oceanography chapter 13

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About % of bird species are considered marine.


Songs that last up to thirty minutes and that change each breeding season are produced by which marine mammals?

Male humpback whales

Which of the following marine birds best fits this description: strong fliers, found mainly in coastal areas, and have a large beak with a pouch for catching fish?


The swimming marine invertebrate shown in the image is a


Even though it is the largest fish on record, the shark eats plankton.


The International Commission was established to ensure proper conservation of whale stocks.


How many bird species are marine?


In order for an organism to be classified as "marine," it must spend at least _____ percent of its life in the marine environment.


Which of the following traits are common among sea snakes but not terrestrial snakes? (Mark all that apply.)

Ability to close the nostrils Flattened tail

Match the seabird to its correct characteristic.

Albatross: May spend four to five years at sea before returning to its nesting site Penguin: Unable to fly Cormorant: Does not have water-repellent feathers Puffin: Limited to the North Atlantic, North Pacific, and Arctic areas

Which of the following characteristics are true about bony fish? (Select all that apply.)

All bony fish possess gills. Bony fish can hover in the water and swim backward. Most bony fish possess a swim bladder to maintain buoyancy.

The purpose of whaling in the 1700s and 1800s was to hunt whales for their and .

Blank 1: Oil Blank 2: Baleen

turtles cannot retract their heads into their shells, but turtles can.

Blank 1: Sea Blank 2: land or terrestrial

Some whales use strainers of to catch small prey such as krill, whereas others have to catch prey such as tuna.

Blank 1: baleen Blank 2: teeth

Of the two types of sea cows alive today, , primarily found in Australian waters, are hunted for their tusks and have a rapidly degrading habitat, whereas are frequently injured and killed by collisions with boats and propellers.

Blank 1: dugongs Blank 2: manatees

The three major groups of fish are the fishes, fishes, and fishes.

Blank 1: jawless Blank 2: cartilaginous Blank 3: bony

The order Sirenia includes two members known as sea cows, the and the .

Blank 1: manatees Blank 2: dugongs

The greatest threat to polar bears is the decrease in the extent of due to climate change.

Blank 1: sea Blank 2: ice

Match the order of marine mammal with the correct example.

Carnivora: Sea lions Sirenia: Manatees Cetacea: Dolphins

Which of the following belong to one of the three major groups of fish? (Mark all that apply.)

Cartilaginous fishes Jawless fishes Bony fishes

The three major orders of marine mammals are ______. (Mark all that apply.)

Cetacea Sirenia Carnivora

Which of the following statements are true regarding pinniped mating habits? (Mark all that apply.)

Dominant males can have harems of as many as fifty females that they mate with. Many species frequently migrate long distances to arrive at breeding grounds. Often the largest males establish territories with fierce fighting.

______ seals can move their rear flippers forward, so they can move quickly on land and can rear up into a partially erect position


behavior is found in the schooling patterns of fish because they developed higher levels of organization without the intentional communication or leadership by an individual fish within the school.


Which of the following characteristic is true regarding jawless fish?

Evolutionarily, they are the most primitive of fishes.

Which of the following are true about fish distribution in the ocean? (Mark all that apply.)

Fish populations are concentrated in shallow coastal areas. Fish can be found at all depths in the ocean. Fish can be found in all of the world's oceans.

Which of the following is a species of sea turtle not found in U.S. or Caribbean waters?


Match the marine iguana's characteristics with the correct function

Flattened tail: propulsion in swimming and diving Strong legs and large claws: climbing on rocks in turbulent waves Ability to expel air: regulation of buoyancy

Which of the following characteristics are found in sea turtles but not land turtles?

Front limbs flattened into paddles

Which of the following are examples of marine reptiles? (Mark all that apply.)

Green turtle Gavial Marine iguana

Which of the following are included in the jawless fish group? (Mark all that apply.)

Hagfish Lampreys

What is emergent behavior?

Higher levels of organization in a group without intentional communication by individuals

Which of the following are common adaptations for deep-sea bony fish species? (Mark all that apply.)

Hinged jaws Large, needlelike teeth Light organs on their bodies

Match the marine mammal species with its correct form of communication.

Humpback whales: Long songs Female gray whales: Series of grunts Weddell seals: Squeaks

Which of the following statements correctly depicts the keystone predator role that sea otters play in their ecosystem?

If sea otter populations decline, the number of sea urchins increases, and kelp forests die back.

Why do seabirds breed in dense colonies (as large as a million or more birds) on islands, cliffs, or headlands?

It provides them with protection from land predators.

fish have a sucking mouth with teeth or dental plates and lack paired fins and stomachs.


Sea otters are a species: if sea otters decline in number, sea urchin populations rise, and kelp forests suffer.


Which of the following are species of sea turtle? (Mark all that apply.)

Loggerhead Hawksbill Green

Match the member of the order Sirenia to its correct description.

Manatee: Found in brackish coastal bays of the warm southern Atlantic coasts and in the Caribbean Dugong: Found in the seas of Southeast Asia, Africa, and Australia

Which of the following are considered sea cows? (Mark all that apply.)

Manatees Dugongs

In 1972, the U.S. Congress established the ______, which includes a ban on the hunting and killing of all marine mammals and of the importation of any marine mammal or their products.

Marine Mammal Protection Act

Which of the following marine reptiles is a modern lizard, found in the Galápagos Islands, and has a flattened tail for swimming?

Marine iguana

Match the fish with the correct body shape.

Marlin: Streamlined body Angelfish: Laterally compressed body Flounder: Flat body

Which of the following are sources of noise pollution in the ocean that may impact marine mammal behavior? (Mark all that apply.)

Military use of sonar Ship operations Oil and gas exploration

Rank the communities of organisms that inhabit a whale-fall according to stage of decomposition, with the first on top.

Mobile scavengers such as hagfish, crabs, and sharks Small worms, mollusks, and bacteria Anaerobic bacteria sulfophillic chemosynthetic bacteria

Which of the following is a correct example of niche separation in marine birds?

Multiple species of marine birds nesting together, but each species selects a different nesting location

include approximately 5000 species of invertebrates and vertebrates capable of swimming freely through the neritic and pelagic environments.


Why do sea snakes not have decompression problems after diving?

Nitrogen gas is able to pass out through their skin.

Match the whale suborder to its correct physical characteristic.

Odonticetes: Have mouths fitted with strainers of baleen Mysticetes: Possess teeth and jaws

Which of the following are examples of marine birds? (Mark all that apply.)

Pelicans Puffins Terns

______ move at the mercy of the horizontal ocean currents, whereas ______ are capable of swimming freely and controlling their direction of movement.

Plankton; nekton

Which of the following characteristics are true about sharks? (Mark all that apply.)

Receptors along the shark's sides are sensitive to touch, vibration, currents, sound, and pressure. Sharkskin is extremely abrasive, like sandpaper. Sharks have an acute sense of smell.

Polar bears are found in ______. (Mark all that apply.)

Russia the United States Greenland Canada

behavior has evolved independently in the majority of fish species because it may confuse predators, enhance foraging, and save energy by swimming together.


Which of the following are true of marine mammals? (Mark all that apply.)

Some marine mammals return to land to give birth. All marine mammals have hair at some point during their development. All marine mammals are warm-blooded.

Match the whale species to its correct suborder.

Sperm whale: Odontocetes Blue Whale: Mysticetes

Swimming marine invertebrates include which of the following? (Mark all that apply.)

Squid Large shrimp

Match the stage of a whale fall to its correct community of organisms that are supported.

Stage 1: Mobile scavengers such as hagfish, crabs, and sharks Stage 2: Small worms, mollusks, and bacteria Stage 3: Anaerobic bacteria

What documented impacts has the use of navy sonar had on marine mammals?

The stranding of whales

Which of the following statements are true regarding seals and sea lions? (Mark all that apply.)

They both have hair and blubber. They both need to rest and breed on land. They both have four characteristic flippers.

Which of the following statements are correct for true seals but not eared seals?

They have a small ear hole.

Which of the following characteristics of polar bears are true? (Mark all that apply.)

They have more problems with overheating than getting too cold. They feed primarily on ringed seals. They are strong swimmers.

Which of the following statements are true regarding walruses? (Mark all that apply.)

They have no external ears. Both males and females have tusks.

Mark the answers below that are related to skates and rays but not sharks. (Mark all that apply.)

They move by undulating their large side fins. Their gill slits are on the underside of their bodies. Their tails are thin and whiplike.

How can a bird or a reptile be considered a "marine" animal?

They spend at least 50% of their lives in the marine environment.

What is the purpose of large eyes for the giant squid? (Mark all that apply.)

To aid in identifying and avoiding large predators such as sperm whales To capture light and allow the animal to see in the dark, deep-ocean waters where it lives To identify prey from a distance so it can ambush them

True or false: The Marine Mammal Protection Act has dramatically reduced the death and injury of marine mammals.


Which of the following is not a threat to sea turtle populations?

Turtle excluder devices on fishing nets

Which seabird characteristics enable them to swim or dive in the ocean? (Mark all that apply.)

Webbed feet Feathers that are waterproofed by an oily secretion called preen Ability to pull in their feathers close to their bodies to squeeze out trapped air

How do whales enrich the ocean's surface waters, making nutrients available to phytoplankton that only survive in ocean zones that the sunlight can reach?

Whales consume iron-rich prey at depth but defecate at the surface.

How do whales serve in exporting carbon to the deep ocean?

When whales die, the carbon contained in their tissue is exported to the deep ocean.

The Marine Mammal Protection Act includes ______. (Mark all that apply.)

a ban on the importing of any marine mammals or their products a ban on the hunting and killing of marine mammals

The melon of a dolphin ______.

acts like a lens to concentrate clicking sounds into a beam

Gray whales ______.

are thriving, and are the first marine mammals to be removed from the U.S. endangered species list

Unlike most fishes, most sharks ______.

bear live young

have gill slits along the sides of their bodies, but have gill slits on the underside of their bodies. Hint: Both answers are types of cartilagenous fish.

blank 1: sharks blank 2: rays

Osteichthyes is the name of the class of fish also referred to as fish.


Nekton are oceanic organisms that are _____. (Mark all that apply.)

capable of directing their movement through the neritic and pelagic environments either invertebrates or vertebrates

Whales belong to a group of mammals called .


Sea otters are ______. (Mark all that apply.)

considered keystone predators in kelp forests the smallest marine mammals

Fish that live on or near the bottom of the ocean are known as fish.


is the use of sound to picture the environment, and it is used by dolphins.


Most bony fish are ______ or cold-blooded, with the exception of the tuna and mackerel shark family, which are ______, or warm-blooded.

ectothermic; endothermic

Sea turtle are frequently harvested by humans, dogs, rats, or other carnivores


Nekton are oceanic organisms that are _____. (Mark all that apply.)

either invertebrates or vertebrates capable of directing their movement through the neritic and pelagic environments

The International Whaling Commission was formed in order to ______.

ensure proper conservation of whale stocks

Fish are concentrated in the oceans' upwelling areas, shallow coastal areas, and ______.


The large of the squid allow it to avoid predators and detect food.


Marine snakes have _____ tails, but terrestrial snakes do not.


What type of fish has a flat body that allows they to live on the ocean floor?


Jawless fish, which still exist today, include and .

hagfish lampreys

Myoglobin levels are ______ in marine mammals because it ______.

high; binds oxygen, which is needed during long dives

Marine mammals are ______, which means they can maintain a near-constant body temperature, frequently well above the mean water temperature in which they live.


The ______ whale has a migratory pattern that includes summer feeding in the Gulf of Alaska, the northern islands of Japan, and the Bering Sea, and mating and calf-bearing in the west Pacific, the Hawaiian Islands, and along the coast of Baja California


The whales in the image possesses baleen and are most likely ______ whales.


Sea otters live ______, and they eat ______.

in kelp beds; sea urchins

Walruses live ____.

in the waters on both coasts of the Bering and Chukchi Seas

Match the group to its correct examples.

invertebrates: includes shrimp, crabs, and mollusks vertebrates: includes marine reptiles, birds, and mammals

The ______ group includes shrimp, crabs, and mollusks, and the ______ group includes marine reptiles, birds, and mammals.

invertebrates; vertebrates

One example of a toothed whale is the whale featured in the image.


The California gray whale and the humpback whale ______.

make relatively long migratory journeys compared to other whale species

Gray whale populations are ______.

making a comeback

The bulbous, fatty, rounded structure on the forehead of a dolphin is called the ______.


Seabirds get protection from predation during breeding season by _____.

nesting on islands, cliffs, or headlands

Different species of seabirds nesting in the same area but occupying different locations, such as ledges versus burrows, is an example of separation.


Sea snakes do not have decompression problems when surfacing rapidly after a deep dive because gas passes through their skin.


Whaling was conducted in the 1700s and 1800s in order to get ______ from whales. (Mark all that apply.)

oil baleen

Pinnipeds breed ______. (Mark all that apply.)

on land on ice

Demersal fish are those that live ____.

on or near the bottom of the ocean floor

Of the four orders of seabirds, are the only ones that cannot fly.


Seals and sea lions belong to the , or "feather-footed" animals, named because of their four characteristic flippers.


The world's largest shark, the whale shark, feeds on _____.


Match the type of organisms to its correct description.

plankton: move at the mercy of the horizontal ocean currents Nekton: capable of swimming freely and controlling their direction movement

The ______ is the top predator in the Arctic, living up to twenty-five years, and possessing dense fur and blubber for insulation.

polar bear

The Marine Mammal Protection Act has ______.

removed marine mammals and their products from commercial trade in the United States

Seabirds may drink seawater, so to remove excess salt from their bodies, _____.

salt becomes concentrated by a gland over their eyes and is removed by either dripping out or being blown through their nasal passages

Schooling has evolved independently in the majority of fish species because it ______. (Mark all that apply.)

saves energy reduces individual encounters with predators may enhance foraging success may confuse predators

Marine iguanas have flattened tails for and large claws for out of the ocean onto rocks.

swimming climbing

To adapt to a scarce food supply in the deep sea, some species of fish have ______. (Mark all that apply.)

teeth that point inward to lessen the potential for prey to escape hinged jaws expandable guts

Echolocation is ______.

the ability to use sound to picture the environment

The greatest threat to polar bear populations is ______.

the decrease in sea ice coverage

Myoglobin levels in marine mammals are ______ that found in terrestrial mammals.

three to ten times higher than

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