Personal Finance Retirement Accounts

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You make contributions from your bank account

Traditional IRA & Roth IRA

All employers offer this type of account


You're promised a fixed benefit each month, which may increase with inflation


Eligibility may be affected by how long you work with a given company

Pension, Traditional 401(k), & 403(b)

Your employer has some say in how the money is invested

Pension, Traditional 401(k), & 403(b)

Your company may contribute funds toward your retirement

Pension, Traditional 401(k), 403(b)

You pay taxes when you eventually take the money out

Pension, Traditional 401(k), 403(b), Traditional IRA

The money you put into this retirement account has already had taxes taken out of it

Roth IRA

Nothing about the account changes, even if you switch jobs

Traditional & Roth IRA

Any contributions you make come directly from your paycheck

Traditional 401(k) & 403(b)

You have some choice in how your contributions are invested

Traditional 401(k), 403(b), Traditional IRA, & Roth IRA

Your total retirement benefit will depend on the risk level of the investments you chose

Traditional 401(k), 403(b), Traditional IRA, & Roth IRA

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