Our endangered world

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finite resources (In addition, population growth exerts severe pressure on finite resources, and the ecological balance may be upset by uncontrolled deforestation)

limited resources that will eventually run out / be exhausted

the hustle and bustle of (I love the hustle and bustle of the marketplace.)

noise and activity

poacher (They might also be threatened by poachers, loss of their habitat and predators.)

one who hunts or fishes illegally

climate change sceptics (Although some climate change sceptics disagree, most scientists believe that global warming will increase.)

people who do not believe that climate change is a serious issue

pristine environments (Our only hope is that pristine environments such as Antarctica can be protected from development and damage, so that at least these habitats are preserved.)

perfectly clean/untouched/unspoilt areas

abundance of (Residents enjoy an abundance of green areas )

plenty of

contaminating (Waste disposal is an increasing problem and toxic waste is contaminating18 many rivers and seas.)

polluting, poisoning

pollution-free (The safety and hygiene of farm produce is a matter treated with increasing importance, and pollution-free, "green" and "organic" are rapidly developing foodstuff categories.)

producing no polution

exerts severe pressure on (In addition, population growth exerts severe pressure on finite resources, and the ecological balance may be upset by uncontrolled deforestation)

puts great pressure on; formal

depleting resources (Demographic projections suggest the world population will continue to grow exponentially putting extra pressure on depleting resources)

reducing, diminishing in number

destruction (Deforestation leads to the destruction of natural forests.)

the act of destroying something, or the fact of being destroyed

expiry date (Many supermarkets throw away food that has reached its expiry date, but which is still tasty and hygienic to consume.)

the date after which sth should not be used

Coexistence of (different species, styles, races)

the fact of living or existing together at the same time or in the same place

the sheer volume of (sheer volume of resources)

the impressive size of

breeding programmes (It makes people conscious of the diversity in the natural world, and thus zoos raise awareness of animal conservation. Zoos often save endangered species and usually have breeding programmes for these animals which might have died out in the wild)

the keeping of animals or plants in order to breed from them

land clearance (Land clearance for farming is a cause of deforestation. slum clearance)

the process of removing

urban sprawl (Huge tourist attractions have produced choking urban sprawl. It can also help contain urban sprawl by creating urban green belts.)

the uncontrolled expansion of urban areas.

the worst-case scenarios (One of the worst-case scenarios is that there will be no tropical rainforests left by the year 2050.)

the worst possibilities for the future

wreak havoc on (Such climates may wreak havoc on(сеять панику, наносить вред) the agricultural sector of the country.)

to cause a great amount of disorder or damage

house (It will be difficult to house all the refugees. The museum houses the biggest collection of antique toys in Europe.)

to give a person or animal a place to live

Biodiversity (Shrinking habitats are a threat to biodiversity, in terms of both plants and animals, and endangered species need legal protection if they are to survive.)

variety of diff erent types of biological species

precious commodity (Safe water may become an increasingly precious commodity, leading to issues of water security)

very valuable substance

toxic waste (Waste disposal is an increasing problem and toxic waste is contaminating18 many rivers and seas.)

waste materials from industry that are poisonous to humans or other living things

welfare (Firstly, a zoo provides many people with the only chance they will get to see a large number of animals in real life. This human contact means that we are more connected with animals and perhaps more invested in their welfare)


far beyond (Unlike animals, human beings have the power of speech, which has evolved far beyond the often complex communication that animals have.)

далеко за

cause damage (People cause damage to the environment)

наносить ущерб

waste treatment (However, the characteristics of these pollutants are generally well known, and waste treatment technologies are available for their control.(system))

обработка, переработка отходов

preserving the diversity of the animal kingdom (zoos are preserving the diversity of the animal kingdom. Good zoos are accredited and animals in these zoos are well-fed and well looked after.)

сохранение разнообразия животных

shrinking habitats (Shrinking habitats are a threat to biodiversity, in terms of both plants and animals, and endangered species need legal protection if they are to survive.)

places where animals live and breed which are decreasing in size

Carbon (dioxide) emissions (Carbon (dioxide) emissions from the burning of fossil fuels are contributing to the greenhouse effect)

carbon dioxide gas from factories, cars, etc.

climatic changes (This will encourage polar ice to melt, resulting in rising sea levels and climatic changes.)

changes in weather/climate

in proximity to (Many of these places are situated by waters and their proximity to seas and oceans gives them a great degree of lure. (attraction))

close to

demise (These two species provide a contrast , as dinosaurs were wiped out due to natural causes while the dodo's demise came at the hands of humans.)

death; a ceasing to exist

rising sea levels (This will encourage polar ice to melt, resulting in rising sea levels and climatic changes.)

(n) the increased height of the level of seas and oceans

logging (Logging is a major cause of deforestation.)

(n.) the cutting down of trees for commercial purposes

to reverse environmental damage = to mitigate (to make something less harmful, unpleasant, or bad) the environmental degradation = to solve the environmental issues = to minimize the detrimental effect on the environment = reduce the negative impact on our planet = put mankind on track for reversing the environmental damage = alleviate the environmental damage = play a greater role in the restoration of the environment (It is unclear how to mitigate the effects of tourism on the island.)

to reduce environmental damage

uncontrolled deforestation (In addition, population growth exerts severe pressure on finite resources, and the ecological balance may be upset by uncontrolled deforestation)

unrestricted destruction/clearing of forests

Refuse collection and disposal system (That equipment would help to introduce an integrated solid waste system through full mechanization of refuse collection and disposal.)

A sanitary and efficient system whether independently or in conjunction with the municipality/city garbage collection and disposal services(сбор и удаление отходов)

endangered species (Shrinking habitats are a threat to biodiversity, in terms of both plants and animals, and endangered species need legal protection if they are to survive.)

A species whose numbers are so small that the species is at risk of extinction

allegations (Several of her patients have made allegations of professional misconduct about/against her.)

A statement that someone has done something wrong or illegal, which has not been proved

fossil fuels (Carbon (dioxide) emissions from the burning of fossil fuels are contributing to the greenhouse effect)

Coal, oil, natural gas, and other fuels

Exhaustion of (The production of digital products is going to lead to the exhaustion of rare metals used to produce them)

Depletion of

waste disposal (Waste disposal is an increasing problem and toxic waste is contaminating18 many rivers and seas.)

Getting rid of waste(удаление отходов)

greenhouse effect (Carbon (dioxide) emissions from the burning of fossil fuels are contributing to the greenhouse effect)

Natural situation in which heat is retained in Earth's atmosphere by carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, and other gases

ecological balance (In addition, population growth exerts severe pressure on finite resources, and the ecological balance may be upset by uncontrolled deforestation)

balance of natural relationships in the environment

polar ice (This will encourage polar ice to melt, resulting in rising sea levels and climatic changes.)

area of icy waters located at the north and south poles

Sustainability (The sustainability of the forest is in question if we keep cutting down all of the trees.)

The ability to keep in existence or maintain. A sustainable ecosystem is one that can be maintained

animal sanctuary (Safari parks or animal sanctuaries are alternative places to zoos where people can see animals up close.)

a facility where animals are brought to live and be protected for the rest of their lives

Water security (Safe water may become an increasingly precious commodity, leading to issues of water security)

ability to ensure that a population has safe drinking water

nocturnal (Do you think zoos provide a safe environment for animals or do you think they hold them captive? Most bats are nocturnal.)

active at night

enclosure (The welfare of animals in zoos should be a priority, so they should have spacious and clean enclosures and appropriate food.)

an area surrounded by fences or walls

eco-friendly technologies (Examples of such eco-friendly ventures include ecotourism, biodiversity prospecting, non-timber forest product extraction, and selective logging.)


renewable energy (the renewable energy industry renewable energy projects/sources/technology)

energy produced using sun, wind or crops rather than coal or other fuels which cannot be replaced once used

relief (an international relief operation/ relief agencies/supplies. Musicians have raised millions of dollars for famine relief in Africa)

food, money, or services that provide help for people in need

demographic projections (Demographic projections suggest the world population will continue to grow exponentially putting extra pressure on depleting resources)

forecasts about the population

devastation (If disease is allowed to spread, it will cause widespread devastation. The storm left behind it a trail of devastation.)

great destruction or damage

grow exponentially (Demographic projections suggest the world population will continue to grow exponentially putting extra pressure on depleting resources)

grow extremely rapidly

irreversible (I have no doubt that the damage we are doing now is irreversible.)

impossible to reverse or be reversed

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