OB unit 3 questions

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3. Administer oxygen

A 35-year-old client with pre-eclampsia is being induced with oxytocin. She is contracting every 3 minutes, with each contraction lasting 30 seconds. Suddenly the client becomes dyspneic and cyanotic, and begins to have chills. Which of the following nursing interventions is of highest priority? 1. Check blood pressure. 2. Assess fetal heart rate. 3. Administer oxygen. 4. Stop oxytocin infusion.

4. Terbutaline.

A client is scheduled for an external version. The nurse would expect to prepare which of the following medications to be administered prior to the procedure? 1. Oxytocin. 2. Methylergonovine. 3. Betamethasone. 4. Terbutaline.

2. Flex the client's thighs sharply toward her abdomen.

During a vaginal delivery, the obstetrician declares that a shoulder dystocia has occurred. Which of the following actions by the nurse is appropriate at this time? 1. Administer oxytocin intravenously per doctor's orders. tight-fitting face mask. 2. Flex the client's thighs sharply toward her abdomen. 3. Apply oxygen using a tight fitting face mask 4. Apply downward pressure on the client's fundus.

2. Meconium-stained fluid

In which of the following clinical situations would amnioinfusion be appropriate? 1. Placental abruption. 2. Meconium-stained fluid. 3. Polyhydramnios. 4. Late decelerations.

a. The medication regimen should be modified to reduce danger to the fetus.

Which of the following is true of asthma management in pregnancy? a. The medication regimen should be modified to reduce danger to the fetus. b. It usually improves in pregnancy, so the mother can stop her medications. c. Treatment approaches are the same as those for nonpregnant women. d. Medications can be reduced because of the increased oxygen-carrying capacity of fetal hemoglobin.

3. Platelets 75,000.

Which of the following lab values should the nurse report to the physician as being consistent with the diagnosis of HELLP syndrome? 1. Hematocrit 48%. 2. Potassium 5.5 mEq/L. 3. Platelets 75,000. 4. Sodium 130 mEq/L.


Which of the following physical findings would lead the nurse to suspect that a client who has pre-eclampsia with severe features has developed HELLP syndrome? Select all that apply. 1. 3+ pitting edema. 2. Petechiae. 3. Jaundice. 4. 4+ deep tendon reflexes. 5. Elevated specific gravity.

4. Shoulder dystocia.

Which of the following situations should the nurse conclude is a vaginal delivery emergency? 1. Third stage of labor lasting 20 minutes. 2. Fetal heart dropping during contractions. 3. Three-vessel cord. 4. Shoulder dystocia.

2. Hemorrhage

While waiting to conclude the third stage of labor, the obstetrician states that a client has placenta accreta. The nurse would expect to see which of the following signs/symptoms? 1. Hypertension. 2. Hemorrhage. 3. Bradycardia. 4. Hyperthermia.

1. LMA (left mentum anterior).

which A fetus is entering the pelvis in the vertex presentation and in the extended attitude. The nurse determines that which of the following positions is consistent with this situation? 1. LMA (left mentum anterior). 2. LSP (left sacrum posterior). 3. Dorso-superior. 4. ROP (right occiput posterior).

a. The client with repetitive FHR decelerations in the second stage

A nurse is reviewing the charts of four clients in the birthing unit. Which client has an increased risk for an episiotomy? a. The client with repetitive FHR decelerations in the second stage b. The client with a fetus in an occiput-anterior position c. The client with abruptio placentae d. The client with gestational hypertension

3. Flexed attitude

A physician has notified the labor and delivery suite that four clients will be be admitted to the unit. The client with which of the following clinical findings would candidate a for an external version? 1. +3 station. 2. Left sacral posterior position. 3. Flexed attitude. 4. Rupture of membranes for 24 hours.

c. Shoulder dystocia

The nurse is caring for a client at 40 weeks' gestation who is has been experiencing prolonged labor. The nurse-midwife estimates the fetal weight at 4600 g. Which complication will the nurse anticipate at the birth? a. Occiput posterior delivery b. Meconium aspiration c. Shoulder dystocia d. Neonatal sepsis

b. Administration of magnesium sulfate

The nurse is caring for a client who is not in labor but has been diagnosed with ruptured membranes at 30 weeks' gestation. For what intervention should the nurse prepare? a. Induction of labor b. Administration of magnesium sulfate c. Digital vaginal examination d. Amnioinfusion

c. Abruptio placentae

The nurse is caring for a laboring client with a known history of cocaine abuse. What complication is most likely for this client? a. Placenta previa b. Prolapsed cord c. Abruptio placentae d. Polyhydramnios

1. Low urinary output.

A client at 32 weeks' gestation is contracting every 3 min, with each contraction lasting 60 sec. She is receiving magnesium sulfate intravenously by pump. For which of the following maternal assessments is it critical for the nurse to monitor the client? 1. Low urinary output. 2. Temperature elevation. 3. Absent pedal pulses. 4. Retinal edema.

1. Turn off the oxytocin infusion.

A client at 38 weeks' gestation with hypertension and oligohydramnios is being induced with IV oxytocin. She is contracting q 3 min X 60 to 90 seconds. She suddenly complains of abdominal pain. The nurse notices significant fetal heart rate bradycardia. Which of the following interventions should the nurse perform first? 1. Turn off the oxytocin infusion. 2. Administer oxygen via face mask. 3. Reposition the patient. 4. Call the obstetrician. oxytocin induction of a client

3. Assess the fluid with nitrazine and see if the paper turns blue.

A client at 39 weeks' gestation with a fetal heart rate baseline at 145 bpm, tells the admitting labor and delivery room nurse that she has had to wear a pad for the past 4 days "because I keep leaking urine." Which of the following is an appropriate action for the nurse to perform at this time? 1. Palpate the client's bladder to check for urinary retention. 2. Obtain a urine culture to check for a urinary tract infection. 3. Assess the fluid with nitrazine and see if the paper turns blue. 4. Percuss the client's uterus and monitor for ballottement.

3. A client witb cardiac disease

Three clients at 30 weeks' gestation are on the labor and delivery unit in preterm labor. For which of the clients should the nurse question a doctor's order for beta agonist tocolytics? 1. A client with hypothyroidism. 2. A client with breast cancer. 3. A client with cardiac disease. 4. A client with asthma.

2. Client will exhibit normal breathing function at discharge.

Which of the following is the appropriate nursing care outcome for a client who suddenly develops anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy (ASP) during labor? 1. Client will be infection free at discharge.oarivi 2. Client will exhibit normal breathing function at discharge. 3. Client will exhibit normal gastrointestinal function at discharge. 4. Client will void without pain at discharge.

a. Taking her temperature

The nurse is providing prenatal care to an asymptomatic HIV-infected client. Which nursing intervention should take priority? a. Taking her temperature b. Performing a hearing test c. Performing a vision test d. Assessing reflexes


Immediately after a client's membranes rupture spontaneously, the nurse notes a loop of the umbilical cord protruding from the client's vagina. Which of the following actions are essential for the nurse to perform? Select all that apply. 1. Put the client in the knee-chest, or Trendelenburg position. 2. Assess the fetal heart rate by palpating the cord. 3. Administer oxygen by tight face mask. 4. Telephone the primary healthcare provider with the findings.

a. Prostaglandin agents are contraindicated in women attempting a VBAC.

Regarding vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC), which of the following statements is true? a. Misoprostol is contraindicated in women attempting a VBAC. b. After one successful VBAC, there remains an increased risk of neonatal and maternal complications in subsequent attempts. c. Research shows no significant correlation between maternal weight and successful VBAC. d. Healthcare costs are considerably higher for women who have a VBAC than for those who have a repeat cesarean birth.

1. Diarrhea and back pain

A client at 40 weeks' gestation has received misoprostol for cervical ripening. The nurse would be correct in carefully monitoring for which of the following signs and nurse symptoms? 1. Diarrhea and back pain. 2. Hypothermia and rectal pressure. 3. Urinary retention and rash. 4. Tinnitus and respiratory distress.

3. Assess the fetal heart rate continuously.

A client has been in the second stage of labor for 2 1/2hours. The fetal head is at +4 station and the fetal heart rate is showing recurrent late decelerations. The obstetrician advises the client that the baby will be delivered with forceps. Which of the following actions should the nurse take at this time? 1. Obtain a consent for the use of forceps. 2. Encourage the client to push between contractions. 3. Assess the fetal heart rate continuously. 4. Advise the client to refuse the use of forceps.

2. Maternal temperature.

A client is admitted in labor with spontaneous rupture of membranes 24 hours earlier. The fluid is clear and the fetal heart rate is 120 bpm with moderate variability. Which assessment is most important for the nurse to make at this time? 1. Contraction frequency and duration. 2. Maternal temperature. 3. Cervical dilation and effacement. 4. Maternal pulse rate.

c. Lung maturity.

A client is diagnosed with preterm labor at 28 weeks' gestation. She asks the nurse what is going to happen to her baby if she is born now. The nurse's responses are based on the knowledge that the most significant problems for this infant will be associated with: a. Low birth weight. b. Feeding problems. c. Lung maturity. d. Skeletal injuries.

4. Serum magnesium level of 10 mg/dL.

A client is on magnesium sulfate for pre-eclampsia with severe features. The nurse must notify the attending physician regarding which of the following findings? 1. Patellar and biceps reflexes of 3+. 2. Urinary output of 30 mL/hr. 3. Respiratory rate of 16 rpm. 4. Serum magnesium level of 10 mg/dL.

4. Previous cesarean section.

A client is scheduled to have an external version for a breech presentation. The nurse carefully assesses the client's chart knowing that which of the following is a contraindication to this procedure? 1. Station -2. 2. 38 weeks' gestation. 3. Reactive nonstress test (NST). 4. Previous cesarean section.

a. Seizures

A client who has admitted to heavy alcohol use throughout her pregnancy just delivered a 6-pound baby. Which sign or symptom in the mother should the nurse anticipate in the 12-48-hour postpartum period? a. Seizures b. Hypotension c. Fever d. Bradycardia

2. Notify the primary healthcare provider of her request.

A client with a current history of illicit drug use is in active labor. She requests pain medication. Which of the following actions by the nurse is appropriate? 1. Encourage the client to refrain from taking medication to protect the fetus. 2. Notify the primary healthcare provider of her request. 3. Advise the client that she can receive only an epidural because of her history. 4. Assist the client to do labor breathing.

4. Variable fetal heart decelerations.

A client with an obstetrical history of G3 P2002 has just had an external version. The nurse monitors this client carefully for which of the following? 1. Decreased urinary output. 2. Elevated blood pressure. 3. Severe occipital headache. 4. Variable fetal heart decelerations.

3. Duration of contractions of 130 seconds

A client with pre-eclampsia with severe features at 38 weeks' gestation, is being induced with IV oxytocin. Which of the following would warrant the nurse to stop the infusion? 1. Blood pressure 160/110. 3 minutes. 2. Frequency of contractions every 3. Duration of contractions of 130 seconds. 4. Fetal heart rate 155 bpm with early decelerations.

c. Assess blood sugar level.

A client with type 1 diabetes is admitted to the labor and birthing unit. What nursing action should the nurse perform first? a. Obtain prenatal record. b. Check urine for protein. c. Assess blood sugar level. d. Obtain a CBC.


A client's membranes ruptured spontaneously while the nurse was at the bedside. Which of the following factors makes her especially at high risk for having a prolapsed cord? Select all that apply. 1. Breech presentation. 2. Vertex presentation at -3 station. 3. Oligohydramnios. 4. Dilation 2 cm. 5. Transverse lie.

3. Abruptio placentae.

A delirious client is admitted to the hospital in labor. She has had no prenatal care and vials of crack cocaine are found in her pockets. The nurse monitors this clientcarefully for which of the following intrapartum complications? 1. Prolonged labor. 2. Prolapsed cord. 3. Abruptio placentae. 4. Retained placenta.

2. Provide chest compressions at a depth of at least 2 inches.

A laboring client who has developed an apparent anaphylactic syndrome of developed pregnancy (ASP) response is not breathing and has no pulse. In addition to calling a code, which of the following actions by the nurse, who is alone with the client, is appropriate at this time? 1. Perform cardiac compressions and breaths in a 15 to 2 ratio. 2. Provide chest compressions at a depth of at least 2 inches. 3. Compress the chest at the lower ½ of the sternum. 4. Provide rescue breaths over a 10-second time frame.

a. Dysmaturity syndrome.

A neonate whose mother declined prenatal ultrasounds is admitted to the special care nursery. His estimated gestational age by LMP was 42 weeks and 2 days. His 5-minute Apgar score was 6 and the nurse notes his skin is loose and peeling. This infant is likely to be affected by: a. Dysmaturity syndrome. b. Brachial plexus palsy. c. Hypoxia. d. Sepsis.

4. Client has no grand mal seizures.

A nurse administers magnesium sulfate via infusion pump to a laboring client who has pre-eclampsia with severe features. Which of the following outcomes indicates that the medication is effective? 1. Client has no patellar reflex response. 2. Urinary output is 30 mL/hr. 3. Respiratory rate is 16 rpm. 4. Client has no grand mal seizures.

b. Monitor temperature every 2 hours.

A nurse in the birthing unit is caring for a client following an amniotomy. What is an appropriate nursing intervention? a. Assess cervical dilation every 2 hours. b. Monitor temperature every 2 hours. c. Increase the rate of the IV maintenance fluid. d. Replace expelled amniotic fluid every 1-2 hours.

a. Cord prolapse

A nurse is admitting a laboring client with a breech presentation. Which complication occurs more frequently in the setting of breech presentation? a. Cord prolapse b. Neonatal hypoglycemia c. Respiratory distress d. Retained placenta

d. When a contraction begins

A nurse is assisting the primary healthcare provider with a forceps-assisted birth. What information from the nurse allows the primary healthcare provider to determine the appropriate time to apply traction? a. When a contraction ends b. The estimated midpoint between contractions c. The current dose of oxytocin d. When a contraction begins

a. A decrease in variable decelerations

A nurse is caring for a client during an amnioinfusion. Which fetal heart rate (FHR) pattern would be an expected outcome of a successful amnioinfusion? a. A decrease in variable decelerations b. FHR rate of 100-110 beats per minute c. An increase in variable decelerations d. FHR rate of 160-180 beats per minute

b. Review the fetal monitor tracing.

A nurse is caring for a client with an oxytocin infusion. What is the correct nursing action prior to increasing the oxytocin rate? a. Assess cervical dilation. b. Review the fetal monitor tracing. c. Evaluate the need for analgesia. d. Assess maternal temperature.


A nurse is caring for a primiparous client at 35 weeks' gestation. The client is having uterine contractions. Which of the following confirmsthat the client is in preterm labor? Select all that apply. 1. Contraction frequency every 15 minutes. 2. Effacement 10%. 3. Dilation 3 cm. 4. Cervical length of 2 cm. 5. Contraction duration of 30 seconds.

4. Uterine resting tone.

A nurse is monitoring a client who is receiving an amnioinfusion. Which of theWhich nurse the following assessments is critical for the nurse to make to prevent a serious complication related to the procedure? 1. Color of the amniotic fluid. 2. Maternal blood pressure. 3. Cervical effacement. 4. Uterine resting tone.

b. Misoprostol (Cytotec)

A nurse is planning an educational seminar on medical vs. complementary and alternative methods of cervical ripening. The nurse teaches that the medical method uses: a. Blue/black cohosh herbs. b. Misoprostol (Cytotec). c. Evening primrose oil. d. Sexual intercourse.

c. Reactive nonstress test

A nurse is preparing a prenatal client with a breech presentation for an external cephalic version (ECV). What condition must be met prior to this procedure? a. Mild labor contractions b. 34 weeks gestational age c. Reactive nonstress test d. Fetal breech must be engaged in the pelvis.

b. Decrease the maternal milk letdown reflex.

A postpartum client who admits to heavy alcohol use asks the nurse about breastfeeding her baby. The nurse correctly teaches this client that excessive alcohol consumption while breastfeeding may: a. Cause seizure disorders in the newborn. b. Decrease the maternal milk letdown reflex. c. Cause mental retardation in the newborn. d. Increase the maternal letdown reflex.

a. "We need to get you admitted to the hospital because you need monitoring and medication."

A pregnant client admits during a prenatal visit to using heroin and asks for help to stop using. What is the best advice the nurse can give her? a. "We need to get you admitted to the hospital because you need monitoring and medication." b. "Stop using all drugs right now and just stay at home till the withdrawal symptoms have passed." c. "There is nothing we can do during the pregnancy, but we can help the baby with withdrawal after he's born." d. "Let me call the social worker to find you a Narcotics Anonymous group."

a. Cervical ripening decreases the likelihood of failed induction.

A prenatal client has been scheduled for induction of labor and tells the nurse she does not understand why her cervix needs to be softened with misoprostol. She asks, "Won't it be faster if we just start the Pitocin?" Which explanation from the nurse would be most accurate? a. Cervical ripening decreases the likelihood of failed induction. b. It is advisable to decline cervical ripening because it does not improve outcomes. c. Softening of the cervix does not occur in normal labor, but is required for induction. d. Misoprostol is the only effective method of cervical ripening.

a. Sacral agenesis

A prenatal client with diabetes asks the nurse about pregnancy-related complications for her baby from diabetes. For what is the baby at risk when the mother has diabetes? (Select all that apply.) a. Sacral agenesis b. Hyperactivity c. Macrosomia d. Respiratory distress syndrome

3. "To help to mature your baby's lungs."

A preterm labor client at 30 weeks' gestation reported rupture of membranes 4 hours ago. This was confirmed on examination. The nurse prepares to administer IM dexamethasone When the client asks why she is receiving the drug, the nurse replies: 1. "To help to stop your labor contractions." 2. "To prevent an infection in your uterus." 3. "To help to mature your baby's lungs." 4. "To decrease the pain from the contractions."

b. The safe dosing interval is 3-6 hours.

The nurse educator is creating an in-service for student nurses who are completing their mother-baby clinical rotation. When discussing misoprostol (Cytotec), which of the following components is incorrect and should be omitted from the educational content? a. The initial dosage of misoprostol for induction is 50 mcg. b. The safe dosing interval is 3-6 hours. c. Pitocin should not be administered less than 4 hours after the last misoprostol dose. d. Misoprostol should only be administered where uterine activity can be monitored continuously if needed.

b. Temperature of 100.6°F

The nurse is assessing a client receiving magnesium for neuroprotection in the setting of preterm rupture of membranes at 25 weeks' gestation. Which finding should be reported to the primary healthcare provider? a. Maternal complaints of muscle weakness b. Temperature of 100.6°F c. Blood pressure 90/50 d. Minimal FHR variability

d. Bright red vaginal bleeding

The nurse is assessing a prenatal client diagnosed with possible placenta previa. What signs and symptoms should the nurse expect this client to demonstrate? a. Dark red vaginal bleeding b. Severe abdominal pain c. Absence of fetal heart sounds d. Bright red vaginal bleeding

b. "It might be painful for several weeks."

The nurse is assisting a mother with perineal care on the postpartum floor. The birth record indicates she had a second-degree, midline episiotomy the day before. The mother asks, "When will this stop hurting?" What is the nurse's best response? a." The pain should be gone by tomorrow." b. "It might be painful for several weeks." c. "Episiotomy usually results some degree of permanent discomfort." d. "You might have an infection. It's not normal to still be experiencing pain."

c. Offer her photographs of the baby.

The nurse is assuming care of a woman whose baby was stillborn at term. Which nursing action is most appropriate? a. Restrict visitors. b. Avoid mentioning the baby. c. Offer her photographs of the baby. d. Stay at the bedside continuously.

2. Signs of preterm labor

The nurse is caring for a client at 30 weeks' gestation whose fetal fibronectin (fFN) levels are positive. It is essential that she be taught about which of the following? 1. How to use a blood glucose monitor. 2. Signs of preterm labor. 3. Signs of pre-eclampsia. 4. How to do fetal kick count assessments

a. Oxygen

The nurse is caring for a laboring client with sickle cell anemia. Which therapy should the nurse anticipate the primary healthcare provider ordering? a. Oxygen b. Diuretics c. Magnesium sulfate d. Bronchodilators

d. They are likely to decrease.

The nurse is caring for a laboring client with type 1 diabetes. What is the expected effect of labor on the woman's insulin requirements? a. Insulin is generally not required in labor. b. Close monitoring is unnecessary because requirements are predictable. c. They are consistently increased. d. They are likely to decrease.

1. Late decelerations.

The nurse is caring for a laboring woman who is 42 weeks pregnant. For which of the following should the nurse carefully monitor this client and fetus? 1. Late decelerations. 2. Hyperthermia. 3. Hypotension. 4. Early decelerations.

d. Amnioinfusion

The nurse is caring for a prenatal client at 38 weeks' gestation whose ultrasound reveals polyhydramnios. She complains of shortness of breath and has 2+ pitting edema in her lower extremities. The nurse anticipates preparation for: a. Delivery by cesarean. b. Amniocentesis. c. Intravenous antibiotics. d. Amnioinfusion.

d. Vaginal exams

The nurse is caring for a third-trimester prenatal client admitted with bright red, painless vaginal bleeding. What nursing intervention is not recommended? a. Intravenous fluids with lactated Ringer's b. Assessment of the fetal heart rate with continuous monitoring c. Application of a pulse oximeter d. Vaginal exams

b. No treatment is indicated.

The nurse is completing a history for a new client in the prenatal clinic. The client states that she has had a successfully repaired ventricular septal defect with no further problems. The nurse anticipates to order what for this client? a. Anticoagulant therapy b. No treatment is indicated. c. Antibiotic prophylaxis d. Cardiology evaluation with cardiac stress testing

a. Cervical insufficiency

The nurse is conducting an intake interview for a new prenatal client. A review of her records and self-reported history reveals she is a G6P1132 and the current pregnancy was diagnosed as a twin gestation in the emergency department the week before. What significant risk should be taken into account in the care of this client? a. Cervical insufficiency b. Postterm pregnancy c. Placenta previa d. Placental abruption

d. Fresh green leafy vegetables and legumes.

The nurse is counseling a prenatal client regarding the need to take folic acid supplements during pregnancy. The nurse also encourages the client to eat foods high in folic acid, such as: a. Fruits and fruit juice. b. Rice and pasta. c. Eggs and yogurt. d. Fresh green leafy vegetables and legumes.

d."It promotes surfactant production in the alveoli."

The nurse is discussing betamethasone's effects on fetal lung maturity with a group of students. Which statement by a student demonstrates understanding of the effects of betamethasone? a."It prevents delivery until the lungs are mature." b."It increases capillary permeability in the lungs" c."It alters the oxygen-carrying capacity of fetal hemoglobin." d."It promotes surfactant production in the alveoli."

d. Apply upward pressure on the presenting part

The nurse is performing a pelvic exam on a laboring client and discovers a loop of cord in the vagina. What is the initial nursing action? a. Administer oxygen at 5 L per minute. b. Call the primary healthcare provider or nurse-midwife. c. Place the client in a side-lying position. d. Apply upward pressure on the presenting part

a. Obtain a solution of warmed, sterile normal saline.

The nurse is preparing to assist with administration of amnioinfusion (AI). Which of the following nursing interventions is most appropriate? a. Obtain a solution of warmed, sterile normal saline. b. Monitor the fetal heart rate through intermittent electronic fetal monitoring (EFM). c. Ensure that fluids infused into the uterus are not expelled. d. Increase the rate of oxytocin infusion.

b. Insulin needs increase late in the first trimester.

The nurse is teaching a client with diabetes about insulin requirements during pregnancy. Which statement is true regarding insulin requirements? a. Insulin needs increase early in the first trimester. b. Insulin needs increase late in the first trimester. c. Insulin needs decrease early in the third trimester. d. Insulin needs decrease late in the third trimester.


The nurse is triaging four full-term primigravid clients in the labor and delivery unit. The nurse requests a bedside consultation by the primary healthcare provider for which of the clients? The client who has: Select all that apply. 1. Cervical cerclage. 2. FHR 155 bpm with moderate variability. 3. Maternal blood pressure of 92/60. 4. Full effacement. 5. Active herpes simplex 2.

2. Contraction frequency every 3 minutes.

The nurse notes a pattern of tachysystole during a client's oxytocin induction. The nurse turns off the oxytocin infusion. Which of the following outcomes indicates that the nurse's action was effective? 1. Contraction intensity moderate. 2. Contraction frequency every 3 minutes. 3. Fetal heart rate 140 bpm4. 4. Fetal attitude flexed.

2. Pad the client's bed rails and headboard.

The nurse observes a new staff member caring for an eclamptic client following a seizure. Which of the following actions by the staff member indicates an understanding of eclampsia? 1. Check each urine for presence of ketones. 2. Pad the client's bed rails and headboard. 3. Provide visual and auditory stimulation. 4. Place the bed in the high Fowler's position.

1. Primigravida with a transverse lie.

The primary healthcare provider has ordered oxytocin for induction for 4 clients. Inwhich of the following situations should the nurse refuse to comply with the order? 1. Primigravida with a transverse lie. 2. Multigravida with cerebral palsy. 3. Primigravida who is 14 years old. 4. Multigravida who has type 1 diabetes mellitus (TIDM).

3. Age 25, G4 P3003, last delivery by cesarean section.

There are four clients in active labor in the labor suite. Which of the clients shouldthe nurse monitor carefully for a potential uterine rupture? 1. Age 15, G3 PO020, in active labor. 2. Age 22, G1 PO000, eclampsia 3. Age 25, G4 P3003, last delivery by cesarean section 4. Age 32, G2 P0100, first baby died during labor.

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