Our Sun and Other Stars

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When did our Sun form?

5 billion years ago

How long does it take from the Sun to reach us?

8 minutes

HR diagram

A graph relating the temperature and luminosity of stars

What is a star?

A huge ball of hot gas held together by gravity


A large cloud of dust and gas in space where stars are born

main sequence star

A normal star that is undergoing nuclear fusion. Our sun is an example of this.

White Dwarf Star

A small, hot, dim star that is the leftover center of a red giant

What is the closest star to our Sun? How far away is it?

Alpha Centauri, 4.22 light years

What are the two main forces that act on gases in a star?

An inward pull due to gravity and an outward push due to the explosive pressure of burning fuel

Black Hole

An object in space whose gravity is so strong not even light can escape.

Which characteristic of stars changes with distance?

Apparent brightness

What is the hottest star(color)?


What are 4 characteristics that astronomers use to classify stars

Color, Temperature, Size, Brightness

What does fuse mean?

Combine to form one

What does the Sun give out?

Heat, Light, and Radiation

What fuels the Sun's enormous energy output?


Apparent Brightness (magnitude) depends on which two properties?

Luminosity and distance when viewed from Earth.

Life cycle of a small/medium mass star

Nebula, Main Sequence, Red Giant, White Dwarf Star

What powers the Sun?

Nuclear fusion in the core

Which two events occur when gravity causes a nebula to collapse into itself?

Nuclear fusion starts and a new star forms.

Red Giant Star

Once the star runs out of fuel it expands and cools

What is the coolest star(color)?


Where is the Sun located?

The Sun is at the center of our solar system.


The brightness of a celestial object

Where does nuclear fusion occur in the Sun?


What two factors determine how bright a star looks from earth

size and temperature

What is a lightyear?

the distance light travels in a year

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