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What is the purpose of 'light reactions'?

'use sunlight, H2O, NADP+ and ADP + PO4 to make NADPH and ATP

What are parenchyma cells and slerenchyma cells for support...describe

-large central vacuoles -surrounded by thin layer of CYTOSOL -packed with chloroplasts -site of photosynthesis

Essay: How does a plant conserve water?


Essay: What determines whether a stoma will be open or closed?


Essay: What environmental condition is best to keep stomata open and photosynthesis rate at optimum?


Essay: What is happening if water vapor is escaping from the stomata?


Essay:How does a plant obtain water?


Why does photosynthesis not stop with the synthesis of ATP and NADPH? There are 2 reasons.

1. ATP and NADPH are not stable. Plant cannot store or transport energy in this form 2. Light reactions do not produce new carbon compounds that the organism can use to grow...instead need Calvin cycle to produce the sugars

There are 3 main tissues involved in photosynthesis. Name them and any sub tissues

1. Epidermal -guard cells -stomata 2. Vascular - xylem - phloem 3. Ground tissue -parenchyma cells -slerenchyma cells for support

The process of photosynthesis involves three energy conversions. What are they?

1. absorption of light energy 2. conversion of light into chemical energy 3. storage of chemical energy in the form of sugars

What are the 4 main pigments associated with phgotosynthesis in leaves?

1. chlorophylls A= blue green B = yellow green 2. Xanthophyll -bright yellow 3. Carotene - yellow orange 4. other pigments - Anthocyanin (blue or red depending on pH)

The combination of 3 forces provides enough pressure to move water from roots to the top of the tallest trees. What are the 3 forces?

1. root pressure 2. capilary action 3. transpiration. (the most powerful of the 3 forcesa)

Describe pressure-flow hypothesis mechanics to move nutrients out of nutrient producing cells

1. sugars are pumped into the phloem,SOURCE 2. concentration of sugar increases in phloem, water from XYLEM moves in by OSMOSIS. 3. movement causes an increases in pressure, forcing nutrients to flow away from nutrient producing to nutrient using area.

What are the parts within the chloroplast organelle?

1. thylakoid membrane of disks 2. Stroma

There are 7 inputs required for photosynthesis. List them

1. water 2. CO2 3. sunlight 4. pigments 5. enzymes 6. ADP and P1 7. NADP+

How is transpiration controlled?

1. water abundant, raises guard cell water pressure, stoma open 2. Water pressure low, opposite happens, stoma close

Essay: Describe how does water transport occur in plants?

1. xylem forms a continuous set of tubes 2.stretch from roots through stems to spongy mesophyll. 3. ACTIVE transport and root pressure cause water to move from soil into plant ROOTS.

Effect of temperature onf photosynthesis shows that plants do photosynthesis best between what two temps?

20-30 degrees C.

When tw water molecules are oxidized in the light-dependent reaction it becomes _________ + ______ + _____

2H2O ----> 4 H+ + 4e- + O2

Of these 6 molecules of PGAL, _ are required to regenerate RuBP


Write the full equasion for photosynthesis

6 H2O + 6 CO2 ---> C6 H12 + 6 O2

Three turns of the Calvin cycle, each turn incorporating one molecule of CO2, result in the formation of _______ molecules of ________.


Question from Powerpoint: Beside the ocean, what is the greatest reservoir for CO2?

??? limestone

_________ and _______ are used to drive the following reactions and _______ is generated. This molecule is used to make __________ and other biologically important molecules.

ADP NADPH G3P glucose

What are the 3 main molecules that make up ATP?

Adenine Ribose 3 phosphate groups



What is a 'source cell' in phloem transport?

Any cell where sugar is produced

What is a 'sink cell' in phloem transport?

Any cell where sugars are used or stored

define chemoautotrophs

BACTERIA obtain energy from oxidizing inorganic substances such as iron, sulfur, or other minerals (live in conditions that they cannot have sunlight nor use photosynthesis such as in hot salty springs.)Use the energy to form SUGARS from CARBON DIOXIDE

What kinds of organisms obtain energy from organic compounds and transfer that energy to ATP molecules? Bacteria? DO ALL THESE organisms have MITOCHONDRION? Which ones do not? How do they get their energy from organic compounds? Protists? Fungi? P

Bacteria Y Protists Y Fungi Y Plants Y Animals Y NO NOT all have mitochondrion. ???? ????

Write the overall equasion for cellular respiration

C6 H12 O6 + 6 O2 ----> 6 JH2O + 6 CO2 + 36 ATP

Plants use the oxygen from photosynthesis for what purpose? All of it?

Cellular respiration No.

In one sentence, what does the Calvin cycle do?

Completes the process of photosynthesis to form the sugars that he organism can use to grow.

Essay: Explain how guard cells/stoma control water loss due to transpiration

Guard cells control opening and closing of stoma. If water pressure is high, guard cells are curved open because they have a thin outer wall. This pulls thick inner walls away and open stoma. With low water pressure, opposite hapens. Humidity, wind, heat

Water provides what atoms for photosynthesis?

H atoms (with their electron and proton)

In the big picture, what happens in photosynthesis?

H2O gets oxydized CO2 gets reduced (in making glucose)

________ is split to produce hydrogen ions, ________ gas, and ___________ that replace those lost by chlorophyll

H2O oxygen 4 e-

Where does the calvin cycle occur in the plant?

In the stroma of a chloroplast.

What does 'LEO goes GER' mean?

Loss of Electrons is oxidation goes Gain of electrons is reduction

When water donates H atoms, what will be left over?


More energy is obtained when _____ is present. Why?

O2 electro negative

Function of mesophyll

O2, CO2 and water vapor exchange

As the Calvin cycle continues, a series of enzymatic reactions combines and rearranges molecules of _____ eventually producing a 5-carbon sugar phosphate.


__________ must be regenerated so the Calvin cycle can occur again and again


Essay: Are stomata more likely to be open or closed ona hot day? Explain.

Stomata are open to optimize photosynthesis but not open so much as to lose critical amounts of water. On a hot day, stomata are likely to be closed to protect from water loss and protect homeostasis.

Explain why the different pigments move different distances (speeds) in the paper chromotagraphy lab

The pigments move at different rates/distances because of 1.different adhesions to the paper (H bonds) 2. different levels of solubility in the solvent.

Essay from Daily Learning Objective: Compare how many stomata and guard cells appear in each layer. Explain how guard cells regulate the opening and closing. What are the outcomes of opening and closing.

The ratio of stomata in the lower epidermis vs. upper epidermis was 5 to 2. -many more stomata in the lower -helps preserve water -optimizes photosynthesis. -photosynthesis slowed when stomata closed

Describe pressure flow mechanisim to move nutrients anywhere in the plant needed?

When nutrients are pumped into or removed from phloem, change in concentration causes movement of fluid in same direction. As result phloem can move nutrients in EITHER direction to meet nutritional needs of plant.

What is transpiration?

When water is lost through transpiration, osmotic pressure moves water out of the vascular tissue. Like train pulling hundreds of cars, water pulled upward through vascular system all the way from roots.Called transpirational pull

What does capillary action have to do with water movement through xylem?

Xylem is two types of tissue...tracheids and vessel elements. Both form hollow tubes. Capillary action in the tube like structures causes water to rise above ground level

function of palasade mesophyll

absorb light

the structure of a leaf is optimized for _________ ________

absorbing light

function of spongy mesophyll

air spaces for CO2 and O2 and water vapor exchange with the stomata

define photoautotrophs

autotrophs such as plants that depend on photosynthesis for both energy and carbon compounds

What type of organisms can conduct photosynthesis?

bacteria? Y protists? Y (some) fungi? N plants? Y animals? N

function of stoma

balance air exchange with water loss

Those high energy electrons and protons will be ___________ in a series of reactions


photosynthesis uses __________ and ___________ to make ____________ and ______________.

carbon dioxide and water sugar and oxygen

At the beginning of the Calvin cycle, a molecule of CO2 combines with the 5-carbon sugar-phosphate, RuBP. This reaction is known as _________________

carbon dioxide fixation because it 'fixes' carbon dioxide gas into an organic molecule.

Electrons are passed from one ________ to the next during the process of ___________

carrier electron transport

What is function of the phloem?

carries sugars through plant. Example, carry sugars into fruits, carry sugar into roots to store in winter, carry stored food back into the trunk and branches before growth begins again in the spring

What organelle does photosynthesis?


On the cellular level, which organelles are involved in the flow of energy?

chloroplast and mitochondria

define thylakoid

closed sacs, part of an organized structure called a chloroplast. Has an outer chloroplast membrane.

Define photoinhibition

concition that reduces rate of photosynthesis.EX: temperature, sunlight intensity

Essay: What controls water loss in a leaf

cuticle layer of epidermis stoma on bottom on most leaves action of guard cells use of water pressure to govern guard cell opening and closing

Is nutrient flow one way or cyclical?


define photon

discrete bundle or quantum of light or electromagnetic energy

Sunlight is absorbed and the energyis used to boost _________ from hydrogen atoms to a higher _______ state

electrons energy

How does a plant obtain CO2

from air exchange through stoma and spongy mesophyll

What is reduction

gain of electrons (rig)

what is a stack of thylakoids called


__________ are stripped from organic compounds such as glucose and used in a series of reactions to produce _______ molecules

high energy H2O and CO2

what is the mechanism of guard cells opening and closing

higher water pressure they open because pressure causes outer curved surface to bend (thinner). When water pressure down, the outer wall collapses in and stoma closes

Where are the pigments of the leaf located?

in thylakoid membrane of chloroplast

Water and carbon dioxide are inorganic or organic compounds?


what is a photosystem?

large clusters of thylakoid membranes

The organ of photosynthesis is the _______


Whitch part of the photosynthesis cycle do the thylakoid membrandes do...light or light-independent?


Which part of the photosynthesis reaction do the stroma do...light or light-independent

light - independent the Stroma do the Calvin cycle

The ___________________ reactions take place within the saclike___________ that are located in the organelle known as the ________.

light B reactions thylakoid disk chloroplast

In the _____________ or Calvin cycle, the energy from the __________ and ________ produced in the light reactions is used to convert ______ into G3P (or PGAL)and other biologicallyh important molecules

light independent NADP ATP CO2

What is oxidation

loss of electrons (oil)

define transpiration

loss of water through leaves

On most plants, where are the stomata and guard cells found? Why?

lower epidermis. Less heat hence less water loss than upper epidermis. Also leaves upper epidermis free for more photosynthesis, light absorbing

The 6th one is availble for the organism to use for __________

maintenance and growth.

The bulk of most leaves consist of ground tissue called


How do bacteria conduct photosynthesis without chloroplasts?


What happens to CO2 uptake if stomata are closed?


What does Phloem transport do?

move sugars from 'source' to 'sink'

Do all the organisms that can conduct photosynthesis possess chloroplasts? which ones do?

no. Plants, some protists. Bacteria DO NOT

define autotrophs

obtain energy from non living sources

define heterotrophs

obtain energy from other organisms

Is energy flow one way or cyclical?

one way

function of guard cells

open and close stoma

What happens to CO2 if stomata are open?

optimized uptake

A leaf blade is a major _________ for photosynthesis in plants


How does wilting help a plant to conserve water?

osmotic pressure down reduced pressure in cells stoma lower pressure in guard cells, close, conserve water

Where are there more chloroplasts, palisade layer mesophyll or spongy layer mesophyll

palisade layer

An enzyme uses the energy created by a difference in changes across a membrane to add a _____________ group to ADP to form _________

phosphate ATP

Units of sunlight energy are known as packets or ________


function of palisade mesopyll


Electrons from photosystem II move throug the transport system to REPLACE electrons LOST from ___________

photosystem I

Sunlight is captured by clusters of pigment molecules called __________ that contain several hundred ___________ molecules as well as a number of accessory pigments.

photosystems chlorophyll

How does phloem transport take place

pressure-flow hypothesis.

In the first reaction of the Calvin cycle, which is catalyzed by the enzyme ________ a 5-carbon sugar (_______) combines with ___ to make ___________.

rubisco rubp CO2 six carbon sugar

The final step of the Cavin cycle uses an ATP molecuile from the light reactions to add a __________ to the 5-carbon sugar phosphate. This produces a molecule of the starting material, _______ thus completing the cycle.

second phosphate group RuBP

Carbon dioxide is a source of _________ for organic compounds such as _______, ________, ________ and __________. Can you name others?

some organic compounds such as sugar, amino acids, fatty acids and glyucoid. Others: Nucleotides

Where is the water vapor that enters through the stoma going in the leaf?

spongy mesophyll to keep cells moist and aid exchange of gases

what connects the air spaces of the spongy mesophyll with the atmosphere


High energy electrons are eventually ________ in organic compounds (cemical energy( in molecules like _______.

stored glucose

Where are chemicals for the Calvin cycle stored?


what is the space surrounding the thylakoid called? What happens in the stroma?

stroma. Enzymes in the stroma catalyze the formation of sugar from Co2 and H2O using the light energy captured in the thylakoids.

plants manufacture ____________, _________, and ______________

sugars, starches and oils

Guard cells also respond to conditions in the environment such as _______ and _________ to maintain leaf _____________

sun and wind homeostasis

The light reactions use ________, ___________ and __________ and produce ___________, _________ and ____________.

sunlight NADP+ ADP + PO4- produce: NADPH O2

On the ecosystem level, energy transfer is from __________ to __________ to _______.

sunlight, autotroph, heterotroph

Name the parts of the leaf's transport system

sylem phloem gathered into bundles surrounded by parenchyma and sclerenchyma cells

What is a porphyrin ring?

the light absorbing head of the chlorophyll molecule

Essay: describe how the structure of the leaf is optimized for light absorption

tightly packed palisade mesophyll cells on top surface of leaf function is to absorb light blade of leaf open to light

Function of petiole


function of stem


When carbon is fixed, it immediately is an unstable 6-carbon molecule that splits into _________

two molecules of the 3-carbon acid PGA

Describe the cell types found in a typical leaf

upper epidermis and cuticle mespophyll - spongy and palisade stomata and guard cells lower epidermis

What is the purpose of the Calvin Cycle light INDEPENDENT reactions?

use NADPH and ATP and CO2 to make glucose (or other building blocks of organic compounds)

Plants transport materials from roots through stems to leaves by way of tissue known as _________ tissue


lost water from transpiration is replaced by

water drawn into the leaf through xylem vessels in the vascular tissue

what would happen if stomata were open all the time

water loss due to transpiration would be so great that plant would die.

What is capillary action?

water molecules attracted to one another by cohesion. Because of cohesion, water molecules have a tendency to form HYDROGEN BONDS with one another.

What determines whether guard cells are open or closed

water pressure

function of cuticle

waterproof, reduce water loss

define plant cell respiration

when plant cells use food they respire, taking in oxygen and giving off carbon dioxide just as animals do

function of vein

xylem and phloem transport

Essay:Identify the parts of a leaf that make up its transport system. Analyze how some of these parts may be though of as a transport subsystem

xylem phloem bundles vein stems petioles

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