Ottoman Empire

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Seljuk Turks

- The Seljuk Turks were a new group from Central Asia who was great with warfare as they were good on horses and very mobile. They had one of the most powerful bows at the time and had a great war strategy. -The Seljuk Turks have ties with Mongolian languages as they are part of the Altaic language group. -Osman 1 was a Seljuk Turk warrior and leader who declared independence from rival Turkish emirates which began the Ottoman Empire. The Turks become part of the Ottoman Empire increasingly as they become new converts to Islam which creates religious issues and helps begin the Crusades. The Turkish Empire was based in central Anatolia and they brought Turkish culture and Islam into Anatolia which help morph the Ottoman Empire.


-A Muslim legal expert who is empowered to give rulings on religious matters. -A Mufti is a jurist consultant who puts the law into effect. They are like lawyers as they give people advice regarding legal matters. They overall offer legal advice and answer legal questions. Legal opinions that are offered by the Mufti are Fatwa.


-A follower of the legal tradition of Abu Hanifa; the most widely distributed of the four schools of law. -This is the largest and most dominant school of thought as it was heavily supported by the Ottomans. The Abbasids started the school and its origins are in modern-day Iraq. This school has an emphasis on consensus and judicial reasoning.


-Administrative and tax collecting grants were handed out by the sultan. Charged with administrative duties upon collecting. --The Sanjaks are divided into Timars and fiefs were called the grants of land. -Timars are of Turkish origins meaning care and attention. -Timars is a form of fiefs. They were worth less than 20,000 ottoman money per year and were the smallest of the fiefs. Timars consisted of groups of villages and fields surrounding them. The taxation system within the Timars was based on the capacity of the peasantry system. In these areas, people were like robots because they didn't care about labor because they got nothing from it as it was forced labor. They worked for lords of the manor making the work meaningless.


-Devshrime means collection and religious toleration. slaves had to be non-Muslim which is why the Devshrime System was created. The Balkan Christian region was conquered by the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire created this system as a new tax system for the Balkan Christians who they had just conquered. The Ottomans would take young Christian boys convert them to Islam, teach them the Turkish language, and make these boys slaves to the sultan. -This system could be problematic in Islam because you're not to convert forcibly people to Islam. Under Islamic law, it prohibits forced conversions to those under Islamic control as they are protected under Infidel law. When the Ottoman Empire conquer the Balkans that region Became Islamic which is why the Ottoman Empire used canon law which is the power of the sultan and rather than Islamic law.


-Followers of the majority interpretation within Islam; included the Umayyads. -Uthman was battling Ali for the title of caliph aka the successor of the Prophet Muhammad who will lead the Muslim people. He was supported by the Sunnis who helped him win the war. Uthman was of the tribe of Muhammad. The Sunnis believe that the successor has to be of the tribe of Muhammad not solely his blood-related family.

Hayreddin Barbarossa

-Hayreddin Barbarossa operated in the Mediterranean seas in the 16th century as a corsair from his base in Algiers. The Europeans feared his seamanship, his tactics in naval battles, and his skills as a warrior. He bravely sacked ports and captured ships from Spain and Italy who were out on the mission to capture Algiers and other parts of North Africa. -Suleiman made him governor of Rhodes when captured it in 1522 and Chief Admiral when he conquered Tunis in 1531. His popularity grew more and he rose to more prominent positions. He and his forces kept their advance by defeating the Spaniards and his activities brought him to a great battle against leading European countries such as Malta, Portugal, Papal States, Genoa, Venice, and Spain. -Hayreddin led a decisive victory against the fleet of these countries in 1538 at the Battle of Preveza in Greece. He was a master of seas and knew what works better in naval battles. Instead of using sailing ships, he used 122 galleys against 300 sailing ships of the European fleet which was led by Pope Paul III. The galleys were driven by oars and were not dependent on winds and were more maneuverable than the sailing ships which were dependent on winds.


-Hijaz is a pilgrimage and the Ottomans had to protect those who do the pilgrimage. -The holy land of Islam, is a geographical region that comprises most of the western part of modern-day Saudi Arabia and is centered on the two holiest Muslim cities—Mecca (also Makka, Makkah) and Madina (Medina, al-Madinah). Mecca is where the Prophet Muhammad was born and raised and is the location of the Ka'ba, which is also associated with the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), while Madina is the location of the first Muslim state and the burial site of Muhammad.


-Hungary and Croatia that divided the Ottoman Empire from the Habsburg monarchy. The conflict began when Sultan Suleiman the Lawgiver invaded Hungary in 1526 and defeated King Louis II Jagellio, who died trying to escape. Thereafter, Hungary was claimed by Suleiman, by Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, and by the vojvod of Transylvania, Janós Szapolyai. Apart from the "Long" Turkish War of 1593-1606, major invasions from either side were infrequent. The Habsburg monarchy and the Ottoman Empire also agreed to several multiyear treaties of peace, starting in 1547. When a treaty had elapsed, both powers usually accepted truces in the interim. Yet the 1547 Treaty of Edirne reflected the priorities of distant capitals. Emperor Charles V had to have calm in Hungary in order to pursue his plans against the Protestant Schmalkaldic League in Germany; Suleiman needed quiet in the west, so as to march east against Shi'ite Iran, the Ottoman Empire's main enemy. But neither Charles nor Suleiman required more than a semblance of peace in Hungary. Hence, Ferdinand, like his new adversary, the paşa or governor-general of Buda, had to deal with border garrisons eager for booty and angry subjects demanding retaliation. The counterpart of imperial peace was Kleinkrieg in Hungary and Croatia.

Explain the differences between the types of law present in the Ottoman Empire and those who administered or interpreted them.

-Kanun law is church law not religious law as it is secular for Muslims. This law pertains two areas that is not covered by Sharia law. It also covers some forms of criminal, land tenure, and taxation laws. Sultan's meet with jurists to figure laws, but the laws are only used during the life of the Sultan's as the kanun law is renewed with each sultan. Kanun law is determined between military and tax classes. criminal law is coherent jurisdiction between Cannon and Sharia. Example heresy in Sharia law equal the death penalty and secular authorities follows through with it and religious authority determines the punishment. -Sharia is a law code of Islamic laws. There are two law codes that are a primary source of sharia law. (1) The Quan which is a holy book covering a variety of things reflecting when Mohamad was the arbitrator. (2)Sunnah which is actions recorded about Muhammad reflecting what people should and shouldn't do. If the issue/problem is not in the Quran then they check Sunnah. The Hadith are the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad which are used when they need to see an authentic thing of Muhammad and to help Sunnah. -This is an educated class of Scholars. This consists of specialists with knowledge of Islamic sacred law and theology. Madrasas are the Islamic source of universities and Ulemas are trained in Madrassas. -This is the largest and most dominant school of thought as it was heavily supported by the Ottomans. The Abbasids started the school and its origins are in modern-day Iraq. This school has an emphasis on consensus and judicial reasoning. -A Mufti is a jurist consultant who puts the law into effect. They are like lawyers as they give people advice regarding legal matters. They overall offer legal advice and answer legal questions. -Legal opinions that are offered by the Mufti are Fatwa. -Ka


-Lazar Prince of Siberia tried to keep his independence from the ottomans whom Murad was battling for Siberia as he has already had victory in the battle of Adrianople which was one of the Bisitine's stronger territories making him powerful already. Siberian and other Kingdoms in the Balkans were weakened and then divided. The prince fought Murad the first in the Battle of Kosovo which is where they lose their independence and the battle goes down in Balkan history as being very historical. Lazar dies in battle going down as a martyr Saint in this is a rallying cry of nationalism. -Following the battle, many people moved to make more Muslims and Albanians the most populated people within the area.


-Marks the destruction of the Hungarian monarchy. -This was a battle where many Hungarians and the Hungarian King died during the battle which created a successor crisis. This was significant as there was Ottoman and Habsburg rivalry. Habsburgs voted for Ferdinand I of the Habsburg Dynasty to become King. Ferdinand was very powerful and his brother was Charles 5th of the Holy Roman Empire which was a political entity of Germany and in Italy is also known as the King of Spain controlling all of the American Spanish colonies. -Jonas Sznpolyai Was a nobleman and a governor of Transylvania who becomes vassal king of Suleiman. Ferdinand isn't okay with Jonas becoming vassal King so he takes Buddha. This makes Jonas strike back taking Buddha and try taking Vienna, Italy which scared Western Europe because that city is a gatekeeper. -When Jonas dies Ferdinand tries to take hungry and Suleyman I gives Jonas's son Sigismund the Throne of Transylvania.


-Mimar Sinan was the founder of the Imperial or original style of Ottoman architecture. He built 300 structures and Hagia Sophia was part of his motif. He was part of the janissary system and was trained as a military engineer. Under Sultan Suleiman the magnificent and his sons he was the chief engineer. Hagia Sophia was the largest Christian Church around during this time period and Sinan Designed several mosques to look similar to a Gia Sophia as it shows the source of legitimacy and Power.


-Muslims who believe that only direct descendants of Muhammad should become caliph. -The Shiites supported Ali fighting by his side for him to become the successor of Muhammad aka the caliph. Ali lost the war and believed that you need a close blood relation to the Prophet Muhammad in order to be his successor.


-Ottoman cavalry: had powerful curved bows and great horsemen. -The Sipahi were known for their surprise attacks and their siege and minecraft warrior techniques. They used gunpowder and could very easily adapt to military conditions.

Mehmed II

-Ottoman sultan called the "Conqueror"; responsible for conquest of Constantinople in 1453; destroyed what remained of Byzantine Empire. -Mehmed the Conqueror expanded the Ottoman Empire, leading the siege of Constantinople in 1453 and extending the empire's reach into the Balkans. This westward expansion across the heart of the former Eastern Roman Empire led him to declare himself Kayser-i Rum (Roman Caesar). -Conquered Dracula in 1462ish: suppressed the resistance.

Sabbatai Sevi

-Sevi created a messianic movement attracted tens of thousands of followers and become known throughout the early modern world. Ottoman authorities, however, arrested Sevi in 1666, and, under duress, the charismatic leader converted to Islam. Many members of his movement followed suit and became the communities that today are called dönme (which literally means "convert"). After Sevi's death, dönme communities continued to outwardly practice Islam but inwardly retain practices of Judaism. In this episode, Cengiz Şişman talks about his research on the development of Sevi's movement, the trajectories of dönme communities, and questions of conversion and communal boundaries, which became more pressing in the late nineteenth- and twentieth-centuries.


-Sharia is a law code of Islamic laws. There are two law codes that are a primary source of sharia law. (1) The Quan which is a holy book covering a variety of things reflecting when Mohamad was the arbitrator. (2)Sunnah Which is actions recorded about Muhammad reflecting what people should and shouldn't do. If the issue/problem is not in the Quran then they check Sunnah. The Hadith are the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad which are used when they need to see an authentic thing of Muhammad and to help Sunnah.


-Sufism is organized Muslim mysticism. It is a form that was very popular in the Middle East. -Sufism may be best described as Islamic mysticism or asceticism, which through belief and practice helps Muslims attain nearness to Allah by way of direct personal experience of God.


-The Imperial Council or Imperial Divan was the de facto cabinet of the Ottoman Empire for most of its history. Its remit encompassed all matters of governance of the Empire. The Divan was for many years the council of ministers of the Ottoman Empire. It consisted of the Grand Vizier, who presided, and the other viziers.


-The Safavids were the biggest rival left in the Middle East that extends into Central Asia their home base is modern-day Iran. In 1534, Suleyman conquered Baghdad from the Safavids which was a major victory. The south of these was connected to mystic groups and the Shiite form of Islam.

Osman I

-The conqueror of Turkey who founded the Ottoman Empire and the Ottoman dynasty that ruled Turkey after the 13th century. -Osman I, also called Osman Gazi, (born c. 1258—died 1324 or 1326), was the ruler of a Turkmen principality in northwestern Anatolia and is regarded as the founder of the Ottoman Turkish state. Both the name of the dynasty and the empire that the dynasty established are derived from the Arabic form (ʿUthmān) of his name.


-The term means nation and the Millet system is the division of communities by Nation. -In the Ottoman Empire, a millet was an independent court of law pertaining to "personal law" under which a confessional community (a group abiding by the laws of Muslim Sharia, Christian Canon law, or Jewish Halakha) was allowed to rule itself under its own laws.

What factors determined Ottoman dynastic succession and legitimization?

-There are several factors that made the Ottomans strong. The first is a strong sense of religious mission. The Ottomans were devout Muslims and their Sultan served as both religious and political leader. They also had a cruel, but effective way of eliminating political opposition. -A Prince's proximity to Constantinople improved his chances of success, simply because he would hear of his father's death and declare himself Sultan first. A Sultan could thus hint at his preferred successor by giving a favorite son a closer governorship. -Ottomans used miniature paintings to legitimize their rule, miniature painting was used to illustrate and embellish government-sponsored manuscripts. Sultan's determined that their dynastic succession and legitimatization by placing portraits of themselves in public, as well as other forms of art and architecture.


-This is a group of conquered Muslims and the term originally meant slaves. Were brought into the Empire by the Seljuk Turks as military slaves. They saw an opportunity as the Seljuk Turks became weak and they broke away from them and became Sultans of Egypt and Syria.


-This was the fourth Courtyard of the palace and the word comes from the word Sergey meaning Palace. This was the home to the Sultan's mother and concubines, wife, and all of the children. It contained 400 rooms and was guarded by Chief black Eunuch (castrated man). The meaning the men who were castrated don't survive into the reason they are caps traded is for the sole fact that they do not participate in sexual activities with the women in the courtyard. The black harem had lots of power although they were still slaves and they had Direct influence on court politics.


-Topkapı Palace was not only the residence of the Ottoman sultans, but also the administrative and educational centre of the state. Initially constructed between 1460 and 1478 by Sultan Mehmed II. -The Topkapi Palace which also means Cannon Gate Palace once served as the main residence and administrative headquarters of the powerful sultans of the Ottoman Empire during the 15th century.Topkapı Palace was started to built in 1460 after the conquer of Constantinople by Fatih Sultan Mehmed and completed in the year of 1478.Topkapı palace is located in between Golden Horn and Bosphorus on the 700.000 square meters area which is located in peninsula of Istanbul and the Topkapi Palace was walled off from the city to provide the necessary security and privacy of itself.


-Turkish pasha, title of a man of high rank or office in the Ottoman Empire and North Africa. It was the highest official title of honor in the Ottoman Empire, always used with a proper name, which it followed. It was given to soldiers and high civil officials, not to men of religion, and was purely personal and not hereditary, except in 19th-century Egypt. Very occasionally in early times it was applied to a woman; Validepasha was the title of the mother of the pasha of Egypt. -The title first appeared in the 13th century among the Seljuqs. Among the Ottomans it was given to a brother and son of Sultan Orhan. Later it became the prerogative of provincial governors and the viziers of the central administration. In the Tanzimat period (19th century) its use was extended to the four highest grades of the civil and military services.


-Under the Devshrime system young Christian boys were taken from the Concord Balkan region and the Ottomans would convert these boys to Islam, teach them the Turkish language, and make these boys slaves to the sultan. These boys would be trained as government officials or Elite military soldiers. These elite military soldiers were known as the janissaries who were a unit of bodyguards of the sultan and they carried handguns. -Overtime the janissaries become the makers and Breakers of the sultan and other rulers as they are the closest to the sultan.

Explain the relationship between Ottoman recruitment methods and the structural organizations of the palatial, provincial, and military leadership.

I would say that the relationship deals primarily with the devshrime system and the janissaries as they lay the foundation for the overall structure of the empire. The relationship between recruitment methods and structural organization of the palace would be the devshrime system because they recruit the Sultans right hand people. They are also the makers or breakers of the sultans because they're closest to the sultans. The structure of whose in the palace is based on the best janissaries who also shows the relationship between recruitment and military leadership. The recruitment of the janissaries gives provincial/the empire structure because it uses the Kanan law (law of the Sultan) to recruit those Christians converting them to Islam. They couldn't force conversion under Islamic law, so they found away around it which is the recruitment of the Janissaries. Mom-Muslims are the only slaves allowed in the empire as Islamic law protects Muslims from being slaves of the sultan. This shows the relationship between the empire and recruitment because it overall shows how the empire is structured around the Islamic religion. This Aldo shows how Muslim elites got mad because they had no chance of having high positions in the empire because of the Janissaries which is one way to show the relationship between recruitment and military leadership as only Janissaries served as elite military leaders.


Someone to lead muslims. The successor of the Prophet Muhammad. Blood-related to Muhammad.


Subdivision of a vilayet. -Sanjak is a term that means banner or flag and is a subdivision of a Providence. Governor-general called sanjaks would be in charge of the Sanjaks. They could have no territorial connections or family within the area because they were like generals and should have no loyalty to anyone but the military. -Sanjaks was in charge of public order and justice. There were three types of Sanjaks: private land that is subdivided through generations when given to heirs: land in Trust which is a mosque, Fountain area, Bridge, connection to an object so subdivision doesn't happen: land disposable which is distributed by fiefs and non-hereditary (MOST COMMON).

Grand Vizier

The Ottoman sultan's chief minister, who led the meetings of the imperial council. -The Grand Vizier held the imperial seal and could convene all other viziers to attend to affairs of the state; the viziers in conference were called "Kubbealtı viziers" in reference to their meeting place, the Kubbealtı ('under the dome') in Topkapı Palace.

Suleyman 1 "The Magnificent"

The most respected sultan of the Ottoman Empire. He led the empire into its golden age through expansion and reforming the legal system. -Suleyman the first or magnificent(1494-1566)Is known for his expansion activity. In 1521, he completed the conquest of Syria by conquesting Belgrade the capital of Yugoslavia. In 1522 he conquered Rhodes which is an island in the Aegean sea that connects to the Mediterranean Sea. This was a very important Conquest because it was a very strategic place as it connected to major trade routes due to the Mediterranean and it connected to routes between Egypt and Istanbul. -Suleiman personally led Ottoman armies in conquering the Christian strongholds of Belgrade and Rhodes as well as most of Hungary before his conquests were checked at the siege of Vienna in 1529. He annexed much of the Middle East in his conflict with the Safavids and large areas of North Africa as far west as Algeria.


Warriors for Islam

Valide Sultan

the mother of the sultan


-A member of a Muslim (specifically Sufi) religious order who has taken vows of poverty and austerity. Dervishes first appeared in the 12th century; they were noted for their wild or ecstatic rituals and were known as dancing, whirling, or howling dervishes according to the practice of their order. -Dervish is a western version of monks: holy person. It is extreme form of mystical practice that are connected to a lodge.


-Agha is an honorific title for a civilian or military officer, or often part of such title, and was placed after the name of certain civilian or military functionaries in the Ottoman Empire.

Kösem Sultan

-Mother of Murad IV and was part of the political arena.

Hurrem Sultan (Roxelana)

-Roxelana had five Sons and one of them becomes the next sultan. She was the Hurrem sultan originally from Ukraine and becomes Suleymans concubine. When she was freed from slavery she married Suleyman. Roxelena was very charitable and dealt with international relations with politics. She was a patroness of two madrasas, a public Fountain, A Woman's Hospital, a bath for worshippers, and a public soup kitchen. This shows that during the 1600s women were very powerful because many times The Sultans were miners and their moms ruled because their sons were too young to rule.


-The Ottomans defeated Hungary at the Battle of Mohacs. In the ensuing chaos, the Hungarian nobles elected two kings simultaneously, dividing Hungary into three regions: the west, or "Royal Hungary", ruled by the Austrian Ferdinand I of the Habsburgs; the east, including Transylvania, ruled by its military leader, Jonas Szapolyai.


-This is an educated class of Scholars. This consists of specialists with knowledge of Islamic sacred law and theology. Madrasas are the Islamic source of universities and Ulemas are trained in Madrassas.


-Kadi's are Judges, legal officers proceeding over a court, and a notary. They are under the jurisdiction of a judge and need to be highly accessible because lawyers are needed. Hanafi determines the law, so Kadi deals with determining criminal cases.


-Kanun law is church law not religious law as it is secular for Muslims. This law pertains to areas that is not covered by Sharia law. It also covers some forms of criminal, land tenure, and taxation laws. Sultans meet with jurists to figure out laws, but the laws are only used during the life of the Sultan as the kanun law is renewed with each sultan. Kanun law is determined between military and tax classes. criminal law is coherent jurisdiction between Cannon and Sharia. For example, heresy in Sharia law equals the death penalty and secular authorities follow through with it and religious authority determines the punishment.


-Legal opinions that are offered by the Mufti are Fatwa.


-Mehmed II conquered Constantinople in 1453 and it becomes is Istanbul as we know it today. Istanbul means going into the city and is a Greek word. most importantly Instanbul wasn't renamed until the 1930s, therefore throughout the Ottoman Empire Istanbul was called Constantinople. It stayed in Constantinople because the Ottoman Empire wanted people to know that they conquered a significant part of the Byzantine Empire as it signified the ending of the Byzantine Empire.

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