PBL 1 Mid-Term Exam

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Structure of the triple helix type 1 collagen protein. The two α1 chains are encoded by a gene on chromosome __, and the α2 chain is encoded by a gene on chromosome _

17, 7

What is deleted in Smith-Magnis syndrome?


an intermediate in carbohydrate metabolism that is an important allosteric effector of Hb

2, 3 Bisphosphoglycerate

The mechanism of the left shift in HbF is based on the binding of ___-___. It does not bind as avidly to the _____ chains of hemoglobin F as it binds to the ____ chains of hemoglobin A.

2,3 DPG, gamma, beta

A total of __ _____-amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. The ____ ______ of these amino acids contribute charge, polarity and hydrophobicity to protein.

20 alpha, side chains

Proteins are macromolecules formed by polymerization of L-α-amino acids. There are __ different amino acids in proteins, linked by _______ bonds. The linear sequence of the amino acids is the _______ structure of the protein.

20, peptide, primary

A vaccine comprising antigens from __ different serotypes of S pneumoniae protects against most strains. The pneumococcal conjugate vaccine protects against __ strains of the bacterium.

23, 13

Cells that have a multiple of __ chromosomes are said to be euploid. Triploidy (__ chromosomes) and tetraploidy (__ chromosomes) are _________ conditions found in humans. Most polyploid conceptions are spontaneously aborted, and all are incompatible with long-term survival.

23, 69, 92, polyploid

p50 of oxygen at atmospheric pressure

25 mmHg

The recurrence risk for autosomal recessive diseases is usually __%. Quasidominant inheritance, with a recurrence risk of __%, is seen when an affected ___________ mates with a ____________.

25, 50, homozygote, heterozygote

The frequency of normal, involuntary breathing is controlled by _ groups of neurons or _____ ____ _______ Name them

3, brain stem centers Pneumotaxic center, Apneustic center, Medullary respiratory center

Key features of adenocarcinoma in situ: Diameter of _ mm or less Growth along ___________ structures ___________ of alveolar structure

3, preexisting, preservation

There are about ___ amino acids present in various animal, plant and microbial systems, but only __ amino acids are coded by DNA to appear in proteins.

300, 20

BTPS means body temperature (___ K), ambient pressure (___ mm Hg), and gas saturated with _____ ______.

310, 760, water vapor

Increased prevalence of trisomies occurs after mother hits what age?

35 years

Each hemoglobin molecule, therefore, has the capacity to bind _ molecules of O2.


Hb can bind up to _ molecules of O2 in a cooperative manner


How many heme irons in a hemoglobin molecule?


There are _ main disorders of acid-base balance


Calculate physiologic dead space given expired CO2 is 30 mL, arterial pCO2 is 40 mL, and tidal volume is 550 mL

412 is the answer!

Most females with Turner syndrome have a __,_ karyotype. Although this disorder is common at __________, it is relatively rare among live births, reflecting a very ____ rate of spontaneous abortion. Mosaicism including confined placental mosaicism, appears to ________ the probability of survival to term.

45, X, conception, high, increase

Males with Klinefelter syndrome (__,___) are _____ than average, might have _______ IQ, and are usually _______. Testosterone therapy and mastectomy for gynecomastia are sometimes recommended.

47, XXY, taller, lower, sterile

The solubility of CO2 is 0.07 mL CO2/100 mL blood/mm Hg; thus, the concentration of dissolved CO2 in arterial blood, as calculated by Henry's law, is 2.8 mL CO2/100 mL blood (40 mm Hg × 0.07 mL CO2/100 mL blood/mm Hg), which is approximately _% of the total CO2 content of blood


Antibody: How many types of heavy chains? Name them How many types of light chains? Name them

5. gamma, alpha, mu, epsilon, delta 2. Kappa, lambda

Albumin makes up approximately __% of the protein found in human plasma. Its normal concentration is __-__ g/L. With a molecular weight of about __ kDa, albumin has highly _____ nature and dissolves easily in _____. At pH 7.4, it is an _____ with __ ________ charges per molecule; this gives it a high capacity for non-selective binding of many ________. It also plays a critical role in maintaining _________ _______ pressure of the plasma.

50, 35, 45, 66, polar, water, anion, 20 negative, ligands, colloid osmotic

Approximately __% of the choline is returned to the presynaptic terminal by __+-_______ cotransport, to be used again in the synthesis of new ACh.

50, Na choline

The recurrence risk for an autosomal dominant disorder is __%. Because of ____________, this risk remains constant no matter how many affected or unaffected children are born.

50, independence

Calculate isolectric point for amino acid with pKa of 2.8 and pKa of 10.4


if alveolar PO2 is 60 mm Hg, then arterial blood will have a PO2 of __ mm Hg, in which case the _________ is severe enough to stimulate __________ ______________ in the _______ and ______ bodies.

60, hypoxemia, peripheral chemoreceptors, aortic, carotid

if arterial PO2 is less than __ mm Hg, the breathing rate _______ in a steep and linear fashion

60, increases

The time constant (τ) is the amount of time it takes following the injection of current for the potential to change to __% of its final value.


Typical values for equilibrium potential for common ions, calculated as previously described and assuming typical concentration gradients across cell membranes, are as follows: ENa+ =? ECa2+ =? EK+ =? ECl− =?

65 120 -85 -90

pH of blood


if, on average, each hemoglobin molecule has three molecules of O2 bound, then saturation is __%; if, on average, each hemoglobin has two molecules of O2 bound, then saturation is __%; and if only one molecule of O2 is bound, saturation is __%.

75, 50, 25

Trisomies of the 13th and 18th chromosomes are sometimes compatible with survival to term, although __% or more of affected fetuses are spontaneously aborted. These trisomies are much less common at birth than is trisomy __, and they produce more serious disease features, with 90% to 95% mortality during the first year of life. As in trisomy 21, there is a ________ age effect, and the _______ contributes the extra chromosome in more than 90% of cases.

95, 21, maternal, mother

Adult hemoglobin (hemoglobin _) is called ______-_____; two of the subunits have _____ chains and two have ____ chains.

A, alpha 2 beta 2, alpha, beta

expresses the difference in PO2 between alveolar gas ("A") and systemic arterial blood ("a").

A-a difference

the difference between the PO2 of alveolar gas and the PO2 of systemic arterial blood

A-a gradient

NT released from presynaptic neurons in the adrenal medulla


Only NT utilized at the NMJ


VIP is secreted with what NT in the Gi tract?


___ is the neurotransmitter released from all preganglionic and most postganglionic neurons in the parasympathetic nervous system and from all preganglionic neurons in the sympathetic nervous system.


acetylcholine AKA


the nicotinic receptor on the motor end plate is actually an ion channel that opens when ___ binds to it; when open, it is permeable to ___ and __ ions.

ACh, Na+, K+

Adenosine Diphosphate AKA


Which form of myosin binds actin, ADP or ATP?


Immunoglobulins AKA


Classic acute restrictive lung disease


The most characteristic finding is the presence of hyaline membranes, particularly lining the distended alveolar ducts What disease?


histologic manifestation of ____ in the lungs is known as diffuse alveolar damage (DAD).


Adenosine Triphosphate AKA


Most common heart problem in down syndrome? What is this? what happens with this? waht secondary condition does it cause?

AV canal Incomplete fusion of interatrial and interventricular septa Blood flows back from left heart to right heart Pulmonary hypertension

Ketoacids (2)

Acetoacetic acid Beta-hydroxybutaryic acid

Components of ACh. What enzyme makes this? What breaks it down? What does it get broken down into?

Acetyl-CoA + Choline Choline acetyltransferase Acetylcholinesterase Choline + Acetate

prevent degradation of ACh in the synaptic cleft, and they prolong and enhance the action of ACh at the motor end plate. What drug class? Example of this? What disease can this treat?

Acetylchloline Esterase INhibitor Neostigmine Myasthenia Gravis

________ is an excess of hydrogen ion in blood.


Low pH effect on blood K+? High pH effect?

Acidemia (low pH) = hyperkalemia Alkalemia (high pH) = hypokalemia

Process that leads to accumulation of H+ ions


Area distal to terminal bronchioles


Rapid onset of fever, dypsnea, hypoxia, diffuse pulmonary infiltrates on radiograph What type of pulonary eosinophelia?

Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia

syndrome predominately effecting young children who have an infection of the epiglottis caused by H. influenzae, in which pain and airway obstruction are major findings

Acute bacterial epiglottitis

(1) acute onset of dyspnea, (2) decreased arterial oxygen pressure (hypoxemia), and (3) development of bilateral pulmonary infiltrates on the chest radiograph, all in the absence of clinical evidence of primary left-sided heart failure. What condition?

Acute lung injury

Most common infection of humans, often called the common cold

Acute upper respiratory infection

Mucin present in what type of NSCLC


___________ neurons secrete norepinephrine because they contain dopamine β-hydroxylase, in addition to tyrosine hydroxylase and dopa decarboxylase, but not PNMT.


Vertebrates are aerobic or anerobic organisms?


___-dependent penetrance is observed in many genetic diseases. It complicates the interpretation of inheritance patterns in families.


Sub-basement membrane thickening and hypertrophy of smooth muscle and bronchial glands in asthma

Airway remodeling

Common plasma protein


_______ is the primary plasma protein responsible for the transport of hydrophobic fatty acids, bilirubin, and drugs


_________ such as formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde react rapidly with _____ groups in protein to form _____ base (_____) adducts and crosslinks during fixation of tissues.

Aldehydes, amino, Schiff, imino

Decrased concentration of H+ ion in the blood


Process that decreases amount of H+ ion


Antigen AKA


anchors the thin filaments to the Z disk.


___________ ________ may also yield a truncated protein, known as a dominant negative mutant protein, that can inhibit the function of the full-length protein.

Alternative splicing

___________ ________ yields many variants of a protein from a single pre-mRNA

Alternative splicing

Lung injury is usually caused by what part of the lung?

Alveolar capillary membrane

used to predict the alveolar PO2, based on the alveolar PCO2, and is illustrated by the O2-CO2 diagram What equation?

Alveolar gas equation

How is transmural pressure calculated?

Alveolar pressure - Intrapleural pressure

γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) Glutamate Glycine Waht type of NTs?

Amino acids

_______ generated by glutaminase reaction participates in the excretion of hydrogen ion


What do you use to salt out a protein?

Ammonium sulfate

Changes in Hg and Nm in flu virus and allow it to evade immune system results from what concept?

Antigenic drift

Changes in viral proteins that make humand and animals susceptible to a flu type and cause pandemics rather than epidemics What concept

Antigenic shift

Most common example of a drug causing asthma


Stellate inclusions enclosed within giant cells in sarcodiosis

Asteroid bodies

Curschmann spirals Charcot Leyden crystals Eosinophils findings of what disease?


Intermittent and reversible airway obsruction, chronic bronchial inflammation with eosinophils, bronchial smooth muscsle hypertrophy and hyperreactivity, and increased mucous secretion What disease?


Obstructive lung disease


Pigment accumulates in lung without perceptible celleular reaction to mineral dusts

Asymptomatic anthracosis

Without surfactant, small alveoli have increased surface tension and increased pressures and will collapse What is this condition called?


___________, also known as collapse, is loss of lung volume caused by inadequate expansion of air spaces.


Asthma that is IgE mediated type I hypersensitivity reactin

Atopic asthma

Closure of duodenum, esophagus, or anus Seen in what disease?

Atresia Down syndrome

Less exterme type of pneumonia: typical or atypical?


Postaxial polydactyly inheritance pattern

Autosomal dominant

__________ translocations are caused by two breaks on different chromosomes, with a subsequent exchange of material. Although carriers of balanced reciprocal translocations usually have ______ phenotypes, their offspring might have a partial _______ or a partial ________ and an abnormal phenotype.

Balanced, normal, trisomy, monosomy

Drug classes that target GABAA receptors in the CNS (2)

Barbituates Benzodiazapenes

The O2 affinity of Hb is exquisitely sensitive to pH, a phenomenon known as the ____ ______. The Bohr effect is most readily described as a _____ shift in the O2 saturation curve with __________ __. Thus, an increased concentration of __ (_________ pH) favors an __________ P50 (_____ affinity) for O2 binding to Hb, equivalent to an H+-dependent shift of Hb from the _ to the _ state.

Bohr effect, right, decreased pH, H+, decreased, increased, lower, R, T

blocks the release of ACh from presynaptic terminals, causing total blockade of neuromuscular transmission, paralysis of skeletal muscle, and, eventually, death from respiratory failure.

Botulinus toxin

Permanent dilation of bronchioles and bronchi caused by destruction of the muscle and supporting elastic tissue, resulting from or associated by chronic necrotizing infections


Large airway inflammation


Strep pneumoniae: The _ ______________ of the bacterium is a techoic acid that is exposed on the surface, even protruding through the capsule. It interacts with a serum protein called _-_________ _______, which is elevated under acute inflammatory conditions and can be used to monitor inflammation The _-_______ is a lipoteichoic acid anchored in the bacterial membrane. Phosphocholine is a component of these teichoic acids and is necessary for the action of the bacterial _________ that hydrolyzes the cell wall during cell division.

C polysaccharide, C reactive protein, F antigen, ausolysin

Aromatic functional group AKA

C rings

The _ polysaccharide of strep pneumonae can be detected in the urine of patients with bacteremia or in the cerebrospinal fluid in patients with meningitis using an immunoassay. In the ____ __________ test, colonies of S pneumoniae disintegrate after exposure to bile. The microorganism can also be identified by its sensitivity to the chemical ________ while growing on blood agar plates.

C, bile solubility, optochin

_-________ ________ (CRP) is a major component of the acute phase response and a marker of bacterial infection

C-reactive protein

the cyclization reaction creates a new asymmetric center at __, which is known as the anomeric carbon


Concentration gradient formula


Repeat of nucleotides associated with huntington disease


sarcoplasmic and endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase AKA


The first FDA-approved drug for CF treatment, ivacaftor, increases ______ channel activity in response to ___


Reaction catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase in most cells

CO2 + H2O <--> H2CO3<-->H+ + HCO3-

Using the rearranged form of the equation, alveolar PCO2 can be predicted if two variables are known: (1) the rate of ____ ___________ from aerobic metabolism of the tissues and (2) ________ ___________, which excretes this CO2 in expired air.

CO2 production, alveolar ventilation

Like H+, ___ is is increased in venous capillaries and is a ________ allosteric effector of the O2 affinity of Hb

CO2, negative

The degradation of dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine to inactive substances occurs via two enzymes Name them


____, a methylating enzyme, is not found in nerve terminals, but it is distributed widely in other tissues including the liver. ___ is located in presynaptic nerve terminals and catalyzes oxidative deamination. If a neurotransmitter is to be degraded by MAO, there must be reuptake of the neurotransmitter from the synapse.


Very small increases in ___ concentration seem to reflect a state of chronic low-grade inflammation associated, for instance, with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease


How is Ca2+ accumulated in the sarcoplasmic reticulum?

Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA) in the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane

Ca2+ ATPase AKA

Ca2+ pump

Most cell membranes contain a Ca2+ ATPase, or plasma-membrane Ca2+ ATPase, whose function is to extrude ____ from the cell against an electrochemical gradient; one ____ ion is extruded for each ___ hydrolyzed.

Ca2+, Ca2+, ATP

When the intracellular ____ concentration increases, Ca2+ binds to __________ _, producing a conformational change in the troponin complex. This conformational change moves ___________ out of the way, permitting the binding of _____ to the ______ heads.

Ca2+, Troponin C, tropomyosin, actin, myosin

In smooth muscle, however, there is no troponin. Rather, the interaction of actin and myosin is controlled by the binding of ____ to another protein, __________. In turn, Ca2+-calmodulin regulates ______-_____-_____ ______, which regulates cross-bridge cycling.

Ca2+, calmodulin, myosin light chain kinase

Excitation-contraction coupling in muscle cells depends on the differences in ____ concentration across the cell membrane and the membrane of the ____________ _________

Ca2+, sarcoplasmic reticulum

Solution A is 2 mmol/L urea, and Solution B is 1 mmol/L NaCl. Assume that gNaCl = 1.85. Are the two solutions isosmotic?

Calculate the osmolarities of both solutions to compare them. Solution A contains urea, which does not dissociate in solution. Solution B contains NaCl, which dissociates partially in solution but not completely (i.e., g < 2.0). Thus, OsmolarityA=1 Osm / mol×2mmol / L=2mOsm / L OsmolarityB=1.85Osm / mol×1mmol / L=1.85 mOsm / L The two solutions do not have the same calculated osmolarity; therefore, they are not isosmotic. Solution A has a higher osmolarity than Solution B and is hyperosmotic; Solution B is hyposmotic.

Most common disease causing fungus

Candida albicans

Common infectoin in peopel with AIDs and those with hematolymphoid malignancies

Candida esophagitis

____________ and ______ are major sources of energy and are stored in the body as glycogen and triglycerides

Carbohydrates, lipids

________ _________ converts the dissolved CO2 into carbonic acid

Carbonic anhydrase

The respiratory alkalosis that occurs as a result of ascent to high altitude can be treated with what type of drugs?

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

________ _________ is found in high concentration in ___ ____- cells. It catalyzes the hydration of CO2 to form H2CO3.

Carbonic anhydrase, red blood

Acetazolamide drug type

Carbonic anyhydrase inhibitor

Malignant tumors composed of cells that contain densecore neurosecretory granules in their cytoplasm and may secrete hormonally active polypeptides

Carcinoid tumors

a class of drugs that inhibits Na+-K+ ATPase.

Cardiac glycosides

Positive charges AKA


major types of emphysema (4)

Central acinar Panacinar Distal acinar irregular

____________ is the major transport protein for copper


Several autosomal recessive disease conditions exhibit an increased incidence of chromosome breaks under specific laboratory conditions What type of diseae?

Chromosome Instability Syndrome

_________ abnormalities are responsible for a significant fraction of genetic diseases, occurring in approximately 1 of every ___ live births.

Chromosome, 150

Pneumoconesies, restritive lung disease of unknown etiology, infiltrative conditions Acute or chronic restrictive lung disease?


Diseases that make up COPD (2)

Chronic Bronchitis Emphysema

Persistend productive cough for at least 3 months in 2 consecutive years

Chronic bronchitis

What causes bronchietsis (2)

Chronic infection Obstruction

Localized lesion in immunocompetent person, with or wihtout regional lymph node involvement What type of pneumnia

Chronic pneumonia

syndrome seen with deletion of long arm of chromosome 5

Chru du cat syndrome

Pleural collection of a milky lymphatic fluid containing microglobules of lipid


What abnormal AA is a product of L-arginine in NO synthase?


Chloride AKA


The potential difference that exactly balances the tendency of Cl− to diffuse down its concentration gradient is the ___ _________ _________

Cl- equilibrium potential

Cl−-HCO3− exchange, or the ___ _____, is accomplished by an _____ exchange protein called ____ _____ _______ (so called because of its prominence in an electrophoretic profile of blood).

Cl- shift, anion, band three protein

CRP activates complement via which pathway?


Fibrinogen Prothrombin Both waht type of proein?

Coagulation protein

Pseudomonas bacteria causes what type of necrosis in bloodstream?



Collapsing of the alveolus due to high surface tension

Transmural pressure is positive effect on lungs? What if its negative?

Collapsing pressure Expanding pressure

the first milk from the mother's breasts after the birth of a child


Compensatory dilatino of alveoli in response to loss of substance elsewhere

Compensatory emphysema THIS IS NOT TRUE EMPHYSEMA!

Although the binding sites for transported solutes are quite specific, they may recognize, bind, and even transport chemically related solutes. What concept?


Describes the despinsibility of the lungs or cardiovascular system


Fibrosis is extensive and lung function is compromised, reaction to mineral dusts (2 names)

Complicated CWP Progressive Massive Fibrosis

___________ atelectasis (sometimes called passive or relaxation atelectasis) is usually associated with accumulation of fluid, blood, or air within the pleural cavity, which mechanically collapses the adjacent lung


Type of atleactasis commonly caused by pleural effusion? What causes pleural effusion commonly?

Compression atelactasis CHF

Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration

Concentration of hemoglobin in a given volume of packed red blood cells

Osmotic pressure depends on what 2 factors?

Concentration of osmotically active particles Whether or not the solute can cross the membrane

Mosaicism of the placenta alone

Confined placental mosaicism

Phases of pneumococcal pneumonia (4)

Congestion Red Hepatiziation Gray Hepatiziation Resolution

___________ _________ are nucleotide sequences that contain unique core elements that identify the function and specificity of the sequence, for example the TATA box

Consensus sequences

___________ (or cicatrization) atelectasis occurs when either local or generalized fibrotic changes in the lung or pleura hamper expansion and increase elastic recoil during expiration.


Area of nucleotide that is typically methylated

CpG island

Many genes in humans (about 50%) have what are called ___ _______ (___) in the region of their promoters. Generally, these CPI have been found to be ____________ except in certain pathologic states and cancer. It has become clear that methylation is generally associated with regions of DNA that are ____ actively transcribing RNA.

CpG islands, CPI, unmethylated, less

caused by C. neoformans, rarely occurs in healthy persons


Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia AKA

Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia

▪ Other binding proteins bind specific ligands, e.g. ceruloplasmin binds ____ and thyroxine-binding globulin (___) binds _______ hormones.

Cu2+, TBG, thyroid

Group _ streptococci include Enterococcus faecium.


Ig_ accounts for less than 0.5% of circulating plasma immunoglobulin mass. Its role remains elusive although, as a surface component of the mature B cells, it probably has some role in the response to antigens.


Ig_ differs from the standard immunoglobulin structure chiefly by its high carbohydrate content of numerous oligosaccharide units, resulting in an increased molecular mass of 190 kDa


Ig_ is the surface receptor for antigen in B lymphocytes


Acidic AA's

D (aspartic acid) E (glutamic acid)

Amino acid configurations (2)

D (dextro or right) L (levo or left)

Streptococcus _____ degrades DNA present in pus, thereby reducing its _________ and facilitating the spread of the microorganism. ______________, also called spreading factor, degrades hyaluronic acid, which is part of ________ tissue in the host.

DNAse, viscosity, hyalurinidase, connective

mean values for arterial PO2 and PCO2 do or do not change during exercise?


Most important component of surfactant


Information about arterial PO2, PCO2, and pH is relayed to the ___ via CN __ and CN _, which orchestrates an appropriate change in breathing rate.


Ventailation of lung regions that arent perfused

Dead space

____ _____ is illustrated by pulmonary embolism, in which blood flow to a portion of the lung (or even the entire lung) is occluded.

Dead space

_____ _____ is the volume of the airways and lungs that does not participate in gas exchange. _________ dead space is the volume of conducting airways. ___________ dead space includes the anatomic dead space plus those regions of the ___________ zone that do not participate in gas exchange.

Dead space, physiologic, respiratory

FRC is increased or decreased in fibrosis?


Decreased alveolar vnetilation effect on blood O2 levels


related examples of smoking associated interstitial lung disease (2)

Desquamative Interstitial Pneumonia Respiratory Bronchiolitis

To remove an integral protein from the cell membrane, its attachments to the lipid bilayer must be disrupted What can do this?


characterized by structural or functional defects of the thymus, conotruncal heart defects, hypoparathyroidism (reduced parathyroid function), and secondary hypocalcemia (decreased serum calcium). This pattern of malformations is caused by an alteration of the embryonic migration of neural crest cells to the developing structures of the neck.

DiGeorge syndrome

How are alpha subunits oriented in hemoglobin?

Diagnoal to each other

Most important muscle for inspiration


Hemoptysis Anemia Diffuse pulmonary infiltrates Triad of what type of diseases?

Diffuse alveolar hemmorrage syndromes

The transport cycle begins with the enzyme in the __ state, bound to ___


The Na+-K+ ATPase switches between two major conformational states, __ and __. In the __ state, the binding sites for Na+ and K+ face the intracellular fluid and the enzyme has a high affinity for Na+. In the __ state, the binding sites for Na+ and K+ face the extracellular fluid and the enzyme has a high affinity for K+.

E1, E2, E1, E2

Cardiac glycosides inhibit the Na+-K+ ATPase by binding to the ____ form near the __-binding site on the extracellular side, thereby preventing the conversion of E2~P back to __.

E2~P, K+, E1

Ca2+ Higher concentration in ICF or ECF?


Cl- Higher concentration in ICF or ECF?


Extracellular fluid AKA


HCO3- Higher concentration in ICF or ECF?


Na+ Higher concentration in ICF or ECF?


The major cation in ___ is sodium (Na+), and the balancing anions are chloride (Cl−) and bicarbonate (HCO3−).


NO: This highly reactive molecule, also known as endothelium-derived relaxing factor (____), is synthesized in __________ cells and participates in normal vascular physiology, including ____________ (smooth muscle), __________ (platelet), and ________ molecule expression (endothelial cell)

EDRF, endothelial, vasodilation, clotting, adhesion

ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid AKA What is it

EDTA anticoagulant

Functional Residual Capacity Formula


Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate AKA What does it mean?

ESR the rate at which red blood cells sediment in a period of one hour. It is a common hematology test, and is a non-specific measure of inflammation.

Equilibrium potential AKA


Congenital heart defects, particularly VSDs, are the most common and occur in 90% of children. Other medically significant congenital malformations include omphalocele (protrusion of the bowel into the umbilical cord), radial aplasia (missing radius bone), diaphragmatic hernia, and, occasionally, spina bifida. What disease?

Edwards syndrome

Net driving force formula

Em - EX Driving force = Driving force (mV) Em = Actual membrane potential (mV) EX = Equilibrium potential for X (mV)

Disease of insuffecient wound healing in lung


a component of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), is associated with loss of elastic fibers in the lungs


Nitric oxide AKA

Endothelium Derived Relaxing Factor (EDRF)

_________ modulate the strength of gene expression in a cell


GABA can be degraded at the postysynaptic membrane. What happens to it next?

Enters TCA Cycle

Variable expression of a genetic disease may be caused by what things (3)

Environmental factors modifier genes allelic heterogenecity

Destroy parasites and participate in allergic reactions Which granulocytes?


Caseous necrosis is surrounded by what in latent Tb infection?

Epitheloid granuloma

Antigenic strucutre recognized by a specific immunoglobulin


Myleoid progeintor to erythroid progeintor in bone marrow What initiates this transition? where is this molecule made?

Erythropoietin Kidney

ACh, norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine, glutamate, and serotonin. Excitatory or inhibitory?


Alveolar pressure becomes positive (higher than atmospheric pressure) because the elastic forces of the lungs compress the greater volume of air in the alveoli. What phase of breathing?


Variable regions are in which portion of the antibody?

External most

The volume of air that can be forcibly expired in the first second


the cumulative volume expired in 2 seconds is called ____, and the cumulative volume expired in 3 seconds is called ____


a labeled single-stranded DNA segment (probe) is exposed to denatured metaphase, prophase, or interphase chromosomes from a patient. The probe undergoes complementary base pairing (hybridization) only with the complementary DNA sequence at a specific location on one of the denatured chromosomes. Because the probe is labeled with a fluorescent dye, the location at which it hybridizes with the patient's chromosomes can be visualized under a fluorescence microscope. What technqiue?


____ is a technique in which a labeled probe is hybridized to metaphase prophase, or interphase chromosomes. It can be used to test for missing or additional chromosomal material as well as chromosome rearrangements. The technique can be extended with multiple ______ to detect several possible alterations of chromosome number simultaneously. Multiple ______ can be used to paint each chromosome with a unique color, facilitating the detection of structural rearrangements.

FISH, colors, probes

Functional or equlibirium volume of lungs What value?


The volume present in the lungs at rest is the equilibrium volume or ___, which, by definition, is the volume remaining in the lungs after a normal expiration.


___ is the volume remaining in the lungs after a normal tidal volume is expired and can be thought of as the equilibrium volume of the lungs.


the volume remaining in the lungs after a normal expiration


The resting volume of the lungs and chest cavity together

FRC (functional residual capacity)

Ferrous AKA


In contrast to Mb and Hb, Ngb and Cygb contain hexacoordinate hemes for both the ____ and ____ valency states Do they have high or low affinities for oxygen?

Fe2+, Fe3+ HIGH

Ferric ion


Important D ketohexose in the body


the only ketohexose present at significant concentration in our diet or in the body.


Histoplasma capsulum Cocciodes immitus Blastomyces dermatiditis What kind of infectious agent? What effect to they have on immunocompetent people? Immunocompromised?

Fungi Localized lung infection Disseminated disease

Aliphatic Amino Acids

G (glycine) A (alanine) V (valine) I (isoleucine) L (leucine)

Most common type of chromosome banding

G banding

The GABAB receptor is coupled via a _ ________ to a __ channel and thus is metabotropic.

G protein, K+

GTP binding protein AKA

G protine

inhibitory neurotransmitter that is distributed widely in the central nervous system in neurons.


Inhibitory NTs. Name them (2)

GABA Glycine

amino acid NTs (3) Which is NOT integrated into proteins?

GABA, Glycine, Glutatmate GABA

Another commonly noted promoter element is the __ ___, a GC-rich sequence; multiple copies may be found in a single promoter region.

GC box

Various hormones and neurotransmitters interact with specific receptors in the sarcolemmal membrane, which are coupled via a ___-binding protein (_ protein) to the Ca2+ channels.


Components of lactose Bond type?

Galactose + glucose beta 1, 4

_______ ______________ _______ are needed for the successful use of every promoter; they vary somewhat with the class of gene, being generally different for RNA polymerase I, II, and III.

General transcription factors

The small concentration difference for permeant ions is expressed in the _____-______ _____, which gives the plasma concentration relative to the interstitial fluid concentration for anions and interstitial fluid relative to plasma for cations.

Gibbs Donnan ratio

The plasma proteins are __________ charged, and this charge causes a redistribution of small, permeant cations and anions across the capillary wall, called a _____-______ ___________.

Gibbs Donnean equilibrium

_______ increase the aqueous solubility of the otherwise poorly soluble, hydrophobic ____ prosthetic group. Once sequestered inside a ___________ pocket created by the folded globin polypeptide, heme is in a protective environment that minimizes the spontaneous _________ of ____ (ferrous) to ____

Globins, heme, hydrophobic, oxidation, Fe2+, Fe3+

Mutation of AAs in Sickle cell


_______ is the only monosaccharides that exists in the body in free form.


________ is the only sugar found to a significant extent as a free sugar (blood sugar) in the body. ile.


3 important D aldohexoses in the body

Glucose Mannose Galactose

Components of sucrose Bond type?

Glucose + Fructose alpha 1, 2 alpha

Components of isomaltose Bond type?

Glucose + Glucose alpha 1, 6

Cellulose components? Bond type?

Glucose + glucose Beta 1,4

Components of maltose Bond type?

Glucose + glucose alpha 1, 4

GABA is synthesized from what AA?

Glutamic acid

How does glutaminase help prevent reabsorption of H+ ions in the lumen of the renal tubule?

Glutaminase catalyzes the lysis of glutamine to glutamate inside the distal tubule cells. This makes an NH3 group that diffuses into the lumen of the tubule. NH3 combines with H+ ions to form NH4+ which is impermeable to the membrane and is excreted

plays a major role in the maintenance of cysteine residues in proteins in their reduced (sulfhydryl) forms and in antioxidant defenses


Alanine, valine, leucine, and isoleucine, referred to as aliphatic amino acids, have saturated hydrocarbons as side chains. _______, which has only a hydrogen side chain, is also included in this group.


Most abundant AA in the urine


_______, an amino acid, is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that is found in the spinal cord and brain stem.


_______ has a relatively simple structure, a side chain methyl group, while _______ and __________ have sec- and iso-butyl groups. All of these amino acids are hydrophobic in nature.

Glycine, leucine, isoleucine

the _______ equation, considers the contribution of each ion by its relative permeability rather than by its conductance.


Proliferative, usually rapidly progressive, glomerulonephritis and hemmorrgahic interstitial pneumonitis caused by antibodies targeted against noncollagenous domain of the alpha 3 chain of collagen IV What idseae?

Goodpasture Syndrome

S pyogenes AKA

Group A Strep

Strep throat, caused by _____ _ _____________, characterized by inflammation of the oropharynx and small red spots (_________) on the soft palate. The bacteria are spread via direct contact with mucus from the nose or throat of infected individuals or by contact with infected skin wounds

Group A Streptococcus, petechiae

S agalactiae AKA

Group B Strep

Capnophillic meaning

Grows under CO2

basic amino acids

H (Histidine) K (Lysine) R (arginine)

Hydrogen AKA


In the red blood cells, H2CO3 dissociates into what? What happens to each component?

H+ and HCO3- H+ is buffered by deoxyhemoglobin HCO3- is transported into blood in exchange for Cl-

H+/K+ ATPase AKA

H+/K+ Pump

Most common bacterial cause of acute exacerbation of COPD

H. influenzae

In the pulmonary capillaries, erythrocyte carbonic anhydrase converts _____ to ___ and ___, which are expired into the atmosphere

H2CO3, CO2, H2O

Almost all of the CO2 carried in blood is in a chemically modified form, _____, which accounts for more than __% of the total CO2.

HCO3-, 90

In the lungs, higher pO2 facilitates dissociation of CO2 from hemoglobin. This is known as the _______ ______

Haldane effect

Mb binds O2 that has been released from __ in tissue ____________ and subsequently diffused into _______

Hb, capillaries, tissues

__ is the principal O2-transporting protein in human blood; it is localized exclusively in ____________

Hb, erythrocytes

In dilute solution, HbS has interactions with O2 (P50 value, Hill coefficient) that are similar to those for ___. However, the ____ ______ on concentrated HbS is more pronounced, leading to _______ release of O2 in the capillaries and increased propensity for sickling.

HbA, Bohr effect, greater

blocks choline reuptake into presynaptic terminals, thus depleting choline stores from the motoneuron terminal and decreasing the synthesis of ACh.


contributes to buffering of hydrogen ion generated from the carbonic anhydrase reaction What buffer?


Collection of whole blood in the pleural cavity Complication of what usually? Is it fatal?

Hemothorax Ruptured thoracic aortic anyeurism YES

The key equation describing the behavior of the bicarbonate buffer

Henderson-Hasselbach equation

When stimulated by distention of the lungs and airways, mechanoreceptors initiate a reflex decrease in breathing rate called the ______-_____ ______

Hering Breuer reflex

parent has contributed one copy of each homolog,


in neurons of the hypothalamus, as well as in nonneural tissue such as mast cells of the gastrointestinal tract. What NT?


_________ (pKa ≈ 6) has an imidazole ring as the side chain and functions as a general acid-base catalyst in many enzymes.


What is normally bound to zinc in a zinc finger? (2)

Histidine Cystine

Autosomal recessive: __________ transmission more common Males vs females effected? What fraction of people will be effected from heterozygous parents?

Horizontal Equality! 1/4

Steroid response element AKA

Hormone response element

associated with GABA deficiency. The disease is characterized by hyperkinetic choreiform movements related to a deficiency of GABA in the projections from the striatum to the globus pallidus. The characteristic uncontrolled movements are, in part, attributed to lack of GABA-dependent inhibition of neural pathways. What disease?

Huntington disease

Alpihatic functional group AKA


Water soluble AKa


Water repelling AKA


Condition when pleural fluid is a transudate


Immunologically mediated inflammatory lung disease that primarily affects the alveoli and therefore often called allergic alveolitis

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis

Intracellular fluid AKA


K+ Higher concentration in ICF or ECF?


The major cations in ___ are potassium (K+) and magnesium (Mg2+), and the balancing anions are proteins and organic phosphates.


Which is more acidic: ICF or ECF?


pH Lower in ICF or ECF?


The ___ is contained within the cells and is ___ of total body water; the ___ is outside the cells and is ___ of total body water.

ICF, 2/3, ECF, 1/3

Typically, ___ has a very low concentration of ionized Ca2+ (≈10−7 mol/L), whereas the Ca2+ concentration in ___ is higher by approximately four orders of magnitude.


___ is used in conjunction with SDS-PAGE for two-dimensional gel electrophoresis


RNAPol __ uses one strand of the DNA template to create a new, complementary RNA start point (often called the _______ __________ or ___-____), which is then modified in various ways, (commonly including the addition of a 7-methylguanosine cap (m7Gppp) cap at the _′ end and the polyA tail at the _′ end, and the removal of _______ to form a mature mRNA

II, primary transcript, pre mRNA, 5, 3, introns

TH2 cell produces what cytokine to induce antibody release from B cells


What causes absolute refractory period

INactivation gates on voltage gated Na+ channels are closed and no AP can be generated while this is happening.

present in the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane. The process begins at the cell membrane, but the source of the Ca2+ is the sarcoplasmic reticulum rather than the ECF.

IP3-gated Ca2+ channels

Aggregates of lymphocytes and eosinophils within septal walls and the alveolar spaces, typically in the pierphery of the lung fields, and accompanied by high fever, night sweats, and dypsnea What type of eosinophila?

Idiopathic Chronic Eosinophilic Pneumonia

Rare disease that has pulmonary manifestations and histologic features similar to those of Goodpasture syndrome, but there is no renal diseae or circulating anti-basement membrane antibody

Idiopathic Pulmaonary Hemosiderosis

AKA cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis, refers to pulmonary disorder of unknown etiology

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

Histologic pattern of Usual Interstitial Pneumonia What disease?

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

Patchy interstitial fibrosis, fibroblast foci, adn honeycomb lung What diseae?

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

the parent has contributed two copies of one homolog


The virulence factors of S pneumoniae are secretory ___ ________, pneumolysis phosphocholine, and the capsule.

IgA protease

S. pneumonaie: The bacteria produce secretory ___ ________ that interferes with entrapment in mucin that is normally mediated by secretory ___. They also secrete ___________ that creates pores in ciliary epithelial cells and phagocytes. One of the pathogenic mechanisms of S pneumoniae is to elicit a strong inflammatory response via the activation of the _____________ complement pathway by _________ ____ and fragments of _____________. The _________ complement pathway is activated by pneumolysin, and this results in the production of _______________ cytokines such as interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), which in turn cause _________ migration, ______ destruction, and fever.

IgA protease, IgA, pneumolycin, alternative, techoic acid, peptidoglycan, alternative, proinflammatory, leukocyte, tissue

In allergic persons, cells involved in the immune response become coated ___ molecules that are specific for a particular antigen or allergen, such as pollen or insect venom.


From weeks 18-20 of pregnancy, ___ is actively transported across the placenta and provides humoral immunity for the fetus and neonate before maturation of the immune system.


IgG is the most common immunoglobulin that protects tissue spaces and freely crosses the placenta


Ig_ circulates in high concentrations in the plasma, accounting for 75% of immunoglobulin present in adults, and has a half-life of 22 days.


Which IG is involved in complement formation?


Immunoglobulin types (5)


Pentameric immunoglobulin


The first antibody to be synthesized after an antigenic challenge.


Serum antibodies (2)


In ARDS, acute lung injury is caused by what?

Imbalance of pro and anti inflammatory mediators

_______________ are proteins produced in response to foreign substances


_______________ participate in the defense against antigens that may enter or attempt to enter the body. They have a common structure: _ classes of immunoglobulin exist and perform different protective functions.

Immunoglobulins, 5

What effect does hyperkalemia have on muscle contraction? Why? What concept does this demonstrate?

Inhibits it. Too much K+ in the blood leads to decreased K+ diffusion out of the cell at rest (because membrane is permeable to K+ at rest and it wants to flow down its concentration gradient). Increased membrane potential keeps the inactivation gates on the voltage gated Na+ channels closed, so no AP can be generated even when the activation gates are open ACCOMODATION

__________ ________ proteins are embedded in, and anchored to, the cell membrane by hydrophobic interactions.

Integral membrane

Pluripotent stem cell to mixed myleoid progeintor in bone marrow transition. Initiated by what molecule?


Respiratory and metabolic components of the acid-base balance are interlinked or separate?


Results when two breaks occur and the material between the breaks is lost.

Interstitial deltion

____________ _____ is the fluid that actually bathes the cells and is the ______ of the two subcompartments.

Interstitial fluid, larger

formed between two polypeptide chains, forming covalent protein dimers at cysteine residues

Intrachain disulfide bonds

Blood bourne dissemination of organisms to various tissues or organs

Invasive candidiasis

the result of two breaks on a chromosome followed by the reinsertion of the intervening fragment at its original site but in inverted order.


Charged solute AKA


occurs when there is movement of an ion across the cell membrane. (2)

Ionic current current flow

Charged AKA


The binding of a specific binding protein to the ____ _______ _______ (___) of the mRNA of iron-responsive genes can alter the translation of the mRNA into functioning proteins in different ways. When iron is deficient, the iron response element binding protein (IRE-BP) is _________ and can bind to the _′ end of the mRNA for the ___________ ________. This prevents the degradation of the mRNA, and thus __________ the amount of transferrin receptor that can be made and thus __________ the amount of iron that the receptor can deliver to the cell. However, the IRE-BP also binds to the _′ end of the ________ mRNA and prevents its translation. Ferritin is a protein that sequesters and stores iron in the _________, and ____ is needed in times of iron deficiency.

Iron Response Element, IRE, activated, 3, transferrin receptor, increases, 5, ferretin, cytoplasm, less

Is the osmolarity higher for ICF or ECF?

Its the same!!!!!

Ionic current symbol AKA


net diffusion formula

J = PA (CA - CB) J = rate of diffusion P = permeability A = surface area for diffusion CA = Concentration of solution A CB = Concentration of solution B

receptors are located in the alveolar walls and, therefore, are near the capillaries. What receptor type?

J receptors

in left-sided heart failure, blood "backs up" in the pulmonary circulation and _ _________ mediate a change in breathing pattern, including rapid shallow breathing and _______ (difficulty in breathing).

J receptors, dypsnea

Solution A and Solution B are separated by a membrane whose permeability to urea is 2 × 10−5 cm/sec and whose surface area is 1 cm2. The concentration of urea in A is 10 mg/mL, and the concentration of urea in B is 1 mg/mL. The partition coefficient for urea is 10−3, as measured in an oil-water mixture. What are the initial rate and direction of net diffusion of urea?

J=PA(CA−CB) where J=2×10−5cm / sec×1cm2×(10mg / mL−1mg / mL) J=2×10−5cm / sec×1cm2×(10mg / cm3−1mg / cm3)=1.8×10−4mg / sec

severe mucocutaneous candidaisis AKA Caused by what?

Job syndrome Th17 defect

Mechanoreceptors located in the joints and muscles detect the movement of limbs and instruct the inspiratory center to increase the breathing rate What type of receptors?

Joint and muscle receptors

At rest, the membranes of excitable cells are far more permeable to __ and ___ than to ___ and ____. These differences in ______________ account for the resting membrane potential.

K+, Cl-, Na+, Ca2+, permeability

The major cations in ICF are __ and _____, and the balancing anions are _________ and _______ ___________.

K+, Mg2+, proteins, organic phosphates

Genetic disease associated with bronchiectasis and sterility in males

Kartanger syndrome

Thick and gelatinous sputum in acute community acquired pneumonia What organism?

Klebsiella pneumonae

Proteins are macromolecules formed by polymerization of _-_____-_____ _____ by _______ bonds. The linear sequence of the amino acids constitutes the ________ structure of the protein.

L alpha amino acids, peptide, primary

In contrast to the _-amino acids, nearly all sugars found in the body have the _ configuration.

L, D

All amino acids in proteins are of the _-configuration, because proteins are biosynthesized by enzymes that insert only _-amino acids into the peptide chains.

L, L

The ____________, another product of arachidonic acid metabolism (via the ______________ pathway), cause airway constriction.

Leukotrienes, lipoxygenase

have gates that are controlled by hormones and neurotransmitters.

Ligand gated channels

FRC is higher or lower in fibrosis?


Pressure vs. volume plot: Fibrosis has higher or lower slope than regular breathing?


In an amino acid solution: When is buffering capacity lowest? Highest?

Lowest when close to PI Highest when close to pKa of carboxyl or amino groups

Localized area of supparative necrosis within the pulmonary paranchyma resulting in the formation of one o more large cavities

Lung abcess

Mechanoreceptors are present in the smooth muscle of the airways What type fo receptor?

Lung stretch receptor

_____, _______, and _____________ contribute to the maintenance of the acid-base balance. The ____ control the gas exchange with the atmospheric air. Carbon dioxide generated in tissues is transported in plasma as ___________; the erythrocyte hemoglobin contributes to ___ transport. Hemoglobin also buffers the ________ ion derived from _________ acid. The kidneys reabsorb filtered ___________ in the ________ tubules and generate new bicarbonate in the ______ tubules, where there is a net _________ of hydrogen ion

Lungs, erythrocytes, kidneys, lungs, bicarbonate, CO2, hydrogen, carbonic, bicarbonate, proximal, distal, secretion

Basic amino acids (3)

Lys His Arg

IgE is similar to Ig_ in its unit structure.


Ig_ is confined to the intravascular space and helps eliminate circulating antigens and microorganisms


Ig_ normally circulates as a pentamer, with a molecular mass of 971 kDa, linked by disulfide bonds and the J chain


S. pyogenes: _-____ ________ on S pyogenes bind the Fc portion of immunoglobulin ___ and ___, thereby preventing the recognition of antibody-bound bacteria by __ receptors on phagocytes. The F protein binds ____________, which is part of the extracellular matrix and in turn binds cell surface ________; this interaction mediates bacterial attachment to epithelial cells of the pharynx and the skin.

M like protein, IgM, IgG, Fc, fibronectin, integrin

Destroy invading organisms Which monocytes?


Sites of highest airway resistance

Medium-sized bronchi

__________ is caused by S pneumoniae that has spread into the central nervous system following bacteremia or ear and sinus infections.


_____ is formed when the ferrous iron of heme is oxidized to ferric iron; it is produced spontaneously at a low rate and more rapidly in the presence of certain drugs, nitrites, and aniline dyes.


Comparison of different studies


Decreased HCO3- disorder? Increased HCO3-? Decreased pCO2? Incrased pCO2?

Metabolic acidosis Metabolic alkalosis Respiratory Alkalosis Respiratory Acidosis

_____________ is the study of all metabolites generated in the organism, including the metabolites of drugs, food-derived compounds and substances generated by the microbial flora


___________ is one of several epigenetic modifications of DNA; patterns of DNA ___________ at birth affect risk for a number of age-related diseases

Methylatoin, methylation

What type of syndrome is Prader-Willi syndrome?

Microdeletion syndrome

Most Prader Willi cases are caused by what? Most other cases involve what?

Microdeletions Uniparental disomy

______________ are a subtype of chromosome deletion that can be observed only in banded chromosomes or, in some cases, using molecular genetic approaches. Syndromes caused by the deletion of a series of adjacent genes are sometimes called __________ ____ syndromes.

Microdeletions, contiguous gene

Heart problem most often seen in Marfan sydnrome

Mitral valve prolapse

__________ _______________ are associated with malignant pathologies such as myeloma and Waldenström's macroglobulinemia, and also with more benign transformations that are known as monoclonal gammopathies of uncertain significance (MGUS)

Monoclonal immunoglobulins

Widespread pulmonary disease

Multilobar pneumonia

The presence of excess light chains may cause renal failure as a result of the deposition of Bence-Jones proteins in the renal tubules, or amyloidosis. Other common findings include anemia and hypercalcemia. What disease?

Multiple myleoma

Muscarine Carbachol Drug type? Effects on bronchial smooth muscle

Muscarinic agonists constricts

Atropine drug type Effect on smooth muscle of bronchi?

Muscarinic antagonist Resists constriction

a disease characterized by skeletal muscle weakness and fatigability, in which ACh receptors are blocked by antibodies

Myasthenia Gravis

Most common cause of atypical pneumonia

Mycoplasma pneumonae

The _-terminal domains of both _ and _ chains contain a region of variable amino acid sequence (the _ region); together, these regions determine antigenic _____________

N, H, L, V, specificity

What pattern describes the atoms in a chain of a polypeptides?


ATP is synthesized in the sympathetic neurons that innervate vascular smooth muscle. It is costored and cosecreted with the "regular" neurotransmitter of these neurons, __


If dopamine β-hydroxylase is present in small dense-core vesicles of the nerve terminal, dopamine is converted to __


Tyrosine, Dopa, and Beta enzyme. What NT from tyrosine


__, _, and __ are members of the same family of biogenic amines: They share a common precursor, tyrosine, and a common biosynthetic pathway


ammonium ion AKA


also functions in signal transduction of guanylyl cyclase in a variety of tissues including vascular smooth muscle What NT?


short-acting inhibitory neurotransmitter in the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system.


Is osmosis of water diffusion of water?


Absorption of essential nutrients depends on the transmembrane ___ concentration gradient (e.g., glucose absorption in the small intestine or glucose reabsorption in the renal proximal tubule).


Sodium AKa


The upstroke of the action potential of these same excitable cells depends on the differences in ___ concentration across the cell membrane


Another example of cotransport in the kidney: ___-__-____ cotransport, which is present in the _______ membrane of __________ cells of the ____ _________ ____.

Na+ K+ 2Cl-, luminal, epithelial, thick ascending limb

The potential difference that exactly balances the tendency of Na+ to diffuse down its concentration gradient is the ___ ___________ _________.

Na+ equilibrium potential

The resting membrane potential is far from the equilibrium potentials for ___ and ____ because the permeability to these ions at rest is ___.

Na+, Ca2+, low

The major cation in ECF is ___, and the balancing anions are ___ and ______

Na+, Cl-, HCO3-

The Na+-K+ ATPase is responsible for creating the large concentration gradients for Na+ and K+ that exist across cell membranes (i.e., the low intracellular ___ concentration and the high intracellular ___ concentration).

Na+, K+

The enzyme's ion-transporting function (i.e., pumping ___ out of the cell and __ into the cell) is based on cycling between the E1 and E2 states and is powered by ___ hydrolysis.

Na+, K+, ATP

rare neoplsam with strong link to EBV and effects the Chinese, which raises possibility of viral oncogenesis on a background of genetic susceptibility

Nasophraryngeal carcinoma

associated with thin filaments. A single nebulin molecule extends from one end of the thin filament to the other. Nebulin serves as a "molecular ruler," setting the length of thin filaments during their assembly.


Multiple small cavitiations formed similar to lung abcess, and often turns into lung abcess What type of pneumonia?

Necrotizing pneumonia

Em is more negative than equilibrium poteitnal Driving force is negative or positive?


___________ and __________: minor mammalian hemoglobins

Neuroglobin, cytoglobin

substances that act on the presynaptic cell to alter the amount of neurotransmitter released in response to stimulation.


Adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) Cholecystokinin Dynorphin Endorphins Enkephalins Glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP) Glucagon Neurotensin Oxytocin Secretin Substance P Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) Vasopressin Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) What type of NTs?


Destroy small organisms Which granulocytes?


____________ are thought to have an important role in the pathogenesis of ARDS


Granulocyte subtypes (3)

Neutrophils Basophils Eosinophils

___ _________ are a common cause of the appearance of a genetic disease in a person with no previous family history of the disorder. The recurrence risk for the person's siblings is very ___, but the recurrence risk for the person's offspring may be substantially _________.

New mutations, low, increased

___ appears to be comparable to Mb, mediating the delivery of O2 to retina mitochondria. ___ is thought to function as an enzyme cofactor, supplying O2 for the hydroxylation of Pro and Lys side chains in some proteins.

Ngb, Cygb

Cation channel that is less selective and permits the passage of several ions

Nicotinic receptor on motor end plate

This highly reactive molecule, also known as endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF), is synthesized in endothelial cells and participates in normal vascular physiology, including vasodilation (smooth muscle), hemostasis (platelet), and adhesion molecule expression (endothelial cell)

Nitric Oxide

There is also evidence of a relationship between hypoxic vasoconstriction and ______ _____ (__) synthesis in the endothelial cells of the pulmonary vasculature.

Nitric oxide, NO

Is V/Q constant throughout the lung?


Asthma type without allergen sensitization

Non atopic asthma

What features is usually seen in sarcodiosis, but is not necessarily diagnostic

Noncaesating granulomas

chronic bilateral interstitial lung disease of unknown etiology that has distinct clinical, radiological, and histologic feature

Nonspecific Iterstitial Pneumonia

Mycobacteria that cause chronic but cliically localized pulmonary disease in immunocompetent patients

Nontuberculous mycobacteria

does IgG dimerize? If so, how?


Somatostatin, enkephalin, and neurotensin are secreted with what NT?


Pulmonary infections acquried during hospital stay

Nosocomial pneumonia

the maximum amount of O2 that can be bound to hemoglobin per volume of blood, assuming that hemoglobin is 100% saturated (i.e., all four heme groups on each molecule of hemoglobin are bound to O2).

O2 binding capacity

Patient with parents who have Rb and kids have Rb but they dont show the signs. What are they? What does this illustrate?

Obligate carriers Incomplete penetrance

Asthma stimulated by fumes, organic and chemical dusts, gases, and other chemicals

Occupational asthma

18 : 1; ω-9, Δ9 Which FA?


__________, an inhibitor of gastric H+-K+ ATPase, can be used therapeutically to reduce the secretion of H+ in the treatment of some types of peptic ulcer disease.


the concentration of osmotically active particles, expressed as osmoles (or milliosmoles) per kg of water.


__________ is the concentration of particles in solution expressed as osmoles per liter.


total solute concentration


Osmolarity formula

Osmolarity = Gc Osmolarity = concentration of particles G = number of particles per mole in solution C = concentration

Because 1 kg of water is approximately equivalent to 1 L of water, __________ and __________ will have essentially the same numerical value.

Osmolarity, osmolality

Permeability AKA


Imino acid AA

P (proline)

Permeability formula

P = KD / DeltaX

Boyle's Law

P x V = Constant (under constant temperature)

Opprotunistic infectious agent formerly considered a protazoan (P. carnii), now called a fungus

P. jiroveci

Partial pressure of O2 at which Hb is 50% saturated


Pressures driving blood flow in Zone 1 of lung

PA >/ Pa > Pv

These complex lipids contribute charge to the membrane: __ and __ are zwitterionic at physiologic pH and have no net charge, while __ and __ are anionic


How to calculate isoelectric point

PI = ((pKa1) + (pKa2)) / (2)

Percent saturation of hemoglobin is a function of the ___ of blood, as described by the __-__________ __________ curve

PO2, O2 hemoglobin dissociation

Exposure of __ in the outer leaflet of the erythrocyte plasma membrane increases the cell's adherence to the vascular wall and is a signal for macrophage recognition and phagocytosis.


Some lipids are distributed asymmetrically in the membrane, e.g. __ and __ are enriched on the inside, and __ and _____________ on the outside, of the red blood cell membrane.

PS, PE, PC, sphingomylein

Pressures driving blood flow in Zone 2 of lung

Pa > PA>Pv

Pressures driving blood flow in Zone 3 of lung

Pa > Pv > PA

▪ The alveolar ventilation equation expresses the inverse relationship between _____ and alveolar ___________. The alveolar gas equation extends this relation ship to find ____

PaCO2, ventilation, PaO2

he alveolar gas equation predicts the change in ____ that will occur for a given change in _____

PaO2, PaCO2

Of the sensory information arriving at the brain stem, the most important is that concerning PaO2 , PaCO2 , and ________ __.

PaO2, PaCO2, arterial pH

DNA sequences that read the same (5′ to 3′) on the antiparallel strands, e.g. 5′-GGATCC-3′, which reads the same 5′ to 3′ sequence on the complementary strand. Write it out!

Palindromes Do it!

16 : 1; ω-7, Δ9 Which FA?


Acini are uniformly enlarged, from the level of repiratory bronchiole to terminal blind alveoli What type of emphysema?


Driving force for diffusion of a gas across the membrane

Partial pressure difference across a membrane

the tension developed by simply stretching a muscle to different lengths

Passive tension

Simple diffusion: Passive or active? Carrier mediated? Uses metabolic energy? Dependent on Na+ gradient?

Passive, downhill No No No

Facilitated diffusion: Passive or active? Carrier mediated? Uses metabolic energy? Dependent on Na+ gradient?

Passive, downhill Yes No No

Strep is very sensitive to what antibiotic? What should you use with someone with a drug allergy? What if that hurts the persons stomach?

Penicilin Erythromycin Azithromycin

Bacteria to treat strep viridans Which has become somewhat resistnat?

Penicillin Mitis

Drug of choice for S. pneumonae What is used in severe infections?

Penicillin Vancomycin with ceftriaxone or a flouroquinolone

Although the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of __________ _ for S agalactiae is about 10 times greater than it is with S pyogenes, it is the preferred drug

Penicillin G

_________-limited gas exchange is illustrated by N2O , but also by O2 (under normal conditions) and CO2.


____________ ________ proteins are not embedded in the membrane and are not covalently bound to cell membrane components.

Peripheral membrane

____________ includes the partition coefficient, the diffusion coefficient, and the membrane thickness.


____________ caused by S pyogenes can be recognized by the erythematous appearance of the pharynx, together with an exudate.


what is actually observed physically or clinically.


Aromatic side chain AA's Which are nonpolar? Which is slightly polar?

Phenylalanine Tyrosine Tryptophan

Compound that blocks GLUT4 proteins but does not flow through the carrier


catalyzes the hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-diphosphate (PIP2) to IP3 and diacylglycerol (DAG). IP3 then diffuses to the sarcoplasmic reticulum, where it opens Ca2+ release channels (similar to the mechanism of the ryanodine receptor in skeletal muscle). What enzyme?

Phospholipase C

_____________ are the major lipids in biological membranes


Inorganic phosphate AKA


the supernatant obtained after centrifugation of blood collected into a test tube containing anticoagulant to prevent clotting.


Na+ higher in interstitial fluid or plasma? Cl-?

Plasma Interstitial fluid

Cell membrane AKA

Plasma membrane

______ is the natural environment of blood cells, but many chemical measurements are done with _____

Plasma, serum

______ is the fluid circulating in the blood vessels and is the _______ of the two ECF subcompartments.

Plasma, smaller

Genes with more than one discernable effect

Pleiotropic genes

Genes that exert effects on multiple aspects of physiology or anatomy are ____________. ____________ is a common feature of human genes.

Pleiotropic, plieotropy

Condition in which pleural fluid is an exudate


Non-neoplastic lung reaction to inhaling mineral dusts Most common things that cause this (3)

Pneumoconiosis Coal dust, silica, asbestos

High RBC count


the presence of a complete set of extra chromosomes in a cell, is seen commonly in plants and often improves their agricultural value


Vocal cord nodules AKA


prion diseases are characterized by the accumulation of an abnormal isoform of a host-encoded protein, prion protein-cellular form (____), in affected brains.


Mutation in prion disease (genes)

PrPC --> PrPSc

Prions appear to be composed only of _____ (scrapie form) molecules, which are abnormal conformers of the normal, host-encoded protein.


Transthyretin AKA


Form of Tb disease that develops in perviously unexposed and unsensitized patient

Primary Tb

________ ______ transport requires a direct input of metabolic energy; _________ ______ transport utilizes an indirect input of metabolic energy.

Primary active, secondary active

_______ is different from other amino acids in that its side chain pyrrolidine ring includes both the α-amino group and the α-carbon.



Proportion of the blood that is made up of red blood cells

also a product of arachidonic acid metabolism via the cyclooxygenase pathway, is a potent local vasodilator.


Prostacyclin AKa

Prostaglanind I2

________ tubules reabsorb bicarbonate in the process aided by _________ _________

Proximal, carbonic anhydrase

Chronic obstructive or interstitial lung disease Recurrent pulmonary embolism Antecedent heart disease What does these all cause?

Pulmonary hypertension

a noninvasive method of estimating the oxygen saturation of arterial Hb.

Pulse ox

the first staining method used to produce specific banding patterns.

Q banding

Banding that requires heat treatment and reverses the usual white and black pattern that is seen in G-bands and Q-bands.

R banding

What is the chloride shift?

RBC membrane: Bicarbonate out, Cl- in

Shunting of blood from the _____ heart to the ____ heart can occur if there is a defect in the wall between the right and left __________

RIGHT, left, ventricles

___ _______ of the APOB gene in man gives rise to tissue-specific transcripts. In the small intestine, nucleotide 6666 of apoB mRNA is converted from a cytosine to uracil by the action of the enzyme ________ _________. This change converts a glutamine codon in _______ mRNA to a premature ____ codon and, when the mRNA is translated, the truncated product _______ is produced

RNA editing, cytidine deaminase, ApoB100, stop, ApoB48

Alkalosis is rarer than acidosis or more common?


__________ translocations happen when breaks occur in two different chromosomes and the material is mutually exchanged. The resulting chromosomes are called __________ ___________

Reciprocal, derivative chromosomes

In restrictive lung disorderes: FCV results? FEV1? Ratio of FCV to FEV1?

Reduced Normal or reduced proportionately Normal ratio!

a dimensionless number ranging between 0 and 1 that describes the ease with which a solute crosses a membrane.

Reflection coeffecient

Cells that contain carbonic anhydrase (2)

Renal tubular cells, RBCs

__________ atelectasis occurs when an obstruction prevents air from reaching distal airways.


Main disorders of acid-base balance (4)

Respiratory acidosis Respiratory alkalosis Metabolic acidosis Metabolic alkalosis

______ ________ are binding sites for transcription factors and coordinately regulate expression of multiple genes, e.g. in response to hormonal or environmental stimuli

Response elements

Alveolar pressure equals atmospheric pressure, and because lung pressures are always referred to atmospheric pressure, alveolar pressure is said to be zero What phase of breathing?


Phases of breathing cycle (3)

Rest Inspiration Expiration

Erythrocyte loses nucleus to become what?


Erythrocyte precursor cells (2)

Reticulocytes, erythroblasts

In ______________ translocations, the short arms of two nonhomologous chromosomes are lost and the long arms fuse at the centromere to form a single chromosome


_____________ translocations occur when the long arms of two acrocentric chromosomes fuse at the centromere. The carrier of a Robertsonian translocation can produce conceptions with _________ or _______ of the ____ arms of ___________ chromosomes.

Robertsonian, trisomy, monosomy, long, acrocentric

Basic types of translocations (2)

Robonsonian Reciprocal

SR Ca2+ release channels AKA

Ryanodine receptors

Hemoglobin _ is an abnormal variant of hemoglobin that causes sickle cell disease.


Neutral AA's

S (Serine) T (threonine) N (asparigine) Q (glutamine)

_ ________ can cause pneumonia, following aspiration of an endogenous oral organism that infects the lower lobes of the lungs, as well as meningitis and septicemia.

S pneumonae

_ __________ can cause pneumonia as a result of the aspiration of an endogenous oral organism that then infects the lower lobes of the lungs, hence the name lobar pneumonia.

S pneumonia

_ ________ infections can cause pharyngitis, scarlet fever, erysipelas, and pyoderma and impetigo

S pyogenes

The virulence factors of _ ________ include the capsule, M protein, F protein, pyrogenic exotoxins, streptolysin S, streptolysin O, streptokinase, DNase, and hyaluronidase.

S pyogens

Late-onset neonatal disease is caused by infection from an exogenous source and is characterized by bacteremia and meningitis. What type of strep?

S. agalactiae

_ ___________ is part of the normal flora of the female genital tract and can cause septicemia, pneumonia, and meningitis in newborns.

S. agilactae

Bacteria that commonly cause infection in CF lungs (2)

S. areus P. aeroguinosa

common cause of community acqquired acute pneumonia

S. pneumonae

Diagnosis can be done by Gram staining of sputum, which reveals lancet-shaped diplococci. The Quellung (swelling) reaction, in which antibodies to the bacteria are added and cause an increase in the refractiveness next to the bacteria, can be used to confirm the staining test What bacteria?

S. pneumoniae

The two very severe diseases caused by _. ________ are invasive fasciitis (commonly known as flesh-eating disease), and streptococcal toxic shock syndrome caused by pyrogenic exotoxins of the bacterium.

S. pyogenes

Osmolarity Higher in ICF or ECF?


Sickle Cell Disease AKA


___ is caused by an inherited, single point mutation in the gene encoding β-globin, leading to the expression of the Hb variant HbS


ACTH, ADH, GRP, calcitonin present What type of lung cancer?


Neuroendocrine markers are present in what type of lung cancer


Epithelial markers are present in what types of lung cancer


IEF is used in conjunction with ___-____ for two-dimensional gel electrophoresis


Na+-glucose cotransport AKA


Na+-glucose cotransporter AKA (2) WHere is this commonly seen?

SGLT1, Sodium-Glucose Transport Protein 1 Intestinal epithelial cells

Multisystem disease of unknown etiology characterized by noncaesating granulomas in many tissues and organs


Noncaseating epithelioid granuloma What disease?


Schaumann bodies, asteroid bodies Seen in what disease?


____________ is based on the concept that carrier proteins have a limited number of binding sites for the solute.


Laminated concentrations composed of calcium and proteins seen in sarcodiosis

Schaumann bodies

gates that are controlled by changes in levels of intracellular signaling molecules such as cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cyclic AMP) or inositol 1,4, 5-triphosphate (IP3).

Second messenger gated channels

Channel that responds to signaling molcules

Second-messenger gated channels

The pattern of Tb disease that arises in a previeously sensitized host

Secondary Tuberculosis

Countertransport Passive or active? Carrier mediated? Uses metabolic energy? Dependent on Na+ gradient?

Secondary active Yes Yes, indirect Yes (solutes move in opposite direction as Na+ across cell membrane)

Cotransport Passive or active? Carrier mediated? Uses metabolic energy? Dependent on Na+ gradient?

Secondary active Yes Yes, indirect Yes (solutes move in same direction as Na+ across cell membrane)

Eosinophilai in association with asthma, drugs, and certain forms of vasculitis

Secondary eosinophilia

states that sexually reproducing organisms possess genes that occur in pairs and that only one member of this pair is transmitted to the offspring


__________ (bacteremia) is observed in about a quarter of patients with pneumonia and in about 80% of patients with meningitis.


Substance P is secreted with what NT?


_________ serves as the precursor to melatonin in the pineal gland.


_________, another biogenic amine, is produced from tryptophan in serotonergic neurons in the brain and in the gastrointestinal tract


the supernatant obtained after a blood sample has been allowed to clot spontaneously (this usually requires 30-45 minutes).


Solutes where theta = 1.0 (2)

Serum albumin Intracellular proteins

_____ and _____ protein electrophoresis is an important way of identifying the presence of monoclonal immunoglobulins.

Serum, urine

Perfusion of areas that are not ventilated


_____ is illustrated by airway obstruction and right-to-left cardiac shunts.


In ______ ____ Disease, distortion of erythrocyte structure limits capillary blood flow

Sickle Cell

Most prevalent chronic occuptional disease in the world


______ diffusion will proceed as long as there is a concentration gradient for the solute


Accumulations of macrophages occur with little to no pulmonary dysfunction, reaction to mineral dusts

Simple Coal Worker's Pneumocononisis

Transient pulmonary lesions, eosinophlila in the blood, benigh clinical course What type of pulmonary eosinophilia?

Simple Pulmonary Eosinophilia

Which muscle type only gets increased Ca2+ in the cell from the SR, not from the ECF through the sarcolemma membrane as well?


Gel fractionation: Small molecules travel faster or slower thorugh the column? Why? Large molecules travel faster or slower through the column?

Slower. They interact more readily with the polymer beads. Faster. Minimal/no bead interaction

A solution of 1 mol/L NaCl is separated from a solution of 2 mol/L urea by a semipermeable membrane. Assume that NaCl is completely dissociated, that σNaCl = 0.3, and σurea = 0.05. Are the two solutions isosmotic and/or isotonic? Is there net water flow, and what is its direction?

Solution. Step 1. To determine whether the solutions are isosmotic, simply calculate the osmolarity of each solution (g × C) and compare the two values. It was stated that NaCl is completely dissociated (i.e., separated into two particles); thus, for NaCl, g = 2.0. Urea does not dissociate in solution; thus, for urea, g = 1.0. NaCl :Osmolarity=g C=2.0×1mol / L=2Osm / L Urea :Osmolarity=g C=1.0×2 mol / L=2Osm / L Each solution has an osmolarity of 2 Osm/L—they are indeed isosmotic. Step 2. To determine whether the solutions are isotonic, the effective osmotic pressure of each solution must be determined. Assume that at 37°C (310 K), RT = 25.45 L-atm/mol. Thus, NaCl :π=g C σ RT=2×1mol / L×0.3×RT=0.6RT=15.3atm Urea :π=g C σ RT=1×2mol / L×0.05×RT=0.1RT=2.5atm Although the two solutions have the same calculated osmolarities and are isosmotic (Step 1), they have different effective osmotic pressures and they are not isotonic (Step 2). This difference occurs because the reflection coefficient for NaCl is much higher than the reflection coefficient for urea and, thus, NaCl creates the greater effective osmotic pressure. Water will flow from the urea solution into the NaCl solution, from the hypotonic solution to the hypertonic solution.

Lung cancers most strongly associated with smoking (2)

Squamous cell carcinoma Small cell carcinoma

Most common bacteria causing IE (2) Specificially, which one?


The binding sites for solute on the transport proteins are stereospecific. Wht concept?


_______ receptors possess many characteristics of transcription factors and provide a model for the role of ____ ______ proteins in DNA binding

Steroid, zinc fingers

It can cause early-onset neonatal disease during the first 7 days of life, with bacteremia, pneumonia, and meningitis What type of strep?

Strep agalactiae

most common cause of pneumonia

Strep pneumonae

The suppurative diseases include pharyngitis (generally known as strep throat); scarlet fever, which is a complication of streptococcal pharyngitis; erysipelas, an acute infection of the skin; and other skin infections called pyoderma or impetigo. What bacteria?

Strep pyogenes

Causative agent of most lobar pneumonias

Streptococcus pneumonia

Streptococcal toxin that degrades fibrin blood clots by stopping the conversino of plasminogen to plasmin


Strep pyogens: ____________ _ is a nonimmunogenic, cell-bound hemolysin that can lyse erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets and can facilitate the autolysis of phagocytes. ___________ _ is immunogenic and can kill leukocytes by autolysis

Streptolysin S, Streptolysin O

It is estimated that at least 5% of unexplained cases of intellectual disability are caused by ____________ ______________

Subtelomeric rearrangements

Onset of a new infection while treating a different one


a mixture of phospholipids that line the alveoli and reduce their surface tension


Cotransprot AKA


Type of Tb that happens when organisms disseminate through the systemic arterial system to almost every organ in the body

Systemic Miliary Tb

Upon diffusing into blood, CO2 can react with oxygenated Hb, shift the equilibrium toward the _ state, and thereby promote the dissociation of bound O2


Troponin _ attaches the troponin complex to tropomyosin. Troponin _, along with tropomyosin, inhibits the interaction of actin and myosin by covering the myosin-binding site on actin. Troponin _ is a Ca2+-binding protein that plays a central role in the initiation of contraction.

T, I, C

In the Hb _ state, interactions between the heterodimers are stronger; in the _ state, these noncovalent bonds are, in summation, weaker. O2 affinity is _____ in the T state and ______ in the R state

T, R, lower, higher

The protein known as TATA-binding protein (TBP) binds to the region of the ____ ___

TATA box

In addition to Inr, most promoters possess a sequence known as the ____ ___ approximately __bp upstream from the start of transcription.

TATA box, 25

What binds to the TATA box? What binds to the CAAT box? What binds to the GC box? What are these?

TBP NFI/CTF SP-1 Transcription factor binding sites

A single break leading to a loss that includes the chromosome's tip


Key mediator of endothelial and smooth muscle dysfunction in pulmonary hypertension

TGF-beta pathway

What type of T cells re important to fighting Tb infection?


Cells very important to development of asthma

TH2 cells

Asthma: ___ cells stimulate production of __-_ this stimulates production of ___

TH2, IL 4 IgE

Inspiratory Capacity Formula


Compound that blocks voltage-gated K+ channels and prevents repolarization of nerves


Compoudnds that block voltage gated Na+ channels and prevent propogation of action potential (2)

Tetrodotoxin Lidocaine

a product of arachidonic acid metabolism (via the cyclooxygenase pathway) in macrophages, leukocytes, and endothelial cells, is produced in response to certain types of lung injury.

Thromboxane A2

Superficial infection of the oral cavity Caused by what infection?

Thrush candidiasis

this type of mosaicism is confined only to certain tissues

Tissue specific mosaicism

a large molecular weight protein that extends from the M lines to the Z disks. Part of the molecule passes through the thick filament; the rest of the molecule, which is elastic or springlike, is anchored to the Z disk.


includes all of the lung volumes: It is the vital capacity plus the residual volume, or 5900 mL (4700 mL + 1200 mL). What value?

Total Lung Capacity

Tidal volume + Inspiratrory Reserve Volume =

Total inspiratory capacity

the tension developed when a muscle is stimulated to contract at different preloads.

Total tension

How to determine active tension?

Total tension - passive tensio

_____-fatty acids affect plasma lipids in the same fashion as saturated fatty acids, suggesting that there are comparable risks associated with the consumption of butter or margarine.


______________ _______ are DNA binding proteins that regulate gene expression.

Transcription factors

The pressure across a structure

Transmural pressure

Saturation of transport AKA

Transport maximum

▪ ________________ (triacylglycerols) are the storage form of lipids in _______ tissue.

Triacylglycerols, adipose

______________ are the storage form of lipids in adipose tissue


_______ __ (47,XY,+13), also termed Patau syndrome, is seen in about 1 of every 10,000 births

Trisomy 13

______ __, which causes Down syndrome, is the most common autosomal ____________ seen among live births. The most significant features include intellectual disability, gastrointestinal tract ___________, congenital _____ defects, and ___________ infections. The extra ____ chromosome is contributed by the ______ in approximately 90% of cases. _________ is seen in 2% to 4% of Down syndrome cases, and it often accompanies a milder phenotype. Specific genes contributing to the Down syndrome phenotype are being identified.

Trisomy 21, aneuploidy, obstruction, heart, respiratory, 21st, mother, mosaicism

Infection with microflarieae ro helminthic parasites What disease of pulmonary eosinophilia?

Tropical eosinophilia

Troponin components (3)

Troponin I Troponin C Troponin T

Communicable chronic granulomatous disease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis


Most common cause of death due to single infectious agent


Most important bacteria associated with chronic pneumonia


Silicosis increases susceptibility to what?


RB1 gene type

Tumor suppressor

Monosomy of X chromosome

Turner syndrome

Pneumocytes that secrete surfactant

Type II

In the organizing stage of ARDS, vigorous proliferation of what cells occurs in an attempt to regenerate the alveolar lining?

Type II Pneumocytes

Cells that produce surfactant

Type II alveolar cells

Surfactant, a mixture of phospholipids produced by ____ __ ________ cells, reduces _______ _______ so that the alveoli can remain inflated despite their _____ radii. Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome occurs when surfactant is absent.

Type II alveolar, srface tension, small

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis caused by what types of hypersensitivity (2)

Type III Type IV

a condition in which one parent has contributed two copies of a chromosome and the other parent has contributed no copies

Uniparental disomy

_______ smooth muscle is present in the gastrointestinal tract, bladder, uterus, and ureter.


In other words, solute is moved from an area of low concentration (or low electrochemical potential) to an area of high concentration (or high electrochemical potential). Uphill or downhill?


Moving up electrochemical gradient


Moving up electrochemical potential gradient AKA


______ transport occurs by active transport, which may be primary or secondary.


an example of a solute where σ = 0 (or nearly 0).


A mismatch of ventilation and perfusion, called ___ __________, or ___ ______, results in abnormal gas exchange

V/Q mismatch, V/Q defect

___________ and ____ __________ together determine gas exchange

Ventilation, lung perfusion

________ streptococci include the oral microorganisms Streptococcus inutans and Streptococcus miti.


Most ________ streptococci are commensals in the oropharynx and in the gastrointestinal and genital tracts. They are divided into four groups: __________, _____, ________, and ______.

Viridans, salivarius, mitis, angiosus, mutans

Expiratory Reserve Volume + Tidal Volume + Inspiratory Reserve Volume =

Vital Capacity

the volume that can be expired after maximal inspiration

Vital capacity

The Tm is analogous to the ____ of enzyme kinetics.


Smooht, hemispherical protrusions locatd most often on the true vocal cords

Vocal cord nodules

sarcolemmal Ca2+ channels that open when the cell membrane potential depolarizes

Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels

have gates that are controlled by changes in membrane potential.

Voltage-gated channels

Minute ventilation formula

Vt * Breaths/min

Autosomal dominant inheritance: Vertical transmisssion? Do they skip generations? Do they effect males and females equally or not? Father to son transmission?

Yes No Yes Yes

Decreased V/Q ratio is highest in which zone of lung? Lowest in which zone of the lung? Average value?

Zone 1 Zone 3 0.8

What form of ion predominates at the PI of amino acid?


What happens to the charge if you put glycine at neutral pH? In acidic solution? In basic solution?

Zwitterion (neutral) COOH protonated, + charge NH3+ deprotonated, makes it NH2 and negative charge

The muscles of expiration include the _________ muscles, which compress the abdominal cavity and push the diaphragm up, and the ________ ___________ muscles, which pull the ribs downward and inward

abdominal, internal intercostal

An ____, according to the Brønsted-Lowry definition, is 'a molecular species that has a tendency to lose a hydrogen ion, forming a conjugate base'.


Because of their side chain functional groups, all proteins become more positively charged at ______ pH and more negatively charged at _____ pH

acidic, basic

A primary increase in pCO2, or a decrease in plasma bicarbonate concentration, lead to ________. A decrease in pCO2, or an increase in plasma bicarbonate, lead to _________. If the primary change is in pCO2, the disorder is called ___________, and if the primary change is in plasma bicarbonate, it is called ________.

acidosis, alkalosis, metabolic, respiratory

Acid-base disorders are ________ and _________ and each of them can be either _________ or ___________.

acidosis, alkalosis, respiratory, metabolic

A primary increase in pCO2, or a decrease in plasma bicarbonate concentration, lead to ________. A decrease in pCO2, or an increase in plasma bicarbonate, lead to _________. If the primary change is in pCO2, the disorder is called ___________, and if the primary change is in plasma bicarbonate, it is called ________.

acidosis, alkalosis, respiratoryy, metabolic

Robertsonian translocation is confined to the ___________ chromosomes (__, __, __, __, and __) and has no effect on a carrier because the short arms of these chromosomes are very small and contain no essential genetic material.

acrocentric, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22

In the _____ phase of ARDS, the lungs are dark red, firm, airless, and heavy


Can result form inhalation of irritants or caused by allergic reaction

acute laryngitis

C-reactive protein (CRP) is a major component of the _____ ____ response and a marker of ____________ __________

acute phase respnse, bacterial infection

Changes in the concentration of plasma proteins give important clinical information. A characteristic pattern with decreased albumin, transthyretin and transferrin and increased α1-antitrypsin, fibrinogen and C-reactive protein indicates the _____ _____ ________

acute phase response

The _____ _____ ________ is a nonspecific response to tissue injury or infection; it affects several organs and tissues

acute phase response

Acute lung injury can progress to the more severe _____ ___________ ________ ________

acute respiratory distress syndrome

The first nucleotide in the mRNA transcript tends to be _________, usually followed by a ___________-rich sequence, termed the __________ (___)

adenosine, pyrimidine, initiatior, INR

If one of the ________ segregation patterns occurs in a patient with Robertsonian translocation, then the gametes are unbalanced and the offspring may have trisomy 14, monosomy 14, monosomy 21, or trisomy 21


The _______ _______ contains the complete enzymatic pathway; therefore, it secretes primarily epinephrine.

adrenal medulla

The shape of the steepest portion of the curve is the result of a change in ________ of the heme groups for __ as each successive O2 molecule binds: Binding of the first molecule of O2 to a heme group increases the affinity for the second O2 molecule, binding of the second O2 molecule increases the affinity for the third O2 molecule, and so forth. What is this phenomena called?

affinity, O2 Positive cooperativity

The O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve can shift to the right or shift to the left, as illustrated in Figure 5-22. Such shifts reflect changes in the ________ of hemoglobin for O2 and produce changes in ___.

affinity, P50

A delay in the age of onset of a diseae

age dependent penetrance

________ serves as an osmotic regulator and is a major transport protein


Plasma contains many proteins broadly classified into _______ and _________ (predominantly _______________). Albumin functions as a determinant of the _______ pressure and a major transport protein for trace ______, hormones, bilirubin, and free _____ _____.

albumin, globulins, immunoglobulins, osmotic, metals, fatty acids

Alanine, valine, leucine, and isoleucine, referred to as __________ amino acids, have _________ ____________ as side chains.

aliphatic, saturated hydrocarbons

Finally, variable expression can result from different types of mutations (i.e., different alleles) at the same disease locus. This is termed _______ ______________

allelic heterogenecity

Hb is an __________ protein; its affinity for O2 is regulated by small molecules


Hb is one of the best studied examples of an __________ protein, The small bind to proteins at sites that are spatially distinct from the ligand-binding sites, thus their designation as ________ (______ site) __________.

allosteric, allosteric, other, effectors

2,3-BPG, an important __________ effector of Hb, __________ the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin; this is an important adaptation to ____ altitude and in _________ disease. _______, through the Bohr effect, and ___ also promote the release of oxygen from hemoglobin in peripheral tissue. Conformational changes in both the ________ and ___________ structures characterize the transition between deoxygenated and oxygenated states

allosteric, decreases, high, pulmonary, protons, CO2, tertiary, quarternary

The _____ subunit of Na+/K+ ATPase contains the ATPase activity, as well as the binding sites for the transported ions, Na+ and K+.


D-Tubocurarine, a form of curare, is used therapeutically to cause relaxation of skeletal muscle during anesthesia. A related substance, _____-______________, binds irreversibly to ACh receptors.

alpha bungarotoxin

Rank in these side chains in order of ASCENDING pKa: alpha carboxyl gamma carboxyl sulfhydrl beta carboxyl imidazole alpha amino epsilon amino guanidino phenolic hydroxyl NEUTRAL

alpha carboxyl beta carboxyl gamma carboxyl imidazole NEUTRAL alpha amino sulfhydryl phenolic hydroxyl epsilon amino guanidino

Most of the transmembrane segments of integral membrane proteins form _____-_______. They are composed primarily of amino acid residues with non-polar side chains - about __ amino acid residues forming _ to _ α-helical turns are enough to traverse a membrane of 5 nm (50 Å) thickness.

alpha helices, 20, 6, 7

The secondary structure of mammalian globins is dominated by a high proportion of _____-______, with over 75% of the amino acids associated with eight helical segments

alpha helix

rod-like structure with the peptide chain tightly coiled and the side chains of amino acid residues extending outward from the axis of the spiral. What secondary structure?

alpha helix

all key elements of the globin fold are: the three-over-three _____-_____ sandwich; the proximal and distal ___residues; and a hydro______, ______-containing pocket.

alpha helix, His, phobic, heme

PrPC has a high _____-_____ content and is devoid of ____-______, whereas PrPSc has a high ____-______ content.

alpha helix, beta sheet, beta sheet

The Na+-K+ ATPase consists of _____ and ____ subunits.

alpha, beta

In fetal hemoglobin, the two ____ chains are replaced by _____ chains, giving it the designation of _____ _ ____ _.

alpha, gamma, alpha 2 gamma 2

Most of the heavy-chain myosin has an _-_______ structure, in which the two chains coil around each other to form the "____" of the myosin molecule. The four light chains and the _ terminus of each heavy chain form two globular "_____" on the myosin molecule. These globular heads have an _____-binding site, which is necessary for cross-bridge formation, and a site that binds and hydrolyzes ___

alpha-helical, tail, heads, actin, ATP

If __________ segregation occurs in a patient with Robertsonian translocation, then the offspring are either chromosomally normal or have a balanced translocation with a normal phenotype.


The mechanism of hypoxic vasoconstriction involves a direct action of _________ ___ on the vascular smooth muscle of pulmonary ___________.

alveolar PO2, arterioles

A critical point to be understood from the alveolar ventilation equation is that if CO2 production is constant, then PACO2 is determined by ________ ___________.

alveolar ventilation

As a result of the gravitational effect, arterial pressure (Pa) at the apex of the lung may be _____ than alveolar pressure (PA), which is approximately equal to ____________ pressure.

alveolar, atmospheric

Although compression of the capillaries does not present a problem in zone 2, blood flow is driven by the difference between arterial and ________ pressure, not by the difference between arterial and ______ pressure (as it is in systemic vascular beds).

alveolar, venous

The Edman degradation method sequentially removes one residue at a time from the _____ end of a peptide.


phospholipid molecules have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties and are called ___________


The mechanism by which DPPC reduces surface tension is based on the ___________ nature of the phospholipid molecules (i.e., ___________ on one end and ____________ on the other).

amphipathic, hydrophobic, hydrophillic

Phospholipids are ___________ lipids found in biological membranes; they contain a ______________ at C-_ of ________, linking a ____________ to an _____ compound, most frequently ______, ______________ or ______.

amphipathic, phosphodiester, 3, glycerol, diglyceride, amino, serine, ethanolamine, choline

_______, a component of starch, is an α-1→4-linked linear glucan, while _________ is a β-1→4-linked linear glucan.

amylose, cellulose

The ________ dead space is the volume of the conducting airways including the nose (and/or mouth), trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles.


Physiologic dead space includes the ________ dead space of the conducting airways plus a __________ dead space in the alveoli.

anatomic, functional

In _______, DL decreases because the amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells is reduced (recall that DL includes the protein-binding component of O2 exchange)


Cells that contain missing or additional individual chromosomes are termed _________ (not a multiple of 23 chromosomes).


Strep viridans: The __________ group is associated with head and neck, brain, lung, and abdominal infections as well as abscess formation, and these streptococci have β-hemolytic activity The __________ group can cause bacteremia and endocarditis. The _____ group is associated with subacute endocarditis, pneumonia, and meningitis, and the ______ group initiates dental caries and can cause bacteremia.

angiosus Salivarius Mitis Mutans

Lateral diffusion of erythrocyte integral membrane proteins, band 3 (an _____ transporter) and glycophorin, is limited by indirect interaction with ________, a cytoskeletal protein, through ______ and band ___ protein, respectively.

anion, spectrin, ankryn, 4.1

One example of a peripheral membrane protein is _______, which "anchors" the cytoskeleton of ___ _____ _____ to an integral membrane transport protein, the ___−_____− exchanger

ankryin, red blood cell, Cl-, HCO3-

When a current is applied to molecules in dilute buffers, those with a net negative charge at the selected pH migrate toward the _____ and those with a net positive charge toward the _______.

anode, cathode

the cyclization reaction creates a new asymmetric center at C-1, which is known as the ________ ______

anomeric carbon

Plasma is the supernatant obtained after centrifugation of blood collected into a test tube containing _____________ to prevent clotting.


Where does active Tb lesion ususally happen? Most frequent form of extrapulmonary Tb? Where does this happen? What is this AKA?

apex of lung Lymphadenitis Cervical region Scrofula

Stimulation of the ___________ center in the _____ ____ produces this breathing pattern in experimental subjects.

apneuestic, lower pons

20 : 4; ω-6, Δ5,8,11,14 Which FA?


the enzyme NO synthase converts ________ to __________ and NO.

arginine, citrulline

The __________ amino acids are responsible for the ultraviolet absorption of most proteins, which have absorption maxima ~___ nm.

aromatic, 280

If there is decreased O2 content of ________ _____, then the kidney is alerted to a need for more erythrocytes.

arterial blood

Blood flow in zone 3 is driven by the difference between ________ pressure and ______ pressure, as it is in other vascular beds.

arterial, venous

Because of their ___________ _______, sugars are optically active compounds. The rotation of plane polarized light may be ____________ (+) or __________ (−).

asymmetric centers, dextrorotary, levorotary

Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia is an _________ ________ disorder characterized by abnormal vascular development; nosebleeds and telangiectasia at multiple sites (lips, oral cavity, nose); and a family history of arteriovenous malformations of the lungs, liver, brain, spine, and gastrointestinal tract

autosomal dominant

Aneuploidies of the _________ are among the most clinically important of the chromosome abnormalities. They consist primarily of ________ (the presence of only one copy of a chromosome in an otherwise diploid cell) and _______ (three copies of a chromosome).

autosomes, monosomies, trisomies

Chromosome ________ helps greatly in the detection of deletions, duplications, and other structural abnormalities, and it facilitates the correct identification of individual chromosomes.


Chromosome _____ help to identify individual chromosomes and structural abnormalities in chromosomes. Banding techniques include quinacrine, Giemsa, reverse, C, and NOR banding. High-resolution banding, using ________ or ____________ chromosomes, increases the number of observable bands.

banding, prophase, prometaphase

blood pH is determined by the ratio between the concentration of plasma bicarbonate (the '____' component of the buffer) and the concentration of dissolved CO2 (the '____' component).

base, acid

Gravitational effects increase pulmonary arterial hydrostatic pressure more at the ____ of the lung than at the ____

base, apex

Proteins rich in lysine and arginine are _____ in solution and have a ________ charge at neutral pH, while proteins rich in aspartate and glutamate, are ________ and have a _________ charge.

basic, positive, acidic, negative

Streptococcus Groups A and B cause a particular type of hemolysis called ____-hemolysis when grown on sheep blood agar plates.


Sympathetic receptors on smooth muscle of respiratory Dilate or constrict?

beta 2 adrenergic dilate

The ____-anomer is the most stable form of glucose because all of the __________ groups, which are bulkier than hydrogen, are oriented _____________, in the plane of the ring.

beta, hydroxyl, equatorially

Human genes are ________, but sometimes only ___ allele of the gene is expressed

biallelic, one

Blood pH is proportional to the ratio of plasma ___________ to the partial pressure of ______ _______ (____). The components of the ___________ buffer are thus the carbon dioxide and the bicarbonate. The pCO2 is the ___________ component of acid-base balance, and bicarbonate is the _________ component.

bicarbonate, carbon dioxide, CO2, bicarbonate, respiatory, metabolic

Erythrocyte carbonic anhydrase converts approximately 70% of the CO2 produced in tissues into ___________ for transport to the lungs: approximately 20% of the total amount is transported bound to ___________, as __________ (-NHCOO−) and the rest as _________ ___ in plasma.

bicarbonate, hemoglobin, carbamates, dissolved gas

Metabolic component of the acid base balance AKA


A __________ is an indicator of biological state, or a characteristic that is measured as an indicator or normal or pathologic process


Perfusion-limited gas exchange means that the total amount of gas transported across the alveolar/capillary barrier is limited by _____ ____ (i.e., perfusion) through the pulmonary capillaries.

blood flow

Most leukocytes are produced in the ____ ______, some are produced in the ______, and others mature within several tissues

bone marrow, thymus

The central chemoreceptors, located in the _____ ____, are the most important for the minute-to-minute control of breathing. These chemoreceptors are located on the _______ surface of the _______, near the point of exit of the _________________ (CN __) and _____ (CN _) nerves and only a short distance from the ___ in the medulla.

brain stem, ventral, medulla, glossopharyngeal, IX, Vagus, X, DRG

The chromosome instability syndromes all involve increased frequencies of chromosome ________ and an increased risk of __________. All are associated with defects in ___ replication or repair.

breakage, malignancy, DNA

Several other indices are also computed in blood gas test: they include the total amount of buffers in the blood (the ______ ____) and the difference between the desired (normal) amount of buffers in the blood and the actual amount (____ ______)

buffer base, base excess

In the tissues, CO2 generated from aerobic metabolism is added to systemic _________ blood, converted to _____ by the reactions described previously, and transported to the _____

capillary, HCO3-, lungs

When CO2 is bound to hemoglobin, it is called _____________________, which accounts for about _% of the total CO2.


IgD differs from the standard immunoglobulin structure chiefly by its high ______________ content of numerous oligosaccharide units, resulting in an increased molecular mass of 190 kDa.


The Signify Strep A Dipstick kit detects ____________ antigens of Group A streptococci collected on a throat swab.


The classic definition of a ____________ is a polyhydroxy aldehyde or ketone


The vast majority of peripheral tissue CO2, however, is hydrated by erythrocyte ________ _________ to ________ ____ (H2CO3), a weak acid that dissociates partially to __ and _____

carbonic anhydrase, carbonic acid, H+, CO3-

Alpha hellix: Each amide ________ group is ________-bonded to the amide ________ of a peptide bond that is _ residues away along the same chain. There are on average ___ amino acid residues per turn of the helix, and the helix winds in a _____-handed (_________) manner in almost all natural proteins

carbonyl, hydrogen, hydrogen, 4, 3.6, right, clockwise

CO binds to hemoglobin with an affinity that is 250 times that of O2 to form _________________


____________ is a significant component of the mitochondrial inner membrane, while sphingomyelin, phosphatidylserine and cholesterol are enriched in the ______ membrane

cardiolipin, plasma

High sensitivity CRP assay is used in the assessment of ______________ risk


Facilitated diffusion, primary active transport, and secondary active transport all involve integral membrane proteins and are called _______-________ transport.

carrier mediated

Two cross sections of the brain of an adult with Huntington disease, which illustrate severe _______ atrophy and enlarged ________ __________.

caudate, lateral ventricles

Most ____ ________ contain a Ca2+ ATPase, or plasma-membrane Ca2+ ATPase (PMCA), whose function is to extrude Ca2+ from the cell against an electrochemical gradient; one Ca2+ ion is extruded for each ATP hydrolyzed.

cell membranes

Neuroglobin (Ngb) is expressed primarily in the _______ _______ system and some _________ tissues; cytoglobin (Cygb) is ubiquitously expressed, primarily in cells of _________ origin.

central nervous, endocrine, fibroblast

Increased concentrations of ___________ occur in active liver disease and in tissue damage.


Oxidation of Fe2+ by ____________ permits the binding and transport of iron by plasma ____________. The cuprous ion (___)) bound to ceruloplasmin is regenerated by reaction with _______ or with _________ _____ groups.

ceruplasmin, transferrin, Cu2+, oxygen, oxidized thiol

Numerous proteins assist other proteins in the folding process. These proteins, termed __________, include '____ ____' proteins, such as HSP 60 and HSP 70, and protein disulfide isomerases.

chaperones, heat shock

Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecylsulfate can used to separate proteins, based on _______


DRG receives sensory input from peripheral ______________ via the __________________ (CN __) and _____ (CN _) nerves and from _________________ in the lung via the _____ nerve

chemoreceptors, glossopharyngeal, IX, vagus, X, mechanoreceptors, vagus

Biological membranes also contain another important amphipathic lipid, ____________, a flat, rigid hydrophobic molecule with a polar hydroxyl group. Cholesterol is found in all biomembranes and acts as a modulator of membrane _________

cholesterol, fluidity

Butter is rich in both ____________ and triglycerides containing _________ fatty acids, which are dietary risk factors for _______________. Margarine contains no cholesterol and is richer in ___________ fatty acids

cholesterol, saturated, atherosclerosis, unsaturated

Bronchial smooth muscle is innervated by _______________ cholinergic nerve fibers and by sympathetic ___________ nerve fibers.

cholinergic, adrenergic

One way of evaluating the contribution each ion makes to the membrane potential is by using the _____ ___________ ________, which weights the equilibrium potential for each ion (calculated by the ______ equation) by its relative conductance.

chord conductance equation, Nernst

on the graph that at volumes greater than FRC, the __________ force on the lungs is greater than the __________ force on the chest wall and that airway pressure for the combined system is _________; thus, the overall system tends to ________, as air flows out of the lungs down the pressure gradient

collapsing, expanding, positive, collapse

Chromosome inversions are relatively ________ structural abnormalities and may be either pericentric (including the __________) or paracentric (not including the __________). Parents with inversions are usually ______ in phenotype but can produce offspring with _________ or _____________.

common, centromere, centromere, normal, deletions, duplications

Lung and the kidney work in a concerted way to minimize changes in plasma pH: this is known as the ____________ of acid-base disorders


The slope of each limb of the pressure-volume loop is the __________ of the isolated lung.


The ___________ of a channel depends on the probability that it is open.


C-banding stains the _____________ _______________, which usually lies near the __________, and NOR staining highlights the satellites and stalks of ___________ chromosomes

constituitive heterochromatin, centromere, acrocentric

Muscarinic ACh receptor effects on smooth muscle of respiratory system sympathetic or parasympathetic?

constrict parasympathetic

Parasympathetic stimulation produces ____________ of bronchial smooth muscle, _________ airway diameter and ____________ resistance to airflow

constriction, decreasing, increasing

Because the WAGR syndrome involves the deletion of a series of adjacent genes, it is sometimes referred to as an example of a __________ ____ syndrome (________ syndrome, discussed previously, is another example of a contiguous gene syndrome).

continguous gene, Williams

Most commonly effected area of brain in Huntington Disease

corpus striatum

If the uphill solute moves in the same direction as Na+, it is called ___________, or _______.

cotransport, symport

If the uphill solute moves in the opposite direction of Na+, it is called ________________, ________, or ________.

countertransport, antiport, exchange

Na+ moves into the cell on the carrier down its electrochemical gradient; the solutes that are __________________ or exchanged for Na+ move out of the cell.


High altitude causes hypoxemia because barometric pressure (PB) is _________, which _________ the PO2 of inspired air and of alveolar air

decreased, decreases

Changes in the concentration of plasma proteins give important clinical information. A characteristic pattern with _________ albumin, transthyretin and transferrin and _________ α1-antitrypsin, fibrinogen and C-reactive protein indicates the acute phase response

decreased, increased

In Zone I, if arterial pressure is _________ (e.g., due to hemorrhage) or if alveolar pressure is __________ (e.g., by positive pressure breathing), then PA will be _______ than Pa and the blood vessels will be compressed and will _____

decreased, increased, greater, close

Hypoxemia, or _________ PaO2 , is caused by high altitude, hypoventilation, diffusion defects, V/Q defects, and _____-to-____ shunts. _______, or decreased O2 delivery to tissues, is caused by decreased cardiac output or decreased O2 content of blood.

decreased, right, left, hypoxia

Acidic pH (protons) _________ the O2 affinity of Hb


Physiologic dead space _________ during exercise


The synthesis of albumin, transthyretin (prealbumin), and transferrin _________ during the acute phase response, and they are thus termed the 'negative acute phase reactants'.


when the H+ concentration _________, the carbonic acid component of the buffer will dissociate to supply __ for a reaction that will yield _____ and ___________ ion (at this stage the increase in plasma bicarbonate is minimal)

decreases, H+, CO2, water, bicarbonate

The effect of CO is different: It __________ O2 bound to hemoglobin and also causes a ____ shift of the O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve

decreases, left

Hypoventilation causes hypoxemia by __________ alveolar PO2


A ________ is caused by a chromosome break and subsequent loss of genetic material.


Microscopically observable chromosome _________, which may be either terminal or interstitial, usually affect a fairly large number of genes and produce recognizable syndromes.


2,3-Bisphosphoglycerate binds preferentially to _____________ hemoglobin


A critical consequence of the conformational differences between the T and R states is that ____________ Hb preferentially interacts with the negatively charged 2,3-BPG.


Another remarkable process within the erythrocyte is the allosterically regulated conversion of nitrite (NO2−) to NO, a reaction performed by ____________ Hb.


The net result of increased 2,3-BPG is a greater stabilization of the _____________, ___-affinity _ state and a further shift of the saturation curve to the ______, thereby facilitating release of ____ O2 to tissues. Under most circumstances, the rightward shift has an ______________ effect on the O2 saturation of Hb in the lungs.

deoxygenated, low, T, right, more, insignificant

It is ____ that gives globins, their characteristic purple-red color - purple in the ____________ state in ______ blood, red in the ___________ state in ________ blood.

deoxygenated, venous, oxygenated, arterial

Lungs: H+ is released from its buffering sites on __________________, _____ enters the red blood cells in exchange for Cl−, H+ and HCO3− combine to form _____, and H2CO3 dissociates into ___ and ___. The regenerated CO2 and H2O are expired by the lungs.

deoxyghemolgobin, HCO3-, H2CO3, CO2, H2o

the activation gate on the nerve Na+ channel is opened by ______________ of the nerve cell membrane; opening of this channel is responsible for the upstroke of the ______ _________.

depolarization, action potential

HPLC may also be used to measure HbA1c, a glycated protein that is measured clinically as an index of mean blood glucose concentration in _________ ________.

diabetes mellitus

changes in airway ________ provide the major mechanism for altering resistance and airflow


In quiet breathing, respiratory muscles (_________) are used only for ____________; __________ is passive.

diaphragm, inspiration, expriation

Diffusion-limited gas exchange means that the total amount of gas transported across the alveolar-capillary barrier is limited by the _________ process.


In certain pathologic conditions (e.g., fibrosis) and during strenuous exercise, O2 transfer becomes _________ limited.


Therefore, a diffusion potential is caused by _________ __ ____

diffusion of ions

when a charged solute diffuses down a concentration gradient, that diffusion can itself generate a potential difference across a membrane called a _________ _________.

diffusion potential

Depolarization of the T tubules causes a critical conformational change in their voltage-sensitive ______________ receptors. This conformational change opens ____-release channels (_________ receptors) on the nearby sarcoplasmic reticulum.

dihydropyridine, Ca2+, ryanodine

Steroids induce ____________ of receptor molecules that, in turn, bind to an ________, activating ______________ of the gene.

dimerization, enhancer, transcription

The _________ of ionic current is determined by the direction of the driving force


What role, if any, does the Na+-K+ATPase play in creating the resting membrane potential? The answer has two parts. First, there is a small ______ electrogenic contribution of the Na+-K+ ATPase, which is based on the stoichiometry of _ Na+ ions pumped out of the cell for every _ K+ ions pumped into the cell. Second, the more important __________ contribution is in maintaining the ______________ ________ for __ across the cell membrane, which then is responsible for the __ _________ potential that drives the ________ potential toward the __ ___________ potential. Thus, the Na+-K+ ATPase is necessary to create and maintain the __ ______________ gradient, which establishes the _______ ________ potential.

direct, 3, 2 indirect, concentration gradient, K+, K+ diffusion, K+ equilibrium, K+ concentration, resting membrane

The law of Laplace states that the pressure tending to collapse an alveolus is ________ proportional to the surface tension generated by the molecules of liquid lining the alveolus and _________ proportional to alveolar radius

directly, inveresely

For gases, the rate of transfer by diffusion is ________ proportional to the driving force, a diffusion coefficient, and the surface area available for diffusion; it is ________ proportional to the thickness of membrane barrier

directly, inversely

In words, airflow (Q) is _________ proportional to the pressure difference (ΔP) between the mouth or nose and the alveoli and it is _________ proportional to the resistance of the airways (R).

directly, inversely

All gases in solution are carried, to some extent, in the ___________ form. ________ law gives the relationship between the partial pressure of a gas and its concentration in solution: For a given partial pressure, the ______ the solubility of the gas, the higher the concentration of gas in solution.

dissolved, Henry's, higher

CO2 is transported in blood in ________ form, as ___________________, and as _____. HCO3− is produced in red blood cells from ___ and ___, catalyzed by _________ _________. HCO3− is transported in the plasma to the lungs where the reactions occur in reverse to regenerate ___, which then is expired.

dissolved, carbaminohemoglobin, HCO3-, CO2, H2O, carbonic anhydrase, CO2

O2 is transported in blood in _________ form and bound to __________. One molecule of hemoglobin can bind _ molecules of __. The _________ shape of the O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve reflects _________ affinity for each successive molecule of O2 that is bound. Shifts to the right of the O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve are associated with _________ affinity, _________ P50, and ___________ unloading of O2 in the tissues. Shifts to the left are associated with __________ affinity, ___________ P50, and __________ unloading of O2 in the tissues. CO _________ the O2-binding capacity of hemoglobin and causes a shift to the ____.

dissolved, hemoglobin, 4, O2, sigmoidal, increased, decreased, increased, increased, increased, decreased, decreased, decreases, left

Excretion of the hydrogen ion takes place in the ______ tubules. Hydrogen ion reacts with _______, forming the ammonium ion. Hydrogen ion is also buffered in the tubule lumen by _________. Approximately 50 mmol of hydrogen ion is excreted daily.

distal, ammonia, phosphate

Thus, ______________ neurons secrete dopamine because the presynaptic nerve terminal contains tyrosine hydroxylase and dopa decarboxylase, but not the other enzymes.


The inspiratory center is located in the ______ respiratory group (___) of neurons and controls the basic rhythm for breathing by setting the frequency of ___________.

dorsal, DRG, inspiration

When CO2 production doubles from 200 mL/min to 400 mL/min, alveolar ventilation must ______ to maintain the and at 40 mm Hg.


Substances may be transported down an electrochemical gradient (_________) or against an electrochemical gradient (______).

downhill, uphill

The _______ _____ on a given ion is the difference between the actual, measured membrane potential (Em) and the ion's calculated equilibrium potential (EX)

driving force

____________ can arise from unequal crossover, or they can occur among the offspring of reciprocal translocation carriers. Duplications generally produce less-serious consequences than do __________ of the same region.

duplications, deletions

The extent to which intrapleural pressure changes during inspiration can be used to estimate the _______ ________ of the lung

dynamic compliance

Emphysema first sign? results of FEV1? results of FCV? ratio results? What develops gradually from there?

dypsnea reduced Normal Reduced Pulmonary hypertension

When the chemical and electrical driving forces on Cl− are equal and opposite, then Cl− is at _______________ ___________.

electrochemical equilibrium

When the chemical and electrical driving forces on Na+ are equal and opposite, Na+ is said to be at _______________ ___________.

electrochemical equilibrium

In _________, for example, DL decreases because destruction of alveoli results in a decreased surface area for gas exchange.


In a person with _________, however, forced expiration may cause the airways to collapse.


A protein may be cleaved first by digestion by specific _____________, such as trypsin V8 protease or lysyl endopeptidase, to obtain peptide fragments. Trypsin cleaves peptide bonds on the _-terminal side of ________ and ______ residues, provided the next residue is not _______. Lysyl endopeptidase is also frequently used to cleave at the _-terminal side of ______. Cleavage by chemical reagents such as cyanogen bromide is also useful. Cyanogen bromide cleaves on the _-terminal side of __________ residues. Before cleavage, proteins with ________ and _______ residues are reduced by 2-mercaptoethanol and then treated with iodoacetate to form carboxymethylcysteine residues. This avoids spontaneous formation of inter- or intramolecular _________ _____ during analyses.

endopeptidases, C, arginine, lysine, proline, C, lysine, C, methoinine, cysetine, cystine, disulfide bonds

NO is an ___________-derived relaxing factor that is synthesized from _-________ by the action of nitric oxide synthase. NO then activates ________ _________, leading to production of ____ and relaxation of vascular ______ ______

endothelial, L arginine, guanyl cyclase, cGMP, smooth muscle

Sequences further away from the transcription start site, some of which are known as _________, may also have a major impact on the transcription of a gene


Methylation is one aspect of the study of ___________, a broad field that, in general, addresses heritable modifications of DNA and protein that do not alter the sequence of DNA, but affect gene expression. Epigenetic control mechanisms encompass DNA ___________, and histone ___________, ____________ or _______________.

epigenetics, methylation, acteylation, methylation, phosphorlyation

The adrenal medulla contains the complete enzymatic pathway; therefore, it secretes primarily ____________


Na+-glucose cotransport (SGLT) and Na+-amino acid cotransport are present in the luminal membranes of the __________ cells of both _____ _________ and _____ ________ ______

epitheilail, small intestine, renal proximal tubule

Arterial PCO2 is always ________ __ the alveolar PCO2

equal to

Each permeant ion attempts to drive the membrane potential toward its own ___________ _________.

equilibrium potential

An ___________ is used to describe the amount of charged solute and is the number of moles of the solute multiplied by its valence.


The formed elements of blood are ____________, __________ and _________. They are suspended in an aqueous solution (______) and have several specialized functions such as transport of ______, destruction of external agents, and the ________ of blood. Plasma allowed to clot yields _____. Most biochemical tests are done on _____. To obtain plasma, blood must be taken into a test tube containing an ______________.

erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, serum, oxygen, clotting, serum, serum, anticoagulant

Erythrocytes are the end-product of ________________ in the ____ ______, which is under the control of _______________ produced by the _________. Hemoglobin is synthesized in the erythrocyte precursor cells (_____________ and _____________) under a tight control dictated by the concentration of ____

erythropoiesis, bone marrow, erythropoietin, kidney, reticulocytes, erythroblasts, heme

A cell that contains a multiple of 23 chromosomes in its nucleus is said to be _______


Glutamate, an amino acid, is the major __________ neurotransmitter in the central nervous system.


During _________, DL increases because additional capillaries are perfused with blood, which increases the surface area for gas exchange.


During ________ or in diseases in which airway resistance is increased (e.g., ______), the expiratory muscles may aid the expiratory process.

exercise, asthma

On the __________ limb, one begins at high lung volume, where intermolecular forces between liquid molecules are low; one does not need to break up intermolecular forces to deflate the lung.


Once the lungs are expanded maximally, the pressure outside the lungs is made gradually less negative, causing lung volume to decrease along the __________ limb of the pressure-volume loop.


Usually, compliance is measured on the ___________ limb of the pressure-volume loop because the ___________ limb is complicated by the decrease in compliance at maximal expanding pressures.

expiration, inspiration

When the volume in the system is less than FRC (i.e., the subject makes a forced ___________ into the spirometer), there is ____ volume in the lungs and the collapsing (elastic) force of the lungs is _______. The expanding force on the chest wall is _______, however, and the combined lung and chest-wall system "wants" to ______.

expiration, smaller, greater, expand

During exercise, when breathing frequency and tidal volume increase, the ________ ___________ muscles and _________ muscles may also be used for more vigorous inspiration along with the diaphragm

external intercostals, accessory

In the E2 state, teh binding sites for Na+ and K+ face the _____________ fluid and the enzyme has a high affinity for __

extracellular, K+

An excellent example of ___________ diffusion is the transport of D-glucose into skeletal muscle and adipose cells by the GLUT4 transporter.


At low solute concentration, ___________ diffusion typically proceeds faster than ______ diffusion because of the function of the _______.

facilitated, simple, carrier

Distribution of the age of onset for Huntington disease. The age of onset tends to be somewhat earlier when the affected parent is the ______


Cholesterol At lower temperatures it interferes with _____ ____ chain associations and _________ fluidity, but at higher temperatures it tends to limit ________ and ________ fluidity.

fatty acid, incresases, disorder, increases

Surfactant is synthesized from _____ _____ by ____ __ _________ cells

fatty acids, Type II alveolar

▪ Lipids are hydrophobic compounds, commonly containing _____ _______ esterified to _________.

fatty acids, glycerol

This introduction will focus on the structure of _____ _____ (the simplest form of lipids, found primarily in plasma), _____________ (the storage form of lipids, found primarily in adipose tissue), and ______________ (the major class of membrane lipids in all cells).

fatty acids, triglycerides, phospholipids

measurement of plasma _________ is one of the best indicators of iron deficiency.


For the subunits to bind O2, iron in the heme moieties must be in the _______ state (i.e., Fe__)

ferrous, 2+

MetHb is formed when the _______ iron of heme is oxidized to ______ iron; it is produced spontaneously at a low rate and more rapidly in the presence of certain drugs, nitrites, and aniline dyes.

ferrous, ferric

Another minor Hb is _____ Hb, ___; its subunits are α-globin and γ-globin.

fetal, HbF

During clotting, fibrinogen is converted to ______ as a result of proteolytic cleavage by ________, and so a major difference between plasma and serum is the absence of ___________ in serum.

fibrin, thrombin, fibrinogen

In ________ or _________ ______, DL decreases because the diffusion distance (membrane thickness or interstitial volume) increases.

fibrosis, pulmonary edema

Erythrocytes transport CO2 to the lungs in a '_____' form - as ___________

fixed, bicarbonate

The distribution of proteins in a phospholipid bilayer is illustrated in the ______ ______ model

fluid mosaic

Net diffusion of the solute is called ____, or ____ (_), and depends on the following variables: size of the concentration gradient, partition coefficient, diffusion coefficient, thickness of the membrane, and surface area available for diffusion

flux, flow, J

The total volume that is forcibly expired is called the ______ _____ ________ (___). The volume expired in the first second is called ____.

forced vital capacity, FVC, FEV1

When glucose cyclizes to a hemiacetal, it may form a _________ or _________ ring structure, named after the 5- and 6-carbon cyclic ethers, furan and pyran

furanose, pyranose

Enzyme involved in the metabolism of glutathione and is a plasma biomarker for some liver diseases, including hepatocellular carcinoma and alcoholic liver disease.

gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase

Unitary smooth muscle has ___ _________ between cells, which allow for the fast spread of electrical activity throughout the organ, followed by a coordinated contraction.

gap junctions

Ion channels are controlled by _____, and, depending on the position of them, the channels may be open or closed.


Other factors that affect the conversion of gene to protein include access of the transcriptional apparatus to the ____, enzymatic modification of ________ and ___________ in the DNA, factors that effect alternative ______ splicing, post-transcriptional editing of ___-____, ___ interference, and restricted expression of _________ genes.

gene, histones, nucleotides, intron, pre mRNA, RNA, biallelic

Efforts are often made to establish ________-_________ correlations to better predict the severity of a genetic disease, given the patient's genotype.

genotype phenotype

The phenotype, which is physically observable, results from the interaction of ________ and ___________

genotype, environment

Occasionally, two or more offspring present with an autosomal dominant or X-linked disease when there is no family history of the disease. Because mutation is a rare event, it is unlikely that this would be due to multiple new mutations in the same family. The mechanism most likely to be responsible is termed ________ __________

germline mosaicism

Germline mosaicism occurs when all or part of a parent's ________ is affected by a disease-causing mutation but the _______ cells are not. It elevates the recurrence risk for offspring of the mosaic parent.

germline, somatic

Mutations to ______ genes lead to a spectrum of structural and functional variants, some of which are pathogenic, such as ___, which causes sickle cell disease.

globin, HbS

Hemoglobin is a ________ protein consisting of _ subunits

globular, 4

Actin is a ________ protein and, in this globular form, is called _-actin. In the thin filaments, G-actin is polymerized into _ strands that are twisted into an _____-_______ structure to form ___________ actin, called _-actin. Actin has ______-binding sites. When the muscle is at rest, the myosin-binding sites are covered by ___________ so that actin and myosin cannot interact.

globular, G, 2, alpha helical, filamentous, F, myosin, tropomyosin

Ammonia generated by ___________ reaction participates in the excretion of hydrogen ion


Except for _______, all amino acids contain at least one asymmetric carbon atom (the _____-carbon atom), giving _ isomers that are _________ active, i.e. they can ______ _____-_________ _____.

glycine, alpha, optically, rotate plane polarized light

The β-turn or β-bend refers to the segment in which the polypeptide abruptly reverses direction. _______ (___) and _______ (___) residues often occur in β-turns on the surface of globular proteins.

glycine, gly Proline, Pro

Carbohydrates and lipids are major sources of energy and are stored in the body as ________ and _____________

glycogen, triglycerides

Carbohydrates may be linked to proteins and lipids to form glycoconjugates, known as ___________ and _____________.

glycolipids, glycoproteins

Sugars are attached to each other in __________ linkages between hemiacetal carbon of one sugar and a hydroxyl group of another sugar.


Sugars are linked to one another by __________ bonds to form complex _______

glycosidic, glycans

The distribution of pulmonary blood flow within the lung is uneven and the distribution can be explained by the effects of _______


Because the normal value for the respiratory exchange ratio is ___, when alveolar ventilation is halved, the decrease in PaO2 will be slightly _______ than the increase in PaCO2


The thicker the cell membrane, the _______ the distance the solute must diffuse and the ______ the rate of diffusion.

greater, lower

When erythrocytes are hemolyzed, hemoglobin is released into the plasma, where it dissociates into dimers that bind to ___________.


When excessive hemolysis occurs, the plasma ___________ concentration can become very low - and as such it serves as a marker of hemolysis


Most oxygen in the body is bound to a carrier protein containing ____


Sugars are attached to each other in glycosidic linkages between __________ carbon of one sugar and a _________ group of another sugar.

hemiacetal, hydroxyl

Main buffers in blood are __________ and ___________, whereas in the cells they include ________ and _________. The ___________ buffer system communicates with atmospheric air.

hemoglobin, bicarbonate, protein, phosphate, hemoglobin

Sickle cell disease, a common ________________


Sickled erythrocytes exhibit less deformability. They no longer move freely through the microvasculature and often block blood flow, especially in the spleen and joints. Moreover, these cells lose water, become fragile, and have a considerably shorter life span, leading to _________ and _____

hemolysis, anemia

Clinically, an individual with SCD presents with intermittent episodes of _________ anemia, resulting from chronic lysis of ___ cells, and painful vaso-occlusive crises

hemolytic, red

When the allosteric effector is different from the ligand whose binding is altered, the process is termed ____________, e.g. the effect of __ (__) on the P50 for oxygen binding to Hb.

heterotrophic, H+, pH

The low value of P50 reflects a ____ affinity for O2 in Mb.


the time constant is greatest (i.e., takes longest) when Rm is _____________? and Cm is _________.

high high

living at ____ altitude causes hypoxemia, which stimulates the production of ___-___ in red blood cells. In turn, increased levels of 2,3-DPG facilitate the delivery of __ to the tissues as an adaptive mechanism.

high, 2,3 BPG, O2

at ____ altitude or in persons breathing a ___ O2 mixture, is reduced throughout the lungs, not just in one region.

high, low

The formation and breakdown of SNO-Hb are sensitive to pO; NO is released from Hb in response to _______ or on conversion to the _ state, e.g. in ______ capillaries

hypoxia, T, venous

The stimulus for polycythemia is _______, which increases the synthesis of ______________ (___) in the ______.

hypoxia, erythropoietin, EPO, kidney

A decrease in cardiac output and a decrease in regional (local) blood flow are self-evident causes of ________. _________ is a major cause of hypoxia

hypoxia, hypoxemia

When arterial pO2 decreases to less than 8 kPa (60 mmHg), this '_______ _____' becomes the main controller of the ventilation rate

hypoxic drive

An unusual feature of the pressure-volume loop for the air-filled lung is that the slopes of the relationships for inspiration and expiration are different, a phenomenon called __________


Despite _________ DNA is all cells, gene expressions varies significantly with sex, and in time and place in the body


Histidine (pKa ≈ 6) has an _________ ring as the side chain and functions as a general acid-base catalyst in many enzymes.


Not all foreign substances entering the body can elicit this response, however; those that do are called ____________, whereas any agent that can be bound by an antibody is termed an _______

immunogens, antigen

the reflection coefficient falls somewhere between 0 and 1. In such cases, the effective osmotic pressure lies between its maximal possible value (when the solute is completely _______________) and zero (when the solute is freely _________).

impermeable, permeable

another gate on the Na+ channel, an ____________ gate, is closed by ______________.

inactivation, depolarization

Decreased arterial PO2 leads to __________ breathing rate


Decreases in arterial pH cause an ________ in ventilation, mediated by peripheral chemoreceptors for __

increase, H+

Shifts of the O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve. Shifts to the right are associated with _________ P50 and __________ affinity. Shifts to the left are associated with __________ P50 and _________ affinity.

increased, decreased, decreased, increased

Persons with emphysema learn to expire slowly with pursed lips, which ______ airway pressure, prevents the reversal of the __________ pressure gradient across the large airways, and, thus, prevents their collapse.

increases, transmural

Diffusion defects (e.g., fibrosis, pulmonary edema) cause hypoxemia by __________ diffusion distance or __________ surface area for diffusion.

increasing, decreasing

Measurement of CRP concentration in plasma is an essential laboratory test in diagnosis and monitoring of _________ and ______

infection, sepsis

As the pressure outside the lung is made more negative with the vacuum pump, the lung ________ and its volume _________. This negative outside pressure that expands the lungs is, therefore, an _________ pressure. The lungs fill with air along the inspiration limb of the pressure-volume loop

inflates, increases, expanding

On the ___________ limb, one begins at low lung volume where the liquid molecules are closest together and intermolecular forces are __________; to inflate the lung, one must first break up these intermolecular forces.

inflation, highest

In this patient with type I diabetes mellitus, the hormone _______ is not produced in sufficient amounts by the __________ ____ cells.

insulin, pancreatic beta

A system of ___________ filaments holds the myofibrils together, side by side. The entire myofibrillar array is anchored to the cell membrane by an actin-binding protein called __________

intermediate, distrophyn

For Na+, the Gibbs-Donnan ratio is also 0.95, but Na+, being positively charged, is oriented the opposite way, and [Na+]____________ _____/[Na+]______ equals 0.95.

interstitial fluid, plasma

Na+ moves ____ the cell on the carrier ____ its electrochemical gradient; the solutes that are countertransported or exchanged for Na+ move ___ __ the cell.

into, down, out of

Na+ moves _____ the cell on the carrier down its electrochemical gradient; the solutes, cotransported with Na+, also move ____ the cell.

into, into

In the E1 state, the binding sites for Na+ and K+ face the _____________ fluid and the enzyme has a high affinity for ___

intracellular, Na+

The diffusion coefficient correlates _________ with the molecular radius of the solute and the viscosity of the medium.


pressure and volume are _________ related


Sometimes a chromosome divides along the axis perpendicular to its usual axis of division. The result is an ____________, a chromosome that has two copies of one arm and no copies of the other.


The pH at which a molecule has no net charge is known as its ___________ _____

isoelectric point

If two solutions have the same calculated osmolarity, they are called __________


When two solutions separated by a semipermeable membrane have the same effective osmotic pressure, they are ________; that is, no water will flow between them because there is no effective osmotic pressure difference across the membrane.


The syllable 'ul' indicates that a sugar is ______; the formal name for fructose would be 'gluculose'. As with fructose, the keto group is located at __ of the sugar, and the remaining carbons have the same geometry as the parent sugar.

ketose, C2

Common disaccharides in our diet: _______ (milk sugar), _______ (table sugar), _______ and __________, which are products of digestion of starch, __________, which is obtained on hydrolysis of cellulose, and _____________ acid.

lactose, glucose, maltose, isomaltose, cellobiose, hyaluronic

Therefore, the length constant will be greatest (i.e., current will travel the farthest) when the diameter of the nerve is _____, when membrane resistance is ___, and when internal resistance is ___.

large, high, low

Because of the relationship with radius, a _____ alveolus (one with a _____ radius) will have a low collapsing pressure and, therefore, will require only minimal pressure to keep it open.

large, large

Benign neoplasm of the larynx, usually on true vocal cords, forms soft raspberry like excresence rarely more than 1cm in diameter (2 names)

laryngeal papilloma squamous papilloma

The surface tension generates a pressure that tends to collapse the sphere. The pressure generated by such a sphere is given by the ___ __ _______

law of Laplace

Proteins are generally _____ soluble at their isoelectric point (pI)


Shifts of the O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the ____ occur when there is increased affinity of hemoglobin for O2


Glycerol itself does not have a chiral carbon, but the numbering is standardized using the stereochemical numbering (sn) system, which places the hydroxyl group of C-2 on the ____; thus all glycerolipids are derived from _-glycerol

left, L

CO also causes a ____ shift of the O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve: Those heme groups not bound to CO have an _________ affinity for O2.

left, increased

Among the causes of _____-to-_____ shunts are patent ductus arteriosus and traumatic injury.

left, right

_____-to-_____ shunts are more common and do not cause hypoxemia.

left, right

A karyotype, or karyogram, is a display of chromosomes ordered according to ______. Depending on the position of the __________, a chromosome may be acrocentric, submetacentric, or metacentric.

length, centromere

During the acute phase response, there is a characteristic marked increase in the synthesis of some proteins (predominantly in the _____), along with a decrease in the plasma concentration of some others


Plasma proteins can be broadly classified into two groups: those, including albumin, that are synthesized by the _____, and the _______________, which are produced by ______ cells of the ____ ______, usually as part of the ______ response.

liver, immunoglobulins, plasma, bone marrow, immune

A disease that can be caused by mutations at different loci in different families is said to exhibit _____ ______________

locus heterogenicity

a single disease phenotype can be caused by mutations at different loci in different families, which is termed _____ ______________ (compare with allelic heterogeneity, in which different _________ are seen within the same disease _____)

locus heterogenicity, mutattions, locus

In a Robertsonian translocation, shown here, the ____ arms of two ___________ chromosomes (13 and 14) fuse, forming a single chromosome.

long, acrocentric

O2-hemoglobin sautration curve shifts to the right when: ___ CO2 ___ pH ___ temperature ___ 2,3 BPG

low high low low

Some of the microdeletion syndromes, such as the Prader-Willi and Williams syndromes, manifest deletions of a critical region of consistent size (e.g., 4 Mb for Prader-Willi syndrome). Recent studies show that this is caused by the presence of multiple repeated sequences, termed ___-____ _______, at the deletion boundaries.

low copy repeats

During its return to the lungs, blood transports two forms of CO2: carbamino-Hb and the H2CO3/HCO3− acid-conjugate base pair. Blood and Hb are now exposed to a ___ pCO2, and through mass action the carbamino adduct formation is reversed and binding of __ is again favored.

low, O2

total body water is a higher percentage of body weight when body fat is ___ and a lower percentage when body fat is ____.

low, high

Hb has a considerably _____ affinity for O2, reflected in a P50 of 27 ± 2 mmHg, compared to myoglobin (P50 = 4 mmHg).


When compared with the systemic circulation, however, the pulmonary circulation is characterized by much _____ pressures and resistances, although blood flow is the same.


There is a small discrepancy between alveolar air and systemic arterial blood: Systemic arterial blood has a slightly _____ PO2 than alveolar air. This discrepancy is the result of a ____________ _____, which describes the small fraction of pulmonary blood flow that bypasses the alveoli and, therefore, is not arterialized.

lower, physiologic shunt

Prominent cough that yields copious amounts of foul smelling, purulent or sangenious sputum and occasionally blood What disease?

lung abcess

Several of the terms in the previous equation for diffusion can be combined into a single term called the ____ _________ ________ (__)

lung diffusing capacity, DL

Acid-base balance is regulated by the concerted action of _____ and _______. The ____________ play a key role in the transport of carbon dioxide in blood.

lungs, kidneys, erythrocytes

The _________ of a diffusion potential, measured in millivolts (mV), depends on the size of the concentration gradient, where the concentration gradient is the driving force.


The _________ of ionic current is determined by the size of the driving force and the conductance.


The _________ of net flux has been calculated as 1.8 × 10−4 mg/sec. The __________ of net flux can be determined intuitively because net flux will occur from the area of _____ concentration (Solution A) to the area of ___ concentration (Solution B). Net diffusion will continue until the urea concentrations of the two solutions become _____, at which point the _______ _____ will be zero.

magnitude, direction, high, low, equal, net diffusion

Historically, analysis of protein sequence was carried out by chemical methods; today, both sequence analysis and protein identification are performed by ____ _____________

mass spectrometry

IgE binds antigens and promotes release of vasoactive amines from ____ cells


IgE has a high affinity for binding sites on ____ cells and _________. Antigenic binding at the ____ region induces crosslinking of the high-affinity receptor, granulation of the cell, and release of __________ _______. By this mechanism, IgE plays a major part in allergy/atopy and mediates antiparasitic immunity.

mast, basophils, Fab2, vasoactive amines

Nearly all autosomal trisomies increase with ________ age as a result of ______________ in older mothers. There is little evidence for a _________ age effect on nondisjunction in males.

maternal, nondisjunctions, paternal

Information from irritant receptors travels to the _______ via CN _ and causes a reflex ____________ of bronchial smooth muscle and an ________ in breathing rate.

medulla, X, constriction, increase

Breathing is controlled by the _________ ____________ ________, which receives sensory information from central chemoreceptors in the brain stem, from peripheral chemoreceptors in the _______ and ______ bodies, and from ________________ in the lungs and joints. Central chemoreceptors are sensitive primarily to changes in the __ of ____, with decreases in pH causing ________________. Peripheral chemoreceptors are sensitive primarily to __, with hypoxemia causing _______________.

medullary respiratory center, carotid, aortic, mechanoreceptors, pH, CSF, hyperventilation, O2, hyperventilation

Thrombocytes are not true cells, but are membrane-bound fragments derived from ______________


what an ion would "like" the membrane potential to be is based on ___________ _________, as calculated by the ______ ________

membrane potential, Nernst equation

Biological __________ compartmentalize cellular functions, and also mediate ion and metabolite transport, cellular recognition, signal transduction, and electrochemical processes involved in bioenergetics, nerve transmission and muscle contraction


Our ability to study chromosomes has been improved by the visualization of chromosomes in _________, by _________ solutions that cause nuclear swelling, and by staining techniques that label chromosome _____.

metaphase, hypotonic, bands

If phenylethanolamine-N-methyl transferase (PNMT) is present (with S-adenosylmethionine as the methyl donor), then norepinephrine is __________ to form _____________.

methylated, epinipherine

One _________ is 1/1000 or 10^−3 moles.


The content of a single synaptic vesicle produces the smallest possible change in membrane potential of the motor end plate, the _________ ___ _____ _________

miniature end plate potential

Ventilation rate can be expressed either as the ______ ventilation, which is the total rate of air movement into and out of the lungs, or as _________ ventilation, which corrects for the physiologic dead space

minute, alveolar

Blood entering the pulmonary capillaries is ______ ______ blood

mixed venous

Because no gas exchange can occur with a shunt, pulmonary capillary blood from these regions has the same composition as _____ _______ blood: PaO2 is __ mm Hg, and PaCO2 is __ mm Hg.

mixed venous, 40, 46

With airway obstruction, the composition of systemic arterial blood approaches that of _____ ______ blood. With pulmonary embolus, the composition of alveolar air approaches that of ________ air.

mixed venous, inspired

The diffusion coefficient of a gas (D) is a combination of the usual diffusion coefficient, which depends on _________ ______ , and the __________ of the gas

molecular weight, solubility

Sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is used to separate proteins on the basis of their ___________ _______. _____ molecules are retarded in the gel matrix, whereas the _____ ones move more rapidly.

molecular weights, large, small

When the volume in the system is greater than FRC (i.e., the subject inspires from the spirometer), there is _____ volume in the lungs and the collapsing (elastic) force of the lungs is _______

more, greater

A mutation occurs in one cell of the developing embryo. All descendants of that cell have the same mutation, resulting in _________. If the first mutated cell is part of the germline lineage, then ________ _________ results.

mosaicism, germline mosaicism

In some cases, a disease may be inherited in either autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive fashion, depending on the nature of the ________ that alters the ____ product

mutation, gene

This chapter describes two important proteins that reversibly interact with O2: _________ (__), a tissue oxygen storage protein, and __________ (__), a blood oxygen transport protein. Both use an ancient ____-containing polypeptide domain motif to sequester __ and increase its solubility.

myoglobin, Mb, Hemoblogin, Hb, heme, O2

The thick filaments comprise a large molecular weight protein called ______, which has _ polypeptide chains including one pair of ______ chains and two pairs of _____ chains

myosin, 6, heavy, light

The ________ intrapleural pressure is created by two opposing elastic forces pulling on the intrapleural space: The lungs, with their elastic properties, tend to collapse, and the chest wall, with its elastic properties, tends to spring out


At rest, intrapleural pressure is ________, or approximately __ cm H2O.

negative, 5

2,3-BPG is an indispensable _________ allosteric effector that, when bound to Hb, causes a marked ________ in P50 (see Fig. 5.7). Were it not for the high erythrocyte concentration of 2,3-BPG (4.1 mmol/L, nearly equal to that of Hb), the O2 saturation curve of Hb would approach that of __!

negative, increase, Mb

A critical consequence of the conformational differences between the T and R states is that deoxygenated Hb preferentially interacts with the __________ charged 2,3-BPG


When concentration of solution A is greater than B, there will be ___ _________ of the solute from A to B, which will continue until the solute concentrations of the two solutions become _____ (although the random movement of molecules will go on forever)

net diffusion, equal

In the human brain, there is a family of cell surface adhesion proteins, the _________, which mediate the complex network of interactions between approximately 1012 neurons.


hormones that are released from secretory cells (in these cases, neurons) into the blood to act at a distant site.


In contrast to classical neurotransmitters, which are synthesized in presynaptic nerve terminals, ______________ are synthesized in the nerve cell body.


If a child has been born with a genetic disease that has not occurred previously in the family, it is possible that the disease is the product of a ___ (or __ ____) ________.

new, de novo mutation

the _________ receptor on the _____ ___ _____ is actually an ion channel that opens when acetylcholine (ACh) binds to it; when open, it is permeable to Na+ and K+ ions.

nicotinic, motor end plate

pulmonary edema without left sided heart failure AKA

noncardiogenic pulmonary edema

Experimental analysis of the quaternary structure indicates multiple ___________ interactions (________ bonds and ____________ bonds) between each pair of dissimilar subunits, i.e. at the α-β interfaces. In contrast, there are fewer and predominantly ___________ interactions between identical subunits, at the α1-α2 or β1-β2 interfaces.

noncovalent, electrostatic, hydrogen, hydrophobic

In meiotic ______________, two chromosome homologs migrate to the same daughter cell instead of disjoining normally and migrating to different daughter cells. This produces monosomic and trisomic offspring.


The most common cause of aneuploidy is ______________, the failure of chromosomes to disjoin normally during meiosis


The major metabolite of norepinephrine is ________________. The major metabolite of epinephrine is _____________. Both norepinephrine and epinephrine are degraded to ___

normetanepherine, metanepherine, VMA

Major diffuse ___________ lung disorders are chronic bronchitis, emphysema, bronchietasis, and asthma. Typical results in these patients: FVC? FEV1? Ratio of FCV to FEV1?

obstructive slightly decreased markedly decreased decreased

By definition, the equilibrium potential is calculated for ___ ion at a time.


Bicarbonate buffer is an ____ system which remains at ___________ with atmospheric air

open, equlibrium

EPSPs are produced by _______ ___ and __ channels, similar to the nicotinic ACh receptor.

opening Na+, K+

One ______ is the number of particles into which a solute dissociates in solution.


If the membrane is freely permeable to the solute, σ is 0, and the solute will diffuse across the membrane down its concentration gradient until the solute concentrations of the two solutions are equal. In other words, the solute behaves as if it were water. In this case, there will be no effective _______ _________ difference across the membrane and, therefore, no driving force for osmotic water flow.

osmotic pressure

the preparation has been modified so that water flow into Solution 1 is prevented by applying pressure to a piston. The pressure required to stop the flow of water is the _______ ________ of Solution 1.

osmotic pressure

Albumin serves as an _______ regulator and is a major _________ protein

osmotic, transport

Compliance of the lungs and the chest wall is measured as the slope of the pressure-volume relationship. As a result of their elastic forces, the chest wall tends to spring ___ and the lungs tend to _________. At ___, these two forces are exactly balanced and intrapleural pressure is _________. Compliance of the lungs __________ in emphysema and with aging. Compliance ___________ in fibrosis and when pulmonary ___________ is absent.

out, collapse, FRC, negative, increases, decreases, surfactant

an ______ or O-glycosidic bond, sometimes a _________ or N-glycosidic bond.

oxygen, nitrogen

the PO2 at which hemoglobin is 50% saturated (i.e., where two of the four heme groups are bound to O2)


Respiratory componenet of the acid base balance AKA


How can you quickly tell physiologic dead space from shunt?

pCO2 in venous side. Normal in shunt, increased in dead space

Chemoreceptors for what change are found only in carotid bodies, not aortic?


Mixed acid-base disorders result in a greater change in blood __ than simple disorders; they may pose diagnostic difficulties.


pH is a logarithmic term that is used to express hydrogen (H+) concentration.


pH formula of bicarbonate buffer

pH = pK + log (([bicarbonate])/pCO2*0.23)

Henderson-Hasselbach equatoin

pH = pKA + log [A-] / [HA]

Henderson-Hasselbach equation of amine

pH = pKa + log [RNH2] / [RNH3+]

The brain stem chemoreceptors are exquisitely sensitive to changes in the __ of _____________ _____ (___).

pH, cerebrospinal fluid, CSF

The jargon term 'blood gases' means the measurements of ___, ____, and __ (or ________ ion concentration) from which the concentration of ___________ is calculated using the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation

pO2, pCO2, pH, hydrogen, bicarbonate

Zinc finger proteins recognize and bind to short ___________ sequences of DNA


Apical neoplasms cause what syndrome? AKA what? What type of lung cancer?

pancoast syndrome Pancoast tumor Small cell lung carcinoma

On gel electrophoresis, monoclonal immunoglobulin forms a single band in the γ region (the ___________ band)


H+-K+ ATPase is found in the ________ cells of the _______ ______ and in the _____-____________ cells of the ______ __________ ____.

parietal, gastric mucosa, alpha intercalated, renal collecting duct

As described by Henry's law, the concentration of dissolved O2 is proportional to the _______ _______ of O2; the proportionality constant is simply the solubility of O2 in blood, 0.003 mL O2/100 mL blood/mm Hg.

partial pressure

The amount of O2 in solution is, in turn, directly proportional to its _______ ________. Thus, in the arterial blood (__°C, pH ___) the pO2 is ___ mmHg, which produces a concentration of dissolved O2 of ____ mmol/L.

partial pressure, 37, 7.4, 100, 0.13

The concentration of CO2 in solution is given by Henry's law, which states that the concentration of CO2 in blood is the _______ ________ multiplied by the __________ of CO2.

partial pressure, solubility

Diffusion of O2 and CO2 across the alveolar/pulmonary capillary barrier is governed by Fick's law and driven by the _______ _______ difference of the gas. Mixed venous blood enters the pulmonary capillaries and is "arterialized" as __ is added to it and ___ is removed from it. Blood leaving the pulmonary capillaries will become systemic ________ blood.

partial pressurs, O2, CO2, arterial

Permeability includes the ___________ coefficient, the _________ coefficient, and the ________ thickness.

partition, diffusion, membrane

one of the most commonly used tools in medical genetics


Reduced __________ describes the situation in which persons who have a disease-causing genotype do not develop the disease phenotype.


__________ is an all-or-none phenomenon: one either has the disease phenotype or does not. ________ __________ refers to the degree of severity of the disease phenotype.

penetrance, variable expression

Patients with a serious strep infection are treated with a combination of __________ and an _____________

penicillin, aminoglycoside

S. agilactae: Patients who have serious infections are treated with a combination of __________ and an ______________, and those with penicillin allergy are given __________.

penicillin, aminoglycoside, vancomycin

IgM normally circulates as a ________, with a molecular mass of 971 kDa, linked by _________ bonds and the _ chain

pentamer, disulfide, J

Different combinations of disturbed ventilation and _________ may occur


In the lungs of a normal person at rest, O2 transfer from alveolar air into pulmonary capillary blood is _________-limited


Right-to-left shunt is __________ of lung regions that are not ___________.

perfusion, ventilated

If the inversion includes the centromere, it is called a ___________ inversion. Inversions that do not involve the centromere are termed ___________ inversions.

pericentric, paracentric

a diffusion potential can be generated only if the membrane is _________ to that ___

permeable, ion

Phospholipids consist of a ______________ ________ backbone ("____") and two fatty acid "_____"

phosphorlyated glycerol, head, tails

When activated, myosin-light-chain kinase _____________ myosin light chain.


The inspiratory center sends its motor output to the diaphragm via the _______ nerve.


_______________ dead space includes the anatomic dead space of the conducting airways plus a functional dead space in the alveoli.


About 2% of the cardiac output normally bypasses the alveoli—there is a _____________ _____-to-____ shunt.

physiologic right left

when ventilation is adequate but perfusion poor, gas exchange cannot take place: in such cases, part of the lung behaves as if it had no alveoli at all, forming the '___________ ____ _____'

physiologic dead space

Osmotic presure AKA


For a clinician, _______ is an important 'window' on metabolism


albumin binds many drugs present in ______


For example, the Cl− concentration in plasma is slightly ____ than the Cl− concentration in interstitial fluid (due to the effect of the impermeant _______ ________)

plasma proteins

Lipids are found primarily in three compartments in the body: ______, _________ tissue and biological __________

plasma, adipose, membranes

Gibbs-Donnan ratio for Cl− is 0.95, meaning that [Cl−]______/[Cl−]____________ _____ equals 0.95

plasma, interstitial

One of the major defenses against blood-borne bacteria is the blood ________, which possesses a remarkable ability to kill bacteria in the blood and in or on the cardiac valve vegetation


The ___________ center turns off inspiration, limiting the burst of action potentials in the _______ nerve.

pneumotaxic, phrenic

SCD is caused by an inherited, single _____ mutation in the gene encoding ____-______, leading to the expression of the Hb variant ___

point, beta globin, HbS

Resistance of airways is determined by _____________ ___.

poiselleue's law

Asparagine and glutamine have amide-bearing side chains. These are _____ but _________ under physiologic conditions.

polar, uncharged

The classic definition of a carbohydrate is a ___________ ________ or ______

polyhydroxy aldehyde, ketone

Carbohydrates are __________________ and _______; they exist primarily in ______ forms, which are linked to one another by __________ bonds.

polyhydroxyaldehydes, ketones, cyclic, glycosidic

In a person with normal lungs, the forced expiration makes the pressures in the lungs and airways very ________


for each cycle of the Na+-K+ ATPase, more ________ charge is pumped out of the cell than is pumped into the cell. Thus, the process is termed ____________ because it creates a charge separation and a potential difference.

positive, electrogenic

Because of structural changes in hemoglobin as a result of binding of oxygen and other effectors, the binding affinity for subsequent molecules of oxygen may be increased (________ cooperativity) or decreased (________ cooperativity).

positive, negative

Intracellular buffers are primarily proteins and phosphates. However, the hydrogen ion enters cells in exchange for __________. Therefore, an accumulation of the hydrogen ion in the plasma (________) and the consequent entry of excess of hydrogen ion into cells ________ plasma potassium concentration. Conversely, a deficit of hydrogen ion in plasma (_________) may lead to a ___ plasma potassium concentration.

potassium, acidemia, increases, alkalemia, low

Long-term ____________ occurs in storage of memories and involves both increased release of neurotransmitter from presynaptic terminals and increased sensitivity of postsynaptic membranes to the transmitter.


These temporal relationships are critical in that the action potential always _________ the rise in intracellular Ca2+ concentration, which always ________ contraction.

precedes, precedes

Osmosis occurs because of a ______ difference, whereas diffusion occurs because of a _____________ (or activity) difference of water.

pressure, concentration

ACh is the neurotransmitter released from all preganglionic and most postganglionic neurons in the _______________ nervous system and from all preganglionic neurons in the ____________ nervous system.

presympathetic, sympathetic

When the ATP energy source is directly coupled to the transport process, it is called _______ active transport.


Each body fluid compartment must obey the _________ __ ____________ _________________; that is, each compartment must have the same concentration, in mEq/L, of positive charges (cations) as of negative charges (anions).

principle of macroscopic electroneutrality

Zinc fingers are commonly occurring sequences that allow _______ binding to double-stranded ___

protein, DNA

Within cells, the hydrogen ion is neutralized by intracellular buffers, mainly ________ and __________

proteins, phosphates

Intracellular buffers are ________ and __________

proteins, phsophates

A ________ is defined as the full complement of proteins produced by a particular genome.


As Hb binds O2, _______ dissociate from selected weak acid functions. Conversely, in acidic media, ___________ of the conjugate bases inhibits O2 binding

protons, protonation

One of the side chain imidazole nitrogens of the invariant ________ histidine (HisF8) is close enough to bond directly to the pentacoordinate ____ atom. On the opposite side of the heme plane the ______ histidine (HisE7), which is too far from the heme iron for direct bonding, functions to stabilize bound __ by ________ bonding.

proximal, Fe2+, distal, O2, hydrogen

surfactant is a phospholipid that is produced by type II alveolar cells and functions as a detergent to ________ surface tension and _________ lung compliance

reduce, increase

The volume of gas remaining in the lungs after a maximal forced expiration is the _________ volume (__), which is approximately ____ mL and cannot be measured by spirometry.

residual, RV, 1200

___________ _________ is common and is caused primarily by diseases of the lung that affect gas exchange. ___________ _________ is rarer and is caused by hyperventilation, which decreases pCO2. _________ ________ is common and results from either overproduction or retention of nonvolatile acids in the circulation. _________ _________ is rarer: its most common causes are vomiting and gastric suction, both causing loss of hydrogen ion from the stomach.

respiratory acidosis, respiratory alkalosis, metabolic acidosis, metabolic alkalosis

A consequence of the hyperventilation is that "extra" CO2 is expired by the lungs and arterial PCO2 decreases, producing ___________ _________

respiratory alkalosis

S pneumoniae is commensal in the throat and nasopharynx of healthy individuals and is transmitted via ___________ ________

respiratory droplets

Respiration rate is controlled by the ___________ center located in the _________

respiratory, brainstem

If the primary cause is the change in pCO2, the acidosis or alkalosis is called ___________, and if it is bicarbonate, the acidosis or alkalosis is called ________

respiratory, metabolic

The medullary respiratory center is located in the _________ _________ and is composed of _ groups of neurons that are distinguished by their anatomic location: the ___________ ______ (______ respiratory group) and the ___________ center (_______ respiratory group).

reticular formation, 2, inspiratory center, dorsal, expiratory, ventral

Subtelomeric rearrangements involve deletions or duplications of DNA in the gene-____ regions near __________. They can be detected by hybridizing specifically designed FISH probes to _________ chromosomes or by comparative genomic hybridization of patient and control DNA to microarrays containing _____________ probes.

rich, telomeres, metaphase, subtelomeric

The increased concentration of 2,3-DPG causes the O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve to shift to the _____


In chronic hypoxia, the increased pulmonary arterial pressure causes hypertrophy of the _____ _________, which must pump against an increased __________.

right ventricle, afterload

during exercise the oxygen-Hb binding curve shifts _____ with a _________ p50

right, decreased

The increases in temperature also cause a _____ shift of the O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve and an ________ in P50, facilitating unloading of O2 in the tissues.

right, increase

During exercise, the O2-hemoglobin curve shift to the _____ is advantageous, of course, because it is associated with an ________ in P50 and _________ affinity of hemoglobin for O2, making it easier to unload O2 in the exercising skeletal muscle.

right, increase, decrease

A defining characteristic of the hypoxemia caused by a _____-to-_____ shunt is that it cannot be corrected by having the person breathe a high O2 gas (e.g., 100% O2) because the shunted blood never goes to the lungs to be oxygenated.

right, left

In a _____-to-_____ shunt, hypoxemia always occurs because a significant fraction of the cardiac output is not delivered to the lungs for oxygenation.

right, left

Pulmonary blood flow is the cardiac output of the _____ heart, and it is equal to the cardiac output of the ____ heart. Pulmonary blood flow is regulated primarily by ____ , with alveolar hypoxia producing ________________.

right, left, PAO2, vasoconstriction

Deletions sometimes occur at both tips of a chromosome. The remaining chromosome ends can then fuse, forming a ____ _________

ring chromosome

The role of surface tension is demonstrated by repeating the experiment in a ______-filled lung. The inspiration and expiration limbs are the same when the ______-___ interface, and thus surface tension, is eliminated.

saline, liquid air

Two opposite-charged amino acids, such as glutamate with a γ-carboxyl group and lysine with an ε-amino group, may form a ____ ______, primarily on the surface of proteins

salt bridge

The solubility of a protein may be increased by the addition of ____ at a ___ concentration (salting in) or decreased by ____ ____ concentration (salting out).

salt, low, high salt

Cotransport (symport) is a form of secondary active transport in which all solutes are transported in the ____ __________ across the cell membrane.

same direction

Promoter works because it is on the _____ strand of DNA as the gene being transcribed and is referred to as the ___-______ ________. this emphasizes taht it only affects proximal genes on the same chromosome

same, cis acting sequence

The ester bond of triglycerides and other glycerolipids is also readily hydrolyzed ex vivo by a strong base, such as NaOH, forming glycerol and free fatty acids. This process is known as ______________; one of the products, the sodium salt of the fatty acid, is ____.

saponoficiation, soap

tumor cells composed of round to fusiform shape, scant cytoplasm, and finely granular chromatin What type of lung cancer?

small cell carcinomas

Thus, _____ solutes in ___________ solutions have the largest diffusion coefficients and diffuse most readily; _____ solutes in _________ solutions have the smallest diffusion coefficients and diffuse least readily.

small, nonviscous, large, viscous

Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in _______ _______________ can used to separate proteins, based on charge

sodium dodecsysulfate

Nonpolar solutes tend to be _______ in oil and have ____ values for partition coefficient, whereas polar solutes tend to be _________ in oil and have ___ values for partition coefficient.

soluble, high, insoluble, low

Data show that ____________ are the most likely cause of BAs and that most occur in the ________ and ________ lobes supplied by the _______ ________ artery.

streptococci, frontal, temporal, middle cerebral

The attractive forces between adjacent molecules of the liquid are _________ than the attractive forces between molecules of liquid and molecules of gas in the alveoli, which creates a ________ ________

stronger, surface tension

homocystinuria, a defect in _______ ______ ____ metabolism

sulfur amino acid

The mechanism underlying the cooperativity in oxygen binding by hemoglobin involves a shift between two conformational states of the hemoglobin molecule which differ in oxygen affinity. These two quaternary conformations are known as the _ (_____) and _ (_______)

tense, relaxed

The three-dimensional, folded and biologically active conformation of a protein is referred to as its ________ structure.


As a ________ of globins, Hb is one of the best characterized examples of cooperativity in ligand interactions.


Amino acids that are both polar and hydrophobic, such as _________, _______ and __________, are oriented with their polar functions toward the globinprotein's ________.

threonine ,tyrosine, tryptophan

Heparinate prevents clotting by binding to ________. EDTA and citrate bind ____ and ____, thus interfering with the action of calcium and magnesium-dependent enzymes involved in the clotting cascade

thrombin, Ca2+, Mg2+

__________ are not true cells, but are membrane-bound fragments derived from megakaryocytes


The volume of air inspired in one breath is the _____ ______ (__), which is approximately 0.5 L

tidal volume, VT

Normal, quiet breathing involves inspiration and expiration of a _____ volume (__). Normal _____ volume is approximately ___ mL and includes the volume of air that fills the _______ plus the volume of air that fills the _______.

tidal, VT, tidal, 500, alveoli, airways

The total amount of fluid or water in the human body is called _____ ____ _____, which accounts for __% to __% of body weight.

total body water, 50, 70

Transcription factors are sometimes referred to as _____-______ _______ to emphasize that, as soluble proteins, they can diffuse within the nucleus and act on multiple different genes on different chromosomes.

trans acting factors

The DNA-binding proteins are ____-acting transcription factors that bind with ____ specificity to these sequences, and facilitate the binding and positioning of ______ __ for synthesis of ___-____.

trans, high, RNAPol II, pre mRNA

One way to characterize the interaction of a ____________ ______ with a particular ___ ________ is to use a technique termed the electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA)

transcription factor, DNA sequence

Initiation of transcription requires binding of _____________ _______ to DNA

transcription factors

In addition to a DNA-binding domain, sequence-specific transcription factors also have a _____________-__________ domain that is required for their ability to modulate transcription

transcription regulatory

The control of gene expression involves both ______________ and ____-_______________ events that regulate the expression of a gene in both time and place and in response to numerous developmental, hormonal and stress signals.

transcriptional, post transcriptional

A _____________ is the interchange of genetic material between nonhomologous chromosomes


The Philadelphia chromosome consists of a _____________ of most of chromosome __ onto the ____ arm of chromosome _. A small distal portion of __ in turn is translocated to chromosome __. The net effect is a _______ chromosome 22, which explains why the Philadelphia chromosome was initially thought to be a _________. This translocation is seen in most cases of _______ __________ ________.

translocation, 22, long, 9, 9q, shortened, deletion, chronic mylogenous leukemia

Some integral proteins are ______________ proteins, meaning they span the lipid bilayer one or more times; thus, these proteins are in contact with both ___ and ___

transmembrane, ECF, ICF

The _________ _____ begins with the enzyme in the E1 state, bound to ATP.

transport cycle

Na+/K+ ATPase is what kind of protein?

transport protein

Meiotic failure, in which a diploid sperm or egg cell is produced, can also produce a _______ zygote.


The polyploid conditions that have been observed in humans are _________ (69 chromosomes in the nucleus of each cell) and __________ (92 chromosomes in each cell nucleus).

triploidy, tetraploidy

a filamentous protein that runs along the groove of each twisted actin filament. Moves away during contraction


Once purified, for the determination of its amino acid composition, a protein is subjected to hydrolysis, commonly in 6 mol/L HCl at 110°C in a sealed and evacuated tube for 24-48 h. Under these conditions, __________, __________ are destroyed, and __________ and __________ are quantitatively deaminated to give _________ and __________, respectively. Recovery of ______ and _________ is incomplete and decreases with increasing time of hydrolysis.

tryptophan, cystine, glutamine, asparagine, glutamate, aspartate, serine, threonine

Neurofibromin gene type What disease is it mutated in?

tumor suppressor NF1

Most laryngeal cancers are what type?

typical squamous cell carcionomas

Norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine are members of the same family of biogenic amines: They share a common precursor, ________, and a common biosynthetic pathway


Interstitial fluid is an _____________ of plasma, formed by filtration processes across the _________ ____.

ultrafiltrate, capillary wall

Structural chromosome abnormalities may be __________ (the rearrangement causes a gain or loss of chromosomal material) or ________ (the rearrangement does not produce a loss or gain of chromosome material)

unbalanced, balanced

when bacteria are transferred to lower temperature, they respond by increasing the content of ___________ fatty acids in membrane phospholipids, thereby maintaining membrane fluidity at low temperature.


Because movement of a solute ______ is work, metabolic energy in the form of ATP must be provided.


the pneumotaxic center, located in the _____ ____, limits the size of the _____ ______, and secondarily, it regulates the ____________ ____.

upper pons, tidal volume, respiratory rate

Promoters are usually ________ of the transcription start point of a gene


CAAT box is often found __________ of the TATA box, typically about __ bp from the start of transcription

upstream, 80

Osmotic pressure is calculated by the _____ ____ equation, which converts the concentration of particles to a ________, taking into account whether the ______ is retained in the original solution.

van't Hoff, pressure, solute

A third type, a combination of unitary and multiunit smooth muscle, is found in ________ smooth muscle.


Exposure of phosphatidylserine in the outer leaflet of the erythrocyte plasma membrane increases the cell's adherence to the ________ ____ and is a signal for __________ recognition and ____________.

vascular wall, macrophage, phagocytosis

At high altitude, alveolar gas has a low Po2, which has a direct ________________ effect on the pulmonary vasculature


Nitric oxide, a potent __________, is stored on Hb as S-nitrosoHb (___-__)

vasodilator, SNO-Hb

The physiologic shunt is increased in several pathologic conditions (called a ___________/_________ ______)

ventilation perfusion defect

Lung ___________ and _________ are main factors controlling gas exchange. The ____ regulates the ventilation rate through central chemoreceptors in the _________. When pO2 decreases, this control switches to pO2-sensitive __________ receptors in the _______ ______ and in the ______ ____

ventilation, perfusion, pCO2, brainstem, peripheral, aortic arch, carotid bodies

Regions of low V/Q have low ___________ relative to _________, usually because ____________ is decreased.

ventilation, perfusion, ventilation

The expiratory center is located in the _______ respiratory neurons and is responsible primarily for ___________.

ventral, expiration

In smooth muscle, Ca2+ enters the cell during the action potential via _______-_____ ____ channels. Ca2+ then binds to __________, and the Ca2+-calmodulin complex activates ______-_____-_____ _______, which phosphorylates ______. Myosin~P can bind actin, form cross-bridges, and generate _______. Other sources of intracellular Ca2+ in smooth muscle are ______-____ ____ channels in the ___________ membrane and __-gated ____ channels in the ____________ __________ membrane.

voltage gated Ca2+, calmodulin, myosin light chain kinase, myosin, tension, ligand gated Ca2+, sarcolemmar, IP3, Ca2+, sarcoplasmic reticulum

Sensors that respond to changes in membrane potential

voltage-gated ion channel

lung compliance describes the change in lung ______ for a given change in ________.

volume, pressure

The relationship between lung ______ and lung ________ is obtained by inflating and deflating an isolated lung. The slope of each curve is the __________. In the air-filled lung, inspiration (inflation) and expiration (deflation) follow different curves, which is known as __________.

volume, pressure, compliance, hysteresis

_-___ ________________ and ___ _____________ are usually used for determination of the three-dimensional structure of proteins

x ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy

A ____ ______ motif in steroid receptors binds to the steroid response element in DNA

zinc finger

These complex lipids contribute charge to the membrane: phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine are ____________ at physiologic pH and have __ net charge, while phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylinositol are _______

zwitterionic, no, anionic

Coeffecient of relationship formula


Alveolar Ventilation equation What is value of K?

(Rate of CO2 production) (K) / (PaCO2) 863 mmHg

Alveolar ventilation formula

(Vt - Vd) * breaths/min

Acidic pH amino acids have what charge?


At pH below PI, what is the predominant charge on a protein? Above PI?

+ -

Chrage of basic AA? Acidic

+ -

Streptococci are Gram-_ _____ arranged in pairs and chains and are one of the normal microflora of humans and animals.

+ cocci

Streptococci are Gram-_ _____ arranged in _____ and ______ and are part of the normal microflora of humans and animals Metabolism type? Catalase? Lactic acid production

+, cocci, pairs, chains Facultative anaerobe - Yes!

Na+ equilibrium potential? K+? RMP?

+65 mV -85 mV -70 mV

Strep: They are catalase-_ and ferment ______________, with the production of ______ ____.

-, carbohydrates, lactic acid

Alveolar pressure during inspiration During expiration

-1 1

Normally, at rest, intrapleural pressure is __ cm H2O because of equal and opposite forces trying to collapse the lungs and expand the chest wall. With a pneumothorax, the intrapleural pressure becomes _____ __ atmospheric pressure, causing the lungs to ________ and the chest wall to _______.

-5, equal to, collapse, expand

End plate potential value?

-50 mV

The resting membrane potential of excitable cells falls in the range of ___ to ___ mV.

-70, -80

Cl- equilibrium potential

-90 mV

Because the motor end plate must be depolarized from its resting potential of ___ mV to the threshold potential of ___ mV, it must, therefore, depolarize by __ mV. Depolarization by 40 mV requires ___ quanta (because each quantum or vesicle depolarizes the motor end plate by ___ mV).

-90, -50, 40, 100, 0.4

Shunt V/Q ratio


the reflection coefficient falls somewhere between _ and _ if a solution is neither impermeant or completely permeant to a solution

0, 1

If the membrane is freely permeable to the solute, σ is _, and the solute will diffuse across the membrane down its _____________ ________ until the solute concentrations of the two solutions are _____.

0, concentration gradient, equal

Each MEPP, which represents the content of one synaptic vesicle, depolarizes the motor end plate by about ___ mV


Normal V/Q ratio value


in a normal person, FEV1/FVC is approximately ___, meaning that __% of the vital capacity can be expired in the first second of forced expiration

0.8, 80

Like triglycerides, the glycerophospholipids contain a spectrum of fatty acids at the sn-_ and sn-_ position, but the sn-_ position is occupied by _________ esterified to an _____ compound

1, 2, 3, phosphate, amino

Pathway from hypoxia to new RBC's (5)

1. Hypoxia increases Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1alpha 2. Renal fibroblasts increase EPO mRNA 3. Increased EPO synthesis 4. Increased Proerythroblasts 5. Increased Erythrocytes

Progression of formation of SCLC (3)

1. inactivation of tumor suppressors on chromosome 3 short arm 2. inactivation of tp53 3. Activation of KRAS

If the membrane is impermeable to the solute, σ is ___, and the solute will be retained in the original solution and exert its full _______ effect.

1.0, osmotic

_/_ of each tidal volume fills the anatomic dead space.


Mean pulmonary arterial pressure is _/_ that of systemic, it is considered pulmonary hypertension


Coefecient of relationship for first cousins


Alveolar air, pulmonary capillary blood, and systemic arterial blood all have a PO2 of ___ mmHg


In the lungs, is ___ mm Hg. Hemoglobin is nearly ___% saturated (all heme groups are bound to O2). Due to positive cooperativity, affinity is _______ and O2 is most _______ bound (the flat portion of the curve).

100, 100, highest, tightly

Gene switching on chromosome __ causes HbF to decrease shortly after birth


erythrocytes have a finite life span of approximately ___ days before being trapped and broken down in the ______

120, spleen

Normal breathing rate

15 breahts/min

Fatty acids: long, straight-chain alkanoic acids, most commonly with __ or __ carbons. They may be saturated or unsaturated, the latter containing _-_ double bonds, all in ___ geometry. The double bonds are not conjugated, but separated by _________ groups.

16, 18, 1, 5, cis, methylene

Trisomy __ (47,XY,+__), also known as Edwards syndrome, is the second most common autosomal trisomy, with a prevalence of about 1 per 6000 live births

18, 18

Dissolved O2 is free in solution and accounts for approximately _% of the total O2 content of blood.


a solution containing 1 mmol/L NaCl is _ mOsm/L


an important allosteric effector of Hb, decreasing the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin; this is an important adaptation to high altitude and in pulmonary disease. Protons, through the Bohr effect, and CO2 also promote the release of oxygen from hemoglobin in peripheral tissue. Conformational changes in both the tertiary and quaternary structures characterize the transition between deoxygenated and oxygenated states What molecule?

2, 3-BPG

Hemoglobin subunits may assume _ different conformations that differ in __ affinity

2, O2

Hb binds oxygen cooperatively, with a Hill coefficient of ~___


Cl--HCO3- transporter AKA

3 band protein

Where do miRNAs bind a mRNA molecule?

3' UTR

With this stoichiometry of _ Na+ ions per _ Ca2+ ion(s), _ positive charges move into the cell in exchange for _ positive charges leaving the cell, making the Ca2+-Na+ exchanger electrogenic.

3, 1, 3, 2

The polyunsaturated fatty acids are commonly classified into two groups, ω-_ and ω-_ fatty acids, depending on whether the first ______ ____ appears three or six carbons from the terminal methyl group

3, 6, double bond

Troponin C can bind as many as _ Ca2+ ions per molecule of protein


_ common classes of DNA-binding domain are: Name them!

4 Helix-turn-helix motif Helix-loop-helix motif Zinc fingers Leucine Zippers

There are _ subtypes of glutamate receptors. Three of the subtypes are __________ receptors, or ______-_____ ion channels including the ____ receptor that is widely distributed throughout the central nervous system. A fourth subtype comprises ____________ receptors, which are coupled via heterotrimeric ___-binding proteins (_ proteins) to ion channels

4, ionotropic, ligand gated, NMDA, metabatropic, GTP, G

mixed venous blood has a PO2 of __ mm Hg (because O2 has diffused from systemic capillaries into the tissues).


In the tissues, is approximately __ mm Hg, much _____ than it is in the lungs. At a PO2 of 40 mm Hg, hemoglobin is only __% saturated and the affinity for O2 is _________.

40, lower, 75, decreased

The remaining __% of the total O2 content of blood is reversibly bound to __________ inside the ___ _____ cells.

98, hemoglobin, red blood

Group _ streptococci include Streptococcus pyogenes, which causes "strep throat" and scarlet fever


Ig_ is found in secretions and presents an antiseptic barrier, which protects mucosal surfaces


Ig_ represents 7-15% of plasma immunoglobulins and has a half-life of 6 days.


Surface Area AKA


The GABA_ receptor is directly linked to a Cl− channel and thus is ionotropic.


Thin filament proteins of muscle (3)

Actin Troponin Tropomyosin

represents the active force developed during cross-bridge cycling.

Active tension

Primary active transport: Passive or active? Carrier mediated? Uses metabolic energy? Dependent on Na+ gradient?

Active, uphill Yes Yes, direct No

Sore throat

Acute pharyngitis

clinical syndrome caused by diffuse alveolar capillary and epithelial damage. The usual course is characterized by rapid onset of life-threatening respiratory insufficiency, cyanosis, and severe arterial hypoxemia that is refractory to oxygen therapy and may progress to multisystem organ failure.

Acute respriatory distress syndrome

▪ With its wide variety of effector molecules, Hb is also a prototype of an __________ proteins and enzymes.


S. pneumoniae hemolysis type


Viridans strep hemolysis type?


Viridans streptococci: Hemolysis? What are the 4 groups?

Alpha Salavarius, Mutans, Mitis, Anginosus

Proteinase inhibitor example

Alpha 1 antitrypsin

Being born without albumin condition


Decreased RBC count


_______ is a common finding in chronic renal failure because the decrease in functioning renal mass results in decreased synthesis of EPO and decreased production of ____________ and the accompanying decrease in __________ concentration.

Anemia, erythrocytes, hemoglobin

__________ conditions consist primarily of monosomies and trisomies. They are usually caused by ______________. Autosomal _________ are almost always lethal, but some autosomal _________ are compatible with survival.

Aneuploid, nondisjunction, monosomies, trisomies

Negative charges AKA


Foreign substance AKA


Countertransport AKA (2)

Antiport Exchange

__________ is an abnormal breathing pattern with prolonged inspiratory gasps, followed by brief expiratory movement.


Family of crystalline hydrates silicates with fibrous geometery


UIP disease symptoms, along with golden brown, fusiform or beaded rods with a translucent center What disease


___________ and _________ have amide-bearing side chains. These are polar but uncharged under physiologic conditions.

Asparagine, glutamine

Patient aspires gastric contents, while unconscious or during repeated vomiting What type of pneumonia

Aspiration pneumonia

Consanguinity is usually the culprit behind what type of disease transmission?

Autosomal recessive

Mean Corpsucular Hemoglobin

Average amount of hemoglobin per RBC

Mean platelet volume

Average volume of a platelet

Mean Corpuscular Volume

Average volume of an RBC

Group _ streptococci include Streptococcus agalactiae, which is associated with neonatal diseases.


LYmphocyte subgroups (2)

B cells T cells

Synthesize antibodies Which lymphocytes?

B lymphocytes

Monoclonal immunoglobulins are the product of a single _ cell, and arise from benign or malignant transformations of _ cells

B, B

Gene associated with familail pulmonary hypertension


The only "trick" in applying the general gas law to respiratory physiology is to know that in the gas phase _____ is used, but in the liquid phase, ____ is used. ____ means body temperature (__°C, or ___ K), _______ pressure, and gas saturated with ______ _____. For gases dissolved in blood, ____ is used, meaning standard temperature (_°C, or ___ K), standard pressure (___ mm Hg), and ___ gas

BTPS, STPD, BTPS, 37, 310, ambient, water vapor, STPD, 0, 273, 760, dry

Community acquired acute pneumonias are caused by what/


Secrete histamine, mediate inflammatory resopnse, secrete platelet activating factor Which granulocytes?


Marker in urine for multiple myeloma

Bence jones protein (kappa chain excess in urine)

Group A strep hemolytic type?


Group B strep hemolysis type?


Albuterol drug class

Beta 2 agonist

If the H-bonds are formed laterally between peptide bonds, the polypeptide sequences become arrayed parallel or antiparallel to one another in what is commonly called what?

Beta pleated sheet

The main buffer that neutralizes hydrogen ions released from cells

Bicarbonate buffer

Dopamine Epinephrine Histamine Norepinephrine WHat type of NT's?

Biogenic amines

Skin infection that causes squamous hyperplasia similar to squamous cell carcinoma


The effect of PCO2 and pH on the O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve is called the ____ ______

Bohr effect

Patchy distribution of inflammation that generally involves more than one lobe Which type of pneumonia?


Any form of emphysema that produces large subpleural blebs or bullae

Bullous emphysema

Sulfur-containing amino acids

C (cysteine) M (methionine)

The ___ technique, in which differentially labeled DNA from test and control sources is hybridized to probes in microarrays, allows the detection of chromosome ____________ and _________ but not ________ ______________. Array CGH can detect deletions and duplications shorter than ___ kb and requires only small amounts of DNA.

CGH, deletions, duplications, balanced rearrangements, 100

In the tissues, ___ is produced from aerobic metabolism.


c-reactive protein AKA


Exteremely common form of vaginal infection in women, especially those who are pregnant, diabetic, or on oral contraceptives

Candida vaginitis

95% of lung cancers are what type?


Striated muscles types (2)

Cardiac SKeletal

Oubain Digitalis What type of drugs?

Cardiac glycosides

Necrosis type seen in Tb

Caseous necrosis

_________, 50-100 nm plasma membrane invaginations, and _____ _____ are plasma membrane patches (microdomains) important for signal transduction and endocytosis.

Caveolae, lipid rafts

Central or proximal parts of acini are effected while distal alveoli are spared What type fo emphysema?

Central acinar

Collections of crystalloids made up of eosinophil proteins what disease are these seen in?

Charcot Leyden crystals Asthma

ACh is waht type of NT?

Choline ester

_________ structure affects access of transcription factors to genes, and thereby affects gene expression


Chronic refractory diseae affecting the mucous membranes, hair, skin, and nails, associated with underlying T cell defects

Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis

Chronic cor pulmonale AKA

Chronic right sided heart strain. Seen commonly with recurrent pulmonary emboli

protein that helps determine urine dilution


competes with ACh for the nicotinic receptors on the motor end plate, decreasing the size of the EPP. When administered in maximal doses, it causes paralysis and death.


Mucus plugs comtaining whorls of shed epithelium seen in asthma

Curschmann spirals

Candida that causes skin infections everywhere

Cutaneous candidiaseis

a defect of the skin of the scalp on the posterior occiput Seen in what disease?

Cutis aplasia Patau syndrome

The study of chromosomes and their abnormalities


Gigantism on both cell and nucleus What virus infection?


Infectious, mono-like illness with fever, atypical lymphocytosis, lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly, abnormal liver function tests, ,mild hepatitis in healthy host What diseae?


Pneumonitis by what disease has mononuclear foci with necrosis and progresess to ARDS?


Diffusion coeffecient AKA


Diffusion Coeffecient Formula

D = (KT) / (6PiRn) D = Diffusion coeffecient K = Boltzmann's constant T = Absolute temperature (Kelvin) R = molculear radius n = Viscosity of the medium

An excellent example of facilitated diffusion is the transport of _-_______ into skeletal muscle and adipose cells by the _____ transporter.

D glucose, GLUT4

Sugar that is transported via GLUT4 carrier besides D-glucose


a form of curare, is used therapeutically to cause relaxation of skeletal muscle during anesthesia.


Transcription factors have highly conserved ___ binding sites


Thickness of the Membrane AKA

Delta X

DL can be measured with carbon monoxide (CO) because CO transfer across the alveolar/pulmonary capillary barrier is limited exclusively by the __________ process.


_________-limited gas exchange is illustrated by the transport of O2 during strenuous exercise and in pathologic conditions such as emphysema and fibrosis.


Potential difference AKA

Diffusion potential

_________-limited gas exchange is illustrated by CO and by O2 in fibrosis or strenuous exercise. _________-limited gas exchange is illustrated by N2O, CO2, and O2 under normal conditions.

Diffusion, perfusion

Proximal portion of acinus is normal but distal part is primariliy involved What type of emphysema?

Distal acinar

______ tubules generate new bicarbonate and excrete _________

Distal, hydrogen

Watch video on sarcomere

Do It!!!!!!!!

Watch Amino Acid classification/structure video

Do it!!

Review Prader-Willi syndrome

Do it!!!!!

Draw action of SGLT1

Do it!!!!!!

Draw cotransport Actino of glucose in small intestinal epithelial cell involving Na+/K+ ATPase

Do it!!!!!!

Write out carbonic anhydrase equlilbrium reaction

Do it!!!!!!

Solve pH problem given H+ concenration

Do it!!!!!!!

Draw diagram of Na+/Ca2+ exchange in a cell

Do it!!!!!!. VitalBook file.

Only tyrosine and dopa enzymes. What NT made from tyrosine?


Inspiratory center AKA

Dorsal root ganglion

when alveolar ventilation is halved, PACO2 _______ Why?

Doubles Less CO2 is removed from the blood

Trisomy 21 AKA

Down Syndrome

_________ transport occurs by diffusion, either simple or facilitated, and requires no input of metabolic energy.


Moving down electrochemical gradient


Obstruction of small or medium pulmonary artery branches leads to what? Obstruction of large branch?

Dypsnea Sudden, silent death

Ig_ binds antigens and promotes release of vasoactive amines from mast cells


Ig_ is similar to IgM in its unit structure.


Tyrosine, Dopa, Beta, and PMNA What NT from tyrosine?


Membrane potential AKA


Acinus inflammation


Abnormal permanent enlargement of the air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles, accompanied by destruction of their walls without significant fibrosis


the diffusion potential that exactly balances or opposes the tendency for diffusion down the concentration difference.

Equilibrium potential

Erythroid progeintor transitions to what cell?


Red blood cells AKA


Which blood cells are not complete cells, as they do not possess nuclei and intracellular organelles?


Aromatic AA's

F (phenylalanine) W (tryptophan) Y (tyrosine)

Constant region of heavy chain


If the iron component of the heme moieties is in the ferric, or ____, state (rather than the normal ____ state), it is called _______________.

Fe3+, Fe2+, methemoglobin

________ is the major iron storage protein found in almost all cells of the body


Most common cause of triploidy What is this AKA

Fertilization of an egg by 2 sperm Dispermy

_____ circulation is another example of global hypoxic vasoconstriction.


Decreased lung complaince disease


Restrictive lung disease


a so-called restrictive disease, is associated with stiffening of lung tissues and decreased compliance


The _____ _______ Model describes the essential role of phospholipids, integral and membrane proteins and other lipids in the structure and function of biological membranes.

Fluid Mosaic

the total volume of air that can be forcibly expired after a maximal inspiration

Forced Vital Capacity

___ _________ between uterine muscle cells increase significantly during the late stages of pregnancy. They provide high-capacity channels between cells and permit coordinated contraction of the uterus during labor.

Gap junctions

an individual's genetic constitution at a locus


Acidic amino acids (2)

Glu Asp

Glucosuria AKA

Glucose in urine

Bicarbonate AKA


As a tetramer of globins, __ is one of the best characterized examples of cooperativity in ligand interactions.


Over 95% of the Hb found in adult humans is ___, with the α2β2 globin subunit composition.


____ is elevated in β-thalassemia, a disease characterized by a deficiency in ____-______ biosynthesis.

HbA2, beta globin

Common hemoglobin mutations in black people (2)


The type of immunoglobulin is determined by what part of the molecule?

Heavy chain

____ proteins, interestingly, participate in these protective mechanisms against ROS by sequestering and transporting oxygen.


law that deals with gases dissolved in solution

Henrys law

O2-hemoglobin saturation curve shifts to the left when: ___ CO2 ___ pH ___ temperature ___ 2,3 BPG

High Low High High

V/Q defects (4 exampls)

High V/Q Low V/Q Shunts Dead space

banding involves staining chromosomes during prophase or early metaphase (prometaphase), before they reach maximal condensation.

High resolution banding

Pressure vs. volume plot: Emphysema has higher or lower slope than regular breathing?


Emphysema has a higher or lower FRC than normal? Are they breathing at high or low volume? What conidtion is associated with this?

Higher High Barrel shaped chest

The ____ ___________, determined experimentally, is a measure of cooperativity among ligand-binding sites, i.e. the extent to which the binding of O2 to one subunit influences the affinity of O2 to other subunits.

Hill coeffecient

_________, a biogenic amine, is synthesized from histidine, catalyzed by histidine decarboxylase.


_______ ___________ (____) inhibitors are also being tested as therapeutic agents for treatment of rapidly growing cancers, such as lymphomas.

Histone Deacetylase, HDAC

Ligand binding receptors are for what? (2)

Hormone Neurotransmitters

Suprression of the production of other immunoglobulins


Mating between siblings or paretns and kids


a person who has a disease-causing genotype might not exhibit the disease phenotype at all, even though he or she can transmit the disease-causing allele to the next generation. Example of what concept?

Incomplete penetrance

How does Glycine act on a nerve cell?

Increase Cl- conductivity, hyperpolarizing (inhibiting) the neuron

FRC is increased or decreased in emphysema?


__________ concentrations of ceruloplasmin occur in active liver disease and in tissue damage.


Empysema increases or decreases lung compliance?


_________ in alveolar ventilation cause a decrease in PACO2 ; conversely, __________ in alveolar ventilation cause an increase in PACO2

Increases, decreases

This principle states that genes at different loci are transmitted independently

Independent assortment

V/Q ratio in pulmonary embolism


ssRNA virus, bounded by a nucleoprotien that determines virus type- A, B, or C

Influenza virus

Vital capacity formula

Inspiaratory volume + Expiratory reserve volume

Disulfide bond AKA

Intrachain disulfide bond

Acinus is irregularly involved, associated with scarring such as that resulting from healed disease what type of emphysema?


receptors for noxious chemicals and particles are located between epithelial cells lining the airways what type of receptors?

Irritant receptors

Proteins are generally least soluble at what point?

Isoelectric Point

Partition Coeffecient AKA


Partition coeffecient formula

K = (Concentration in Olive Oil) / (Concentration in Water)

Insulin shifts what ion from cells to blood?


Propanalol (beta blockers) shift what ion from cells to blood?


The resting membrane potential of nerve and muscle critically depends on the difference in concentration of __ across the cell membrane


Thus, the resting membrane potential is close to the equilibrium potentials for __ and ___ because the permeability to these ions at rest is ____

K+, Cl-, high

Tyrosine is converted to _-____ by tyrosine hydroxylase, and L-dopa is converted to ________ by dopa decarboxylase.

L-dopa, dopamine

Undifferentiated malignant epithelial tumors that lack cytological features of SCLC and have no glandular or squamous differentiation

Large cell carcinomas

Phosphatidylcholine AKA


If there is a physiolgic dead space, PECO2 will be greater than or less than PACO2?

Less tahn

White blood cells AKA


__________ are cells, the main function of which is to protect the body from infection


Certain molecule that binds plasma proteins specifically


present in the sarcolemmal membrane. They are not regulated by changes in membrane potential, but by receptor-mediated events.

Ligand-gated Ca2+ channels

gate responds to changes in ligands such as hormones or neurotransmitters

Ligand-gated channels

Starch is soluble in water, cellulose is insoluble; starch is pasty, cellulose is fibrous; starch is digestible, while cellulose is indigestible by humans; starch is a food, rich in calories, while cellulose is roughage What is the main difference in these two things?

Linkage of anomeric carbon

18 : 2; ω-6, Δ9,12 which fA?


18 : 3; ω-3, Δ9,12,15 Which FA?


3-5 acini group


Simple Pulmonary Eosinophilia AKa

Loeffler syndrome

High lung volume has high or low resistance?


Monocyte subgroup


Bulk solutions AKA

Macroscopic solutions

Spongiform encephalopathy AKA

Mad cow disease

Rare cancer of mesothelial cells, usually arising in the parietal or visceral pleura, and can also soemtiems occur in peritoneum and pericardium

Malignant mesothelioma

_______ is the C2 epimer, and _________ the C-4 epimer of glucose.

Mannose, galactose

Reticulocyte has disorganization and disaassembly of organelles Exits bone marrow becomes what cell?

Mature erythrocyte

HbF HbA Mb Rank in descending O2 affinity

Mb HbF HbA

_________ smooth muscle is present in the iris, in the ciliary muscles of the lens, and in the vas deferens.


diffusion of a few Na+ ions, sufficient to create the diffusion potential, does not produce any change in ___ _____________ in the bulk solutions.

Na+ concentration

Glucose is rebsorbed into the renal proximal tubule via ___ ___________

Na+ cotransport

. As a result of the net movement of positive charge to Solution 2, an ___ _________ _________ develops and Solution 2 becomes positive with respect to Solution 1.

Na+ diffusion potential

Transmembrane Na+ concentration is maintined by what?

Na+-K+ ATPase

Na+/K+ ATPase AKA

Na+-K+ Pump

___-_______ cotransport and ___-_____ ____ cotransport are present in the luminal membranes of the epithelial cells of both small intestine and renal proximal tubule

Na+-glucose, Na+-amino acid

Ouabain treatment can inhibit what complex?

Na+/K+ ATPase

Na+-K+ ATPase AKA

Na+/K+ Pump

Does glucose dissociate in solution?


Uncharged particle AKA


the actual amount of O2 per volume of blood

O2 content

There are peripheral chemoreceptors for __, ___, and __ in the carotid bodies located at the bifurcation of the common carotid arteries and in the aortic bodies above and below the aortic arch

O2, CO2, H+

Mixed venous blood enters the pulmonary capillary; __ is added to pulmonary capillary blood, and ___ is removed from it by transfer across the alveolar/capillary barrier. ________ ________ blood leaves the pulmonary capillary.

O2, CO2, systemic arterial

The direct benefit of the structural and functional change in the HbF isoform is a more efficient transfer of __ from maternal ___ to fetal ___

O2, HbA, HbF

By far, the major factor regulating pulmonary blood flow is the partial pressure of __ in alveolar gas,____

O2, PAO2

Heme, the __-binding moiety common to Mb and Hb, is a __________ molecule to which an ____ atom (____) is coordinated

O2, porphoryn, iron, Fe2+

Condition where lung expands because air is trapped in it

Obstructive overinflatino THIS IS NOT EMPHYSEMA

the flow of water across a semipermeable membrane due to a difference in solute concentration.


Phospholipase C catalyzes the hydrolysis of ____ to ___ and ___. IP3 then diffuses to the ____________ _________, where it opens ____ release channels (similar to the mechanism of the _________ receptor in skeletal muscle).

PIP2, IP3, DAG, sarcoplasmic reticulum, Ca2_, ryanodine

Plasma Cell Membrane Ca2+ ATPase AKA


Pulmonary dysfunction, Pulmonary hypertsneion, and cor pulmonae Is this in CWP or PMF?


The most important responsibility of the peripheral chemoreceptors is to detect changes in arterial ___


The peripheral chemoreceptors also detect increases in PCO2, but the effect is less important than their response to decreases in ___.


General gas law

PV = nRT

Any infection of the lung


Air in pleural space


Presence of air or other gas in teh pleural sac


Recurrent pulmonary emboli lead to what?

Pulmonary Hypertension

Acini are composed of waht?

Respiratory bronchioles

Participate in specific immune response Which lymphocytes?

T lymphocytes

Platelets AKA


Lung lesions characterized by combination of necrotizing vasculitis and paranchymal necrotizing granulomatous inflammation What disease?

Wegener Granluomatosiss

Deletion of distal short arm of chromosome 4

Wolf-Hirschorn syndrome

Foreign substances AKA


Immunoglobulins share a common _-shaped structure of _ _____ and _ _____ chains

Y, 2 heavy , 2 light

Does IgA dimerize? If so, how?

Yes By J chain holding it together

Ka formula

[H+] [A-] / [HA]

Impaired bicarbonate reabsorption and hydrogen ion secretion causes rare renal tubular ________


Glyceraldehyde is an ______, and dihydroxyacetone a ______ sugar.

aldose, ketose

Typically, _______ of solute are expressed in moles, equivalents, or osmoles.


With few exceptions, Hb variants are inherited as _________ _________ traits

autosomal recessive

Second messenger gated channels have gates that are controlled by changes in levels of intracellular signaling molecules such as _____ or ___


Smooth muscle: The rise in intracellular Ca2+ concentration causes Ca2+ to bind to __________. Like troponin C in skeletal muscle, calmodulin binds _ ions of Ca2+ in a cooperative fashion. The Ca2+-calmodulin complex binds to and activates ______-_____-_____ ______

calmodulin, 4, myosin light chain kinase

Ca2+-calmodulin, in addition to the effects on myosin described earlier, also has effects on two thin filament proteins, ________ and ___________.

calponin, caldesmon

Within the sarcoplasmic reticulum, Ca2+ is bound to _______________, a low-affinity, high-capacity Ca2+-binding protein.


_________ of the larynx represents 2% of all cancers


When the driving force is negative (i.e., Em is more negative than the ion's equilibrium potential), that ion X will enter the cell if it is a _____ and will leave the cell if it is an _____.

cation, anion

The efficiency and specificity of gene expression are conferred by ___-acting elements


▪ Fatty acids are long chain alkanoic acids; unsaturated fatty acids contain one or more ___-______ bonds, which ________ the melting (freezing)

cis double, decrease

DNA sequences and DNA-binding proteins control gene expression. The DNA sequences include ___-acting _________, such as the TATA box, and enhancers and ________ elements

cis, promotors, response

The likelihood of chromosome breakage may be increased in the presence of certain harmful agents, called __________


Buffering capacity is greatest at what pH?

closest to pKa of solution

In addition, other proteins can bind to the sequence-specific transcription factors and modulate their function by repressing or activating gene expression; these factors are often called ____________ or ______________

coactivators, corepressors

It is possible to quantify the percentage of DNA sequence shared by a pair of relatives by estimating the ___________ __ ____________

coeffecient of relationship


collection of pus in pleural cavity

Surfactant provides another advantage for pulmonary function: It increases lung __________, which _________ the work of expanding the lungs during inspiration.

compliance, reduces

Likewise, ______________ of solutes are expressed in moles per liter (mol/L), equivalents per liter (Eq/L), or osmoles per liter (Osm/L).


Histone packaging, nucleosome stability and therefore the ______________ of DNA are controlled by reversible ___________ and _______________ of ______ residues in the _____-terminal regions of the core histones, particularly histones __ and __. _______ ______ ___________ (___) transfer acetyl groups from ______-___ to the _____ group of _______, _____________ the charge on the lysine residue and ___________ the strength of histone-DNA interactions, thereby permitting the __________ of the nucleosome. Conversely, enzymes that remove the acetyl groups and promote the local condensation of chromosomes are known as _______ ____________

condensation, acetylatoni, deacetylation, lysine, amino, H3, H4, Histone acetyl trasnferases, HATs, acetyl coA, amino, lysine, neutralizing, decreasing, relaxation, his deacetylases

Member of herpesvirus family, produces variety of disease manifestations, depending on host age and mainly IMMUNE STATUS


Type _ (_____________) receptors are a group of receptor proteins that form homodimers and bind specifically to steroid hormone response elements only in the presence of their ligand, such as the glucocorticoid receptor. Type __ (_______) receptors form homodimers that can bind to response elements in the absence of their ligand, and may also form heterodimers with other type II receptor subunits, to form active units.

cytoplpasmic nuclear

In a patient with a restrictive lung disease such as fibrosis, both FVC and FEV1 are _________ but FEV1 is decreased ___ than FVC is. Thus, in fibrosis, FEV1/FVC is increased or decreased? What about FEV1/FVC in asthma?

decrased, less, increased decreased

FEV1/FCV is _________ in obstructive lung diseae


Fibrosis is a so-called restrictive disease, is associated with stiffening of lung tissues and _________ compliance


Regions of high V/Q have high ventilation relative to perfusion, usually because blood flow is _________.


Respiratory acidosis occurs most often in lung disease and results from _________ ventilation


Shifts of the O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the right occur when there is _________ affinity of hemoglobin for O2


Chronic interstitial disease: _________ compliance _________ breathing pressure necessary

decreased increeaased

The most striking functional difference between HbF and HbA is its _________ sensitivity to _______

decreased, 2,3-BPG

Another characteristic of alkalosis is a _________ level of ionized _______ in plasma, a situation that contributes to muscle spasms and cramps

decreased, calcium

Without surfactant, lung compliance will be _________ and the work of inflating the lungs during breathing will be _________

decreased, increased

Gel electrophoretic pattern observed in serum during the acute phase response. Albumin is ___________, the sum of α1- and α2-globulins is __________, β1-globulins are _________, β2-globulins are __________ and there is a mild _________ in γ-globulins.

decreased, increased, decreased, increased, increase

In a patient with an obstructive lung disease such as asthma, both FVC and FEV1 are _________, but FEV1 is decreased ____ than FVC is

decreased, more

The H+ is buffered in the red blood cells by _______________ and is carried in the venous blood in this form.


Hb is more appropriately considered a _____ of ____________, (αβ)2, rather than an α2β2 ________

dimer, heterodimers, tetramer

Mendel's key contributions were the principles of _________ and _____________, ___________, and ___________ __________.

dominance, recessiveness, segregation, independent assortment

Although the distinction between dominant and recessive diseases is not rigid, a ________ disease allele will produce disease in a heterozygote, whereas a _________ disease allele will not.

dominant, recessive

The _________ modifies the internal nucleotide sequence of mature mRNAs


The compliance of the lungs and chest wall is inversely correlated with their _______ properties or _________

elastic, elastance

At ______________ ___________, the chemical and electrical driving forces acting on an ion are equal and opposite, and no further net diffusion occurs.

electrochemical equilibrium

X-ray crystallography depends on the diffraction of X-rays by the _________ of the atoms constituting the molecule.


Hypoxia induces synthesis of ______________


Because the binding of O2 to heme is an __________ process, the O2 affinity of Hb _________ with increasing temperature

exothermic, decreases

Streptococcal superantigens include the pyrogenic _________ _, _, _-_

exotoxins, A, C, G J

S. pyogenes: Pyrogenic __________ are produced by lysogenic strains of streptococci and induce fever, act as _____________, and are responsible for the red rash observed in scarlet fever. Superantigens can interact with both _____ molecules and _-____ receptors, thereby stimulating the Τ cell to proliferate and release cytokines in an uncontrolled manner.

exotoxins, superantigens, MHCII, T cell

Similarly, while the _______________ conformations are the primary forms of fructose in aqueous solution, most of fructose metabolism proceeds from the ________ conformation.

fructopyranose, furanose

Dead space is the volume of the airways and lungs that does not participate in ___ __________. Dead space is a general term that refers to both the _________ dead space of the conducting airways and a functional, or ___________, dead space

gas exchange, anatomic, physiologic

V/Q defects impair ___ ________. If ___________ is decreased relative to perfusion, then PaO2 and PaCO2 will approach their values in mixed venous blood. If _________ is decreased relative to ventilation, then PAO2 and PACO2 will approach their values in inspired air.

gas exchange, ventilation, perfusion

Major reducing substance in the blood


Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning causes hypoxia because CO occupies binding sites on __________ that normally are occupied by __; thus, CO __________ the O2 content of blood. _______ poisoning interferes with O2 utilization of tissue; it is one cause of hypoxia that does not involve _______ blood flow or decreased __ content of blood.

hemoglobin, O2, decreases Cyanide, decreased, O2

The ____ pO2 in the lungs promotes ligand saturation and forces _______ from the Hb molecule to stabilize the _ state. In the capillary bed, particularly in metabolically active tissues, the pH is slightly _____, due to the production of ________ metabolites, such as _______. Oxygenated Hb, upon entering this environment, will acquire some 'excess' _______ and shift toward the _ state, promoting release of __ for uptake by tissues for aerobic metabolism.

high, protons, R, lower, acidic, lactate, protons, T, O2

Because of the gravitational effect on hydrostatic pressure, Pa is ______ in zone 2 than in zone 1 and higher than PA


hemoglobin F has a ______ affinity for O2 than hemoglobin A, facilitating O2 movement from the mother to the fetus.


In zone 1, where V/Q is _______, ____ is highest and _____ is lowest. In zone 3, where V/Q is _______, ____ is lowest and _____ is highest. These regional differences are present in healthy lungs, and the blood leaving the lungs via the pulmonary vein (representing the sum of blood from all zones) has an average PaO2 of ___ mm Hg and an average of PvO2 __ mm Hg.

highest, PaO2, PaCO2, lowest, PaO2, PaCO2, 100, 40

The D and L designations are based on the configuration at the ______ numbered __________ center, C-_ in the case of hexoses.

highest, asymmetric, 5

Notable exceptions to this general distribution of amino acid residues in globins are the two __________ that play indispensable roles deep within the heme pocket


In the oxygenated globin structure, the planar heme is positioned between the proximal and distal ___________ (His__ and His__, respectively); only His__ has an imidazole nitrogen close enough to bond with ____. The _____-_______ that contain these histidines are shown in pink. In deoxygenated globins, the _____ position remains vacant, leaving a ________________ iron. In the oxygenated state, __ occupies the sixth position. Both porphyrin propionate moieties participate in hydrogen and electrostatic bonding interactions with ______ side chains and _______.

histidines, F8, E7, F8, iron, alpha helices, sixth, pentacoordinated, O2, globin, solvent

Starch, cellulose and glycogen are important _________ polymers of _______.

homoglucan, glucose

Saccharides composed of a single sugar are termed ___________, while saccharides with complex composition are termed _____________.

homoglycans, heteroglycans

When an allosteric effector affects its own binding to the protein (at other sites), the process is termed __________, e.g. the effect of binding of __ at one site on Hb enhances the affinity for binding of __ to other sites on Hb.

homotropic, O2, O2

S. pyogenes: The capsule comprises ___________ ____ identical to that found in the __________ tissue of the host and hence does not elicit an immune response. It also inhibits the phagocytosis of the bacterium by phagocytes. The _ _______ is located at the end of the fimbriae and is also involved in inhibiting phagocytosis.

hyaluronic acid, connective, M protein

hospitalized patients the short-term changes in plasma albumin concentration are usually due to changes in what? Long term changes can reflect what?

hydration nutritional status (amino acid availibility)

Blood and tissues contain buffer systems that minimize changes in ________ ion concentration


Maintenance of the ________ ion concentration within a narrow range is vital for survival.


The secondary structure of a protein is determined by _________ bonding interactions between amino acid side chain functional groups


The glycerol backbone is ____________, and the fatty acid tails are ___________

hydrophillic, hydrophobic

Peripheral membrane proteins are loosely attached to either the intracellular or extracellular side of the cell membrane by _____________ interactions (e.g., with integral proteins) and can be removed with mild treatments that disrupt _____ or __________ bonds.

hydrostatic, ionic, hydrogen

the equation for ligand binding by Mb describes a _________ with a P50 of _ mmHg

hyperbola, 4

For a constant level of CO2 production, there is a __________ relationship between PACO2 and VA


If two solutions have different calculated osmolarities, the solution with the higher osmolarity is called ____________ and the solution with the lower osmolarity is called ___________

hyperosmotic, hypoosmotic

Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) are synaptic inputs that _____________ the postsynaptic cell, taking the membrane potential away from threshold and farther from firing an action potential. IPSPs are produced by opening ___ channels.

hyperpolarize, Cl-

alkalosis can cause ___________, and ___________ may lead to alkalosis.

hypokalemia, hypokalemia

Water will flow from the _________ solution into the __________ solution.

hypotonic, hypertonic

When two solutions have different effective osmotic pressures, the solution with the lower effective osmotic pressure is _________ and the solution with the higher effective osmotic pressure is __________.

hypotonic, hypertonic

Ascent to high altitude is one of several causes of _________


Decreased arterial PO2


At high altitude, _________ results from the ________ PO2 of inspired air. Adaptive responses to hypoxemia include hyperventilation, respiratory _________, pulmonary ________________, polycythemia, _________ 2,3-DPG production, and a _____ shift of the O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve.

hypoxemia, decreased, alkalosis, vasoconstriction, increased, right

Shifts of the O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the right occur when there is decreased affinity of hemoglobin for O2. A decrease in affinity is reflected in an ________ in P50, which means that 50% saturation is achieved at a ______-than-normal value of PO2. When the affinity is __________, unloading of O2 in the tissues is facilitated.

increase, higher, decreased

An increase in affinity is reflected in a ________ in P50, which means that 50% saturation occurs at a _____-than-normal value of PO2. When the affinity is ____________, unloading of O2 in the tissues is more difficult (i.e., binding of O2 is tighter).

increase, higher, increased

During exercise, the ventilation rate and cardiac output ________ to match the body's needs for O2 so that mean values for PaO2 and PaCO2 do not change. The O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve shifts to the _____ as a result of _________ tissue PCO2, _______ temperature, and _________ tissue pH.

increase, right, increased, increased, decrease

Increased arterial pCO2 leads to _________ breathing rate


One of the most interesting features of the body's adaptation to high altitude is an _________ synthesis of 2,3-DPG by red blood cells.


Right-to-left shunts (right-to-left cardiac shunts, intrapulmonary shunts) always cause hypoxemia and _________ A − a gradient


V/Q defects always cause hypoxemia and _________ A-a gradient


The _________ in pCO2 in venous capillaries _________ the affinity of Hb for O2. Accordingly, a _____ shift in the ligand saturation curve occurs as pCO2 increases. It should be emphasized that the allosteric effector is, in fact, ___, not _____: CO2 reacts reversibly with the unprotonated N-terminal amino groups of the globin polypeptides to form _______ _______

increased, decreases, right, CO2, HCO3-, carbamino adducts

The solubility of a protein may be _________ by the addition of salt at a low concentration (salting __) or _________ by high salt concentration (salting ___).

increased, in, decreased, out

Pulmonary blood flow _________ during exercise


O2 bound to hemoglobin changes its affinity for CO2, such that when less O2 is bound, the affinity of hemoglobin for CO2 _________ (the _______ ______).

increases, Haldane effect

When the H+ concentration in the system _________, the bicarbonate component of the buffer _______ (H+), forming ________ ____, which is subsequently converted into ___ and ___ in the reaction catalyzed by ________ _________: H++HCO3−⇌H2CO3⇌CO2+H2O

increases, accepts, carbonic acid, CO2, H2O, carbonic anhydrase

increases in gas viscosity (e.g., as occurs during deep sea diving) produce _________ in resistance, and decreases in viscosity (e.g., breathing a low-density gas such as helium) produce ___________ in resistance.

increases, decreases

The melting point of fatty acids, as well as that of more complex lipids, _________ with the chain length of the fatty acid, but _________ with the number of double bonds. Why?

increases, decreases cis DB in unsaturated FAs puts a kink in the packing and makes it less stable (lower melting point)

Myelin is a lipid insulator of nerve axons that _________ membrane resistance and _________ membrane capacitance.

increases, decresases

At the population level, consanguinity __________ the frequency of genetic disease and mortality. The closer the degree of consanguinity, the _______ the increase

increases, greater

Consanguinity __________ the chance that a mating couple will both carry the same disease-causing mutation. It is seen more often in pedigrees involving ____ _________ diseases than in those involving ______ recessive diseases.

increases, rare recessive, common

The name secondary active transport, therefore, refers to the __________ utilization of ___ as an energy source.

indirect, ATP

Majro type of influenza virus taht causes flu outbreaks

influenza A

During ___________, intrapleural pressure becomes even more negative than at rest


During ___________, the diaphragm contracts, causing the volume of the thorax to increase


The additional volume that can be inspired above tidal volume is called the ___________ _______ volume, which is approximately ____ mL. The additional volume that can be expired below tidal volume is called the __________ _______ volume, which is approximately ____ mL.

inspiratory reserve, 3000, expiratory reserve, 1200

Whether secreted normally from the pancreatic beta cells or administered by injection, ________ lowers the blood _______ concentration by promoting _______ uptake into cells.

insulin, glucose, glucose

By convention, membrane potential is expressed as _____________ potential relative to _____________ potential.

intracellular, extracellular

Membrane proteins are classified as integral (_________) or peripheral (__________) membrane proteins.

intrinsic, extrinsic

The compliance of the lungs and chest wall is __________ correlated with their elastic properties or elastance


if the diffusing solute is an ___ or an ____________, there are two additional consequences of the presence of charge on the solute

ion, electrolyte

The GABAA receptor is directly linked to a Cl− channel and thus is __________


Transferrin transports ____


Isoelectric focusing resolves proteins based on their ___________ _____

isoelectric point

ordered display of chromosomes is termed a _________ or _________

karyogram, karyotype

A banded karyogram (_________) of a normal male. The banded _________ chromosomes are arranged from _______ to ________.

karyotopye, metaphase, largest, smallest

_______ and _______ are important dietary disaccharides

lactose, sucrose

most commoon type of heart shunt

left ot right

______-_____ Ca2+ channels in the sarcolemmal membrane may be opened by various hormones and neurotransmitters, permitting the entry of additional Ca2+ from the ECF. ___-_____ Ca2+ release channels in the membrane of the sarcoplasmic reticulum may be opened by hormones and neurotransmitters. Either of these mechanisms may augment the rise in intracellular Ca2+ concentration caused by depolarization What type of muscle is involved?

ligand gated, IP3 gated smooth muscle

In cell membranes, phospholipids orient so that the lipid-soluble fatty acid tails face each other and the water-soluble glycerol heads point away from each other, dissolving in the aqueous solutions of the ICF or ECF. This orientation creates a _____ _______.

lipid bilayer

The ________ is a model for the structure of a biological membrane, a bilayer of polar lipids with the polar faces exposed to the _______ environment and the fatty acid side chains buried in the oily, ____________ interior of the membrane.

liposome, aqueous, hydrophobic

The _____ supply oxygen necessary for tissue metabolism and remove the generated CO2


The GABAB receptor is coupled via a G protein to a K+ channel and thus is ____________.


_________ acidosis results from excessive production, or inefficient metabolism or excretion, of nonvolatile acids


If the centromere occurs near the middle of the chromosome, the chromosome is said to be ____________. An ___________ chromosome has its centromere near the tip, and ______________ chromosomes have centromeres somewhere between the middle and the tip. The tip of each chromosome is the _________. The short arm of a chromosome is labeled _, and the long arm is labeled _.

metacentric, acrocentric, submetacentric, telomere, p, q

Globins constitute an ancient family of soluble _______________


A serious limitation of CGH when used with _________ chromosomes is that deletions or duplications smaller than 5 to 10 Mb cannot be detected microscopically. Higher resolution is offered by _____ ___ (____), in which test and control DNA is hybridized with a microarray that contains hundreds of thousands to millions of oligonucleotide probes whose DNA sequences correspond to specific regions of the genome.

metaphase, array CGH, aCGH

Another factor that can influence disease expression is the interaction of other genes, called ________ ______, with the disease-causing gene.

modifier genes

One ____ is 6 × 10^23 molecules of a substance.


The diffusion coefficient correlates inversely with the _________ ______ of the solute and the ___________ of the medium.

molecular radius, viscosity

IgA appears to function as the primary immunologic barrier against pathogenic invasion of ________ ________. It can promote ____________, cause _____________ degranulation, and activate complement via the so-called ___________ pathway.

mucous membranes, phagocytosis, eosinophil, alternative

Multiunit smooth muscle cells are densely innervated by ____________ fibers of the _______________ and ____________ nervous systems, and it is these innervations that regulate function

multiunit, parasympathetic, sympathetic

During inspiration, intrapleural pressure becomes even more ________ than at rest


Categories of diffuse pulmonary disease (2)

obstructive restrictive

Measurement determination of __, ____ and ___________, and ___, is a first-line investigation and is frequently required in emergencies.

pH, pCO2, bicarbonate, pO2

Airflow into and out of the lungs is driven by the ________ gradient between the atmosphere and the alveoli and is inversely proportional to the __________ of the airways. Stimulation of _____-__________ receptors dilates the airways, and stimulation of ___________ ___________ receptors constricts the airways.

pressure, resistance, beta 2 adrenergic, muscarinic cholinergic

The _____ diseases, also known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, are neurodegenerative diseases that affect both humans and animals


Typically in a pedigree, an arrow denotes the _______, the first person in whom the disease is diagnosed in the pedigree. The proband is sometimes also referred to as the _____ ____ or ___________ (proposita for a female).

proband, index case, propositus

EPO then acts to cause differentiation of ________________


Alternative _________ permit tissue or developmental stage-specific gene expression


Defects in renal handling of bicarbonate and hydrogen ion lead to a group of relatively rare disorders known as renal tubular acidoses (RTA). The ________ RTA is caused by impaired reabsorption of bicarbonate, and the ______ RTA by impaired hydrogen ion excretion. Proximal RTA is usually accompanied by other defects in proximal transport mechanisms (this is known as the _______ syndrome).

proximal, distal, Fanconi

Because croosing over of X and Y tips resembles the behavior of autosomes during meiosis, the distal portion of the Y chromosome is known as the _______________ region


Proline is different from other amino acids in that its side chain _________ ____ includes both the α-amino group and the α-carbon

pyrrolidine ring

___________ structure of proteins is formed by interactions between peptide chains


Occasionally, a carrier of a recessive disease-causing allele mates with a person who is homozygous for this allele. In this case, roughly half of their children will be affected, and half will be heterozygous carriers. The recurrence risk is 50%. Because this pattern of inheritance mimics that of an autosomal dominant trait, it is sometimes referred to as ______________ inheritance


The ___________ structure of multi-subunit proteins is determined by covalent and non-covalent interactions between the subunit surfaces


Parents at risk for producing children with a genetic disease typically want to know the risk, or probability, that their future children will be affected. This probability is termed the __________ ____. If one parent is affected by an autosomal dominant disease and the other is unaffected, the recurrence risk for each child is _/_ (assuming that the affected parent is a ____________, which is nearly always the case).

recurrence risk, 1/2, heterozygote

Pedigree illustrating the inheritance pattern of retinoblastoma, a disorder with _______ __________. The unaffected obligate carrier, denoted by a dot, has the same genotype as the affected pedigree members.

reduced penetrance

Carbon monoxide ______ the number of sites available for O2 binding to hemoglobin and causes a shift of the O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the ____

reduces, left

The 47,XXX and 47,XYY karyotypes are seen in about 1/1000 females and males, respectively. Each involves a slight degree of _________ in IQ but few _________ problems.

reduction, physical

Balanced translocations in somatic cells can sometimes cause malignancies by interrupting or altering genes or their __________ _________.

regulatory sequences

Sympathetic stimulation produces __________ of bronchial smooth muscle via stimulation of _____ receptors.

relaxation, Beta-2

Drugs such as epinephrine, isoproterenol, and albuterol produce __________ of bronchial smooth muscle, which underlies their usefulness in the treatment of _______. Drug type?

relaxation, asthma Beta-2 agonists

During exercise, the O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve shifts to the _____


The sarcoplasmic reticulum contains a Ca2+-release channel called the _________ receptor (named for the plant alkaloid that opens this release channel)


The nonsuppurative diseases include acute rheumatic fever and acute glomerulonephritis. What bacteria?

s. pyogenes

The rise in intracellular Ca2+ in smooth muscle contraction is partly due to Ca2+ entry across the ___________ ________ and partly due to Ca2+ release from intracellular __ stores.

sarcolemmal membrane, SR

In addition, the ____________ _________ of muscle cells and the __________ _________ of other cells contain variants of Ca2+ ATPase that pump _ Ca2+ ions (for each ___ hydrolyzed) from ______________ fluid into the ________ of the sarcoplasmic or endoplasmic reticulum (i.e., Ca2+ sequestration).

sarcoplasmic reticulum, endoplasmic reticulum, 2, ATP, intracellular, interior

The T tubules make contact with the terminal cisternae of the ___________ _________ and contain a _______-sensitive protein called the _________________ receptor, named for the drug that inhibits it

sarcoplasmic reticulum, voltage, dihydropyridine

All forms of carrier-mediated transport share the following three features: __________, _________________, and ___________.

saturation, stereospecificity, competition

Finally, when all of the binding sites are occupied, __________ is achieved at a point called the _________ _______, or __.

saturation, transport maximum, Tm

An oral manifestation of _______ _____ is "strawberry tongue," characterized by a red surface that is seen after an initial yellowish-white coating on the tongue is shed

scarlet fever

The _________ structure of a protein is determined by hydrogen bonding interactions between amino acid side chain functional groups


The name ________ ______ transport, therefore, refers to the indirect utilization of ATP as an energy source.

secondary active

Countertransport is a form of _________ ______ transport in which solutes move in ________ directions across the cell membrane

secondary active, opposite

ion channels are _________ and allow ions with specific characteristics to move through them.


in the presence of a constant level of intracellular Ca2+, if there is activation of myosin-light-chain kinase, more cross-bridges will cycle and more tension will be produced (Ca2+-____________); conversely, if there is activation of myosin-light-chain phosphatase, fewer cross-bridges will cycle and less tension will be produced (Ca2+-_________________).

sensitization, desensitization

The gates on ion channels are controlled by three types of _______


Afferent (_______) information reaches the _________ ___________ ______ via central and peripheral chemoreceptors and ________________. Efferent (_____) information is sent from the inspiratory center to the ________ nerve, which innervates the _________.

sensory, medullary inspiratory center, mechanoreceptors, motor, phrenic, diaphragm

we would say that patient's _____ albumin was 40 mg/dL.


Metacentric, submetacentric, and acrocentric chromosomes. Note the stalks and satellites present on the _____ arms of the ___________ chromosomes.

short, acrocentric

The presence of oxygen-poor blood in the arterial circulation is known as the '_____' condition.


S. agalictae In some strains, the polysaccharides that constitute the capsule have terminal ________ _____ (neuraminic acid) residues that can inhibit the alternate complement pathway S agalactiae is found in the genitourinary tract and the lower gastrointestinal tract. Infection can occur in utero, at the time of birth, or during the first few months of life.

sialic acid

In some strains of S agalactiae, capsular polysaccharides have terminal _______ acid residues that can inhibit the __________ complement pathway.

sialic, alternative

In a plot of Y versus pO2 when n > 1, the equation for ligand binding of hemoglobin describes a _______ (_-_____) curve

sigmoid, S shaped

Shape of O2 hemoglobin dissociation curve Increases sharply up to what %? Gradually increases at what %?

sigmoidal 40 50-100

The ____ of the diffusion potential depends on the charge of the diffusing ion.


Transfer of gases across cell membranes or capillary walls occurs by ______ _________

simple diffusion

Gel filtration chromatography separates proteins on the basis of ____


How do beta lactams work?

slow bacterial killing by inhibition of cell wall synthesis

The ______ equilibration of O2 at high altitude is exaggerated in a person with fibrosis


a _____ alveolus (one with a _____ radius) will have a high collapsing pressure and require more pressure to keep it open.

small, small

Starch is _______ in water, cellulose is _________; ______ is pasty, _________ is fibrous; ______ is digestible, while _________ is indigestible by humans; ______ is a food, rich in calories, while _________ is roughage.

soluble, insoluble, starch, cellulose, starch, cellulose, starch, cellulose

spindle poisons, such as colchicine and colcemid, that arrest dividing _______ cells in ___________, when chromosomes are maximally _________ and easiest to see; the use of a _________ (___-salt) solution, which causes swelling of cells, rupture of the nucleus, and better separation of individual chromosomes; and the use of ________ materials that are absorbed differently by different parts of chromosomes, producing the characteristic light and dark bands that help to identify individual chromosomes.

somatic, metaphase, condensed, hypotonic, low, staining

Lung volumes and capacities are measured with a ___________ (except for those volumes and capacities that include the ________ ______).

spirometer, residual volume

Lung volumes and capacities. Measurements of lung volumes and capacities are made by __________. ________ volume cannot be measured by spirometry.

spirometry, residual

PTH-rp is present in what type of lung cancer?

squamous cell carcionoma (NSCLC)

Pulmonary blood flow is unevenly distributed in the lungs of a person who is ________: Blood flow is lowest at the ____ of the lung and highest at the ____. Ventilation is similarly distributed, although regional variations in ventilatory rates are ___ as great as for blood flow. Thus, V/Q is highest at the apex of the lung and lowest at the base, with an average value of ___. Where V/Q is _______, PaO2 is highest and PaCO2 is lowest.

standing, apex, base, not, 0.8, highest

Amylose, a component of ______, is an _____-_→_-linked linear glucan, while cellulose is a ____-_→_-linked linear glucan.

starch, alpha 1, 4, beta, 1, 4

The DNA-binding and hormone-binding regions of _______ receptors share a high degree of homology. The ________ receptor is less similar to the glucocorticoid receptor than are the others

steroid, estrogen

Myoglobin: an oxygen _______ protein


The explanation for the different curves (i.e., hysteresis) lies in _______ _______ at the liquid-air interface of the air-filled lung: The intermolecular attractive forces between ______ molecules lining the lung are much stronger than the forces between ______ and ___ molecules.

surface tension, liquid, liquid, air

In neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, __________ is lacking


__________ is a phospholipid that is produced by type __ alveolar cells and functions as a detergent to reduce surface tension and increase lung compliance

surfactant, II

ATP is synthesized in the ___________ neurons that innervate ________ ______ muscle.

sympathetic, vascular smooth

The blood that leaves the pulmonary capillaries has been arterialized (oxygenated) and will become _________ _________ blood.

systemic arterial

The ________ structure of a protein is determined by interactions between side chain functional groups, including disulfide bonds, hydrogen bonds, salt bridges, and hydrophobic interactions


reflection coeffecient symbol


Hemoglobin: an oxygen _________ protein


van't Hoff equation

π=g C σ R T π = Osmotic pressure (atm or mm Hg) g = Number of particles per mole in solution (Osm/mol) C = Concentration (mmol/L) σ = Reflection coefficient (varies from 0 to 1) R = Gas constant (0.082 L - atm/mol - K) T = Absolute temperature (K) (Costanzo 13)

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