Perry/Hockenberry chapter 46. Cerebral Dysfunction

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Which is a priority nursing action while providing care for a child who undergoes repeated subdural taps?1Monitor the child's hematocrit.2Monitor for dehydration.3Administer opioids for pain.4Evaluate the child's gag reflexes.


Which is a priority nursing intervention for a child who is breathing spontaneously after a submersion event?1Restore oxygen delivery to the cells.2Administer intravenous fluids.3Administer sedatives.4Monitor temperature.


The nurse is assessing a 9-year-old child for the presence of Reye's syndrome (RS). What information about the child is most useful for the nurse during the assessment?1The child reports having a rash recently.2The child had an episode of acute tonsillitis.3The child reports having a recent viral infection.4The child has had a fractured radius and ulna.


What are the most appropriate nursing interventions when caring for a child experiencing a seizure? Select all that apply.1 Restraining the child when a seizure occurs to prevent bodily harm2 Placing a padded tongue between the teeth if they become clenched3 Avoiding the suctioning of the child during the seizure4 Describing and documenting the seizure activity observed5 Applying supplemental oxygen after inserting an artificial oral airway


What action does the nurse take when caring for a child who is having a tonic-clonic seizure?1Administers oxygen2Administers sedatives3Monitors temperature4Places the child on the side


Which diet does the nurse recommend for a child for management of epilepsy?1Low-fat diet2High-fiber diet3Liquid diet4Ketogenic diet


Which nursing intervention is used to prevent increased intracranial pressure (ICP) in an unconscious child?1Suctioning child frequently2Providing environmental stimulation3Turning head side to side every hour4Avoiding activities that cause pain or crying


Why are infants particularly vulnerable to acceleration-deceleration head injuries?1The anterior fontanel is not yet closed.2The nervous tissue is not well developed.3The scalp of the head has extensive vascularity.4Musculoskeletal support of head is insufficient.


10. Which drug should the nurse expect to administer to a preschool child who hasincreased intracranial pressure (ICP) resulting from cerebral edema?a. Mannitol (Osmitrol)b. Epinephrine hydrochloride (Adrenalin)c. Atropine sulfate (Atropine)d. Sodium bicarbonate (Sodium bicarbonate)


46. A nurse should expect which cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) laboratory results on a child diagnosed with bacterial meningitis (Select all that apply)?a.Elevated white blood cell (WBC) countb.Decreased proteinc.Decreased glucosed.Cloudy in colore.Increase in red blood cells (RBCs)


1. The most common solid tumor in children and the second most common childhood cancer is: a. Wilms tumorb. brain tumorc. osteosarcomad. Ewing sarcoma


4. The nurse is closely monitoring a child who is unconscious after a fall and notices thatthe child suddenly has a fixed and dilated pupil. How should the nurse interpret these findings?a. Eye traumab. Neurosurgical emergencyc. Severe brainstem damaged. Indication of brain death


7. The most important nursing observation following head trauma is assessment of the child's:a. head for bruises or lacerations.b. level of consciousness.c. neurologic signs.d. vital signs.


9. The outcome of craniocerebral trauma:a. depends on the extent of the injury and the complicationsb. has a prognosis more favorable for children than for adultsc. shows more than 90% of children with concussions or simple linear fractures recover without symptoms after the initial periodd. all of the above.


29. Which type of seizure involves both hemispheres of the brain?a.Focalc.Generalizedb.Partiald.Acquired


13. The nurse should recommend medical attention if a child with a slight head injury experiences:a.Sleepiness.c.Headache, even if slight.b.Vomiting, even once.d.Confusion or abnormal behavior.


16. The risk factors associated with recurrence of epilepsy include:a. polytherapy.b. abnormal electroencephalogram (EEG).c. frequent seizures on antiepileptic medication.d. all of the above.


17. Fosphenytoin may be given IV to treat childhood seizures instead of phenytoin because the former drug:a. is compatible with glucose and saline solutions.b. has fewer complications.c. may be given IM.d. may be administered at a faster rate.e. may involve all of the above.


The nurse is doing a neurologic assessment on a 2-month-old infant following a car accident. Moro, tonic neck, and withdrawal reflexes are present. What should the nurse recognize that these reflexes suggest?1Neurologic health2Severe brain damage3Decorticate posturing4Decerebrate posturing


The nurse is performing a neurologic assessment on a child whose level of consciousness has been variable since sustaining a cervical neck injury 12 hours ago. What is the most appropriate nursing assessment in this case?1Reactivity of pupils2Doll's head maneuver3Oculovestibular response4Funduscopic examination to identify papilledema


The nurse is performing an assessment of a 14-month-old infant with meningitis. The nurse finds that the baby cannot extend the knee more than 135 degrees and cries when in the supine position with the hip and knee flexed at 90 degrees. What is an appropriate interpretation by the nurse?1Kernig sign2Babinski reflex3Chvostek sign4Cremasteric reflex


The nurse is planning care for a school-age child with bacterial meningitis. What should the plan include?1Keeping environmental stimuli at a minimum2Avoiding giving pain medications that could dull sensorium3Measuring head circumference to assess developing complications4Having child move head side to side at least every 2 hours


The nurse who is concerned about increased intracranial pressure in an infant should assess for what?1Irritability2Photophobia3Pulsating anterior fontanel4Vomiting and diarrhea


Which site is used for inserting the intraventricular catheter for monitoring intracranial pressure?1The lateral ventricle2The subarachnoid space3The third ventricle4The space between the dura and the skull


Which interventions does the nurse implement while feeding a comatose child? Select all that apply.1 Carefully monitors the intravenous fluid infusions2 Regularly examines the skin and the mucous membranes3 Evaluates the child's pituitary function tests4 Provides same amount of fluids that the child took when healthy5 Monitors feeding when a nasogastric tube is used


Which cerebral complications is a child at risk for after a head trauma? Select all that apply.1 Hemorrhage2 Edema3 Brain tumors4 Infection5 Brain herniation


Which questions does the nurse ask the parents in an effort to identify the possible causes of cerebral dysfunction in a child? Select all that apply.1 "What was the child's Apgar score at birth?"2 "Was the child attacked by animals or insects?"3 "How often do you smoke near or around the child?"4 "Which neurologic disorders are present in the family?"5 "How often did you consume alcohol during pregnancy?"


Which diagnostic tests does the nurse evaluate to confirm the presence of bacterial meningitis in a child who shows symptoms of infection such as headache, photophobia, and nuchal rigidity? Select all that apply.1 Lumbar puncture2 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)3 Blood cell count4 Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) glucose5 Computed tomography (CT) scan


Which diagnostic tests does the nurse evaluate to confirm cerebral dysfunction in a child with increased intracranial pressure (ICP)? Select all that apply.1 Electroencephalogram (EEG)2 Lumbar puncture3 Visual evoked potentials4 Computed tomography (CT)5 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)


Which interventions does the nurse implement to prevent the elevation of intracranial pressure (ICP) in an unconscious child? Select all that apply.1 Provides dim lights in the room2 Asks many relatives to visit often3 Prevents sudden movements in the child4 Administers prescribed pain medications5 Monitors the child's temperature frequently


Which conditions can occur from infection in the nervous system? Select all that apply.1 Rabies2 Seizures3 Meningitis4 Hydrocephalus5 Reye's syndrome


Which interventions does the nurse implement in the plan of care for a child with bacterial meningitis? Select all that apply.1 Ensuring a quiet environment in the room2 Ensuring maximum exposure to sunlight3 Placing the child in a side-lying position4 Using a pillow to lift the child's head5 Assessing whether the child is febrile


The nurse is caring for a 5-year-old child who had a craniotomy. The nurse is assessing the neurologic status of the child. The nurse has checked the level of consciousness, pupillary activity, and reflexes. What else does the nurse assess in the patient?1Blood pressure2Motor function3Rectal temperature4Head circumference


The nurse is caring for an infant who sustained a head injury during a fall. The infant presents with signs of increased intracranial pressure (ICP). What is an appropriate nursing action in this context?1Weighing the infant daily before feeding2Elevating the infant's head higher than the hips3Checking the infant's reflexes every 15 minutes4Providing stimulation to check the level of consciousness


The postoperative care of a preschool child who has had a brain tumor removed should include which information?1Colorless drainage is to be expected.2Close supervision is needed while the child is regaining consciousness.3Positioning is on the side in the Trendelenburg position.4Analgesics are contraindicated because of altered consciousness.


What pattern on an electroencephalogram (EEG) indicates the presence of absence seizure in a child?1High-voltage spike discharges2A three-per-second spike and wave pattern3Absence of electrical activity in an area4Abnormal patterns in the discharge intervals


What teaching does the nurse give to the parents about the computed tomography (CT) scan that is prescribed for a child with head trauma?1"This scan helps detect structural brain abnormalities."2"This scan helps detect the severity of the trauma."3"This scan is done to assess cerebral edema."4"This scan will help identify any seizure activity."


Which is an ideal medication or treatment to prevent cerebral edema in a comatose child?1Sedatives2Osmotherapy3Corticosteroids4Barbiturates


Which type of skull fracture occurs when the bone is broken locally into several irregular fragments and results in a pressure on the brain?1Linear2Depressed3Comminuted4Basilar


Which signs and symptoms indicate an increase in intracranial pressure (ICP) in a child? Select all that apply.1 Excessive thirst2 Increased sleeping3 Forceful vomiting4 Seizures


A young child is having a seizure that has lasted 35 minutes. There is a loss of consciousness. The nurse should recognize that this is what?1An absence seizure2A generalized seizure3Status epilepticus4A simple partial seizure


The nurse is caring for a 10-year-old child with a history of diabetes mellitus who recently had brain surgery. On assessment, the nurse finds that the body temperature has risen to 103° F. What is an appropriate interpretation by the nurse?1Children with diabetes mellitus usually develop an infection after surgery.2High body temperature is common in children after surgical procedures.3Cerebral edema after brain surgery exerts pressure on the hypothalamus.4Excessive viscid secretions result in inadequate respiratory ventilation.


The nurse is discussing long-term care with the parents of a child who has a ventriculoperitoneal shunt to correct hydrocephalus. In the discussion, what should the nurse include?1Parental protection is essential until the child reaches adulthood.2Cognitive impairment is to be expected with hydrocephalus.3Shunt malfunction or infection requires immediate treatment.4Most usual childhood activities must be restricted.


Which is the most important nursing intervention while providing care for a child with endotracheal intubation who is in a deep comatose state?1Ask family members to be always present.2Monitor hematocrit often.3Assess respiratory effectiveness.4Perform suctioning every day.


Which medication helps reduce intracranial pressure (ICP) elevations greater than 20 to 25 mm Hg in a child?1Phenytoin (Dilantin)2Rectal diazepam (Valium)3Mannitol (Osmitrol)4Ibuprofen (Motrin)


Which test is used to understand the staging criteria for Reye's syndrome in a child?1Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)2Computed tomography (CT) scan3Liver biopsy4Electroencephalogram (EEG)


11. The most common mode of transmission for bacterial meningitis is:a. vascular dissemination of an infection elsewhere.b. direct implantation from an invasive procedure.c. direct extension from an infection in the mastoid sinuses.d. direct extension from an infection in the nasal sinuses.


14. An adolescent boy is brought to the emergency department after a motorcycle accident. His respirations are deep, periodic, and gasping. There are extreme fluctuations in blood pressure. Pupils are dilated and fixed. What type of head injury should the nurse suspect?a.Brainstemc.Subdural hemorrhageb.Skull fractured.Epidural hemorrhage


15. A toddler fell out of a second-story window. She had brief loss of consciousness and vomited four times. Since admission, she has been alert and oriented. Her mother asks why a computed tomography (CT) scan is required when she "seems fine." The nurse should explain that the toddler:a.May have a brain injury.c.May start having seizures.b.Needs this because of her age.d.Probably has a skull fracture.


17. An adolescent boy is brought to the emergency department after a motorcycle accident.His respirations are deep, periodic, and gasping. There are extreme fluctuations in blood pressure.Pupils are dilated and fixed. The nurse should suspect which type of head injury?a. Brainstemb. Skull fracturec. Subdural hemorrhaged. Epidural hemorrhage


19. A toddler fell out of a second-story window. She had a brief loss of consciousness andvomited four times. Since admission, she has been alert and oriented. Her mother asks why acomputed tomography (CT) scan is required when she "seems fine." Which explanation should thenurse give?a. Your child may have a brain injury and the CT can rule one out.b. The CT needs to be done because of your child's age.c. Your child may start to have seizures and a baseline CT should be done.d. Your child probably has a skull fracture and the CT can confirm this diagnosis.


19. When a child has a febrile seizure, it is important for the parents to know that the child will:a. probably not develop epilepsy.b. most likely develop epilepsy.c. most likely develop neurologic damage.d. usually need tepid sponge baths to control fever.


31. Which type of seizure may be difficult to detect?a.Absencec.Simple partialb.Generalizedd.Complex partial


32. An important nursing intervention when caring for a child who is experiencing a seizure is to:a.Describe and record the seizure activity observed.b.Restrain the child when seizure occurs to prevent bodily harm.c.Place a tongue blade between the teeth if they become clenched.d.Suction the child during a seizure to prevent aspiration.


6. The nurse is taking care of a child who is alert but showing signs of increasedintracranial pressure. Which test is contraindicated in this case?a. Oculovestibular responseb. Doll's head maneuverc. Funduscopic examination for papilledemad. Assessment of pyramidal tract lesions


9. Which is the priority nursing intervention for an unconscious child after a fall?a. Establish adequate airway.b. Perform neurologic assessment.c. Monitor intracranial pressure.d. Determine whether a neck injury is present.


13. Secondary problems from bacterial meningitis are most likely to occur in the:a. school-aged child. b. infant under 2 months of age.c. infant over 2 months of age.d. child with H. influenzae meningitis


13. The nurse is teaching nursing students about childhood fractures. Which describes acompound skull fracture?a. Involves the basilar portion of the occipital boneb. Bone is exposed through the skinc. Traumatic separations of the cranial suturesd. Bone is pushed inward, causing pressure on the brain


14. Which statement best describes a subdural hematoma?a. Bleeding occurs between the dura and the skull.b. Bleeding occurs between the dura and the cerebrum.c. Bleeding is generally arterial, and brain compression occurs rapidly.d. The hematoma commonly occurs in the parietotemporal region.


15. The type of seizure, also known as a petit mal seizure, that occurs more often in children between the ages of 4 and 12 years is the:a. generalized seizure.b. absence seizure.c. atonic seizure.d. jackknife seizure.


17. A school-age child has sustained a head injury and multiple fractures after being thrown from a horse. The child's level of consciousness is variable. The parents tell the nurse that they think their child is in pain because of periodic crying and restlessness. The most appropriate nursing action is to:a.Discuss with parents the child's previous experiences with pain.b.Discuss with practitioner what analgesia can be safely administered.c.Explain that analgesia is contraindicated with a head injury.d.Explain that analgesia is unnecessary when child is not fully awake and alert.


2. The nurse has received report on four children. Which child should the nurse assessfirst?a. A school-age child in a coma with stable vital signsb. A preschool child with a head injury and decreasing level of consciousnessc. An adolescent admitted after a motor vehicle accident is oriented to person andplaced. A toddler in a persistent vegetative state with a low-grade fever


21. A school-age child has sustained a head injury and multiple fractures after beingthrown from a horse. The child's level of consciousness is variable. The parents tell the nurse thatthey think their child is in pain because of periodic crying and restlessness. What is the mostappropriate nursing action?a. Discuss with parents the child's previous experiences with painb. Discuss with practitioner what analgesia can be safely administeredc. Explain that analgesia is contraindicated with a head injuryd. Explain that analgesia is unnecessary when child is not fully awake and alert


3. The earliest indicator of improvement or deterioration in neurologic status is:a. motor activity.b. level of consciousness.c. reflexes.d. vital signs.


36. The nurse has received report on four children. Which child should the nurse assess first?a.A school-age child in a coma with stable vital signsb.A preschool child with a head injury and decreasing level of consciousnessc.An adolescent admitted after a motor vehicle accident who is oriented to person and placed.A toddler in a persistent vegetative state with a low-grade fever


7. The nurse is preparing a school-age child for computed tomography (CT scan) to assesscerebral function. The nurse should include which statement in preparing the child?a. "Pain medication will be given."b. "The scan will not hurt."c. "You will be able to move once the equipment is in place."d. "Unfortunately, no one can remain in the room with you during the test."


8. Epidural hemorrhage is less common in children under 2 years of age than in adults because: a. the middle meningeal artery is embedded in the bone surface of the skull until approximately 2 years of age.b. fractures are less likely to lacerate the middle meningeal artery in children less than 2 years of age.c. separation of the dura from bleeding is more likely to occur in children than in adults.d. there is an increased tendency for the skull to fracture in children less than 2 years of age.


48. The nurse is monitoring an infant for signs of increased intracranial pressure (ICP). Which are late signs of increased ICP in an infant (Select all that apply)?a.Tachycardiab.Alteration in pupil size and reactivityc.Increased motor responsed.Extension or flexion posturinge.Cheyne-Stokes respirations


1. The nurse has documented that a child's level of consciousness is obtunded. Whichdescribes this level of consciousness?a. Slow response to vigorous and repeated stimulationb. Impaired decision makingc. Arousable with stimulationd. Confusion regarding time and place


10. The epidemiology of bacterial meningitis has changed in recent years because of the :a. diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus vaccine.b. rubella vaccine.c. Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine.d. hepatitis B vaccine.


11. What is an appropriate nursing intervention when caring for an unconscious child?a. Change the child's position infrequently to minimize the chance of increased ICPb. Avoid using narcotics or sedatives to provide comfort and pain reliefc. Monitor fluid intake and output carefully to avoid fluid overload and cerebraledemad. Give tepid sponge baths to reduce fever because antipyretics are contraindicated


12. The nurse is planning care for an 8-year-old child with a concussion. Which isdescriptive of a concussion?a. Petechial hemorrhages cause amnesia.b. Visible bruising and tearing of cerebral tissue occur.c. It is a transient and reversible neuronal dysfunction.d. A slight lesion develops remotely from the site of trauma.


16. A 10-year-old boy on a bicycle has been hit by a car in front of the school. The schoolnurse immediately assesses airway, breathing, and circulation. What is the next nursing action?a. Place on sideb. Take blood pressurec. Stabilize neck and spined. Check scalp and back for bleeding


2. The sign which can be used to indicate increased intracranial pressure in the infant but not in the older child is:a. projectile vomiting.b. headache.c. bulging fontanel.d. pulsating fontanel.


22. A 5-year-old girl sustained a concussion when she fell out of a tree. In preparation fordischarge, the nurse is discussing home care with her mother. Which statement made by the motherindicates a correct understanding of the teaching?a. "I should expect my child to have a few episodes of vomiting."b. "If I notice sleep disturbances, I should contact the physician immediately."c. "I should expect my child to have some behavioral changes after the accident."d. "If I notice diplopia, I will have my child rest for 1 hour."


23. A 3-year-old child is hospitalized after a submersion injury. The child's mothercomplains to the nurse, "Being at the hospital seems unnecessary when he is perfectly fine." Whatis the nurse's best reply?a. "He still needs a little extra oxygen."b. "I'm sure he is fine, but the doctor wants to make sure."c. "The reason for this is that complications could still occur."d. "It is important to observe for possible central nervous system problems."


28. A child is brought to the emergency department after experiencing a seizure at school. There is no previous history of seizures. The father tells the nurse that he cannot believe the child has epilepsy. The nurse's best response is:a."Epilepsy is easily treated."b."Very few children have actual epilepsy."c."The seizure may or may not mean that your child has epilepsy."d."Your child has had only one convulsion; it probably won't happen again."


30. The initial clinical manifestation of generalized seizures is:a.Being confused.c.Losing consciousness.b.Feeling frightened.d.Seeing flashing lights.


4. Which of the following would be most important when caring for a child during a seizure:a. intervene to halt the seizure.b. restrain the child.c. protect the child from injury.d. place a solid object between the teeth.


40. A 10-year-old boy has been hit by a car while riding his bicycle in front of the school. The school nurse immediately assesses airway, breathing, and circulation. The next nursing action should be to:a.Place on side.c.Stabilize neck and spine.b.Take blood pressure.d.Check scalp and back for bleeding.


42. A child has been seizure-free for 2 years. A father asks the nurse how much longer the child will need to take the antiseizure medications. The nurse includes which intervention in the response?a.Medications can be discontinued at this time.b.The child will need to take the drugs for 5 years after the last seizure.c.A stepwise approach will be used to reduce the dosage gradually.d.Seizure disorders are a lifelong problem. Medications cannot be discontinued.


6. The activity that has been shown to increase intracranial pressure is:a. using earplugs to eliminate noise.b. gentle range-of-motion exercises. c. suctioningd. osmotherapy and sedation.


8. Which neurologic diagnostic test gives a visualized horizontal and vertical cross-sectionof the brain at any axis?a. Nuclear brain scanb. Echoencephalographyc. CT scand. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)


47. The nurse is caring for a neonate with suspected meningitis. Which clinical manifestations should the nurse prepare to assess if meningitis is confirmed (Select all that apply)?a.Headacheb.Photophobiac.Bulging anterior fontaneld.Weak crye.Poor muscle tone


14. Which of the following types of meningitis is self-limiting and least serious?a. meningococcal meningitisb. tuberculous meningitisc. H. influenzae meningitisd. nonbacterial (aseptic) meningitis


15. When should the nurse recommend medical attention for a child with a slight headinjury?a. Experiences sleepinessb. Vomitsc. Has a headached. Is confused or has abnormal behavior


16. The nurse is assessing a child who was just admitted to the hospital for observation after a head injury. The most essential part of the nursing assessment to detect early signs of a worsening condition is:a.Posturing.c.Focal neurologic signs.b.Vital signs.d.Level of consciousness.


18. A child is unconscious after a motor vehicle accident. The watery discharge from thenose tests positive for glucose. What does this finding suggest?a. Diabetic comab. Brainstem injuryc. Upper respiratory tract infectiond. Leaking of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)


18. Risk factors for febrile seizures include: a. family history of febrile seizures.b. viral infections.c. family history of epilepsy.d. a and b.e. a, b, and c


20. The nurse is assessing a child who was just admitted to the hospital for observationafter a head injury. Which is the most essential part of the nursing assessment to detect early signsof a worsening condition?a. Posturingb. Vital signsc. Focal neurologic signsd. Level of consciousness


22. A 12-month-old with a history of hydrocephalus and ventriculoperitoneal shunt (VP) placement is brought to the ED by his mother who states that he refuses to eat, is afebrile but extremely fussy, and does not play with any of his toys. The diagnostic evaluation for this child will most likely include:a. urinary catheterizationb. upper GI seriesc. skull radiographsd. head CT


22. The mother of a 1-month-old infant tells the nurse that she worries that her baby will get meningitis like her oldest son did when he was an infant. The nurse should base her response on knowing that:a.Meningitis rarely occurs during infancy.b.Often a genetic predisposition to meningitis is found.c.Vaccination to prevent all types of meningitis is now available.d.Vaccination to prevent Haemophilus influenzae type b meningitis has decreased the frequency of this disease in children.


3. The nurse is performing a Glasgow Coma Scale on a school-age child with a headinjury. The child opens eyes spontaneously, obeys commands, and is oriented to person, time, andplace. Which is the score the nurse should record?a. 8b. 11c. 13d. 15


35. How should the nurse explain positioning for a lumbar puncture to a 5-year-old child?a."You will be on your knees with your head down on the table."b."You will be able to sit up with your chin against your chest."c."You will be on your side with the head of your bed slightly raised."d."You will lie on your side and bend your knees so that they touch your chin."


41. A child is unconscious after a motor vehicle accident. The watery discharge from the nose tests positive for glucose. The nurse should recognize that this suggests:a.Diabetic coma.c.Upper respiratory tract infection.b.Brainstem injury.d.Leaking of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).


5. The nurse is caring for a child with severe head trauma after a car accident. Which is anominous sign that often precedes death?a. Papilledemab. Deliriumc. Doll's head maneuverd. Periodic and irregular breathing


5. Which of the following nursing observations would usually indicate pain in comatose child?a. Increased flaccidityb. Increased oxygen saturationc. Decreased blood pressured. Increased agitation


8. The nurse is caring for a child with severe head trauma after a car accident. Which is an ominous sign that often precedes death?a.Papilledemac.Doll's head maneuverb.Deliriumd.Periodic and irregular breathing


20. a 6-year-old child is seen in the urgent care unit for a history of seizures at home. He begins to have seizures in the urgent care unit that last more than 5 minutes. IV access has not been successful. the nurse caring for this child is knowledgeable that which medications may be given to stop the child's seizures? a. IM phenytoinb. Rectal diazepamc. Buccal midazolamd. a and ce. b and c


21. Clinical manifestations of hydrocephalus in children older than 18 months include: a. headacheb. irritabilityc. lethargyd. vomitinge. a, b, and d.f. all of the above


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