Orbit Anatomy, Orbits and Facial bone Anatomy

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What comprises the medial wall of the orbit?

Ethmoid, lacrimal, Maxillary, sphenoid

What bones compose with roof of the orbit?

Frontal , Lesser wing of the sphenoid

What happens when a blowout fracture occurs?

blood collects in the floor of orbits giving rise to an air fluid level

What is a blowout fracture of the orbit?

fracture to the orbital floor as a result of blunt trauma

what are the seven bones that orbits are composed of?

frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, maxilla, zygoma, lacrimal, palatine

What bones make up the inferior/ floor of the orbit?

maxillary, palatine, and zygomatic

What direction and how many degrees are orbits directed?

medially and backward 37 degrees from the mid sagittal plane and superiorly 30 degrees from the orbital meatal line

apex orbit

optic foramen located in optic canal

Other names for tripod fracture?

quadripod and quadramalar fracture

Base orbit

rim, palpable

inferiororbital fissure optic

spheno-maxillary fissure

superior orbital fissure optic

sphenoidal fissure, giant opening in the back of the eye

What is a Tripod fracture?

when the zygomatic arch is fractured at all three points; frontal, maxilla, temporal resulting in a free floating zygoma

What bones compose with lateral wall of the orbit?

zygomatic bone, greater wing of the sphenoid

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