philosophy exam 1

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which of the following is not a point established by zenos analysis of the race between achilles and the turtle

achilles appears to, but does not actually, pass the turtle

according to parmenides,

all change is illusion

which of the following statements would aristotle agree with

all human actions have goals

which of the following could not be attributed to thales

all is the many

which of the following positions would be consistent with thales view of reality

all of one kind of thing

if you held that the mind contains truths which could have been acquired through the senses, then you would be

an epistemological rationalist

the forms are


which of the following is socrates criticism of euthyphro's first definition of the holy

euthyphro has only given an example of holiness, not a definition

according to parmenides

existence and nonexistence are mutually exclusive

according to aristotle, a good person obeys gods commandments


according to aristotle, it is possible to reason excellently and be a bad person


according to aristotle, scientific knowledge rests on the knowledge that is itself subject to the same proof as scientific conclusions


according to empedocles the four fundalmental elements of air, wind, fire, and water were in a constant state of change


according to plato, if trangles didnt exit, the form of triangle woldn't exist


according to plato, might makes right


according to plato, we should have faith that god exists


according to socrates terms such as justice, piety, goodness are determined by specific cultures and therefore, have no universal and unchanging meanings


according, to aristotle, all knowledge should be demonstrative


accoridng to aristotle, there are no universals instated everything is a particular


accoridng to parmenides, all of reality is divided into two equality real parts


aristotle agreed with plato that the fundamental nature of reality was grounded in mathematics


aristotle did not invent formal logic


for aristotle human thinking was not related to the way things are


for plato, form is united with matter; for aristotle, form is seperated from matter


heraclitus was pantheist- a term meaning belief in a transcendent god


parmenides held that all true knowledge comes through the senses


plato and socrates supported the skepticism of protagoras


plato inherited the doctrine of the forms from heraclitus


plato is a metaphysical monist


plato like his teacher socrates left no written record of his ideas


pythagoras was an atheist


rhetoric is the art of public and persuasive speech as one seeks the truth


socrates was committed to the pursuit of trith and considered it his mission to seek out the basis for stable and certian knowledge and therefore can be called a skeptic


socrates was one of the most handsome men in athens


the good life was easily obstained o those who studied the teachings of socrates


zeno believed in the plurality of things


according to the text, a synonym for eudaimonia is

human flourishing

suppose i do something wrong but offer an excuse, which of these excuses, if true would be accepted, according to aristotle

i was forced to do it

the form of triangle is

independent of all physical triangles

which of the following statement is consistent with zeno position

motion, for both achilles and the turtle, is actually impossible

in the "allegory of the cave,"

none of the above

based on what is known of thales thought, with which of the following statements would have agreed

none of the choice

which of the following statements, is correct

philosophical explanations of the universe came after religious explanations of the universe

what is the science that, according to aristotle, studies the supreme good of human kind?


in the "allegory of the cave," the sun is a symbol for

the form of the good

which of the following is a true statement about platos forms?

the forms are originals that all physical things copy

euthyphros second definition of holiness is that holiness is what "the gods love." socrates cirticism of this is that

the god may love different things

which of the following is a definition of the holy offered by euthyphro

the holy is prosecuting one's father for manslaughter

which of the following is not a true statement about the realm of forms

the realm of forms contains the forms of godliness

it is impossible to understand the absolute truth about anything

this is an epistemological statement

if thales had "water turn to earth" he would not be regards as the first philosopher

this statement is consistent with nietzsches analysis of thales

thales significance is that he was a natural scientisit

this statement is consistent with nietzsches analysis of thales

thales went beyond science

this statement is consistent with nietzsches analysis of thales

thales significance is that his philosphy confiremed the religious view of the "primal origin of all things"

this statement is inconsistent with nietzsche's analysis of thales

if thales has said "water turns into earth" he would not be regarded as the first philosopher because this is a scientific, not a philosphical statement

this statement is inconsistent with nietzsches analysis of thales

a general term in metaphysics referring to ultimate reality or existence is being.


according to aristotle, something actual is logically prior to whatever is potentiality


according to aristotle, the chef cause of societal revolution is the desire for equality


according to aristotle, thinking is always about some specific individual thing, namely, a substance


according to aristotle, you are a unity of body and soul


according to democritus, the void is something


according to empedocles love and hate are the forces that cause change


according to plato, just as the form of triangle consists of truths about triangleness, so the form of square consists of truths about squareness and the form of sphere consists of triths about sphereness


according to plato, perfect justice exists


according to plato, the body is the prison of the soul


according to plato, the majority of the people are foolish


according to plato, the mind can know truths independently of any information from the senses


according to plato, there are two levels of reality: the lower physical level is a copy of the higher non-physical level


according to plato, you are a duality if body and soul


according to socrates, the correct definitions of term used in argumentation are a prerequisite to clear thinking


according to socrates, there are more important things to fear than death


according to zeno there is distinction between appearance and reality


according to zeno, the world is not the kind of place it appears to be


accoring to democritus there are two types of knowledge, namely, illegitimate and legitmate


anaxagoras believed the origin of all things was mind


aristotle argued that science rests of primary premises, which we arrive at by intellectual intuition


aristotle categories represented the classification of concepts that are used in scientific knowledge


aristotle fixed his eyes on the concrete processes of nature


aristotle was an empiricist


at platos academy, aristotle has the reputation of being the "reader" and "the mind of the school"


cause means something that has the power to produce a change, motion, or action in another thing; this change can be explained in terms of the behavior of the cause


defining freedom as the rights given to americas in the bill of rights would be an example of euthphyro's kind of error


demonstrative reasoning is when the premises from which reasoning starts are true and primary


during platos life, athens fought, and lost, a war with sparta


empedocles stated that reality is fundamentally changeless


gorgias was convinced that there could be no reliable knowledge, and cetaintly no truth


plato, unlike the pre-socratics, was a metaphysical dualist


protagoras's relativism led him to have a conservative conclusion that young men should be educated to accept and support the traditions of society


pythagoras believed in the immortality of the human soul and in reincarnation


socrates devised a method for arriving at truth; he liked knowing and doing, so that to know the good is to do the good


socrates lived his adult life in athens, greece


socrates serves as an infantryman in the peloponnesian war


socrates was committed to the attempting to discover the foundation of the good life


the euthyphro takes place outside of the athenian law court


the oracle at delphi declared that "there is no one wiser than socrates"


the story of western philosophy begins in a series of greek islands and colonies during the sixth century bce


thinking, as aristotle saw it, was connected with the way things are, and this underlies the close relation between logic and metaphysics


unlike the philosphy before him, socrates was mainly fascinated by questions about human nature


which of the following is not one of aristotle's ten categories of being?

understanding something

which of the following statements is consistent with zenos position

what appears to be changing is actually unchanging

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