OCE 1001 FSU Test 2

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which does not belong: california current, canary current, gulf stream, north atlantic current, north equatorial current

california current

within the troposphere the atmosphere gets warmer with increasing altitude


an eastern boundary current is generally narrow and swift


geostrophic circulation within a gyre driven by

gravity and the coriolis effect

area of rapid change in salinity with slight change in depth


what methods could you use for creating fresh drinking water

heat sea ice that formed a long time ago, catch and melt fresh falling snow, take seawater and freeze and melt it several times to purify it, boil seawater, catch and condense the water vapor

water molecules exhibit strong cohesion


waves at the ocean surface are called orbital or interface waves


which is the most abundant ion in seawater


the density of seawater is slightly lower than the density of pure water


the gulf stream moves water away from the equator; the benguela current moves some of this same water back toward the equator


ratio of wave height to wavelength at which waves break

steepness = 1:7

which is true about doldrums

this is also known as the intertropical convergence zone

the average salinity of typical seawater is


latent heat is the quantity of heat gained or lost as a substance undergoes a

change in state

when a meander from the gulf stream pinches off and isolates a body of water within the north atlantic gyre, the body of water is called a

cold core ring

california current

cold current, northern hemisphere, temperate latitudes

west wind drift

cold current, polar latitudes, southern hemisphere

earth's polar regions (above 60 latitude) are classified as deserts because

cold, dry sinking air in the polar high regions produces little precipitation

a maritime polar air mass is likely to be dry and cold


a shallow water wave must form in water depth less than 100 meters


an iceberg is a variety of sea ice


any solution with a pH of greater than 7.0 is acidic


in distillation, saltwater is highly pressurized to drive water molecules through a membrane to remove salts


rogue waves are generated by destructive interference patterns of ocean swells


salinity refers to all of the solid materials in seawater including dissolved and suspended substances


surface currents affect about 90% of the world's ocean water


the autumnal equinox occurs when the sun is directly overhead along the equator in Mach


the horizontal distance between two successive troughs is called the wave height


the overall electrical charge of most atoms is balanced because each atom contains an equal number of protons and neutrons


the trade winds can be found between 30 and 60N and S latitudes


thermohaline circulation is wind-driven


tsunamis travel as deepwater waves over the open ocean


water can pile up higher than the edge of a container due to its low surface tension


the height of a wave depends upon

fetch, wind duration, and wind speed

the boundary between the troposphere and stratosphere


tropic of cancer

located at 23.5 N latitude

all of the following are methods used to desalinate water except: distillation, electrolysis, osmosis, freeze separation, reverse osmosis


which does not belong: crest, height, length, period, trough


which ones flow from south to north


waves that are breaking along the shore and are forming a curling crest over an air pocket are called

plunging breakers

the wind belts with strong, reliable, generally easterly winds are the

trade winds

the lowermost portion of the atmosphere where most weather occurs is called the


a curling wave formed over an air pocket is called a plunging breaker


a doppler flow meter is a scientific instrument used to measure current flow rates


a standing wave can be caused by wave reflection


a wave train is caused by wave energy moving more slowly than individual waves


deep ocean water can be enriched in oxygen when it is mixed with surface water


deep ocean water masses have characteristic temperatures and salinities


deep water moves faster than shallow water waves because they are not slowed by the friction with the ocean bottom


deep-ocean water contains more carbon dioxide than surface water because deep water is colder and has the ability to dissolve more gases


evaporation causes cooling in the liquid left behind


independent of the actual salinity, the ratios or proportions of the major dissolved constituents of seawater such as chloride, sodium, and magnesium are relatively constant


the angle at which direct sunlight strikes through the ocean's surface is important in determining the amount of solar energy that is absorbed


the circular movement of surface water currents driven by the major wind belts are called gyres


the coriolis effect describes how moving objects on earth appear to follow curved paths due to earth's rotation


the density of seawater is affected by salinity and temperature


the five subtropical gyres exhibit geostrophic flow, related to pressure gradients, friction, and the coriolis effect


the large atmospheric circulation cells that occur between the equator and 30 latitude in each hemisphere are called hadley cells


the latent heat of vaporization of water is larger than the latent heat of melting


the main current in antarctic waters is the antarctic circumpolar current, also called the west wind drift


the saffir-simpson scale rates the relative intensity of tropical cyclones


warm air can hold more water vapor than cold air


which is true about tsunami

tsunami are undetectable by ships in the open ocean

the largest wind generated waves tend to be associated with the


the temperate regions are characterized by

westerly winds

which one is a part of the south atlantic subtropical gyre

brazil current

the amount of energy that is necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree C is the definition of


the first wave that forms when the wind begins to blow across the ocean surface is a

capillary wave

river input

decreases seawater salinity

which is a western boundary current

brazil current

the average albedo of earth's surface is about


to produce a surface current of 1.6 knots in the open ocean, a steady wind of ____ knots would be required


the ion in sea water that serves as buffer is


describe the physical properties of the atmosphere including its composition, temperature, density, water vapor content, pressure, and movement

The atmosphere is composed almost entirely of nitrogen and oxygen. The lowest portion of the atmosphere is the troposphere, which is the area where temperature gets cooler with altitude. Warm air is less dense and so it rises. Cold air is denser, so it sinks. Warm air can also hold more water vapor than cold air because the air molecules are moving more quickly and encounter more water vapor. Atmospheric pressure is 14.7 pounds per square inch at sea level and decreases with increasing altitude. Air always moves from high-pressure regions toward low-pressure regions.

which would likely produce spilling breakers

a gently sloping sandy bottom

during a strong el nino event, the news media might be expected to cover

a tropical cyclone in hawaii or tahiti

which does not belong: agulhas current, benguela current, california current, canary current, west australian current

agulhas current

the percentage of solar radiation reflected form the surface of earth back into space is known as the


which option does not belong: nitrogen, albedo, oxygen, troposphere, water vapor


the arrangement of water masses in the southern atlantic ocean from the surface to the bottom is

antarctic intermediate water, north atlantic deep water, antarctic bottom water

The principal reason that oil and water do not mix, even when shaken, is that oil molecules _____

are nonpolar whereas water molecules are polar

inter-tropical convergence zone

area where warm, moist air rises close to the equator

an internal wave might form

at a density boundary within the ocean

winds blowing out of the north toward the south in the southern hemisphere will appear to

be deflected toward the east

downwelling can result from

converging surface currents

a zone of high atmospheric pressure results when there is relatively __ air aloft

cool, dry

the apparent deflection of air masses to the right or left (depending on latitude) as they move from one latitude to another is called the

coriolis effect

low-pressure regions in the northern hemisphere rotate


bonds that involve the sharing of electrons between atoms

covalent bonds

which is true about deep ocean curernts

deep ocean currents contain water that is high in oxygen

thermohaline circulation is driven by

density differences

deep ocean currents are driven primarily by ____ and modified by ____

density differences; differences in salinity and temperature

what does not belong: temperature, salinity, thermocline, pycnocline, distillation


All of the following decrease the salinity of water except: evaporation, precipitation, runoff, sea ice melting, icebergs melting


change in state from liquid to gas


which increases the salinity of water


we would expect the salinity of surface waters to be higher in regions where

evaporation is much greater than precipitation

which type of current flow moves in a circular path around a subtropical convergence, reflecting ekman transport, gravity and the coriolis effect

geostrophic circulation

deep water circulation brings dense, cold, oxygen rich water from the surface to the deep ocean because of

greater dissolution of oxygen in colder water than warmer water

which is not an eastern boundary current

gulf stream

when ice forms from seawater, the remaining seawater will have a

higher salinity

Which does not belong: sodium ion, calcium ion, potassium ion, hydrogen ion, magnesium ion

hydrogen ion

as a wave begins to feel bottom near a shoreline, its wave height

increases and its wavelength decreases

high temperature

increases seawater salinity

charged atoms due to the gain or loss of one or more electrons


the surface tension of water

is relatively high

a disadvantage shared by wave, solar and wind energy is that

it is not available on demand, and there currently is no viable way to store the enrgy

a beaker contains a mixture of ice and pure liquid water at 0C. what happens to the temperature of the liquid water as heat is added

it remains constant until the ice melts, and then it begins to rise

which does not belong: thermohaline circulation, density-driven circulation, antarctic bottom water, kuroshio current, north atlantic deep water

kuroshio current

identify the mismatched pair from the choices below

labrador current, humboldt current

atmospheric waves

movement of different air masses along an air-air interface


movement of water from the bottom to the top of the water column

ekman transport

net water movement to the left or right of the direction of the wind

gulf stream

northern hemisphere, temperate latitudes, warm current

which is associated with the middle latitude storms, such as those that in the north pacific ocean between 40 and 60 degrees latitude

prevailing westerlies

polar easterlies

prevailing wind pattern at polar latitudes

submarines sometimes ride out heavy storms in deep water by submerging. that is a practical application of utilizing the

principle of decreasing orbital motion with depth

destruction wave interference results in

reduced wave height

the intensity of tropical cyclones is measured by meteorologists using the ___ sale


the strength of a hurricane is ranked from 1 to 5 on the

saffir-simpson scale

air warmed by the land that rises and is replaced by cooler air from the ocean may produce a

sea breeze

which does not belong: maximum sustained winds, minimum central pressure, sea surface salinity, storm surge, storm diameter

sea surface salinity

how are seawater and pure water similar and different

seawater and pure water are similar in that they are clear (transparent) and blue/green in color. They are different in that seawater tends to have a higher pH, higher density, lower freezing point, and a higher boiling point than pure water.

what condition of salinity makes it possible to determine the total salinity of ocean water by measuring concentration of only one constituent, the chloride ion

seawater has a constancy of composition in terms of the major constituents, so the concentration of a single major constituent can be measured to determine the total salinity of a given water sample. the constituent that occurs in the greatest abundance and is the easiest to measure accurately is the chloride ion.

a tsunami is considered to be a

shallow water wave

the pH of surface seawater usually has a value of around 8.0 that means the water is

slightly basic

records indicate that the ocean is warming faster in the arctic polar regions than elsewhere. if that continues, a possible consequence could be

slowing of deep ocean circulation, resulting in lower oxygen levels in deep water

constructive interference results in larger waves whereas destructive interference produces

smaller waves

of the following gyres, which one(s) flow in a counter clockwise direction

south atlantic subtropical gyer

change in state from solid to gas


the sun reaches its most northerly point in the sky, directly overhead along the tropic of cancer, during the

summer solstice

which is true of surface ocean currents

surface currents form circular patterns in the major ocean basins called "gyres."

which does not belong: plunging breaker, spilling breaker, surf, surging breaker, swell


the two factors that are most important in determining the density of air are

temperature and water vapor content

describe what condition exists in water molecules to make them dipolar

the bent geometry of the water molecule gives a slight overall negative charge to the oxygen side of the molecule and a slight overall positive charge to the hydrogen side of the molecule. This slight separation of charges gives the entire molecule an electrical polarity, so water molecules are dipolar.

disturbing force

the energy that causes ocean waves to form

the primary difficulty that must be overcome in the use of desalination plants to provide fresh water is

the high cost of energy involved

which are valid names of boundaries between global wind belts or at the poles

the horse latitudes

the thickness of sea ice is limited primarily by

the insulating nature of the ice itself

hydrogen bonds form between neighboring water molecules because of

the polarity of water molecules

the el nino southern oscillation can best be described as

the relationship between sea surface temperature and changing atmospheric pressure

which describes wave period

the time it takes for one full wavelength to pass a given point

of the following statements about seawater properties in high and low latitudes, which is true

there is a thermocline in low latitudes

a rapid change in ocean temperature with a change in depth occurs in the


which of the following is true of surface water circulation near antarctica

two circumpolar currents dominate it, one current that moves water tot he east and one current that moves water to the west

surface waters are pushed away from land and replaced by nutrient-rich bottom water through


based on the equations for determining the speed of shallow-water waves, which one of the following variables is necessary to determine the speed of shallow-water waves

water depth

most abundant greenhouse gas that also influences air density

water vapor

diameter of orbital wave at the surface

wave height

the diameter of a wave orbital at the surface is equal to

wave height

standing waves may be caused by

wave reflection

waves converge on headlands due to

wave refraction

the speed of a deepwater wave is proportional to

wave speed or celerity

the ratio of wave height to wavelength is called

wave steepness

wave speed is equal to

wavelength divided by period

deepwater wave speed


waves usually arrive nearly parallel to the shore because

waves are refracted toward shallow water

warm core rings and cold core rings are associated with

western boundary currents

Of the following statements about water's latent heat and changes in state, which is true

when water evaporates, its latent heat of evaporation absorbs heat

which is true about ekman spiral and ekman transport

within the ekman spiral, deeper water can move in a direction exactly opposite of the wind direction

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