Personality Exam #1

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According to Kluckhohn and Murray, "Every man is in certain respects (a) like all other men, (b) like some other men, (c) like no other man." Which section of this quote most closely reflects what trait psychologists study?

"like some other men"

A recent review of the entire literature on social psychology concluded that the situational effect was about ________.


Funder and Ozer (1983) examined the results of three classic social psychological studies. They converted the results to effect sizes and found that the effects were equivalent to correlations in the range of ________ (in absolute value).

.30 to .40

According to situationists, the upper limit of personality coefficients is estimated as


Mischel originally argued that personality coefficients seldom exceed .30, whereas subsequent situationists raised that estimate to ________.


A researcher computes a correlation coefficient between variables X and Y using a handheld calculator. Which of the following values would automatically tell the researcher that he or she made a mistake?


Currently, the consensus among most personality researchers is that there are ________ fundamental personality traits.


Assume that you are studying 200 participants, all of whom are sick. An experimental drug is given to 100 of them; the other 100 are given nothing. If the correlation between taking the drug and living is .26, then ______ percent of those who got the drug would still be alive at the end of the study


Using the Binomial Effect Size Display, if there is a correlation of .30 between drinking alcohol and the likelihood of having a car accident, then out of 100 people who have been drinking, you would expect _______ of them to have an accident.


Consider the following scenario: "A courageous person rushed into a burning building to save a child. Which of the following represents a likely reason that accurate judgment of this person's courageousness might fail?

A judge's eyes are irritated due to the smoke in the air and he or she is unable to see the situation unfold

Which of the following is NOT an example of something that can limit how reliable a measure is?

After comparing the self-report to informant reports, a researcher realizes their measure isn't accurate

A researcher is interested in investigating what people do to make others happy on a daily basis. To do so, she asks participants to provide an account of their prosocial behavior at the end of each day. This is an example of ______ data


A test created using the empirical method yields what kind of data?


The Thematic Apperception Test and the Rorschach test elicit _____ data


______ data derive from the researcher's direct observation of what the subject does


The Electronically Activated Recorder (EAR) is a recording device worn in participants' pockets that records sample of audio the participant hears throughout the day. The EAR collects what type of data?

B data

When a researcher examines the association between behaviors at a party on Friday night and how many times someone volunteers to answer questions in class on Monday, she is looking at the association between _______ data and ________ data

B; B

Which definition best describes the meaning of a cross-situational consistency coefficient of r = .70?

Behaviors in one situation strongly predict behaviors in another situation

In Leikas, Lonnqvist, and Verkasalo (2012), participants interacted with trained actors. What was one of the major conclusions from this study?

Behaviors with more situation variance had less person variance

The ______ is a personality assessment device consisting of a deck of 100 cards, each of which describes an aspect of personality. These cards are sorted into categories by the respondent.

California Q-Set

Which of the following behaviors would be the easiest to predict accurately?

David will generally be on time for work most days next week

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of B data?

Direct observations require little in the way of psychological interpretation??

What does recent research about the validity of first impressions?

First impressions based on configural properties of face may have some validity

What does recent research suggest about the validity of first impressions?

First impressions based on configural properties of faces may have some validity?

What is the first step in the empirical method of scale construction?

Gather lots of items

Which of the following describes social psychologist Roger Brown's views on the importance of personality?

He first believed traits were unimportant but later recognized their importance

Drawing on research described in the text on the effect of acting against one's transparent self, what would be a reasonable prediction about an individual with high social anxiety who was instructed to act comfortable in social situations for a week?

He or she will report being psychologically tired and depleted from the effort

A salesperson has been married for 10 years, but her husband has never seen her do her job. According to the textbook, which of the following statements is true regarding the accurate prediction of her behavior during her work?

Her customers will be about as accurate as her husband in predicting her behavior at work

Which type of data is likely to be the most judgmental, subjective, and irreducibly human?


What intervention has been developed to (temporarily) change levels of narcissism?

Individuals were told to practice empathy and taking perspective

Dr. Gardiner wants to conduct a replication of a well-known study. Broadly speaking, what function does this replication serve?

It is an indication of the stability of the results

Which of the following is NOT one of Funder's conclusions regarding the person-situation debate?

It is difficult to translate experimental results into effect sizes

Which of the following is NOT a criticism of the Myers-Briggs Types Indicator?

It is time-consuming to score and interpret???

Which of the following statements does NOT apply to rationally constructed personality scales?

Items are selected with the aid of statistical analyses such as items response theory (IRT)

According to the text, why is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator particularly popular?

Its vague questions give the impression that it offers deep insight

Which essential trait theorist developed a model with the strongest ties to psychoanalytic ideas?

Jack Block

Which of the following is the best example of a situationist argument?

Knowing Robert's extraversion doesn't really let us predict his behavior

According to a study reported in the text, researchers were able to predict individual's level of conscientiousness and openness to experience based solely on various aspects of their bedroom. This study used _____ data to assess personality.


The fact that behavior is frequently determined by multiple causes presents the most significant disadvantage for ________ data.


Which of the following types of personality data is the most objective and verifiable?


_____ data are fairly easily verifiable, concrete, real-life outcomes of possible psychological significance


Zara reported that she wants to be more extroverted. According to recent research on personality change and desire, Zara is likely

Low in extraversion????

The _____ is the most widely used personality inventory in the world.


Which of the following is an objective test?


Funder and Colvin (1991) brought participants to the lab for two interactions with different people. Which of the following results shows the power of the situation?

Participants were more relaxed at session 2 than session 1

Which of the following statements does NOT reflect the influence of values that contribute to a situationist vs a pro-personality position?

People are both flexibly adaptive to situations and consistent in personal style

The Big Five are believed to be orthogonal factors of personality. What does orthogonal mean?

People's scores on one of the factors do not predict their scores on any of the other factors

According to the text, which of the following would not be a threat to the generalizability of personality research?

Personality researchers strive to study multiple cohorts

Which of the following is NOT one of the responses to the situationist argument?

Personality researchers worked harder to find single traits that could strongly predict single responses at a particular point in time

According to the text, which of the following is NOT part of the situationist argument?

Persons and situations interact to predict behavior

Which of the following is a limitation of projective tests?

Projective tests are relatively inefficient, lacking in validity, and expensive to administer

When publishing her study, Dr. Mouzakis decided to only report the experimental conditions that provided significant results. Why is this problematic behavior?

Readers do not know which experimental methods did not yield significant results

What is the main concern for violating participants' privacy when collect data with the Electronically Activated Recorder (EAR) device?

Recorded sounds provide information about bystanders who never agreed to participate

What is the main concern for violating participants' privacy when collecting data with the Electronically Activated Recorder (EAR) device?

Recorded sounds provided information about bystanders who never agreed to participate

If you were shown an inkblot and asked to describe what you saw, you would be taking the

Rorschach Test

A test created using the rational method yields what kind of data?


Dr. Garcia wants to measure the earliest autobiographical memories of the participants in her project. She would most likely obtain ________ data.


To assess the personality traits of a group of 5-year-olds, researchers use puppets to illustrate different personality traits. Children are then asked to pick the puppet that best matches their personalities. This is an example of ______ data.


When someone is high in narcissism, what type of data about this person might be the LEAST trustworthy?


Which kind of data is the LEAST expensive to collect?


Which kind of data would be the easiest way to obtain information about the content of dreams?


______ data are most frequently used basis for personality assessment


A behavioroid measure is a combination of which two types of data?

S and B

Which of the following was NOT one of the types of data that Mischel compared to one another?

S data and S data

In order to examine the relationship between early life experiences and adult criminality, Dr. Robbins asks his research participants to fill out questionnaires describing their early lives. He then obtains copies of their arrest records from the county courthouse. The questionnaires used in Dr. Robbin's study would be _____ data, whereas the arrest records would be _____ data.

S; L

Imagine that Sally thinks she can judge Charlie's personality better than Lucy's personality. According to a study referenced in the text on the accuracy of personality judgement (Biesanz), which statement is MOST correct?

Sally will be more accurate in her judgements of Charlie

Dr. Danvers recently ran a study in which participants' behavior was assessed in a series of different situations. Given what we know from the studies on behavioral consistency referenced in the text, what conclusion will Dr. Danvers likely draw from his study?

Situations have influence on behavior, but individuals still tend to be consistent

According to the text, what is one of the reasons accurate self-knowledge is a hallmark of mental health

Someone with accurate self-knowledge is also in a good position to make good life decisions

The improvement in reliability gained by adding additional "good" test items can be precisely calculated using what formula?


Which formula in psychometrics quantifies the principle of aggregation?


Which of the following is the best explanation for why publication bias is a major concern in science?

Strong effects are published more, leading to a literature that does not represent the actual strength of an effect

According to recent research about personality and energy drink preferences (Smidt), those high in self-monitoring would likely prefer which brand of energy drink in a consumer taste test study?

Superstar Energy

What is one advantage of collecting descriptions of a participant's personality from his or her acquaintances?

The acquaintances' descriptions of the participant are likely based on many behaviors in many situations

What was the boundary on the acquaintanceship effect identified by Colvin and Funder (1991)?

The advantage of close acquaintances vanishes when the criterion is the ability to predict behavior in a situation similar to one that strangers have been but acquaintances have not

In Leikas, Lonnqvist and Verkasalo (2012), participants interacted with trained actors. The number of times a participant gestured depended mostly on his or her own characteristics. Which of the following reflects the correct interpretation of this result?

The amount of variability explained by the person was large

In Leikas, Lonnqvist, and Verkasalo (2012), participants interacted with trained actors. The number of times a participant gazed into the eyes of his or her depended a lot on the behavior of the partner. Which of the following reflects the correct interpretation of this result?

The amount of variability explained by the situation was large

A small number of studies have investigated whether making an extra effort to be a good judge of personality improves accuracy. According to the textbook, what conclusions can be drawn from this literature

The results of the existing studies are mixed

Consider the following scenario: A person sits quietly during a classroom lecture. Which of the following represents the MOST likely reason that accurate judgment of extraversion might fail?

The situation doesn't allow for the display of extraversion

According to the text, which of the following is NOT one of the conditions that must hold for an S data personality test to accurately measure an attribute of personality?

The test must contain both positively and negatively worded items

Doug has known Manesh for more than 20 years. Jim has only known Manesh since he joined Jim's department at Acme Advertising Agency 2 months ago. According to Colvin and Funder's (1991) study of the boundaries on the acquaintanceship effect, if both Doug and Jim are asked to predict how Manesh will behave during a presentation at work next week, whose predictions will be more accurate?

The two predictions will be about equally accurate

Which of the following does NOT describe a reason that people gravitate to the typological approach in contrast to the trait approach?

The typological approach has many years worth of empirical support

According to the text, which projective test appears to have produced evidence that comes close to establishing its validity?

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

What piece of evidence suggests that age is NOT a determining factor in the desire to change one's personality?

There is little to no correlation between participants' age and their self-reported desire to change

What is a key strength of longitudinal personality development studies?

They are not biased by the cohort effect

Which of the following is NOT a reason that older people believe their personalities are more consistent than those of younger people?

They have more wealth accumulated

According to your text, what is one important use of personality types?

They serve as a way to summarize how someone stands on several traits

According to the text, which of the following is one of the reactions an individual high on right-wing authoritarianism would have when playing experimental games?

They tend to be uncooperative and inflexible

Imagine that a researcher conducts a study and fails to find a statistically significant correlation between exercise and weight loss. However, there is a real association between exercise and weight loss in the population. What kind of error has this researcher made?

Type II

The Woodworth Personality Data Sheet was designed to measure psychiatric problems in what group?

US Army recruits

Which of the following psychologists is often credited with starting the person-situation debate?

Walter Mischel

Which of the following is an example of interjudge agreement in the context of accuracy judgments?

Your friends' ratings of your extraversion converge with your parents' ratings

Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons that accuracy matters?

Your reputation doesn't matter much for your well-being and happiness

According to the text, what is the best approach to test construction?

a combination of all three approaches

One difficulty that early researchers encountered in identifying. the good judge of personality was that

a good judge in one context was not always a good judge in other contexts

Julie is a serious and conscientious employee; however, with her friends at happy hour on Friday afternoon she is the life of the party. According to Snyder's theory, Julie would most likely be ________.

a high self-monitor

According to the text, IQ tests yield B data by asking participants

a series of questions of varying difficulty that have specific correct answers

According to the text, ________ describes a context where social norms tend to restrict what people do

a strong situation

The situationist argument holds that ________.

a thorough review of the literature reveals that there is a limit to how well one can predict behavior form personality our everyday intuitions about people are fundamentally flawed situations are more important than personality traits for determining behavior (all of the answer options are correct)

Research has shown that when people use words such as ________ to describe their life stories, they are described by acquaintances as more intelligent


Research from multiple psychological domains has demonstrated that first impression are

accurate in judging most of the Big Five personality traits

The process by which a person seeks out compatible environments and avoids incompatible ones is called

active person-environmental transaction

In the last month, Oscar learned to drive and began working at his first job. These new developments are helping him to see himself as an ________.


What is the correct order of narrative identity development over the life course, according to Dan McAdams?

actor, agent, author

Ashley has always wanted to be a great lawyer. After years of hard work, she has just graduated from law school and in the next few weeks will begin working as a junior partner at a national law firm. Ashley is beginning to see herself as an


The most important and generally useful way to enhance reliability is to

aggregate your measurements

Dr. Grant is creating a new measure of shyness, and she decides to include more than one item in her scale. She believes that using multiple items will lead to a more reliable measure. Dr. Grant is following which principle of measurement?


Increasing the number of items on a test makes it a better instrument according to which principle?


Which of the following is NOT likely to undermine the reliability of a survey?

aggregation of responses to different items

According to a study investigating personality change among young Germans, those who completed community service increased in _______ at a higher rate than those who entered into the military.


Recent research on the good judge of personality indicated that the good judge was high in


Which of the following Big Five domains is related to less smoking?


What term describes computer-assisted methods to measure thoughts and feelings that occur during normal daily activities?

ambulatory assessment

What kinds of behaviors by an acquaintance would MOST likely be remembered?

an atypical behavior that was emotionally evocative

John was bullied a lot in grade school. Given this early experience, which of the following behaviors is John MOST likely to exhibit later in life?

anxiety and disorganized thoughts

Personality disorders generally _______ across the life span

are stable

The California Psychological Inventory (CPI) was designed to

assess normal individuals

According to the text, correlational and experimental methods are not entirely different. For example, they both

assess the relationship between two variables

Broadly speaking, improving the accuracy of personality judgments depends notably on how well everyone is able to

be himself or herself

Inventories derived from the empirical method sometimes have items that seem strange or even objectionable to test takers ________.

because those items correlated with outcomes of interest to the test developers

According to the text, the purpose of personality traits is to predict

behavior in the long term

In his book Personality and Assessment, Mischel argues that

behavior is too inconsistent to predict using broad personality traits

When compared to personality types, personality traits are _______ at predicting behavior


According to the text, one of the nonpsychometric functions of projective tests is to

break the ice between client and therapist

The goal of the dissertation in the process of scientific education is to demonstrate that the future scientist________

can contribute something new to the field

What event is likely to contribute to personality changes well into adulthood?

caring for a spouse with a terminal illness

Narrative psychology is an example of the _______ method

case study

The judgments that others make of your personality affect your opportunities and expectancies. Thus, these judgments have

causal force

What you do may be influenced by how you see yourself and how you are seen by others. This means that your self-perceptions and others' perceptions have

causal force

People who enjoy upbeat, conventional music tend to be higher in what trait?


Shy people fear social interactions and often feel lonely. They are typically perceived by others as ________.

cold and aloof

When gathering data or clues about personality, the best policy is to

collect as many clues as possible

How should you act in everyday life according to the "transparent self" theory of psychological health?

conceal very little from those around you; show your true self

According to psychologist Frank Sulloway, firstborns are more ________ compared to those born later.


A long life is associated with what trait?


According to a recent study described in the textbook, which trait has been linked to a decrease in life satisfaction following a period of unemployment?


According to the text, individuals high in ______ are usually valued employees


Ajay has just begun his first professional job. Ajay will MOST likely display an increase in which trait?


Integrity tests administered in employment screening provide good measures of


The avoidance of drug abuse is associated with what trait?


Which trait has been consistently linked to a range of health outcomes?


Which trait is linked to avoiding risks and driving carefully?


Which of the following attributes were MOST consistently related to being a good judge of personality in earlier studies investigating accurate personality judgment?

conscientiousness and intelligence

Starting a job, entering college, and beginning a serious relationship are all associated with increases in ________.


According to the text, ______ does not seem to significantly improve as judges acquire more information, whereas _______ does seem to improve considerably

consensus; accuracy

A research strategy that involves gathering as many different measurements as you can of a particular construct and determining if those measurements correlate is called

construct validation

When Samira argues that all interpretations of reality are equally accurate, she is advocating the ________ philosophical position


The statement "There is no such thing as objective reality, only human ideas or perceptions of reality" would MOST likely be made by a(n)__________. The statement "The absence of perfect, infallible criteria for truth does not force us to conclude that all interpreattions of reality are equally likely to be correct" would MOST likely be made by a(n)__________

constructivist; critical realist

According to Cronbach and Meehl's (1955) terminology, psychological attributes such as intelligence and sociability are examples of ________, whereas an IQ test and extraversion questionnaire are both examples of specific tests or measurements.


The observation "If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it is probably a duck" illustrates the method of ________.

convergent validation

The number between -1 and +1 that indexes the linear association between any two variables is called ________.

correlation coefficient

The Binomial Effect Size Display is a method for illustrating the size of

correlation coefficients

Factor analyses are mostly based on which of the following pieces of information?

correlation matrices

Dr. Liao is interested in studying the relation between mood and willingness to help a stranger. Every participant in her study completes a mood-rating questionnaire and is then given an opportunity to donate money to a homeless stranger. Dr. Liao is using an _______ design.


The trait approach is based on empirical research that is mostly from ________ studies


According to the text, some researchers propose that openness to experience is related to ________, while others claim it is related to _________

creativity; intelligence

A current study is surveying people of different ages in order to understand whether or not individuals' levels of subjective well-being change across the life span. What type of developmental study is this?


Altaf is interested in conducting a study that assesses narcissism across the life course, but he has limited time and money to do so. What type of study should Altaf use?


In addition to serving as a way for psychologists to construct objective tests, the factor analysis method has been long used to

decide how many fundamental traits exist

Maria realizes that it is easy for her to talk to people at parties and that she is therefore high in extraversion. To what component of the Realistic Accuracy Model (RAM) does this realization speak?


Which of the following would be an example of trying to improve the predictability of behavior from personality traits by taking into account the possibility that some people are more consistent than others?

determining if the behavior of high self-monitors is less predictable than that of low-monitors

To obtain S data, a psychologist can

develop a questionnaire

The most important advantage of B data is that they are based on

direct observations of behavior, so they are more objective and quantifiable

When evaluated as psychometric instruments, most projective tests ________.

do not fare very well

Given Snyder's description of self-monitoring, you would expect someone who is low in self-monitoring to be ________ than someone high in self-monitoring.

easier to judge

The items in the California Q-Set were derived from ________.

efforts by researchers to develop a complete list of items sufficient to describe any person

Research suggests that women who follow _______ reported being content and satisfied with life 20 years after graduation.

either the Feminine Social Clock or Masculine Social Clock

Given what we know about trait visibility and judgment, which of the following traits would be difficult to judge?

emotional stability

If you were to fully develop a personality test without even looking at the item content, you would be using the ________ method of test construction.


Which dimension of personality assessed by the Narcissistic Personality Inventory appears to be the one MOST responsible for obnoxious and arrogant behavior?


According to the text, if peers based judgments on reputations and not observation, then researchers should find

equal agreement for both observable and unobservable traits

According to the text, accidental mistakes in judging personality are considered _____, whereas inaccurate judgments that are influenced by prejudices are considered ______.

errors; biases

A researcher using factor analysis to identify basic traits is likely to favor the _______ approach


A researcher who tries to discover the most important or basic personality traits that exist is taking an _________ approach


Which of the following is NOT a known physical factor that influences personality development?


Which conclusion follows from Funder's analysis of the person-situation debate?

even in the same situation, all people do not behave in the same way

The judgments other people make of your personality may affect

expectancies of your behavior your opportunities your chances of getting a job (all of the answer options are correct)

Then tendency for us to become what other people believe us to be is called an ________ effect


According to the text, which of the following is another term for behavioral confirmation?

expectancy effect

Because Jesse's teacher believes that he is intelligent, she challenges him with extra assignments and generally encourages his curiosity. At the end of the school year, Jesse performs better on the school's achievement test than any other student. Jesse's enhanced performance was likely due to the

expectancy effect

Julie does not like to attend parties because she is shy and convinced that people will not like her. When Julie does go to a party, she avoids eye contact, gives abrupt responses to other people's questions, and quickly withdraws from interactions. As a result, she spends most of the evening in a corner by herself, convinced that no one at the party likes her. This is an example of ________.

expectancy effect

As part of a research project, a participant uses a smart phone application that signals her at random times throughout the day. At those times, the application presents a series of questions for her to answer regarding her current activities. This is an example of _______ data.

experience sampling??

Which design is best suited for addressing the third-variable problem?


A researcher asks participants to imagine that they have been excluded from their circle of friends and then takes images of their brains using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanning technology. The images generated in this study would be considered ________ data.

experimental B

People tend to blame negative experiences on ________ rather than recognizing the role of ________.

external factors; their own personalities

Attractiveness is associated with what trait?


Happiness is associated with what trait?


Peer acceptance is associated with what trait?


Positive emotionality in Tellegen's three-factor model is closest to which trait in Eysenck's model?


Which Big Five domain captures a tendency to experience positive emotions?


Which trait is MOST closely linked to dominance?


Personality assessment would be relevant to which of the following constructs?

extraversion attitudes toward political leaders aggression (all of the answer options are correct)

Based on recent research, what approach for job interviews might be the best?

face-to-face interviews

The approach to personality test construction that examines a set of correlations among many items in order to identify which items are highly correlated is called the ______ approach

factor analytic

There is a possibility that individuals are so accustomed to certain aspects of their personality that they might not be aware of those traits. This is called the _____ effect.


The MOST important advantage of Q-sorting is that it

forces the judge to compare all the items directly against each other

The MOST important thing to notice about a table of Q-sort correlates is the

genereal patterns that emerge

Jack Block found that 23-year-olds who described themselves as being politically conservative were likely to have been described as ________ at age 3.

guilty and anxious

What is a reasonable argument for the idea that personality change is maladaptive?

having a disorganized, unsteady personality can cause others to find it difficult to make sense of or relate to that person

As a child, Brett was always bouncing off the walls at his parent's social gatherings. As an adult, he makes a point to talk to everyone attending a party. This is an example of

heterotypic continuity

Which of the following is NOT a basic aspect of childhood temperament?

heterotypic continuity

Which of the following characteristics is NOT associated with conscientiousness?

high IQ

The lower your score is on measures of psychological health and well-being, the ________ your score is on _________

higher; neuroticism

What additional trait(s) do some psychologists argue should be added to expand the Big Five to the Big Six?


The technical meaning of reliability refers to

how much measurement error is present in your assessment instrument.

Which of the following is an ethical issue involved in the research process?

how truthful researchers are when describing their work which research topics are studied how research findings are used (all of the answer options are correct)

Factor analysis can

identify groups of items that go together

The idea that people seek to develop a stable sense of who they are and then strive to act consistently with this self-view is consistent with the _______ principle

identity development

The idea that people seek to develop a stable sense of who they are and then strive to act consistently with this self-view is consistent with the _______ principle.

identity development

According to a recent large-scale cross-sectional study that measured personality stereotypes of people in 26 different countries, adolescents around the world in today's age tend to be

impulsive and rebellious

How were all of the behavioral measurements in the studies reviewed in Mischel's influential book collected?

in a laboratory setting

Consistency of individual differences in personality typically _______ over the life span.


Low self-monitors are most likely than high self-monitors to be described as


According to the textbook, there are no perfect ______ of personality, only ________

indicators; clues

The trait approach focuses exclusively on

individual differences

In terms of personality judgement, according to the text, which of the following is assessed in the process of convergent validation?

interjudge agreement

All projective tests

involve stimuli with no clear meaning

Walter Mischel and his 1968 book Personality and Assessment are noteworthy because his work

is credited with starting the person-situation debate by claiming that traits are not as important as situational factors in behavioral prediction

Someone who scores high on extraversion likely ________, whereas someone who scores high on agreeableness likely ________

is sensitive to rewards; is psychologically well adjusted

The best sort of personality change

is slow and steady

researchers must use clues to personality in their research because personality

is something difficult to measure that resides inside an individual

The strongest advantage of the experimental method is that ________.

it allows the assessment of causality

What is a major advantage of conducting a case study above all other methods?

it describes the whole phenomenon and not just isolated variables

What is the big disadvantage of the case study method?

it is not generalizable

I data are

judgments made by knowledgeable observers

Andersen (1984) found that the quality of information affected the accuracy of personality judgments. According to the results of this study, information obtained from which actions would most likely lead to a social impression that corresponds to the target's self-assessment?

listening to the target describe his or her thoughts and feelings

Someone who is ________ is likely to express his or her personality consistently from one situation to the next.

low in self-monitoring

According to the principles on enhancing reliability described in the text, it would be relatively difficult to create a reliable measure of attitudes toward

lumber tariffs???

A researcher seeks to understand the reasons that a person uses drugs. Which approach is the researcher most likely to adopt?


A researcher who starts with an interest in delinquency and then identifies the traits associated with that category of behavior is taking a _______ approach


Carlos is interested in understanding everything there is to know about a person, and he developing a lengthy personality measure to achieve this. What approach is Carlos taking to studying personality?


Which approach to studying personality begins with the question "Who does that?" and then seeks to understand the traits associated with a specific behavior?

many-trait approach

Over the last 10 years, Angelica has become more agreeable, conscientious, and emotionally stable. What principle best describes Angelica's development?


Personality development is the

mean level change of a trait over time

_______ change implies that personality changes over the life course, whereas _______ consistency implies that it stays relatively stable.

mean-level; rank-order

a researcher can increase the reliability of a test by

measuring something important instead of something trivial

Technicians-in-training focus on ________, whereas scientists-in-training focus on ________

memorizing what is already known; questioning what is already known

Manuel is discontented with economic and political systems as an adult. Recent research suggests that as a child, Manuel would have been described as


According to a study investigating the relationship between stress and important life events (Seery), a ______ amount of stress throughout one's life leads to a ________ in cardiovascular reactivity (or resiliency).

moderate; decrease

A variable that affects the relation between two other variables is known as a


According to a study described in the text (Baranski, 2018), _________ college students in more than 60 countries reported current efforts to change their personalities

more than half of

According to the text, L data can be difficult to interpret because life outcomes can have many causes. In other words, L data may be subject to


According to the text, the last step in a factor analysis is to

name the factors

According to the text, the last step in factor analysis is to

name the factors

Which trait is associated with positive first impressions but more negative impressions in longer-term relationships?


Which trait is associated with putting more effort into hairstyles and clothes?


As the author of one's own autobiography, one forms a

narrative identity

Good coping would be positively associated with what trait?


Negative emotionality in Tellegen's three-factor model is closest to which trait in Eysenck's model?


Factor analyses have revealed a broader personality factor called stability. Which of the following Big Five factors are subfactors of this factor?

neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness ??

What are the essential traits according to Hans Eysenck?


Eliminating the use of personality tests in employment screening will ________.

not prevent traits from being judged but will change the ways traits are judged

How thorough was Mischel's review of the personality literature in Personality and Assessment?

not very thorough; about as long as a typical undergraduate term paper

Which was NOT one of the areas in which people are made reasonably accurate judgments, based only on looking at someone's face?

number of children

If a test consists of a list of True or False questions and is graded using computer-scored answer sheet, then it is an

objective test

Which of the following would be an example of natural B data?

observations of the number of times a subject told a joke in a day

A judge may see a target's behavior, pay attention to the behavior, and use the behavior in his or her judgment about the target's personality. However, for the personality judgment to be accurate, the ________.

observed behavior must be relevant to the trait being judged

What term refers to personality inventories that are designed to measure a wide range of traits?

omnibus inventories

According to the text, which of the following can serve as a remedy for questionable research practices?

open science

Which of the Big Five traits appear to have the MOST inconsistency in terms of cross-cultural replication?


Political liberalism is associated with what trait?

openness to experience

Which of the following terms describes the often-criticized outcome of Raymond Cattell's factor analysis, which revealed 16 factors?

overextraction of factors

According to a study referenced in the text on personality judgments from close acquaintances (Kolar), acquaintance judgments were more accurate than self-judgments in predicting

overt behavior

According to the text, one influential study manipulated a real dataset to show that listening to the Beatles song "When I'm 64" actually made people younger. What questionable research practice did these researchers use to get this result?


What term is sometimes used to describe instruments like the Rorschach and Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)?

performance-based personality tests

The process by which people respond to, seek out, and create environments that are compatible with their personalities are called

person-environment transactions

According to previous research, when does personality stop developing?

personality continues to develop throughout the entire lifespan

In one study, researchers found that personality trait scores from the same people measured 10 years apart correlated between r=.60 and r=.90. This is evidence for

personality stability

Which choice does NOT describe a reason that the typological approach to personality traits is less valid than trait-based approaches?

personality types may summarize many traits within an overarching label

According to the text, a _____ would receive technical training, whereas a ____ would receive scientific education

physician; biologist

What are the Big Three traits according to Auke Tellegen?

positive emotionality/negative emotionality/constraint??

According to recent research, individuals high in ________ might actually be more consistent.

preference for consistency

Which of the following characteristics seems to predict increased consistency of behavior?

preference for consistency

According to Lee Jussim (1991), the source of real-life expectancies is likely ________.

previous observations of behavioral tendencies

What is another name for ego resiliency?

psychological adjustment

Which of the following is NOT one of the Big Five?


According to the text, the goal of a scientific education is to

question what is known and how to find out what is not yet known

At the heart of aggregation is the idea that

random errors cancel each other out

All of the following are among Roberts and colleagues' principles of personality development EXCEPT the ______ principle.

rank-order reversal

Dr. Akita is designing a test to measure sociability. She writes items that seem directly and obviously related to sociability, such as "I like to go to parties" and "I enjoy the company of other people." Dr. Akita is using the ________ method of test construction.


The basis of the ________ method of test construction is to come up with items that seem directly, obviously, and logically related to what it is you wish to measure.


Which of the following methods of objective test construction involves creating questions that are directly and obviously related to what the test developer wishes to measure?


Richard is an introvert and finds himself miserable at parties. His response is an example of a ________ person-environment transaction.


What is the best way for a researcher to judge the face validity of items on a measure?

read and consider the content of the items

Sandy is afraid that her lack of diligence and timeliness will cause her to get fired from her job. According to the text, what is the first thing she must do to increase her level of conscientiousness?

recognize her specific problem areas and want to change

Paul used to abuse alcohol and at his lowest point, his father helped him become sober. Now Paul and his father are closer than they ever have been. Paul's story is an example of an ________ story.


Which of the following is NOT an open science practice?

refraining from using deception in experimental studies

Funder notes that the person who is most talkative at a party is also likely to be the most talkative at the department of motor vehicles (DMV). Which of the following terms describes this principle?

relative consistency

What are the steps in the Realistic Accuracy Model (RAM) of personality judgment?


If you can get the same answer repeatedly, then your measure is ________.


On Friday, Terence completes the Self-Monitoring Scale and receives a score of 49. On the following Tuesday, he fills out the scale again and receives a score of 28. Terence's scores on the Self-Monitoring Scale do not appear to be _______


In terms of interpersonal judgments, one's _______ has a significant effect on the opportunities he or she faces in his or her life


Judgements other people make of your personality are known as your


The basic reason that research on the accuracy of personality judgments experienced a lengthy hiatus between 1955 and the mid-1980s was that ________.

researchers lacked consensual criteria for deciding the accuracy of personality judgments

One concern with items on measures like the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is that they often lack face validity. What kind of problem does this create?

responses are difficult to interpret in psychological terms

Which of the following life events has NOT been identified as contributing to significant changes in one's personality over one's life span?


According to the analogy drawn in the text between situational effects on behavior and Scud missiles, situations ________.

seem to have inconsistent effects

All the following exercises are used to help develop self-control EXCEPT


Personality psychologists are currently debating whether young adults in the 21st century are more _______ than previous generations.

self-centered and narcissistic

Attractive females are expected to be warm and friendly, and those females who are considered to be attractive are treated in such a manner that they indeed respond in warm and friendly ways. According to Snyder, Tanke, and Berscheid (1977), this effect is a type of

self-fulfilling prophecy

Research on ________ addresses important questions concerning the way that inner reality and the private self relate to external reality and the self as presented to others.


Which of the following is NOT a method for changing personality stated in the text?


Imagine your new roommate makes her bed carefully each morning. What might you infer with some accuracy about her personality?

she is conscientious

In his book, Personality and Assessment, Mischel argued that behavior can be MOST accurately predicted from


Which of the following conclusions does Funder draw about the role of persons vs situations in affecting behavior?

situations have an important influence on behavior, but people also tend to be consistent

According to the text, historically, ________ tended to regard individual differences as relatively unimportant, while _______ tended to put such differences front and center

social psychologists; personality psychologists

A shift in one's goals is related to a change in one's

social roles

According to evolutionary theory, humans should be able to judge the trait of _______ more accurately than other traits that are less important for the survival of the species


According to the text, what trait refers to individual differences in the willingness to engage in sexual relations with minimal acquaintanceship?


Different informants may not agree about the personality of a common target individual because

some informants may have biases that affect the accuracy of their judgments each judge may see the target person in only a limited number of social contexts judges may form a mistaken impression based on the recollection of a single, uncharacteristic behavior (all of the answer options are correct)

According to a recent study described in the textbook, which of the following is accurate about people who describe themselves as "a good judge of personality"?

such people are no more accurate than others at judging personality

If measurement errors are truly random, then they should

sum to zero

Which of the following would NOT be considered a route toward improving your self-knowledge?

taking a poll of how others would behave in the situation you are in

According to research that shows a link between a trait's observability and the accuracy with which it is judged, which of the following traits would be easiest to judge accurately?


Based on what you know about the distinction between technicians and scientists, a therapist would require ______ training, whereas a research psychologist would require _______ training.

technical; scientific

A psychologist administering the TAT asks respondents to

tell stories about pictures that the psychologist shows them

According to the text, the personality one begins with is known as one's


If test scores decrease as anxiety increases, then ________.

test scores and anxiety are negatively correlated

In order to alleviate the effects of bias in employment testing, employers might want to use ________ because they typically do not show racial or ethnic differences.

tests of conscientiousness

What dramatic conclusion did some psychologists and non-psychologists draw from Mischel's claims regarding personality and behavior?

that personality did not exist

Which objective personality scale could be used to identify individuals who cannot read text?

the CPI commonality scale

Situationism is the position that ________.

the ability of personality traits to predict behavior is severely limited

Based on recent research, what is likely to happen when an aggressive person plays a competitive multiplayer video game?

the aggressive person will evoke aggression from the other players

A major disadvantage of L data is that

the data are influenced by multiple factors besides just personality

Pooja is a strong proponent of the lexical hypothesis. Where would she likely begin her search for the essential traits of personality?

the dictionary

Dr. Fritz just ran an experiment testing the effects performing acts of kindness has on gene expression. She is currently analyzing the data and is interested in knowing the magnitude or importance of her study's findings. What aspects of her analyses should Dr. Fritz be evaluating?

the effect size

One difficulty in searching for variables that might predict consistency of behavior is that

the effects of such variables are subtle and are sometimes difficult to detect

According to the projective hypothesis, an individual's response to an ambiguous stimulus comes from

the individual's needs, feelings, or experiences

Personality development is the

the mean level change of a trait over time

What is a well-known issue with cross-sectional methodology?

the possibility that cohort differences determine differences between age groups

Which of the following was NOT a study that Funder and Ozer reviewed in their work calculating the size of the situation coefficient?

the reduction in intrinsic motivation that occurs when children are given rewards

According to the text, when psychologists argue about the importance of the person vs the situation, they may really be arguing about

their fundamental values

The sole basis on which items are selected for empirically derived personality scales is whether ________.

they are answered differently by different kinds of people

What might be an effect of expectancies in real life?

to magnify or maintain existing behavioral tendencies

In the factor analysis approach to personality, a "factor" can be best described as a personality


Ciara is an advertiser who is interested in labeling consumers in terms of their spending habits and shopping behavior to efficiently target groups of people for different products. What approach to personality should Ciara use in her assessment?


According to Jack Block, ego __________ gets people into trouble, but ego ________ gets people out of trouble.

undercontrol; resiliency

According to the text, narcissists seem to _________ the positive consequences of changing themselves


Imagine that you are at a party, and your best friend introduces you to a guy named David. You and your friend talk to David for an hour, and you both notice the hostile comments that he repeatedly makes about his roommate. Later, you and your friend discuss your impressions of David, and you find that you disagree about him. Your friend thinks that David's comments were just good-natured joking and that he is a nice guy and a pretty funny fellow. You think that his comments were mean-spirited and that he is a hostile person. Your disagreement arises because you and your friend differ in the ______ stage of the Realistic Accuracy Model (RAM) of personality judgment.


Which of the following is an aspect of the "good" trait?


In a study of social expectancies, Snyder, Tanke, and Berscheid (1977) found that if male participants were shown a photograph of an attractive woman and told they would be interacting with her by telephone, the female participant they actually spoke with ________.

was rated by other people as behaving in a warm, humorous, and friendly manner

According to the text, which three personality types are the MOST replicable?


During old age, individuals tend to have goals that focus on ________.

what is emotionally meaningful

The large number of trait terms in the English language indicated that

when it comes to personality, one size does not fit all personality traits are an important part of our culture we need an abundance of trait terms to distinguish between different types of people (all of the answer options are correct)

If everybody read, interpreted, and answered an item in exactly the same way, then that item ________.

would not be very useful for the assessment of individual differences

According to a recent study, what intervention can lead people to become more tolerant of stress and less defensive in general?

writing self-affirmation essays

Which of the following illustrates converging criteria that could be used to establish the accuracy of a personality judgment?

you always show up to work on time, and your colleagues say that you are dependable and conscientious

A major advantage of S data is that

you are the world's best expert about your own personality

I data essentially measure ________.

your reputation

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