Palazzo Medici Riccardi
Who is the painter responsible for the Magi calvalcade?
Bennozo Gozzoli
Where is the Palazzo?
Between San Marco and the Baptistry near San Lorenzo
What was the Magi created for?
For the Medici family to have a private space for religious function (this was uncommon and they were the first to do so)
Why did Cosimo want it built there?
He wanted it to be a real part of the city
What do the medallions of the courtyard represent?
Medici's coat of arms, greek and roman myths
Who was the architect?
Main aspects of construction
Starts rough, stones more polished toward the top, the kneeling windows
Where is the Christian centre of the Palazzo?
The Magi Chapel
What spaces of the Palace is the classical tradition represented and how is it represented?
The courtyard represents classical tradition through Greek mythology
What is the connection between San Marco and the Magi calvalcade?
The cult of the Magi journey started from the church of San Marco
What are the main points of reference behind the depiction of the Magi cavalcade?
Visits to the Medici from royalty, council of Florence, confraternity