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coming of age

the age at which someone is legally considered an adult

*take care of* = look after, keep safe, take responsibiLity for / Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself. / I'll take care of the travel arrangements. You don't need to do anything.

*look after* ... = take care of, keep safe or in good condition / Alan is 85 and lives alone. He needs somebody to Look after him. (not look for) / You can borrow this book, but you must promise to look after it.

*shout at somebody* / He got very angry and started shouting at me.

*shout to somebody* / shout to somebody so that they can hear you

1.*care about somebody/something* = think that somebody/something is important / He's very selfish. He doesn't care about other people. 2. We say 'care what/where/ how ... ' etc. (without about): ;---- You can do what you like. I don't care what you do.

1. *care for somebody/something* = like something usually negative sentences / I don't care for very hot weather. =I don't like it 2. care for somebody/something = look after somebody / Alan is 85 and lives alone. He needs somebody to care for him.

unnoticed / the remark would have passed unnoticed in previous times / his strange behaviour went completely unnoticed/ their work is largely unnoticed

inconspicuous, unseen / if something is qqq, people do not notice it


strange or odd; unusual

to chat somebody up /This guy kept trying to chat me up and in the end I had to tell him to get lost. It was really awkward./he kept trying to chat me up / he spent the evening chatting Beth up

"склеить" кого-либо, to qqq someone up means to talk to them because you want to have a relationship with them

* explain to somebody / describe to somebody* what/how/why /I explained to them why I was worried, (not I explained them) Let me describe to you what I saw. (not Let me describe you)

*explain something to somebody* / Can you explain this word to me? (not explain me this word)

*excited* about something/ *worried* about something/ *nervous* about something / *happy* aboutsomething /Are you nervous about the exam?

*feel sorry* for somebody/ *be sorry* somebody who is in a bad situation / I feel sorry for Matt. He's had a lot of bad luck, (not I feel sorry about)

*surprised at or by something/ *shocked at or by* something/ *amazed at or by* something/ *astonished at or by* something/ *upset at or by something /Everybody was surprised at (or by) the news./ I hope you weren't shocked by (or at) what I said.

*impressed with* or *impressed by* somebody/something /I'm very impressed with or by her English. It's very good.

*sorry about* a situation or something that happened /I'm sorry about the mess. I'll clear it up later./ Sorry about last night. = Sorry about something that happened last night

*sorry* *for* or *sorry about* something you did /Alex is very sorry for what he said / I'm sorry for shouting at you yesterday / or sorry about shouting

*fed up with* something/ *bored with* something / I don't enjoy my job any more. I'm fed up with it. / I'm bored with it

*tired of*something / *sick of* something /Come on, let's go! I'm tired of waiting. / I'm sick of waiting.

*phone somebody/ call somebody / email somebody/ text somebody*/ I called the airline to cancel my flight, (not called to the airLine)

*write (a letter) to somebody*

1. The future perfect /*will / won't + have + past participle*/ is only used with a limited number of verbs. 2. We often use *by* with the future perfect to mean at or before. 3. There are lots of time phrases starting with by: *by this afternoon*, *by the time we get there*, *by the time you've finished*, *by the end of the year*.

Can I call you back around four? I will have finished looking through the contract by then. /I won't have had time to read through the proposal properly until Monday at the earliest.

We can also use *should + have + past participle* to show that we think something will happen before a certain point in the future, but are not 100% sure. /I should've finished by about six or so.

We also use the *future perfect* to say what we think has almost certainly happened by now. /They 'll have left by now. (= I'm 99% sure they have left) /They won't have left yet. (= I'm 99% sure they haven't left) /It won't have landed yet. (= I'm 99% sure it hasn't landed)/ You won't have heard of it. (= I'm 99% sure you don't know it)

*pleased* with something/ *satisfied* with something/ *happy* with something/ *delighted* with something/ *disappointed* with something you receive, or the result of something

They were delighted with the present I gave them. /Were you happy with your exam results?

ashamed / a shame / to shame / it made them feel shame to come from Texas / was deeply ashamed / slightly ashamed of my behaviour / I've done nothing to be ashamed of / it makes me ashamed to be British / a feeling of shame / to hang your head in shame / behaviour which has shamed our family

if you feel ashamed, you feel guilty and embarrassed about something. The noun is

to resign / resignation: /I'm going to try and persuade her not to resign / he's resigning from his job / he may be forced to resign as prime minister / she threatened to resign/ I've handed in my resignation/ he's announced his resignation from the government / protesters have called for her resignation

qqq means to say officially that you are leaving your job

put your foot in it

say or do the wrong thing and this upsets someone

a form / it's just a temporary loss of form / he's in top form at the moment / the team are in good form / hoping to maintain her current form / they need to return to form before the final next month

someone's qqq is how well they are playing or performing at a particular time

host / hostess / I wasn't going to go because I didn't really know the host of the party, but my friends said it didn't matter so they dragged me along/ he's a very good host (he looks after his guests well) / trying to be the perfect hostess

the qqq at a party is the person who has invited all the guests. A woman is called qqq

a share / the share price / the company's share price crashed / the share price has gone down to just 15p / share prices have risen in recent weeks

the qqq in a company are the parts into which its ownership is divided

to be on the safe side /I'll phone and book a table, just to be on the safe side / we'd better leave by ten, to be on the safe side

to be qqq means to do something so that there is no risk that things will go wrong

to polish / a polish / the Chinese used to polish their teeth with it / polishing his shoes / to polish the furniture / a polished floor / beautifully polished shoes / the best furniture polish / black shoe polish

to gloss / a gloss / to qqq something means to rub it to make it shine.

to get lost / I had to tell him to get lost / I wish he's just get lost/ why don't you just get lost? /go on getting lost

to qqq means to go away

to get off with someone /she got off with someone at the party / do you think he wants to get off with you? / she's spent all evening trying to get off with him

to qqq off with someone means to start a relationship with them

to frown on something / public displays of affection are frowned on / long lunch breaks are definitely frowned on / people who still frown on divorce

to qqq on something means to disapprove of it

to burst out / to burst into laughter or tears /We threw a surprise party for my mum's fiftieth. She didn't have a clue! She burst into tears when she saw everyone. / burst into laughing / she kept bursting into tears / the audience burst into applause / he burst into loud laughter

to qqq out crying or laughing means to start crying or laughing suddenly.

to turn out in a particular way / he turned out to be a complete bore (we discovered in the end that he was a bore) / it turned out to be a mistake / I'm sure it'll turn out OK in the end / we'll wait and see how things turn out / as it turned out, we didn't need any extra help

to qqq out in a particular way means to end in that way

to leave out / I felt a bit left out because no-one was really talking to me and I hardly knew anyone there/ we tried not to leave anyone out!/ she left out a few important details / a few names had been left out

to qqq someone (something) out means to not include them

to fancy / they've fancied each other for ages / do you fancy him? / she's a good friend, but I don't fancy her

to qqq someone means to find them attractive and want to have a relationship with them

to interrupt / interruption / after a minute or two, she interrupted me / don't interrupt when I'm speaking /hate being interrupted when I'm working / I'm sorry to interrupt but could you look at this? / there were constant interruptions / / ignored the interruption and carried on

to qqq someone means to stop them when they are talking or doing something

to drag / my friend dragged me along to the party / trying to drag him away from the pub / they dragged me off to the cinema / we managed to drag him out of bed

to qqq someone somewhere means to take them there when they do not really want to go

to broadcast / a broadcast / his comments were broadcasted all around Britain / the match will be broadcasted live / a programme that was broadcasted on BBC last night / well be broadcasting live from the United States / a radio broadcast / a news broadcast / the prime minister will make a special broadcast later today

to qqq something means to put it on radio or TV / qqq is also a noun:

to break up / the police had to come and break it up / trying to break up the fight / I'm sorry to break up the party / the meeting broke up at four o'clock / the party finally broke up at midnight

to qqq something up means to stop it

to mean to do something / it was meant to be a joke / I meant it as a compliment / I didn't mean to upset anyone / I didn't mean any harm / I meant to phone him, but I forgot

to qqq to do something means to intend to do it

to freshen up /we'll have time to freshen up / to freshen up before dinner / would you like to freshen up?

to qqq up means to wash your hands and face so that you feel cleaner and more comfortable

to sneak / I got bored and decided to sneak out / we sneaked in through the back door / let's sneak round the back / we sneaked off home

to slink красться, делать украдкой, делать тайком / to qqq somewhere means to go there quietly or secretly

to waste / waste / the food all went to waste (wasn't eaten) / what a waste! / it's a terrible waste of resources / a drive to improve efficiency and reduce waste / that's a waste of money (not a good use o f money) / talking to him would be a waste of time / I'm not going to waste my time talking to you / why do you waste so much money on cheap clothes?

to squander / a squander пустая трата, расточительство / qqq is not using something in a proper or useful way.

out of character

unlike one's usual behaviour

Apparently / Nacho got together with Natalia at the party. Apparently they'd fancied each other for ages.

used to say that something seems to be true, although it is not certain / явно; очевидно; несомненно; видимо; по-видимому; вероятно; видно

fiancee / fiance /I'm his fiancee / have you met her fiance?

your qqq (male) or qqq (female) is the person you are engaged to be married to

fellow / he was talking to some fellow businessmen / get on well with my fellow students / his fellow countrymen / her fellow office workers

your qqq students or workers are the people you study or work with


баклажан (noun) a variable color averaging a blackish purple.

to have a clue /We threw a surprise party for my mum's fiftieth. She didn't have a clue! She burst into tears when she saw everyone.

догадываться, знать о чем-либо заранее

stuffy / stuffiness / / it was so stuffy in there / it's getting a bit stuffy in here / a really stuffy classroom / I can't bear the stuffness in there

душный заложенный спертый / духота, спертость воздуха / if a room is qqq, it is too warm and there is no fresh air in it. The noun is qqq

white zucchini squash


outgoing personality / you have an outgoing personality and a good sense of humour

общительный, уживчивый человек

on foot / Did you come here by car or on foot?


to overhear / couldn't help overhearing / I overheard them talking about it / I overheard him saying he was going to leave / I don't want anyone to overheard this

подслушивать нечаянно услышать to qqq a conversation means to hear it when you are not taking part in it

to slap / a slap a noun she slapped him in the face / / wanted to slap her hard / slapped him on the leg / he slapped me on the back (hit me in a friendly way on the back) / she needs to give that child a slap! / we got a slap if we behaved badly

пощечина шлепок to qqq someone means to hit them with the front part of your hand.

to turn up / hardly anyone turned up / he turned up half an hour late / she didn't turn up for work yesterday

появиться, придти, объявиться / to qqq up means to come to a place

globalised / globalisation / to globalize / our globalised 24-hour news culture / the globalised economy / the globalisation of world trade / people who are opposed to globalisation

применять в глобальном масштабе something that is qqq happens in the same way all over the world. The noun is qqq


чётко выражающий свои мысли

versatile / versatility / aubergines are so versatile / the smaller machines are quite versatile / an incredibly versatile actor (able to play a lot o f different roles) / amazed at his versatility in the kitchen

miscellaneous, diverse многосторонний, многогранный, разносторонний if something is qqq, it can be used in a lot of different ways. The noun is

deadline /the deadline for this report is tomorrow / the deadline is Monday / working to a very tight deadline / they've set a deadline of next Tuesday / we're going to struggle to meet the deadline/ worried we'll miss the deadline/ the deadline has already passed

qqq for something is the time or date by which you must do it

marquee /they set up a marquee in the garden / we're going to hire a marquee / the reception was held in a marquee on the lawn / sitting under a large marquee

qqq is a large tent that you use for a party:

protocol / small violations of protocol / diplomatic protocol / they didn't follow standard medical protocol / a breach of protocol /

qqq is a set of rules for how to behave

jewellery /shops that sell cheap jewellery / I never wear jewellery / she wears a lot of jewellery / buying expensive jewellery

qqq is things such as rings, necklaces and bracelets that you wear on your body

- Sorry. I couldn't help overhearing. Did you say Everton beat Chelsea? - Yeah

- Trust me! It'll all work out OK. Anyway, sorry, I didn't want to stop you chatting. - That's OK.

*angry* with somebody or about something/ *annoyed*with somebody or about something / *furious* with somebody or about something/ *upset* with somebody or about something

/There's no point in getting angry about things that don't matter. /Are you annoyed with me for being late?/ Lisa is upset about not being invited to the party.

*the* north (of Brazil) / *the* south-east (of Spain)

1. But: /northern Brazil (*without the*) / south-eastern Spain 2. We also use north/south etc. (*without the*) in the *names of some regions and countries* /North America/South Africa

1. we *do not use* *the* with most names of places: *continents*, *countries*, *states* etc. *islands*, *cities*, *towns* etc. *mountains* /Africa (not the Africa), /Europe, South America France (not the France), Japan, Brazil,Texas Sicily, Bermuda, Tasmania, Cairo, New York, Bangkok, Everest, Etna, Kilimanjaro 2. We use *Mount (= mountain)* and *Lake* before a name in the same way (*without the*) /Mount Everest (*not the* ...)/ Mount Etna / Lake Superior/ 3. When we use *Mr/Mrs/Captain/Doctor etc. + a name*, we *do not use* *the*. /Mr Johnson / Doctor Johnson / Captain Johnson / President Johnson etc. (*not the* ...)

1. We *use* *the* with the names of *oceans*, *seas*, *rivers* and *canals* /the Atlantic (Ocean)/the Red Sea/ the Indian Ocean/ the Mediterranean (Sea)/ the Channel (between France and Britain)/ 2. We *use* *the* with the names of deserts / the Sahara (Desert)/the Gobi Desert

1. You can use *the + nationality adjectives* that end in -*ch* or -*sh* (the French / the English / the Spanish etc.). The meaning is 'the people of that country': /The French are famous for their food. (= the people of France)/ The French / the English etc. are plural in meaning. We do not say 'a French / an English'. You have to say a Frenchman / an Englishwoman etc. 2. We also use *the + nationality* words ending in -ese (the Chinese / the Sudanese / the Japanese etc.): The Chinese invented printing. But these words can also be singular (a Chinese, a Japanese etc.). Note also: a Swiss (singular) and the Swiss (= the people of Switzerland) With other nationalities, the plural noun ends in -s. For example: an Italian —> Italians a Mexican —> Mexicans a Turk Turks

1. We also use *the + nationality* words ending in -*ese* (the Chinese / the Sudanese / the Japanese etc.): The Chinese invented printing. But these words can also be singular (a Chinese, a Japanese etc.). Note also: a Swiss (singular) and the Swiss (= the people of Switzerland) 2. With other nationalities, the plural noun ends in -*s*. /an Italian —> Italians /a Mexican —> Mexicans /a Turk Turks

1.*afraid of/ frightened of/ terrified of/ scared of*/ Are you afraid of spiders?' 'Yes, I'm terrified of them/ 2.*fond of/ proud of / ashamed of/ jealous of/ envious of /Why are you always so jealous of other people?

1.*suspicious of/ critical of/ tolerant of*/ He didn't trust me. He was suspicious of my motives 2. *aware of/ conscious of/ Did you know he was married?' 'No, I wasn't aware of

thoughtful /thoughtful of his co-workers

1.заботливый, чуткий, внимательный; думающий о (ком-л.) considerate/2. of smth.) думающий, помнящий о (чём-л.) thoughtful of gain — не забывающий о (собственной) выгоде

to settle in

If you qqq in, you become used to living in a new place, doing a new job, or going to a new school.

- Is this the queue for the toilet? - I'm afraid so.

Oh look it's your turn.

Some nouns are formed by adding *-ity* to adjectives. /a secure environment / improve security: lead an active life / avoid physical activity; get very humid / 90% humidity; a very responsible job / take on more responsibility, a special person / a local speciality: obese people / combat obesity; in public / attract a lot of publicity

Some nouns are formed by adding *-ity* to adjectives. /a secure environment / improve security: lead an active life / avoid physical activity; get very humid / 90% humidity; a very responsible job / take on more responsibility, a special person / a local speciality: obese people / combat obesity; in public / attract a lot of publicity

to be *up for it* /Yeah, I'd be up for that as well. Do you have anywhere in mind?/I'll ring a few other people and see if anyone else is up for it. /I'd be up for trying karaoke, if you fancy it. /Is anyone up for a game of basketball later on today? /I'm not really up for going out tonight. I'd rather just stay in.

We say we are qqq something if we are keen to do it.

□ When we are talking about things or people in general, we do not use *the*: / I'm afraid of dogs, {not the dogs) (dogs = dogs in general, not a specific group of dogs) /Doctors are usually paid more than teachers.

We use *the + adjective* (without a noun) to talk about groups of people. /the young/ the old /the elderly/ the rich /the poor /the homeless/ the sick /the disabled/ the unemployed/ The young = young people, the rich = rich people etc.: /Do you think the rich should pay higher taxes? We need to do more to help the homeless.

We use *the* when we are thinking of a specific thing. Compare *a/an* and *the*: /Tim sat down on a chair, (perhaps one of many chairs in the room)/Tim sat down on the chair nearest the door, (a specific chair)

We use *the* when it is clear in the situation which thing or person we mean. For example, in a room we talk about the light / the floor I the ceiling / the door / the carpet etc.: Can you turn off the light, please? (= the light in this room)

Question tags are formed using *an auxiliary + a pronoun*. 1. For positive sentences, use negative tags. /It's really warm, isn't it? /We are going to wait for him, aren't we? /It was a great game, wasn't it? /Terry lives near there, doesn't he? 2. Don`t add question tags to questions. /Are you doing anything this weekend, aren't you? /Do you want to go and get something to eat, don`t you? 3. Other kinds of tags are becoming very common: /You know where the cathedral is, yeah / right? /It's really good, no?

With negative statements, use a positive tag. /The meeting shouldn't take too long, should it?/ 1. Positive tags are often used to make polite requests. /You couldn't save my place in the queue, could you?/ 2. We also use these tags: Let's start, shall we? (polite way to make suggestions) /Pass me the salt, will you? (makes commands more polite)


a person employed by a dub or at a party to prevent troublemakers entering or force them to leave


a person who goes to a party / event without an invitation

fancy-dress / You can also say that someone goes in fancy dress /a fancy-dress party / fancy-dress hire / everyone was in fancy dress / are you going in fancy dress?

a qqq event is one in which people wear costumes for fun

theme /having a theme party (where people wear fancy dress that fits a theme) / a -theme park (with rides and games all on the same theme) / justice is the main theme of the book / one of the central themes of his speech

a qqq is a general subject

get-together / You can also say that people get together /we have a big get-together /an informal get-together/ a family get-together/ we usually get together at Christmas

a qqq is a party or informal social occasion.

a patch / we're going through a bad patch at the moment / we've had a difficult patch recently / the business has hit a bad patch / going through a rough patch

a qqq is a short period of time

spree go on a big shopping spree / a spending spree / a massive buying spree / they went on a crime spree / a drinking spree

a qqq is a time when you do a lot of something in a short period of time

a fortune / it cost a fortune / I've spent a fortune today! / that ring must be worth a fortune /you 'll pay a fortune for a meal there / he inherited a large fortune from his grandfather

a qqq is a very large amount of money

bunch / going clubbing with a bunch of friends / they're a really nice bunch/ a bit of a mixed bunch

a qqq of people is a group of people

chain / the owner of a chain of shops / a chain of clothes stores / a large hotel chain / the big supermarket chains

a qqq of shops or businesses is a group of them that are all owned by the same person or company

engagement / engaged / to engage /a party to celebrate our engagement / they've just announced their engagement/ she broke off the engagement / we're getting engaged / she's engaged *to* Frank/ She's an intelligent child but in class she doesn't really engage. /Just stay out of his way as much as possible, and don't engage with him.

an qqq is a formal agreement to get married./ быть обязанным, связанным обязательствами (часто формальными, юридическими) / to employ someone / to interest someone in something and keep them thinking about it/ to become involved, or have contact, with someone or something:

remark / to remark / remarkable /they made a casual remark about George Bush / he made a few tactless remarks / accused of making racist remarks / / think you should withdraw that remark / decided to ignore his remarks / everyone remarked that she was looking well / we all remarked on the increased security

extraordinary, outstanding замечательный, выдающийся, поразительный / to note, observe, notice, comment высказаться, замечать, наблюдать, отмечать делать замечание a qqq is something that you say.

to split up (split,split)/ split / didn't know they'd split up / my parents split up last year / she's split with her boyfriend / they've got on much better since the split

if a couple qqq up, they end their relationship. The noun is qqq

cosy / a cosy little restaurant / a cosy sitting room / it's lovely and cosy in here / warm and cosy by the fire / a cosy chat

if a place is qqq, it is warm, comfortable and relaxing

pregnant / she wasn't actually pregnant / was eight months pregnant at the time / she looked pregnant / got pregnant by accident

if a woman is qqq, a baby is growing in her body

to ease off/ to ease up /I wish you would ease up on the children; their behaviour gets worse when you make them nervous.

if rain qqq off/up, it becomes lighter and slowly stops

on air / off the air / he didn't realise he was on air / we go on air in five minutes / luckily the remarks were made off the air

if someone is qqq, their voice or picture is being broadcast on radio or TV. If they are off the qqq their voice or picture is not being broadcast

light-hearted / light-heartedly / a light-hearted speech / a light-hearted film /a light-hearted look at education / he seemed in a light-hearted mood / laughing and joking light-heartedly

if something is qqq, It is not very serious. The adverb is qqq

unpatriotic / the party members are fiercely patriotic / using patriotic language

if something is qqq, it criticises your country.

gorgeous / gorgeously / some gorgeous ice cream / that was absolutely gorgeous / those flowers are gorgeous /you look gorgeously in that dress / it was gorgeously rich and creamy

if something is qqq, it is extremely tasty or beautiful

rip-off / to rips someone off /that place is such a rip-off / it was a complete rip-off / rip-off prices / 1 think we got ripped off / dishonest tradesmen who rip people off

if something is qqq-off, it is more expensive than it should be. You can also say that someone to qqq off

casual / they made a casual remark about George Bush / a casual comment / it was just a casual conversation / a casual meeting with some friends / give a casual glance at something / casual sex (not as part of a serious relationship)

if something is qqql, you do it without thinking about it or planning it before

to get out of hand /it got a bit out of hand / things were starting to get out of hand

if something qqq out of hand, it becomes very difficult to control

at ease / he was at ease with them / I felt completely at ease / we tried to make him feel at ease I he seemed ill at ease (not relaxed) / they tried to put me at ease (make me feel relaxed)

if you are at qqq, you feel relaxed

to be in the public eye /people who are in the public eye / the disadvantages of being in the public eye

if you are in the qqq, you are well known and people recognise you and write about you in newspapers, magazines, etc

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