Obedience to Authority

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Jane has been selected by the teacher to lead the classroom in a discussion on a topic from their textbook. The students participate and follow Jane's directions. Why?

Jane has stewardship over the class for the textbook discussion.

What can leaders count on that makes obedience always happen?

Nothing is specified that ensures that obedience will always happen.

What did the Milgram Experiment demonstrate?

Obedience is only common when a person is going to benefit from doing the actions.

Why does it not always work when you declare yourself a leader of a group?

People are less likely to obey people that are just like themselves. People are more likely to obey someone who represents authority.




a person exercising absolute power

What can a person learn from the Bay of Pigs incident?

If you don't speak your opinion against bad ideas, sometimes awful results can happen. Don't be afraid to voice an opinion that may be different from the leader. It's normal for people to feel uncomfortable about disagreeing with a leader.

What did Zimbardo's prison experiment demonstrate?

It's possible for people to act horribly in evil situations.

T/F Obedience means that you follow laws and other rules that might not be laws.


People are most likely to be obedient to rules that _____.

are set up by people in authority


conforming to rules made by authority; dutiful or submissive compliance


dispute; strife; controversy



What traits can you demonstrate to be kind of leader people want to obey?

responsibility aptitude planning skills competency analytical skills


responsibility given to you to watch over someone or something

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