Period 5 (Part 1) - Manifest Destiny and Sectional Conflict?

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Missouri Compromise and Northwest Ordinance became void and unconstitutional because they restricted slavery

The Dred Scott invalidated what two previous laws that limited slavery in the U.S.?

Missouri Compromise

The Kansas-Nebraska Act invalidated what previous law?


The Know Nothing Party was primarily concerned with immigration from what country?

Santa Anna

The Mexican President / General that strengthened national authority throughout Mexico took more control over Americans in Texas

War Party

This group was headed by recent migrants from Georgia; the group wanted independence from Mexico


This political party was formed by many Conscience Whigs, Anti-slavery Democrats, and Free Soilers and did not want to abolish slavery, rather they did not want it to spread.

Oregon Treaty

This was a treaty between the U.S. and Great Britain which settled the boundary of the Oregon Territory


Travel on the Oregon and California Trails were replaced by ________.

1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Treaty that ended the Mexican-American War.

Santa Anna

This Mexican leader led a 4,000 man army and defeated 250 American defenders at The Alamo

Manifest Destiny

American settlers should possess the "whole of the continent" that God "has given us for the development of the great experience of liberty and self government"

Oregon Conventions

Ohio River Valley settlements organized ______ that called on the federal government to end joint occupation of the Oregon country with Britain.

Sam Houston

United States politician and military leader who fought to gain independence for Texas from Mexico and to make it a part of the United States

Gadsden Purchase

Although he failed to acquire Cuba, President Pierce succeeded in adding a strip of land to the American Southwest for a railroad

Great Plains

American emigrants passed quickly over this vast, dry region to reach the more inviting lands on the West Coast

Zachary Taylor

His military experience made him a popular war hero and helped him win the election of 1848

Major Stephen Long

-asked by President Monroe to explore the area west of the Missouri River

Fugitive Slave Act

-part of the Compromise of 1850 new law stating that you faced $1000 fine or 6 months in jail for helping runaway slaves

Liberty Party

3rd party in the election of 1844 which was an anti-slavery / abolition party

What boundary did the Oregon Treaty establish as the border between Britain (Canada) and the U.S.?

49th parallel


A culture comprised of mixed race people of Spanish and Native American ancestry.

The Alamo

A mission (religious building where missionaries would live) and fort in San Antonio, Texas, where Mexican forces massacred rebellious Texans.


A person that buys and sells something relatively quickly in order to make a quick buck (money).

Free Soil Party

A short lived political party formed in 1848 to oppose the spread of slavery in the territory acquired in the Mexican War.

Fugitive Slave Law

A tougher ________ was included as part of the Compromise of 1850.

John Brown

Abolitionist who was hanged after leading an unsuccessful raid at Harper's Ferry, Virginia

American Party

Another name for the Know Nothing Party.

Conscience Whigs

Anti-slavery Whigs who opposed both the Texas annexation and the Mexican War on moral grounds.

Free Soil Party

Argued that the yeoman farmer comprised a morally and economically superior economic system compared to slavery and the planter elite.

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin"

54 40 or Fight

Campaign motto of James K. Polk

15 million

How much did the U.S. pay Mexico for the territory it took from Mexico at the end of the Mexican-American War?

Dred Scott vs Sanford

Court case in which a Missouri slave sued for his freedom, claiming that his four year stay in the northern portion of the Louisiana Territory made free land by the Missouri Compromise had made him a free man

James Buchanan

Democratic candidate in election of 1856

Franklin Pierce

Democratic candidate in the election of 1852

Mexican-American War

Established the Rio Grande as the border between Texas and Mexico

slave TRADE was banned in D.C. (but not slavery!)

How was Washington D.C. part of the Compromise of 1850?

popular sovereignty

How was the issue of slavery addressed in the Utah and New Mexico Territories?

John Hale

Free Soil Party candidate in the election of 1852

Peace Party

Group led by Stephen Austin that advocated good relations with the Mexican government

John Brown

He became martyr for abolitionists

James K. Polk

He campaigned on the re-occupation of Oregon and the re-annexation of TX

John Brown

He hoped to arm slaves and start rebellion

Stephen Douglass

He proposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

Millard Fillmore

He received 22% of popular vote in the Election of 1856

James Birney

He was the 3rd party candidate in the election of 1840

Moses Austin

He was the first American to encourage settlement of Texas and acquired a lot of land from the Mexican government

Stephen Douglas

He wrote the Freeport Doctrine

American System

Henry Clay's plan for the nation which consisted of 1. A national bank 2. tariffs 3. internal improvements


Identify the missing part of Henry Clay's American System: internal improvements, national bank

national bank

Identify the missing part of Henry Clay's American System: tariffs, internal improvements

internal improvements

Identify the missing part of Henry Clay's American System: tariffs, national bank

Manifest Destiny

Implied that it was a God-given right and inevitability for the U.S. to spread its Protestant religion, capitalist economy, and democratic-republican political system across the continent

California Trail

It was used by 250,000 farmers and gold-seekers to reach the California gold fields

Andrew Jackson

James K. Polk was often compared to this previous U.S. President

Pottawatomie Massacre

John Brown (abolitionist) and followers murdered 5 pro-slavery settlers in Kansas then mutilated their bodies to scare other slave supporters and to keep slavery supporters from moving into Kansas

Millard Fillmore

Know Nothing Party nominee in election of 1856

1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act

Law that created two new territories (Kansas and Nebraska) and said popular sovereignty would decide slavery in each place

personal liberty laws

Laws passed by northern states to weaken the fugitive slave act.

California Trail

Major overland emigrant route across the Western United States from Missouri to California in the middle 19th century

Free Soilers

Many _________ voted for the democrats because of the Compromise of 1850 and allowing CA to be a free state

Stephen Austin

Mexico appreciated the support of this man and granted him significant concessions (land)


Name the anti-slavery state capital established in Kansas.


Name the pro-slavery state capital established in Kansas.

Great American Desert

Nickname for the Great Plains; the phrase was coined by Major Stephen Long

1856 Bleeding Kansas

Nickname for the anti-slavery and pro-slavery conflict in Kansas.

Was the Wilmot Proviso passed by the Senate?


Roger Taney

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who wrote the opinion for the Dred Scott case.

Know Nothing Party/American Party

Political Party formed by Protestant Americans and anti-immigrant

Winfield Scott

Presidential candidate that was a hero of Mexican-American War


Pro-slavery Americans and Pro-slavery Congressmen and Senators wanted to the United States to acquire this country because of its warm climate and how conducive it was for using slaves to raise sugarcane.

1846 Wilmot Proviso

Proposed a bill (law) to forbid slavery in any of the new territories acquired from Mexico (if the U.S. won the Mexican-American War)

James Fremont

Republican candidate in election of 1856

personal liberty laws

Required a trial by jury for all alleged fugitives and guaranteed them the right to a lawyer

Winfield Scott

Southern Whigs did not support him because he did not support slavery

Fugitive Slave Act

Southerners were happy with this law, northerners were outraged; many northerners joined the abolition movement because of the law.

Freeport Doctrine

Stated that the territories could still determine the existence of slavery through unfriendly legislation and the use of police power in spite of the Supreme Court's ruling in Dred Scott

Ableman vs. Booth

Supreme Court Case that ruled that the Fugitive Slave Act was void in Wisconsin because it was contrary to state law and the constitutional rights of its citizens

John Sutter

Swiss immigrant who discovered gold on his ranch in California in 1848.

Rio Grande

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo established what river as the border between Mexico and the U.S.?

Dred Scott

The U.S, Supreme Court decided he couldn't sue in federal court because he was property, not a citizen.

Ableman vs. Booth

The case reached the Supreme Court in 1859 and was unanimously struck down; The Court said that the federal courts were supreme and upheld the constitutionality of the Fugitive Slave Law

Battle of San Jacinto

The final battle of the Texas Revolution

Oregon Fever

The flocking of settlers to Oregon in search of fertile farmland

Compromise of 1850

The gold rush and influx of settlers into California caused a need for law and order in the west. The ______ helped fix this because it granted statehood to California.

John O'Sullivan

The man that coined the phrase "manifest destiny" in 1845

Uncle Tom's Cabin

The most influential book of this time about the conflict between a slave and his brutal white slave owner Simon Legree

Adams-Onis Treaty

The treaty that guaranteed Spanish sovereignty over the region of Texas; it also gave the U.S. control and ownership of Florida


The year that the Battle of the Alamo took place

Mexican-American War

War fought to determine the southern border of Texas.

free state

Was California admitted as a free state or slave state?

free state

Was Kansas was admitted as free state or slave state?


What crop did most Americans grow when they settled in Texas?


What happened to John Brown when he was caught at Harper's Ferry?

East Texas / East Texas gets significant rainfall, which helps in the cultivation of crops

What part of Texas did most Americans settle in? Why did they settle in this region?


What political party was Abraham Lincoln?

San Antonio

What present day city is The Alamo located in in Texas?


What state took a "state's rights" view of the Constitution and refused to follow the new Fugitive Slave Law passed in the Compromise of 1850?

no expansion / gradual emancipation

What was Lincoln's view on slavery?


What year(s) did Major Stephen Long investigate the Great Plains and the Native American tribes that lived there?

Zachary Taylor

Whig candidate in the Election of 1848

Winfield Scott

Whig nominee in election of 1852

Henry Clay

Whig presidential nominee in the election of 1844


Year that gold was discovered in California


Year that the Gold Rush took place in California.

Was the Wilmot Proviso passed by the House of Reps?


Oregon Trail

connected Missouri to the Willamette Valley in Oregon

James K. Polk

democratic nominee in election of 1844

Sam Houston

first president of the Republic of Texas

Liberty Party

garnered less than 3% of the vote but won enough support among Whigs in NY to cost Clay the state and election entirely to Polk

Kentucky, Missouri, Tennessee

mostly yeoman farming families from the southern border states of _________, _________, and _______ traveled the Oregon Trail looking for free land and a better life

Young Hickory

nickname of James K. Polk

John Brown

leader of Pottawatomie Massacre

Oregon Trail

migrants moved in wagon trains on the this trail which was 2,000 miles long and approximately a 6 month journey

Zachary Taylor

nicknamed "Old Rough and Ready"

Stephen Austin

son of Moses Austin

Independence, Missouri

the city and state which was the "jumping off point" for most settlers traveling the Oregon Trail

Willamette Valley

the river valley south of the Columbia River that was the destination of many people who took the Oregon Trail in the 1840s

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