PC2 QUIZ 3: patient education and informatics

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The specialty that integrates nursing science, computer science, and information science to manage and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in nursing practice is known as which specialty? A. Health information technology B. Nursing informatics C. Health informatics D. Computer science


To address a goal of improving the health of populations, a nurse is most likely to use which domain of informatics? A. Translocational bioinformatics B. Public health/population informatics C. Clinical healthcare informatics D. Certified clinical information systems


A facility's administration has concerns about the effectiveness of staff nurses related to patient education. What should be the nurse manager's first action in addressing this concern? A. Organize patient teaching resources. B. Assign one nurse to teach patients. C. Post a teaching outline in the lounge. D. Survey nurses about patient teaching


A patient tells the nurse about plans to do research about the patient's diagnosis and potential treatment on the Internet. What is the nurse's most appropriate initial response? A. Evaluate the patient's computer competency. B. Discount the reliability of the Internet. C. Provide a list of recommended sources. D. Teach about evaluation of Internet resources.


The nurse has provided patient education on diabetes. What opportunity should be provided for the patient in order for the nurse to evaluate the goal of awareness of long-term effects of diabetes? A. Inject insulin. B. Prepare a menu. C. Meet exercise goals. D. Ask questions.


A nurse is teaching an older-adult patient about ways to detect a melanoma. Which of the following are age-appropriate teaching techniques for this patient? (Select all that apply.) 1. Speak in a low tone. 2. Begin and end the session with the most important information regarding melanoma. 3. Provide a pamphlet about melanoma with large font in blues and greens. 4. Use basic one- or two-syllable medical terms. 5. Provide specific information in frequent, small amounts. 6. Speak quickly so that you do not take up much of the patient's time

1, 2, 5

The nurse who works at the local health care agency is transferring a patient to an acute rehabilitation center in another town. To complete the transfer, information from the patient's EHR must be printed and faxed to the acute rehabilitation center. Which of the following actions are appropriate for the nurse to take to maintain privacy and confidentiality of the patient's information when faxing this information? (Select all that apply.) 1. Confirm that the fax number for the acute rehabilitation center is correct before sending the fax. 2. Use the encryption feature on the fax machine to encode the information and make it impossible for staff at the acute rehabilitation center to read the information unless they have the encryption key. 3. Fax the patient's information without a cover sheet so that the person receiving the information at the acute rehabilitation center can identify it more quickly. 4. After sending the fax, place the information that was printed out in a standard trash can after ripping it into several pieces. 5. After sending the fax, place the information that was printed out in a secure canister marked for shredding.

1, 2, 5

You are a nurse who is working in an agency that has recently implemented an EHR. Which of the following are acceptable practices for maintaining the security and confidentiality of EHR information? (Select all that apply.) 1. Using a strong password and changing your password frequently according to agency policy 2. Allowing a temporary staff member to use your computer username and password to access the electronic record 3. Ensuring that work lists (and any other data that must be printed from the EHR) are protected throughout the shift and disposed of in a locked receptacle designated for documents that are to be shredded when no longer needed 4. Ensuring that the patient information that is displayed on the computer monitor that you are using is not visible to visitors and other health care providers who are not involved in that patient's care 5. Remaining logged into a computer to save time if you only need to step away to administer a medication 3. When documenting an assessment of a patient's cardiac

1, 3, 4

Which of the following scenarios demonstrate that patient learning has taken place? (Select all that apply.) 1. A patient listens to a nurse's review of the warning signs of a stroke. 2. A patient describes how to set up a pill organizer for newly ordered medicines. 3. A patient attends a spinal cord injury support group. 4. A patient demonstrates how to take his blood pressure at home. 5. A patient reviews written information about resources for cancer survivors.

2, 4

A patient's cultural background affects the motivation for learning. Using the ACCESS model, match the nursing approach with the correct model component. ACCESS Model Component __1.Assessment __2.Communication __3.Cultural __4.Establishment __5.Sensitivity __6.Safety Nursing Approach A. Help patients feel culturally secure and able to maintain their cultural identity. B. Remain aware of verbal and nonverbal responses. C. Be aware of how patients from diverse backgrounds perceive their care needs. D. Become aware of your patient's culture and your own cultural biases. E. Learn about the patient's health beliefs and practices. F. Show respect by creating a caring rapport.

1E 2B 3D 4F 5C 6A

A patient suddenly experienced a severe headache with numbness and decreased movement in the left arm. An emergency brain scan confirmed a cerebral vessel clot. With a stroke confirmed, the emergency room physician consults with a neurosurgeon to schedule an emergent angiogram to remove the clot. Which teaching approach is most appropriate for explaining to the patient what to expect from the procedure? 1. Selling approach 2. Telling approach 3. Entrusting approach 4. Participating approach


The nurse works at an agency where military time is used for documentation and needs to document that a patient was medicated for pain after midnight. Identify the correct military time to document medication administered at 12:05 a.m. 1. 2405 2. 0005 3. 2205 4. 1205


Which of the following scenarios demonstrate that patient learning has taken place? (Select all that apply.) 1. A patient listens to a nurse's review of the warning signs of a stroke. 2. A patient describes how to set up a pill organizer for newly ordered medicines. 3. A patient attends a spinal cord injury support group. 4. A patient demonstrates how to take his blood pressure at home. 5. A patient reviews written information about resources for cancer survivors.


A nurse who works in an outpatient chemotherapy infusion center is assigned to the care of a 56-year-old male patient who is receiving chemotherapy for colon cancer. This is the patient's first clinic visit. The nurse reviews the patient's medical record and sees a note about the patient receiving instruction on how chemotherapy treats cancer, but the note does not summarize the patient's response. The doctor makes a quick visit and tells the patient, "We will get your treatment started today and we will be checking your blood each week for any problems." The doctor leaves and the patient asks the nurse, "What are the blood tests for?" To determine this patient's learning needs, what should the nurse assess? (Select all that apply.) 1. Medical record summary of the stage of the cancer 2. The patient's behavior as the nurse interacts with him 3. The patient's level of knowledge about chemotherapy effects 4. The number of treatments the patient will be receiving 5. The patient's health literacy 6. The patient's self-description of severity of his cancer 7. The date of the medical record note describing patient instruction

2, 3, 5, 6

A nurse is preparing to teach a patient who has sleep apnea how to use a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine at night. Which action is most appropriate for the nurse to perform first? 1. Allow patient to manipulate machine and look at parts. 2. Provide a teach-back session. 3. Set mutual goals for the education session. 4. Discuss the purpose of the machine and how it works.


A nurse who works in an outpatient chemotherapy infusion center is assigned to the care of a 56-year-old male patient who is receiving chemotherapy for colon cancer. This is the patient's first clinic visit. The nurse reviews the patient's medical record and sees a note about the patient receiving instruction on how chemotherapy treats cancer; the note does not summarize the patient's response. The nurse's assessment reveals that the patient is motivated to learn more about his chemotherapy and is alert and currently feeling well. The nurse has prepared the first infusion, regulated it, and now takes time to begin instruction. Which teaching approaches are best suited for this situation? 1. Use an entrusting approach in explaining how to monitor for side effects of chemotherapy. 2. Bring the patient together with two other patients in the clinic and conduct a group discussion. 3. Provide verbal one-on-one instruction, with the patient participating in selection of content. 4. Present the patient with a problem situation involving a serious side effect and have the patient decide what to do


A patient recovering from open heart surgery is taught how to cough and deep breathe using a pillow to support or splint the chest incision. Following the teaching session, which of the following is the best way for the nurse to evaluate whether learning has taken place? 1. Verbalization of steps to use in splinting 2. Selecting from a series of flash cards the images showing the correct technique 3. Return demonstration 4. REALM test


The nurse is administering a dose of metoprolol to a patient and is completing the steps of bar-code medication administration within the EHR. As the bar-code information on the medication is scanned, an alert that states, "Do not administer dose if apical heart rate (HR) is <60 beats/min or systolic blood pressure (SBP) is <90 mm Hg" appears on the computer screen. The alert that appeared on the computer screen is an example of what type of system? 1. Electronic health record (EHR) 2. Charting by exception 3. Clinical decision support system (CDSS) 4. Computerized provider order entry (CPOE)


When documenting an assessment of a patient's cardiac system in an EHR, the nurse uses the computer mouse to select the "WNL" statement to document the following findings: "Heart sounds S1 & S2 auscultated. Heart rate between 80 and 100 beats/min, and regular. Denies chest pain." This is an example of using which of the following documentation formats? 1. Focus charting incorporating data, action, and response (DAR) 2. Problem-intervention-evaluation (PIE) 3. Charting by exception (CBE) 4. Narrative documentation


A 26-year-old patient visits a medical clinic and asks a nurse to provide instruction on how to perform a breast self-examination. "My mom had cancer so I want to learn how." Which domains are required to learn this skill? (Select all that apply.) 1. Affective domain 2. Sensory domain 3. Cognitive domain 4. Attentional domain 5. Psychomotor domain

3, 5

A 55-year-old man has been in the hospital for over a week following surgical complications. The patient has had limited activity but is now ordered to begin a mobility program. The patient just returned from several diagnostic tests and tells the nurse he is feeling fatigued. The nurse prepares to instruct the patient on the mobility program protocol. Which of the following learning principles will likely be affected by this patient's condition? 1. Motivation to learn 2. Developmental stage 3. Stage of grief 4. Readiness to learn


The nurse is changing the dressing over the midline incision of a patient who had surgery. Assessment of the incision reveals changes from what was documented by the previous nurse. After documenting the current wound assessment, the nurse contacts the surgeon by telephone to discuss changes in the incision that are of concern. Which of the following illustrates the most appropriate way for the nurse to document this conversation? 1. Health care provider notified about change in assessment of abdominal incision. T. Wright, RN 2. 09-3-21: Notified the surgeon by phone that there is a new area of redness around the patient's incision. T. Wright, RN 3. 1015: Contacted the surgeon and notified about changes in abdominal incision. T. Wright, RN 4. 09-3-21 (1015): Surgeon contacted by phone. Notified about new area of bright red erythema extending approximately 1 inch around circumference of midline abdominal incision and oral temperature of 101.5 F. No orders received. T. Wright, RN


The nurse is discussing the advantages of using CPOE with a nursing colleague. Which statement best describes the major advantage of a CPOE system within an EHR? 1. CPOE reduces the time necessary for health care providers to write orders. 2. CPOE reduces the time needed for nurses to communicate with health care providers. 3. Nurses do not need to acknowledge orders entered by CPOE in an EHR. 4. CPOE improves patient safety by reducing transcription errors.


The nurse is reviewing health care provider orders that were handwritten on paper when all computers were down during a system upgrade. Which of the following orders contains an inappropriate abbreviation included on TJC's "do not use" list and should be clarified with the health care provider? 1. Change open midline abdominal incision daily using wet-to-moist normal saline and gauze. 2. Lorazepam 0.5 mg PO every 4 hours prn anxiety 3. Morphine sulfate 1 mg IVP every 2 hours prn severe pain 4. Insulin aspart 8u SQ every morning before breakfast


In which situation would formal patient education courses or classes be the most appropriate strategy? A. Address needs common to a group. B. Explain self-directed learning. C. Respond to questions of a patient's family. D. Describe nursing interventions.


When discussing the purposes of nursing healthcare informatics with a staff nurse during orientation, a nurse educator should be concerned if the nurse orientee stated that which is a primary purpose of informatics? A. Develop a data management system. B. Improve a health provider's work flow. C. Improve disease tracking. D. Increase administrative efficiencies.


Which are consequences for a staff nurse related to the use of health informatics? A. Clinical decision support tools B. Confidentiality of health data C. Personal health record D. Decreased cost of health care


Which concepts should a nurse consider to have the strongest links to technology and informatics? (Select all that apply.) Select all that apply. A. Professionalism B. Ethics C. Safety D. Leadership E. Clinical judgment

B, C, D, E

Which interrelated concept regarding patient attributes and preferences should the nurse take into consideration when providing patient education? A. Quality B. Health promotion C. Adherence D. Technology


The nurse is writing a narrative progress note. Identify each of the following statements as subjective data (S) or objective data (O): 1. April 24, 2021 (0900) 2. Repositioned patient on left side. 3. Medicated with hydrocodone-acetaminophen 5/325 mg, 2 tablets PO. 4. "The pain in my incision increases every time I try to turn on my right side." 5. S. Eastman, RN 6. Surgical incision right lower quadrant, 3 inches in length, well approximated, sutures intact, no drainage. 7. Rates pain 7/10 at location of surgical incision.

Objective: O: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 Subjective: S: 4

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