OSHA: Emergency Action Plans & Fire Protection

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fire prevention plan must be in writing, kept in the workplace, and be made available to employees for review. However, if an employer has 10 or fewer employees, they may communicate the plan orally to employees. True/False?


As long as a fire prevention plan is regularly communicated to employees, it does not need to be written. Is this true or false?


You hear the tornado warning alarm sounding as you are working in your second story office area. There are a lot of windows in this large area of low cubicles. There is an interior stairwell that leads to a basement area. Should you shelter in place?


Class A fire extinguisher

ordinary combustibles material fires (wood, cloth, paper)

Portable fire extinguishers contain a limited amount of extinguishing agent and can be discharged in a matter of ______________.



Pull (pull the pin), Aim (aim at base), Squeeze (squeeze handle), Sweep (sweep side to side)

OSHA has some basic requirements that exit routes must meet. Any exit route should:

- Be permanent. - Be separated from the rest of the facility by fire resistant materials. - Have limited openings. - Have an adequate number of exit routes. - Lead directly outside or to a place with access to the outside. - Have an exit door unlocked from the inside and side-hinged. - Must support the maximum permitted occupant load for each floor served. - Must meet minimum height and width requirements (at least 7 feet, 6 inches high and 28 inches wide).

Prior to fighting any fire with a portable fire extinguisher, what should you take into account?

- Fire size. - Atmosphere in the vicinity of the fire. - Fire fighter evacuation plan.

If you're outside during a tornado:

- Get inside a building, if possible. - If shelter is not available or there is no time to get indoors, lie in a ditch or low-lying area, or crouch near a strong building. - Use your arms to protect your head and neck.

If you're inside during a tornado:

- Go to an interior room, hallway, storm cellar, basement, or the lowest level of the building. - Get away from windows. - Go to the center of the room. - Avoid places with wide-span roofs such as auditoriums or cafeterias. - Get under a piece of sturdy furniture. - Use your arms to protect your head and neck. - If in a mobile home, get out and find shelter elsewhere

Which elements need to go in a fire prevention plan?

- Means of reporting fires & other emergencies - Evacuation procedures & emergency escape route assignments - procedures for employees who reman to operate critical plant operations before they evacuate - Accounting for all employees after an emergency evacuation has been completed - Rescue & medical duties for employees performing them - Names/job titles of persons who can be contacted

If you're in a moving vehicle during a tornado:

- Never try to "out-drive" a tornado. - Get out of the vehicle and get away from it. - Take shelter in a nearby building or lay down in a ditch or low-lying area. - Do not hide under a bridge or overpass.

Which of the following would be addressed by an employer completing an EAP template?

- Procedures for alerting people about an emergency. - Responsibilities to those affected. - Evacuation routes.

An Emergency Action Plan (EAP) does which of the following?

1. Assigns responsibilities to those affected and outlines evacuation routes 2. Identifies emergencies that might reasonably occur and provides procedures for alerting people about an emergency 3. Identifies medical response options and designates an assembly area 4.Labels the types of equipment present at the worksite

How does an Emergency Action Plan benefit your workplace?

1. It's less likely that injuries will occur during an emergency. 2. It's less likely that damage will occur during an emergency.

Class K fire extinguisher

Combustible cooking media/vegetable or animal oils and fats

Class D fire extinguisher

Combustible metals (magnesium, titanium, zirconium, sodium, and potassium)

Class C fire extinguisher

Electrical/energized electrical equipment

What is an EAP?

Emergency Action Plan; documents what should be done during different types of emergencies

Employer Fire Extinguisher Requirement #3

Extinguishers must be kept in their designated place at all times except during operation. And your employers must conduct an annual maintenance check on each extinguisher.

Employer Fire Extinguisher Requirement #2

Fire extinguishers must be inspected, maintained and tested. Fire extinguishers must be fully charged and kept in operable condition. When an extinguisher is recharged, that activity needs to be correctly noted on its inspection tag.

Class B fire extinguisher

Flammables/liquids, gases, greases

If you are in a tornado situation, which of the following actions would put you in danger?

Hide under a bridge or an overpass

What elements must be present for fire to exist?

O2, Fuel, Heat

You need to decide whether to fight a small fire using a portable fire extinguisher. Which situation indicates a small fire for which it may be appropriate to use a portable fire extinguisher?

Smoke is accumulating on the ceiling, but visibility is good.

A fire prevention plan defines the training required for all employees who have responsibilities in the plan. True/False?


A fire prevention plan describes all the major fire hazards at the workplace that initiate or contribute to the spread of a fire. True/False?


Which type of fires should you fight with a portable fire extinguisher?

Very small fires that have just started

Miguel is taking some tools to a remote work site area in the country when he sees a tornado drop down from the storm cloud on his left. He stops his truck and gets out looking for the best possible location for shelter. Where should Miguel go?


Employer Fire Extinguisher Requirement #1

must mount, locate and identify fire extinguishers so workers can access them without subjecting themselves to possible injury. Portable fire extinguishers need to be available in adequate numbers and mounted in a readily accessible location.

You are working at a beachfront facility that has very solid construction. You have finished helping to secure the facility prior to the arrival of a large hurricane. Some of your colleagues say they are going to ride out the storm at the facility but you know there is still time to follow the published evacuation route. Should you shelter in place?


You are working on a large plant floor when you hear an explosion, which is followed by billowing smoke, debris and the fire alarm going off. Should you shelter in place?


A massive amount of ammonia gas has been accidentally released near your office. You have a room without windows and relatively tightly sealed doors. Should you shelter in place?


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