Period 5.1 APUSH (1850-1865)

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What did Henry Ward Beecher provide anti-slavery settlers with; What did pro-slavery Missourians rush to protect; What did pro-slavery "border ruffians" descend on Kansas for; What did census count voters at vs votes?

"Beecher Bibles", rifles shipped to Kansas in wooden crates labeled Bibles or books; "Their rights" in Kansas; To elect territorial legislature; 2,905 vs 6,307 cast votes

What did Lincoln say in his first inaugural speech?

"I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so"

What did Lincoln write about slave territories?

"We want the territories for the homes of free white people. This they cannot be, to any considerable extent, If slavery shall be planted within them...New free states are the places for poor people to go and better their condition"

What did Lincoln say in his House Divided Speech; What did Lincoln gain from challenging Douglas to debates?

"a house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot permanently endure half slave and half free. It will be all one thing or all the other" ; National reputation and publicity

Who did Democrats nominate in 1852 Election; What will this election signify; Why did Whigs collapse; How did Douglas promote Kansas-Nebraska Act?

"dark horse" Franklin Pierce, northern man with southern principles "doughface"; End of the Whig party; Compromise of 1850, Know-Nothing party, and Kansas-Nebraska Act; As essential to expansion (connecting Cali) and railroad development

What is Pickett's Charge; What happened on July 5 at Gettysburg; Who preceded Lincoln before Gettysburg Address; What did Lincoln deliver; What did Lincoln believe about it; What did Lincoln redefine?

12,500 Confederates marched to their death with over 50% casualties; Confederates retreated; Edward Everett, former pres of Harvard and a nation's great orators; Two-minute speech with 269 words, Gettysburg Address; That it was a poor speech; Our commitment to ideas expressed in Declaration of Independence

When did the Republican party form; What was it founded from; What were their issues like; What sections did this party include?

1854; Passage of Kansas-Nebraska Act; Began as single issue (prohibit expansion of slavery into territories) until Panic of 1857 then they appealed to farmers, manufacturers, and bankers; Old Northwest and New England, Northern

When did Supreme Court rule; What was ruled with black people; What didn't Congress have power to do?

2 days after Buchanan's inauguration; Weren't citizens and couldn't sue, so inferior that they had no rights which white men respected; Deprive any person of property without due process of law (5th Amendment) slaves were forms of property that Congress couldn't exclude slavery from any federal territory

How did Lincoln justify the Emancipation Proclamation; What did Abolitionists think about it; What was significant about EP; What was the immediate impact of EP in North; What did Democrats seek to capitalize on?

A way to weaken the enemy as slaves were used to help the Southern cause; It didn't go far enough; Executive not passed by Congress; To aggravate racial prejudice and backlash; Racial fears, made political gains in 1862 midterm elections

What was Ex Parte Merryman 1861?

After Baltimore secessionist John Merryman was arrested by military authorities for sabotage, Chief Justice Roger Taney issued a Writ of Habeas Corpus, which was rejected by military commander. Taney cited the commander for contempt and denied that the pres had power to suspend the W of HC

When did Lincoln return to politics; Who was his idol; Where did he serve politically for two years; How was his reputation; How was he with slave owners/slavery; What did he refuse to denounce publicly?

After passage of Kansas-Nebraska Act; Henry Clay; House of Reps; Spotless; Compassionate to slave owners, stern toward institution; Fugitive Slave Law

What was the Confiscation Act; What did Lincoln believe about Butler's actions; What did Union General John C Fremont commander of the Army in St Louis proclaim; What did Lincoln ask Fremont to do; What happened?

Allowed the Union to confiscate property including slaves used to support the Confederacy; They were unconstitutional; All slaves owned by Confederates in Missouri were free; To modify his order and free only slaves owned by Missourians actively working for South; He refused and was fired

What were the settlers in Kansas' stance on slavery; What did South and North outsiders refuse with Kansas; What was the New England Emigrant Aid Society?

Almost none owned slaves and few were interested in slavery question; To let them decide its own fate; Formed to help transport anti-slavery settlers to the area, 1,250 colonists went to Kansas

How did South feel about Freeport Doctrine; How did the Doctrine help Douglas; How did it not; What did John Brown do at Harper's Ferry in Virginia; What did he plan?

Angered South Democrats; Helped him win the Senate seat; Cost him South support in 1860 presidential bid; Attacked federal arsenal; Arm the slaves and form a black republic in mountains of Virginia

Where did Republicans meet to discuss the 1860 Election; The platform was attractive to who; Who was considered the front runner; What was wrong with him for his nomination?

Chicago; All classes and sections of North and West states; William Seward; Too extreme with antislavery and his movement to the center angered the radicals of Republican Party

What was the Pacific Railway Act 1862; What was Morrill Land Grant Act 1862; What did the Morrill Tariff raise the tariff rate to?

Authorized federal gov subsidies in land and money for construction of transcontinental railroad; Provied states with the sale of 30,000 acres of public land for each member of Congress with the purpose of supporting higher education, focus on agriculture and mechanical trades; 30% to 47%

What happened after Conscription Act; Why were workers unhappy; Who attacked the conscription office July 13; How did riots end?

Cities suffered draft riots, biggest in NYC in July 1863; Cost of a substitute (equal to a year's wages) and Emancipation Proclamation bc they may have to compete with African Americans for jobs; Mainly poor Irish Catholic laborers; Federal troops occupying city and temporary suspension of draft in city

What did Lincoln implement; What was Winfield Scott's Anaconda Plan; What did Union general Benjamin Butler argue?

Broader more systematic strategy for winning war; Navy would institute a blockade of southern ports, launch operations in West to take control the Mississippi, Army of Potomac would invade Virginia to capture Richmond; Slaves were "contraband of war"

What was the first battle; What was the stance in the battle; What caused Union defeat; What did the Union men do; What did the battle end?

Bull Run 1861; Union victory turned to defeat; Arrival of Thomas Stonewall Jackson and Virginia brigade; Union men fled back to Washington, abandoning supplies and trampling civilian picnickers and sightseers; Illusion of a short war and also promoted the myth that the Rebels were invincible in battle

What did the Confederate Congress pass; What did some complain about with the war; What was the biggest problem for Confederacy in war; What role to cotton play; What didn't work?

Conscription Act that permitted the hiring of substitutes and exempted many classes of people; Rich man's war and poor man's fight; Financing the war; The way South conducted foreign affairs, especially GB; Cotton diplomacy

What were South advantages; Disadvantages; What precedents did Lincoln set?

Defensive war fought on homeland, group of experienced and skilled military commanders, close economic tie with GB; New gov was handicapped by states' rights philosophy- each state was sovereign- AOC mentality; War time president and expanded president powers

What is the Ostend Manifesto; What were Pierce's political views; What was home/abroad reaction about Cuba purchase; What did this force Pierce to do?

Desire to annex Cuba, President Pierce offered Spain $130 million for Cuba; Northerner who adopted pro-South policies; Antislavery members of Congress were upset, was extremely negative; Drop the scheme

How did his position in Committee of Territories help him in other positions; How did he reopen slavery issue; ?

Dominated the Senate in 1850s; Introducing Kansas-Nebraska Act;

How did the 5 hour ironclads battle end; What did North newspapers call McClellan; What did McClellan think about Lee; What was the Peninsula Campaign?

Draw and revolutionized naval warfare marking the beginning of the age iron/steel warships; Young Napoleon or Little Mac; He would be timid and irresolute (unsure) in action, he was wrong; Large scale unsuccessful effort to capture Richmond

What play a role in the debates against Lincoln and Douglas; What did Lincoln oppose with slavery; What did the debates raise awareness of?

Dred Scott decision; Opposed allowing blacks to vote, sit on juries, marry whites, become citizens, and opposed slavery and social/political equality for blacks; Slavery as a moral issue

Who accompanied Emerson on his journeys; What did Scott and his wife sue for in Missouri; How long did it take for the case to reach Supreme Court; What was the situation with Supreme Court justices; Who was Chief Justice at the time?

Dred Scott; Their freedom claiming that since they had lived in free territory they were free; 10 years; 7 were appointed by pro-slavery presidents from South and of 5 were from slave-holding families; Roger Taney

What do followers of Young America believe in; When and how were they created; Who was one of the group's champions in this regard; What did William Walker do?

Free trade, expansion of foreign markets, annexation of lands southward, encouragement of democracy abroad; Faction in Democratic party in early 1850s; Stephen Douglas; Seized control of Nicaragua and elected himself president

What did critics charge with Lincoln; What was his inaugural address like; What did he say?

Election and inauguration, Lincoln didn't show much leadership, spent most time with politicians discussing cabinet and writing inaugural address; Conciliatory but firm; Secession was illegal, "In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war"

What did career Jumpers make a living off of; What did the Conscription Act represent?

Enlisting as a substitute, collecting their compensation, deserting before their units were dispatched to the front and repeating the process; An enormous expansion of national authority since it gave the gov the power of life and death over individual citizens

What did South require to stabilize; What did they need to accomplish that; What didn't the Republicans control in gov; What did Buchanan say he believed and didn't believe with secession?

Expansion, more slave territories to offset agricultural losses of plantation economy; More states and pro-slavery gov; Congress nor Supreme Court; Believed secession was illegal, didn't believe fed gov had any right to prevent states from leaving

What did "General" George Washington L Bickley try to organize; Who did President Fillmore dispatch to Japan; What did Japanese think the 4 American ships were; What did this begin; What happened in 1854?

Expedition to conquer Mexico; Commodore Matthew C Perry; Giant dragons puffing smoke; Japan's Meiji Restoration; Ostend Manifesto

What did president Pierce order with Burns; What did 50,000 people gather in Boston for; What did the break up of national parties in mid 1850s parallel; What is the Know-Nothing party known as?

Federal ship to return him to Virginia; Watch Anthony Burns walk in shackles toward waterfront and waiting ship; Breakup of the Union; American Party, Angry Nativists

Why by Summer 1862 were Union convinced to make abolition a war aim; What did the cabinet ask of Lincoln when he wished to make an emancipation proclamation; What would Lincoln prefer to see for slavery; What allowed Lincoln to make the proclamtion?

For military reasons and to win European support; To wait until a victory so it will not look like an act of desperation; Abolished by state law with compensation for owners; Victory at Antietam

What happened on April 12, 1861; What was Lincoln committed to; What did Lincoln send to Sumter; What did Major Robert Anderson do; What did Lincoln call for after attack and upper South seceded; Was Congress in session?

Fort Sumter, first shot; Holding on to Fort Sumter on an island in Charleston harbor; Naval expedition to re-supply them with food when South fired on them before ships arrived; Surrendered the fort; 75,000 Volunteers; No, Lincoln acted on own authority

What did Republicans argue on racial terms; What was the Union position at Fredericksburg; Who did the Conscription Act apply to; What did it allow?

Freedom would keep blacks in South and northern blacks would move South not lead them to North; Inferior and cut to pieces trying to charge Lee's position 14 times; All men between 20 and 45; Draftees to hire substitutes or paying an exemption fee of $300

What did Lincoln's Cooper Union speech (NY City in Feb 1860) transform him from and into; What did Secessionists warn Lincoln about; Which parties formed the Constitutional Union Party; Who did they nominate?

From a prairie politician to national figure; If he were elected they would leave Union; Cotton Whigs and Know-Nothings; John Bell of Tennessee

What happened after EP authorized the enlistment of African Americans; Where would they attack; By the end of the war, what will the ratio of Union men to black man be; When enlisting African Americans, what did it change the war to; How much pay did the receive; What was AA casualty rate; What did Confederate Congress pass on May 1, 1863?

Governor of Massachusetts organized All-African America (white officers) 54th Massachusetts; Fort Wagner outside Charleston SC; one in ten; From struggle to save Union to social revolution; 1/2 of white pay; 40% higher than whites; Its soldiers could kill African Americans instead of taking them prisoner

How did Grant know a victory would come; What were Grant's casualties at Cold Harbor; What did North newspapers call Grant bc of his casualties; What ensued at Petersburg for 9 months; What did Jefferson Davis do in an act of desperation; What did Lincoln think would happen if stalemate continued?

Grinding down Confederates bc Grant could replace his losses in men and material while Lee couldn't; 7,000 men in 7 mins; The Butcher; Stalemate; Signed an act allowing slaves to enlist in Confederate army; He would loose the election

What had Lincoln repeatedly state; What did Southerners who voted for secession believe; What did they argue with this?

He would respect slavery where it existed; They were acting in tradition of American Revolution of 1776; Had a right to independence and to dissolve a constitutional compact that no longer protected them for tyranny of majority- tyranny of "King" Lincoln

What did Douglas want Chicago to be; What had Douglas done privately regarding Chicago; What did he need for his plan?

Hub of Transcontinental Railroad, he was from there; Invested heavily in real estate around the area and would make a fortune from the railroad going through Chicago; South approval

What did Lincoln ask Douglas during their debate; What did Douglas say in the Freeport Doctrine?

If there was a way the people of a territory could keep slavery from their land before they were organized into a state; Despite the Dred Scott decision people of a territory could exclude slavery by simply refusing to enact laws that were essential for holding blacks in bondage (slave codes)

What was Ex Parte Milligan 1866?

In 1864, a military commission in Indiana convicted Lambdin Milligan on charges of conspiracy for his part in an alleged plot to release and arm Confederate prisoners in Northern prison camps. Supreme Court declared illegal the military trials of civilians in areas where civilian courts were functioning

Where did the Emancipation Proclamation free slaves; Where didn't it free slaves; What did critics denounce it as; What did this act demonstrate; What did it not immediately do; What did it do nationally?

In areas in rebellion against US (areas it didn't control); Border states; An empty gesture; Supremacy of fed gov over states and individuals; Free a single slave; Enhanced Union's moral cause with Europe

What did the Lecompton Constitution reveal; What did Pres Buchanan do?

Inherent weakness of the idea of popular sovereignty and spelled its death as potential method for deciding the issue of slavery; Backed this constitution and encouraged Congress to admit Kansas as slave state

Who did Southern Democrats nominate in the Election of 1860; What did they insist about slavery; What did they call for?

John C Breckenridge of Kentucky; Congress nor territorial gov could prohibit people from moving with "their property"; Annexation of Cuba and national slave code that would protect slavery in territories

Where would John Bell's nomination run strong; What did Douglas do when he realized he would lose; Where did Douglas undertake a mission; Why did he do this; What amount of votes did Lincoln win?

Kentucky, Virginia, and Tennessee; Rose above ambition and appealed to voters in North and South to stand by Union; Border states and Midwest (Virginia, Ohio, and Illinois); To rouse spirit of Unionism; Plurality of the popular vote AKA most but not a majority

Where was Lincoln born; Where did he move to; How did he read the Constitution with slavery?

Kentucky; Illinois and Indiana which were free states but were unfavorable to blacks and limited their rights; Strictly to means that Congress, with 10th Amendment with states rights not given to gov, could not constitutionally allow slavery in states

What are the major issues for Know-Nothings?

Limits on immigration especially from Catholic countries, Restricting political office to native-born Americans of English or Scottish ancestry must be Protestant, public school teachers must be Protestant and no language but English may be taught, prohibition of alcoholic beverages, requiring 21 years before immigrant becomes citizen

What were the Northern advantages in the Civil War; What were disadvantages?

Manufacturing 9 times as much South (97% of nation's firearms), 70% of nation's rails, 65% of nation's farmland; Shortage of experienced and skilled military commanders (evident in early stages of war), long indented southern coastline that was difficult to blockade in beginning, divided population who didn't fully support war

What was declared unconstitutional in the Dred Scott ruling; What was this the second time of; What did the constitutional convention in Lecompton Kansas do?

Missouri Compromise bc it excluded slavery from WI and other northern territories; Supreme Court striking down an act of Congress since Marbury v. Madison in 1803; Composed of pro-slavery men drafted a pro-slavery state constitution

What were Republicans divided into; What happened to one of the sides as the war progressed; Who were the prominent Radical senators; Who was the rising Radical in the House; What did the Radicals want for blacks?

Moderate and Radical; Charles Sumner, Benjamin Wade; Thaddeus Stevens; Abolition and full political and civil rights for blacks

What were Lincoln's advantages in the Election of 1860; What were his two nicknames?

Moderate views and strong debating skills, Political personality man of humble origins self educated self made, Excellent campaign managers and benefited from the convention being held in Chicago; Honest Abe and The Railsplitter

What did Lincoln believe about Southerners; How did his political stances regarding slavery change; Where did attention focus in 1858?

Must not be allowed to split nation or further their beliefs that did not support the human freedom and equality for all men; Changed as national political situation changed; Stephen Douglas re-election campaign to Senate in Illinois

Who nominated Lincoln in the 1864 election; With who; Who did Democrats nominate; What did the election change with; What did Sherman capture; What was the significance of this?

National Union (Republicans); Democratic Tennessee Unionist Andrew Johnson; George McClellan, ran on a peace platform; Actions of Sherman; Atlanta; Vital South rail and manufacturing center, boosted North morale

Who did Buchanan's messages please; What happened December 20, 1860; What was significant about ratifying conventions; What happened February 1, 1861?

No one; Special ratifying convention convened in Charleston, SC and voted unanimously for secession; Used to ratify Constitution and symbolic way to leave Union; Six other Lower South states joined SC in seceding Union in last month of presidency

Who did Helper dedicate his book to; What did the book have inside; What did Southerners talk about after Helper's book and Brown's raid?

Non-slaveholding whites of South; Statistics showing slavery hurt economic prospects of non-slaveholders, and was impediment to growth of South region; Talked of Secession

What section did most British favor; What did Britain get from them; What did Britain recognize and didn't with South; What happened during the Trent Affair?

North as England abolished slavery in 1833; Northern wheat more than it needed South cotton, cotton could be purchased from Egypt or India; Status being at war, not independence; Forcibly arrested Confederate diplomats John Slidell and James Mason who were on the Trent attempting to open negotiations with British

How was the concept of secession to the Founding Fathers; What did Madison think of it; What did Lincoln and Republican party opposition to slavery directly threaten?

Outlandish, most of them mocked the concept, deliberately left out the provision that provided for it; Addressed issue and found it absurd that a state could "up and leave" without consent of other parties in Union; Long-term sustainability of South plantation economy

What are Conscience Whigs; What are Cotton Whigs ?

Pacifists who were morally against slavery, played a large role in forming Republican party; Northern men whose ties were to textile manufacturing, banking, and shipping led them to de-emphasize slavery

What did they present themselves as; Where would free white labor be exclusive; Who was it named after and why?

Party of freedom, slavery was to be kept out of territories though not necessarily abolished; To west; Jefferson bc helped create the Northwest Ordinance 1787 which prohibited slavery

How did they pay for the war; What were the Greenbacks like; What did Jefferson Davis do after Bull Run; What was Lee called?

Passed income tax law, excise taxes on almost everything, Fed gov borrowed, Printed $431 million in "Greenbacks"; Not backed by specie, were redeemable in gold at a future unspecified date; Relied on strong defenses to wear down the Union's will to fight; "King of Spades"

What did War Democrats support; What did think about blacks; What did Peace Democrats (Copperheads) oppose; What did they openly oppose?

Patriotically supported the war but objected to way Lincoln was waging the war; Adopted conservative stance on slavery and race relations; All measures in support of the war and wanted to negotiate peace (Status Quo Antebellum); War through attacks against draft and openly obstructed Lincoln especially Emancipation Proclamation

Why were "Bleeding Sumner" and "Bleeding Kansas" joined together; What were the blows on Sumner's head broadly speaking the start of; Who did the Republicans nominate in Election of 1856; Who did Democrats nominate; Where was Buchanan during Kansas; Who is James Buchanan as a politician?

Political issue; First blows of Civil War; John C Fremont; James Buchanan; Overseas during debate; Dull candidate who Democrats thought wouldn't offend voters

Why did he jail members of Maryland legislature; What did he do with newspapers; What did Congress do in July to support these measures; What character traits did Lincoln show; What did South secession leave Republicans with?

Prevent a vote on secession; Shut down anti-war newspapers and arrested newspaper editors; Retroactively passed the bills; Showed patience and depth of character, delegated authority; Large majorities in both houses of Congress

What did Republicans do with the "Bleeding Kansas" story; What did Bleeding Kansas lead to; What was abolitionist Charles Sumner oration called; What did Sumner ridicule the Pierce Administration for; Who did he launch personal attacks on?

Printed exaggerated tales of this in North newspapers; Divided nation and formation of Republican party; The Crime Against Kansas; Demanded admittance of Kansas as free state; Stephen Douglas and South Carolina Senator Andrew Butler who played large roles in Kansas-Nebraska Act

What was Buchanan surrounded by; What didn't Buchanan believe with the Constitution and secession; What could he find in Constitution; What did John Crittenden attempt to do; What would it say?

Pro-south advisers; Lawyer devoted to Constitution, didn't believe South states could legally secede; Authority for stopping them militarily; Solve secession crisis proposing Constitution amendment; Recognized slavery in South and extend 36' 30' to Cali border and in all territories existing hereafter acquired

What was a northern strength; How did the economic change help transform American society; What was the Revenue Act 1861; Homestead Act 1862?

Railroads operated close to capacity with increasing efficiency; Accelerating industrialization and modernization, prepared the way for emerging modern industrial society; First federal tax income which imposed 3% tax on annual incomes over $800; For $18 this act offered 160 acres to any settler who would farm the land for 5 years

What does Ex Parte means; What happened to Clement L Vallandigham (Copperhead); What did Lincoln do to him; What did Clement do after this?

Refers to court room situation in which one of the involved parties and not present before a judge, typically has to do with the Writ of Habeas Corpus; Sent to prison (2 years) by a military court for speaking out against the war; Reduced his sentence and banished him to Confederacy; Moved to Canada and unsuccessfully ran for governor of Ohio from there

What did Anti-slavery settlers do after the voting in Kansas-Nebraska territories; What happened by January 1856; Where was the pro-slavery government in Kansas; Where was the free-state gov in Kansas?

Refused to recognize this regime and held elections of their own to create an opposing legislature; There were two governments in Kansas; Lecompton; Topeka

What did Lincoln say secession was; Who stayed in Union; Why did they stay; What was this for Lincoln?

Rejection of Democracy; 4 Slave states, Delaware, Maryland, Missouri, and Kentucky; Union sentiment in those states, Lincoln's policies, economy was closely tied to North, slavery wasn't as important; Military and Political goal for him

What did Brown's raid intensify; What did John Brown do by rising above violence; What did he say; What was North Carolinian Hinton Rowan Helper's The Impending Crisis of the South in 1857 considered as?

Sectional bitterness; Became a martyr; "I John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this quilty land will never be purged away but with blood" ; Appeal to social revolution

When did Lincoln give Emancipation Proclamation; When would it go into effect; What did Lincoln say to Greeley bc he resisted expanding war's aim to abolition?

Sep 22, 1862; Jan 1, 1863; My paramount objective is to save the Union. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do that; and if I could do it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that

What did Lincoln challenge Douglas to; What did Douglas try to do; What did Lincoln do; What clever thing did Lincoln do with speaking?

Series of 7 debates; Make Lincoln look like an abolitionist; Depict Douglas as a secret defender of slavery; Spoke differently depending on views of listeners (Northern Illinois or South) and how close it was to election

What is Jefferson Davis known for; What did Davis do unlike Lincoln?

Served in Mexican-American War, Senator from Mississippi, Unanimously elected President of Confederacy, devoted too much time to small details; Failed to delegate authority, quarreled frequently with subordinates, held grudges, allowed personal feelings to distort his judgement

Who would decided slavery in Kansas and Nebraska territories; What was the greatest single step toward Civil War; What did Kansas-Nebraska Act renew; What did Anthony Burns' arrest cause?

Settlers, popular sovereignty; Kansas-Nebraska Act; Sectional controversy that had been at least partly resolved by Compromise of 1850; In Boston, set off firestorm of protest

Southern problem: What led to spiraling inflation; What did Philly counterfeiter Samuel Upham help hasten; What did Jefferson Davis put on Upham; Why were imported products scarce; Why were efforts to increase manufacturing slowed; What did states' rights sentiment prevent Confederacy from?

Shortages; Collaspe of Confederate economy; $10,000 'dead or alive' bounty on him; Naval blockade; Lack of manpower, capital ($), technical knowledge; Making effective use of scarce resources

What did Lincoln remind people of in Gettysburg Address; When did Vicksburg surrender; Where did Lincoln summon Grant to and why; What did Lincoln and Davis consider Vicksburg to be?

The Civil War was being fought to preserve a country that upheld principles of freedom, equality, and self-government; July 4, 1863 a day after Gettysburg; Washington, made him a lieutenant general and gave him supreme command of armies of US; The key

The Confederate Constitution was similar to US Constitution EXCEPT for?

Slavery was recognized, guaranteed right to move slaves state to state, protective tariffs are prohibited, president shall be elected to single 6 year term, line item veto on bills, no funds for internal improvements

What happened in Montgomery Alabama; Who was elected President; Who was VP; What will Confederacy do after Fort Sumter; What was there few of for South?

The gov of Confederate States of America was established; Senator Jefferson Davis of Mississippi; Alexander Stephens of Georgia; Move its capital to Richmond VA for duration of war; Reasons to secede

What does the Fugitive Slave Clause of the Constitution guarantee; When was the first fugitive slave act passed; What outrage Northerners with this; What did Southerners resent with this?

The right of a slaveholder to recover an escaped slave; 1793 by Congress; Sight of blacks being carried off to slavery; Northerners' refusal to obey the law

Why do historians say Pierce Administration should receive most of blame for "Bleeding Kansas"; Who retaliated after the attack of an anti-slavery town; What did they do?

They encouraged pro-slavery groups and denounced the free-state gov in Topeka; John Brown and his 4 sons; Launched attack at Pottawatomie Creek and murdered 5 pro-slavery men

Who trapped John Brown; How did North and South react to Brown's attack; What did Brown confirm; Who did the South incorrectly link the raid to; What did Virginia authorities charge Brown with?

Troops under command of Robert E Lee; With strong emotion; South's worst fear of radical abolitionism; "Black Republican" Party; Treason, conspiracy, and murder sentencing him to hang

What is the Battle at Gettysburg known as; Why did Lee invade North; What did he plan; What were the casualties; Where did Confederates attack for two days; What did Lee order on July 2?

Turning point in 1863, 3 days long; To take pressure off Richmond and Vicksburg; Attacking Philadelphia and Washington DC in hopes of pushing Lincoln toward an armistice; 51,000 including 7,000 killed; The ridge; Frontal assault on center of Cemetery Ridge

What did the South feel about Brown's raid and Helper's book; Who did Northern Democrats nominate for Election of 1860; What did they stand by?

Under constant attack and surrounded by a hostility and a rapidly growing North which threatened with abolition (John Brown) and social chaos (Helper's book); Stephen Douglas; Freeport Doctrine and noninterference with slavery

Northerners didn't follow the law, but what happened; What did Wisconsin and other North states pass; What did Supreme court uphold in Ableman V. Booth?

Very few were arrested; Personal Liberty Laws severely impeding enforcement by federal authorities with it's borders; Constitutionality of Fugitive Slave Act, and supremacy of fed gov over state gov

How much knowledge of slavery did Harriet Beecher Stowe have when writing Uncle Tom's Cabin; What made her want to write it; What did Uncle Tom's Cabin do to slavery; What did Southern critics argue about it?

Very little first hand knowledge; Her conscience had been roused by Fugitive Slave Law of 1850; Humanized it; Its account of slavery was either "wholly false, or at least wildly exaggerated"

Why did Lincoln refuse Crittenden's compromise; What did Lincoln support instead; What would amendment deny?

Violated the Republican platform drafted in Chicago of no slavery expansion into territories; 13th Amendment; "Congress the power to abolish or interfere, within any State, with the domestic institutions thereof, including that of persons held to labor or service by the laws of said State"

What did British think of the Trent Affair; What did Lincoln do in response; What did the English shipyard build for Confederacy; What happened when North had clear military superiority; What did Ulysses S Grant under Union forces do?

Violation of international law; Released two southerners and offered public apology; Two powerful vessels, Alabama and Florida; Any chance of British intervention vanished; Invaded Tennessee, capturing Fort Henry and Fort Donelson

What did McClellans name become after Peninsula Campaign; What could he have done in 1862; What did his failure to move quickly result in; What did Maryland have; What was Lee's movement into Maryland for?

Virginia Creeper; Ended the war; Lincoln placed General Henry Halleck over McClellan; Pockets of Confederate sympathizers; Attempt to seek new supplies and fresh men

What did Congressman Preston Brooks of SC (Butler's nephew) do; What did Southerners think of Brooks; What did Northerners view him as?

Walked in and viciously caned Sumner at his desk with "30 first rate stripes" until he fell bleeding and unconscious; Sent him new canes; Proof of brutal nature of a slave owner and slavery

What did Radicals want for South social structure; What did Moderate Republicans want for blacks; What tragedy struck the Democrats in the Union; What could he probably have done?

Wanted it uprooted, the planters punished for secession and blacks protected by federal power; Objected treating them as equals and opposed making abolition a war aim; Leader Stephen Douglas Died of typhoid fever seven weeks after war began; Kept much of his party on path of loyalty

Why did South hesitate with Douglas' railroad plan; What plan did Douglas come up with instead ?

Wanted railroad built further south through Gadsden Purchase territory and feared Nebraska would become free state; Knew South didn't gain much from Compromise of 1850 so he came up with plan to help himself and his state while aiding South in desire to expand slavery

Why did Douglas oppose the Lecompton Constitution; What did disagreement with constitution cause; What did this make Buchanan want to do; Where did the document pass and fail?

Was a travesty of popular sovereignty; Split with Buchanan and split with Democratic party; Determined to use all power of the Democratic party to crush Douglas politically; Senate approved, House didn't

What did Dorothea Dix do; What was Grant's strategy in Overland Campaign in VA; What would General William Tecumseh Sherman do; What was important about Grant in this battle?

Was appointed Superintendent of Army Nurses of the Union Army; Wearing down Confederates and keeping pressure on Lee with constant assault or siege on Richmond; Drive from Chattanooga TN to Atlanta GA; Suffered casualties but continued pushing forward

What happened to Grant at Shiloh; Why was Grant relieved of his position; Why were there multiple casualties at Shiloh; What was New Orleans captured by; What happened on March 9 1862; What did it lead to?

Won; Allowed Confederates to escape; Accurate guns and more powerful artillery, pigs feasted on the dead and dying; Naval force; Battle between ironclads USS Monitor and CSS Merrimack; Union control of waters around Virginia

What did Lincoln suspend; What did this mean; What did he place some parts of the country under; What did he replace civilian courts with and why?

Writs of Habeas Corpus (Latin- To present the body); A person has a right to appear before a judge or magistrate and hear the charges against him, this was to prevent a president from placing people in jail whenever he felt like it; Military rule; Military courts to try individuals accused of insurrection

What was Stephen Douglas the prominent speaker of; What was the foundation of his political ideology; What did he want and believe in; What was he chairman of?

Young America movement, the Henry Clay of his generation; Popular sovereignty and expansion; Wanted development, believed in rapidly exploiting the continent; Committee on Territories

Who found Lee's war plans; What were his plans; What is Antietam remembered as; What did Lincoln do after this battle; What was the North's increased support for; What did they believe of the war after this?

a Union soldier wrapped around 3 cigars; Split the army into three; Bloodiest single day in American history; Dismissed McClellan for second time; Victory should mean the end of slavery; Only this way could the war find a purpose worthy enough to justify its terrible bloody cost

What was the National Banking Act 1863; What did all the acts passed by Congress do; What happened to the sphere of women; What were their jobs during war; How did they help in war; What did Elizabeth Blackwell do?

provided uniform currency; Stimulated the economy and encouraged westward expansion; Expanded; Textile factories, ammunition, making uniforms, shoes and any other army supplies; Served as army nurses like Clara Barton, disguised themselves as men, served as spies; Helped set up US Sanitary Commission, first female to graduate from medical school

What did Lincoln think about the talk of secession; What did he say about it; What did Lincoln construct with his cabinet; What did Seward think?

thought it was a bluff; Announced no plans to deal with it before assuming office, "plainly the idea of secession is the essence of anarchy"; "Balanced" cabinet full of divergent opinions; That he could dominate Lincoln

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