OM quiz 5

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Water and the rocks analogy

hit the rock so you can find the problem and know how to fix it. dont order more inventory, try to order less

single channel vs multi channel

only one person you can get help with/only can wait for one person vs having multiple people available to help

what is a good example of this prop: Prop 7: The more valuable the service, the longer the customer will wait

people getting to college game day so early because it was so valuable

finite vs infinite line

"first 100 people" vs having 200 people wait in line and have 100 of them wait for nothing

how do you calculate critical ratio

(due date-current day) / work days remaining

in order to do MRP we need 3 things...

1. Bill of material. 2. Master production schedule of finished good. 3. Inventory information

do you know how to look at a product tree and an indented bill of material

2 sides per yoyo, 4 tires per car

CR stands for

Critical Ratio

Expects a known constant demand and MRP systems often deal with unknown and variable demand


___ is a computer system that integrates application programs across functions in a company.


___ is a software package that lets us communicate through multiple functional platforms


EDD : ________ goes first

Earliest due date

this rule is also known as the fairness rule

FCFS (first come first serve)

some examples of queue disciplines are

FCFS- first come first serve (fairness rule) we need everything to be fair Cash or credit Fast passes

what are the 6 sequencing rules (different ways to calculate flow time)

FCFS: First come first serve (same as Forward Scheduling) EDD : Earliest due date goes first SPT: Shortest Processing time goes first LPT: Longest Processing time goes first STR: Slack Time Rule Remaining Operations CR: Critical Ratio


First come first serve (same as Forward Scheduling)

the time between the release of a job to a work center until the job is finished

Flow time

forward scheduling vs backwards scheduling

Forward scheduling: "first come first serve" order. Start with the first order, then the next and so on Backward scheduling: looks at the order due date and schedules backwards

____ levels out the production strategy for both volume and variety. the board is very visual and tells you what's going on


what is a good example of this prop: Prop 3: Anxiety makes the wait seem longer

I dont want to keep waiting in this line if they could be out of whatever I want

stopping production because of a defect is called ____.


is MRP an assembly line or a job shop

Job shop

what did we learn from the guitar video

Job shop. Low specialization High skilled employees

when scheduling a two-machine process you can use

Johnsons rule

LPT means __________ goes first

Longest Processing time

technique orders just what is required for production based on net requirements

Lot for lot- L4L

___ Is a tool that helps us order parts pieces and components


___ can sometimes be apart of someones ___ system (ERP or MRP)


what is a good example of this prop: Prop 2: Preprocess Wait feels longer than in-process wait

McDonalds- order here, pay here, pickup here

As a service provider, after you decide how you want to set up your service (service characteristics), You will figure out how you want people to wait in line. this is called the _______

Queue configuration

_____ _______ tells people how to behave in the line

Queue disciplines

according to MRP, you will receive the inventory ________

RIGHT BEFORE you sell all the product

___ is a german company, leader in ERP software. their software is known as ___


do you know what the different type of queue configurations are

Serpentine, hospitality line

SPT means _________ goes first

Shortest Processing time

STR stands for

Slack Time Rule

Usage of kanban and what that does

Tells you what inventory you need to order

do you want your critical ratio to be below or above 1


______ is when customers dont even bother getting in line because the line looks too long


infinite loading vs finite loading

capacity is not considered They accept every single order they receive. vs finite loading, once you hit the capacity that is the max orders possible to do do

Johnsons rule limits the amount of _____


single phase vs multiple phase

either one person can be helped at once, vs multiple people being helped at the same time

what is a good example of this prop: Prop 6: Unfair Waits are longer than equitable waits

everything needs to be fair

continuous improvement has to do with which word with this section

kaizen (cake example)

The _____ happens within the chart, the _____ happens between charts

lead time; per

A job shop has a ____ demand schedule and that goes with ___

lumpy; MRP

2 ways to calculate run out time

one looks at the demand rate and how much inventory you have left and one looks at how long you have until the due date compared to when you will run out of that material? maybe

______ is when a customers in line and they leave because its taking too long


How do you figure out the number of kanban cards in a system

reorder point/ what the container holds

Assembly line has a _____ demand/ level production strategy


what is a good example of this prop: Prop 4: Uncertain waits are longer than Known, finite waits

tells us HOW LONG the wait will be. states "this will be 30 minutes or less"

what is a good example of this prop: Prop 5: Unexplained Waits are longer than Explained waits

tells us WHY the wait is so long

what is a good example of this prop: Prop 8: Solo waits feel longer than group waits

waiting in line at cedar point with friends

what is a good example of this prop; Prop 1: Unoccupied time feels longer than occupied time

watching something while pumping gas or sitting in a waiting room

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