OB Final

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BMI 17.5 prenatal history prenatal care homelessness

A 22-year-old homeless woman arrives at a walk-in clinic seeking pregnancy confirmation. The nurse notes on assessment a 12-week gestational uterus, a BP of 110/70, a BMI is 17.5. The client admits to using cocaine a few times. She has been pregnant before and indicates she "loses them early." What characteristics place the client in the high-risk pregnancy category? Select all that apply. age BMI 17.5 prenatal history prenatal care BP 110/70 homelessness


A 40-year-old woman is being discharged from the walk-in health care clinic after a diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease. Which health teaching topic should the nurse address? symptoms of menopause pain control for endometriosis fertility issues sexually transmitted infections

positive TORCH test blood pressure vaginal bleeding age of the client

A 42-year-old woman is 26 weeks' pregnant. She lives at a shelter for abused women. Her blood pressure is 170/90, the FHR is 140, TORCH studies are positive and she is bleeding vaginally. What findings put her at risk of delivering a small-for-gestational-age infant? Select all that apply. positive test for TORCH the age of the client blood pressure vaginal bleeding fetal heart rate

"Gender is determined at conception and depends on whether the ovum is fertilized by a Y-bearing or an X-bearing sperm."

A client at a prenatal class requests information on how the gender of a baby is determined. Which statement made by the nurse would be most accurate? "Gender is determined at conception and depends on whether the sperm is fertilized by a Y-bearing or X-bearing ovum." "Gender is determined by week 20 of gestation and depends on whether the ovum is fertilized by a Y-bearing or an X-bearing sperm." "Gender is determined as the embryo is fertilized by a Y-bearing or an X-bearing sperm." "Gender is determined at conception and depends on whether the ovum is fertilized by a Y-bearing or an X-bearing sperm."

apply an ice pack to the site

A client who has just given birth to a healthy newborn required an episiotomy. Which action would the nurse implement immediately after birth to decrease the client's pain from the procedure? Encourage the woman to void. Apply an ice pack to the site Offer warm blankets. Offer a warm sits bath

4 1 1 1 3

A client who is 4 months pregnant is at the prenatal clinic for her initial visit. Her history reveals she has 7-year-old twins who were born at 34 weeks gestation, a 2-year-old son born at 39 weeks gestation, and a spontaneous abortion 1 year ago at 6 weeks gestation. Using the GTPAL method, the nurse would document her obstetric history as: 4 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 2 3 4 2 1 3 1 3 2 1 0 3

"The baby's sucking releases a hormone that causes the uterus to contract."

A client who is breast-feeding her newborn tells the nurse, "I notice that when I feed him, I feel fairly strong contraction-like pain. Labor is over. Why am I having contractions now?" Which response by the nurse would be MOST appropriate? "Your body is responding to the events of labor, just like after a tough workout." "Let me check your vaginal discharge just to make sure everything is fine." "The baby's sucking releases a hormone that causes the uterus to contract." "Your uterus is still shrinking in size; that's why you're feeling this pain."

"By week 4 the arms and legs begin to grow and develop" "By week 5 the heart now beats and the eyes and ears can be seen." "By week 3 there would be the beginning development of the brain, spinal cord, and heart." "By week 6 the lungs begin forming and the baby circulation is established."

A client who is six weeks' pregnant asks the prenatal nurse, "What development has taken place with my baby by now?" Which information should the nurse include in the response? Select all that apply. "By week 4 the arms and legs begin to grow and develop" "By week 5 the heart now beats and the eyes and ears can be seen." "By week 3 there would be the beginning development of the brain, spinal cord, and heart." "By week 6 the lungs begin forming and the baby circulation is established." "By week 6 the baby makes active movements with sucking motions made with the mouth."

chromosomal abnormalities occur in about 1-150 live-born infants

A couple attends genetic counseling. What are the chances that the couple will have a child with Down syndrome? chromosomal abnormalities cannot be inherited and occur at random if a woman is a carrier, there is a 25% chance that her daughter will be affected chromosomal abnormalities occur in about 1-150 live-born infants

-Medication and counseling can help a rape victim cope. -Few women falsely cry "rape." -A rape victim feels vulnerable and betrayed afterwards.

A group of nurses are preparing a program about rape and sexual assault for a community health center. Which information would the nurses include as being most accurate? Select all that apply. -Women have rape fantasies desiring to be raped. -Most victims of rape tell someone about it. -Medication and counseling can help a rape victim cope. -Few women falsely cry "rape." -A rape victim feels vulnerable and betrayed afterwards.

the neonate is small for gestational age

A neonate born at 40 weeks' gestation, weighing 2300 grams (5 lb, 1 oz) is admitted to the newborn nursery for observation only. What is the nurse's first observation about the infant? The neonate is large for its gestational age. The neonate is fetal growth restricted. The neonate is small for its gestational age The neonate is average for its gestational age.

shrill high-pitched cry hypotonic reflexes frequent yawning persistent fever

A neonate is exhibiting signs of neonatal abstinence syndrome. Which findings would confirm this diagnosis? Select all that apply. shrill high-pitched cry frequent sneezing adequate rooting and sucking hypotonic reflexes frequent yawning persistent fever

mothers birth canal

A newborn has been diagnosed with a Group B streptococcal infection shortly after birth. The nurse understands that the newborn most likely acquired this infection from which cause? nonsterile catheter insertion contaminated formula improper handwashing mother's birth canal

flattened maxilla

A newborn is suspected of having fetal alcohol syndrome. Which finding would the nurse expect to assess? flattened maxilla bradypnea hydrocephaly hypoactivity

convection and evaporation

A newborn's axillary temperature is 97.6° F (36.4° C). He has a cap on his head. His T-shirt is damp with spit-up milk. His blanket is laid over him, and several children are in the room running around his bassinet. The room is comfortably warm, and the bassinet is beside the mother's bed away from the window and doors. What are the most likely mechanisms of heat loss for this newborn? convection and evaporation conduction and radiation conduction and evaporation convection and radiation


A nurse is assessing a newborn and observes the newborn moving his head and eyes toward a loud sound. The nurse interprets this as which behavior? habituation orientation social behavior motor maturity


A nurse is assessing a newborn's reflexes. The nurse strokes the lateral sole of the newborn's foot from the heel to the ball of the foot to elicit which reflex? tonic neck stepping plantar grasp Babinski

sternal retractions

A nurse is assessing a newborn. Which finding would alert the nurse to the possibility of respiratory distress in a newborn? sternal retractions respirations of 40 breaths/minute periodic breathing symmetrical chest movements

sharp stabbing chest pain with shortness of breath

A nurse is assessing a postpartum client. Which finding would the cause the nurse the greatest concern? calf pain with dorsiflexion of the foot leg pain on ambulation with mild ankle edema sharp stabbing chest pain with shortness of breath perineal pain with swelling along the episiotomy

sudden high pitched cry

A nurse is assessing a preterm newborn. Which finding would alert the nurse to suspect that a preterm newborn is in pain? bradycardia sudden high-pitched cry oxygen saturation level of 94% decreased muscle tone

intrusive thoughts

A nurse is assessing a rape survivor for post-traumatic stress disorder. The nurse asks the woman, "Do you feel as though you are reliving the trauma?" The nurse is assessing for which effect of the trauma? hyperarousal avoidance intrusive thoughts physical symptoms

respiratory of 10 breaths/minute

A nurse is assessing a woman in labor. Which finding would the nurse identify as a cause for concern during a contraction? respiratory rate of 10 breaths/minute blood pressure rise from 110/60 mm Hg to 120/74 heart rate increase from 76 bpm to 90 bpm white blood cell count of 12,000 cells/mm3

fatigue related to physical exertion during labor

A nurse is assisting in developing a plan of care for a client in the fourth stage of labor. Which of the following problems is most likely to occur during this stage? Urinary retention caused by the loss of sensation to void and rapid bladder filling Pain related to the process of labor or birth Fatigue related to physical exertion during labor Anxiety related to childbirth

prostate gland bulbourethal glands vas deferens

A nurse is completing a continuing education program about the male and female reproductive organs. After reviewing the information, the nurse demonstrates understanding of the information by identifying which structures as male accessory organs? Select all that apply. prostate gland bulbourethal glands penis vas deferens testes

temperature of 101 F (38.8 C)

A nurse is completing a postpartum assessment. Which finding would alert the nurse to a potential problem? respiratory rate of 16 breaths per minute lochia rubra with a fleshy odor pain rating of a 2 on a scale of 0 to 10 temperature of 101 F (38.8 C)

mons pubis labia clitoris

A nurse is conducting a class for a group of teenage girls about female reproductive anatomy and physiology. Which structures would the nurse include as an external female reproductive organ? Select all that apply. mons pubis uterus vagina labia clitoris

degree of glycemic control achieved during pregnancy

A nurse is conducting a class for pregnant women with diabetes. Which factor would the nurse emphasize as being MOST important in helping to reduce the maternal/fetal/neonatal complications associated with pregnancy and diabetes? degree of glycemic control achieved during pregnancy stability of the woman's emotional and psychological status blood urea nitrogen level (BUN) within normal limits evaluation of retinopathy by an ophthalmologist.

appropriate for gestational age

A nurse is conducting a presentation for a group of pregnant women who are considered high-risk. After describing the complications that can occur in newborns, the nurse determines that the teaching was successful when the group identifies which newborn as having the lowest risk for problems? Large-for-gestational-age Small-for-gestational-age Low-birthweight Appropriate-for-gestational-age

reduction in viral loads in the blood

A nurse is conducting a review class for a group of perinatal nurses working at the local clinic. The clinic sees a high population of women who are HIV positive. After discussing the recommendations for antiretroviral therapy with the group, the nurse determines that the teaching was successful when the group identifies which rationale as the underlying principle for the therapy? adjunct therapy to radiation and chemotherapy can cure acute HIV/AIDS infections reduction in viral loads in the blood treatment of opportunistic infections

foul odor

A nurse is conducting an assessment of a woman who has experienced PROM. Which finding would lead the nurse to suspect infection as the cause of a client's PROM? foul odor ferning blue color on Nitrazine testing yellow-green fluid

"Immunizations may be the cause of some illnesses being seen currently."

A nurse is conducting an in-service program for a group of nurses on the health of women and their families, incorporating information from Healthy People 2020. The nurse determines that additional discussion and clarification is needed when the group makes which statement? "Environmental quality is directly related to health care." "Obesity, drug use, and smoking are major problems." "Immunizations may be the cause of some illnesses being seen currently." "Maintaining a physically active lifestyle is strongly encouraged"

fetal genetic abnormalities

A nurse is conducting an in-service program for a group of nurses working at the women's health facility about the causes of spontaneous abortion. The nurse determines that the teaching was successful when the group identifies which condition as the most common cause of first trimester abortions? uterine fibroids cervical insufficiency maternal disease fetal genetic abnormalities

persistent anger

A nurse is describing the criteria needed for the diagnosis of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). Which would the nurse include as a mandatory requirement for the diagnosis? persistent anger sleep difficulties appetite changes chronic fatigue

characterized by tension-building and minor battery

A nurse is describing the cycle of violence to a community group. When explaining the first phase, the nurse would most likely include which description? -characterized by tension-building and minor battery -associated with loss of physical and emotional control -like a honeymoon that lulls the victim -somehow triggered by the victim's behavior

Early ambulation

A nurse is developing a plan of care for a woman who is at risk for thromboembolism. Which measure would the nurse include as the most cost-effective method for prevention? warm compresses early ambulation compression stockings prophylactic heparin administration

inspecting the placenta after delivery for intactness

A nurse is developing a program to help reduce the risk of late postpartum hemorrhage in clients in the labor and birth unit. Which measure would the nurse emphasize as part of this program? applying pressure to the umbilical cord to remove the placenta inspecting the placenta after delivery for intactness manually removing the placenta at delivery administering broad-spectrum antibiotics

Participate in physical activity avoid using diuretics eat three meals with snacking

A nurse is developing a teaching plan about nutrition for a group of pregnant women. Which recommendations would the nurse include in the discussion? Select all that apply. participate in physical activity limit the use of salt in cooking keep weight gain at 15lbs avoid using diuretics eat three meals with snacking

6-10 hours

A nurse is explaining to new parents how a newborn adapts to extrauterine life. When discussing the physiologic changes that occur, the nurse would explain that this transition usually takes the first: 2 to 4 hours of life. 4 to 6 hours of life. 6 to 10 hours of life 8-12 hours of life


A nurse is making a home visit to a postpartum woman who delivered a healthy newborn 4 days ago. The woman's breasts are swollen, hard, and tender to the touch. The nurse documents this finding as: engrossment. involution. engorgement. mastitis.

doubling of the level every 2-3 days

A nurse is monitoring a client's hCG levels because she has had a previous ectopic pregnancy and one spontaneous abortion. Which finding would the nurse interpret as indicating that the pregnancy is progressing appropriately? gradually increasing levels every month doubling of the level every 2-3 days plateauing of the level at 7 days abruptly declining levels after 60 days

"He looks like a frog to me"

A nurse is observing a new mother interacting with her newborn. Which statement would alert the nurse to the potential for impaired bonding between mother and newborn? "He seems to sleep a lot" "You have your daddy's eyes" "He looks like a frog to me" "Where did you get all that hair?"

make direct eye contact with the newborn identify common features between themselves and the newborn

A nurse is observing a postpartum woman and her partner interact with their newborn. The nurse determines that the parents are developing parental attachment with their newborn when they demonstrate which behavior? Select all that apply. make direct eye contact with the newborn identify common features between themselves and the newborn frequently ask for the newborn to be taken from the room refer to the newborn as having a monkey-face refrain from checking out the newborn's features

arm pain unusual fatigue sleep disturbances

A nurse is preparing a class discussion on the clinical manifestations of a heart attack observed in women. Which symptoms would the nurse include as key assessment data? Select all that apply. arm pain syncope unusual fatigue extreme hunger sleep disturbances

demonstrating comfort measures to quiet a crying infant

A nurse is preparing a couple and their newborn for discharge. Which instructions would be most appropriate for the nurse include in discharge teaching? encouraging daily outings to the shopping mall with the newborn allowing the infant to cry for at least an hour before picking him or her up introducing solid foods immediately to increase sleep cycle demonstrating comfort measures to quiet a crying infant


A nurse is preparing a presentation for a group of young adult pregnant women about common infections and their effect on pregnancy. When describing the infections, which infection would the nurse include as the MOST common congenital and perinatal viral infection in the world? parovirus B19 cytomegalovirus hepatitis B rubella

frequent hand washing

A nurse is preparing a teaching program for a group of pregnant women about preventing infections during pregnancy. When describing measures for preventiong cytomegalovirus infection, which measure would the nurse most likely include? prenatal screening immunization antibody titer screening frequent handwashing

24 to 48 hours or less.

A nurse is preparing an in-service program for a group of newly hired nurses about trends in care for pregnant women. When describing events of the past decade, the nurse would state that the average length of stay in the hospital for vaginal births is: 24 to 48 hours or less. 96 to 120 hours or less. 72 to 96 hours or less. 48 to 72 hours or less.

"An increase in aggression may be a result." "The child will have lower self esteem."

A nurse is preparing for a presentation on parenting at a local school. Which information would the nurse include when describing the results of an authoritarian parent? Select all that apply. "There is a greater childhood happiness." "An increase in aggression may be a result." "The child will have lower self esteem". "The child will have increased feeling of security." "The child will have increased social skills." "Children will have higher achievements."

Assess personal feelings about that culture.

A nurse is providing care to a group of childbearing families at the local family health clinic. The families are from a different culture from the nurse's own. Which action would be the priority for the nurse? Determine similarities between both cultures. Assess personal feelings about that culture. Learn as much as possible about that culture. Adapt to the practices of the family's culture.

covering the newborns eyes while under the bililights

A nurse is providing care to a newborn who is receiving phototherapy. Which action would the nurse most likely include in the plan of care? covering the newborn's eyes while under the bililights ensuring that the newborn is covered or clothed reducing the amount of fluid intake to 8 ounces daily keeping the newborn in the supine position

Sudden gush of dark blood from the vagina

A nurse is providing care to a woman during the third stage of labor. Which finding would alert the nurse that the placenta is separating? boggy, soft uterus sudden gush of dark blood from the vagina uterus becoming discoid shaped shortening of the umbilical cord

temperature instability

A nurse is providing care to newborn. The nurse suspects that the newborn is developing sepsis based on which assessment finding? increased urinary output wakefulness temperature instability interest in feeding

36 weeks' gestation

A nurse is providing prenatal care to a pregnancy client. At which time would the nurse expect to screen the client for group B streptococcus infection? 32 weeks gestation 28 weeks gestation 36 weeks gestation 16 weeks gestation

increase in ambulatory care

A nurse is reading a journal article about the changes in health care delivery and funding that have occurred over the years. Which factor would the nurse expect to find as a current trend in maternal and child health care settings? decrease in family poverty level decrease in managed care increase in ambulatory care increase in hospitalization of children


A nurse is reviewing information about maternal and paternal adaptations to the birth of a newborn. The nurse observes the parents interacting with their newborn physically and emotionally. The nurse documents this as: puerperium. lactation. attachment. engrossment


A nurse is reviewing the medical record of a pregnant woman and notes that she is gravid II. The nurse interprets this to indicate the number of: pregnancies spontaneous abortions preterm births births


A nurse is teaching a group of new parents about their newborns' sensory capabilities. The nurse would identify which sense as being well-developed at birth? vision hearing touch taste


A nurse is teaching a new mother about breast-feeding. The nurse determines that the teaching was successful when the woman identifies which hormone as responsible for milk let-down? progesterone oxytocin prolactin estrogen

Brown fat is brown and rich in blood vessels and nerve endings The most common places to find brown fat are the scapulae, neck, mediastinum, and areas near the kidneys and adrenals. Only mature newborns have brown fat. The newborn keeps itself warm by oxidizing brown fat in response to exposure to the cold.

A nurse is teaching a new mother about how newborns regulate their temperature. As part of the teaching, the nurse explains brown fat. Which information would the nurse include? Select all that apply Brown fat is brown and rich in blood vessels and nerve endings. Brown fat makes up 10% of a term newborn's body weight. The most common places to find brown fat are the scapulae, neck, mediastinum, and areas near the kidneys and adrenals. Only mature newborns have brown fat. The newborn keeps itself warm by oxidizing brown fat in response to exposure to the cold.

I'll drink several glasses of water."

A nurse is teaching a pregnant woman at risk for preterm labor about what to do if she experiences signs and symptoms. The nurse determines that the teaching was successful when the woman makes which statement? "I'll drink several glasses of water." "I'll sit down to rest for 30 minutes." "I'll lie down with my legs raised." "I'll try to move my bowels."

"It's okay for my husband and me to have sexual intercourse"

A nurse is teaching a pregnant woman with preterm premature rupture of membranes who is about to be discharged home about caring for herself. Which statement by the woman indicates a need for additional teaching? "I need to keep a close eye on how active my baby is each day" "I need to call my doctor if my temperature increases" "I can shower, but I shouldn't take a bath" "It's okay for my husband and me to have sexual intercourse"

the cord stump should change from brown to yellow

A nurse is teaching postpartum client and her partner about caring for their newborn's umbilical cord site. Which statement by the parents indicates a need for additional teaching? "We can put him in the tub to bathe him once the cord falls off and is healed." "We need to call the primary care provider if we notice a funny odor." "The cord stump should change from brown to yellow." "Exposing the stump to the air helps it to dry."

waking the newborn every hour

A nurse is teaching the mother of a newborn experiencing cocaine withdrawal about caring for the neonate at home. The mother stopped using cocaine near the end of her pregnancy. The nurse determines that additional teaching is needed when the mother identifies which action as appropriate for her newborn? waking the newborn every hour checking the newborn's fontanels offering a pacifier wrapping the newborn snugly in a blanket

pinkish brown discharge

A nurse is visiting a postpartum woman who delivered a healthy newborn 5 days ago. Which finding would the nurse expect? bright red discharge creamy white discharge pinkish brown discharge deep red mucus-like discharge

providing for the client's safety

A nurse is working with a woman who is a victim of violence. Which intervention would be most important for this client? providing for the client's safety reassuring her she is not alone educating about the cycle of violence documenting the abuse

elevated liver enzymes

A nurse suspects that a client is developing HELLP syndrome. The nurse notifies the health care provider based on which finding? hyperglycemia elevated liver enzymes elevated platelet count disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC)

hemodilution of pregnancy

A pregnant client in her second trimester has a hemoglobin level of 11 g/dL. The nurse interprets this as indicating: greater-than-expected weight gain iron-deficiency anemia hemodilution of pregnancy a multiple gestation pregnancy


A pregnant woman delivers a small for gestational age neonate that is admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit with seizure activity. The neonate appears to have abnormally small eyes and a thin upper lip. The infant is noted to be microcephalic. Based on these findings, which substance would the nurse suspect the women of using during pregnancy? alcohol methamphetamine heroin cocaine

"Cut down on your intake of cheeses" "Try exercising a little more" "Some say that eating mints can help" "Watch how much beans and onions you eat"

A pregnant woman in her second trimester tells the nurse, "I've been passing a lot of gas and feel bloated." Which suggestion would be helpful for the woman? Select all that apply. "Cut down on your intake of cheeses" "Try exercising a little more" "Limit the amount of fluid you drink with meals" "Some say that eating mints can help" "Watch how much beans and onions you eat"

"Try elevating your legs when you sit"

A pregnant woman in the 36th week of gestation reports that her feet are quite swollen at the end of the day. After careful assessment, the nurse determines that this is an expected finding at this stage of pregnancy. Which intervention is appropriate for the nurse to suggest? "Wear spandex-type full-length pants" "Limit your intake of fluids" "Try elevating your legs when you sit" "Eliminate salt from your diet"

abdominal tenderness cloudy malodorous fluid elevated maternal pulse rate

A pregnant woman is admitted with premature rupture of the membranes. The nurse is assessing the woman closely for possible infection. Which finding would lead the nurse to suspect that the woman is developing an infection? Select all that apply. decrease C-reactive protein levels abdominal tenderness cloudy malodorous fluid elevated maternal pulse rate fetal bradycardia

"Your newborn may have eye infections from this infection." "Your newborn can be effected during birth" "Your membranes may rupture earlier than normal."

A pregnant woman is diagnosed with chlamydia and asks the nurse "How will this infection affect my baby and pregnancy?" Which responses by the nurse are accurate? Select all that apply. "It will not have any effect on your pregnancy." "Your newborn may have eye infections from this infection." "Your newborn can be effected during birth" "Your membranes may rupture earlier than normal." "Your newborn is protected from this infection."

gentle handling nonnutritive sucking warm blankets for wrapping swaddling

A premature neonate must undergo hourly venipunctures. What nursing action is appropriate to minimize the pain from the procedures? Select all that apply. gentle handling nonnutritive sucking warm blankets for wrapping prone positioning swaddling


A preterm newborn has received oxygen therapy during his 3-month stay in the NICU. As the newborn is prepared to be discharged home, the nurse anticipates a referral for which specialist? Neurologist Ophthalmologist Nephrologist Cardiologist

"Teenage girls are more susceptible to STI's due to their genital anatomy" "Teenage females lack communication skills to negotiate safer sex" "The female genital tract makes you more sensitive to specific STI organisms."

A sexual health public health nurse is presenting information on sexually transmitted infections (STIs) to adolescent girls and is asked, "Why are females more at risk for STIs?" Which statements by the nurse would best answer this question? Select all that apply. "Teenage females lack communication skills to negotiate safer sex" "The teenage female anatomy is mature, leaving them more susceptible to StI's" "Teenage girls are more susceptible to STI's due to their genital anatomy" "Teenage females have sex as they feel they have power to control the sex act" "The female genital tract makes you more sensitive to specific STI organisms."

Continue assessment and evaluation for respiratory distress.

A term neonate is admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. At delivery thick green amniotic fluid was noted. Which action is priority? Apply continuous positive airway pressure. Vigorously suction the nares. Apply oxygen after vigorous suctioning. Use vigorous orogastric suctioning. Continue assessment and evaluation for respiratory distress.

moderately strong contractions every 4 minutes, lasting about 1 minute

A woman calls the health care facility stating that she is in labor. The nurse would urge the client to come to the facility if the client reports which symptom? moderately strong contractions every 4 minutes, lasting about 1 minute pink-tinged vaginal secretions and irregular contractions lasting about seconds increased energy level with alternating strong and weak contractions contractions noted in the front of the abdomen that stop when she walks

age of 25 years old

A woman comes to the clinic because she has been unable to conceive. When reviewing the woman's history, the nurse would least likely identify which factor as a possible risk? diabetes since age 15 years age of 25 years history of smoking weight below standard for height and age


A woman comes to the clinic complaining that she has little sexual desire. As part of the client's evaluation, the nurse would anticipate the need to evaluate which hormone level? testosterone progesterone estrogen gonadotropin-releasing hormone


A woman comes to the clinic for an evaluation. During the visit, the woman tells the nurse that her menstrual cycles have become irregular. "I've also been waking up at night feeling really hot and sweating. The nurse interprets these findings as: menopause. menarche. climacteric. perimenopause.

ballottement positive pregnancy test softening of the cervix

A woman comes to the prenatal clinic suspecting that she is pregnant, and assessment reveals probable signs of pregnancy. Which finding would the nurse most likely assess? Select all that apply. ballottement ultrasound visualization of the fetus positive pregnancy test softening of the cervix absence of menstruation auscultation of a fetal heart beat


A woman gave birth to a newborn via vaginal delivery with the use of a vacuum extractor. The nurse would be alert for which possible effect in the newborn? cephalhematoma clavicular fracture asphyxia central nervous system injury


A woman gives birth to a healthy newborn. As part of the newborn's care, the nurse instills erythromycin ophthalmic ointment as a preventive measure for which sexually transmitted infection (STI)? syphilis hepatitis B gonorrhea genital herpes

encouraging the woman to push when she has a strong desire to do so

A woman has just entered the second stage of labor. The nurse would focus care on which intervention? alleviating perineal discomfort with the application of ice packs palpating the woman's fundus for position and firmness encouraging the woman to push when she has a strong desire to do so completing the identification process of the newborn with the mother

"Mood swings are completely normal during pregnancy"

A woman in her second trimester comes for a follow-up visit and says to the nurse, "I feel like I'm on an emotional roller-coaster." Which response by the nurse would be MOST appropriate? "Mood swings are completely normal during pregnancy" "How often has this been happening to you?" "Maybe you need some medication to level things out" "Have you been experiencing any thoughts of harming yourself:


A woman in her third trimester comes to the clinic for a prenatal visit. During assessment the woman reports that her breathing has become much easier in the last week but she has noticed increased pelvic pressure, cramping, and lower back pain. The nurse determines that which event has most likely occurred? bloody show cervical dilation Braxton-Hicks contractions lightening

it is safe to have intercourse at this time

A woman in the 34th week of pregnancy says to the nurse, "I still feel like having intercourse with my husband." The woman's pregnancy has been uneventful. The nurse responds based on the understanding that: there are other ways that the couple can satisfy their needs intercourse at this time is likely to cause rupture of membranes it is safe to have intercourse at this time intercourse at this time is likely to result in premature labor


A woman is in the first stage of labor. The nurse would encourage her to assume which position to facilitate the progress of labor? lithotomy supine upright knee-chest

palpable fetal movement

A woman suspecting she is pregnant asks the nurse about which signs would confirm her pregnancy. The nurse would explain that which sign would confirm the pregnancy? morning sickness palpable fetal movement absence of menstrual period abdominal enlargement

"Come to the clinic or emergency department for evaluation"

A woman telephones her health care provider and reports that her water just broke. Which suggestion by the nurse would be MOST appropriate? "Call us back when you start having contractions" "Drink 3-4 glasses of water and lie down" "Come to the clinic or emergency department for evaluation" "Come in as soon as you feel the urge to push"


A woman with gestational hypertension experiences a seizure. Which intervention would the nurse identify as the PRIORITY? deliver the fetus fluid replacement control of hypertension oxygenation

"Drink fluids in between meals rather than with meals"

A woman with hyperemesis gravidarum asks the nurse about suggestions to minimize nausea and vomiting. Which suggestion would be MOST appropriate for the nurse to make? "Lie down for about an hour after you eat" "Try to eat three large meals a day with less snacking" "Drink fluids in between meals rather than with meals" "Make sure that anything around your waist is quite snug"

"I have a toddler and preschooler at home who need my attention"

A woman with placenta previa is being treated with expectant management. The woman and fetus are stable. The nurse is assessing the woman for possible discharge home. Which statement by the woman would suggest to the nurse that home care might be inappropriate? "I have a toddler and preschooler at home who need my attention" "My mother lives next door and can drive me here if necessary" "I know to call my healthcare provider right away if I start to bleed again" "I realize the importance of following the instruction for my care"

possible infection

A woman's amniotic fluid is noted to be cloudy. The nurse interprets this finding as: transient fetal hypoxia. meconium passage. normal. possible infection.


After discussing various methods of contraception with a client and her partner, the nurse determines that the teaching was successful when they identify which contraceptive method as providing protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs)? ntrauterine system tubal ligation condoms oral contraceptives

"I'm going to have to wait a few days before I can start breast-feeding."

After teaching a couple about what to expect with their planned cesarean birth, which statement indicates the need for additional teaching? "I'm going to have to wait a few days before I can start breast-feeding." "I guess the nurses will be getting me up and out of bed rather quickly." "Holding a pillow against my incision will help me when I cough." "I'll probably have a tube in my bladder for about 24 hours or so."

menstrual period

After teaching a group of adolescent girls about female reproductive development, the nurse determines that teaching was successful when the girls state that menarche is defined as a woman's first: full hormonal cycle. sign of breast development. menstrual period. sexual experience.

sexual intercourse

After teaching a group of adolescents about HIV, the nurse asks them to identify the major means by which adolescents are exposed to the virus. The nurse determines that the teaching was successful when the group identifies which means of exposure? sexual intercourse sharing needles for IV drug use blood transfusion perinatal transmission

fallopian tubes

After teaching a group of adolescents about female reproductive anatomy, the nurse determines that the teaching was successful when the adolescents identify which structure as the site of fertilization? fallopian tubes vagina vestibule uterus

family center care recognizes the concept of family as the constant

After teaching a group of nursing students about family-centered care, which statement made by the students would best indicate that the teaching was successful? "Family-centered care is one part of a system." "Family-centered care is a component of health care." "Family-centered care recognizes the health of the client." "Family-centered care recognizes the concept of family as the constant."


After teaching a group of pregnant women about breastfeeding, the nurse determines that the teaching was successful when the group identifies which hormone as being inhibited during pregnancy but is important for the production of breast milk after birth? prolactin placental estrogen gonadotropin-releasing hormone progesterone

diaphagm cervical cap condom

After teaching a group of students about the different methods for contraception, the instructor determines that the teaching was successful when the students identify which contraceptive methods as mechanical barrier methods? Select all that apply. diaphragm cerivcal cap cervical sponge vaginal ring condom

"I should wash my hands before starting to breast-feed."

After teaching a postpartum woman about breast-feeding, the nurse determines that the teaching was successful when the woman makes which statement? "The baby's mouth will open up once I put him to my breast." "The baby can be awake or sleepy when I start to feed him." "I should notice a decrease in abdominal cramping during breast-feeding." "I should wash my hands before starting to breast-feed."

human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

After teaching a pregnant woman about the hormones produced by the placenta, the nurse determines that the teaching was successful when the woman identifies which hormone produced as being the basis for pregnancy tests? human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) estrogen (estriol) human placental lactogen (hPL) progesterone (progestin)

"I need to eat foods high in fiber"

After teaching a pregnant woman with iron deficiency anemia about her prescribed iron supplement, which statement indicates successful teaching? "I'll call the primary care provider if my stool is black and tarry" "I need to eat foods high in fiber" "I should take my iron with milk" "I should avoid drinking orange juice"

dry the newborn thoroughly

After the birth of a newborn, which action would the nurse do first to assist in thermoregulation? Put a hat on the newborn's head. Check the newborn's temperature. Dry the newborn thoroughly. Wrap the newborn in a blanket.


An adolescent is diagnosed with gonorrhea. When developing the plan of care for this adolescent, the nurse would expect that she would also receive treatment for what? Chlamydia Syphilis Genital herpes Trichomoniasis

respiratory status

An opioid, Fentanyl has been administered to a client in labor. What assessment should the nurse prioritize? maternal heart rate respiratory status fetal heart rate blood pressure


Assessment of a pregnant woman and her fetus reveals tachycardia and hypertension. There is also evidence suggesting vasoconstriction. The nurse would question the woman about use of which substance? alcohol heroin marijuana cocaine

placental sufficiency

Assessment of a pregnant woman reveals oligohydramnios. The nurse would be alert for the development of which condition? fetal gastrointestinal malformations placental insufficiency neural tube defects maternal diabetes


Assessment of a pregnant woman reveals that she compulsively craves ice. The nurse documents this finding as: quickening ballottement pica linea nigra

"A woman who receives an abnormal alpha-fetoprotein result" "A woman who has been exposed to teratogens" "A woman whose husband is age 50 years or older"

At a prenatal class, the participants ask the nurse who would benefit from genetic counseling. Which responses by the nurse are correct? Select all that apply. "A woman who is a grand multigravida" "A young teenager experiencing her first pregnancy" "A woman who receives an abnormal alpha-fetoprotein result" "A woman who has been exposed to teratogens" "A woman whose husband is age 50 years or older"

microcephaly epicanthal folds small for gestational age tremors

Based on maternal history of alcohol addiction, a neonate in the newborn nursery is being assessed for signs of fetal alcohol syndrome. What findings would confirm the diagnosis? Select all that apply. microcephaly epicanthal folds webbed neck small for gestational age tremors ambiguous genitalia

"It's difficult to predict how your labor will progress, but we'll be here for you the entire time."

During a follow-up prenatal visit, a pregnant woman asks the nurse, "How long do you think I will be in labor?" Which response by the nurse would be MOST appropriate? "Since this is your first pregnancy, you can estimate it will be about 10 hours." "Time isn't important; your health and the baby's health are key." "It's difficult to predict how your labor will progress, but we'll be here for you the entire time." "It will depend on how big the baby is when you go into labor."

mongolian spots

During a physical assessment of a newborn, the nurse observes bluish markings across the newborn's lower back. The nurse interprets this finding as: Mongolian spots. birth trauma. milia stork bites

gas exchange

During a routine prenatal visit, a client, 36 weeks pregnant, states she has difficulty breathing and feels like her pulse rate is really fast. The nurse finds her pulse to be 100 beats per minute (increased from baseline readings of 70 to 74 beats per minute) and irregular, with bilateral crackles in the lower lung bases. The nurse would develop a plan of care identifying interventions to promote which area as the PRIORITY? anxiety tissue perfusion activity gas exchange

Chadwick's sign

On the first prenatal visit, examination of the woman's internal genitalia reveals a bluish coloration of the cervix and vaginal mucosa. The nurse documents this finding as: Homans' sign Chadwisk's sign Hagar's sign Goodall's sign

developing Rh sensitivity

The nurse administers Rho(D) immune globulin to an Rh-negative client after delivery of an Rh-positive newborn based on the understanding that this drug will prevent her from: becoming pregnant with an Rh-positive fetus developing Rh sensitivity developing AB antigens in her blood becoming Rh positive

promote blood clotting

The nurse administers vitamin K intramuscularly to the newborn based on which rationale? Increase erythropoiesis. Enhance bilirubin breakdown. Promote blood clotting. . Stop Rh sensitization.

nasal flaring

The nurse assesses a 1-day-old newborn. Which finding would the nurse interpret as suggesting an issue with oxygenation? nasal flaring respiratory rate of 54 breaths/minute abdominal breathing acrocyanosis

improve pelvic floor tone

The nurse develops a teaching plan for a postpartum client and includes teaching about how to perform pelvic floor muscle training or Kegel exercises. The nurse includes this information for which reason? alleviate perineal pressure promote uterine involution reduce lochia improve pelvic floor tone


The nurse discusses various contraceptive methods with a client and her partner. Which method would the nurse explain as being available only with a prescription? condom spermicide basal body temperature diaphragm


The nurse dries the neonate thoroughly and promptly changes wet linens. The nurse does so to minimize heat loss via which mechanism? radiation evaporation conduction convection

to facilitate maternal-infant bonding

The nurse encourages the mother of a healthy newborn to put the newborn to the breast immediately after birth for which reason? to facilitate maternal-infant bonding to aid in maturing the newborn's sucking reflex to enhance the clearing of the newborn's respiratory passages to encourage the development of maternal antibodies

deficiency of surfactant

The nurse frequently assesses the respiratory status of a preterm newborn based on the understanding that the newborn is at increased risk for respiratory distress syndrome because of which factor? deficiency of surfactant inability to clear fluids immature respiratory control center smaller respiratory passages

Onset of menses

The nurse is assessing a 12-year-old girl who has had her first menses. When reviewing the client's history, which event would the nurse expect to have most likely occurred last? growth spurt onset of menses evidence of pubic hair breast bud development

the woman acknowledges the fetus as a separate entity within her

The nurse is assessing a pregnant woman in the second trimester. Which tasks would indicate to the nurse that the client is incorporating the maternal role into her personality? the client identifies what she must give up to assume her new role the client demonstrates unconditional acceptance without rejection the woman demonstrates concern for herself and her fetus as a unit the woman acknowledges the fetus as a separate entity within her

ignores the newborn crying

The nurse is assisting a new mother who is several hours postpartum. Which reaction by the new mother should the nurse prioritize? Returns baby to the nursery because of fatigue Is hesitant to change the diaper Cuddles her baby close to her while feeding Ignores the newborn crying

softening unpleasant information or prognoses

The nurse is caring for a 2-week-old newborn girl with a metabolic disorder. Which activity would deviate from the characteristics of family-centered care? collaborating with the child and family as equals evaluating and changing the nursing plan of care showing respect for the family's beliefs and wishes softening unpleasant information or prognoses

to detect for hypoglycemia

The nurse is caring for a large-for-gestational-age infant born to a patient with diabetes mellitus. Why should the nurse schedule routine blood glucose measurements for the infant? To detect rebound hypoglycemia To determine insulin dosage to administer To explain the effects of maternal hyperglycemia on the baby To estimate the amount of calories to provide the infant through formula

bathe the newborn thoroughly

The nurse is caring for a newborn of a mother with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). What is the priority for the nurse to complete following delivery? Administer zidovudine Assist the mother to breastfeed Bathe the newborn thoroughly Test the newborn for HIV

promoting skin-to-skin contact on the chest

The nurse is concerned that the parents are having difficulties relating to their newborn. In an effort to assist with and encourage attachment, which activity should the nurse suggest? promoting skin-to-skin contact on the chest sleeping with the infant playing a recording of their voices at all times keeping the baby in the same room at all times

handling perineal pads by the edges taking the prescribed antibiotic until finished washing hands before and after perineal care

The nurse is developing a discharge teaching plan for a postpartum woman who has developed a postpartum infection. Which measures would the nurse most likely include in this teaching plan? Select all that apply. checking temperature once a week directing peribottle to flow from back to front handling perineal pads by the edges taking the prescribed antibiotic until finished washing hands before and after perineal care

improve survival rates

The nurse is developing a plan of care for a client who is receiving aggressive drug therapy for treatment of HIV. The goal of this therapy is to: conduct additional drug research. intervene in late-stage AIDS. improve survival rates. promote the progression of disease.

swaddle between feedings

The nurse is developing a plan of care for a neonate experiencing symptoms of drug withdrawal. What should be included in this plan? Schedule feedings every 4 to 6 hours. Swaddle the infant between feedings. Rock horizontally. Administer glucose between feedings.

instructing her to apply ice packs to both breasts every other hour

The nurse is developing a teaching plan for a client who has decided to bottle feed her newborn. Which information would the nurse include in the teaching plan to facilitate suppression of lactation? suggesting that she take frequent warm showers to soothe her breasts instructing her to apply ice packs to both breasts every other hour telling her to limit the amount of fluids that she drinks encouraging the woman to manually express milk

Feel for the fetal buttocks or head while palpating the abdomen.

The nurse is performing Leopold's maneuvers to determine fetal presentation, position, and lie. Which action would the nurse do FIRST? Determine flexion by pressing downward toward the symphysis pubis. Palpate for the presenting part in the area just above the symphysis pubis. Feel for the fetal buttocks or head while palpating the abdomen. Feel for the fetal back and limbs as the hands move laterally on the abdomen.

"If the father doesn't have it, then his kids won't either"

The nurse is teaching a couple about X-linked disorders because they are concerned that they might pass on hemophilia to their children. Which response indicates the need for further teaching? "If the father doesn't have it, then his kids won't either" "If the mother is a carrier, her daughter could be one too" "the father can't be a carrier if he doesn't have hemophilia "If the mother is a carrier, her sons will have hemophilia"

The newborns sweat glands function fully, just like those of an adult

The nurse is teaching a group of parents about the similarities and differences between newborn skin and adult skin. Which statement by the group indicates that additional teaching is needed? The newborn has fewer fibrils connecting the dermis and epidermis The newborn's skin and that of an adult are similar in thickness. The newborn's sweat glands function fully, just like those of an adult. Skin development in the newborn is not complete at birth.

"Pregnancy affects insulin production, so I'll need to make adjustment in my diet"

The nurse is teaching a pregnant woman with type 1 diabetes about her diet during pregnancy. Which client statement indicates that the nurse's teaching was successful? "Because I need extra protein, I'll have to increase my intake of milk and meat" "I'll adjust my diet and insulin based on the results of my urine tests for glucose" "Pregnancy affects insulin production, so I'll need to make adjustment in my diet" "I'll basically follow the same diet that I was following before I became pregnant"

check the identification of any healthcare worker before releasing baby from the room

The nurse is teaching a prenatal class illustrating the steps that are used to keep families safe. The nurse determines the session is successful when the parents correctly choose which precaution to follow after the birth of their infant? Check the name on the baby's identification bracelet. Send a family member to accompany the infant when leaving the room. Check the identification badge of any health care before releasing the baby from the room Provide a list of approved visitors who came spend time with the infant.

Getting telephone consent with two people listening to the verbal consent

The nurse is trying to get consent to care for an 11-year-old boy with diabetic ketoacidosis. His parents are out of town on vacation, and the child is staying with a neighbor. Which action would be the priority? Contacting the child's aunt or uncle to obtain their consent Getting telephone consent with two people listening to the verbal consent Asking the courts to grant permission on the child's behalf Providing emergency care without parental consent

heart disease

The nurse is working with a group of community health members to develop a plan to address the special health needs of women. The group would design educational programs to address which condition as the priority? Cancer Smoking Heart disease Diabetes

yellowish-brown, seedy stool

The nurse observes the stool of a newborn who has begun to breast-feed. Which finding would the nurse expect? yellowish-green, pasty stool greenish black, tarry stool yellowish-brown, seedy stool yellow-gold, stringy stool

yellowing-green, pasty stool

The nurse observes the stool of a newborn who is being bottle-fed. The newborn is 2 days old. What would the nurse expect to find? greenish black, tarry stool yellowish-green, pasty stool yellow-gold, stringy stool yellowish-brown, seedy stool

decrease serum bilirubin level

The nurse places a newborn with jaundice under the phototherapy lights in the nursery to achieve which goal? Increase surfactant levels in the lungs. Promote respiratory stability. Decrease the serum bilirubin level. Prevent cold stress

urinary frequency

The nurse teaches a primigravida client that lightening occurs about 2 weeks before the onset of labor. What will the mother most likely experience at that time? dyspnea urinary frequency dysuria constipation

gestational hypertension

The nurse would be alert for possible placental abruption during labor when assessment reveals which finding? gestational hypertension gestational diabetes macrosomia low parity

post-term pregnancy

The nursing student doing a clinical obstetrics rotation correctly picks which term to label a pregnancy that continues past the end of the 42nd week of gestation? term pregnancy preterm pregnancy post-term pregnancy none of the above

Nutrition guidelines Hygiene practices Sun protection routine STI's

The public health nurse is preparing a presentation for an adolescent group with the focus being on primary prevention topics. Which topics would the nurse include? Select all that apply. Nutrition guidelines Hygiene practices Sun protection routine Smoking cessation programs Sexually transmitted infections

"I'm sorry you lost your baby"

Upon entering the room of a client who has had a spontaneous abortion, the nurse observes the client crying. Which response by the nurse would be MOST appropriate? "Why are you crying?" "I'm sorry you lost your baby" "Will a pill help your pain?" "A baby still wasn't formed in your uterus"

maternal gestational diabetes prematurity fetal-maternal blood group incompatibility certain drugs breastfeeding

What are common risk factors for developing newborn jaundice? Select all that apply. breastfeeding maternal gestational diabetes prematurity fetal-maternal blood group incompatibility too frequent feedings certain drugs

ask the client about the injuries and if they are related to abuse.

When a nurse suspects that a client may have been abused, the first action should be to: set up an appointment with a domestic violence counselor. ask the client about the injuries and if they are related to abuse. encourage the client to leave the batterer immediately. ask the suspected abuser about the victim's injuries.

rooting reflex

When assessing a newborn's reflexes, the nurse strokes the newborn's cheek, and the newborn turns toward the side that was stroked and begins sucking. The nurse documents which reflex as being positive? rooting reflex Moro reflex palmar grasp reflex tonic neck reflex

degree of thinning

When assessing cervical effacement of a client in labor, the nurse assesses which characteristic? passage of the mucous plug degree of thinning extent of opening to its widest diameter fetal presenting part

less than after a vaginal delivery

When caring for a mother who has had a cesarean birth, the nurse would expect the client's lochia to be: greater than after a vaginal delivery. about the same as after a vaginal delivery. less than after a vaginal delivery. saturated with clots and mucus.

Provide new knowledge and skills to actively participate in birth and parenting

When describing perinatal education to a pregnant woman and her partner, the nurse emphasizes which goal as the PRIMARY one? empower the couple to totally control the birth process provide new knowledge and skills to actively participate in birth and parenting equip a couple with the knowledge to experience a pain-free childbirth eliminate anxiety so that they can have an uncomplicated birth


When describing the menstrual cycle to a group of young women, the nurse explains that estrogen levels are highest during which phase of the endometrial cycle? menstrual secretory ischemic proliferative

1 in 8

When developing a presentation for a local community organization on violence, the nurse is planning to include statistics on intimate partner abuse and its effects on children. When addressing these statistics, the nurse would identify what rate of the cases involving a parent being abused would the children be abused also? 1 in 5 1 in 10 1 in 3 1 in 8

Intrauterine System

When discussing options, the nurse would recommend which option as being the MOST reliable? intrauterine system lactational amenorrheal method coitus intteruptus natural family planning

soft bedding material should not be in areas where infants sleep

When making a home visit, the nurse observes a newborn sleeping on his back in a bassinet. In one corner of the bassinet is some soft bedding material, and at the other end is a bulb syringe. The nurse determines that the mother needs additional teaching because: the bulb syringe should not be kept in the bassinet. the newborn should not be sleeping on his back. soft bedding material should not be in areas where infants sleep. this newborn should be sleeping in a crib.

five different sexual partners

When obtaining the health history from a client, which factor would lead the nurse to suspect that the client has an increased risk for sexually transmitted infections (STIs)? five different sexual partners weight gain of 5 lbs (2.3 kg) in one year hive-like rash for the past 2 days clear vaginal discharge

low-birth weight infants

When teaching a class of pregnant women about the effects of substance abuse during pregnancy, the nurse would most likely include which effect? higher pain tolerance low-birth weight infants longer gestational periods excessive weight gain

keeping it dry

When teaching a mother to care for her newborn's umbilical cord, which of the following instructions would you include? Covering it with dry gauze Keeping it dry Keeping the umbilical cord dry and open to air helps to prevent infection. Washing it with soap and water Applying petroleum jelly to it daily

assessing the uterine fundus

Which action is a priority when caring for a woman during the fourth stage of labor? assisting with perineal care assessing the uterine fundus encouraging the woman to void offering fluids as indicated

Dry the newborn and place it skin to skin on mother

Which action would be priority for the nurse to complete immediately after the delivery of a 40-week gestation newborn? Swaddle the infant and place in the bassinet. Dry the newborn and place it skin-to-skin on mother. Complete a full head-to-toe assessment. Assess the newborn's glucose level.

"Have you ever been physically hurt by your partner?"

Which approach would be most appropriate when counseling a woman who is a suspected victim of violence? -Call her at home to ask her some questions about her marriage. -Ask, "Have you ever been physically hurt by your partner?" -Wait until she comes in a few more times to make a better assessment. -Offer her a pamphlet about the local battered women's shelter.

Analysis of morbidity and mortality

Which aspect of client wellness has not been a focus of health during the 21st century? Disease prevention Health promotion Analysis of morbidity and mortality Wellness


Which finding would the nurse expect to find in a client with endometriosis? fever dyspareunia fluid retention hot flashes

perform hand washing before breastfeeding

Which instruction should the nurse offer a client as primary preventive measures to prevent mastitis? avoid massaging the breast area apply cold compresses to the breast perform hand washing before breastfeeding avoid frequent breastfeeding

Provide opportunities to hold the newborn

Which measure would be most appropriate for the nurse to do when assisting parents who have experienced the loss of their preterm newborn? Avoid using the terms "death" or "dying." Refrain from initiating conversations with the parents. Quickly refocus the parents to a more pleasant topic. Provide opportunities for them to hold the newborn.

participating in regular daily exercise

Which measure would the nurse include in the teaching plan for a woman to reduce the risk of osteoporosis after menopause? restricting fluid to 1,000 mL daily taking vitamin supplements eating high-fiber, high-calorie foods participating in regular daily exercise

Observe the parents performing the procedures.

Which method would be MOST effective in evaluating the parents' understanding about their newborn's care? Demonstrate all infant care procedures for the parents. Routinely assess the newborn for cleanliness. Allow the parents to state the steps of the care. Observe the parents performing the procedures.

Vaginal examination

Which procedure is contraindicated in an antepartum client with bright red, painless bleeding? Vaginal examination Urinalysis Leopold maneuver Nonstress test

the morula divides into specialized cells that will form fetal structures the morula enters the uterine cavity about 72 hours after fertilization within the morula is a blastocyts that will form the embryo

Which processes that occur after fertilization would lead to a normal pregnancy? Select all that apply The morula divides into specialized cells that will form fetal structures The blastocyst reaches the uterine cavity immediately after fertilization The morula enters the uterine cavity about 72 hours after fertilization The morula develops into the embryonic membranes, the chorion, and placenta within the morula is a blastocyst that will form the embryo

"Childbirth affects the entire family, and relationships will change."

Which statement made by a nursing student would best indicate that their education on family-centered care was fully understood? "Mothers are the only family member affected by childbirth." "Families are usually not capable of making health care decisions for themselves, especially in stressful situations." "Since childbirth is a medical procedure, it may affect everyone." "Childbirth affects the entire family, and relationships will change."

"you'll have an ultrasound first and then the test"

Which statement would the nurse include when teaching a pregnant woman about chorionic villi sampling? "this test is very helpful for identifying spinal defects" "you'll have an ultrasound first and then the test" "the results should be available in about a week" "afterwards, you can resume your exercise program"

"Choose whatever method you feel most comfortable with for pushing."

Which suggestion by the nurse about pushing would be most appropriate to a woman in the second stage of labor? "Choose whatever method you feel most comfortable with for pushing." "Let me help you decide when it is time to start pushing." "Lying flat with your head elevated on two pillows makes pushing easier." "Bear down like you're having a bowel movement with every contraction."

position of comfort for the mother

While discussing labor with a client and her partner, the nurse is asked what the best position is for giving birth to the baby. The nurse provides them with information that indicates research has shown which position as the best? squatting semi-fowler's position lying on her back with feet in stirrups position of comfort for the mother


hing new parents about the sensory capabilities of their newborn, which sense would the nurse identify as being the least mature? vision taste touch hearing

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