Perls 105 Chap 12
What are the 7 styles of leadership in the continuum model?
1. (Autocratic end) Leader makes decision and announce sit to employees individual or in a group w/o discussion (or could be in writing). 2. Leader makes decision and sells it to employees through a presentation of why it's a good idea (could be in writing). 3. Leader presents ideas and invites employee questions. 4. Leader presents tentative decision subject to change. 5. Leader presents problem, gets suggested solutions, and makes the decision. 6. Leader defines limits and asks the employees to make a decision. 7. Leader permits employees to make ongoing decisions w/i defined limits. (Participative end)
List the 3 variables of situational favourableness.
1. Leader-member relations. 2. Task structure. 3. Position power.
What are the 3 acts that transformational leaders take their organizations thru?
1. Revitalization. 2. Create a new vision. 3. Institutionalize change.
List the 6 traits that Ghiselli id'd, in order of importance, that are important for effective leadership.
1. Supervisory ability. 2. A need for occupational achievement. 3. Intelligence. 4. Decisiveness. 5. Self-assurance. 6. Initiative (self-starters).
What 3 variables do managers consider before selecting one of the 7 styles in the continuum model?
1. The manager's preferred leadership style. 2. The subordinate's preferred style for their leader. 3. The situation.
What are the 2 aspects of employee capability in the contingency management model?
Ability and motivation
Trait theorists looked at what 5 physical and psychological traits in an effort to id a set of traits that successful leaders possess?
Appearance, aggressiveness, self-reliance, persuasiveness, and dominance
What are the 3 characteristics of subordinate situational factors in the path-goal model?
Authoritarianism (the degree to which employees defer and to be instructed), locus of control (how much they believe they cntrl goal achievement), and ability (to perform tasks to achieve goals).
What are the 4 management styles in the contingency management model?
Autocratic, consultative, participative, and empowerment.
List the 3 basic styles of leadership.
Autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire
Why is the normative model called such?
B/c it provides a sequential set of questions that are rules (norms) to follow to determine the best decision style for the given situation. To use it, you must have a specific decision to make, have the authority to make the decision, and have specific group members who may participate in the decision
Why don't managers like the normative model?
B/c it's cumbersome. Have to select one of two models, then answer 7 questions, and then determine leadership style.
Critique the continuum and the path-goal models.
Both models are subjective, making them difficult and cumbersome to use.
Describe "outstanding" capability in the contingency management model.
Capable of doing task w/o direction or support.
Id the management levels where charismatic, transformational, transactional, and symbolic leaders work best.
Charismatic and transformational leaders are typically top-level managers. Transactional managers are usually middle and first-line managers. Symbolic leaders work in top management, and, if successful, their vision flows down to middle and first-line management.
What are the 5 leadership styles in the normative model?
Decide, consult individuals, consult group, facilitate, and delegate
In the contingency management model, what two behaviours can managers focus on?
Directive and supportive
What are the 4 leadership styles are used in the path-goal model?
Directive, supportive, participative, and achievement oriented.
Describe "low" capability in the contingency management model.
Employees can't do task w/o detailed directions/close supervision. Either unwilling/unable to do task.
Describe "moderate" capability in the contingency management model.
Employees have moderate ability, need specific direction/support to get task done properly. Highly motivated but still need direction.
Describe the "situation" variable of selecting a style in the continuum model.
Environmental considerations - ex: organization's size/structure/business climate/goals/tech - and how much time is available are considered in this variable. The leadership style used by one's superiors in the organization heavily influences the styles of lower-level managers. Ex: if your boss is autocratic, likely you will be too.
Describe the "the manager's preferred leadership style" and the subordinate's preferred style for their leader" variables of selecting a style in the continuum model.
Experience, expectation, values, background, knowledge, feeling of security, and confidence in the subordinates are considered. The more willing and able the subordinates, the more leadership responsibilities they should take on.
Contrast the various contingency models of leadership.
Fiedler's contingency model recommends changing the situation, not the leadership style. The other contingency models recommend changing the leadership style, not the situation.
Describe "high" capability in the contingency management model.
High ability but may lack confidence to do the job. Need support/encouragement to motivate them.
For what employees is the participative leadership style appropriate in the contingency management model?
High capability
Describe the consultative leadership style in the contingency management model.
High directive, high supportive. Sell employees on task, oversee performance. Include employee input on decisions while devel'ng supportive relationship.
Describe the autocratic leadership style in the contingency management model.
High directive, low supportive. Tell employees what to do, how to do it, closely supervise, make decisions w/o employee input.
List the 5 leadership styles of the leadership grid.
Impoverished leaders (1,1), authority-compliance leaders (9,1), country club leaders (1,9), middle of the road leaders (5,5), and team leaders (9,9)
What two factors are incorporated into the normative model?
Individual vs group decisions, and time-driven vs development-driven decisions.
What 4 traits did evangelist Billy Graham id as personal qualities of leadership?
Integrity, personal security, sense of priority, and vision
Describe the position power variable of situational favourableness.
Is the manager's position of power strong or weak? Does he or she have the power to assign work, reward and punish, hire and fire, and give raises and promotions?
Describe the leader-member relations variable of situational favourableness.
Is the relationship good or poor? Do followers trust, respect, accept, and have confidence in their leader? Is it a friendly, tension-free situation?
Describe the task structure variable of situational favourableness.
Is the task structured or unstructured? Do employees perform repetitive, routine, unambiguous, and standard tasks that are easily understood?
Explain leadership trait theory.
It assumes that distinctive charac's account for leadership effectiveness. According to Ghiselli, supervisory ability is the most important leadership trait. Supervisory ability is the aptitude to perform the 4 management functions.
What is the major criticism of Fiedler's model?
It concerns his view that leaders cannot change their style and if a leader's style does not fit the situation, she should change the situation to fit her style. (but other contingency writers suggest changing your leadership styles, not the situation)
Describe the leadership grid.
It has two dimensions: concern for production and concern for people. It id's the ideal leadership style as having a high concern for both production and people. It measures the two dimensions on a scale from 1-9, so 81 dif permutations are possible. 5 leadership styles result.
Describe the consideration/employee-centered dimension of the two-dimensional theory.
It refers to the extent to which managers develop trust, friendship, support, and respect. This dimension focuses on developing rapport with employees.
Describe the initiating structure/job-centered dimension of the two-dimensional theory.
It refers to the extent to which managers take charge to plan, organize, lead, and control as employees perform tasks. This dimension focuses on getting the job done.
How is the contingency management model similar to the group development and leadership style model in chapter 9?
It uses the same four management styles suing the terms directive and supportive instead of task and maintenance.
What is the major criticism of the path-goal model by managers?
It's too subjective. It can also be difficult to determine which style to use when.
Explain why managers are not always leaders.
Just b/c someone is a manager doesn't mean that he knows how to lead people.
What are two other terms for the empowerment leadership style in the contingency management model?
Laissez-faire and hands off
Describe the "consult individuals" style of leadership in the normative model.
Leader describes problem to individual group members, gets info/suggestions, then makes decision.
Describe the "consult group" style of leadership in the normative model.
Leader holds a group meeting, describes problem, gets info/suggestions, makes decision.
Describe the "facilitate" style of leadership in the normative model.
Leader holds group meeting, acts as facilitator as group defines problem and the limits w/i which a decision must be made. Leader seeks participation, debate, concurrence on decision w/o pushing his own ideas. Leader has final say on the decision.
Describe the "delegate" style of leadership in the normative model.
Leader lets group diagnose problem, make the decision w/i stated limits. Role of leader is to answer q's & provide encouragement/resources.
Describe the "decide" style of leadership in the normative model.
Leader makes decision alone & announces it/sells it to group. May get info from others outside/inside group w/o specifying the problem.
Describe the supportive leadership style in the path-goal model.
Leaders provide high consideration
Describe the directive leadership style in the path-goal model.
Leaders provide high structure
Describe the achievement oriented leadership style in the path-goal model.
Leaders set difficult but achievable goals, expect subordinates to perform at their highest level, and reward them for doing so. So there is high structure and high consideration.
Describe the participative leadership style in the path-goal model.
Leaders solicit employee input.
For what employees is the autocratic leadership style appropriate in the contingency management model?
Low capability
Describe the participative leadership style in the contingency management model.
Low directive, high supportive. Develop motivation by devel'ng confidence thru shared decision making in a supportive relationship.
Describe the empowerment leadership style in the contingency management model.
Low directive, low supportive. Give employee authority to do task their own way. Employee makes decisions.
Whose model of contingency management did we look at in the text?
Lussier's (his makes it relatively easy to select the appropriate style for the given situation)
Describe the supportive behaviour option in the contingency management model.
Manager focuses on developing relationships by encouraging/motivating behaviour w/o telling employees what to do. Explains things & listens to employee views, help employees make own decisions by building confidence/self-esteem.
Describe the directive behaviour option in the contingency management model.
Manager focuses on getting task done by directing/contrling behaviour. Close supervision.
For what employees is the consultative leadership style appropriate in the contingency management model?
Moderate capability
What is the problem with trait theory?
No one has been able to compile a list of traits that successful leaders universally possess. Also people may have all the individual traits of being a leader, yet be unable to lead effectively.
Employee capability may be measured on a continuum from low to ___.
For what employees is the empowerment leadership style appropriate in the contingency management model?
What are the 4 management functions?
Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling
Do leaders in structured or unstructured situations have more influence?
Structured situations
What are the 2 situational factors taken into account in the path-goal model?
Subordinate and environmental
Which is the most important leadership trait, according to leadership trait theory?
Supervisory ability
What are the 3 characteristics of environmental situational factors in the path-goal model?
Task structure (repetitiveness of the job), formal authority (extent of leader power), and work group (extent to which coworkers contribute to job satisfaction).
What is the most appropriate leadership style from the leadership grid?
Team leadership style
What is supervisory ability?
The aptitude to perform the 4 management functions
What is leadership style?
The combination of traits, skills, and behaviours that managers use to interact w/ employees.
What is situational favourableness?
The degree to which a situation enables leaders to exert influence over followers
Describe the democratic style of leadership.
The manager encourages employee participation in decisions, works w/ them to determine what to do, and doesn't supervise them closely. Theory Y behaviour.
Describe the laissez-faire style of leadership.
The manager lets employees go about their business w/o much input - this is, employees decide what to do and take axn, and the manager does not follow up.
Describe the autocratic style of leadership.
The manager makes the decisions, tells employees what to do, and closely supervises them. Theory X behaviour.
Contrast two-dimensional leaders and grid leaders.
These 2 types of leaders use the same two dimensions of leadership, but the two models describe and structure the dimensions somewhat differently. The two-dimensional model defines four leadership styles, whereas the leadership grid uses five leadership styles.
Describe contingency managers.
They analyze employee capability level and select the autocratic, consultative, participative, or empowerment style for the situation.
What are contingency leaders?
They are task or relationship oriented, and their style should fit the situation.
Describe middle of the road leaders in the leadership grid model.
They balance their concerns for production and people. They strive for performance and morale levels that are minimally satisfactory.
Describe continuum leaders.
They choose their style based on boss-centered or employee-centered leadership. This model focuses on who makes decisions. There are 7 major styles to choose from.
What are path-goal leaders?
They determine employee objectives and achieve them using one of four styles. The focus here is on how leaders influence employees' perceptions of their goals and the paths they follow to attain them. Situational factors are used to determines which leadership style best achieves the goals by influencing employee performance and satisfaction.
What are transformational leaders?
They emphasize change, innovation, and entrepreneurship as they take their organizations thru 3 acts. Most widely accepted leadership paradigms. Articulate vision of the future, foster group-oriented work, set high expectations, challenge follower's thinking, support individual needs, and act as role models.
What are transactional leaders?
They emphasize exchange, which is about reward/punishment based on follower performance. May or may not engage in both task and consideration behaviours w/ employees during the exchange. Process can be both constructive (promise of rewards for performance) or corrective (correct mistakes before or after they happen).
What are symbolic leaders?
They establish and maintain a strong organizational culture. Go beyond looking out for their own self-interests and focus on meeting the needs of others.
Describe two-dimensional leaders.
They focus on job structure and employee considerations. The two dimensions are initiating structure/job-centered and consideration/employee-centered. Managers get the job done by directing people and developing supportive relationships. Combination of the two dimensions result in four leadership styles: high consideration and initiating structure, high consideration and low initiating structure, low consideration and high initiating structure, and low consideration and initiating structure.
What are leaders?
They influence ppl to work to achieve the organization's objectives. They have the ability to motivate and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organization.
What are charismatic leaders?
They inspire loyalty, enthusiasm, and high levels of performance. Charisma is determined by the leader's personality or behaviour. Have a vision and a strong personal commitment to their goals; communicate their goals to others, display self-confidence, viewed as able to make radical changes needed to reach goals. Strong influence on employee commitment to the organization.
Describe team leaders in the leadership grid model.
They show a high concern for both production and people. They strive for maximum performance and maximum employee satisfaction.
Describe authority-compliance leaders in the leadership grid model.
They show a high concern for production and a low concern for people. They focus on getting the job done by treating people like machines.
Describe country club leaders in the leadership grid model.
They show a low concern for production and a high concern for people. They strive to maintain a friendly atmosphere w/o much regard for production.
Describe impoverished leaders in the leadership grid model.
They show low concern for both production and people. They do the minimum required to remain employed.
What are normative leaders?
They use one of 5 decisions making styles appropriate for the situation. The styles are based on the level of participation of group members in the decision.
Describe normative leaders.
They use one of five decision making styles, depending on the situation.
Compare the trait, behavioural, and contingency theories of leadership.
Trait theorists look for distinctive characteristics of effective leaders. Behavioural theorists look at the behaviour of effective leaders and try to find one leadership style that works for all situations. Contingency theorists try to fit leadership style to the situation.
How do you determine whether a task or relationship orientation is appropriate?
Use the Fiedler contingency model and answer the 3 situational favourableness questions.
Who came up with the normative model?
When is the achievement oriented leadership style in the path-goal model appropriate?
When subordinates are open to autocracy, have external locus of control, have high ability. Also when the task is simple, authority is strong, and job satisfaction from coworkers is either high or low.
When is the supportive leadership style in the path-goal model appropriate?
When subordinates don't want autocratic leadership, have internal locus of control, and have high ability. Also appropriate when tasks are simple, there's weak formal authority, and the work group doesn't provide job satisfaction.
When is the directive leadership style in the path-goal model appropriate?
When subordinates want authority, have external locus of control, and low ability. Also appropriate when task is complex/ambiguous, there's strong formal authority, and the work group provides job satisfaction.
When is the participative leadership style in the path-goal model appropriate?
When subordinates want to be involved, have internal locus of control, and have high ability. Also when the task is complex, authority is either strong or weak, and job satisfaction from coworkers is high or low.
Do leaders w/ good relations have more influence?
Do leaders with position power have more influence?