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Hick believes that such evils as poverty, oppression, persecution, and war are a. manifestations of human sin. b. natural evils. c. divine evils. d. unreal.

a. manifestations of human sin.

Kant says that "Being" is not a real a. predicate. b. concept. c. idea. d. contradiction.

a. predicate.

__________ is a political economic system that lets the means of production accrue to people through the workings of a free market. a. Socialism b. Communism c. Capitalism d. Welfare liberalism

c. Capitalism

On the subject of free will, John Locke was a a. hard determinist. b. compatibilist. c. libertarian. d. fatalist.

b. compatibilist.

Hume's strict empiricism leads naturally to a. rationalism. b. skepticism. c. relativism. d. inductivism.

b. skepticism.

According to Sartre, if God does not exist, a. anything is permissible. b. moral values must come from nature. c. moral values still exist. d. man does not exist.

a. anything is permissible.

At first, Descartes supposes that everything he sees is a. true. b. false. c. part of him. d. undeniable.

b. false.

Behe says that an irreducibly complex biological system would be a powerful challenge to a. theism. b. direct creation. c. non-Darwinian evolution. d. Darwinian evolution.

d. Darwinian evolution.

__________ wrote The Will to Believe and The Varieties of Religious Experience. a. Jean-Paul Sartre b. Richard Taylor c. W. T. Stace d. William James

d. William James

According to Rowe, Anselm believes that existence in reality is a. not possible. b. beyond understanding. c. not an attribute of God. d. a great-making quality.

d. a great-making quality.

Berkeley believes that sensible things cannot exist except in a. a material universe. b. absolute existence. c. material substance. d. a mind

d. a mind

James says that a genuine option is a. true. b. momentous but not forced. c. live but not momentous. d. forced, live, and momentous.

d. forced, live, and momentous.

Paley maintains that the key difference between the "contrivance" of a watch and that of nature is that the latter is a. simpler. b. more natural. c. older. d. greater and grander.

d. greater and grander.

The view that no one has free will is called a. determination. b. determinism. c. soft libertarianism. d. hard determinism.

d. hard determinism.

Many who reject the notion of free will think that punishing people for crimes makes no sense. They think that instead of punishing criminals, we should a. leave them to their own devices. b. ostracize them. c. terminate them. d. try to modify their behavior.

d. try to modify their behavior.

The view that we lack knowledge in some fundamental way is known as a. positivism. b. relativism. c. cognitivism. d.skepticism


Berkeley believes that sensible things cannot exist except in a. a material universe. b. absolute existence. c. material substance. d. a mind.

D. A mind

The Consequence Argument is supposed to establish a. incompatibilism. b. free will. c. libertarianism. d.soft determinism

a. incompatibilism

For Socrates, the good of the soul is attained only through an uncompromising search for a. what's true and real. b. scientific laws. c. a theory of everything. d. what's physically necessary.

a. what's true and real.

William Rowe argues that freedom that is worth the name must include power to a. will. b. act randomly. c. power to do if we will. d. desire what we want.

a. will.

_______ is the political view that government should be small and limited to night-watchman functions. a. Liberalism b. Libertarianism c. Socialism d. Marxism

b. Libertarianism

__________ says traditional theories are based on the assumption that there is a wall of separation between private and public life and that only public life is the proper concern of political theory. a. David Miller b. Susan Moller Okin c. John Rawls d. Wendy McElroy

b. Susan Moller Okin

__________ is a form of liberalism, the aim of which is to preserve individual liberties while ensuring the general welfare of the citizenry. a. Socialism b. Welfare liberalism c. Libertarianism d. Communism

b. Welfare liberalism

According to Aquinas, an infinite regress of causes is a. finite. b. possible. c. scientific. d. impossible.

d. impossible

The philosophical study of knowledge is known as a. epistemology. b. cognition. c. metaphysics. d.positivism

a. epistemology.

Locke asserts that all the components of reason and knowledge come from a. experience. b. memory. c. the mind of God. d. logic.

a. experience.

Mackie says that religious experiences are a. generally indistinguishable from experiences with a known psychological or physical cause. b. exactly what they seem to be. c. due to chance. d. generally recognizable from sensory cues.

a. generally indistinguishable from experiences with a known psychological or physical cause.

For Socrates, the soul is harmed by lack of a. knowledge. b. wealth. c. community. d. courage.

a. knowledge.

According to Rawls, the term "justice as fairness" conveys the idea that the principles of justice are agreed to in an initial position that is a. rational. b. fair. c. constitutional. d. artificial.

b. fair.

According to Swinburne, the simplicity of a scientific theory is a matter of its having a. a network of many laws. b. few component laws. c. no laws. d. many new objects.

b. few component laws.

The four main divisions of philosophy are metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, and a. bioethics. b. logic. c. aesthetics. d. categorical logic.

b. logic.

According to James, indeterminism allows that the world has a. no ambiguous possibilities. b. a fixed future. c. ambiguous possibilities. d. no shadow of turning.

c. ambiguous possibilities.

Rowe says that the problem with Lockean freedom is that, with this kind of freedom, a. you have the power to do what you will. b. you cannot act at all. c. you have no power over your will. d. doing what you will is impossible.

c. you have no power over your will.

Descartes says that, for all he knows, he may be a. perfect. b. a god. c. infallible. d. dreaming.

d. dreaming.

Van Inwagen's case against compatibilism rests in part on the fact that we cannot render a law of nature a. intelligible. b. understandable. c. coherent. d. false.

d. false.

Pascal says that if you bet that God exists, and he does in fact exist, you a. gain a viable faith. b. win nothing and lose everything. c. lose because you abandon reason. d. win infinite happiness and lose nothing.

d. win infinite happiness and lose nothing.

According to Hobbes, in the state of nature, notions of right and wrong or justice and injustice a. still apply to the actions of men. b. refer to objective standards. c. serve as guiding ideals. d.have no place

d.have no place

Rowe argues that we can allow someone to define God anyway she wants, yet it will not follow from that definition that such a being a. actually exists. b. can be defined. c. exists in our understanding. d. exists in our minds.

a. actually exists.

The challenge of reconciling determinism with our intuitions or ideas about personal freedom is known as the a. problem of free will. b. determinism problem. c. libertarian dilemma. d. problem of indeterminism.

a. problem of free will.

According to Sartre, there is at least one being in whom existence precedes essence, and this being is a. God. b. man. c. primitive man. d. future man.

b. man.

The study of correct reasoning is called a. value theory. b. cognition. c. axiology. d. logic.

d. logic.

Berkeley concludes that God exists because a. material substance exists. b. all sensible things must be perceived by him. c. God perceives all things having absolute subsistence. d. God is material substance.

b. all sensible things must be perceived by him.

According to Hobbes, in the condition of man in which there is a state of war of everyone against everyone, every man has a right to a. some things. b. everything. c. due process. d. lawful treatment.

b. everything.

Philosophers say that propositional knowledge has three necessary and sufficient conditions: To know a proposition, (1) you must believe it, (2) it must be true, and (3) you must have a. no doubts about it. b. good reasons for believing it true. c. psychological certainty. d. several knowledge sources.

b. good reasons for believing it true.

The difficulty of justifying the assumption that the future will be like the past is known as the problem of a. science. b. deduction. c. induction. d. incoherence.

c. induction.

The view that what will be will be, and no human actions can change it, is known as a. determinism. b. soft determinism. c. futurism. d. fatalism.

d. fatalism.

Incompatibilists believe that compatibilist freedom is a. real freedom. b. a plausible hypothesis. c. undetermined. d. not real freedom.

d. not real freedom.

The study of value in the broadest sense (moral, aesthetic, etc.) is known as a. metaphysics. b. epistemology. c. quantum physics. d. axiology.

D. Axiology

Hume says that all reasonings concerning matters of fact are founded on the relation of a. a priori ideas. b. propositions of certainty. c. cause and effect. d. logical ideas.

c. cause and effect

The doctrine that every event is determined or necessitated by preceding events and the laws of nature is known as a. libertarianism. b. hard determinism. c. determinism. d. compatibilism.

c. determinism.

Questions like "What is knowledge?" and "What is truth?" are mainstays in the branch of philosophy known as a. logic. b. metaphysics. c. epistemology. d. aesthetics.

c. epistemology.

Descartes reasons that the very fact that he is thinking shows that he a. does not exist. b. is not being deceived. c. exists. d. is dreaming.

c. exists.

According to Hobbes, the definition of injustice is a. disobedience to a sovereign. b. disobedience to God's law. c. failure to abide by a contract. d. failure to respect inherent rights.

c. failure to abide by a contract

Descartes had been disillusioned by his discovery that many of the alleged truths learned in his youth were a. contrary to his religion. b. true. c. false. d.beyond question

c. false.

For the soft determinist, to say that you could have done otherwise is to say that you would have done otherwise if your desires a. were always the same. b. were completely under your control. c. had been different. d. played no role in your decisions.

c. had been different.

If our actions are not free in any important sense, it is difficult to see how we could be a. determined by outside forces. b. the subject of accurate predictions. c. held morally responsible for what we do. d. human.

c. held morally responsible for what we do

Some design arguments are framed as a. deductive inferences. b. ontological theories. c. inferences to the best explanation. d. inferences to complexity.

c. inferences to the best explanation.

Locke rejected the notion of a. empirical knowledge. b. relations of ideas. c. innate ideas. d.sense data

c. innate ideas.

The political doctrine that puts primary emphasis on the liberty and rights of individuals against encroachments by the state is known as a. communism. b. communitarianism. c. liberalism. d. anarchism.

c. liberalism.

According to Sartre, the first principle of existentialism is that a. God is dead. b. man is all-powerful. c. man is nothing else but what he makes of himself. d. man is nothing.

c. man is nothing else but what he makes of himself

A system of rule by those most qualified to govern is known as a(n) a. plutocracy. b. democracy. c. meritocracy. d. oligarchy.

c. meritocracy.

According to d'Holbach, people always act according to a. free choices. b. dictates of the soul. c. necessary natural laws. d.undetermined will.

c. necessary natural laws.

According to Hick, a certain amount of evil in the world is a. illusory. b. caused by a finite God. c. necessary. d. contrary to divinity.

c. necessary.

Berkeley asserts that existing and perceiving are a. two distinct things. b. both nonexistent. c. one and the same thing. d. imaginary.

c. one and the same thing.

According to James, a live option is a a. true hypothesis. b. forced option. c. real possibility to someone. d. dead hypothesis.

c. real possibility to someone.

According to Paley, we must conclude that a watch had an intelligent designer if the watch a. runs well. b. has a structure. c. shows purposefulness. d. is engraved.

c. shows purposefulness.

Locke's purpose is to inquire into a. authoritative opinions about knowledge. b. the structure and functions of the brain. c. the origin and extent of human knowledge. d. the essence of the soul.

c. the origin and extent of human knowledge.

According to Locke, the chief end of men's uniting into a commonwealth is a. domination over other commonwealths. b. the preservation of the state of nature. c. the preservation of their property. d.the preservation of their absolute power

c. the preservation of their property.

Hume argues that the principle of induction can be neither an a priori truth nor a(n) a. a priori falsehood. b. a posteriori falsehood. c. truth of mathematics. d. a posteriori fact.

d. a posteriori fact.

The view that a free action is caused by an agent (person) is called a. Taylor's freedom. b. fatalism. c. the will to believe. d. agent causation.

d. agent causation.

According to Socrates, a clear sign that a person has __________ is her exclusive pursuit of social status, wealth, power, and pleasure. a. philosophical ambition b. worldly wisdom c. exceptional desires d. an unhealthy soul

d. an unhealthy soul

__________ is the study of value, including both aesthetic value and moral value. a. epistemology b. philosophy of science c. metaphysics d. axiology

d. axiology

Hume observes that to argue that the principle of induction can be established by experience is to a. make a valid argument. b. prove too much. c. state the obvious. d. beg the question.

d. beg the question.

According to Behe, the gradual accumulation of mutations a. can evolve a biological system. b. produces higher life forms. c. is the way that irreducibly complex systems evolve. d. cannot evolve a biological system.

d. cannot evolve a biological system.

Craig says an actually infinite number of things a. is possible. b. is meaningless. c. exists somewhere. d. cannot exist.

d. cannot exist.

According to Sartre, what existentialists have in common is that they think that a. essence precedes existence. b. objectivity must be a starting point. c. existence is a myth. d. existence precedes essence.

d. existence precedes essence.

According to Hick, the divine purpose could not be forwarded in a world that was designed as a a. place filled with natural evil. b. realm of moral evil. c. place with nature laws. d. hedonistic paradise.

d. hedonistic paradise.

Feminist philosophers contend that women have been left out of traditional theories of a. epistemology. b. metaphysics. c. harm. d. justice.

d. justice.

In The Republic, Plato argues that the only kind of society that can ensure people get their due is a a. plutocracy. b. democracy. c. theocracy. d. meritocracy.

d. meritocracy.

Rowe's story of the dying fawn in the forest is meant to show that a. premise 2 of his argument is true. b. there is no God. c. premise 1 of his argument is false. d. premise 1 of his argument is true.

d. premise 1 of his argument is true. there is far too much unnecessary evil in the world than any worthy God would tolerate

Locke draws a distinction between a. primary and secondary colors. b. internal and external feelings. c. resemblances and similarities. d. primary and secondary qualities.

d. primary and secondary qualities.

Pascal believes that when it comes to the question of God's existence a. reason can lead us to faith. b. faith depends on reason. c. reason can decide the question. d. reason can decide nothing.

d. reason can decide nothing.

If you assume that a set of statements is true, and yet you can deduce a false or absurd statement from it, then the original set of statements as a whole must be false. This kind of argument is known as a. modus tollens. b. modus ponens. c. hypothetical syllogism. d. reductio ad absurdum.

d. reductio ad absurdum.

Hick says the idea of a person who can be infallibly guaranteed always to act rightly is a. coherent. b. necessary. c. biblical. d. self-contradictory.

d. self-contradictory.

For Socrates, an unexamined life is a tragedy because it results in grievous harm to the a. state. b. justice system. c. body. d. soul.

d. soul.

Berkeley called __________ "a manifest repugnancy." a. the doctrine of rationalism b. empiricism c. relativism d. the concept of a material object

d. the concept of a material object

According to Taylor, hard determinism conflicts with a. the findings of science. b. scientific determinism. c. the fact of deliberation and indeterminism. d. the fact of deliberation and our sense that some actions are up to us.

d. the fact of deliberation and our sense that some actions are up to us.

According to Locke, every man, by consenting with others to make one body politic under one government, puts himself under an obligation to everyone of that society to submit to the determination of a. his own will. b. the king. c. the judges. d. the majority.

d. the majority.

Paley says that every indication of contrivance and design that exists in the watch exists in a. God. b. infinity. c. time. d. the works of nature.

d. the works of nature.

Hume believes that propositions that are discoverable by the mere operation of thought are those regarding a. matters of fact. b. the knowledge of the sciences. c. sensory relations. d.relations of ideas

d.relations of ideas

According to Hume, all our thought is restricted to manipulating the materials provided to us by a. logic. b. a priori knowledge. c. theorems. d.the senses and experience

d.the senses and experience

Descartes declares that an evil demon a. could possibly be deceiving him. b. could not possibly exist. c. undoubtedly exists. d. must exist if God exists.

a. could possibly be deceiving him.

The view that right actions are those endorsed by one's culture is called __________ relativism. a. cultural b. cognitive c. subjective d. physical

a. cultural

Craig argues that the series of events in time cannot be actually infinite, so we know that the universe a. is finite in the past and began to exist. b. is infinite in the past. c. never is uncaused. d. exists only in the mind.

a. is finite in the past and began to exist.

The view that some actions are free because they are ultimately caused, or controlled, by the person is called a. libertarianism. b. soft compatibilism. c. ultimate freedom. d. indetermination.

a. libertarianism.

Libertarians contend that real freedom is not just the power to act if we will to act, but a. power over the will itself. b. power to act according to our desires. c. power to act in concert with determinism. d. the nonexistence of any deterministic forces.

a. power over the will itself.

The branch of science that provides a counterexample to the notion that every event has a cause is known as a. quantum physics. b. quantum computing. c. relativity theory. d. chaos theory.

a. quantum physics.

Locke believes that we have nothing in our minds that did not come from a. sensation and reflection. b. reflection on innate ideas. c. reason alone. d. cultural memory.

a. sensation and reflection.

Under __________, people are rewarded according to their needs, not by how well or how hard they work. a. socialism b. capitalism c. libertarianism d. anarchism

a. socialism

Soft determinism entails that a. the thesis of determinism is true. b. there are no restraints on human behavior. c. the thesis of determinism is false. d. we are free to choose our desires.

a. the thesis of determinism is true.

Descartes argues against trusting the senses on the grounds that a. they sometimes deceive him. b. they never directly deceive him. c. God allows sensory deception. d. sense perception is indubitable.

a. they sometimes deceive him

According to Stace, free acts must be a. those whose immediate causes are psychological states in the agent. b. uncaused. c. caused by forces outside the agent. d. those whose immediate causes are the acts of other agents.

a. those whose immediate causes are psychological states in the agent.

According to Rawls, all social values (opportunity, liberty, income, wealth, etc.) are to be distributed equally unless an unequal distribution is a. to everyone's advantage. b. beneficial to the majority. c. consistent with utility. d. deserved.

a. to everyone's advantage.

Compatibilism entails that determinism is true, determinism and free will are compatible, and a. we sometimes act freely. b. free will is a myth. c. no one acts freely. d. soft determinism is false.

a. we sometimes act freely.

According to Hume, we rely on the principle of induction because it is a. an established truth. b. a habit of mind. c. confirmed by science. d. inductively proven.

b. a habit of mind.

The movies Gattaca and A Clockwork Orange dramatize the fear of a. a pleasurable future. b. a predetermined existence. c. an open future. d. violence.

b. a predetermined existence.

According to Rawls, each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive basic liberty compatible with a. social utility. b. a similar liberty for others. c. traditional morality. d. economic stability.

b. a similar liberty for others.

According to Locke, a man in the state of nature will relinquish his absolute freedom to the state because a. he will also enjoy absolute freedom when subject to the state. b. in the state of nature, the enjoyment of his freedom is very uncertain and vulnerable. c. he wants to have absolute power over others. d. he rejects the laws of the state of nature.

b. in the state of nature, the enjoyment of his freedom is very uncertain and vulnerable.

According to Hick, a certain amount of evil in the world is a. illusory. b. necessary. c. caused by a finite God. d. contrary to divinity.

b. necessary.

According to Kant, to say that something exists is to a. add an additional property to it. b. not add any additional property to it. c. postulate a change in the thing's essence. d. add a concept to the concept of the thing.

b. not add any additional property to it.

Berkeley insists that heat and cold are a. illusions. b. only sensations existing in our minds. c. only things existing apart from our minds. d. physical objects.

b. only sensations existing in our minds.

Knowing that something is the case is called __________ knowledge. a. a posterior b. propositional c. a priori d. moral

b. propositional

According to d'Holbach, all the mental and moral attributes that people think are evidence for an immaterial soul are in fact a. purely intellectual. b. purely physical and natural. c. ethereal. d. undetermined.

b. purely physical and natural.

A question-and-answer dialogue in which propositions are methodically scrutinized to uncover the truth is known as a. an argument. b. the Socratic method. c. the Socratic jest. d. a debate.

b. the Socratic method.

According to Locke, the legislative power is limited by a. different rules for rich and poor. b. the impartial rule of established laws. c. laws established for the good of the state. d. a monarch.

b. the impartial rule of established laws.

The systematic use of critical reasoning to try to find answers to fundamental questions about reality, morality, and knowledge is called a. the argumentative method. b. the philosophical method. c. propositional logic. d. syllogistic reasoning.

b. the philosophical method.

According to Rawls, behind the veil of ignorance, the principles of justice are a. the result of coercion. b. the result of a fair agreement or bargain. c. chosen arbitrarily. d. impractical.

b. the result of a fair agreement or bargain.

Descartes declares that he is a a. body. b. thing that thinks. c. dream. d.thing that cannot exist

b. thing that thinks.

According to Craig, the kalam cosmological argument establishes that the a. God of Christianity exists. b. universe has a cause. c. Big Bang model is false. d. universe is uncaused.

b. universe has a cause.

According to Hobbes, whenever and wherever men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, there is a. negotiation. b. war. c. democracy. d.freedom

b. war.

Philo says the analogy that Cleanthes uses to make his case is a. too complicated. b. weak. c. strong. d.not based on a legitimate method of reasoning

b. weak.

Aquinas says that the first efficient cause of everything is a. the universe. b. nature. c. God. infinite series

c. God.

__________ says once you cede power to the Leviathan, he is free to treat you as he will. a. Locke b. Rawls c. Hobbes d. Marx

c. Hobbes

__________ argues that humans have inherent, God-given rights whether or not a government is around to guarantee them. a. Marx b. Hobbes c. Locke d. Berkeley

c. Locke

The famous statement "An unexamined life is not worth living" is attributed to a. Aristotle. b. John Locke. c. Socrates. d. Plato.

c. Socrates.

James maintains that the desire for a certain kind of truth can a. change nothing. b. never help to create a fact. c. bring about the special truth's existence. d. have no religious significance.

c. bring about the special truth's existence

Anselm assumes that a being that exists in reality is greater than a being that a. exists only in the understanding. b. is embodied. c. is worshipped. d.exists without flaws

. exists only in the understanding

The political and economic doctrine that the means of production (property, factories, businesses) should be owned or controlled by the people is called a. democracy. b. liberalism. c. welfare liberalism. d. socialism.

D. socialism

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