OK DPS Study Guide

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"black ice," a clear icy coating on the road surface that you can't see.

Compulsory Liability Insurance (P.A.)

- $25,000 for injury or death of one person - $50,000 for injury or death of two or more persons - $25,000 for property damage (25/50/25)

Passing on the left (P.A.)

. Pass the car ahead and don't return to the right lane until you can see that car in the rearview mirror.

Share The Road With Motorcycles (P.A.)

3. Motorcycle riding requires frequent lane movements to adjust to changing road and traffic conditions. Motorcycles have the right to the use of the lane. Riders need the lane's full width to respond to and handle hazards such as potholes, shifting traffic blocking their view or blocking them from being seen, and strong winds or blasts of air from passing vehicles. You should not try to share a lane with a motorcycle, and you should respect its space and position in traffic. All operators of motorcycles must have an M endorsement on their driver license.

It Is Illegal to Park in These Places (P.A.)

3. Within an intersection. 4. Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant. 8. Within 50 feet of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing. 6. Within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection. 9. Within 20 feet of the driveway entrance to any fire station or within 75 feet on the side of a street opposite the entrance (when properly signposted).


A conviction of failure to comply with the Compulsory Insurance Law or failure to produce proof of insurance to a law enforcement officer or Department of Public Safety representative upon request can result in— A fine of up to $250, 30 days in jail, or both • Suspension of license and registration

Possible Answer

A train collision is always the fault of the car driver.

Risky Situations with Trucks

A truck making a right turn—Watch for turn signals. Trucks make wide right turns and often must leave an open space on the right side Do not move into that space or try to pass a truck if it might be making a right turn

(P.A.) Restriction Code 9 =

Accompanied by licensed driver 21 years of age or older in the front seat. For people learning to drive.


Alcohol moves quickly to your stomach, into your blood, and to all parts of your body. Driving skills, especially your judgment, are affected almost immediately. Alcohol puts good judgment on hold—you don't know when you've had too much to drink until it's too late. By the time you feel it, your judgment and coordination are already impaired


Any time you're involved in a collision, you must: 1. Stop immediately. Don't ever leave the scene of a collision. If you do, you may be prosecuted for "hit and run." 2. Find out if anyone has been hurt and do what you can to help. Don't try to move an injured person unless it's a life-or-death necessity (if the car's on fire, for example). Movement might make the injuries worse. 3. Call or have someone call 911 or the police as soon as possible. Be sure that the police get your exact location. Give all the information you can: type of collision, how many people are involved, how many are hurt, and what type of injuries, etc. Stay on the line until the emergency operator has finished asking you questions and hangs up first. 4. Exchange the following information with the driver of all other vehicles involved: •Name and address of the driver AND the car owner, if different •Driver license number •Vehicle registration number •Insurance information—company name, agent, policy number and effective dates (your insurance company will ask you for this information). 5. Accidents that do not involve injury or death—The owner or operator of a vehicle or its cargo that obstructs the regular flow of traffic shall make every reasonable effort to remove the obstructing vehicle or cargo from the roadway so the regular flow of traffic is not blocked. This shall not apply to vehicles transporting "hazardous materials." 6. Remain calm and be polite. If the collision involves a parked car or other property and you can't locate the owner, leave your name and address on the damaged property where the owner will find it.

Sudden braking increases the skid. Don't use the clutch

As a general rule, if the car starts to skid, take your foot off the brake and turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid if you can do so without running off the road, hitting something, or steering into oncoming traffic


At four-way-stop intersections and at intersec- tions without stop signs or signals, the car or truck that entered the intersection first has the right-of-way. When two vehicles approach at the same time, the driver on the left yields to the driver on the right as shown.


At intersections with yield signs—Slow down to a reasonable speed, and be ready to stop if other vehicles or pedestrians are approaching the intersection. Cross or enter the flow of traffic when it's safe to do so. • To pedestrians—Yield to people crossing the roadway, whether the crosswalk is marked or unmarked. Be especially alert in school zones and high-traffic pedestrian areas. • When making a left turn—Yield to all oncoming traffic. Slow down and stop if you have to. Go only when there is enough clear distance for you to turn without inter- fering with oncoming traffic. • When entering or crossing a public road from a private road, alley, driveway, or building—stop before the sidewalk or crosswalk, then go when it's safe to do so. • To emergency vehicles—Yield to police cars, fire engines, and ambulances when they are sounding a siren and/or flashing warning lights. Pull over to the right edge of the roadway, clear of intersections, and stop until the emergency vehicle has passed. In heavy traffic when you can't pull over, clear a path for the vehicle. • If an officer signals you to stop while you're driving in the left lane, you must still pull over to the right shoulder, even if that means cross- ing several lanes of traffic. (See "Changing Lanes," page 7-2, to learn how to change lanes safely.) • You don't have to yield for emergency vehicles without warning lights or sirens. • You must move to the left lane on a 4-lane road when there is an emergency vehicle on the right shoulder.


At the discretion of the court, a period of: - 6 months - 1 year - 2 years, or until the person attains the age of 21 years, whichever period of time is longer


Bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities on the streets that you do, and in most cases, they must share the lane.

Possible Answer

Class D driver license is printed on a blue background

The Basic Speed Rule (P.A.)

Consider all the conditions that affect your driving, drive at a speed that is safe for those conditions, and be able to stop without hitting anyone. Be careful , reasonable, proper, and prudent

(P.A.) Restriction Code 1 =

Corrective lenses

possible answer

DO NOT PASS within 100 feet of an obstructed view or if vehicles or pedestrians might cross your path.


Direction or guidance

Use the Proper Lane

Do not travel alongside other vehicles at the same speed. Avoid cars moving in packs. Stay out of other drivers' blind spots. Change speed and/or lanes so that you don't block the normal flow of traffic.

Night Driving

Don't overdrive your lights—adjust your speed so you can stop within the distance you can see. Don't wear sunglasses or colored glasses when driving at night or on dark


Facing uphill, against a curb — Turn your wheels sharply, away


Fines are doubled for failing to stop for a school bus with red loading/ unloading lights flashing. You must stop and remain stopped until -the bus has started moving, OR -the driver motions for you to proceed, OR -the red flashing lights go off and/or the sign is pulled back. You DON'T have to stop for a school bus when -the bus is on a different roadway, OR -the bus is stopped in a loading zone by a controlled-access highway where pedestrians are not allowed to cross.


First offense • amisdemeanor •imprisonment in jail for not less than ten days not more than one year • a fine of not more than $1000 Second offense within ten years • a felony

These instructions are for standard braking systems

Flat tire or blowout If you run off the pavement. On ice, snow, sleet, gravel, sand, and other loose surfaces


Fog—Use low beams

(P.A.) Restriction Code 6 =

Food, fruit, or candy within reach of the driver. For people with insulin- dependent diabetes.

(P.A.) Restriction Code G =

Graduated driver license. Requires inquiry of Oklahoma driver license file until age 18 or older. No restriction for age 18 or older. Effective November 2010

DUI stands for "Driving Under the Influence" and means that a driver is intoxi- cated by drugs or alcohol or both. (P.A.)

If the BAC is 0.08 or more, or any measurable amount for drivers under 21 (see Zero Tolerance, page 13-4), or if the arresting officer's observations of the driver's behavior, appearance, and mannerisms lead to conviction for DUI, the penalties are imprisonment AND a fine.

Oklahoma has tough penalties for anyone driving under the influence or impairment of alcohol and drugs, especially for drivers under 21. (P.A.)

If the BAC level is 0.08 or more (or any measurable amount if you are under 21 years old), your driver license will be revoked—even if you are not convicted in court of driving under the influence (DUI).


If you accumulate 10 or more points within five years, your license will be suspended. DUI-5 DWI-3


If your license is lost, destroyed, or so damaged that the information is not readable, contact the Department of Public Safety, your local Driver Examiner, or a tag agency for a replacement license. Only a valid Oklahoma license can be replaced.


It is illegal for parents to allow their children to drive without a learner permit or driver license


Left turns—Don't turn the steering wheel to the left while waiting for oncoming traffic to pass. If you are hit from the rear while your wheels are turned, the impact can push you right into oncoming cars. Wait until you are sure you can complete the turn before turning the wheels.


More collisions and injuries occur at intersections than at any other place. If traffic is stopped and is blocking an intersection, stop before reaching the crosswalk and wait for the traffic to move.


Most collisions are caused by human error. (P.A.)

Flood Dynamics (P.A.)

Most vehicles will float in just two feet (24 inches) of water even SUVs!


Never change lanes until you are sure it's safe. • Watch for clearance ahead and behind. • Check your rearview mirrors. • Signal your intention to change lanes. • Look over your shoulder in the direction you will be moving. • Look behind you to both sides again. • Check your blind spots. • Stay clear of the blind spots of the vehicle ahead of you.

Possible Answer

Never use the rearview mirror for backing up.

The Examiner will tell you where to drive and what driving maneuvers to perform.

Properly perform basic maneuvers such as turning right and left, backing, parking on a hill, parallel parking, etc


RED RECTANGLE — Added below a stop sign, means all traffic approaching this intersection must stop.


Reacts Critically Criticizes others. Tries to get others to do things their way. Says: "You're in the wrong lane, and I'm going to see that you learn better."


Reacts Emotionally Carefree, rebellious, refuses to follow rules. Says: "I'm gonna drive the way I want, no matter what they say!" OR "I don't care; I'm having fun."


Reacts Intelligently Collects information, analyzes a situation, makes a decision, and acts accordingly. Says: "That car's going too slow in the exit lane; I need to move into the left lane and get out of the way."

Possible Answer

Signal for at least 100 ft Signal 2-3 seconds in advance Always signal before you brake

Rain (P.A.)

The roads are likely to be very slick just after it begins to rain or drizzle.


There is no sure way to tell exactly how long it will take you to stop at a certain speed. Your stopping distance depends on: -Your own reaction time. n Weather and road conditions. -The weight of your vehicle. n The condition of your brakes and tires There are three steps in stopping your vehicle—perception, reaction, and braking.


Think of the right-of-way as something to be given, not taken. Make sure the other driver sees you. Make eye contact. YOU MUST YIELD TO CHILDREN PLAYING IN THE STREETS YOU MUST YIELD TO BLIND PERSONS The cane may be all white, white with a red tip, or chrome.

Yellow dashes

Traffic moves in opposite directions on each side of the line. Passing is permitted when it's safe.

Solid yellow lines

Traffic moves in opposite directions on each side of the line. Solid yellow lines tell you two things: (1) if a solid yellow line is on the left, you are on the proper side of the road, and (2) if you cross that line, there's a danger from approaching vehicles or from obstacles in the median. Single or double solid yellow lines mean DO NOT PASS. You may cross the line to turn left.

White Dashes

Traffic moves in the same direction on each side of the white dashes. Passing is permitted when it's safe.

Solid white lines

Traffic moves in the same direction on each side of the line, but passing is hazardous, as when you're approaching an intersection or merge area.


Upon a roadway which is divided into four or more lanes, a vehicle shall not impede the normal flow of traffic by driving in the left lane; You may not exceed the speed limit to pass another vehicle.


Use the "the three second rule"—Select a fixed object, such as a tree, roadside sign, or utility pole ahead of the car in front of you. Once the car has passed the object, you should be able to count, "One thousand one, one thousand two, one, thousand three," before you pass the fixed object. In bad weather or poor road conditions, increase your count to four seconds (one thousand four).

Required by Law

When you move you must notify the Department of Public Safety in writing within 10 days, either by reporting to your local Tag Agent or by writing to: Department of Public Safety P.O. Box 11415 Oklahoma City, OK 73136

Share the road with Trains (P.A.)

You are 20 times more likely to die in a collision with a train than in a crash with a car or truck.


You can't see, smell, or taste it, but carbon monoxide gas from your engine can kill you

Passing on the right

You may never legally pass on the right by driving off the pavement or main portion of the highway.

Basic Speed Rule

You must not drive so slowly that you block, hinder, or interfere with other vehicles moving at normal speeds.


You should always give yourself a "cushion of safety,"

What happens if you break the rules and are convicted of a moving violation?

You will remain at your current GDL level (learner or intermediate) until six (6) months from the date of conviction has elapsed.


Your license is issued for four years from the month in which you paid your fee and received your license. It expires the last day of the month.

Reasons for Failing the Driving Test

dangerous driving, law violations


general warning

Black & white

regulations and instructions


single, mirror, over the shoulder, GO!!!!!


stop or prohibition


warning, construction, or maintenance


your tires lose contact with the road surface and actually ride on the film of water.


• "Drive right" and reduce the chance of enraging a driver to strike out. • Keep away from people who are "driving crazy." • Avoid eye contact with an aggressive driver. • If a driver follows you, go to a police station or a public place where you can get help. If you are harassed on the road, get the offender's license-tag number and report the incident to the authorities. • Be forgiving


• Avoid driving when emotionally upset. • Be especially careful just before dark, when drivers can't see as well as in daylight. • Evasive action requires slightly more steering input than changing lanes. • Keep your doors locked, especially with children in the car. • Don't lock the wheels when braking. • Avoid stopping at the scene of a collision unless you have the skills to help. • Avoid artificial stimulants to keep awake. Stop and sleep. • Drive as far to the right as possible when you meet a car with only one headlight. • Glance at your speedometer often; know your exact speed at all times. • Make sure you see and that you are seen. Glance in your mirrors often. • To avoid emergency situations, keep your eyes moving, watch the traffic, and look at objects far and near—left and right. • Be forgiving: Drivers should protect each other from their own mistakes (S.E.E.)


• Flashlight with good batteries • Inflated spare tire and tire jack • Oil for loosening lug nuts • Rags • Change for pay phones or a prepaid phone card • Water • Blanket • Adjustable crescent wrench • Emergency flares • Jumper cables • Heavy-duty lug wrench • Windshield sun screen or sign with "send help" on it • Local maps and a road atlas • Tarp • Tire gauge and screwdriver set • First-aid kit • Bungee cord or strong rope • Candles and matches

How to avoid rear-end collisions (P.A.)

• If the car ahead of you signals for a left turn, slow down and prepare to stop

A bicyclist can ride in the full lane when: (P.A.)

• If you see this flag on a bicycle, slow down; the bicycle rider may have impaired hearing.

Cost of DUI (P.A.)

• Increased insurance rates • Psychological and emotional costs of being a "drunk driver" Drivers on amphetamines are four times more likely to be involved in a car crash. "ZERO TOLERANCE" FOR DRIVERS UNDER 21


• Move to the right to allow vehicles driving faster than you to pass.

To Park on a Hill

• Parallel park as in the previous section, but stop within six inches of the curb. • Brace the wheels against the curb, as described below. • Set the parking brake. • Put the car in the proper gear, reverse, low gear, or "park." • Turn off the switch.

Possible Answer

• Pay extra attention at night—you can easily misjudge distance because the single headlight and single tail light of a motorcycle can blend into the lights of other vehicles. Always dim your headlights as you would for cars and trucks.

Safety Rules for Highway-Railway Crossings (P.A.)

• Slow down, keep alert, and watch for the crossing sign or signal. • Look both ways and listen, because you may have to stop. • Never drive around the gates • Watch out for the second train. • Get out of your vehicle if it stalls on the tracks. • Watch for vehicles that must stop at highway-railway crossings. • Never pass at a highway rail crossing • Don't misjudge the train's speed and distance

Drive w caution

• Stay 3 seconds behind the vehicle in front of you. Allow 4 seconds in bad weather

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning: (P.A.)

• You feel drowsy and/or dizzy. • Lights seem brighter. • The skin has a blue color; lips turn blue. • Your forehead tightens.


• You must use your low beams (dimmed lights) when you are approaching within 1000 feet of an oncoming vehicle. • You must dim your lights when you are following another vehicle within 600 feet.


•$25,000 for injury or death of one person •$50,000 for injury or death of two or more persons •$25,000 for property damage (25/50/25)


•Write down your driver license number and memorize it. •Always carry your license with you when you drive. •You are required by law to show it to a trooper, police officer, sheriff, or judge when asked. •You must show your license to anyone with whom you are involved in a college

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