Old Testament Bible - Genesis

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What does Joseph say to his brothers in Genesis 50: 19 - 21?

"Even though you intended to harm me, God meant it for good"

Gen 22 What is Abraham commanded to do?

"Go to the place where I will designate and sacrifice your son Isaac to me" -god

What does Abraham say to Isaac in Genesis 22:8?

"God himself will provide a lamb for the burnt offering." -isaac

What does Abram say to Lot in 13:8-9?

"Let there be no strife between you and me, and between your herders and my herders; for we are kindred. Is not the whole land before you? Separate yourself from me. If you take the left hand, then I will go to the right; or if you take the right hand, then I will go to the left."

Gen 21 What does Abraham do at Sarah's request?

"Send that woman[Hagar] away with her child [Ishmael] because that child will never take the inheritance of my child." -Sarah

What does the Lord say to Rebekah in Gen. 25:23?

"Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples born of you shall be divided; the one shall be stronger than the other, the elder shall serve the younger."

What did Jacob give to Joseph to show his favoritism?

A coat of many colors

What was the sign of this covenant?

A rainbow

Read Gen. 3:1-6. A) Summarize the conversation between the serpent and the woman. B) What did she do in 3:6?

A) In this conversation the serpent is deceiving the woman and tricking her into eating from the Tree of Life. B) in 3:6 the woman falls for the serpents tricks and eats the fruit, and gives some to her husband as well.

Gen 17 (Name changes) Abram means ___________________ Abraham means ___________________ Sarai means ___________________ Sarah means ___________________

Abram means exalted father Abraham means father of man Sarai means princes Sarah means princes (of many)

What does "Genesis" mean?

Beginning, origin

What does Cain do to Abel, and why does he do it?

Cain murdered Abel because he was jealous that the lord was more pleased with Abel's offering than his.

Jacob eventually has twelve sons and one daughter. After working for Laban for twenty years, he returns to


When Jacob dies, his body is taken back to

Canaan to be buried

What is Esau's other name?


Who was the first born son of Isaac and Rebekah?


How did Jacob get the birthright intended for Esau?

Esau came back from the field famished and asked Jacob for some stew. Jacob told him that he would only share his stew if Esau sold him the birthright, and Esau agreed because he felt like he was "about to die."

How does Esau receive Jacob?

Esau is overjoyed to see his brother and weeps. Jacob exclaims that seeing him is like seeing the face of God.

What happened that led to Sarai being reunited with Abram?

God afflicted Pharaoh and his house with great plagues, and Pharaoh realized that Sarai was Abram's wife and not his sister.

Gen 18:22-33. Summarize the conversation between God and Abraham in these verses.

God and Abraham have a conversation about how God will forgive the city if he finds a certain number of righteous people. He also promises to give Abraham a son within a year.

What did God promise in the covenant with Noah?

God made an unconditional covenant with Noah and all living beings that he would never again flood the earth and he would provide everything that lives as food for humans.

What did the Lord promise to Abram?

God promised, "I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."

Gen 17 (The covenant with Abraham: Part II) What does God promise to Abraham?

God promises to Abraham "I will establish my covenant between me and you, your offspring after you throughout their generations...And I will give to you, and to your offspring, the land where you are now an alien, all the land of Canaan, for a perpetual holding, and I will be their God".

What does the Lord God do about the fact that it is "not good"?

God wanted to make him a helper as his partner and made all the animals, birds, and eventually a woman from the man's ribs.

Joseph sends for his father Jacob. The two are reunited in the part of Egypt called

Goshen. (46:28) This is where Jacob's entire family settles.

Who was Hagar?

Hagar was an Egyptian slave to Sarai and Abram. She conceived a child with Abram and Sarai became angry.

What is the man free to do?

He can freely eat from every tree in the garden.

What is Adam not to do?

He cannot eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Gen. 18-19. What had the Lord decided to do with Sodom and Gomorrah, and why did he make this decision?

He decided to go down and see their sinning. He did this because "their sin was grave".

Briefly describe Joseph's second dream.

He dreams that there are the sun, moon, and eleven stars. The sun and moon represent his mother (Leah) and father, and the stars represent his brothers. Jacob and his wife and eleven stars will bow down to Joseph.

What did the Lord do to the people of Bable, and what effect did it have?

He gave them all different languages and they couldn't talk to each other and they scattered all over the world.

Why did Abram ask Sarai to lie about being married?

He knew that Sarai was a beautiful woman and was scared that they would spare her and kill him.

How does Abraham get a wife for Isaac? (See Gen. 24) [this is #28 in the packet if you work on this next.]

He tells his elder servant to go to the city of Nahor to find Isaac a wife. Once the servant is there, he prays that a girl will come to help him get water and become Isaac's wife. When he says, "please give me a drink" she will say, "not only will I give you a drink but I will also water your camels"

What did the Lord call Abram to do?

He told Abram to leave his country and his kindred and his father's house and to the land that God will show him.

What did Abram tell Sarai to tell people in Egypt just before they arrived there?

He told Sarai to tell people that she was his sister.

What will happen if Adam disobeys?

He will die if he disobeys.

Briefly describe Joseph's first dream

His sheaf stands straight up and all of his brothers' sheaves bow down to him.

Gen 21 Whose birth to Abraham is recorded in 21:1-7?

Isaac meaning Laughter

Who was Ishmael?

Ishmael was Hagar's son that she conceived with Abram.

Jacob's name is changed to

Israel, which means struggles/wrestles with God

Read Gen. 2:18. A) What is the one thing that is "not good"?

It is not good that the man is alone.

What is the name of the second son born to Isaac and Rebekah?


Describe Jacob's dream at Bethel

Jacob dreamed that there was a ladder set up on the earth, the top of it reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. The Lord said to him "I am the Lord, the God of Abraham and Issac and I will give to you the land on which you lie and your offspring will spread out over the earth like dust." Jacob names the place Bethel, which means house of God.

Eventually, Joseph's brothers return to Egypt. Who is with them?

Jacob tells the brothers go back to Egypt because they ran out of grain. Judah promises Jacob that he will bring Benjamin back safe and sound, and they return to Egypt with Benjamin.

Describe Jacob's experience in 32:24-29.

Jacob wrestles with an angel representative of God. The angel dislocated Jacob's hip and changes his name to Israel.

What accusation did Joseph make of his brothers?

Joseph accused them of being spies. They tell him that they are all the sons of the same man, Jacob. One of their brothers is dead, and one was left behind in Canaan.

How were Joseph's brothers asked to prove their innocence?

Joseph asks them to bring Benjamin from Canaan to Egypt and gives them money for the grain to take back to Canaan.

What does Joseph tell his brothers in Genesis 45: 1-8? 30-34

Joseph reveals his identity, and tells them that "So it was not you who sent me here, but God."

What role does a silver cup play in this account?

Joseph tells one of his servants to place a silver cup into Benjamin's sack to make it look like Benjamin stole it. Joseph tells the brothers that Benjamin must stay in Egypt as Joseph's slave.

Who dies at the end of Genesis 50?

Joseph, he was placed in a coffin in Egypt

Who had the idea of selling Joseph into slavery

Judah, the brothers tore apart the coat and dipped it in an animal's blood. They showed Jacob the coat and told him that a wild animal killed Joseph

How was Noah different from other people (see Genesis 6:9)?

Noah was a righteous, blameless, and he walked with God, unlike the other people.

Briefly describe Noah's task.

Noah's task was to build an ark made of cypress and bring two of every species of animal on the ark with him along with his wife, his sons, and his son's wives. He also brought every kind of food.

Who took an interest in Sarai?


What was Joseph's new job for Pharaoh?

Pharaoh gives Joseph a ring that makes him Pharaoh's right-hand man in charge of grain distribution.

What role did Potiphar's wife play in Joseph's life?

Potiphar's wife notices that Joseph is good looking and tries to seduce him. He declines because he wants to stay loyal to Potiphar (because Potiphar trusts him) and not sin against God. Potphar's wife tries to seduce Joseph, when he declines she frames him by taking his coat and shows it to her husband. Joseph is thrown in prison.

In Egypt, who bought Joseph?

Potiphar, the captain of the Egyptian Guards

How did Jacob get the blessing intended for Esau, and who was his accomplice?

Rebekah, Jacob's mother, dressed Jacob in skins so that when Isaac felt Jacob bless him, he would think that Jacob is Esau. Jacob also prepared stew for Isaac, and since Isaac was old and had bad sight, this plan worked.

Who was Joseph's oldest brother that kept the others from killing Joseph?


Which brother was kept in Egypt?


What does Gen. 6:5 say about the condition of the human race?

That the human race was wicked and that every inclination of the thoughts of their hearts was only evil continually.

What decision did the Lord make in Gen. 6:7?

The Lord decides that he will blot out from the earth the human beings and animals he has created.

The Covenant with Abraham (Part I). What does the Lord promise to Abram ?

The Lord promises to Abraham "To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates river". (Canaan)

Who received a negative one?

The baker: in three days he will be tortured and killed

Who received a favorable interpretation?

The cupbearer: gets job back in three days

Why did Joseph's brothers come to Egypt?

The famine starts and also hits Canaan. Jacob tells his sons excluding Benjamin to go to Egypt and buy grain. When they first see Joseph, they don't recognize him (but realize that he is an important figure) and bow down to him just like Joseph's dream.

What is Cain's punishment for killing Abel?

The ground will no longer bear crops for Cain and he will be a fugitive forever and wander the earth.

"The Lord will provide." Why are these words important in Genesis 22:14?

The name Abraham gives the place where he sacrifices a ram in of Isaac's place

Whom does the woman blame when she is confronted?

The serpent

Whom does the man blame when confronted by the Lord?

The woman

What was Joseph's interpretation of Pharaoh's two dreams?

There are seven fat cows and seven sickly cows, and the sickly cows eat the fat ones and remain sickly. There were seven heads of grain that were big and healthy, but then unhealthy grains eat the healthy ones and stay unhealthy. Joseph tells Pharaoh that there will be seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine.

Why did Abram and his nephew Lot have to separate?

They both had many possessions/livestock, and the land could not support both of them living together. There was also strife between their herders.

What did the people of Babel not want to do?

They did not want to be scattered abroad upon the face of the earth and multiply and fill the earth like God said.

Gen 11 (The tower of Babel) a) What did people try to do at the Tower of Babel?

They tried to build a city, a tower to the heavens, and a name for themselves.

What was Judah willing to do?

To stay in Egypt in Benjamin's place and be Joseph's slave.

Who are Cain and Abel?

first two Sons of Adam and Eve

After Jacob reached Mesopotamia

he met Rachel at a well. However, Laban tricked Jacob into marrying Leah before he married Rachel.

Complete Genesis 1:27, (special about humanity)"So God created

humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."

What must Abraham and his descendants do to enter this covenant? (See 17:10-19.)

the covenant is conditional, and they had to be circumcised at the age of eight.

While in prison, Joseph interpreted the dreams of two Egyptian officials

the cupbearer and the baker

When the flood waters receded, the ark came to rest on

the mountains of Ararat.

Summarize the punishments given to the serpent, the woman, the man

the serpent - God curses the serpent and demotes him to only squirming on his belly and eating dust forever the woman - God tells the woman he will bring more pain to her during child-birth, hostility between the woman's children and snakes The man - God tells the man that the grounds are now cursed because of him and he will work hard in the fields and do labor and one day he will return to dust because that is how he was created. (painful work and death)

Complete Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning

when God created the heavens and the earth,"

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