of her vertebrae to strengthen and straighten her spine. However, her pelvis is unaffected by the condition. Which of the following does the nurse anticipate in this woman's pregnancy?

Potential for greater than usual back pain

A woman in labor suddenly reports sharp fundal pain accompanied by slight dark red vaginal bleeding. The nurse should prepare to assist with which situation?

Premature separation of the placenta

A G3P2 woman at 39 weeks' gestation presents highly agitated, reporting something "came out" when her membranes just ruptured. Which action should the nurse prioritize after noting the umbilical cord is hanging out of the vagina?

Put her in bed immediately, call for help, and hold the presenting part of the cord.

The nurse is assisting with a vaginal birth. The patient is fully dilated, 100% effaced and is pushing. The nurse observes the "turtle sign" with each push and there is no progress. What does the nurse suspect may be occurring with this fetus?

Shoulder dystocia

During cesarean birth, a screen is placed at the client's shoulder level and covered with a sterile drape to block the flow of bacteria from her respiratory tract to the incision site.


In vasa previa, the umbilical vessels of a velamentous cord insertion cross the cervical os and therefore deliver before the fetus.


After teaching a review class to a group of perinatal nurses about various methods for cervical ripening, the nurse determines that the teaching was successful when the group identifies which method as surgical?


The clinic nurse teaches a pregestational type 1 diabetic client that constant insulin levels are very important during pregnancy. The nurse tells the client that the best way to maintain a constant insulin level is to use:

an insulin pump.

A pregnant client with type I diabetes asks the nurse about how to best control her blood sugar while she is pregnant. The best reply would be for the woman to:

check her blood sugars frequently and adjust insulin accordingly.

A 29-year-old client has gestational diabetes. The nurse is teaching her about managing her glucose levels. Which therapy would be most appropriate for this client?


A nurse is taking a history of a client at 5 weeks' gestation in the prenatal clinic; however, the client is reporting dark brown vaginal discharge, nausea, and vomiting. Which diagnosis should the nurse suspect?

gestational trophoblastic disease

A nursing instructor is teaching students about fetal presentations during birth. The most common cause for increased incidence of shoulder dystocia is:

increasing birth weight.

A nursing student has learned that precipitous labor is when the uterus contracts so frequently and with such intensity that a very rapid birth will take place. This means the labor will be completed in which span of time?

less than 3 hours

In women with cardiac failure, the maternal blood pressure becomes insufficient to provide an adequate supply of blood to the placenta. The infant will likely experience some undesired effects, including which of the following?

low birth weight

A 44-year-old client has lost several pregnancies over the last 10 years. For the past 3 months, she has had fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. She visits the clinic and takes a pregnancy test; the results are positive. Physical examination confirms a uterus enlarged to 13 weeks' gestation; fetal heart tones are heard. Ultrasound reveals that the client is experiencing some bleeding. Considering the client's prenatal history and age, what does the nurse recognize as the greatest risk for the client at this time?

pregnancy loss

A woman who has been in labor for a long time is currently vomiting. The nurse has suspects the woman has a fluid volume deficit. Which lab data supports this as the primary nursing diagnosis? Select all that apply.

Urine specific gravity 1.040 (elevated) Moderate ketones in urine

The nurse is instructing a primipara who has concerns about the need for a cesearan section due to her sister's obstetrical history. Which statement by the client needs further instruction?

"My sister had a cesarean section with the first and then needs it for all subsequent pregnancies."

The nurse is teaching a pregnant woman with type 1 diabetes about her diet during pregnancy. Which client statement indicates that the nurse's teaching was successful?

"Pregnancy affects insulin production, so I'll need to make adjustments in my diet."

A client with a history of cervical insufficiency is seen for reports of pink-tinged discharge and pelvic pressure. The primary care provider decides to perform a cervical cerclage. The nurse teaches the client about the procedure. Which client response indicates that the teaching has been effective?

"Purse-string sutures are placed in the cervix to prevent it from dilating."

A client, experiencing a threatened abortion, is concerned about losing the pregnancy and asks what she can do to help save her baby. What is the most appropriate response from the nurse?

"Restrict your physical activity to moderate bedrest."

A nurse is inserting a urinary catheter into a woman about to undergo a cesarean birth. The patient asks why this is necessary. How would the nurse accurately respond?

"This measure will help keep your bladder away from the site of surgery."

A nursing student is learning about fetal presentation. The nursing instructor realizes a need for further instruction when the student makes which of the following statements?

"Transverse lie is the same as when the fetal buttocks present to the birth canal."

How much blood would the nurse expect a woman to lose during a cesarean birth?

500 to 1000 mL

A client in week 38 of her pregnancy arrives at the emergency room reporting a sharp pain between her umbilicus and the iliac crest in her lower right abdomen that is increasing. She reports having experienced intense nausea and vomiting for the past 3 hours. Given these symptoms, the nurse suspects which of the following conditions?


A 35-year-old P1001 has been admitted for a scheduled repeat cesarean. As the nurse prepares the patient for surgery, what is the best way to begin preoperative teaching?

Assess how much the woman already knows about cesarean.

The maternal health nurse cares for a homeless pregnant woman who presented to the emergency room in precipitous labor. The woman has not had prenatal care. Upon delivery, her infant weighs 4.6 kg and notes the infant appears to be jittery. Which nursing action will the nurse perform first?

Check the infant's blood glucose level

A nurse is working with a client who has just begun labor and who has given birth vaginally five previous times. Which of the following interventions will the nurse most likely need to implement to meet the needs of this particular client?

Convert the birthing room to birth readiness before full dilatation is obtained

The maternal health nurse is caring for a pregnant client with a history of epilepsy. The client's antiepileptic drug (AED) levels have been in the non-therapeutic range the last two times the labs were drawn. Which factor does the nurse associate with this finding?

Drug metabolism changes during pregnancy

When an infant is born by cesarean delivery there is always a risk of complications. What is one of the most common complications to the fetus because of a cesarean delivery?

Respiratory distress

The nurse is appraising the medical record of a pregnant client who is resting in a darkened room and receiving betamethasone and magnesium sulfate. The nurse will continue to monitor this client for which condition?

Severe preeclampsia

A nurse is providing education to a woman at 28 weeks' gestation who has tested positive for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). What would be important for the nurse to include in the client teaching?

She is at increased risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus after her baby is born.

The nursing instructor is teaching a group of student nurses about the current use of episiotomies during the labor process. The instructor determines the session is successful when the students correctly choose which situation that may require the health care provider to perform an episiotomy?

Shoulder dystocia

The nurse is caring for a client who has a multifetal pregnancy. What topic should the nurse prioritize during health education?

Signs of preterm labor

The nurse is monitoring a client at 41 weeks' gestation receiving IV oxytocin. Which action should the nurse prioritize if noticeable contractions are occuring every 2 minutes, lasting 60 to 90 seconds on the fetal monitor?

Stop the IV oxytocin infusion

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