Personal Health Chapter 1,2,3,4

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Which of following statements about insomnia are true?

- About one-third of U.S. adult have some symptoms of insomnia. - Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep.

What are the three levels of adaptation syndrome?

- Alarm - Resistance - Exhaustion

Which of the following statements regarding anger are true?

- Anger can produce feelings of guilt or loss of control. - Anger is a normal emotion. - Demonstrating a reasonable level of self-assertiveness is not the same as anger.

What is controlled by the Autonomic nervous system?

- Breathing - Metabolism - Blood Pressure

After completing the sleep disrupter checklist, what should you do?

- Identify possible sleep disrupters. - Remove or reduce sleep disrupters. - Keep a sleep log.

Grehlin _________ Leptin _________

- Increases appetite - Decreases appetite

What are appropriate questions to ask yourself when trying to find a balance in your use of social media?

- Is it widening my community? - Is it keeping me from doing necessary things? - Is it making me feel left out?

Which of the following statements about sleep and pain are accurate?

- Poor sleep can create a lower pain threshold. - Poor sleep can increase the risk of developing pain.

Which of the following statements about U.S. suicide rates are accurate?

- The suicide rate, for both males and females, is highest among American Indians or Alaska Natives. - The suicide rate among men is about four times higher than among women.

What are reasons that jobs are one of the top sources of stress for Americans?

- Tight schedules leave less time for stress-proofing activities. - Employees are left out of important decisions concerning their work. - Salary and job security are sources of worry.

What are common stressors for a majority of college students?

- academic stress - interpersonal stress - financial concerns

What are the characteristics of assertiveness in communication?

- being able to say "yes" or "no" depending on the situation - bargaining for what you want - insisting on your rights

What happens when humans fall asleep?

- body temperature declines - blood pressure drops

Reflux is worsened by which of the following?

- caffeine - mint - chocolate

A growing concern is the relationship between social media use and which of the following?

- depression - social isolation - anxiety

What are examples of zeitgebers?

- eating - exercise - being exposed to light

The discipline of psychoneuroimmunology studies the interactions of which of the following systems?

- endocrine - nervous - immune

Why is stress management important?

- enhances psychological health - prevents serious diseases

What are characteristics of schizophrenia?

- hallucinations - delusions - loss of contact with reality

Dialectical behavior therapy includes the use of what techniques?

- intensive individual therapy - group sessions - homework assignments

Which of the following would be characteristic of people who are pessimistic?

- limiting their horizons, which results in limiting personal growth - saying what "I'm not" rather than what "I could be" - having little good to say about themselves or others

What are treatments for the physical disrupters of anxiety and stress?

- meditation and other relaxation strategies - a "wind-down" time before bedtime

Which are sleep disrupters?

- nasal congestion - pain - caffeine

What are typical patterns of sleep during adolescence?

- not feeling sleepy until late at night - sleeping late into the morning

Which of the following are typical cognitive distortions that people who are demoralized may experience?

- picking out a single negative detail and dwelling on it - maintaining a negative belief that is contradicted by everyday experiences

What issues may increase the risk of developing dementia or cause an earlier onset of dementia?

- poor quality sleep - sleep disruptions during the night

For college-age people, which of the following are the most common traumatic stressors?

- rape - vehicle accidents - assault

Mindfulness can help us to ______.

- reflect on our emotions, thoughts, and self - take notice of the world around us and reflect upon our place within it - tackle stress, social anxiety, and depression

Which sleep-related phenomena can contribute to diabetes?

- sleep apnea - difficulty falling or staying asleep

Adolescents who get enough sleep are likelier to do which of the following?

- succeed academically - have a better mood - refrain from engaging in risky behaviors

For anyone suffering disrupted sleep, it is worthwhile to consider avoiding food and fluid for at least _______ hours before bedtime.

3 hours

______ is a disorder characterized by persistent pattern of inattention or hyperactivity.


______ is a state of fear that is not directed toward any definite threat.


Which of the following statements most closely represents the main idea of the transtheoretical model of behavior change?

As you change your behavior, you move through distinct stages of action.

______ change is a lifestyle management process that involves cultivating healthy lifestyle habits and working to overcome unhealthy ones.


The ______ model is a psychotherapeutic approach that aims to stop dysfunctional, or undesirable, behaviors by focusing on the behaviors themselves.


Job-related stress that is severe or chronic can result in a state of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion called ________


What is Allostatic load especially measured on?

Cardiovascular system

The ______ model is based on the idea that our emotions and behaviors are influenced by ideas that we have.


______ are patterns of thinking that make events appear worse than they really are.

Cognitive distortions

Which of the following are recommended guidelines for managing your time?

Consider doing your least favorite tasks first. Delegate responsibility.

Which of the following would be good strategies for successful behavior change for good health? (Choose every correct answer.

Continue to tackle more behavior change projects as time goes by. Lay out a long-range plan. Be inspired by the positive feelings you have about yourself as you see progress.

Minor setbacks, such as not having enough milk for breakfast or finding the treadmills at the health center all occupied, can impose brief but frequent stressors. These ______ can be a hindrance to an individual's overall wellness.

Daily Hassles

The ways in which we change unacceptable feelings into feelings that we are more comfortable with are called

Defense Mechanisms

The combination of drug therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy is especially effective for which of the following?


Meditating is an example of a(n) ______ that can promote wellness and enable us to function at our best.

Effective behavioral response

To be prepared for physical emergencies, the body mobilizes energy resources in accordance with the stress response. At some point in the day, if you do not physically exert yourself, you will not complete the ______.

Energy Cycle

According to the behavioral model, when and how a person learned maladaptive behavior is more important than what makes the behavior continue in the present?


Donating money and personally volunteering offer the same beneficial health effects?


Over the age of 70, men show much less sleep disruption and impairment in slow-wave sleep than women of the same age?


increase of heart-rate would be a _________ reaction

Fight, Flight, or Freeze

Which of the following is a universal and predictable response pattern to all stressors?

General Adaptation Syndrome

______ model is a general name for therapeutic approaches that try to get patients to bring their unconscious feelings to the surface so they can experience them and better understand them.


Non- ________ eye movement sleep is one of two main phases of sleep that includes the deepest sleep.


Being lonely is often connected to feelings of ______.


To prevent a number of serious diseases _____

Respond effectively to stress

Despite there being no cure for tension headaches, an individual can obtain relief by taking over-the-counter pain killers, having a massage, taking a shower, or ______.


Who of the following would be the most likely to have narcolepsy

Ricardo, who suddenly loses muscle control and becomes briefly paralyzed when startled

In the United States, suicide is the _____ leading cause of death for young people aged 10 to 34.


According to Maslow, people who are seemingly living at their fullest have achieved ______.

Self Actualization

______ is defined as the biological and physiological characteristics (in contrast to the behaviors) that define men and women.


What is the name for the way in which the distinct stages of sleep come together?

Sleep Architecture

How does consciousness change during sleep?

Sleepers become less responsive to the environment.

To control sleep apnea, the following are recommended options except ______.

Sleeping on your back

_______-________sleep occurs during the deepest stage of sleep, Stage III.

Slow Wave

Samir will commence his new job on Monday. He is concerned that his religious beliefs will be a source of prejudice and that he will have difficulty communicating in English because it is not his native language. Samir is experiencing a(n) ______ stressor.


A(n) ___________ phobia is a fear of something definite


What term describes the general physical and emotional states that accompany the stress response?


The biological model emphasizes that the mind's activity depends entirely upon which of the following?

The brain

_______ stressors are extreme stressors that result from exposure to events that are life-threatening and can cause bodily injury.


According to the biological model, the brain's composition is genetically determined?


Stress can mean both the event and the reaction?


True or False: Diabetes is a special concern for many groups of American Indians.


True or false: Circadian rhythms affect athletic performance.


True or false: Studies show that married people tend to live longer than those who are divorced, widowed, or never married.


True or false: The nine dimensions of wellness are interrelated.


______ are criteria for judging what is good and bad, and they underlie moral decisions and behavior.


Recent studies of sleep and depression have found which of the following?

When patients with depression specifically treat sleep problems, their depression also improves, even if the treatments are not medicinal.

What is the key to promoting health and well-being through journaling?

Write about your emotional responses to stressful events.

Which of the following are true statements about behavior and behavior change? (Choose every correct answer.)

You likely have both healthy and unhealthy behaviors. Confidence will increase as you make progress and start taking charge of your life. Wellness involves cultivating healthy behaviors and overcoming unhealthy ones.

How does taking control help in situations in which you feel your environment is controlling you?

You will experience less stress from the situation.

Which of the following would be an example of a health-related problem related to human biology rather than culture?

a child born with Down's syndrome (a genetic disorder)

The complete set of genetic material in an individual's cells is known as ______.

a genome

What is a long-term cost of an inactive lifestyle?

a higher possibility of premature death a greater chance of having a stroke a larger risk of heart disease

Which of the following people would be likeliest to develop hypertension?

a person with severe sleep apnea

What type of brain waves does the electroencephalogram measure when people are awake and quietly resting with their eyes closed?

alpha waves

______ is another word for fear.


Which of the following are effective ways to promote wellness in the world? (Choose every correct answer.)

asking for more nutritious foods providing nonalcoholic drinks at parties supporting nonsmoking policies for public places

Who needs the most sleep?


Researcher Gary Schwartz showed that self-regulation maintains stability of body functions and proposed that ______ techniques could be used to manage stress.


Telling yourself, "I wanted to exercise today, but my friends kept me at the mall too long," would be an example of ______.


Expressing feelings in a journal can do which of the following?

can improve physical wellness can improve emotional wellness

What is the sleep-and-wake pattern that is coordinated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus?

circadian rhythm

The cognitive model asserts that behavior results from ______.

complicated attitudes, motives, and expectations

Which of the following would be the best activity to try to reduce stress and worry that interrupt sleep?

daytime planning sessions

What are examples of internal stressors?

despair unrealistic expectations exhaustion

Sleep ________ are factors that interfere with the ability to fall asleep or stay asleep.


what is a Tension Head?

dull, steady pain on both sides of the head

Physical activity is an effective way to reduce stress. To complement physical activity, healthy ______ provide(s) an additional energy bank to draw from when you are experiencing stress.

eating habits

What tool measures brain activity during sleep?


Logan demonstrates anxiety, irritability, and edginess. He is experiencing ______ symptoms of excess stress.


Which of the following are behaviors specifically associated with physical wellness?

engaging in regular physical activity taking care of yourself by eating well

Which of the following have been shown to be necessary for receiving health benefits from volunteering?

enjoying the work volunteering consistently working closely with strangers

Which of the following would be good advice to give to a friend who is experiencing a relapse while trying to change his behavior?

forgive yourself give yourself credit

Journaling may be especially helpful in dealing with severe stress for those who ______.

have a difficult time opening up to others

For men, which of the following carries the highest mortality risk?

having hypertension and sleeping less than six hours a night

The overall condition of body or mind and the presence or absence of illness and injury is called ______.


People with social anxiety disorder fear which of the following?

humiliation or embarrassment

Individuals who see morality in terms of virtue and justice instead of in terms of rules from authority figures are ______ moral development.

in the final stages of

To achieve optimum physical wellness, you should make choices to avoid which of the following?

injury illness

ADHD can easily be misdiagnosed because ______.

it includes traits that are found in most children

What occurs during microsleep?

loss of perception of outside world

Although spirituality is difficult to study, researchers have linked spiritual wellness to which of the following?

lower risk of disease better emotional health faster recovery from disease

Daily shifts in mood seldom affect our overall emotional state, but people with _______ experience emotional disturbances that are persistent enough to affect normal functioning.

major depressive disorder

The most common mood disorders are ______.

major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder

To appropriately manage stress, you may want to limit the intake of caffeine, because it is a ______.

mildly addictive stimulant that leaves some people jittery, irritable, and unable to sleep

According to the model of connectedness proposed by Schwartz, biofeedback techniques enable people to do which of the following?

moderate their own physiological functions manage their stress gain awareness of their physiological functions

______ transmit messages between nerve cells.


What are the first three stages of sleep called?

non-rapid eye movement sleep

Which of the following strongly correlate to an individual's life span? (Choose every correct answer.)

obesity education drug use

Ahmad is working on his stress-management skills. As he reflects on the day's events, he notices several daily hassles that rank high on his perceived stress level. Ahmad wants to work on dealing with his daily hassles because they can contribute to a general decrease in ______.

overall wellness

Which of the following describes mindfulness?

paying attention on purpose being in the present moment being nonjudgmentally aware of what is happening

How does access to health care help improve a person's life?

preventive care appropriate treatment of diseases

Schizophrenia involves which of the following?

profound changes in thought and emotion, particularly impairments in perception, such as hallucinations

African American men are at significantly higher risk of ______ cancer than men in other groups.


An interaction between the nervous system and the endocrine system affects the immune system. The study of the interactions among the three systems is called ______.


Erin is having a challenging time focusing in her health class because she does not find the instructor engaging. Which strategy would demonstrate that she is managing her stress through thinking and acting constructively?

raising her hand and asking insightful questions

parasympathetic part of the autonomic deals in ______


Which of the following is not an example of an environmental factor that affects a person's wellness?


Who is likeliest to have the lowest pain threshold?

someone who gets about five hours of disrupted sleep each night

Sympathetic part of the autonomic deals in ______


Which description best describes the brain waves that occur during Stage III sleep?

synchronized and slow

Kailani is an individual who wants to help others as much as possible, and her friends and family look to her for support and guidance. However, Kailani is stressed by the overwhelming demands on her time. She needs to ______, prioritize, and set realistic goals to reduce stressors.

take control

Simone exercises regularly and eats organic food, but does not get enough sleep, drinks too much alcohol, and smokes. Simone wants to move in the direction of wellness and decides to start by quitting smoking. Smoking is thus defined as the ______.

target behavior

What is the primary cause of the physiological tendency to sleep?

the homeostatic sleep drive

What does the term health typically refer to?

the overall condition of a person's body or mind

Predicting stressors and deciding how to handle them are actions for which cognitive technique to manage stress?

thinking and acting constructively

Which of the following are ways of obtaining health insurance coverage in the United States? (Choose every correct answer.)

through a professional group through health exchanges through an employer

What is a goal of current therapies based on the psychodynamic model?

to help the patient gain insights for overcoming maladaptive patterns of behavior

Access to preventive health care is important because it provides a person with ______.

vaccinations that can prevent infections

Which of the following are public health achievements that have led to an increased life expectancy among Americans?

water purification measures sewage treatment systems control of infectious diseases

Allostatic load refers to the ______.

wearing down of body systems due to constant accommodation to stressors

In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the most important needs, such as the need for food, are ______.

Physiological needs

Which group of women is particularly affected by RLS? (Restless Leg Syndrome)

Pregnant Women

What are reasons that a person's family health history is relevant to the person's health? (Choose every correct answer.)

Genes help regulate the body's metabolic processes. Some health problems run in families. Genes help regulate the body's chemical reactions.

Which system helps remove proteins, such as amyloids, during sleep and is protective against dementia?

Glymphatic system

What are characteristics of health insurance under the Affordable Care Act?

Health exchanges help individuals obtain the coverage they need. People who have an income below certain levels are eligible for government subsidies. The government regulates the health care plans offered on health exchanges.

Physical activity enables you to expend built-up nervous energy and trains your body to more readily achieve ______ following stressful situations.


Which of the following statements about stress and health is TRUE, according to the American Psychological Association's Stress in America survey?

In 2020, self-reported stress levels increased significantly for the first time since the survey began.

Alcohol, tobacco, overeating are ________ responses to stress


______ is a disorder characterized by impulsive acts of anger or rage that are explosive or misdirected.

Intermittent explosive disorder

When we set goals that are too stringent or unrealistic, we have trouble attaining our goals, and our self-esteem is damaged. This is an example of a(n) ______ stressor.


During a weekly floor meeting, the RA brought in a staff member from the student health center to talk about tobacco use. Which of the following reasons for smoking to cope with stress did students most likely give?

It breaks up monotony and routine. It provides something to do with your hands in a social situation. It relaxes you.

Shoring up support networks; improving your communication skills; developing healthy eating, exercise, and sleeping habits; and learning to identify and moderate individual stressors are all steps to ______ the stress in your life


Which of the following is not a dimension of wellness?


Which statement about gender-based wellness factors is true?

Men have higher rates of drinking alcohol than women do.

Which of the following people would have the highest risk of developing type 2 diabetes?

Men who have short sleep durations

We enter into deep sleep less as we age. By what stage of life is it possible that deep sleep may be completely absent?


Dialectical behavior therapy uses the principles of standard CBT by encouraging distress tolerance and acceptance of painful feelings and emotions through _______________, a practice originally derived from Buddhist meditation and other Eastern practices.


Which of the following statements is true about relapses as people move through the stages of change of the transtheoretical model?

Most people need to make several attempts before changing a behavior successfully.

The suprachiasmatic ________ is the master clock that sets and controls the sleep-wake cycle.


Social anxiety disorder was formerly known as social _____


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