Oceanography 2

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which current flows in a circular path around a sub trop convergence?


where are hadley cells found?

in atmosphere near equator

as a wave begins to feel bottom near shoreline its wave hight

increases and wavelength decreases


low atmospheric PRESSURE

What is a tropical cyclone?

low pressure disturbance -warm tropical waters

Where are tropical cyclones found?

lower to middle latitudes

how can water vapor become ice?

-release of heat energy -can become directly ice through the release of heat energy

which is a western boundary current?

Brazil current

salinity of seawater?


How much heat energy is needed to turn 1 gram of water at 0 degrees Celsius into water vapor?

540 calories

How much heat energy is needed to melt 1 gram of ice?

80 calories

Why does temperature NOT initially increase as energy is added after ice begins to melt?

The added energy is need to break hydrogen bonds between water molecules

the most abundant ion in seawater?


percentage of solar radiation reflected from earths surface

albedo 30%

Where is most of Earth's freshwater found?

as ice at earths surface

internal wave might form

at a density boundary within the ocean

What would happen to atmospheric water if Earth were mostly covered with land?

atmosphere would contain less water

first wave that forms when the wind begins to blow across the ocean surface is

capillary wave

plate boundaries associated with tsunamis?


downwelling can result from

converging surface currents

zone of high atmospheric pressure results when there is relatively..

cool, dry

surface ocean currents

coriolis effect driven by winds large rotating gyres

bonds that involve the sharing of electrons between atoms

covalent bonds

end moraine

debris deposited at end of glacier

river input

decreases water salinity

submarines riding out heavy storms by submerging

decreasing orbital motion with depth

loss of heat from the ocean surface, resulting in lowered temp, causes ocean water to become


deep ocean currents driven by...and modified by...

density differences... dif in salinity and temp


distance between consecutive wave crests or troughs

When would you expect the low-pressure cell over the North Pole to be most developed?

during the northern hemisphere winter


elevation above which snow persists throughout the year

disturbing force

energy that causes ocean waves to form

height of wave depends on

fetch wind duration wind speed

cool ocean currents

flow from high latitudes towards equator

geostrophic circulation within a gyre is driven by

gravity and coriolis effect

most powerful current east of US

gulf stream

large system of rotating currents, driven by major wind belts, is called a


area of rapid change in salinity with slight change in depth


hadley cell circulation?

heating from the sun

influenced by coriolis effect

helicopter ocean currents


high atmospheric pressure

The primary difficulty that must be overcome in the use of desalination plants to provide fresh water is __________.

high cost of energy involved

crest of a wave

highest part

what mean tropical cyclone?

hurricane typhoon cyclone

What must break in order for water to change from solid to liquid to gas?

hydrogen bonds between water molecules

high temp

increases water salinity

charged atoms due to the gain or loss of one or more electrons


A beaker contains a mixture of ice and pure liquid water at 0oC. What happens to the temperature of the liquid water as heat is added?

it remains consistent until the ice melts then it begins to rise

What do we call the energy used to melt ice once the ice becomes water?

latent heat of water

glacier remain stationary?

melting and snow accumulation are equal

Where do glaciers form?

more snow falls in the winter than melts in the summer

atmospheric waves

movement of different air masses

movement of water molecules

movement of water molecules

where is the most precipitation?

near ITCZ

ekman transport

net water movement to the left or right of the direction of the wind

The principal reason that oil and water do not mix, even when shaken, is that oil molecules __________.

non polar and water molecules are polar

gulf stream transports warm water into the.

north atlantic

air converge on a cyclone in Northern/ Southern hemisphere

north=counterclockwise south=clockwise

What would happen to the oceans if surface runoff and groundwater flow did NOT occur?

oceans would be smaller

end of moraine form?

pieces of rock transported to front of glacier as ICE within glacier moves

sub trop gyres

play large role in climate

waves breaking along the shore and are forming crest over air pocket is

plunging breakers

destructive wave interference results in

reduced wave height

waves converge on headlands due to


the surface tension of water

relatively high

deep ocean currents

result from changes in water density

Why is heavy rain associated with hurricane formation?

rising moist air cools. as it cool it condenses and eventually falls

why does rain occur in a warm front?

rising warm air cools

why does rain occur near a cold front?

rising warm air cools

large ocean waves created by constructive interference

rogue waves freak waves super waves

The intensity of tropical cyclones is measured by meteorologists using the __________ scale.


air warmed by the land that rises and replaced by cooler air from ocean may produce



separates deeper cold water from warmer upper water

tsunami considered

shallow water wave

The pH of surface seawater usually has a value of around 8.0. That means the water is __________.

slightly basic

zone of wastage

snow melting exceeds snow accumulation

change in state from solid to gas


The Sun reaches its most northerly point in the sky, directly overhead along the Tropic of Cancer, during the:

summer solstice

earths deserts associated with?

suptrop highs and cool ocean currents

two factors in determining density are

temp & water vapor content

Hydrogen bonds form between neighboring water molecules because of:

the polarity of water molecules

A rapid change in ocean temperature with a change in depth occurs in the:


tsunamis generated?

through displacement of seafloor under water

wave period

time it takes for wave to pass point


wave velocity

wave speed

wavelength divided by period

wind belts with strong reliable easterly winds

trade winds

lowest portion of atmosphere, most weather occurs


what is a front?

two air masses of different temps

where does rain occur in a warm/cold front?

warm=in the front cold=behind

diameter of wave orbital at the surface is

wave height

interference pattern

wave pattern produce when two or more waves interact

standing waves may be causes by

wave reflection

ratio of wave height to wavelength is

wave steepness

largest wind generated waves associated with


temperate regions are characterized by

westerly winds

warm core rings and cold core rings are associated with

western boundary currents

what determines whether its a warm front or cold front?

which air mass is moving

will plunking occur if glacier is not advancing

yes,because glacier ice is still moving inside glacier

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