OB Test #2

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Ending the workday shortly after lunch on Friday because an individual reported to work early is most likely an example of


Which of the "Big Five" personality dimensions is associated with being anxious, depressed, angry, and insecure?


People who are impatient, competitive, ambitious, and uptight are said to have what personality type?

Type A

What can supervisors do to avoid measurement problems when they have only limited knowledge of the employee's performance?

Use a multiple-rater system

The degree to which the job allows an individual substantial freedom and independence is called


Which term refers to the capacity to rapidly and fluidly acquire, process, and apply information?

general mental ability

Flextime is a work schedule arrangement that

gives employees more personal control over the hours they work each day.

Participation occurs when employees

have a voice in decisions about their own work.

The problems with telecommuting include all of the following EXCEPT

have to be at work during core time

Plans in which employees can earn additional compensation in return for certain types of performance are called

incentive systems.

Sara tries to always be on time for work because she once saw her boss give someone an award for good attendance. Sara is exhibiting learning through

positive reinforcement.

According to David McClelland, the desire to control, influence, or be responsible for others is called a need for


Cutting the work hours of low performing employees is an example of


The critical psychological states of the job characteristics theory include all of the following EXCEPT

recognition for work outcomes.

Who developed the Existence-Relatedness-Growth (ERG) Theory?

Clay Alderfer

Which type of reinforcement schedule is effective at motivating desirable behaviors, especially in the early stages of learning?


_________ are superior in technical tasks and problems and inferior in interpersonal learning settings.


_________ depend on abstract conceptualization and active experimentation in order to learn.


Which dimension of self-efficacy refers to beliefs about the degree to which similar tasks can be accomplished?


Which of the following is NOT one of the suggested steps for time management?

Impression management

Which of the following is an example of distress?

Excessive pressure to perform

In which stage of the general adaptation syndrome do people give up because they can no longer cope with the stressor?


__________ theory assumes that people are motivated to work toward a goal if they want that goal and think they can achieve it


Which of the following is most appropriate when a manager realizes he or she has been rewarding the wrong thing and wants to stop the behavior?


Who developed the Two-Factor Theory?

Frederick Herzberg

Who developed scientific management?

Frederick Taylor

Which of the following statements regarding assessing employees' "Big Five" personality traits is true?

The "Big Five" personality traits are based primarily on research conducted in the United States.

Which of the following is NOT a way to restore feelings of equity?

Try to convince the comparison-other to reduce her inputs

Which of the "Big Five" personality dimensions is associated with being careful, thorough, responsible, organized, hardworking, achievement-oriented, and persistent?


In its simplest form, reinforcement theory suggests that behavior is a function of


People with a high need for power can be successful managers if they

curb their desires when they might interfere with organizational relationships.

​Logical-mathematical intelligence is most important for whom?


Our job satisfaction tends to ___________ over time, ______ when we change jobs or employers

stay constant, even

A __________ reinforcement schedule is one in which the desired behavior is reinforced after an unpredictable number of instances.


____ is the process of screening out information that we are uncomfortable with or that contradicts our beliefs.

Selective perception

Which of the following is NOT an example of a collateral program?

Shift work

All of the following statements about the key outcomes expected to result from the psychological states detailed in the job characteristics theory are true EXCEPT

high profits for stockholders.

Intrapersonal value conflict occurs when ________________.

highly ranked instrumental and terminal values contradic

According to Herzberg, __________ happiness includes things such as pay, status, and working conditions that produce an acceptable work environment and whose absence leads to dissatisfaction.


Common dimensions of a person's life that are not tied specifically to work include all of the following EXCEPT

working hours

What term refers to a repeated mistreatment of another employee through verbal abuse, conduct that is threatening, humiliating, or intimidating, or sabotage that interferes with the other person's work?

workplace bullying

​Personality affects which of the following?

​choice of career

Which of the following is NOT a type of value? ​


What term refers to the fit between an individual and her coworkers and supervisor?

person-group fit

The extent to which the contributions made by an individual match the inducements offered by the organization is referred to as

person-job fit

What term refers to the fit between an individual's values, beliefs, attitudes, and personality and the values, norms, and culture of the organization?

person-organization fit

A poorly designed office that doesn't allow a worker adequate privacy is an example of a(n) ____ organizational stressor.

physical demand

Based on Maslow's hierarchy, __________ needs are the most basic requirements that people possess.


According to goal-setting theory, actual performance is determined by the interaction of

organizational support, goal-directed effort, and individual abilities.

The most significant shortcoming of the scientific management approach was that it

overstated the importance of money.

When a few employees are given a small reward to show that they are appreciated, the reward carries ____ value.


Interpersonal intelligence is most important for whom?


Which type of value reflects what we want to accomplish?


Goal specificity is defined as

the clarity and precision of a goal.

Organizations typically conduct performance appraisals

once a year.

Instrumentality refers to a person's perception of the probability that

performance will lead to certain outcomes.

Linguistic intelligence is most important for whom?


Interpersonal value conflict occurs when ________________.

two different people hold contradictory values

Extrinsic work values are defined as _____________.

values related to the outcomes of the work

​Intrinsic work values are defined as _____________.

values related to the work itself

__________ is the set of forces that causes people to engage in one behavior rather than some alternative behavior.


Which theory serves as the basis for job enrichment?

None of these

Emotional intelligence includes all of the following EXCEPT

locus of control

The human resource approach to motivation assumes that

meaningful employee contributions are valuable to both the individuals and the organization.

People with an internal locus of control, as compared to those with an external locus of control, tend to be ______ socially integrated at work and report ______ favorable relationships with their supervisors.

more, more

A shortage of __________ factors will lower satisfaction and cause employees to focus on __________ factors, which will produce feelings of dissatisfaction if they are missing.

motivation, hygiene

The most difficult performance factor to manage is often


A performance bonus is an example of

positive reinforcement.

​How many personality types are there according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator?


What percent of the U.S. workforce reports either being bullied at work or witnessing bullying?


_________ tend to deal with people easily and specialize in action-oriented jobs, such as marketing and sales.


What is the likely impact of perquisites on the employees who receive them?

An elevated sense of status in the organization

_________ are superior in generating alternative hypotheses and ideas, and tend to be imaginative and people- or feeling-oriented.


_________ depend on concrete experience and reflective observation in order to learn.


Which of the following is NOT a relaxation technique for coping with work stress?

Making a "to do" list

Which of the following best describes the role of circumstances in assessing individual differences?

Whether specific differences that characterize a person are good or bad depends on circumstances.

The ____ component of an attitude is derived from feelings that an individual has about another person or situation.


Smoking and alcohol abuse are ____ consequences of too much stress at work.


Self-efficacy, as it relates to goals, is the extent to which an individual

believes he or she can accomplish goals even if he or she failed to do so in the past.

What is personality a product of?

both heredity and the environment

Individuals who score high in ____ tend to take their jobs seriously and act responsibly at work.


Usually, high work stress results in ____________ job performance.


Managers with a low tolerance for ambiguity tend to be more ________ with their staff and don't empower them to make their own decisions at work.


Which of the following statements about variable work schedules is true?

employees grow resentful and powerless

The scientific management view of motivation includes all of the following EXCEPT

employees want to feel useful and important

Quality circles are an example of organizational attempts at


The organization's compensation structure should be which of the following?


Which of the "Big Five" personality dimensions refers to being sociable, assertive, talkative, and energetic?


Medical, psychological, and behavioral responses to stress are primarily

individual consequences

According to equity theory, which of the following ratios do people consider when deciding whether they are being treated equitably?

inputs : outcomes

Which type of value reflects how we want to accomplish what we want to accomplish?


Which of Gardner's multiple intelligences refers to self-awareness


According to the equity theory, inputs include all of the following EXCEPT

All of these are inputs.

All of the following are signs of burnout except

Strenuous exercise

Being tolerant of ambiguity is related to which of the following?

all of these

Which of the following is a way to resolve cognitive dissonance?

all of these

What term refers to an interpersonal capability that includes the ability to perceive and express emotions, to understand and use them, and to manage emotions in oneself and other people?

emotional intelligence

A __________ reinforcement schedule is one in which the desired behavior is reinforced after a specified number of instances.


Employees who find intrinsic value in their work are doing what is ____________.

important to them

A supervisor who experiments with new ideas, takes a chance with new products, and leads his or her department in new directions has high

risk propensity.

A(n) ____ is a set of expected behaviors associated with a particular position in a group or organization.


According to Herzberg's dual-structure theory, motivation factors were often cited as the primary causes of

satisfaction and motivation.

In order for social learning to take place,

the employee must possess the physical attributes needed to perform the job.

The basic expectancy framework suggests that for motivated behavior to occur,

the positive valences should outweigh the negative valences of potential outcomes.

An example of an intrinsic work value is _______________.​

challenging work

Goal-setting theory has been tested in a variety of settings. Which of the following statements is not true regarding the findings of these studies?

Goals set for organizations as a whole are typically more effective than goals set for individual employees.

Which of the following best describes the current view of job enrichment?

Job enrichment has recently fallen into disfavor among managers.

All of the following are examples of an interpersonal demand stressor EXCEPT

Job security

Two people are needed to fill a position for a company that remains open for business from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., five days a week. Which of the following alternative work arrangements might best suit this position?

Job sharing

___________ people are decisive and like to plan whereas ____________ people are adaptable, spontaneous, and curious.

Judging, perceiving

_______________ reflects a tendency to perceive or interpret information marked by vague, incomplete, fragmented, multiple, inconsistent, or contradictory meanings as actual or potential sources of psychological discomfort or threat.

Low tolerance for ambiguity

Which dimension of self-efficacy refers to beliefs about how difficult a task can be accomplished?


Which of the following best describes a reward system that involves employees in its design and administration?

Participative pay system

Which of the following statements about performance measurement with a developmental orientation is true?

Performance appraisals with a developmental orientation provide information for future performance improvement.

Which of the following is a basic cause of stress in organizations?

Physical demands

Which of the following distributes a portion of the company's profits to all employees at a predetermined rate?

Profit-sharing program

Which of the following is NOT true about the general adaptation syndrome model?

Prolonged exposure to stress results in a greater tolerance for future stress.

For various reasons, Anne is unable to move ahead into a higher position at work. According to Alderfer's ERG theory, which of the following sets of needs will become more important to Anne?


____ is the degree to which a job requires completion of a whole and identifiable piece of work.

Task identity

Which of the following methods can be used to enhance individual performance at work?

all of these

​General mental ability involves which of the following?

all of these

Which of the following is NOT one of the factors that has the greatest influence on job satisfaction?

alma mater

​Individual-organization value conflict occurs when ___________________.​

an employee's values conflict with the values of the organization

Stressors are defined as

anything that induce stress.

One of the primary differences between attitudes and personality is that

attitudes are not as stable as personality attributes.

Work-life relationships that are separate from work include all of the following EXCEPT

career goals

After working in a fast-food restaurant for three years to pay for your college tuition, you vowed never to work in a restaurant again. But after graduation the only job offer you receive is a managerial job at a local restaurant. Your acceptance of this job may result in ____ dissonance.


When a construction worker decides to work additional hours on a typical workday so that he can have a three-day weekend, he is likely taking advantage of a ____ program.

compressed workweek.

All of the following are steps in an individual's formation of equity perceptions EXCEPT

confronting the comparison other with any inequity.


is most frequently found among high achievers.

The problems encountered when implementing job rotation in the workplace include all of the following EXCEPT

it is ineffective for training purposes

Which of the following is an example of a job design technique?

job enlargement

Tammi generally is pessimistic and usually sees things in a negative light. Tammi has a relatively high degree of

negative affectivity.

Behavioral consequences of organizational stress include all of the following EXCEPT

negative changes in attitudes

Allowing an employee to spend part of their time working off-site, usually at home is called ____.

none of these

Empowerment will enhance organizational effectiveness under all the following conditions except

renewed concentration of authority in the hands of top managers.

According to the human resource approach, offering employees __________ is the best way to enhance motivation in the workplace.


High-need achievers tend not to make good top managers because

top managers seldom receive immediate feedback.

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