Suffragette Movement

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Why did Universal Suffrage occur?

The government believed everyone should have the right to vote

What does suffrage mean?

The right to vote

What is Universal Suffrage?

The right for all people to vote

When did all of Australia gain suffrage?


When did England gain suffrage?


When did all of England gain suffrage?


What does democracy mean?

A form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people

What does petition mean?

A formally drawn request that have the names of people who would like to see that request happen

What does suffragette mean?

A women who campaigns for the right to vote

What was the Conservatives view?

Against, afraid they would vote for another party

What was the Liberals view?

Against, afraid they would vote for another party

Who was Marion Dunlop?

Arrested for throwing rocks at the prime ministers house and was first to go on hunger strike

Why did suffrage occur?

Because women wanted to be equal to the men

What does egalitarianism mean?

Belief in equality for all people

What violent actions were taken to gain suffrage

Breaking windows

What is 2nd wave feminism?

Campaigned for end to sexist stereotypes

What is 1st wave feminism?

Campaigned for equality (voting and equal pay)

What is 3rd wave feminism?

Campaigned for having a say (what they wear, if they want kids) and how they were discussed in the media.

Who was Christabel Pankhurst?

Co- founder of WSPU

What was the Labour view?

For, but wanted working class men to get the vote first

Who was Helen Ogston?

Lady with the whip; used a dog lead to defend herself

Who was Emmeline Pankhurst?

Leader of WSPU, fought so married women could vote and was involved in the window smashing

What non violent actions were taken to gains suffrage

Meeting with the government, protests and petitions

What were women life prior to suffrage?

Not aloud to vote, expected to have children, expected to be in a domestic service, marriage or prostitute

Who was Emily Davis?

Opened a school for women

What is an Assumption?

Over generalised statement that is too obvious to be wrong

Who was Millicent Fawcett?

She led the biggest suffrage organisation in 1890 (NUWSS)

What state in Australia was first to gain Suffrage and when?

South Australia - 1894

Who was Emily Wilding Davison?

Threw herself under the kings horse and was trampled to death

Who was Mary Richardson?

Was force fed and ruined a famous painting

Who was Sylvia Pankhurst?

Was in WSPU and arrested 3 times

What does generalisation mean?

a conclusion or set of principles that has a general application

What does franchise mean?

the right to vote

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