PHP Final (Quizzes)

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DOs are trained in some of the same aspects of medicine as MDs and may pursue only pursue limited specialties in residency. (T/F)


Medical schools only see the MCAT scores that you choose to report (T/F)


Oftentimes, medical schools discourage research participation for students in order for them to focus on their classes. (T/F)


Principles of holistic medicine and preventative care are only taught to DO students (T/F)


Step 1 is scored with letter grade - ex. A, B, C. (T/F)


Before deciding to apply to MD programs, DO programs, or both, students should research and talk to physicians in both fields. (T/F)


DO students may take both sets of board exams (T/F)


Only DO graduates may participate in an Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM) fellowship (T/F)


TMDSAS does not factor in "+" or "-" grades, but AMCAS and AACOMAS does assign weight to "+" and "-" grades (T/F)


All of the following are types of research listed in chapter 12 EXCEPT a. Transformational b. Translational c. Public Health d. Bench


What does a doctor of jurisprudence (JD) practice? a. Law b. Philosophy c. Osteopathic Medicine d. Journalism


What is evidence-based medicine? a. a push to critically appraise evidence and then incorporate it into practice b. learning from your own past mistakes in order to provide better patient care in the future c. conducting research to support the interventions that you already use d. using the patients' symptoms as clues to help determine what disease they have


What is one piece of advice the medical students would give if one were starting medical school tomorrow? a. Enjoy your day off b. stock up on caffeine c. look over your anatomy textbook d. start looking for research labs at the school


Which is not a goal of an applicant's personal statement? a. to provide a list organizations the applicant has been a member of b. to reveal an applicant's motivation for pursuing medicine c. to give insight to an applicant's personality d. to help the admissions department get to know the applicant better


What is/are used during simulation training? a. manikins b. standardized patients c. real patients


Which of the following midless activities are recommended for stress relief in medical school? a. netflix b. exercise c. walking your dog d. quitting


A masters of public health degree (MPH) typically adds how many years to one's education? a. 2 b. 1 c. 3 d. 0.5


Besides science, what other topics are typically included in medical school curriculum? a. Social Sciences b. Medical Ethics c. Finances in Healthcare d. Both Social Sciences & Medical Ethics


When communicating with medical schools, prospective students should a. ask to speak to "the person in charge" b. read the medical school's admissions website prior to asking questions that could be answered on the website c. show different levels of respect to each person interacted with, depending on the role they have in the admissions process d. greet them with "hey" to sound more comfortable in emails


Which of the following is NOT a dual degree mentioned in Chapter 6? a. MD/JD b. MD/DDS c. MD/MDiv d. MD/MSW


Which specialty of medicine has a fast-track at some schools to allow students to get through medical school in 3 years rather than 4? a. internal medicine b. family medicine c. pediatrics d. neurosurgery


Which standardized test must medical students take at the end of the first year/year and a half of medical school? a. STREP 1 b. USMLE CK Exam/Step 1 c. USTEP MLE 1 d. USMLE CK Exam/Step 2


How is a "traditional applicant" typically defined? a. students who have served as active duty military personnel b. students who earned a nonscience degree and worked in a field unrelated to healthcare for a time before deciding to pursue medicine and take the prerequisites for medical school c. a student who pursued college right out of high school and applies to medical school in their final year of college d. applicants older than 25


What are the first year/year and half of medical school known as? a. the clinical years b. the classroom years c. the basic science years d. the textbook years


What is the main modality that makes DOs different from their counterparts? a. osteopathic medical students take less science courses and more humanities classes compared to MD students b. osteopathic medical students focus on studies of the bone more than studies of the muscles c. osteopathic medical students often take an additional course in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM) d. Osteopathic medical students receive more practical on-the-job training than allopathic medical students


When is USMLE Step 2 taken? a. at the end of the 2nd year of medical school b. during residency c. at the beginning of the 4th year of medical school d. when applying for medical school


Which is the title of a section on the MCAT? a. physiology of the Human Body b. Genetics and Immunology of Living Systems c. Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills d. Math and Logic Skills


Which of the following is a free website that can be used to define multiple medical topics? a. PuSH b. MedRS c. MeSH d. Reddit


Which type of interview format involves a series of short interviews in a timed circuit of several stations, each involving a scenario, interaction with an actor, or completion of a task? a. practical simulation interview b. panel interview c. multiple mini-inteview d. application based interview


A Masters of Business Administration (MBA) would be helpful for which of the following career paths? a. health government work b. health policy c. healthcare administration d. all of the above


According to John Reneau, what are the difficult aspects of pursuing a dual degree? a. the number of years it takes to complete the combined degree b. the different kinds of training c. there are no difficult aspects d. two of the above answers are correct


What does COMLEX level 1 assess? a. knowledge in patient presentation b. clinical knowledge c. knowledge of medical decision-making d. basic science knowledge as it applies to medical situations


What is the name of the board exam made for DO students? a. MCAT - Medical College Admissions Test b. COMLEX - Complete Osteopathic Medicinal Learning Exemption c. USMLE - United States Medical Licensing Examination d. COMLEX - Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination


Which of the following are appropriate ways to say "thank you" to interviewers? a. sending an email after the interview b. sending a thank you card after the interview c. giving them a prewritten card immediately after the interview d. two of the above answers are correct


Which of the following are ways to be productive during a gap year? a. research b. working in a clinic c. study to improve MCAT score d. all of the above


Which of the following is NOT listed as a benefit of completing a dual degree program in the textbook? a. it allows physicians to focus on other things such as community, research, and education b. it may help students be more competitive when applying for residencies c. it adds an additional component to the physician's career d. it helps the physician earn more money


Which of the following is NOT one of the organizations committed to medical and health-related research listed in Chapter 12? a. HHMI (Howard Hughes Medical Institute) b. NIH (National Institutes of Health) c. NSF (National Science Foundation) d. Pub Med (Public/Publisher MEDLINE)


Which of the following is not a common dual degree option in combination with an MD or DO degree? a. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) b. Juris Doctor (JD) c. Master of Science (MS) d. Doctor of Optometry (OD)


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