PED 101 - Final

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According to the Health Promotion Peer Educators, where are confidential places/resources that a UNCW student can go if they would like to talk to someone about a sexual assault

(All of the above) CARE& Health Promotion; Student Health Center & CARE; Counseling Center & University Police Department

STI's are spread through

(All of the answers are correct) anal sex, unprotected intercourse, oral sex

In the United States, approximately _____ people are currently infected with HIV/AIDS

1.1 million

The daily protein requirement for an athlete is approximately

1.6 grams per kilogram of body weight

When stretching, you should hold each stretch for at least

10 seconds

With training, you can typically improve your VO2max by

15 to 20%

Omega-6 fatty acids have double-bonded carbons at _____ sites


If your flexibility is within "normal" levels and you simply want to maintain that level, how many days a week should you do your stretching exercises

2 days

According to the physical activity pyramid, individuals should work on muscular fitness

2 days per week

Jim has been jogging for 20 minutes per session and is now ready to increase his program. According to the 10 percent rule, Jim should increase his workout time by no more than

2 minutes

The Daily reference Value (DRV) for fiber is _____ grams per day


Overweight is defined as a BMI of

25 to 29.9

Approximately _____ of all Americans report limitations due to chronic back conditions

30 percent

Approximately what percentage off all traffic fatalities in the United States in 2010 were alcohol related


Sally is currently jogging 3 times per week for 30 minutes. She has become comfortable with this workout and now wants to start to increase her workout time. Using the principle of progression, Sally should increase her time to approximately _______ minutes


Stationary cycling at a moderate level would be equivalent to approximately _____ METS


The human heart consist of _____ chambers


What percentage of Americans engages in no exercise, sports, of other physical activity at all during leisure time


What percentage of adults in the United States are physically inactive


When following a resistance-trading program, it is important to let each muscle group rest for _____ before taxing it agin with resistance exercise

48 hours

An alcohol that is 100 proof contains _____ alcohol


Approximately what percentage of college students report having consumed alcohol in the last 30 days


The average life expectancy at birth for males is which of the following


In the United Staes the average life expectancy for a female is


The American Cancer Society estimates that smoking causes approximately _____ of all lung cancer cases


Of the 20 different types of amino acids, _____ are considered essential


Underweight is defined as a BMI of


A measure of the amount of chemical energy that a food provides is known as

A calorie

Which of the following would typically have the highest connect ration of alcohol

A cocktail with 1 oz. of alcohol

Stress can be described as

A disturbed emotional state caused by an event or circumstance

College students typically come to school with predicting preferences based on insufficient nutritional knowledge. A common example of these preferences would include

A high-protein foods

"Hookah" refers to

A pipe that draws smoke from burning substances through water

Which of the following activities would be primarily fueled by anaerobic energy systems

A sprint down a football field

A set of physical or emotional reactions following a stressful event or circumstance is

A stress response

An event of circumstance to which the body tried to adapt is

A stressor

Who is most likely to eat intuitively

A toddler who has access to a variety of foods, but is not pressured to eat them

The hormone secreted by the pituitary gland in response to stress is


The cellular form of energy is known as


The best method for burning calories is

Aerobic exercise involving large muscles

Training that involves continuous activity sustained for 20 or more minutes is known as

Aerobic training

The continent with the most reported cases of HIV/AIDS is


The simultaneous changes that occur in the body to maintain homeostasis are called


The long-term wear and tear on the body caused by the body's prolonged attempt to maintain equilibrium is known as

Allostatic load

One of the key propositions of the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care act

Allows parents to keep young adults on their policies through age 26

_____ is a component of spiritual wellness


Which of the following statements is true regarding health care in the United States

Americans spent 2.7 trillion dollars on health care in 2011

Resistance training intensity is usually measured by the

Amount of weight lifted

Effects of nicotine exposure include

An aroused alert mental state

An eating disorder characterized by deliberate food restriction and severe, life-threatening weight loss is known as

Anorexia nervous

Chlamydia is treated with

Antibiotic medications

Blood is pumped out of the heart to the brain and body via the


Submaximal tests are typically used to assess fitness because they

Are safer than maximal tests

The two major types of blood vessels are

Arteries and veins

A range of diseases in which the joints become inflamed and painful is known as


Jake has gained 10 lbs in the last five years due to inactivity and is beginning to notice significant stiffness in his joints. His problem may be related to the fact that his weight gain has significantly increased his risk of


Stretching exercise should be preformed

At the end of the specific warm-up

People who stop resistance training will see their muscles revert top retraining strength and size, a condition known as


Stretching characterized by bouncing or jerky movements is known as ______ stretching


An organized, deliberate effort to alter or replace a habit or activity is known as

Behavior change

An eating disorder characterized by out of control eating without pouring is known as

Binge eating disorder

A state of stress-induced physical and mental exhaustion is known as


Small fluid-filled sacks that lubricate the movement of muscles over muscle or bone are called


What should you do if you suspect a friend has alcohol poisoning

Call 911 and/or campus police as 962-2222

Which STI is known as a yeast infection


Of all of the toxic chemicals in tobacco smoke, _____ is 800 times higher than the level considered to be safe by the US Environmental Protection Agency

Carbon monoxide

Which of the following characteristics is the best evidence of a qualified personal trainer

Certified by a nationally recognized organization

The HPV vaccine works to prevent

Cervical cancer

Which mineral assists with the breakdown of glucose


Small hairlike projections in the respiratory tract that filter out unwanted particles are called


A condition in which the liver cells are damaged and scar tissue develops is known Asa


An excessive preoccupation with a behavior and overwhelming need to perform it is defined as


A muscle contraction with overall muscle shortening is


Foods that typically make you feel full and satisfied longer

Consist of higher amounts of fiber

Going for a walk instead of eating dessert is an example of


Substituting a healthy behavior for an unhealthy behavior is known as what


Training that alternates exercise modes within a given program is


Exercise is a subset of physical activity that is

Done specifically to achieve or maintain fitness

Which of these is the best source of soluble fiber

Dried beans

Which of the following factors increases the rates at which your body will absorb alcohol

Drinking a carbonated alcoholic beverage

Using a drug for a purpose for which it was not intended is known as

Drug misuse

Sue derives satisfaction and self-esteem from her job, so she is experiencing a high level of _____ wellness


A chronic disease related to smoking in which the alveoli become damaged, and the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs decreases, is known as


The relationship between the amount of calories consumed in food and the amount of calories expended through metabolism and physical activity is known as

Energy balance

Recycling and using public transportation are examples of _____ wellness


Diane recently quit smoking and started a support group for former smokers. As a result of these actions, she has improved which dimension of wellness

Environmental, physical, social, spiritual, and financial

Physiological damage, reduced immunity, and increased susceptibility to physical or mental illness are characteristics of which stage of general adaptation syndrome


Which of the following best describes ploy metric exercise

Explosive exercises that mimic quick movements needed in many sports

If gonorrhea is transmitted from an inflicts mother to her newborn bay, it can cause _____ in the newborn

Eye infection

Countering involves restructuring the environment to avoid temptations


"Low-fat" cookies made with vegetable shortening are generally healthy foods


A faster time and lower heart rate on a one-mile walk test would indicate a lower VO2max


A hepatitis B vaccine can treat existing hepatitis B infections


A person's need for water remains fairly constant regardless of diet and exercise


According to current research, the more money a person makes, the more likely he or she is to be overweight


Americans today are consume 1,000 more calories daily than they did in 1970


Anaerobic exercise is the best calorie burner


As muscle temperature increases, flexibility decreases


Carbs are bad for us and can make us gain weight if we eat any of them


Condoms provide 100% protection from all STI's


Current trends indicate that weight problems are decreasing in the college population


During resistance training, the majority of the training adaptations occur during the workout


Eighty percent of the resistance to movement around a joint is accounted for by the individual soft tissue


From a health standpoint, body weight is more important than body fat perccentage


Going to a bar with a friend when you are trying to quit drinking is an example of effectively controlling your environment


Isotonic contractions are characterized by consistent muscle length


Low self-efficacy can help us handle stress more effectively


Men are diagnosed with clay idea three time more often than woemn


Motivation to lose weight is best if it is primarily focused on short-term goals


Nutritional supplements are required for optimal muscle growth and strength gains


Overweight job applicants are hired at the same rate as normal-weight applicants


People who stop exercising lose fitness gains at the same rate they gained them


Short-term stress generally depresses the immune system


Slow-twitch muscle fibers are oxygen dependent and fatigue quickly


Studies have shown that regular physical activity is ineffective at lowering the risk of cancer


The exercise-to-rest transition during the cool-down should last at least 20 minutes


The second most common bacterial STI in the United States is syphilis


Time should not be specified in goals


You live in a part of the country where it rains much of the time, which keeps you from being able to go for a nice run outside. The rain is an example of a personal barrier to physical activity


Your resting heart rate increases as your cardio respiratory system becomes more conditioned


Basal metabolic rate is decreased by increased

Fat mass

When practicing progressive muscle relation, which part of the body should you start with


Which of the following food choices would be considered the least healthy in terms of fat content

Fettuccine Alfredo

Weight loss regimens that focus on portion size and make allowances for daily routine, appetite, and food availability are known as _____ diets


The times per week that an activity is performed is known as


People with low vitamin intakes tend to not eat enough


When CD4 levels fall below 200 per cubic milliliter of blood, a person is considered to have

Full-blown AIDS

To counter the lack of motivation, you should choose exercise that is

Fun and convenient

Which of the following is a function of skeletal muscle

Generates body heat

Human papillomavirus causes

Genital worts

Which lifestyle factor is related to weight gain

Getting less than 6 hours of sleep

Which of the following is a component of emotional wellness

Good self-esteem

Which virus is generally associated with cold sores


Epinephrine and norepinephrine secreted ruling the stress response target cells within the


Physical inactivity contributes to which of the following health conditions

Heart diesease

A protein that transports oxygen in blood is which of the following


Which STI can cause debilitating and potentially fatal liver damage

Hepatitis B

An example of an opiate drug is


According to the Health Promotion Peer Educatos, what are four NON-curable STD's

Herpes, HPV, Hepatitis B, HIV

Muscles that tend o be tight in most people because of extended sitting are known as _____ muscles

Hip flexor

Exercise intensity is most closely related to

How hard you exercise

Excess hydration, or water intoxication, is clinically known as


The region of the brain that releases hormones that first trigger the stress response is called the


Which of the following is the best specific, time-oriented goal for exercise

I'll run 3 miles in 30 minutes by mid-July

An example of hypnosis would be

Implanting a suggestion to lessen one's phobia of snakes

Hypokinetic diseases are defined as diseases caused by


Aerobic exercise training has been shown to

Increase plasma

Jim and Steve have been working out together for 3 months. Although they have been doing the same workout, Steve has shown faster improvement. This difference in their responses to exercise illustrates the principle of


Training that alternates periods of high-intensity exercise with period of low intensity exercise or rest I known as

Interval training

Round spongy pads that act as shock absorbers in the spine are known as

Intervertebral disks

Which mineral is component of hemoglobin


Shelley is happy with her current body weight and wants to maintain it. To do this, she needs to be in

Isocaloric balance

The most common type of muscle contraction encountered with most exercises is _____, meaning the contraction proceeds at a consistent muscle tension while the body part moves through its range of motion


_____ is a beneficial tool for monitoring, recording, and measuring progress on a behavior change


The "bad cholesterol" which leads to plaque deposits in blood vessels, is known as


Actions that can be performed daily by beginning exercise are

Lifestyle physical activities

A common symptom of alcoholics is

Loss of control

Anemia results in

Low blood oxygen levels

The lower report story tract consists of

Lower trachea, bronchi, bronchioles

Successful weight loss can be best accomplished by

Making small dietary changes over time

Which of the following is true of quitting smoking

Many ex-smokers say they have more energy, better sleep, and feel more alert

The "M" ins the "SMART" system for setting goals stands for which of the following


The root cause of delayed onset muscle soreness is

Micro damage to muscles

Micronutrients that enable our nerves to transmit impulses are known as


Biofeedback involves

Monitoring physical stress responses

Which factor is the reason why teens and young adults are more likely to contract an STI than older adults

More likely to have multiple partners

Which of the following statement regarding the use of condoms is true

Most condom failure is due to inconsistent use

If you understand your _____, you can plan activities in a way that makes you more likely to stick with the program


HSV-1 can produce sore in or around the

Mouth, penis, and vulva

Lean body tissue consists of

Muscle, bone, and fluids

After 8 weeks on a resistance-training program, Nathan notices he can snowboard for a longer period of time before tiring. This is due to improved

Muscular endurance

Misalignment of the spine leading to lower back pain can be caused by

Muscular imbalances

A stretching technique that reduces muscle adhesions and loosens soft tissues before activity is

Myofascial release

A major psychoactive drug substance in tobacco is


Most people with chlamydia have

No symptoms

Chemical compounds that supply the energy and raw materials we need to survive are known as


Muscular fitness is defined as the ability

Of the musculoskeletal system to perform daily activities without undue fatigue

An oil high in monounsaturated fatty acid is

Olive oil

A disease associated with low calcium intake is known as


The principles of rest and recovery is aimed at preventing


An infection of the female reproductive tract that can result from an untreated sexually transmitted infection is known as

Pelvic inflammatory disease

A subjective assessment of exercise intensity is

Perceived exertion

Men over 45 and women over 55 should obtain _____ before beginning an exercise program

Permission from their doctor

Addiction is defined ass

Persistent, compulsive dependence on a behavior or substance

Psychologically hardy people are characterized by

Personal control

Which of the following can make condoms lose of to 90% of their strength

Petroleum jelly

Research has shown that _____ decreases a person's risk for chronic disease

Physical activity

A common overuse injury is

Plantar fasciitis

Starches and other complex carbohydrates are also called


An acute stress disorder caused by experiencing an extremely traumatic event is

Post-traumatic stress disorder

In severe cases, an individual's response to stress may develop into

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Lifting for _____ stressed the nervous system to act quickly and the tendons, ligaments, and joint structures to become more stable


The stage of the transtheoretical model in which a person does not acknowledge a need to change a behavior is


People who have though about what they might do to change a behavior and are within a month or som of taking action are in which stage of behavior change


Anabolic steroids are primarily used in attempt to

Promote muscle growth and stength

A measure of the percentage of alcohol or strength of an alcoholic drink is known as what


The most important aspect of footwear is

Proper fit

Regular resistance training

Protects the body from injuries

What nutrient makes up antibodies that protect us from disease, assists with building and repair of bone and skin, and helps to transport oxygen


Substances that form the major structural components of the body are known as


An active chemical in certain mushrooms that causes hallucinogenic effect is


The relationship between the mind's response to stress and the immune system's ability to function is collectively known as


Which of the following is an example of calisthenics exercise


The wave of blood that can be felt moving through the arteries when the heart contracts is


Which of the following is a role of sodium in the body

Regulate the water contents of blood and body fluids

When performing range-of-motion exercises, your movements should be ______ and _____

Relaxed; controlled

Which of the following occurs as a result of the flight-to-fight response

Reparation increases

The general adaption syndrome describes how the body

Responds to stress when homeostasis is disrupted

The principle that states that training levels will decrease towards initial levels when training is stopped is known as


A tranquilizer sometimes known as the "date rape" drug is called


Patella-femoral pain syndrome is also known as

Runners knee

Loss of muscle mass and strength with aging is called


A signal of fullness from the body is known as


Fats that are solid at room temperature are


The degree to which a person believes in here or her ability to achieve a goal is known as


Which of the following coping mechanisms is most important in determining how you experience stress


Unprotected sex is best defined as

Sexual intercourse without the use of a condom or other method of STI protection

Where can you buy safe Ride tickets on campus?

Sharky's Game Room and Box Office in Fisher Student Center

Chronic pain in the front of the lower leg is known as

Shin splints

Problems associated with long term use of alcohol include

Shrinkage of brain size and weight

The smoke emitted from the burning end of a cigarette is termed

Sidestream smoke

Being significantly underweight can be related to


The ability to have satisfying interpersonal relationships is which of the following

Social wellness

Which drug is used legitimately as an anesthetic in hospitals and veterinary clinics but is cookies, dried, and sold on the streets as a hallucinogen

Special K (ketamine)

The principle that only the body systems worked during training will show adaptations is know as


The ability to preform a movement in a short period of time is


A good source of complex carbohydrates includes


Thee _____ phase of cardio respiratory program is a period of adjustment to your weekly outline that lasts from 2 to 4 weeks


The simplest method of stretching for people who are just starting a stretching program is _____ stretching


During the specific cool-down, you should

Stretch the muscle groups worked during the activity

With training, resting heart rate decreases. This is primarily the result of an increase in

Stroke volume

Healthy life expectancy is calculated by

Subtracting years of disability or illness from overly life expectancy

Which of the following activities should burn the highest amount of calories per minute


Which STI can cause blindness, nervous system damage, paralysis, and dementia


Which organ(s) secrete(s) cortisol in response to stress

The adrenal glands

A dose-response relationship states that the amount of adaptation you can expect from exercise directly relates to

The amount of overload incorporated into the program

Which of the following characterizes the resistance stage of the general adaptation syndrome

The body establishes a new level of homeostasis

A series of bones that connects the upper body and lower body skeleton is called

The spinal column

Which of the following statements regarding syphilis is true

The steepest incline has been among young homosexual and bisexual men

Muscular endurance is defined as the ability

To contract a muscle repeatedly over an extended period of time

Which would be the best way for someone to start a sustainable exercise regimen

To participate in physical activities they enjoy doing, and focus on short-term results like improved energy and sleep

Which of the following sexually transmitted infections is caused by a protazoan


The fatty acid in most foods and in the body occurs in the form of


A stressor can be physical or emototional


Acute iron toxicity is the leading cause of accidental poisoning in small children in the United States


Age-related muscle loss can be slowed with resistance training


Approximately 1 million people in the United States are inflected with HIV/AIDS


Cardiac output increases with training


Circuit training may consist of resistance training, aerobic training, or a combination of both


Concentric contractions occur when force is developed in the muscle as the muscle is shortening


Differences in their personal appearances or beliefs can result in additional pressures for some college students


Distress can be caused by an overload of positive stressors


Drinking alcohol can block the absorption of calcium


Excess fat-solvable vitamins tend to be stored in the body


Having physical activity regulated by someone else is negatively associated with activity levels


Increased levels of body fat put an individual at risk for diabetes


Individuals who are in wheelchairs may use most strength-training machines that involve a seated position


Lack of flexibility can cause changes in posture


Mono saturated fatty acids contain only one saturated region


More than 65 million Americans are currently living with an incurable STI


Most "low-carb" foods are highly processed


Non-walkable neighborhoods with no open space for recreation have child obesity rates twice as high as neighborhoods that have those amenities


Pancreatic cancer is more common in smokers than non smokers


People who states that they don't have time for exercise may not considered exercise to be a top priority


Relaxation breathing increases oxygen levels in the blood


Sixty-eight percent of Americans have fat-to-lean ration above recommended ranges


The American College of Sport Medicine recommends 1-3 she's per resistance exercise for beginners


The Mediterranean Diet encourages people to use olive oil liberally in cooking and at the table


The best time to shop for new exercise shoes is after a workout or at the end of the day, when your feet are the biggest


The majority of college students are dissatisfied with with body shape and size


The more strongly you state an interaction to change a wellness habit, either verbally or on paper, the more likely you will succeed


U.S. College students are typically in better shape than the general population


Muscles that are often weak in people who are sedentary or overweight are known as _____ muscles

Trunk flexor

Your friend is thinking about trying a fad diet to lose weight. Given the information in this chapter on problems associated with fad diets, you can inform her that

Unless she changes her eating habits permanently, she will regain the weight

Infections of the urethra or bladder caused by micro organisms are known as

Urinary tract infections

Which method is best fore tracking your progress with weight training

Use a weight training log to record your progress

People under stress often

Use sugar to alter energy levels

The lower chamber of the heart are called


When a person pictures himself succeeding in achieving a goal he is using


Deficiency of what vitamin causes rickets in children

Vitamin D

A deficiency of what vitamin is linked to development of fybrocystic breast disease

Vitamin E

Organic compounds that we need in tiny amounts to promote growth and help maintain health are known as


Muscular strength is often measured by determining the maximum

Weight a person can lift one time

A client with arthritis asks whether weight training would be safe and beneficial for him. How should you respond

Weight training can decrease pain and increase mobility in those with arthritis

When planning your fitness program, which of the following is the best question to ask yourself

What motivates me?

Which of the following is an action you can take to develop better mental skills for stress management

Worrying constructively

A practice that involves mental focus and physical effort while performing a variety of postures, or asanas, is called


A se of breathing and stretching exercises based on ancient Indian practices is termed


You are more likely to remain healthy throughout your life if

Your body's fat deposits tend to occur around hips and thighs

The most important factor to keep in mind when losing weight is

Your overall percentage of body fat

_____ is a prescription drug used to help break nicotine addiction


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