Period 5 APUSH

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congress speech which of the following 20th century ideas or developments were most similar to those described in the excerpt above a. arguments that americans were destined to expand their culture and norms to non white nations prior to ww1 b. the isolationist foreign policy pursued by the us after ww1 c. the ideological and economic concerns that shaped us involvement in the middle east in the mid and later 20th century d. the assertion of global leadership by the us after ww2


labor contract the excerpt above would best serve as evidence of which of the following a. the social and economic continuities that characterized the antebellum and post civil war south b. the wartime destruction of the south's environment and infrastructure c. the short term successes brought about by reconstruction d. the opening up of leadership roles to former slaves


lin the ideas expressed in the passage above most directly led to political controversies in the 1870s and 80s over a. new definitions of citizenship b. the expansion of slavery into western territories c. the proper balance between liberty and order d. a sense of american cultural superiorty


sumner brooks cartoon The sentiments such as those depicted in the cartoon above most directly contributed to which of the following? a. breakdown in trust between sectional leaders b. the willingness of abolitionists to use violence to achieve their goals c. repeated attempts at political compromise d. the secession of southern states


susan ba the excerpt above is best understood in the context of a. the passage of the 14th and 15th amendments b. radical republicans efforts to change southern attitudes c. the end of the civil war d. efforts to limit the power of immigrants


appp which of the following 20th century events or movements compares most closely with the ideas expressed in the excerpt above a. the promotion of the counterculture by young people in the 1960s b. the red scare of the 1920s c. the rapid growth of evangelical and fundamentalists christian churches in the 1980s d. the efforts to "contain" communism abroad in the 1950s


appp which of the following groups most strongly supported the sentiments in the excerpt above a. catholics b. nativists c. democrats d. women


sand creek massacre the excerpt quoted above would be most helpful to historians analyzing the a. attempts of the federal gov to assert authority over the states b. us gov interaction an conflict with american indians c. limited cultural influence of americal indians d. increased settlement in areas forcibly taken from american indians


sc secede the ideas expressed in the passage above most clearly show the influence of which of the following a. the principles of federalism and separation of powers b. the use of states rights for the defense of slavery c. resistance to initiatives for democracy and inclusion d. public debates about how to set national goals and priorities


sc secede the sentiments expressed in the excerpt above were most directly a result of which of the following a. the end of the second party system b. the election of lincoln in 1860 c. the secession of south states from union d. the highly visible campaign of abolitionists against slavery


sumner brooks cartoon the cartoon above is best understood in the context of the a. north's increasing reliance on a free labor manufacturing economy b. variety of proposals leaders made that ultimately failed to reduce sectional conflict c. willingness of abolitionists to use violence to achieve their goals d. weakening of loyalties to the two major parties


black code which 19 cen group would most likely oppose the regulations in the legislation above a. new international migrants b. supreme court c. republican party members d. supporters of social darwinism


lin which of the following actions of lincoln administration best exemplified the belief expressed in the quotation above a. the altering of the power relationships between states and the federal gov b. the waging of even while facing considerable home front opposition c. the decision to issue the emancipation proclamation d. their efforts to prevent the confederacy from gaining diplomatic support from european powers


sand creek massacre the excerpt above best serves as evidence of which of the following a. the rise of a major often violent nativist movement in the us b. the new economic opportunities sought by asian, aa, and white people in the west c. the increasing conflict between the us government and american indians as the country expanded territorially d. the efforts of the us gov to end american indian tribal identities through assimilation


sumner brooks cartoon which group was most likely the intended audience of the cartoon above a. white americans in the south b. state governments in the north c. members of the republican party d. voluntary organizations promoting religiious and secular reforms


labor contract the practices described in the excerpt above most directly led to a. the judicial principles of the civil war amendments b. the abolition of slavery c. freed blacks' development of cultures that reflected their interests and experiences d. the progressive stripping away of the rights of AA


lin the passage above best serves as evidence of which of the following a. the union vistory in the civil war b. the mobilization of the union economy and society to wage the war c. unresolved questions about the power of the federal gov and citizenship rights d. the changing purpose of the civil war


sand creek massacre the excerpt above is best understood in the context of a. a broad debate in the 1850s and 1860s over national goals, priorities, and strategies b. public debates about whether to expand and how to define and use new territories c. the desire for access to western resources d. a sense of american cultural and racial superiority


library of congress the controversy highlighted in the cartoon above was most directly a result of a. radical republicans efforts to establish a base for their party in the south b. temporary rearrangements in the relationships between black and white people in the south c. unresolved questions about the power of the federal government d. determined southern resistance to northern efforts to change its culture


congress speech the passage above was most likely a reaction to which of the following events or processes a. the controversy over whether to allow slavery in the western territories b. the assertion of us power in the western hemisphere c. debates over whether slavery should be abolished d. the desire for access to western resources

not a

congress speech the excerpt above is best understood in the context of the a. policies of imperialism b. theory of social darwinism c. idea of manifest destiny d. us interest in expanding trade westward to asia

not b

black code the excerpt above is best understood in the context of a. a northern idea of american identity b. altered power relationships between the states and the federal government in the post civil war period c. the temporary rearrangement of relationships of white and black people in the south d. southern resistance to radical republicans efforts to change southern attitudes

not c

library of congress which of the following groups was most likely the intended audience of the cartoon above a. the confederate leadership b. moderate republicans c. former slaves d. the supreme court

not c

susan ba which of the following was a major consequence of the ideas expressed in the passage above a. supereme court decisions began stripping away the civil rights of women b. some womens equality activists abandoned the movement to grant and protect AA rights c. short term successes opened up some political opportunities to women that previously had not existed d. the movement for women's suffrage was temporarily halted in order to concentrate on granting aa and immigrants equal protection under the laws

not d

most significant factor contributing to the outbreak of the civil war

presidential election of 1860- the South no longer felt like it has a voice in politics and a number of states seceded from the Union. (states' rights) The Compromise of 1850 The compromise admitted California as a free state and did not regulate slavery in the remainder of the Mexican cession all while strengthening the Fugitive Slave Act, a law which compelled Northerners to seize and return escaped slaves to the South.

force slavery cartoon

territorial expansion- with more land there is more space and opportunity for slavery to grow and exist. slavery is so profitable that people don't want to give it up led to point of view- development of different technology like cotton gin and also the passing of fugitive slave act shows that slavery was technically legally supported. developments that challenge or support view of cartoon- development of kansas nebraska act bc it eventually led to violence which shows that slavery wouldn't go away without a fight.

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