Phy Anthro: Middle & Upper Paleolithic: AMH

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What are anatomical features of AMH?

-Brain size at least 1350cc -Smaller face than H. erectus and Neanderthals (derived) -Vertical forehead (derived) -Developed chin (derived) -Small incisors (ancestral) -Non-taurodont roots (ancestral) -Gracile skeleton (ancestral)

How did modern humans differ from Neanderthals with the burial of their dead?

-Conducted Elaborate Burial of their Dead -Neanderthals were first to bury their dead -But modern humans included manufactured grave goods, and in greater number -Because they bury tools it could give understanding/thoughts of life after death

During the Upper Paleolithic period, how were dogs changed forever?

-Domesticated the first animal (dogs) -First domesticated: 15 kya -In modern foraging groups, dogs are important for several reasons

What plants were consumed by AMH?

-Evidence of roots and tubers (several types) -A variety of plant remains found in hearths -Wild grains also found -Further evidence of hunting & gathering style of economy

Le Chauvet Cave

-France -Earliest evidence of cave painting -Dates to ~ 36,000 ya -13+ different species depicted (quality was such that we could distinguish) -Hand prints also evident

How did modern humans impact habitation?

-Higher Population Densities -All habitation sites are small prior to Upper Paleolithic -During the Upper Paleolithic there are a few large sites and many small ones

What was the lifestyle of AMH?

-Klasies River Mouth Site (120 kya - 60 kya) -Southern tip of South Africa •Series of caves along coast •Hunting & Gathering Economy

What were some artistic accomplishments of modern humans?

-Manufactured Many Non-Utilitarian Items -Shell beads, perforated teeth worn as pendants -Decorations found on bones and tools -Venus Figurines (28 kya)

What is an example of the genetic evidence?

-Mitochondria Eve: It is always passed down the maternal line and there's plenty of them so it preserves better

What fossil evidence existed for the first AMH?

-Omo fossil -Found near Omo River in SW Ethiopia -Correlates well with genetic evidence

Where did anatomically modern humans develop?

-Originated in E. Africa (most likely Ethiopia) -The earliest fossils date to between 200-100 kya

Modern Human and Cave Painting

-Paintings found in hundreds of caves -Concentrated in unoccupied areas -Most frequently depicted animals they hunted -Typically used charcoal

What were Developed Diverse Artistic Tradition of Modern Humans

-Perhaps the most distinguishing feature between modern humans and earlier hominins -Engraved bone & antler tools/weapons -Made sculptures of animals and female figures -Created remarkable cave paintings

Examples Moved Materials over Long Distances done by Modern Humans

-Shell beads in France from coast 100+ miles away -Obsidian from Hungary found 300 miles from source -Venus figurines spread over 4000 mile area

What animals were consumed by AMH?

-Shellfish also eaten -Marine mammals consumed (seals, etc.) -Little evidence of fishing or bird hunting -Suggests more diversified diet than Neanderthals

What was a major technological advantage for modern humans?

-Spear thrower (an atlatl) -18 kya -Can add accuracy and power

How did modern humans use antler and bone?

-Spearpoints -Harpoons -Spearthrowers (atlatl) -Sewing needles

What AMH technology did they have?

-Stone tool technology called Middle Stone Age -Used fire rings of stone to improve heating -No ornaments, but may have used red ochre for body paint or other decoration

Spreading out around different environments resulted in what for modern humans?

-Subsistence Strategy Depends on Environment -Big Game hunting in some places -Hunter-gatherer lifestyle in others -Much more diversified diet than earlier hominins

Wrap up of Upper Paleolithic

-Technological advancement increased dramatically in pace -Exploitation of environment grew steadily in intensity -Artistic expression diversified at least 60 kya -Colonization of New World began (15 Kya?) -The stage is set for domestication of plants and animals beginning around 12 Kya in Middle East

Besides Omo how is the AMH anatomical record?

-The AMH fossil record is overall a bit spotty -Fossils that we do have are pretty variable because the species are undergoing change along with the process of natural selection.

What are three hypothesis for the meanings of cave art?

-1. Represents Hunting Magic -2. Represents Trophyism -3. Represents Fertility Cult

Lower Paleolithic Time Period

-1.8 Mya - 300 Kya -Acheulean Tools, H. erectus, H. heidelbergensis -Hominins leave Africa for 1st time

Basal Paleolithic Time Period

-2.6 - 1.8 Mya -Oldowan Tools, Early Homo

Middle Paleolithic Time Period

-300 - 50 Kya -Mousterian Tools, Neanderthals, AMH -Big Game Specialists (Neanderthals) -Hunter-Gatherers (AMH) -About 60 kya many changes were occurring: Neanderthals came in contact with AMH

Upper Paleolithic Time Period

-50 - 12 KYA -Modern humans reach western Europe

What did Modern Humans bring with them to the upper paleolithic time period?

-A new toolkit (Upper Paleolithic tools) -Diversified subsistence strategies -Highly developed sense of art

AMH Hunting and Gathering

-Animals consumed -Bone of dangerous game only from young & old -Docile (safer) animals represented by all ages

Upper Paleolithic stone tool technology based on blades

-Blade -Often placed in bone or wood handles -Produces 5x more cutting edge than Mousterian tools -Great variety of stone tool types seen, many of which were designed for specific task

Lascaux Cave

France -Perhaps the most famous cave painting site -Dates to: 17,000 ya -2,000 images -Depicts animals, human figures, abstract objects -Contains painting of a bull that is 17 ft. long

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