Phrasal verbs

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at least 1000 euros to do up the kitchen and the bathroom

da remontirame/renovirame/stegnem

His actions went against his own moral code

deistviyata my byaha v razrez sus sobstvenite si morali

the whole building went up in flames

izbuhna v plamuci

how is alex getting on his new job

kak se spravya alex na novata si rabota?

its high time you got down to work

kraino vreme e da se zahvanesh na rabota

this bad weather is rly getting me fdown

loshoto vreme me potiska

mark came into a fortune when his father died

mark nasledi cyalo systoyanie

put me through this

mi go prichini

please bear w/ me while i get evrything ready

molya proyavi turpenie dokato svursha vsichko

- he was very rude but i cannot hold it against him, he was groggy after a long day

ne moga da go uprekva,, beshe izmoren sled dulug den

there is a rumour going round that...

nosi se sluh, che

i was trying to get through her last night

opitvah se da se svurja s neya vchera

i refused to be drawn into their argument

otkazvam da byda vuvlechena

B: I came upon these letters

popadnah na tezi pisma

he finally got round to painting the fence

se nakani/natamuni

in the ancient roman empire the ppl often turned against their emperor

se protivopostavyaha

the secret is out

tainata izleze na yave

he threatened me right after he got trough with the guy at the bar

toi me zaplashi sled kato se sdurpa s muja na bara

smth must be up

trqbva da se e sluchilo neshto

eventually, everything fell through

v kraya na kraishtata vsichko se razpadna

we are out of sugar

zaharta ni svurshi

keep this information to yourself. i wouldn't want it to get about.

zapazi inf za sebe si, ne bih iskala da se razchuva

It doesn't take him long to catch on

Бързо схваща

They were in on the fact

Бяха наясно

Bring food in

Вкарвам храна

Time to chew it over

Да го обмисли

Not to get bogged down in trifling details

Да не затънем/забатачим в незначителни подробности

The medicine to kick in

Да подейства

Fill in paperwork

Да попълвам документи

Turn in my assignment

Да предам домашното

The denonstration might boil over into riot

Да прерастне

Fit in the society

Да се впиша

The comments Bear on the matter at hand

Какво общо имат коментарите с темата

the comittee was so worn down after days of negotiantions

Комитета беше толкова изтощен след дни на преговори, че..

can you even get by on a postman's salary?

Можеш ли дори да се издържаш на заплата на пощальон?

I am sorry to break in, but..

Намесвам се

Fell upon the food

Нахвърлихме се на храната

I couldn't block out оf my mind the things she had said

Не можех да забравя

Someone had botched up the order

Оплескал:прецакал поръчката

He won, Chalking up his third victory

Отбелязвайки трета победа

She brushed aside the suggestion that ..

Отхвърли предположението, че..

just hold on until I finish writing this


Biting back his anger

Преглъщайки гнева си

You'd better be home before night closes in

Преди да падне нощта

Our plans fell through

Провалиха се/пропаднаха

It was cloudy, but it brightened up

Се проясни

When you are through with the newspaper, could you give it to me

След като приключиш с вестника..

He frittered away most of his savings

Той профука/прахоса повечето си спестявания

Afford a new sofa, i will chuck the old one out

Ще разкарам стария диван

-- the baby took after his mother

бебето приличаше на майка си

I could really do with a cup of tea

бих искал чаша чай

the critics were blown away by his new masterpice

бяха изумени от неговото произведение

bring along

вземи със себе си

he is really taken with the design

впечатлен от дизайна

settled into the new school

вписа се

manz choose to take all the work upon themselves

да поемат цялата работа

the teacher tried to shed light upon the material

да разясни

he was ready to dig into the details of the case

да се разрови /нахвърли на храна/

to learn a new language you have to work at it

за да научиш нов език трябва да положиш усилия/ да се постараеш

when you finish the chapter, just go on to the next chapter

когато приключиш раздела, премини към следващия

ordering me around


seldom if ever did the brothers get along

много рядко братята се разбираха

can you swing by my place and pick up some crates?

можеш ли да се отбиеш през нас и да вземеш няколко щайги?

the fish i ate for dinner is disagreeing with me

не ми понася, ме кара да се чувствам зле

this part of the puzzle doesn't belong with the rest

не пасва

don't bring up

не повдигай темата

plagiarism is frowned upon

не се приема до такава степен, че много дори не опитват

the new management brought off an amaizing recovery in the company's fortunes

новото ръководство успя да възстанови приходите на компанията

the first to back away


what would you do if you were cast away on Madagascar?

отлъчен, прокуден

knocked him down to the ground

повали на земята

bowed down to their emperor

поклониха пред императора

- Talks have been broken off between the union and the management

преговорите пропаднаха между съюза и ръководството

the proposed merger has been cancelled off

предложеното сливане беше отменени

go after what you want


the government seized upon the new budget plan very soon since it promised wealth for everybody, and promised..

прие идеята за новия бюджетен план

the car manufacturer laid off 5000 workers

производителя съкрати

she works around the clock

работи 24/7

the principal quickly broke up the fight

разтърва боя м/у двамата

-the president acted upon the political situation

реагира спрямо

Stop beating around the bush


the president just checked into the presidential room

се настани

donald trump is playing at being a serious candidate

се прави на сериозен кандидат

come along with us

се присъедини

after a series of assassination attempts, the rebellion finally suceeded in taking down Saddam Hussein

след поредица от опити за убийство, опозицията най-накрая успя да свали..

the electricity was cut off

спряха им тока

the strict teacher picked at every single mistake

строгият учител се захващаше за всяка грешка

he decided to play along with their made up story

той реши да се преструва че вярва на ..

i was just about to call you

тъкмо щях

my ppl will not abide by your ideals

хората ми няма да следват твоите идеали

i'll get back at him for embarassing me in front of everyone

ще му отмъстя

he'll grow into his new, big jeans

ще му станат

her facial expression gave her away

я издаваше

the competition managed to dig up various dicsrediting evidence

da izrovi/ izoblechi











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