Old Testament Survey Quiz 1 - Creation
In reference to the creation of man, the meaning of "the image of God" includes to be made with:
- a moral nature - a spiritual nature - intelligence - emotions
The Hebrew word bara in Genesis 1:1 means: 1. to create 2. to make from nothing 3. to bring into existence 4. all of the above
4, all of the above
About how many human authors did God use to write the Bible?
The Old Testament contains twenty-seven books. True or False?
The first word in the Hebrew Bible, bara , means in the beginning. True or False?
Lower animal life (fish and fowl) =
Fifth day
Light =
First day
Sun, moon, and stars =
Fourth day
The two main divisions of the Bible are the ___________________ and the ___________________.
New Testament, Old Testament
Firmament, heavens, sky =
Second day
Higher animal life (beast) and man =
Sixth day
Seas and dry land =
Third day
A theme throughout the Pentateuch is God's faithfulness to His promises. True or False?
According to Genesis 2:18, 22-24 God's will for marriage is one woman and one man. True or False?
Another name for the first five books of the Bible is Pentateuch. True or False?
The Hebrew word for replenish means to fill. True or False?
The first verse in the Bible is the introductory statement for the entire Biblical account of creation. True or False?
The foundation of all theology of the Bible is found in the very first words of the Bible: "In the beginning God . . . ." True or False?
A word that means rule, standard, or norm is:
The process of writing the Bible spanned approximately ______________ centuries and employed about __________ human writers.
fourteen, 40
The key word to keep in mind when studying the entire book of Genesis is:
Concerning the writing of the Bible, revelation is the what and _______________ is the how.
The method God used to give the human writers the written Word was:
The Bible is God's _____________ of Himself to man.
The most important message of the Bible is God's plan for man's ______________
To the Hebrews, __________________ was the Torah or the Law.
the Pentateuch
How is US used in Genesis 1:26?
to identify all the members of the Godhead--the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit