PAD 3003 final

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public service

-embodies ethical principals and social equity, attracts a special kind of individual

total quality management (TQM)

-emphasizes customer satisfaction -customer focused, continuous improvement, top management commitment and leadership, empowerment and teamwork

economic individualism

-human centered, based on what is best for the individual -government institutions satisfy individual needs -individual is of supreme importance

public service motivation

-individual's predisposition to respond to motives grounded primarily in public institutions and organizations -theorized attribute of government and NGOs that explains why people have the desire to serve the public

public managers

-manages people and programs that serve the public

public values

-rights, benefits, and prerogatives to which citizens should be entitled -principals on which governmnets and policies should be based; based on US Constitution and Bill of Rights

public interest

-welfare of the general public -outcomes that best serve the long-run survival and well-being of the public

rational decision making

1. Define the problem 2.Generate possible solutions 3.Generate objective assessment criteria 4.Choose best solution 5. Implement solution 6.Monitor, evaluate and seek feedback

administrative ethics emphasize

1.Integrity 2.Duty/acting in the public interest 3.Primacy of law 4.Importance of sound management 5.Need to avoid conflicts of interest

fiscal year

12 month accounting period without regard to calendar year

collaborative government

A governing arrangement where one or more public agencies directly engage non-state stakeholders in a collective decision-making process that is formal, consensus-oriented, and deliberative and that aims to make or implement public policy or manage public programs or assets

The ends justify the means philosophy - one that rewards getting the job done regardless of the potential consequences is often referred to as:


garbage can model

Problems, solutions, participants, and choice opportunities flow in and out of a garbage can, and which problems get attached to solutions is largely due to chance.

pillars of leadership

accountability, efficiency and effectiveness, and social equity


actual amounts spent by the government each year

In the Bureaucracy and Ethic Section of the text, Ferrell and Skinner argue that bureaucracy's centralized and hierarchical power base:

actually helps create opportunities for unethical behavior.

block grants

afford states much more freedom in determining how much money will be spent

budget authority

amount of money that Congress permits the federal government to spend

information management

application of management techniques to collect info, communicate with organization, and enable managers to make quicker/better decisions

performance measurement

assesses quality of public services; relies on hard data. allows managers to improve performance input, output, outcome, efficiency


choosing policies that are not optimum, but are "good enough". satisfying and sufficing

picket fence model

close fiscal relationship between national state and local governments; relies on grants in aid from federal government


contracting or outsourcing of government services to private sector companies

office of management and budget

crafts budget based on POTUS

public choice

decisions made in the self interest of government agencies; minimize risks and maximize rewards for the agency

discretionary program spending

defense, education, housing

discretionary program spending

dept of defense

situational leadership

different situations call for different leaders

participatory model

diverse group of people will provide input on policy ; usually thru public meetings and hearings


division of power between national, state and local governmnets, 10th ammendment, marijuana is illegal nationally but not in states

budget resolution

documents that set out the congressional budget

One of the ways to fight back against corruption is through whistleblowing. Although the heat of whistleblowing can be intense, the rewards of going public include:

enhancing self-respect, maintaining esteem of family and friends and the chance of vindication by forcing responsible action.

network security

ensuring integrity of data every public administrator's responsibility


essential for government to work

importance of public service

essential purposes of our society are carried out largely int he public sphere

authorization bill

establishes federal policies and programs, and may also make recommendations concerning the proper spending level for a program or agency


exploratory research focuses on describing a phenomenon in a comprehensive manner

marble cake model

few hard lines of distinction as to what constitutes national, state or local responsibilities

budget process

flow and management of funds is the lifeblood of out system of public administration

style theory

focuses on what leaders do; balancing task behaviors and relationship behaviors


geospatial information system visual/graphic interfaces overlaying information on maps

trends facing public managers

governance (regionalism/shared services as a necessity), broadband deployment mobility and applications, social networking beyond e-governance


governing powers are divided between national and regional authorities

public policy

government's choices of actions intended to serve the public purposes; links the aims of government with intended results. facilitated through laws, mandates and regulations gives public agencies authority and direction to carry out their missions


group or system of interconnected people or things

regressive tax

if the percentage of tax increases as income decreases, then the tax is considered regressive property tax, payroll tax, user fee, (cap so that higher income earner pay a lower proportion of their overall income than lower earning people)

progressive tax

if the percentage of tax paid as income increases, then the tax is considered progressive federal income tax, sales tax, etc (increases tax burden of higher income families and reduces it on lower income families)

public managers are responsible for...

implementing laws and carrying out functions of the government

trait theory

innate qualities and characteristics ; great man/woman theory


key decisions made by a few leaders

contingency theory

leader-match theory, fitting leadership style to context

servant leadership

leaders being servants and attentive to followers; empower followers

path-goal theory

leaders motivate/guide followers to reach goals and satisfy needs

leadership overcomes.... (3 things)

legislative ambiguity, judiciary's narrow focus, executive fallacy of comprehensiveness

two major responsibilities of a leader

mission and the welfare of their people


morality based on principal- inherent right or wrongness rather than consequences


more normative than leadership, embodies POSDCORB, scientific skills


motivating a group of people to achieve a common goal major responsibilities of a leader is the mission and welfare of his people

categorical grants

must be used for specific purposes

grants in aid programs

national gov provides grants to states and a portion is filtered down to local municipalities

311 call centers

non emergency call centers to help reduce 911 calls community oriented government fills need for addressing frustration with government services

Dwight Waldo identified 12 ethical obligations to which the public administrator must respond. The first three of these are:

obligation to the constitution, law and nation


philosophy of how morality guides indiviudual and group behavior


plan regarding how revenues will be spent on a year to year basis most important decision making process in public institutions


planning, programming, budgeting system Dept of defense; based on rational decision making; uses cost-benefit analysis

public budget

political instrument that allocates scarce resources among the social and economic needs of jurisdiction establishes programs and services

appropriations bill

provides the dollar amounts for agencies, programs, and operations


providing government services online over the internet


qualifies the problem by way of generating numerical data/data that can be transformed into useable statistics uses data to formulate fact and uncover patterns. more structures than qualitative data

Waldo on ethics

responsibility for moral and ethical behavior begins at the top and trickles its way down

social equity

role of public administrators

layer cake model

separate and distinct layers of authority between national, state, and local governments

shared services

services shared between governmental entities

policy networks

sets of formal institutions and informal linkages between governmental and other actors structured around shared beliefs and interests in public policy. these actors are independent and policy emerges from the interaction between them

line item budget

simple itemized; popular with local governmnets


small changes as opposed to big sweeping changes; consider a few policy items that are not much different from what is currently being done

entitlement program spending

social security and medicare

entitlement program spending

social security, medicare

zero-based budgeting ZBB

start at zero every year and justify all programs to be funded

Deontological theories of ethics:

stress motives and intentions as opposed to the consequences as the critical factor in making decisions.

skills theory

technical, conceptual and human skills

moore's law

technology will double every 2 years

2. In the conclusion of the Waldo article, he cites in his first observation:

that there has been a decay of traditional moral values and morality is "relative".

Teleological theories contend

the rightness or wrongness of actions is based solely on the goodness or badness of their consequences and argues that the ends justify the means.

performance budget

ties budget to performance of agency

The conclusion of the Rohr article is that the most appropriate method of integrating the study of ethics into public administration is

to study regime values and get in the touch with the values of the American people.

3. The purpose of the Rohr article is stated in the first sentence:

to suggest a method for integrating the study of ethics into a public administration curriculum.

transactional/transformational leadership

transactional- maintain status quo, trades rewards for performance; uses incentives and punishments transformational- focus on team building, motivation to accomplish self change, self-actualizing

Ethics is a set of normative guidelines (having its basis in moral values) directed at resolving conflicts of interest so as to enhance societal well-being. Ethics is also a branch of philosophy concerned with the norms of human conduct.


issue networks

type of policy network; and alliance of various interest groups and individuals who unite in order to promote a single issue in government policy


understanding the distinction between right and wrong and living accordingly. morality is the foundation of ethics

digital democracy

use of information and communication technologies in democratic process non traditional ways of participation in government

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