Org Behavior Chapters 1-8 Review

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Which type of learners tend to be more concerned about abstract concepts and ideas than about people?


______ are important because they are the mechanism through which most people express their feelings.


______ is/are an inducement from the organization to the individual.


If employees perceive a direct threat to their career opportunities, how are they likely to respond?

By feeling the need to protect their own prospects by impeding the prospects of others

_________ refers to the degree to which members are attracted to the team and to its members and how loyal team members are to the team and to each other.


_____________ is the ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures.

Cultural competence

___________ fairness is the perceived fairness of the outcome received.


___________ depend primarily on concrete experience and reflective observation in order to learn.


Which of the following is not a common reward system in a team environment?

employee-of-the-month programs

According to the framework of this textbook, organizations and the behaviors of the people who comprise them all function within a(n) _________ context.


The idea that employees compare their own input/output ratios with the input/outcome ratios of others is a key component of which theory?

equity theory

What term refers to the belief that one's own language, native country, and cultural rules and norms are superior to all others?


Which of the following could NOT be a source of competitive advantage??


People can reduce cognitive dissonance by doing any of the following EXCEPT

ignoring their feelings

Employees who find intrinsic value in their work are doing what is ____________. important to their spouse

important to them

Oleg is a blacksmith specializing in the creation of swords and armor. His job is __________

in the manufacturing sector.

In the United States, growth in the service sector is projected to ________ in the near future.


In goal-setting theory, goal difficulty is the extent to which a goal is challenging to ________


A person's ______ is his or her feelings toward something.


The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a dramatic percent increase in the number of workers ____ during the next decade.

aged 65 and older

An organization with a product innovation competitive advantage would likely seek a core workforce of research and development employees who have which quality?

an entrepreneurial mindset

Groups often reexamine assumptions, adopt new perspectives on the work, and make dramatic progress ___________

approximately halfway through their projected life of the group.

Emotional intelligence includes all of the following EXCEPT __________


According to Hackman and Oldham, the degree to which the job gives the worker freedom, discretion, and independence in scheduling the work and determining how to do the work is called _______________


Esteban tries to achieve the goals his manager sets, but he does so merely out of obligation. According to goal-setting theory, Esteban's goals lack _________


Which of the following do high Machiavellians NOT exhibit?


Which of the following is not a step in the performance appraisal process?


What term refers to anything that gives a firm an edge over rivals in attracting customers and defending itself against competition?

competitive advantage

Individuals who tend to focus on few goals at a time and are careful and self-disciplined are said to have a high degree of _____________


A team ____________ is a written agreement among team members establishing ground rules about the team's processes, roles, and responsibilities.


The group forms and members get to know one another by sharing information about themselves in the _________ stage.

Mutual Acceptance

Ahmed is designing a new role in his organization, specifying what the employee who fills the role will be responsible for and how that employee will be evaluated. Which managerial function is Ahmed working on?


_____ is the relatively stable set of psychological attributes that distinguish one person from another.


Which of the four managerial functions is most big-picture?


__________ is the degree of inequality that exists and that is accepted among people with and without power.

Power distance

____________ fairness refers to perceptions of the fairness of the policies and procedures used to make decisions.


rnie, a consultant, never knows whether his contract will be renewed until right before it ends. This stressor is an example of a _______ demand.


Which of the following allows employees to work from home and link to the company's offices via computer?


The concept of Machiavellianism is based on what publication?

The Prince

What is the first step in using the scientific method?


Evaluate the following statement: While organizations that behave ethically don't make as much money as do organizations that bend or break the rules, there are practical factors other than the bottom line that induce some organizations to behave ethically.

This statement is inaccurate because behaving ethically in many cases yields higher profits than behaving unethically would.

Which of the following is NOT a concern faced by large groups?

Too few resources may be available

____________ is the most important element in effectively leveraging the positive potential of diversity.

Top management support

In the management by objectives process, managers and employees set employee goals together. T/F?


The spontaneity and flexibility of group members are critical if a group is to succeed over a long period of time. True or False?


_____________ is the degree of anxiety people feel in uncertain or unfamiliar situations.

Uncertainty avoidance

____________ refer to the pattern of action by the members of an organization that directly or indirectly influences the organization's effectiveness.

Workplace behaviors

Stan works 10 hours a day, 4 days a week, and has Friday through Sunday off. What has his organization most likely implemented?

a compressed work schedule

In a meeting with Duke, her manager, Marcie says that one of her goals is think about ways to improve customer-client relations. Which of the following aspects of this goal could Duke rightly criticize?

its specificity

What is the term for an approach to job design that increases a job's complexity to give workers greater responsibility and opportunities to feel a sense of achievement?

job enrichment

Which of the following is NOT one of the five categories of important leadership skills in a virtual project team or distance management situation?

leading with directness and focusing on abstract results

What term refers to a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs because of experience?


Diverse groups tend to have ________ cohesiveness and __________ conflict than homogenous ones.

less, more

Which type of incentive system tends to be the most controversial?

long-term compensation

Foreign competition in the 1970s led to the decline of which sector in the United States?


While Alderfer proposed that ________ need may motivate a person at one time, Maslow argued that _________ need may motivate a person at one time.

more than one, only one

What term refers to the removal of current or future unpleasant consequences to increase the likelihood that someone will repeat a behavior?

negative reinforcement

Which of the following traits is NOT related to higher job performance?


During the communication and decision-making stage, groups typically establish the _________________ that enable(s) members to behave in a manner acceptable to the group.


The terms of the psychological contract are _________

not explicitly stated.

The surface value of a reward is its ______ worth.


Which of the "Big Five" personality dimensions is associated with being imaginative, cultured, curious, broad-minded, and artistically sensitive?

openness to experience

What term refers to maximizing the efficiency of the manufacturing or product development process to minimize costs?

operational excellence

Due to prolonged stress at work, Takashi begins to pull away and devote less effort to his job. This is a primarily an example of which type of consequence of stress?


What term refers to discretionary behaviors that benefit the organization but are not formally rewarded or required?

organizational citizenship

According to equity theory, which of the following ratios do people consider when deciding whether they are being treated equitably?

outcome / inputs

As voluntary efforts are made by companies to promote inclusion, members of groups who traditionally have been the predominant employees of a particular workforce or occupation may grow anxious or angry. This phenomenon demonstrates what barrier to inclusion?

perceived threat of loss

What type of fit is most related to teamwork skills?

person-group fit

The fit between an individual's values, beliefs, attitudes, and personality and the values, norms, and culture of the organization is called _______________.

person-organization fit

Which of the following is the correct order of steps in Deming's cycle of continuous improvement?


What are the two types of affectivity?

positive and negative

According to David McClelland, wanting to control and influence others, or to be responsible for others, is called a need for ________________.


Which of the following specifies what data the company will collect about its customers, how that data will be used, and how its customers can opt out of having their information collected and/or shared?

privacy policy

A(n) _______ is a person's overall set of expectations regarding what he or she will contribute to the organization and what the organization will provide in return.

psychological contract

Turnover occurs when people

quit their jobs.

Organizational citizenship is most likely to be promoted by __________

recognizing and subsequently rewarding desirable behaviors.

Which of the following is NOT a purpose served by norms within organizations?

saving money within the organization

Which of the following is NOT one of the five dimensions of emotional intelligence?


Seoni is a successful lawyer. As part of her job, she must read and write many pages of complex legal text. She must also analyze the large set of interrelated laws pertaining to her specialty and determine the most beneficial course of action for her clients. Which of Gardner's seven intelligence types is the LEAST likely to be important to her career?


General adaptation syndrome (GAS) is a model of how a person responds to


Performance appraisals with a judgmental orientation focus on the _______


What type of technologies allow real time communication and interaction?


What term refers to the degree to which a job entails the creation of a tangible, identifiable piece of work?

task identity

Happiness and wealth are examples of ________

terminal values.

Which of the following occurs when people temporarily improve their performance because they know they are being judged?

the Hawthorne effect

What term refers to evaluating a person's characteristics through comparisons with other people we have recently encountered who rank higher or lower on the same characteristics?

the contrast effect

In a piecework incentive program, a worker's earnings are tied to _______

the number of units produced.

A collection of verbal and symbolic assertions that specify how and why variables are related, and the conditions under which they should and should not relate is called a __________.


Type A personality types tend to have the following characteristics EXCEPT

they are always more successful than people with Type B personalities.

Which of the following is NOT true about many team meetings?

they boost morale

The move towards a team-based format is often initiated and communicated to the entire organization by ____________

top management.

In expectancy theory, a valence is the ________ an outcome.

value of

According to researchers, about 40% of people learn primarily through _____________. vision


One of the largest employment discrimination lawsuits was settled for more than $11.7 million against Walmart and Sam's Club. What was the main group that was discriminated in this case?


The development of the psychological contract involves what kind of factors?

both individual and organizational factors

When were Baby Boomers born?


As part of his performance evaluation, Jimbo receives feedback from Xinhua, whom he supervises. Which of the following appraisal systems is Jimbo's organization using?

360-degree feedback

Which of the following distinguishes teams from groups?

A team must have a clearly stated, common goal.

In the job performance equation P = M + A + E, the "A" stands for


____________ groups are typically composed of employees from the same level within an organization who meet periodically to share information, take advantage of opportunities, and solve problems.


____________ learners have a desire for hands-on approaches to instruction.


A manager who wants to increase efficiency might implement job rotation, a proven method of improving worker specialization. T/F?


Because managers expect there to be a long lead time for improving performance, they are seldom discouraged. True or False?


Command groups are typically formed to handle a specific task and then disband. True or false?


In the study of OB, the term "need" refers to things an employee requires, not to things an employee wants. T/F?


The terms "team" and "group" refer to similar concepts, but they differ in that groups are more likely to have a common performance goal. True or False?


U.S. businesses pioneered the use of work teams. T/F?


Who developed the Two-Factor Theory?

Frederick Herzberg

Members of which generation are the most technologically savvy?

Generation Y

Agnes sits on the board of directors for a hospital. Which of the following situations constitutes a conflict of interest?

Herman, Agnes's husband, runs a medical equipment firm that the hospital might purchase a new MRI machine from.

Ethics refers to which of the following?

How people ought to act in different situations.

According to Herzberg, _____________ factors are things such as pay, status, and working conditions that produce an acceptable work environment and whose absence leads to dissatisfaction.


Which of the following statements is true of interactionalism?

It implies that the cause-and-effect relationships underlying organizational phenomena are complex.

Jorge wants to motivate Linda to stop taking overly long lunch breaks. Which of the following would serve as an example of negative reinforcement?

Jorge tells Linda that if she stops taking overly long lunch breaks, he will exempt her from cleaning duty.

Which of the following is an example of intrapersonal conflict?

Julio wants to see the world. He also wants to care for his dog, who cannot travel.

Which of the following illustrates eustress?

Rolff's meal at an extremely fancy restaurant has been paid for, and he can't decide what to order.

In the systems approach to organizations, which of the following is NOT an input?


Personality is a product of which of the following?

both "nature" and "nurture"

The ethnic and cultural mix of the U.S. workforce is __________.


Oschur knows that shopping online at work is not permitted, yet he does it anyway. He is experiencing

cognitive dissonance.

he globalization of the U.S. workforce has increased the importance of _________ on the part of managers and employees.

diversity awareness

What term refers to an interpersonal capability that includes the ability to perceive and express emotions, to understand and use them, and to manage emotions in oneself and in other people?

emotional intelligence

The biggest failing of Tucker's scientific management approach is that _________

it overstated the importance of money.

A/an ___________ locus of control is related to passivity and learned helplessness and a/an __________ locus of control has been positively related to confidence in one's ability to successfully perform tasks.

external, internal

No longer laughing at a coworker's inappropriate jokes so that he will stop telling them is an example of what? punishment


Which of the "Big Five" personality dimensions refers to being sociable, assertive, talkative, and energetic? extroversion


Performance appraisals with a developmental orientation focus on the _______


An empowered employee is one who _______

has autonomy

Harry organizes a meeting with his employees to discuss the design of the next project. However, Harry already knows how he wants the project to be designed and will design it that way regardless of what happens at the meeting. Harry's actions are emblematic of _________

he human relations approach.

Their belief that ________ separated Porter and Lawler from other expectancy theorists.

high performance may lead to job satisfaction

What term refers to the degree to which people are treated with politeness, dignity, and respect by authorities or third parties involved in executing procedures or determining outcomes?

interpersonal fairness

Which of Gardner's seven intelligences refers to a person's ability to be aware of herself?


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