Oxygenation and perfusion application questions

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A client is learning how to do diaphragmatic breathing. For which length of time will the nurse advise the client to rest between repetitions of the exercise?

2 minutes

The nurse is demonstrating oxygen administration to a client. Which teaching will the nurse include about the humidifier?

Small water droplets come from this, preventing dry mucous membranes

What is the most important risk factor in pulmonary disease?

active and passive cigarette smoke

Oxygen and carbon dioxide move between the alveoli and the blood by:

diffusion, process which molecules move from an area of greater concentration or pressure to an area of lower concentration or pressure

A client with no prior history of respiratory illness has been admitted to a postoperative unit following foot surgery. What intervention should the nurse prioritize in an effort to prevent postoperative pneumonia and atelectasis during this time of reduced mobility following surgery?

educating the client on the use of incentive spirometry (spirometry maximizes lung inflation)

A health care provider orders the collection of a sputum specimen from a client with a suspected bacterial infection. Which action best ensures a usable specimen?

instruct the client to inhale deeply and then cough

The nurse is caring for a client admitted for a mild exacerbation of asthma who has been prescribed portable oxygen at 2 L/min. What delivery device will the nurse select to apply oxygen to the client?

nasal cannula (meant for administering low concentrations of oxygen)

When reviewing data collection on a client with a cardiac output of 2.5 liter/minute, the nurse inspects the client for which symptom?

rapid respirations (normal cardiac output is 3.5 to 8.0 liter/minute

The nurse auscultates the lungs of a client with asthma who reports shortness of breath, sore throat, and congestion. Which finding does the nurse expect to document?

Wheezing (1494)

A client returns to the telemetry unit after an operative procedure. Which diagnostic test will the nurse perform to monitor the effectiveness of the oxygen therapy ordered for the client?

pulse oximetry

The nurse assesses a client and detects the following findings: difficulty breathing, increased respiratory and pulse rates, and pale skin with regions of cyanosis. What condition would the nurse suspect as causing these respiratory alterations?


A client vomits as a nurse is inserting his oropharyngeal airway. What would be the most appropriate intervention in this situation?

Remove the airway, turn the client to the side, and provide mouth suction, if necessary

The client is reporting to the nurse that the continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) mask is torture. What is the best response from the nurse?

Tell me more about why it bothers you

In which client would the nurse assess for a depressed respiratory system?

a client taking opioids for cancer pain

prolonged bed rest can cause what


The home care nurse visits a client with compromised lung function. The client has greenish-yellow sputum with a musty odor. Which assessment is the priority for the client?

auscultate bilateral breath sounds

The nurse has received a prescription to obtain an arterial blood gas (ABG) on a client who has a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and is receiving oxygen via nasal cannula. Which step is the most important for the nurse to fulfill?

ensure client is at rest at least 30 minutes before obtaining the specimen

The nurse is preparing to provide hygiene care to a client with hypoxia. Into what position will the nurse place the client?

high fowlers (allows client with hypoxia to breath easier)

The nurse is caring for a client who is diagnosed with Impaired Gas Exchange. While performing a physical assessment of the client, which data is the nurse likely to find, keeping in mind the client's diagnosis?

high respiratory rate (1492)

The nurse is preparing discharge teaching for a client who has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Which teaching about deep breathing will the nurse include?

inhale slowly over three seconds, purse your lips, contract abdominal muscles, and exhale slowly

The nurse is preparing discharge teaching for a client who has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Which teaching about deep breathing will the nurse include?

pH greater than 7.45; HCO3 low; PaCO2 low; hyperventilation

A client's primary care provider has informed the nurse that the client will require thoracentesis. The nurse should suspect that the client has developed which disorder of lung function?

pleural effusion (removing fluid from the pleural space)

A client receiving home oxygen calls the telehealth nurse to report that her caretaker removed her oxygen tank from the wheeled carrier. What is the appropriate telehealth nurse response?

the caregiver will need to place the oxygen tank back into the secure carrier

When inspecting a client's chest to assess respiratory status, the nurse should be aware of which normal finding?

the chest should be slightly convex with no sternal depression

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