PED 372
Using guiding questions when students are having trouble
A recommended approach when using convergent problem solving is
assessing students to see if they understand the instruction
Checking for understanding means
feedback that matches the focus of the cue
Congruent feedback is
an explanation of the purpose or reason for the lesson
Describe a set induction.
Extrinsic encourage or reinforce appropriate behavior through external rewards and consequences. An example at an elementary level would have a student sit out of fun activity such as parachute, or not receiving a sticker at the end of class
Describe an extrinsic discipline system. Give an example.
Intrinsic encourages children to engage in appropriate behavior because its the right thing to do and not for a reward or to avoid a consequence. An example of this discipline system is to practice their personal responsibility and respecting others.
Describe an intrinsic discipline system. Give an example. Is this appealing to you why or why not?
matching tasks to the physical, cognitive, and social ability of the students
Developmentally appropriate physical education means
Student-centered is designed for a particular class of students. You design this by observing your class see what needs to be changed. It is based on the students.Subject-centered is taught to all students the same way no matter what their skill level is. You play by official/adult rules. You also make no changes when things aren't going correctly.
Explain both student-centered and subject-centered physical education. Describe the difference between the two.
Viewed as desirable
Extrinsic rewards can help encourage positive behavior if they are
Equipment modification, additional defenders, number of students
Give three ways your text book describes that you can make task easier or harder
a sport like basketball is more appropriate for middle or high school classes
In general when planning the grade-level outcomes of the national standards, it is suggested that
physical education teacher may personal not demonstrate as often because they are having their students do it. In general, however, teachers may not demonstrate as often as they should because they think students already know what it should look like, they may believe their verbal cues are strong enough, and they may think they don't have time for a full demonstration
It seems that physical education teachers don't demonstrate as often as they might. Can you explain why this might be true?
Establishing a learning environment, movement concepts,traveling skills
K-2 Lessons should focus on 3 main topics
Knowing what to teach is called the content or curriculum. Knowing how to teach is called ___________.
Keeping score, and time challenges
List two ways your text recommends to help keep the interest of students without changing the task
Handling several situations at the same time
Overlapping means
Knowing about teaching
Pedagogical knowledge is
There is so much that goes into skills that it is hard for a teacher that understands the skill to break it down into one skill when they know all of the skills are needed to perform the task correctly. Knowing more isn't always helpful when trying to teach the basics.
Physical education instructors tend to tell students far more than they need to know or are able to comprehend. Why do you think this is the case? Why is it so hard to limit instruction to one cue at a time?
moving to position yourself close to the student
Proximity control means
not stopping to correct a harmless off task behavior
Selective ignoring means
provides alternative tasks for all students
Teaching by invitation means that the teacher
Teaching the same lesson to all third-grade classes is an example of _________________ physical education.
Informational Instruction
Telling students how to perform a skill correctly is called
Organizational instruction
Telling students what, where, with whom, and with what equipment is called
Helping students understand that learning new skills takes practice
The "yet" intervention means
ready to try a self-test
The best time to present a challenge is when students are
Practice with student
The best way to establish protocols is to
encourage practice that is related to game play
The main purpose of the play-teach-play technique is to
a physically literate individual
The phrase "has the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity" describes
Time analysis is used to determine how much time students spend in all of the following categories EXCEPT closure management activity instruction waiting
Indirect teaching style
What teaching styles encourages students to explore, discover, and experiment with a variety of ways to move?
Some things that lead to students being off task are students being confused, bored, embarrassed. These are ones you can control by explaining the task, making it more or less challenging depending on their level. Some students have a hard time staying on task all the time and this comes from situations outside of school, which we don't have a lot of control over
What things might lead to students being off task? Which can you control, and which are out of your control?
If students already enjoy it and are proficient in it If it is not popular in your region and you can hit standards with another activity
When developing a middle school curriculum why might you choose not to include basketball?
lesson plans
Which of the following are NOT part of the "pedagogy tool box"?
is a successful high school athlete
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a physically literate person?
Which of the following is NOT a checking-for-understanding technique?recognition check performance check verbal check pinpointing
writing a lesson plan
Which of the following is NOT an example of a protocol used in physical education?
linking past and future lessons
Which of the following is the best description of scaffolding?
It can be hard to focus in on a specific cue when we see so many other critical elements done wrong. Also we have little time with the students so we tend to try to give them all the corrections they need in one setting rather than keeping it simple.
Why is congruent, simple feedback so rare in physical education
quickly targeting students who are off task
With-it-ness means