Old Testament Survey Study Guide The Exiles Return

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*IV. Multiple Choice* 5. Even after some of the exiled Jews returned and the temple in Jerusalem is rebuilt, in the book of Ezra we see that God's people continued to disobey one very important law of God. What was it? *a.* They immediately began offering burnt sacrifices to false gods. *b.* They defiled and disrespected the holiness of the temple. *c.* They intermarried with foreign wives. *d.* They fearfully refused trust the Lord and therefore hid from him and his prophets.


*III. Fill in the blank* 11. During a sleepless night __________ order the chronicles to be read.


*III. Fill in the blank* 1. The kingdom of Israel was conquered by the __________, and the people were sent into exile.


*III. Fill in the blank* 2. The kingdom of Judah was conquered by the __________, and the people were sent into exile.


*III. Fill in the blank* 17. __________ held a banquet using furnishings from the temple in Jerusalem.


*III. Fill in the blank* 3. __________ held a banquet at which Daniel interpreted the writing on the wall.


*III. Fill in the blank* 4. As a result of __________ arrogance, the Persians conquered the Babylonian Empire.


*III. Fill in the blank* 5. __________ decred that some of the Jewish exiles could return to Jerusalem.


*III. Fill in the blank* 9. According to Jewish history and tradition __________ wrote the book of Daniel.


*III. Fill in the blank* 20. __________ requested that her people fast before she appeared unannounced before the king.


*III. Fill in the blank* 25. __________ arrived before the temple in Jerusalem had been rebuilt, and he taught the law to God's people.


*III. Fill in the blank* 6. The Jewish exiles were led back into the land by __________, __________, and __________.

Ezra, Nehemiah, Zerubbabel

*II. Response Questions* 10. How are the themes of faithfulness and loyalty to God and deliverance by God worked out in Daniel?

God allows his people to be taken captive but he is in control. He protects Daniel, his friends and the Jewish people. You see his power and control.

*II. Response Questions* 13. Why were the mixed marriages found in the book of Ezra a threat to God's people at this time?

God called the Jews to be seperate stay Holy to stay focused on worshipping God only. Worship must be kept Holy Separation from uncleanness.

*II. Response Questions* 15. What unusual feature does the book of Esther have?

God's name is not mentioned

*II. Response Questions* 20. Describe Haman's evil plot to the Jews? What was his plan to do with Israelites? What was the cause of this evil plan?

Haman wanted to have all the Jews killed. He thought Jews were disobedient and He did not like Mordecai who would not bow to him.

*III. Fill in the blank* 18. __________ was forced to lead his enemy through the streets of Susa.


*III. Fill in the blank* 24. In chapter 9, Daniel was studying the book of __________ and praying that the exile would end.


*II. Response Questions* 17. Who are the main characters of the book Esther? Explain the major events that happened in the book of Esther.

King Xerxes wakes Esther his queen, He did not know she was Jewish. Her uncle Mordecai finds out about a plan to kill King Xerxes and he tells Esther. Haman looked for a way to destroy all the Jews. Esther goes before the King to save the Jewish people.

*I. Identify the Kings (Who, What, When, Where, and Why)* 2. Belshazzar:

King of Babylon He is killed by Darius the Mede He did not give honor to God

*I. Identify the Kings (Who, What, When, Where, and Why)* 1. Nebuchadnezzar:

King of Babylon 605 B.C. - 562 B.C. Conquered Judan Destroyed the temple took Jews to Babylon

*I. Identify the Kings (Who, What, When, Where, and Why)* 3. Darius:

King of Persia Kills Belshazzar Daniel is in his Royal Court Darius issues decree no praying and Daniel is put in Lionsden.

*I. Identify the Kings (Who, What, When, Where, and Why)* 4. Cyrus:

King of Persia Put Daniel in prison with no food Darius's uncle King of the four corners of the World Allowed Jews to return to Jerusalem

*II. Response Questions* 19. List and describe the four beasts that Daniel saw in his vision. Which kingdom did these beasts represent? *(NOT ON TEST)*

Lion the wings of Eagle - Bear Leopard with Four Wings - Beast with 10 horns Represent for Kings that will rise on Earth 4th will devour the earth.

*III. Fill in the blank* 14. __________ uncovered a plot to have a king killed.


*III. Fill in the blank* 16. __________ experienced a period of madness brought about by his pride.


*III. Fill in the blank* 15. __________ guided the Jews in rebuilding Jerusalem's walls.


*III. Fill in the blank* 12. __________ is Jewish festival that celebrates God's deliverance during the time of Esther.


*III. Fill in the blank* 21. __________ tried to discredit Nehemiah through a false letter. *(NOT ON TEST)*


*II. Response Questions* 18. What are some major lessons/principles that we can learn from the book of Ezra? Provide examples from Scripture. *(NOT ON TEST)*

Separate from Evil - *Ezra 9:1-3* Unity of People - *Ezra 4:3* Revival - Return to following God - *Ezra 7:8-10*

*III. Fill in the blank* 22. __________, __________, and __________, were Daniel's three friends that journeyed with him to Bebylon.

Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego

*II. Response Questions* 4. What is unusual about the book of Esther? Why was the book written?

She lived in Persia as a Jewish Exile. She became queen as a wife to King Xerxes I. She was a Jew and was able to save the Jews by going to the King.

*II. Response Questions* 5. Why was Ezra upset that the Jewish exiles who had returned were marrying foreigners?

This was against what God had told the Jewish people to do. They were to stay faithful to God and marry Jewish people.

*III. Fill in the blank* 10. __________ was deposed as the Persian queen after refusing to appear before her husband at a banquet.


*II. Response Questions* 16. What is the theme of the book of Esther?

We don't see God, but He is always working

*IV. Multiple Choice* 2. Which of the following is not true about Nebuchadnezzar? *a.* His palace covered 28 acres of land. Babylon also contained one of the seven wonders of the ancient world-the hanging gardens. *b.* He had many magicians, enchanters, and astrologers (including Daniel) who could accurately interpret his dreams. *c.* He would live in insanity, like an animal, until he acknowledged that the Lord alone was sovereign over all the kingdoms of the Earth. *d.* God's humbling of him brought him to repentance, and Nebuchadnezzar eventually honored God as the true majesty on high.


*IV. Multiple Choice* 4. In the book of Esther, the fact that the audience knows that Esther is Jewish, but the king does not is an example of *a.* Dramatic irony *b.* Prophesy *c.* Symbolism *d.* Foreshadowing


*IV. Multiple Choice* 1. Daniel is a unique book in that it contains three genres of literature. Which of the following does it not contain? *a.* History *b.* Jewish law *c.* Prophecy *d.* Apocalyptic vision


*IV. Multiple Choice* 3. The Persians were very different from the Assyrians and Babylonians in that they *a.* Were successful in conquering neighboring nations and expansion. *b.* Believed the empire would be unified through the speaking of multiple languages and dialects. *c.* Were tolerant and respectful of the customs of conquered nations. *d.* Enslaved the Israelites in order to further expand the appearance of wealth in the kingdom.


*IV. Multiple Choice* 6. As a cupbearer to King Artaxerxes, it was Nehemiah's job to *a.* Not only serve the king's wine, but stand near him to hold the cup at all times. *b.* Polish the royal and protect it. *c.* Be at the king's disposal for any task, no matter how menial. *d.* Always take the first sip of the king's wine to make sure it was not poisoned and offer advice to the king when he was asked.


*IV. Multiple Choice* 7. According to Jewish history and tradition __________ wrote the book of Ezra. *a.* Nehemiah *b.* Daniel *c.* Ezra *d.* Jewish historians do not know wrote the book. *e.* None of the above.


*II. Response Questions* 8. Define apocalyptic literature. What are some characteristics of apocalyptic literature?

vision, symbolize, mysterious, require into peretation

*III. Fill in the blank* 8. The __________ of Jerusalem were rebuilt.


*III. Fill in the blank* 19. The book of Daniel was originally written in __________ languages.


*III. Fill in the blank* 26. The book of Ezra records __________ emigrations.


*II. Response Questions* 9. How is Daniel unique from other Old Testament books?

2 languages

*III. Fill in the blank* 23. In chapter 7 of this book, Daniel saw the rise of __________ kingdoms.


*III. Fill in the blank* 13. The book of Daniel contains __________ major divisions.


*II. Response Questions* 11. Explain the first vision that Daniel interpreted for king Nebuchadnezzar. What did Daniel see? Explain in detail.

*Daniel 2:36-45* Large statue - Head of Pure - King Nebuchadnezzar - After you will arise one inferior to yours - Next a third kingdom, one of brone will Rule finally a fourth - Strong as iron, Divided kingdom, then a great kingdom will crush all these kingdoms.

*II. Response Questions* 6. Explain the story of the "writing on the wall." What happened during the story and afterward?

*Daniel 5:26-28* King Belshazzar had a great banquet He used the goblets from temple in Jerusalem. Then the finger of a hand appeared and wrote on the wall. No one could read it so they called for Daniel. Daniel tells the King - His days are numbered, found wanting - Kingdom will be divided.

*II. Response Questions* 7. Why was it important for Nehemiah to see to the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls? *(NOT ON TEST)*

*Nehemiah 2:17* Come let us Rebuild the wall of Jerusalem and we will no longer be in disgrace. Jerusalem lies in Ruin

*II. Response Questions* 2. How did God teach Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar that the he alone controls the destiny of kings and nations? Provide examples from the book of Daniel.

- visions - writing on the wall

*II. Response Questions* 14. What are some of the theological themes of Ezra and Nehemiah?

1. God faithful to us 2. God wants us to faith him.

*II. Response Questions* 1. How did God bless Daniel and his three friends for the choices they made? Provide examples from the book of Daniel.

1. They were not eat unclean food 2. Fiery Furnace 3. Lion's Den.

*II. Response Questions* 3. How did God use the kingdom of Persia to accomplish his purposes?

1. conquer Babylon as part of his plans 2. Let Jews go home

*II. Response Questions* 12. What role did Ezra play among the returning exiles?

taught the law

*III. Fill in the blank* 7. The __________ in Jerusalem was rebuilt.


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